View Full Version : Gabby Giffords fighting gun rights in Richmond VA

03-29-16, 16:53
Well the Giffords clan was in Richmond today.

In Va our new laws go into effect typically on July 1st of each year. Seat belt laws, gun laws, all your basic new life restriction. They all take place July 1st as a rule.

Well we just got a new law from Dem Gov. Mccauliffe that restricts possession by people with restraining orders and we can voluntarily do a BG check at gun shows via the State Police.

The law of course goes into effect July 1st as usual.

Buuuut, that wasn't quite good enough for Gabby Giffords. She is already here in VA trying to pass more restrictive laws before the actual new law can even take effect. Unbelieveable.... the ink wasn't even dry and she is already wanting more.

Giffords and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, announced Tuesday the formation of Virginia Coalition for Common Sense, a new state-level effort for gun control.


So why do Arizona politician come to VA to form anti-gun groups?

Not sure. Could it be we have several anti-gun gun Dem senators, Governor, AG, and appointee to Biden's anit-gun panel. It could be that. Or was the true reason because the voters taught the Republicans a lesson and got all those Dems elected.

Members of the Virginia Coalition for Common Sense include:

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Co-Founder, Americans for Responsible Solutions - Dem
Captain Mark Kelly, Co-Founder, Americans for Responsible Solutions - Dem
Ward Armstrong, Former Minority Leader, Virginia House of Delegates - Dem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Armstrong
James Ardent Barnett Jr., Retired Rear Admiral, United States Navy - Assumed Dem

REAR ADM. JAMES ARDEN BARNETT (Ret.), U.S. Navy: You know, after that moving film, it convicts me even more that we need to make sure that we provide to these young men and women the best possible judgment in their commander-in-chief. And that’s why I’m here. August 2008
John Bell, Retired Deputy Chief, Virginia Beach Police Department - Dem
Gary Creditor, Former Rabbi, Temple Beth-El - Assumed Dem as he is a member of this... http://www.virginia-organizing.org/
Mike Doucette, Commonwealth?s Attorney, Lynchburg - Dem
Cathy Easter, Executive Director, Safe Harbor -- Unknown party Domestic violence affiliation - http://safeharborshelter.com/safe-harbor-welcomes-new-executive-director-cathy-easter/
Conaway Haskins, Former State Director, U.S. Senator Jim Webb - Dem
Tim Heaphy, Former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia -- Dem on Biden's staff
Gail Kulisch, Retired Captain, United States Coast Guard -- Unknown
Frank LaPorta, Retired Captain, Virginia Beach Police Department -- Unknown
Kimberly Lettner, Former Chief, Virginia Capitol Police - Unknown
Tyrone Nelson, Pastor, Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church - Unknown
Marj Signer, Former Co-President, Virginia National Organization for Women - Unknown
Charles Swadley, Retired Senior Pastor, Lakeside United Methodist Church|- Unknown
Carlos Del Toro, CEO, SBG Technology Solutions and Retired Commander, United States Navy - Dem
Katherine Waddell, Former Delegate, Virginia House of Delegates - Independent -- https://www.richmondsunlight.com/legislator/kbwaddell/

It looks like a real fair and balanced group she has put together.

03-29-16, 17:12
Not to be mean, but isn't she like legally mentally retarded? Like she can't be responsible for her own affairs and always needs a handler?
So 99% of this is her husband.

Anyways....this carpetbagging bullshit needs to stop.

More laws, less freedom

03-29-16, 17:36
She came to Colorado to testify on why Colorado needed tighter gun laws. Bitch, stay in your state.

03-29-16, 17:39
Not to be mean, but isn't she like legally mentally retarded? Like she can't be responsible for her own affairs and always needs a handler?
So 99% of this is her husband.

Anyways....this carpetbagging bullshit needs to stop.

More laws, less freedom

Is it really any different from a 83 year old woman who can't even be depended upon to stay awake at work interpreting founding documents written 200 years ago and deciding the laws of the land?

And when you have batshit crazy people like Wasserman and Pelosi, does anyone really notice?

03-29-16, 17:52
She must have a hole in her head.

03-29-16, 18:02
Not to be mean, but isn't she like legally mentally retarded? Like she can't be responsible for her own affairs and always needs a handler?
So 99% of this is her husband.

Anyways....this carpetbagging bullshit needs to stop.

More laws, less freedom

Sure it's her husband and that crew but she can speak just well enough to read the script and the left eats that shit up. She is the new Brady. I would not doubt that the left looks upon her condition as a miracle for their cause. what are the odds that after Brady dies, Giffords recovers just enough to be the spokes person for the anti-gun movement..... knowing that anyone that says anything will have to preface it just as you did...... "not to be mean, but"

It makes me sick. Not to mention the irony. An organization named "Common Sense" headed by someone with a severe TBI, knowing that she is in fact not able to function up to common standards and thus her reasoning skills should be suspect to all that meet her.

I'm truly sorry she was shot and that she has a myriad of severe medical issues but she has to be opposed just like any enemy to the 2A as though they were whole.

03-29-16, 18:03
I notice. It's my rights.
Sucks she got shot. Sorry bout that.

But I personally know dudes crippled up or dismembered from policing, firefighting, or murdering up terrorists and they ain't anti-gun AT ALL.

Some nip a bottle or become male nymphos but most DGAF about anything anymore.

Just because she was a congressman gives her no free pass.

There was a time when land owning white men KNEW that by merely signing their name on a document that the totality of the British Empire was gonna come after them, their families, their livestock, and even the little black servant girl they kept for some strange on the side.

So it was either join or die. Literally.

So this ivory tower BS is lame. My fat black ass has had to deal with hood shit and thug shit and all sorts of other unpleasantness. You don't see me crying about guns on street.

Me....if it was MY old lady. First off....they BETTER have buried homeboy in the deepest darkest hole they could find with round the clock armed security.
Not to protect us from him. But to protect him from me.

Second, I would not expose my wife who is now disabled to anything or anyone. I don't use her as a talking point.
She lives her days in peace and quiet.

I personally think parading her about so is obscene.

You know what....Nothing I can do about. Any letter I write goes in a trash bin or any phonecalls get answered by a smarmy page or intern who says "We'll inform them of your position, sir. Thanks for calling." while they make the jack off sign.
Or if I email I get a form letter "blah blah blah thanks for your concern blah blah blah I respect your position but this is how I plan to vote because of women, children, puppy dogs, and the little pygmies in New Guinea blah blah blah feel free to write again blah blah blah fvck you mmmkay, signed someone you didn't vote for anyways"

03-29-16, 19:20
She came to Colorado to testify on why Colorado needed tighter gun laws. Bitch, stay in your state.

Where is the "Like" button on this website?

03-29-16, 20:24
So she wants everyone to be exposed to what happened to her? Nice.

Howd that work for Paris?

03-29-16, 20:25
This a thousand times...

Where is the "Like" button on this website?

I personally think parading her about so is obscene.
Couldn't agree more. It's more of the left's disgusting circus...

03-29-16, 20:29
And that's exactly why our leaders need to do more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners like Gabby and me. It's the responsible thing to do.
Not once do these people mention that shoveling more restrictions on law abiding people does absolutely nothing to stop criminals who ignore the law...

Big Pooke don't care bout a background check law. He ain't buying his guns at the sto anyway.

03-29-16, 20:38
An unnamed member of her cadre is .....
WASHINGTON — Until Wednesday, Andy Parker was a low-profile talent recruiter for small banks who also dabbled in politics and theater. Today, with his 24-year-old daughter having been gunned down on live television, he is the nation’s latest crusader for gun control.

He's a loose canon so it makes sense to not be on the official roster.


03-29-16, 22:34
Gabby Giffords is a former Congresswoman, not a current one. No one in AZ pays her attention and her stupid anti-gun antics don't fly here. So she travels around with her eunuch husband to do the dirty work of Bloomberg and her friend and mentor Hillary Clinton.

03-29-16, 22:42
Not to be mean, but isn't she like legally mentally retarded? Like she can't be responsible for her own affairs and always needs a handler?
So 99% of this is her husband.

Anyways....this carpetbagging bullshit needs to stop.

Yeah she is a prop for him like James Brady was for Sarah.

I saw him with her getting off plane at RIC a few years ago. I have sympathy for any crime victim, but he was using her for any perk he could get. It was disgusting.

03-29-16, 23:05
The thing I can't stand about her goes beyond her stance on guns. It's that she's feeding into the American victim activism: Something bad happened to me, so you all OWE ME. I'm so sick of the idea that victims are eternally above reproach. Yeah, what happened to her was horrible. Yeah, that guy slipped through the cracks and should never have gotten a gun. That doesn't make it my fault, and it doesn't make me an asshole because I think she and her husband are friggin' idiots.

03-29-16, 23:25
Trying to take advice on things from a space cadet and someone with brain damage- what could go wrong?

03-30-16, 16:24
Wait shes not from........ There.

03-30-16, 16:37
Trying to take advice on things from a space cadet and someone with brain damage- what could go wrong?
Doesn't sound much different from our other political leaders of late.

03-30-16, 17:36
When Arizonans rejected her gun control and they took the game on the road, was it for gun control, or some money and some face time?
If it is some money and face time, well that's just pandering; her Husband should be arrested.

03-31-16, 05:23
After she got shot they tried that shit here in Az. Didnt fly. Instead we passed constitutional carry and actually struck down our asinine knife laws. They even passed a law stating that Az built NFA items were completely legal and didnt need registering as long as they stayed in state. There is actually a couple guys doing that now and purposely trying to get busted by the ATF to be the test case.

03-31-16, 07:23
She must have a hole in her head.

LOL... I'm going to Hell for laughing. You sir are going under Hell for writing it.

03-31-16, 07:26
She is risible & an ineffable fraud.

03-31-16, 09:40
I wonder if Giffords can actually comprehend what she is saying. With major TBI like she has, anyone else would be at home with a care taker and not out giving political speeches. I strongly suspect, like has been said earlier, her husband is using her like Brady was used by his wife.

03-31-16, 10:52
Her husband is a turd of the highest order.

03-31-16, 11:46
These turdburglars all need to be hanged. The 2A is in the Bill of Rights. Oppose it? That's threatening the essence, liberty and freedom of The People of these United States. That is high treason. Time to swing from the gallows, bitch.

03-31-16, 11:56
I often think, if more people had been carrying around when Gabby was shot, she might not have been shot. I wonder if she ever thinks about that.

03-31-16, 13:57
For those late to the party.

The Rep Giffords Shooting HOAX

03-31-16, 20:46
She must have a hole in her head.

Just what I was thinking.

03-31-16, 21:02
I often think, if more people had been carrying around when Gabby was shot, she might not have been shot. I wonder if she ever thinks about that.

Insert insensitive joke here.

04-01-16, 02:53
Wow, that guy is out to lunch.

For those late to the party.

The Rep Giffords Shooting HOAX

04-01-16, 04:07
For those late to the party.

The Rep Giffords Shooting HOAX

That guy is brilliant. Finally, someone who will expose the corrupt cartel in Washington - a shining light and a beacon on a hill. Now I finally know who I'll write in for POTUS this November.