View Full Version : What Really Bothers Me About 9-11, Al Quida, ISIS, Iranian Nuclear Deal, etc....

03-30-16, 03:28
I now know more about Islam than I ever wanted to know. I probably know more about Islam than I do Christianity, Catholicism or Judaism. Hell I probably know more about Islam, the Sunni Shia sectarian conflict and Sharia law than I do about Buddhism and I actually study Buddhism.

If it were up to me I'd know nothing about this crap and couldn't tell you were mecca is located. And this is why I hate these people, well that and the 28,000+ body count that Islam is responsible for since 9-11.

I wonder if black people in the 60s had to learn every little detail about the various factions of the KKK in order to understand how they operate and defend against them. Of course those people had the full support of the Johnson administration, we on the other hand have Obama who I think has given our enemies the full support of his administration.

If I had a wish, it would be that these dipshit would fight each other in their own part of the world, occasionally making the mistake of attacking Israel and losing weapons and territory in a stunning defeat. I wish I didn't know anything about them except they wear a lot of clothes in the desert.

I just hope that if / when we finally get some resolution, that I don't have to watch a bunch of films told from the ISIS point of view in an effort to humanize them like we started doing with the Germans and Japanese starting in the 1960s. That would really drive me nuts.

That is assuming Iran hasn't already gone ahead and nuked us.

03-30-16, 04:06
Steyr, as usual I agree with you.

But I have to add . . .

We are on a collision course with globalism. It's been a long road (couple centuries now) to get us where we are at. I see muslims as useful idiots doing the bidding of who ever is pulling the strings. Islam is the perfect vehicle for high order violence and cultural Marxism that is quit literally invited by the leaders of the West. This is why Obama, Hilary, Merkel, etc. all sing the same tune.

The House of Saud was behind/funded 9/11, not Iraq or Afghanistan. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from either of those countries. Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, two were from the UAE, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.

Both political parties are in bed with the Wahhabists. Bush couldn't carry out the entire plan for realigning the Middle East so Obama picked up where he left off. He couldn't pull it off in his eight years either so I have no doubt who ever the next POTUS is will continue on the war path in the Middle East.


03-30-16, 05:46
That's some pretty damning evidence.
Destabilizing the Middle East has been a disaster.

03-30-16, 08:53
That's some pretty damning evidence.
Destabilizing the Middle East has been a disaster.

Not for those who are making gazillions of dollars it isn't.

03-30-16, 13:36

SMA Jack Tilley told us the same thing about Iraq after a NCO run on Schofield Barracks, Jan. 2002. We would be part of a 250k man invasion by this time, next year. He was 3 months off target.

03-30-16, 14:10
Does anyone still think that going in to Iraq and Afghanistan had ANYTHING to do with stopping terrorism or stabilizing that region with democracy?


This was a plan to benefit all of those in the war biz. The contractors, sub-contractors and other ultra wealthy and well connected movers and shakers. It was to benefit them for a short time (maybe 10-15 years) and that was it.

The biggest tragedy in it all was the terrible cost of lives as well as the permanent wounds many still carry from going over there, thinking they were actually going to make a difference.

A total waste of our people and resources if you ask me.

03-30-16, 14:20
I think Eisenhower mentioned something about the military industrial complex during his farewell speech.
No one was listening.
They still are not listening.
Why do they hate us?

03-30-16, 14:34
I remember life before 9/11.

Remember that one scene from Boogie Nights where they are having that party and everyone was getting laid or chilling out....that's what it was like.

9/11 was like that other party where do kills himself all downhill.

Nobody cared about religion or anything.
I miss those days. People actually looked forward to the Millennium.

The internet was getting big and was uncontrolled, clothes were fun, Sabrina the Teenage Bitch was still on TV and still skinny. Everybody I knew, including me, had a sporty car or a truck, gas was cheap, gun laws sucked but shit, I had a STG 58 and two shotguns and thought I had an arsenal.

Nobody was so uptight.

Now....I don't even want to watch the news. Hell I remember cable news before the news ticker at the bottom. I remember civil discourse.

I'm not saying we should be ignorant but I too hate having to constantly hear about things that shouldn't apply to me.

I learned, and still have to be reminded, that we are all going to die one day regardless what we believe in. But for today, while we live, we should find as much happiness as possible.

Life is suffering as is....why people gotta make it harder?

03-30-16, 14:37
I now know more about Islam than I ever wanted to know.

If, not too many years ago, you had told me that I would be reading books on Islam, learning leaders names and where they came from, watching NY skyscrapers fall, and being subject to Muslim terrorists. I would probably have politely said.. 'yeah, yeah, well you never know what this world might do'... then after I left I would say... 'man, that guy needs to get a hobby, he's going off the deep end'.

.... and I would have been wrong. Luckily, I am not yet dead wrong.

Doc Safari
03-30-16, 15:11
I watch some alternative news sources like shoebat.com, and the country to watch is Turkey. Erdogan wants to resurrect the Ottoman Empire and will probably alienate/degrade NATO at the same time.

03-30-16, 17:55
Steyr, as usual I agree with you.

But I have to add . . .

We are on a collision course with globalism. It's been a long road (couple centuries now) to get us where we are at. I see muslims as useful idiots doing the bidding of who ever is pulling the strings. Islam is the perfect vehicle for high order violence and cultural Marxism that is quit literally invited by the leaders of the West. This is why Obama, Hilary, Merkel, etc. all sing the same tune.

The House of Saud was behind/funded 9/11, not Iraq or Afghanistan. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from either of those countries. Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, two were from the UAE, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.

Both political parties are in bed with the Wahhabists. Bush couldn't carry out the entire plan for realigning the Middle East so Obama picked up where he left off. He couldn't pull it off in his eight years either so I have no doubt who ever the next POTUS is will continue on the war path in the Middle East.


Seems the timetable isn't working out too well. 7 countries in 5 years, we've lost one (Afghanistan) and destabilized two (Iraq and Syria) and we are likely going to have to write off Syria as the Assad regime is put back into place.

So all we've accomplished, is to basically **** over Saddam, who ran the closest thing to a secular Democracy in the arab world. We had a working alliance with him and it all went to shit because we refused to back him up over Kuwait's practice of lateral drilling of Iraqi oil reserves.

Also looks like destabilizing arab countries causes more problems than it solves and the list of targets doesn't include the big one. That list also has some ridiculous ones like Somalia, I'm pretty sure it's already about as destabilized as it's going to get.

03-30-16, 19:04
sorry many did care about religion and still do but today the non religious people have made it there mission to destroy what we believe ? so really who is the problem ?

I remember life before 9/11.

Remember that one scene from Boogie Nights where they are having that party and everyone was getting laid or chilling out....that's what it was like.

9/11 was like that other party where do kills himself all downhill.

Nobody cared about religion or anything.
I miss those days. People actually looked forward to the Millennium.

The internet was getting big and was uncontrolled, clothes were fun, Sabrina the Teenage Bitch was still on TV and still skinny. Everybody I knew, including me, had a sporty car or a truck, gas was cheap, gun laws sucked but shit, I had a STG 58 and two shotguns and thought I had an arsenal.

Nobody was so uptight.

Now....I don't even want to watch the news. Hell I remember cable news before the news ticker at the bottom. I remember civil discourse.

I'm not saying we should be ignorant but I too hate having to constantly hear about things that shouldn't apply to me.

I learned, and still have to be reminded, that we are all going to die one day regardless what we believe in. But for today, while we live, we should find as much happiness as possible.

Life is suffering as is....why people gotta make it harder?

03-30-16, 19:05
Seems the timetable isn't working out too well. 7 countries in 5 years, we've lost one (Afghanistan) and destabilized two (Iraq and Syria) and we are likely going to have to write off Syria as the Assad regime is put back into place.

So all we've accomplished, is to basically **** over Saddam, who ran the closest thing to a secular Democracy in the arab world. We had a working alliance with him and it all went to shit because we refused to back him up over Kuwait's practice of lateral drilling of Iraqi oil reserves.

Also looks like destabilizing arab countries causes more problems than it solves and the list of targets doesn't include the big one. That list also has some ridiculous ones like Somalia, I'm pretty sure it's already about as destabilized as it's going to get.

This is pretty disturbing to me.
You know man, as a guy who pretty much split the best years of his life between this shit and the cold war, I have to tell you, it's disturbing.
I grew up in a .mil household, learned to do things right, go to school, go to church, pay my taxes and get ahead on a Mutha F'er of a work ethic and to use my head and hands to get ahead.
I feel like a Dinosaur.
I'm done, I've raised the Jolly F'ing Roger guys.
I'm in it for me.
You want Hillary and her policies, no sweat off my behind, go ahead and do it. I just wont play. You wanna play footsie with Islam, well go right ahead, I will watch how that works from my living room.
Turn in your guns? I will pour a Jamison's and watch it on TV. Pay your taxes, I will pay to have someone much smarter than me to cheat on them for me and use it as a deduction. Work hard at my job? Well, yeah when I feel like it, after all I have some years in and I'm known as a grumpy old fart anyway.
You wanna piss away America, go ahead, I don't wanna play.
Just keep off my grass. The rules and games you play at home end on my lawn.

03-30-16, 19:58

When I say people didn't care I mean it wasn't a big deal. Like it wasn't all islam this blah blah that except for maybe Kosovo. But that didn't affect us here in the US except for sending troops there.

But the public at large wasn't worried.

It was just carefree.

03-30-16, 20:26
OK I got ya ;)

sadly the world in the last even ten years is radically polarized against Christians which is sad as much as we hear islam talk to ?


When I say people didn't care I mean it wasn't a big deal. Like it wasn't all islam this blah blah that except for maybe Kosovo. But that didn't affect us here in the US except for sending troops there.

But the public at large wasn't worried.

It was just carefree.

03-30-16, 21:16
I started reading The Next 100 Years by George Friedman. I'm not sure what to call it, exactly, but speculative non-fiction.

His take on the situation in the Middle East is this: The US wants the Middle-East to be unstable. The US has succeeded in making the Middle-East unstable - and keeping the Middle-East unstable. In fact, this effectively defeats the objectives of al-Qaeda and UBL, by preventing them from forming a Caliphate uniting the Middle-East - as we've seen, ISIS has created something they are calling the Caliphate, but it isn't the sort of pan-Muslim Caliphate stretching from Gibraltar to Manila, united against the US, Russia, China, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Europe that ISIS and al-Qaeda wanted. It is, in fact, a dim shadow of their desires. And we do not want a pan-Muslim Caliphate. Even a secular pan-Muslim Caliphate would probably be bad news for us.

Refugees and terrorist attacks are not, in and of themselves, an existential threat to the US or to any of our allies. Instead of a pan-Muslim Caliphate with ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, and control over much of the world's oil wealth, we have a ragtag bunch of goatf___ers inspiring random acts of violence - violent acts causing little actual damage, but the psychological damage is vastly out of proportion to the actual damage in lives and property. 6 people died in the Boston Marathon bombing. 14 people died in the San Bernardino attack. Compared to 32 at VTech in 2007 and 26 in Newtown in 2012. And yet folks claim the major issue we face is global Islamic jihad, not rampant sociopathic nihilism - even though sociopathic nihilism has caused nearly three-times as many fatalities in the US as jihad in these four large, spectacular events.

In any event, what is occurring in Syria and Iraq is the source of much hand-wringing by the talking heads on TV, but of little substantive value to the West as a whole and of even less value in the US. (Or, put another way, it is people worrying about something they can do little about and something that is unlikely to impact them. More likely to be impactful is the conflict in Ukraine: There the fate of Europe and Russia for the next half-century or so is likely to be decided. But nobody seems to want to talk about that.)

(The book was published in 2009 - the author has stated that the troubles in the Middle-East will be unlikely to be a major focus of US forces in the future, as there is little reason for the US to be directly involved: So long as we're keeping the Kurds, Turks, Iraqis, and Syrians grinding away at ISIS, there's no need - not that there was an ISIS at the time of the book's publishing. The author also foresaw a second Cold War with Russia, but that it would be short and would end the same way the first one did: With Russian collapsing. The author also posits that the US and our Pacific allies may, at some point, engage China directly in combat, but that the Peoples Republic will probably fall of its own accord. With the major world powers toward the end of the century being those that the US has long propped up against our mutual enemies: Poland, Japan, Turkey, and Mexico, with the US still enjoying its status as the world's only superpower. And the century closing out during or about a second Mexican-American War, with the victor determining who the 22nd Century will belong to.)

03-31-16, 01:06
Ah, come on Steyr. Stop being such an Islamophobe. Terrorists, rapist invaders and beheaders of infidels are people too, maaaaan, just like you and I. They have feelings, and mothers who love them.
If you get in the way of, or try to escape their Jihad, you are going to upset their cultural sensitivities. So do the multicultural things and get on your knees and allow that bearded gown-wearing fella to slit your throat.


By the way, 9/11 was not the beginning of Jihad, but merely one in a very long sequence of aggressions against the kuffars' Dar Al Harb.
The entire Middle East, North Africa, Spain, Europe (in several waves over the centuries, and now this one) have suffered millions of dead and enslaved at the hands of the evil that is Islam and its followers.
9/11 did wake up some people (thankfully), but not nearly enough. Multiculturalism continues to insist that Islam is separate from violence, murder, enslavement, and rape, etc. Islam is violence, murder, enslavement and rape.

03-31-16, 01:14
By the way, 9/11 was not the beginning of Jihad, but merely one in a very long sequence of aggressions against the kuffars' Dar Al Harb.

I know that, it wasn't even the first time the WTC was attacked, but it was pretty much the same goat****ers. But 9/11 was pretty much the turning point. It was when I started seeing the muslim world for what they really were, before that I didn't pay close attention.

03-31-16, 02:40
to all those who think this is recent or muslims are our friends remember we used to pay out %20 of our countries budget to muslims in the 1700s through 1800s for return of some of our captured and enslaved crews !!!!
over 1 million of our people were captured enslaved by them up through the 1800s
while we had talks and agreements in history the muslims of course never once honored there agreements !

this struggle is nothing new to our country

sure some are OK people say just like some of the Nazis were OK folks just providing and living they were not all bad people like hitler !!! I mean time magazine had hitler on the cover as man of the year :) oh what a great guy
so yeah you can party with em have em as friends and think its OK but it will come back to bite you one day when they decide this is their land and you are now there slave !!!!
these are people that have no problem killing there child over dating the wrong boy !!!!!! you think they will let you the infidel stand in there way !!

I am not islamaphobic either !!! I am a person who loves history and understands what I read. There own words and actions are to conquer the world and enslave us all or kill us or make us convert as the end goal and they are doing a great job of pulling the wool over many peoples eyes today !!!

sadly many adults are like little children lured by a candy bar !

03-31-16, 03:17
this struggle is nothing new to our country

Kind of the whole reason Thomas Jefferson saw to the creation of the USMC.

Here is another blast from our past . . .

In 1841, John Qunicy Adams defended 53 Africans accused of mutiny aboard the slave ship Amistad. He won their case before the Supreme Court, giving them back their freedom, stating:

“The moment you come to the Declaration of Independence, that every man has a right to life and liberty, an inalienable right, this case is decided. I ask nothing more in behalf of these unfortunate men than this Declaration.”

African slaves brought to America were purchased at Muslim slave markets, where over Islam’s centuries of history an estimated 180 million were enslaved.

The annotated “John Quincy Adams: A Bibliography,” compiled by Lynn H. Parsons (Westport, CT, 1993, p. 41, entry#194) contains “Unsigned essays dealing with the Russo-Turkish War and on Greece,” (The American Annual Register for 1827-28-29 (NY: 1830):

“The natural hatred of the Mussulmen towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran. The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies.

In the 7th century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab … spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. … He declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as a part of his religion. … The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust, to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature." ~ John Qunicy Adams

03-31-16, 05:16
When Bush told PM Sharon he was going to go to war with Iraq. Sharon asked him why, what did Iraq do to the USA? Bush replied that they had a terrorist training base, WMD, and they paid the families of suicide bombers in Israel $25k.

Sharon response was that most Arab countries have a terrorist training base, WMD were only used on his own people and the Iranians and then Sharon congratulated Bush on getting the best job ever PM of Israel. Bush was confused and Sharon said suicide bombers inside Israel was the worry of the PM of Israel so now that Bush was so worried about it he must have become the PM of Israel.

Next we have Obama and Clinton with the Arab Spring, this alone should disqualify her from even running for office much less the highest office in the land.

We have only two choices either Obama and Clinton are the stupidest people ever to hold office or among the smartest. If you think Obama and the bitch are patriots and love America then they are the stupidest ever . If on the other hand they are radical leftist that hate America and want to fundamental change America as the first lady said her husband would do prior to his first term, then WOW they are smart and they achieved their goal.

While along the way in spite of their Marxist tendencies, they took secular governments of Arab countries and turned them into destabilized wrecks that allow these countries to be exploited by the friends of theirs the so called "elite". Plus raised the chance for long term wars resulting in potential long term profit for some.

03-31-16, 11:34
I know that, it wasn't even the first time the WTC was attacked, but it was pretty much the same goat****ers. But 9/11 was pretty much the turning point. It was when I started seeing the muslim world for what they really were, before that I didn't pay close attention.

Being from the part of Europe that was under Ottoman Turk tyranny, I have been familiar with what Islam is prior to 9/11. It pains me to see the West's pathetic appeasement and its leaders selfish treason in helping Islam conquer the non-Muslim world even after 9/11. They've been helping Islam spread through Europe - Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany, France, UK, the USA, Canada, Australia. It's like a cancer, and anyone wanting to recognize its presence, let alone cure it, is labelled a bigot/racist/Hitler.

When Bush told PM Sharon he was going to go to war with Iraq. Sharon asked him why, what did Iraq do to the USA? Bush replied that they had a terrorist training base, WMD, and they paid the families of suicide bombers in Israel $25k.

Sharon response was that most Arab countries have a terrorist training base, WMD were only used on his own people and the Iranians and then Sharon congratulated Bush on getting the best job ever PM of Israel. Bush was confused and Sharon said suicide bombers inside Israel was the worry of the PM of Israel so now that Bush was so worried about it he must have become the PM of Israel.

Next we have Obama and Clinton with the Arab Spring, this alone should disqualify her from even running for office much less the highest office in the land.

We have only two choices either Obama and Clinton are the stupidest people ever to hold office or among the smartest. If you think Obama and the bitch are patriots and love America then they are the stupidest ever . If on the other hand they are radical leftist that hate America and want to fundamental change America as the first lady said her husband would do prior to his first term, then WOW they are smart and they achieved their goal.

While along the way in spite of their Marxist tendencies, they took secular governments of Arab countries and turned them into destabilized wrecks that allow these countries to be exploited by the friends of theirs the so called "elite". Plus raised the chance for long term wars resulting in potential long term profit for some.

Not just 2 choices. There's also Trump.