View Full Version : Corey Lewandowski charged with battery

03-31-16, 09:45
I'm not a Trump supporter per se, but battery?! What vid did they all watch? It may not have been appropriate to grab her in the manner he did, but if that left bruises as she claims, she needs to get her iron levels checked and lift some damn weights. This seems to be part of the sensitive flower phenomenon and at most, to apologize owed to the reporter if Lewandowski felt generous and to keep the media snakes happy. Arrested for battery? Not even uber left CNBC seems to support that one. Looks like they are so desperate to derail Trump's momentum they'll try anything. I can't believe I'm having to defend Trump et al, but this smells of total desperation. Might as well have added sexual assault to that nonsense charge. I hate to put the tin foil hat on and give into conspiracy stuff, but the only way this works at all with people is the reporter (Michelle Fields)happens to be a very pretty young women. An intentional set up?



03-31-16, 10:01
I'm not a Trump supporter per se, but battery?! What vid did they all watch? It may not have been appropriate to grab her in the manner he did, but if that left bruises as she claims, she needs to get her iron levels checked and lift some damn weights. This seems to be part of the sensitive flower phenomenon and at most, to apologize owed to the reporter if Lewandowski felt generous and to keep the media snakes happy. Arrested for battery? Not even uber left CNBC seems to support that one. Looks like they are so desperate to derail Trump's momentum they'll try anything. I can't believe I'm having to defend Trump et al, but this smells of total desperation. Might as well have added sexual assault to that nonsense charge. I hate to put the tin foil hat on and give into conspiracy stuff, but the only way this works at all with people is the reporter (Michelle Fields)happens to be a very pretty young women. An intentional set up?



Under most jurisdictions, a shove is battery (probably). So is knocking a camera out of your hands or a hat off your head.

Black's says: In the United States, criminal battery, or simply battery, is the use of force against another, resulting in harmful, offensive, or sexual contact.

Causing a bruise is harmful, which is enough for battery. But it didn't even need to cause a bruise for the charge to stick.

In the United States, what most people would call "assault" is legally called "battery". In most jurisdictions, "assault" is a crime that involves causing stress or fear of an action, but itself does not include the physical harm of a person.

03-31-16, 10:12
It's just a misdemeanor. I've seen closer video of the incident, he clearly did lay his hand(s) on her and kind of grab her. He should not have done that. Stupid move. All political theater though, to be sure.

03-31-16, 10:35
It appeared to be a bad move on the part of Mr. Lewandowski. If the Secret Service had moved her back, it would be a non-issue.

03-31-16, 10:49
Knowing that all on the Trump team are being watched, heavily for everything they do...grabbing her (even if it really was not "battery") was a dumb move in his part.

Congrats...you just gave the press their golden moment.

I mean...come on. He knew who she was and it was not as if she was an unknown person that might have been a protester, bent on throwing something on Trump.

The "battery" charge is a bit much but a person in that position should know better than to grab people like that.

03-31-16, 11:21
Under most jurisdictions, a shove is battery (probably). So is knocking a camera out of your hands or a hat off your head.

Black's says: In the United States, criminal battery, or simply battery, is the use of force against another, resulting in harmful, offensive, or sexual contact.

Causing a bruise is harmful, which is enough for battery. But it didn't even need to cause a bruise for the charge to stick.

In the United States, what most people would call "assault" is legally called "battery". In most jurisdictions, "assault" is a crime that involves causing stress or fear of an action, but itself does not include the physical harm of a person.

That's going to be difficult to prove from what I viewed, but regardless, pretty girl is about the only one who could do it without being laughed out of the office for it. Everyone such a sensitive flower. Being a reporter in highest level politics is a contact sport. :cool:

03-31-16, 11:43
Touch = "battery".
Umm, no. You're consenting to inadvertent physical contact when walking around in crowds at public political events. Can I charge someone with battery if I get on a NYC subway at rush hour and their hand touches me for a second? Apparently, if it helps Hitlery, yes I can.

26 Inf
03-31-16, 12:18
Touch = "battery".
Umm, no. You're consenting to inadvertent physical contact when walking around in crowds at public political events. Can I charge someone with battery if I get on a NYC subway at rush hour and their hand touches me for a second? Apparently, if it helps Hitlery, yes I can.

You really should have some actual rudimentary knowledge of the law before you go pontificating away, counselor. Most state statutes regarding battery come from model codes, here is an example:

Battery is:

(1) Knowingly or recklessly causing bodily harm to another person; or

(2) knowingly causing physical contact with another person when done in a rude, insulting or angry manner;

Unless the contact on the subway fits the definition, no, you couldn't.

On the other hand, a case can be made that Lewandowski did in fact batter the gal under (2). This leads one to ask 'Is it necessary to treat every such affront as a crime?'

Quite frankly, I don't think so, and that seems to be the issue being debated. On the other hand........

03-31-16, 13:22
It's just a misdemeanor. I've seen closer video of the incident, he clearly did lay his hand(s) on her and kind of grab her. He should not have done that. Stupid move. All political theater though, to be sure.

The political theater part came about afterwards with the denials, triangulation with her employer, threats, etc. Several people within Breitbart said that she would have dropped it if Lowindowski just called her and apologized. Instead, he took to Twitter and called her delusional and threatened her livelihood by trying to discredit her.

Touch = "battery".
Umm, no. You're consenting to inadvertent physical contact when walking around in crowds at public political events. Can I charge someone with battery if I get on a NYC subway at rush hour and their hand touches me for a second? Apparently, if it helps Hitlery, yes I can.

I think that you are trying to articulate the concepts of criminal intent and prosecutorial discretion. In some instances, the criminal intent is obvious such as a closed fist strike. Situations involving less obvious intent are where the discrition comes into play. A whole host of factors will be used by the DA such as degree of injuries, psychological harm to the victim, and the presumed mindset of the attacker.

For those who would dismiss this event I have this question. What would you do if your wife or child was walking in a line at the movies and a grown male grabbed them by the arm and pulled them out of place to get ahead of them in such a way that it caused them to stumble and left visible marks? Would you take the law into your own hands and confront the person? Would you notify a cop who was working security? Would you just ignore it?

03-31-16, 15:33
The political theater part came about afterwards with the denials, triangulation with her employer, threats, etc. Several people within Breitbart said that she would have dropped it if Lowindowski just called her and apologized. Instead, he took to Twitter and called her delusional and threatened her livelihood by trying to discredit her.

Then that's doubling down on stupid, which seems a habit in that camp, but if reporters working at her level and among those egos is expecting an apology, there's a lot of reporters waiting for an apology for far worse that didn't lawyer up over it. As a man and professional, he should have simply said he didn't intended to be rough if he was, vs going to Twitter. Oh well.

03-31-16, 15:45
Then that's doubling down on stupid, which seems a habit in that camp, but if reporters working at her level and among those egos is expecting an apology, there's a lot of reporters waiting for an apology for far worse that didn't lawyer up over it. As a man and professional, he should have simply said he didn't intended to be rough if he was, vs going to Twitter. Oh well.

Yes, he should have apologized immediately. But instead he lied and leveled counter accusations, just like Trump.

When he called her a liar, he was attacking her credibility, and as a reporter, that's probably your most important quality. Look what happened to Brian Williams, a much more "important" reporter of the news that was absolutely wrecked because of his credibility and integrity. So to settle the matter once and for all, she filed criminal charges. She's not lawyering up, she's complaining to the police that she was attacked. Video has since surfaced and shows that Corey (and the Trump campaign) was the liar and she was telling the truth. So, mission accomplished. But it's not up to her to drop the charges, it's up to the prosecutor. I'm sure even if given the choice, she wouldn't drop the charges because Corey and Trump and his campaign are holding their line that he didn't touch her.

03-31-16, 15:49
Meanwhile nobody in the media seems to remember who Vince Foster was.

03-31-16, 15:53
Yes, he should have apologized immediately. But instead he lied and leveled counter accusations, just like Trump.

When he called her a liar, he was attacking her credibility, and as a reporter, that's probably your most important quality. Look what happened to Brian Williams, a much more "important" reporter of the news that was absolutely wrecked because of his credibility and integrity. So to settle the matter once and for all, she filed criminal charges. She's not lawyering up, she's complaining to the police that she was attacked. Video has since surfaced and shows that Corey (and the Trump campaign) was the liar and she was telling the truth. So, mission accomplished. But it's not up to her to drop the charges, it's up to the prosecutor. I'm sure even if given the choice, she wouldn't drop the charges because Corey and Trump and his campaign are holding their line that he didn't touch her.

But she will also call her credibility into question, especially since the video shows not much at all happened to her, but she claimed that she was nearly thrown to the ground. And supposedly there is a history of her making these types of allegations in the past. Combine all that with the fact that she is part of a staunch anti-Trump media clique, well, it doesn't make them look any better than the Trump campaign.

03-31-16, 16:08
But she will also call her credibility into question, especially since the video shows not much at all happened to her, but she claimed that she was nearly thrown to the ground. And supposedly there is a history of her making these types of allegations in the past. Combine all that with the fact that she is part of a staunch anti-Trump media clique, well, it doesn't make them look any better than the Trump campaign.

The video is of terrible frame rate, like most surveillance videos. It shows a few frames of her standing next to and walking with Trump, one frame of Corey Lewandowski grabbing her, one frame of Corey pulling her backwards, one frame of her leaning against a random person in the crowd, then everyone continues walking.

The "nearly thrown to the ground" part is hard for anyone to prove one way or another, as even with the video the only two people who would know if she was actually nearly thrown to the ground are her and the guy she was pushed into. It likely won't be an issue for or against Corey. The grabbing part is enough for the charges to go through.

On the other hand... Donald Trump’s campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks stated (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/03/trump-spokeswoman-denies-reporter-grabbed-on-arm-by-manager-lewandowski/) "not a single camera or reporter of more than 100 in attendance captured the alleged incident" yet a reporter did witness it (https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/inside-trumps-inner-circle-his-staffers-are-willing-to-fight-for-him-literally/2016/03/10/4b2b18e8-e660-11e5-a6f3-21ccdbc5f74e_story.html) and obviously there is video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGz5DPqU-p0). Now, that could have been just jumping the gun and not strictly lying, as it was early, but it didn't turn out to be true. However, Lewandowski himself wrote "you are totally delusional. I never touched you. (https://twitter.com/CLewandowski_/status/708162663579144192)" He could have not realized who she was, but he more than likely flat out lied, hoping no one saw it and there was no video. Trump is also defending Corey by stating Fields had changed her story (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/mar/30/donald-trump/donald-trump-michelle-fields-changed-her-story-fir/) when she really hadn't... he quotes her as saying "She was in pain. She went to the ground. When she found out that there was a security camera, and that they had her on tape, all of a sudden that story changed. She didn't talk about it.", when she wrote on 10 Mar (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/03/10/3276486/) "Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance".

So to recap, Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks either lied or spoke with authority about matters she knew nothing about, Corey Lewandowski flat out lied, and Trump is creatively reinterpreting the past to suit his narrative (which should come as a surprise to absolutely no one).

03-31-16, 16:27
Most likely he didn't even know who she was, and didn't think anything of it...he probably ushers Trump thru crowds on a daily basis, and I am sure there are people sticking their arms into their faces and getting moved out of the way all the time as well. And most likely if this were not a campaign that Michelle, her boyfriend, and their close friends despise, this would never been made an issue. Point is, it all seems like a bunch of hype, a distraction, and an effort to make Trump look bad. And in typical Trump fashion, instead of being a polished, smooth politician, he says screw you.

03-31-16, 16:32
Most likely he didn't even know who she was, and didn't think anything of it...he probably ushers Trump thru crowds on a daily basis, and I am sure there are people sticking their arms into their faces and getting moved out of the way all the time as well. And most likely if this were not a campaign that Michelle, her boyfriend, and their close friends despise, this would never been made an issue. Point is, it all seems like a bunch of hype, a distraction, and an effort to make Trump look bad. And in typical Trump fashion, instead of being a polished, smooth politician, he says screw you.

But it wasn't originally about Trump. Trump made it about himself.

03-31-16, 16:37
The guy grabbed her. Hard enough to re-route the direction she was walking. It's on the video. I guess I don't understand how the guy calling her a liar, and the fact that she stood up for herself, equals hype and an attempt to make Trump look bad.

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03-31-16, 16:49
But it wasn't originally about Trump. Trump made it about himself.

I don't track that...if it wasn't the Trump campaign I sincerely doubt it would have ever been a story at all.

03-31-16, 17:23
Then that's doubling down on stupid, which seems a habit in that camp, but if reporters working at her level and among those egos is expecting an apology, there's a lot of reporters waiting for an apology for far worse that didn't lawyer up over it. As a man and professional, he should have simply said he didn't intended to be rough if he was, vs going to Twitter. Oh well.

You will notice that I'm not a Trump fan but I've also never called for Lewandowski to be fired. That is because he is the gift that keeps on giving to those of us in the #NeverTrump crowd, and without him Trump would likely have already locked down the nomination. Let me explain.

Lewandowski has a history of being overly direct, confrontational, and difficult to work with long before landing on the Trump campaign. Now, these traits are not necessarily bad when properly balanced against other leadership on the team. In Trump's case, the two of them are a brew that is proving to be toxic to females and independent voters. Take for example the dust up with Megyn Kelly. It was Lewandowski who personally called her boss at FNC and threatened to wreck her career if she didn't straighten up and get with the program. He was also the driving force behind Trump skipping the Iowa debate which likely contributed to Trump's loss. Then, there was the dust-up with this reporter followed by him going hands-on with a protester at a different Trump rally. Even this week, he didn't do his due diligence on a Milwaukee talkshow host and allowed Trump to get blindsided by a hostile interview. Then, he didn't go through the proper process to lock-down delegates in Louisiana which opened the door for Cruz to walk away with more despite losing the state.

Basically, the guy has a serious chip on his shoulder and it seems to be affecting his job performance. He is also potentiating Trump's personality traits that excite his ardent supporters, but disgust the other 75% of the general electorate. Had Trump hired more competent leadership (or someone that balances his inner asshole), he would already have a clear field and close to a thousand delegates just like Romney and McCain had at similar points in the race. Instead, he still can't take a majority of voters in a state and risks losing a 15 point advantage in Wisconsin to Cruz.

03-31-16, 17:42
I don't track that...if it wasn't the Trump campaign I sincerely doubt it would have ever been a story at all.

It's about someone in his campaign, but there were many things he could have done to insulate himself from the issue. Like, for example, say "I'm not going to comment on an active law enforcement investigation". Or "I'll fire him if there was a crime committed, but I'll stand with him until it is proven." Or "now that a video has been revealed and her story more or less proven, I'm going to let Lewandowski go." Instead, he lies/rewrites history, doubles down on support, and attacks Fields. Now Trump is the center of attention when it could have easily been a non-issue. But I don't blame Trump. It has been his experience that any media exposure is good media exposure, so this isn't surprising at all.

You will notice that I'm not a Trump fan but I've also never called for Lewandowski to be fired. That is because he is the gift that keeps on giving to those of us in the #NeverTrump crowd, and without him Trump would likely have already locked down the nomination. Let me explain.

At first I was like "omg Sensei wtf man" then as I continued to read your reply I laughed. So true.

03-31-16, 17:52
So how are they planning to get around Florida's defense of other's statute?

I seriously doubt they can survive that issue, considering the secret service already stated she was warned twice to move back from the candidate. What if the secret service agent actually DID take her down to the ground instead of the campaign manager?

What a waste of time/money. Criminal charges are not a joke, or a weapon to be used under any circumstances. In most places, this wouldn't even be punishable by more than a fine if convicted.

Maybe a little bit of prosecutorial discretion before filing away...

Edit: Should have included the statute

776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—
(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

Can't just go charging up to presidential candidates. Don't care who that candidate is. I think the bigger question is why someone was allowed to get that close to a protected person?

03-31-16, 19:38
So how are they planning to get around Florida's defense of other's statute?

I seriously doubt they can survive that issue, considering the secret service already stated she was warned twice to move back from the candidate. What if the secret service agent actually DID take her down to the ground instead of the campaign manager?

What a waste of time/money. Criminal charges are not a joke, or a weapon to be used under any circumstances. In most places, this wouldn't even be punishable by more than a fine if convicted.

Maybe a little bit of prosecutorial discretion before filing away...

Edit: Should have included the statute

776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—
(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

Can't just go charging up to presidential candidates. Don't care who that candidate is. I think the bigger question is why someone was allowed to get that close to a protected person?

That might work had Lewandowski initially told people that he was trying to protect Trump. On the other hand, it's really hard for him to say that he was trying to defend Trump after announcing on Twitter that he never touched her and that it never happened. Also, Trump never gave any indication that he needed saving or that whatever contact occurred was unwanted.

Finally, good luck getting a Secret Service agent to testify that Lewandowski's actions were needed to defend their protectee.

03-31-16, 19:42
And the prosecutor in this case...

From LawNewz:

Well, a look at the Palm Beach County State Prosecutor may shed some light on the matter. Dave Aronberg, whose office is handling the case, is a Democrat and former state senator, who also happens to be a Hillary Clinton backer, the Boston Herald reports. Aronberg has been listed among Clinton’s “Florida Leadership Council” since November, and campaign finance records show that he donated $1,000 to Clinton in January.

03-31-16, 22:45
And the prosecutor in this case...

From LawNewz:

Well, a look at the Palm Beach County State Prosecutor may shed some light on the matter. Dave Aronberg, whose office is handling the case, is a Democrat and former state senator, who also happens to be a Hillary Clinton backer, the Boston Herald reports. Aronberg has been listed among Clinton’s “Florida Leadership Council” since November, and campaign finance records show that he donated $1,000 to Clinton in January.

That would be enough to prevent him from even being on the jury, but he gets to be the prosecutor?

04-01-16, 00:14
That would be enough to prevent him from even being on the jury, but he gets to be the prosecutor?

He's not the prosecutor. He is the elected State's Attorney for Palm Beach County, FL. Most people running for this type of office do so under a party, and his county is full of Democrat idiots. He will not be prosecuting this case - it will be one of his assistants. Think of him as Fred Thompson's character in Law and Order. If FL is anything like NC, then the charges may have been certified by a magistrate and his office had nothing to do with it. Every state is a little different though.

In addition, I doubt there will be a jury. Simple battery cases are probably handled in FL like most other states. There will probably be a District Court bench trial much like a DUI or shop lifting charge unless he requests a jury trial. His lawyer and the assistant state's attorney will likely meet ahead of the trial and agree to a reasonable punishment at the last minute unless he really wants to continue fighting the charges. My guess is something like community service, maybe a fine, or possibly probation if he has a record. The only way this sees a jury is if Lewandowski does something really, really stupid and asks for a jury in a Democrat county.

04-01-16, 01:13
He's not the prosecutor. He is the elected State's Attorney for Palm Beach County, FL. Most people running for this type of office do so under a party, and his county is full of Democrat idiots. He will not be prosecuting this case - it will be one of his assistants. Think of him as Fred Thompson's character in Law and Order. If FL is anything like NC, then the charges may have been certified by a magistrate and his office had nothing to do with it. Every state is a little different though.

In addition, I doubt there will be a jury. Simple battery cases are probably handled in FL like most other states. There will probably be a District Court bench trial much like a DUI or shop lifting charge unless he requests a jury trial. His lawyer and the assistant state's attorney will likely meet ahead of the trial and agree to a reasonable punishment at the last minute unless he really wants to continue fighting the charges. My guess is something like community service, maybe a fine, or possibly probation if he has a record. The only way this sees a jury is if Lewandowski does something really, really stupid and asks for a jury in a Democrat county.

Ya know, I keep forgetting this was misdemeanor "grabbing." I've been watching the news lately and keep wondering how long she's going to be in ICU.

04-01-16, 02:13
You really should have some actual rudimentary knowledge of the law before you go pontificating away, counselor. Most state statutes regarding battery come from model codes, here is an example:

Battery is:

(1) Knowingly or recklessly causing bodily harm to another person; or

(2) knowingly causing physical contact with another person when done in a rude, insulting or angry manner;

Unless the contact on the subway fits the definition, no, you couldn't.

On the other hand, a case can be made that Lewandowski did in fact batter the gal under (2). This leads one to ask 'Is it necessary to treat every such affront as a crime?'

Quite frankly, I don't think so, and that seems to be the issue being debated. On the other hand........

You really should have some actual rudimentary knowledge of reality and how:
a) the written law can be (mis)interpreted,
b) how political considerations affect those (mis)interpretations,
c) how prosecutions can be launched even though it is clear that no law was broken

Under point (2), I could be prosecuted for taping someone on the shoulder and telling them to not yell, or even asking them their name. Does that sound reasonable? Well, if you're a Republican, especially one that's planning to throw a wrench in the illegal immigration scheme to guarantee Democrat victory for the rest of time, then you're gonna be charged.

Do you seriously not see that this is purely political?

I think that you are trying to articulate the concepts of criminal intent and prosecutorial discretion. In some instances, the criminal intent is obvious such as a closed fist strike. Situations involving less obvious intent are where the discrition comes into play. A whole host of factors will be used by the DA such as degree of injuries, psychological harm to the victim, and the presumed mindset of the attacker.

For those who would dismiss this event I have this question. What would you do if your wife or child was walking in a line at the movies and a grown male grabbed them by the arm and pulled them out of place to get ahead of them in such a way that it caused them to stumble and left visible marks? Would you take the law into your own hands and confront the person? Would you notify a cop who was working security? Would you just ignore it?

Yes, I was specifically pointing out that prosecutorial "discretion" is at play in an illegitimate manner here. Democrat thuggery & corruption as per usual.

If my wife or child was a paid reporter hack attending a political event and trying to get right next to the most high profile candidate in a Presidential election, who was guarded by Secret Service security, handlers, etc. then I would expect them to get touched at some point. Not punched, or kicked in the groin, but touched, and yes even moved out of the way.

Go try to walk up to Hussein Osama, or Hitlery Kkklinton and try to interview them in a croded place (assuming you aren't a pre-screened Democrat-friendly propaganda mouthpiece such as Vox or some shite), and see what touching you will receive. I guarantee you it will leave you upside down, bruised, bloody, with a separated shoulder and a massive headache.

04-01-16, 03:25
Members of the press walk up to Hillary and other candidates all the time in campaign events. None of them are typically bruised, bloodied, or have their joints separated. In addition, none typically get grabbed, squeezed hard enough to cause bruising, or shoved by campaign staff. That's because their security is performed by professionals - not by campaign managers with a Napoleon complex who like to push around female reporters that may be asking a tough question.

04-01-16, 03:25
Wow, the grab felt around the world . . .

This is what they are trying to discredit Trump with now, I mean what happened to the good old dead hooker in a motel room?

Radio talk shows have been going on the air for hours over this non-event, I don't watch TV so I'm sure the same can be said by the 24/7 networks.

04-01-16, 03:49
Wow, the grab felt around the world . . .

This is what they are trying to discredit Trump with now, I mean what happened to the good old dead hooker in a motel room?

Radio talk shows have been going on the air for hours over this non-event, I don't watch TV so I'm sure the same can be said by the 24/7 networks.

TV has moved on to how Trump wants to imprison any woman who ever had an abortion.

04-01-16, 07:37
Yes, he should have apologized immediately. But instead he lied and leveled counter accusations, just like Trump.

When he called her a liar, he was attacking her credibility, and as a reporter, that's probably your most important quality. Look what happened to Brian Williams, a much more "important" reporter of the news that was absolutely wrecked because of his credibility and integrity. So to settle the matter once and for all, she filed criminal charges. She's not lawyering up, she's complaining to the police that she was attacked. Video has since surfaced and shows that Corey (and the Trump campaign) was the liar and she was telling the truth. So, mission accomplished. But it's not up to her to drop the charges, it's up to the prosecutor. I'm sure even if given the choice, she wouldn't drop the charges because Corey and Trump and his campaign are holding their line that he didn't touch her.

I'd say attacked it stretching it, but if they are going to hold to the lie she was not touched, they'll have to take the fall out I suppose.

04-01-16, 08:01
Ya know, I keep forgetting this was misdemeanor "grabbing." I've been watching the news lately and keep wondering how long she's going to be in ICU.

This vid and angle is telling:


I suspect the Corey denied it because it's not something most people would even remember when they read someone was accusing them of what she did. Best thing he could have done would have been to put out a statement like "I have no recollection of what she's claiming happened, but we will look into it and respond" vs lashing out via Twitter like a defensive high school kid giving her some "ammo" for her non existent assault. If she wants to play with the big boys in the big boy sand box, she's going to have a short career if ever time she gets shoved aside she makes all kinds of noises about it. He handled it badly, but you can see why he'd consider her "delusional" when being accused of roughing her up. I also hold that the pretty girl factor the main reason she got any traction on it. We're in the era of the news bimbo where looks are more important than journalistic skills.

Movie would be "pretty news bimbo gets shoved out of the way by jerk" ;)


04-01-16, 08:05
And if you ask reporters who cover this sort of thing on a regular basis, they will tell you it is quite regular for there to be a lot of pushing shoving, etc. Just heard a veteran news guy explain how the number of times he has been elbowed, stepped on, punched etc. is countless, but anyone who thinks there need to be police charges over it are absolutely ridiculous. He says the young reporter needs to toughen up. FWIW, this is a very left wing Hillary supporter type too.

26 Inf
04-01-16, 08:48
You really should have some actual rudimentary knowledge of reality and how:
a) the written law can be (mis)interpreted,
b) how political considerations affect those (mis)interpretations,
c) how prosecutions can be launched even though it is clear that no law was broken

Under point (2), I could be prosecuted for taping someone on the shoulder and telling them to not yell, or even asking them their name. Does that sound reasonable? Well, if you're a Republican, especially one that's planning to throw a wrench in the illegal immigration scheme to guarantee Democrat victory for the rest of time, then you're gonna be charged.

Do you seriously not see that this is purely political?

I think we all get that it is political. I also think maybe everyone but you also gets the guy's actions landed him in a place where he was vulnerable.

Regarding the rest of your rant, do you read with any degree of comprehension, or do you just look for things to rant about, because I thought this was pretty clear:

......This leads one to ask 'Is it necessary to treat every such affront as a crime?'

Quite frankly, I don't think so, and that seems to be the issue being debated.

04-01-16, 09:20
And if you ask reporters who cover this sort of thing on a regular basis, they will tell you it is quite regular for there to be a lot of pushing shoving, etc. Just heard a veteran news guy explain how the number of times he has been elbowed, stepped on, punched etc. is countless, but anyone who thinks there need to be police charges over it are absolutely ridiculous. He says the young reporter needs to toughen up. FWIW, this is a very left wing Hillary supporter type too.

Not your dads news anchor that's for sure....


04-01-16, 10:28
Meanwhile, in the North Korean twitter sphere....http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160401/ebaaadc56ecf921ba0709e801c1de2bd.jpg


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-01-16, 10:29
So because she's young and attractive it's cool to yank her around when the people actually charged with taking a bullet for the guy didn't do anything?

I said it before when everyone started loving Trump, we're supposed to be the grown ups. I don't even like Ted Cruz but don't you think that if women were getting yanked by his staff and people were getting sucker punched as they were being escorted out by police the liberal media would be all over it?

It doesn't matter what he does his supporters just stick their heads in the sand and charge on.

Tell us John McCain isn't a war hero while avoiding the draft, it's cool. Speak vulgarly about a female anchor who conservatives used to love, fine. Switch your position on everything, no problem. Give money to Hillary Clinton, it's good. Just make shit up as you go along like the cost of the beautiful, admittedly rope vulnerable wall, why not? Close military bases in the pacific while also telling us China is beating us and you're going to change that, media conspiracy. Offer to financially support people who assault others, go for it. Back up your batterer campaign manager and lie while you're at it, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Seriously, it's not too late to admit that he seemed cool at first (he didn't but that's not the point) but it turns out it was true and he is a phony and an asshole. I don't even understand how this is happening when there is a guy with a real track record of being as conservative as you can pretty much be, way more so than I personally care for, in this race.

04-01-16, 11:51
C.L. is a bully.

He has a much deserved reputation for being one.

Why should he be allowed to get away with it?

No conspiracy, no political gamesmanship, it's just that he's a bully and got spotlighted for his actions.

04-01-16, 13:14
So how are they planning to get around Florida's defense of other's statute?

I seriously doubt they can survive that issue, considering the secret service already stated she was warned twice to move back from the candidate. What if the secret service agent actually DID take her down to the ground instead of the campaign manager?

What a waste of time/money. Criminal charges are not a joke, or a weapon to be used under any circumstances. In most places, this wouldn't even be punishable by more than a fine if convicted.

Maybe a little bit of prosecutorial discretion before filing away...

Edit: Should have included the statute

776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—
(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

Can't just go charging up to presidential candidates. Don't care who that candidate is. I think the bigger question is why someone was allowed to get that close to a protected person?

It's a press event, she is press, you can see Trump acknowledged her and she was asking him questions.

It's almost laughable that someone would believe she was an imminent threat to Trump's safety, especially after she was walking next to him and talking to him for at least a few seconds.

04-01-16, 13:26
C.L. is a bully.

He has a much deserved reputation for being one.

Why should he be allowed to get away with it?

No conspiracy, no political gamesmanship, it's just that he's a bully and got spotlighted for his actions.

I don't know about his rep so can't comment there as it applies to this event

It was far from anything close to how she described it from what we see, at least from my POV. Whether it makes the legal def of battery in FL I don't know. I do know I have experienced far worse.

He should have not responded to her accusations as he did, but seeing the vid, It's not hard to understand why he went "WTF?" when he heard them and went on the offensive making it worse vs better.

I can't imagine how many reporters working in those shark infested waters have been grabbed, shoved, etc during their career.

It does not surprise me Trump would hire and align with someone known for being a nasty cut throat no BS nasty guy and a bully within the ranks of ego maniacs and bullies. These are not nice people to be sure.

04-01-16, 13:27
Not your dads news anchor that's for sure....


Yep, well aware...have her on facebook LOL

04-01-16, 13:35
It's a press event, she is press, you can see Trump acknowledged her and she was asking him questions.

It's almost laughable that someone would believe she was an imminent threat to Trump's safety, especially after she was walking next to him and talking to him for at least a few seconds.

I've seen more damage done at a Wedding Reception when the Bride has thrown the bouquet.
I'm not discounting the fact that grabbing her arm was wrong, but is her statement actually accurate? I too dismiss the idea of immanent threat, but I also dismiss her statement about "Nearly Thrown to the Ground." "The worst thing to happen to me since my Fathers Death." Lets get real, She wanted the limelight.
His job may very well include making sure that he gets Trump from point A to point B in X amount of time. Her flanking move to corner Trump for questions very well could have been his motivation to assist in moving Trump out of the room as soon as possible. She was intent on asking some questions one on one in a crowded room while her subject was moving with Security toward an exit.
Sorry, but you don't do that without taking in to account I might get bumped, bruised or pushed out of the way.
Now I'm just guessing that had She done the same thing to a Celebrity vs a Candidate the outcome might have been much worse, but no one would be listening to her complaints.
This is a combined effort to get Trump out of the race. All dirty tricks and all forms of lies are welcome in the move to do this.

04-01-16, 13:39
it's really hard for him to say that he was trying to defend Trump after announcing on Twitter that he never touched her and that it never happened.

That comment was based on a claim from someone he did not know, who said he nearly drove her to the ground. That did not happen, so stating it did not happen is not an issue.

04-01-16, 14:12
I've seen more damage done at a Wedding Reception when the Bride has thrown the bouquet.
I'm not discounting the fact that grabbing her arm was wrong, but is her statement actually accurate? I too dismiss the idea of immanent threat, but I also dismiss her statement about "Nearly Thrown to the Ground." "The worst thing to happen to me since my Fathers Death." Lets get real, She wanted the limelight.
His job may very well include making sure that he gets Trump from point A to point B in X amount of time. Her flanking move to corner Trump for questions very well could have been his motivation to assist in moving Trump out of the room as soon as possible. She was intent on asking some questions one on one in a crowded room while her subject was moving with Security toward an exit.
Sorry, but you don't do that without taking in to account I might get bumped, bruised or pushed out of the way.

She's of the delicate flower generation, and as a rule, pretty girls are not used to being handled in such a manner, such as it was... This:


Lead to ""The worst thing to happen to me since my Fathers Death."

I wonder what Syrian journalist Nour Kelz would think? She'd probably slap her.


Now I'm just guessing that had She done the same thing to a Celebrity vs a Candidate the outcome might have been much worse, but no one would be listening to her complaints.
This is a combined effort to get Trump out of the race. All dirty tricks and all forms of lies are welcome in the move to do this.

Indeed and I'm no Trump supporter.

04-01-16, 14:36
Basically, are people here saying it should be socially acceptable (legal) to grab people and forcefully move them against their wishes when they're obviously posing no security threat to anyone? If yes... ok, at least you're consistent.

As someone said earlier, would you be ok if it was your daughter/gf/wife/sister/whatever, if said person left bruises?

04-01-16, 15:03
Basically, are people here saying it should be socially acceptable (legal) to grab people and forcefully move them against their wishes when they're obviously posing no security threat to anyone? If yes... ok, at least you're consistent.


What most saying is not all unwelcomed contact is criminal, rising to the need for charges.

04-01-16, 15:11
As someone said earlier, would you be ok if it was your daughter/gf/wife/sister/whatever, if said person left bruises?

Probably not ok, but would not seek charges either. Nor would I be so upset I would feel the need to tweet the incident to the world or embellish about the amount of force used.

OMG, I am in line at BBQ joint and woman behind touched my arm to tell me stop texting and move forward to cashier. Somebody call cops and arrest her while I go check for bruising!

04-01-16, 15:13
This case, if you factor out the Trump hate, reminds me of the pretty little sideline reporter who complains about the cussing, spitting, naked men, and general rude behavior in the locker room.

She's of the delicate flower generation, and as a rule, pretty girls are not used to being handled in such a manner, such as it was... This:


Lead to ""The worst thing to happen to me since my Fathers Death."

I wonder what Syrian journalist Nour Kelz would think? She'd probably slap her.

Indeed and I'm no Trump supporter.

04-01-16, 20:32
This is what kills me, Trump and his people can outright lie (never touched her, Washington Post reporter misidentified the campaign manager, didn't happen, changed her story, etc.) but if someone critical of them says something different and it's basically confirmed on camera but the rather crappy camera doesn't 100% down to every single detail coincide with her recollection, which is still a hell of a lot more accurate than their's, she's the liar and everyone is out to get poor Donald.

26 Inf
04-01-16, 21:56
This is what kills me, Trump and his people can outright lie (never touched her, Washington Post reporter misidentified the campaign manager, didn't happen, changed her story, etc.) but if someone critical of them says something different and it's basically confirmed on camera but the rather crappy camera doesn't 100% down to every single detail coincide with her recollection, which is still a hell of a lot more accurate than their's, she's the liar and everyone is out to get poor Donald.

Internet much bro?

04-01-16, 22:21
Basically, are people here saying it should be socially acceptable (legal) to grab people and forcefully move them against their wishes when they're obviously posing no security threat to anyone? If yes... ok, at least you're consistent.

As someone said earlier, would you be ok if it was your daughter/gf/wife/sister/whatever, if said person left bruises?

I wouldn't want my Daughter to join the Military, but if She did I would expect some bruises, bumps and the occasional laceration.
Same, same for being a reporter and going aggressively after a story in such an environment. It gets to this point, not everyone has manners, if you put yourself in an environment where people are moving a Presidential Candidate through a crowd and someone grabs your arm and physically moves you out of the way to move the candidate through the crowd, that's simply a job hazard.
Toughen up Buttercup.
Oh, but wait..
“The police officers were beating the protesters with batons, and were also beating the media,” Fields told The Daily Caller after the 2011 incident. “They hit Direna (Cousins, her photographer) and me with batons. They hit other members of the press in order to get them to move out of the street.”
Michelle Fields is an attention seeker who once claimed Allen West groped her but later went silent.

I dunno, I've watched the video, the bruise on her forearm doesn't seem to match up with Lewandowski's grap and her sleeve/elbow area, but then again..?
I'm just saying you don't like the heat stay out of the kitchen, you can't have it both ways. Having a history of such claims reminds of of the stories some guys have about Bat Crap Krazy Ex's.

04-01-16, 22:26
This is what kills me, Trump and his people can outright lie (never touched her, Washington Post reporter misidentified the campaign manager, didn't happen, changed her story, etc.) but if someone critical of them says something different and it's basically confirmed on camera but the rather crappy camera doesn't 100% down to every single detail coincide with her recollection, which is still a hell of a lot more accurate than their's, she's the liar and everyone is out to get poor Donald.

Her own words:

"Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance"


Please link to video where this "is confirmed on camera". Otherwise, it is a correct statement to say, "didn't happen"

She said "someone" because she did not know who, even though video shows her looking right at the Trump guy.


All of the statements surrounding the incident are bizarre.

04-01-16, 23:07
OMG, I am in line at BBQ joint and woman behind touched my arm to tell me stop texting and move forward to cashier. Somebody call cops and arrest her while I go check for bruising!

You're at a BBQ joint and a guy who weighs probably 100 lbs more than you grabs you by the arm and yanks you out of line when you were talking to someone, then walks away.

There's a big difference between your example and what happened.

04-01-16, 23:09
You're at a BBQ joint and a guy who weighs probably 100 lbs more than you grabs you by the arm and yanks you out of line when you were talking to someone, then walks away.

There's a big difference between your example and what happened.

satire, how does it work?

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

04-01-16, 23:10
You're at a BBQ joint and a guy who weighs probably 100 lbs more than you grabs you by the arm and yanks you out of line when you were talking to someone, then walks away.

There's a big difference between your example and what happened.

And with all due respect a big difference between your example and what happened also.

04-01-16, 23:37
satire, how does it work?

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Except when your exaggeration has to essentially change the facts to make any sense at all, it's not longer satire, it's a strawman logical fallacy.

04-01-16, 23:58
You're at a BBQ joint and a guy who weighs probably 100 lbs more than you grabs you by the arm and yanks you out of line when you were talking to someone, then walks away.

There's a big difference between your example and what happened.

If I am pushing my way to the head of the line, I should not be surprised if I am grabbed.

Aggressive behavior merits a reaction.

04-02-16, 08:54
The fact that there are charges is asinine. The fact that this is news worthy is even more asinine.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

04-02-16, 11:25
Her own words:

"Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance"


Please link to video where this "is confirmed on camera". Otherwise, it is a correct statement to say, "didn't happen"

She said "someone" because she did not know who, even though video shows her looking right at the Trump guy.


All of the statements surrounding the incident are bizarre.

As Koshinn mentioned its a terrible frame rate, but it still looks one hell of a lot more like what she's saying then, he never touched her she's delusional.


Sure looks to me like he's pulling downward and she could feel like she's about to lose her balance which would make her almost fall. Like I said, is she 100%, probably not and no one describing an event like that ever really is because its always clouded to some degree by perception but it's a hell of a lot closer than what they're saying. They've even outright lied about her changing her story. It doesn't matter though, it's Trump, he and his people are perfect in every way, its all just a conspiracy.

04-02-16, 11:30
I wouldn't want my Daughter to join the Military, but if She did I would expect some bruises, bumps and the occasional laceration.
Same, same for being a reporter and going aggressively after a story in such an environment. It gets to this point, not everyone has manners, if you put yourself in an environment where people are moving a Presidential Candidate through a crowd and someone grabs your arm and physically moves you out of the way to move the candidate through the crowd, that's simply a job hazard.
Toughen up Buttercup.
Oh, but wait..
“The police officers were beating the protesters with batons, and were also beating the media,” Fields told The Daily Caller after the 2011 incident. “They hit Direna (Cousins, her photographer) and me with batons. They hit other members of the press in order to get them to move out of the street.”
Michelle Fields is an attention seeker who once claimed Allen West groped her but later went silent.

I dunno, I've watched the video, the bruise on her forearm doesn't seem to match up with Lewandowski's grap and her sleeve/elbow area, but then again..?
I'm just saying you don't like the heat stay out of the kitchen, you can't have it both ways. Having a history of such claims reminds of of the stories some guys have about Bat Crap Krazy Ex's.

By the way, really, National Vanguard?

04-02-16, 12:52
Sure looks to me like he's pulling downward and she could feel like she's about to lose her balance which would make her almost fall.

Look at the other videos, she barely moves.

Maybe the NYPD hit her with a baton.

04-02-16, 13:06
As Koshinn mentioned its a terrible frame rate, but it still looks one hell of a lot more like what she's saying then, he never touched her she's delusional.

Sure looks to me like he's pulling downward and she could feel like she's about to lose her balance which would make her almost fall. Like I said, is she 100%, probably not and no one describing an event like that ever really is because its always clouded to some degree by perception but it's a hell of a lot closer than what they're saying. They've even outright lied about her changing her story. It doesn't matter though, it's Trump, he and his people are perfect in every way, its all just a conspiracy.

Hmmm, a still shot vs:


Yup, really looks like she had to steady herself as to not fall down to the violent yank on her arm. Please.

04-02-16, 13:42
If I am pushing my way to the head of the line, I should not be surprised if I am grabbed.

Aggressive behavior merits a reaction.

Except she wasn't, she was clearly walking side by side with Trump and moving with the flow of the crowd. And she was doing so for at least enough time to ask him a question to which he leans in and seems about to respond.

04-02-16, 13:54
Hmmm, a still shot vs:


Yup, really looks like she had to steady herself as to not fall down to the violent yank on her arm. Please.

A couple of points. First, your GIF suddenly stops before Fields stumbles rightward into Ben Terris, the reporter for WaPo wearing the checkered shirt who witnessed the event. Having said that, it really does not matter if you read the Jupiter Police Arrest report of the incident. Here it is in case you missed it:


In it, you will notice some key elements that led the police to file the charges. Yes, it was a police officer who filed the charges - not the State's Attorney as some on this forum would have you believe. First, Field's claim is supported verbatim by an eye witness and, in the opinion of the officer, was consistent with the overhead security camera video. Ben Terris is that witness and told the officer that he saw a "yank" which caused her to stumble to her right which is corroborated by the security camera (others have noted that the exact speed of her movement cannot be determined due to the frame rate). Second, a major reason for the charges were the force in which Lowandowski grabbed her arm - not just her stumbling or being "thrown". This is corroborated by realtime audio from Field's phone where she complains about the force that Lowandowski used to grab her and the marks that the officer saw on her arm. Of note, that realtime audio also has Terris saying, "He just like threw you out of the way, like what threat were you?" for those of you who can't get over the thrown aspect of this case.

So, you have an eye witness, bruising on the alleged victim, audio and video footage that seem to cooperate the complaint. I'm not at all surprised that the POLICE found probable cause to charge Lowandowski. Now, it's up to a judge or jury to determine guilt. If I were Lowandowski's lawyer, I would strongly advise my client to accept a no contest or guilty plea for a fine or community service.

04-02-16, 14:28
.......Now, it's up to a judge or jury to determine guilt. If I were Lowandowski's lawyer, I would strongly advise my client to accept a no contest or guilty plea for a fine or community service.

Are you referring to an Alford Plea?

04-02-16, 15:04
Are you referring to an Alford Plea?

I have no clue how Alford Pleas are adjudicated in FL or if they are even allowed as I'm not an attorney. In fact, my brief time in law enforcement was not spent on the local level. So, I don't know or care as to the mechanism that his lawyer uses to make this end quickly. I'm just trying to exit my #NeverTrump skin and think objectively (if that is even possible at this point) and I've come to the conclusion that the faster this ends, the better it is for Trump and Lewandowski. Feel free to disagree, but the #NeverTrump side of my brain hopes that Lewandowski stays in the senior campaign leadership since he seems incompetent (take a look at what the Cruz campaign is doing with assigning delegates).

04-02-16, 15:25
A couple of points. First, your GIF suddenly stops before Fields stumbles rightward into Ben Terris, the reporter for WaPo wearing the checkered shirt who witnessed the event. Having said that, it really does not matter if you read the Jupiter Police Arrest report of the incident. Here it is in case you missed it:


In it, you will notice some key elements that led the police to file the charges. Yes, it was a police officer who filed the charges - not the State's Attorney as some on this forum would have you believe. First, Field's claim is supported verbatim by an eye witness and, in the opinion of the officer, was consistent with the overhead security camera video. Ben Terris is that witness and told the officer that he saw a "yank" which caused her to stumble to her right which is corroborated by the security camera (others have noted that the exact speed of her movement cannot be determined due to the frame rate). Second, a major reason for the charges were the force in which Lowandowski grabbed her arm - not just her stumbling or being "thrown". This is corroborated by realtime audio from Field's phone where she complains about the force that Lowandowski used to grab her and the marks that the officer saw on her arm. Of note, that realtime audio also has Terris saying, "He just like threw you out of the way, like what threat were you?" for those of you who can't get over the thrown aspect of this case.

So, you have an eye witness, bruising on the alleged victim, audio and video footage that seem to cooperate the complaint. I'm not at all surprised that the POLICE found probable cause to charge Lowandowski. Now, it's up to a judge or jury to determine guilt. If I were Lowandowski's lawyer, I would strongly advise my client to accept a no contest or guilty plea for a fine or community service.

Excellent info. For me, the most useful part of it is in bold. That's a game changing fact of the event. I'm surprised an LEO would file charges over it, but I concede your write up and added intel on who actually filed the charges adds some credibility to her version.

04-02-16, 16:48
The overhead screenshot provided earlier is from a longer intermittent security video. For me anyway, it appears he grabs her and yanks her back. There is no question about it. By her own admission, had he apologized she wouldn't have made an issue out of it. But he didn't. He basically said he never touched her, and that she was lying.

Being men, we are taught in elementary school it's not acceptable to manhandle women. (Especially since at that age they may very well still be able to whip your ass)

Sometimes in life, one can't afford to be an asshole. As he is campaign manager of a major POTUS candidate, I'd like to think he understood that.

Apparently not.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-02-16, 17:14
Being men, we are taught in elementary school it's not acceptable to manhandle women. (Especially since at that age they may very well still be able to whip your ass)

And we take that in to Life and Treat all Women like Ladies regardless of how they act in life, or toward us.
And Ladies will be Ladies and they deserve that treatment, but every once in a while, you run in to a, well, let's just call her a broad.
They see that Gentlemanly behavior and it smells like weakness to them, not good manners. What does it sound like to them? Usually I would guess a Cash Register.
You can usually find these Women with multiple complaints filed through HR for sexual harassment. They've likely filed a retraining order or two in their lives and they love the drama and spotlight to surround them.
I think if you look closely you'll find She's more like the second example than the first.
I'm not saying Lewandowski is an Angel, he's likely just a schmuck who fell in to this drama she creates.
But in the end it's more about Dump Trump and the need for the media spotlight to be shown on, well again; a Broad.

04-02-16, 17:52
And we take that in to Life and Treat all Women like Ladies regardless of how they act in life, or toward us.
And Ladies will be Ladies and they deserve that treatment, but every once in a while, you run in to a, well, let's just call her a broad.
They see that Gentlemanly behavior and it smells like weakness to them, not good manners. What does it sound like to them? Usually I would guess a Cash Register.
You can usually find these Women with multiple complaints filed through HR for sexual harassment. They've likely filed a retraining order or two in their lives and they love the drama and spotlight to surround them.
I think if you look closely you'll find She's more like the second example than the first.
I'm not saying Lewandowski is an Angel, he's likely just a schmuck who fell in to this drama she creates.
But in the end it's more about Dump Trump and the need for the media spotlight to be shown on, well again; a Broad.

She's the only one in the scenario who is not outright lying. He said he never touched her. He did. That's a fact. This woman isn't some unknown skank, she is a known reporter. If she had been grabbed up by the USSS, then yeah, she must've crossed a line. But she wasn't. They didn't feel she was out of line or she'd have been in cuffs.

Let me ask you...if you were in that position, would you have grabbed her and yanked her back like that?

The fact that a police officer independently filed the charges is quite telling. And I can't believe, on this forum especially, that she is dismissed as some bimbo looking for attention when the evidence is FAR closer to aligning with her side of the story.

And this has nothing to do with DJT. He backed his guy initially, that's what he does. Shoot from the hip. Whatever. Corey Lewandowski is responsible for this shit show.

04-02-16, 19:17
And we take that in to Life and Treat all Women like Ladies regardless of how they act in life, or toward us.
And Ladies will be Ladies and they deserve that treatment, but every once in a while, you run in to a, well, let's just call her a broad.
They see that Gentlemanly behavior and it smells like weakness to them, not good manners. What does it sound like to them? Usually I would guess a Cash Register.
You can usually find these Women with multiple complaints filed through HR for sexual harassment. They've likely filed a retraining order or two in their lives and they love the drama and spotlight to surround them.
I think if you look closely you'll find She's more like the second example than the first.
I'm not saying Lewandowski is an Angel, he's likely just a schmuck who fell in to this drama she creates.
But in the end it's more about Dump Trump and the need for the media spotlight to be shown on, well again; a Broad.

Ahh, the ol' Bitch had it coming defense. And what did this bitch do to deserve it? Was it putting the cell phone near his face? Did she ask Donald a question that he didn't like. Or better yet, was it her history as part of the opposition media? You know, all of those are great reasons to tell the judge.

As for the media spotlight, the only one to blame for that is Donald. He and Lewandowski are the ones who took to Twitter and lied their collective asses off. Trump is also the one that made the event a center piece of several rallies. So, please stop with the media frenzy complaining.

04-02-16, 19:48
She's the only one in the scenario who is not outright lying. He said he never touched her. He did. That's a fact. This woman isn't some unknown skank, she is a known reporter. If she had been grabbed up by the USSS, then yeah, she must've crossed a line. But she wasn't. They didn't feel she was out of line or she'd have been in cuffs.

Let me ask you...if you were in that position, would you have grabbed her and yanked her back like that?

The fact that a police officer independently filed the charges is quite telling. And I can't believe, on this forum especially, that she is dismissed as some bimbo looking for attention when the evidence is FAR closer to aligning with her side of the story.

And this has nothing to do with DJT. He backed his guy initially, that's what he does. Shoot from the hip. Whatever. Corey Lewandowski is responsible for this shit show.

No She isn't "Unknown", but She had more than a few "Situations" in her past.
She's a drama Queen and some of her claims have been a bit "Outlandish". It is bad luck when you have an incident that lands you as a victim even one time in your life in the National Media, but when it happens more than once? You might want to take a close look at how your living, Right?
We preach situational awareness and the 4 S's here all the time. What I am saying is She is either looking for trouble or has an amazing history of "incidents" happening to her that get caught on tape.
Combine this with Lewandowski being a "loose cannon" and the Trump sticking up for his people to a fault, and it is the perfect storm.
No, actually I don't like to touch people for the most part and to be honest I can spot this kind of drama Queen pretty quickly, I cut ties immediately.
What are the odds Corey "Knew" who She was and was keeping her as far from DJT as possible because of it?

Ahh, the ol' Bitch had it coming defense. And what did this bitch do to deserve it? Was is putting the cell phone near his face? Did she ask Donald a question that he didn't like. Or better yet, was it her history as part of the opposition media? You know, all of those are great reasons to tell the judge.

As for the media spotlight, the only one to blame for that is Donald. He and Lewandowski are the ones who took to Twitter and lied their collective asses off. Trump is also the one that made the event a center piece of several rallies. So, please stop with the media frenzy complaining.

Or again She could be one of "Those" Women?
The drama queen type who have a history of taking down famous guys? Famous GOP Guys? Famous GOP guys who She had a working relationship with? The kind who were rather quick to make some claims about being groped and after the limelight faded, well She dropped the charges?
If I were Lewandowski and I knew of her past, I would try and keep her a Country Mile from DJT.
Was it handled badly?
I wouldn't want Lewandowski on my team, but I wouldn't allow her to get within 100 ft of Trump and would never ever under any circumstances let him be alone with her.
If I were Lewandowski I would have people on my pay roll, not on Trumps, people who I would use in such situations to cut off undesirables rather than put any hands on someone.

She's the Chick at work who has made five complaints about someone giving her unwanted attention. You learn to spot it or you learn the hard way.
Just like at work, there is always that "White Knight" there to back her up.

04-02-16, 19:52
This "reporter" is an attention whore and liar. The evidence is not on her side (again), yet that doesn't seem to matter to all the cucks and Lefties.

You guys are living in fantasy land of you expect no contact in crowds. This is just another attempt to sink Trump over made up nonsense, while letting outright treason and felonies slide on his opponents' part.

04-02-16, 20:45
It could have been worse.
You know there is a chick out there talking about Women's Equality, She has pretty much advocated that her Husband should be able to rape whomever he chooses to, all the while advocating for "Equal Pay for Women!"
In reality, that's whom we as Conservatives are facing, someone willing to cover her Husbands abuse of Women to the point of RAPE.
Man guy's She got a bruise and not even where she was touched.
She worked will Allen West and then claimed he sexually assaulted her, pretty much ending any chance that he will ever run for POTUS and ending any career he had in Florida.
She's claimed She was beaten by NYPD Cops with their Batons.
No major News Media will hire her full time, so ask yourselves why?
Better yet, ask Vince Foster, "Hey Vince, rather have that bullet in your head, or have your elbow grabbed?"

04-02-16, 21:08
Hegelian dialectic & polemic paradigm & political / celebrity idolatry we are programmed in below.

Panem et Circenses & bring in more clowns !

Donald Trump - The American Gladiator


04-02-16, 21:19

Watch, listen, think and review the tape.

04-02-16, 21:23
So wait, are we just ignoring the white supremacist link?

04-02-16, 21:33
It could have been worse.
You know there is a chick out there talking about Women's Equality, She has pretty much advocated that her Husband should be able to rape whomever he chooses to, all the while advocating for "Equal Pay for Women!"
In reality, that's whom we as Conservatives are facing, someone willing to cover her Husbands abuse of Women to the point of RAPE.
Man guy's She got a bruise and not even where she was touched.
She worked will Allen West and then claimed he sexually assaulted her, pretty much ending any chance that he will ever run for POTUS and ending any career he had in Florida.
She's claimed She was beaten by NYPD Cops with their Batons.
No major News Media will hire her full time, so ask yourselves why?
Better yet, ask Vince Foster, "Hey Vince, rather have that bullet in your head, or have your elbow grabbed?"

You are aware that she never accused Allan West of anything, right?

That Allan West story came out of the fu<ked up mind of a guy named Charles Johnson. Michelle Fields never made any such accusations and never made any statements about the BS story. Moreover, Johnson has been discredited. However, that won't keep Trump supporters from lying their ass off now, will it?

04-02-16, 21:34
Did you click the link? He, no bullshit, put up a link to a white supremacist web page to support that story.

04-02-16, 21:36
Lets see some anti Hispanic, Anti Woman, Anti Islam, Anti Establishment, Anti Democrat, can we get something to stick?
Keep throwing crap at him and hope some of it will stick.
Oh and the Secret Service warned her twice to back off Trump?

04-02-16, 21:38
Did you click the link? He, no bullshit, put up a link to a white supremacist web page to support that story.
I didn't see the post because several people in this thread are on my ignore list (and have been for a while).

That's interesting.

04-02-16, 21:38
No, bullshit, National Vanguard is a white supremacist website that you cited. Are you not going to address that?

ETA: that was meant for Averageman but I was a little late.

04-02-16, 21:40
You are aware that she never accused Allan West of anything, right?

That Allan West story came out of the fu<ked up mind of a guy named Charles Johnson. Michelle Fields never made any such accusations and never made any statements about the BS story. Moreover, Johnson has been discredited. However, that won't keep Trump supporters from lying their ass off now, will it?

Hmm so what about all of the other drama surrounding her?

04-02-16, 21:42
Hmm so what about all of the other drama surrounding her?


(Maybe I'm on his ignore list?)

04-02-16, 21:45

(Maybe I'm on his ignore list?)

I cited what I found on a simple Google Search.
It wasn't the only source I used, neither was it cited as my only source. I would guess you are against all sources that you claim to be "White Supremacists", so what about the many, many others I used?
Fields has a lot of dram surrounding her. How about this source?

You know the whole Women's rights and Social Justice thing wears thin after a bit.

04-02-16, 21:49
Then that's some pretty shitty due diligence if you're not even checking the sources you're using. Whatever, everything the Trump supporters have brought up has been addressed either by me or more aptly Koshinn and Sensei and I'm pretty sure this one is well on its way to being scrubbed and locked so I give up. You guys are right, the girl lied, the video lied, the witnesses lied and the police lied. Only Trump tells can tell the truth. :rolleyes:

04-02-16, 21:52

Watch, listen, think and review the tape.

I watched until the first lie when he quoted Ben Terris as saying, "He just threw you down." That is a lie. The audio tape and police report prove that Terris said, "He just like threw you out of the way."

You keep posting links to liars and referencing complete bullshit like that West story.

04-02-16, 21:53
Then that's some pretty shitty due diligence if you're not even checking the sources you're using. Whatever, everything the Trump supporters have brought up has been addressed either by me or more aptly Koshinn and Sensei and I'm pretty sure this one is well on its way to being scrubbed and locked so I give up. You guys are right, the girl lied, the video lied, the witnesses lied and the police lied. Only Trump tells can tell the truth. :rolleyes:

You don't get it, haven't read everything I've posted and are agitated.
I'm not a Trump supporter.
You're not being fair, not doing your own due diligence and there you go, you win.
Lets just use only approved candidates from now on.
You take a test and you appeal to the GOP establishment and you are allowed in.

04-02-16, 21:55
I watched until the first lie when he quoted Ben Terris as saying, "He just threw you down." That is a lie. The audio tape and police report prove that Terris said, "He just like threw you out of the way."

You keep posting links to liars and referencing complete bullshit like that West story.

It's not completely clear who the liars are at this point, is it?
Both sides seem anxious to adapt a story to meet their needs.

04-02-16, 21:58
I will step off of this thread.
There, you can have it. Post whatever you like I wont attempt to rebut your story or post anything opposing your views.
As a matter of fact, I will let you make my choice and be my voice in this election.
See how that works?

04-02-16, 22:28
Hmm so what about all of the other drama surrounding her?

Why should I care? The law doesn't. I view cases based on the merits and the available facts.

Besides, Fields is not the drama queen in this affair - that title belongs to the guy with 2 ex-wives and the fu<cked up combover.

04-03-16, 02:07
Wow five pages . . .

04-03-16, 08:12
Lets see some anti Hispanic, Anti Woman, Anti Islam, Anti Establishment, Anti Democrat, can we get something to stick?
Keep throwing crap at him and hope some of it will stick.
[/b]Oh and the Secret Service warned her twice to back off Trump?[/B]

Is that the case? Cite?

04-03-16, 09:34
Is that the case? Cite?

I'd be very surprised if he can. I've tried to verify that claim and everything on the errornet leads back to the Trump Campaign. I can't find a single independent source and the USSS has given no official statement on the matter (from what I can tell).

04-13-16, 20:46
Not surprising, the State Atty will not press charges.

04-14-16, 05:49

04-14-16, 06:56
On the other hand, I am sure the #nevertrump reporterette and her blogger click will keep after it.

04-14-16, 18:36
Not surprising. This whole thing was retarded from the get go.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

04-14-16, 18:57
Apparently, Trump had unreleased video proving it a lie. If nothing else, Trump isn't your usual GOP patsy dumbass.

Outlander Systems
04-14-16, 19:25

04-15-16, 01:56
Apparently, Trump had unreleased video proving it a lie. If nothing else, Trump isn't your usual GOP patsy dumbass.

Oh god, I don't know why I'm doing this but, proving what was a lie? Does it prove that it, "never happened" or that the guy, "never touched her"?

04-15-16, 10:22
Have you seen a photo of Michelle Fields?

I'd grab her!


04-15-16, 10:45
Have you seen a photo of Michelle Fields?

I'd grab her!



04-15-16, 15:39

Ah hah, I see you are a child of the 80's as well.

04-15-16, 16:11
Ah hah, I see you are a child of the 80's as well.

I started my illustrious career back in the early 70's but I took my time growing up. [emoji41]

04-15-16, 20:14
charges were a joke, this isnt battery. Oh guess who the prosecutor was? A Hillary supporter

Cruz sickens me more with his guilty until proven innocent tone on this matter. Isnt he a lawyer? The cornerstone is innocent until proven guilty.


04-16-16, 01:19
I started my illustrious career back in the early 70's but I took my time growing up. [emoji41]

I hear ya, I was around in the 70's but don't remember much.