View Full Version : N.Korea Threats

04-01-16, 20:44
I was wondering if kim jong-un should be taken a lot more serious with all the sh!t he's pondering and his threats of nuclear attacks? I know we've had a laid back attitude towards N. Korea but I think this guy needs to be stopped ASAP before something bad happens. I mean what do you guys think about N. Korea's threats and proof of WMD'S?

04-01-16, 20:55
The second they use it. They gonna DIE.
But as long as they threaten people they get UN gibs.

See...I'm pretty sure that while Japan officially has no nukes....one or two or twenty might magically appear in their arsenal overnight.

Just say'n

04-01-16, 20:58
I think the little fatass should jump if he feels froggy.

04-01-16, 21:23
They don't require too much attention, but we need to be ready to squash them if needed.
All of the chest puffing is just that. They know what situation they are in, and are desperate as a profession.

Outlander Systems
04-01-16, 21:33
NORK propaganda is intended for their internal populace.

04-01-16, 22:28
I'm thinking before South Korea, Japan or the United States would have to get in on it, the Chinese will just make him disappear one night and proclaim the next "King or North Korea." after all, they have a lot to lose in the deal too.
I seem to remember a train from China bringing in food to North Korea. Apparently this dummy didn't want to give the train back after they unloaded it. Yeah, I'm thinking somewhere sometime this guy is going to piss off the guys to the North one last time.

04-01-16, 23:05
Even China Has had it with their shit, even if they do decide to invade/bomb the south I don't see much intervention from the Chinese, they're the only reason the North still exist, and I'm betting they'll be the reason one day when they don't.

04-01-16, 23:31
Well we are currently at Defcon 3.


There are currently no imminent nuclear threats against the United States at this time, however the situation is considered fluid and can change rapidly.

The United States generally believes North Korea to have miniaturised a nuclear warhead. North Korea has also appeared to have successful tested a solid-rocket engine as well as a re-entry vehicle.

North Korea has restarted its plant which some believe is to make tritium for hydrogen weapons and has ordered more detonation tests. Amid growing tensions, the United States is sending bombers to Korea, while Japan is to station ground based missile interceptors in Tokyo to protect against possible North Korean attack.

Troop movements have been noted around the DMZ between North and South Korea. In addition, each side has engaged in tit-for-tat aggressions that have left the area paralyzed with fear that combat can break out at any time.

It should be noted that neither North nor South Korea have set themselves up for an offensive attack. There continue to be no signs of either side preparing to launch hostilities. If combat breaks out, it will be because one side has interpreted the other side having started the conflict. Because of the extreme tensions in the region, we remain at a heightened alert level for the time being.

Meanwhile, China continues its takeover of the South China Sea, stationing fully armed fighters as well as planning civillian flights to the islands. In response, the U.S. is sending additional ships to the sea in a show of force. The United States has made and agreement with the Philippines to station troops in the area to counter China.

04-01-16, 23:36
Defcon 3 eh?

It's like the 80s without the awesomeness

04-02-16, 00:18
what they need to do is wait for one of those huge military shows to be happening where fat boy is there watching and all the other wimps who wont take him out then do a massive bombing of the whole area !

then let South Korea be whole again and explain to all the people this has been a lie and give them the freedom they deserve ? might take a generation to get into the swing of things but it should happen

04-02-16, 00:22
Defcon 3 eh?

It's like the 80s without the awesomeness


04-02-16, 00:42
The US should take care of N Korea one on one. Our lack of strong and capable leadership only contributes to the severe problems we face today. N Korea knows our Commander in Chief is shy from confrontation.
The US should view any hostile threat from N Korea as an unprovoked threat of nuclear war and an act of war. Regardless if our intelligence community views those threats as "all talk" or "aggressive". The US should have turn the lights out and cut all communication in that country a long time ago. As well as render any government establishment/military establishment and technological asset completely useless and inoperable. Making N Korea unable to wage war.

04-02-16, 00:46
Defcon 3 eh?

It's like the 80s without the awesomeness

You'd be surprised if you knew how often it happens. It's usually whenever North Korea is talking shit.

04-02-16, 03:25
I just don't understand why we give a rat's arse about anything they do to begin with really.

04-02-16, 11:19
You'd be surprised if you knew how often it happens. It's usually whenever North Korea is talking shit.

So then in that case... as usual our gov. is talking out of both sides of it's mouth?
One the one hand they say "It's all posturing and bluster", yet we're at Defcon 3....
So then there IS some truth to NK's capabilities...

04-02-16, 12:03
I just wish that the POTUS would get on TV, and tell that little fat **** to put up or shutup.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

04-02-16, 14:39
He's too busy trying to give all of the Cuban Government every apology he can come up with for how wrong we are...

04-02-16, 15:13
So then in that case... as usual our gov. is talking out of both sides of it's mouth?
One the one hand they say "It's all posturing and bluster", yet we're at Defcon 3....
So then there IS some truth to NK's capabilities...

I imagine it's like that crazy neighbor who is a shut in and thinks the government is coming after him but wouldn't kill a spider. And you see him one day roaming his yard with a loaded rifle. Harmless, paranoid dude - but he's carrying a loaded gun.

Might make you get a little jumpy even though you're sure he isn't gong to hurt anyone.

04-02-16, 15:52
I actually have faith in the Chinese I this one. They aren't going to let them do anything stupid in their back yard.

Kim just talks shit to get Money and goods. They are a model welfare state.

04-02-16, 15:56
So then in that case... as usual our gov. is talking out of both sides of it's mouth?
One the one hand they say "It's all posturing and bluster", yet we're at Defcon 3....
So then there IS some truth to NK's capabilities...

It's not so much people think North Korea is going to nuke Seattle, but you don't have to throw a low yield weapon very far to his South Korea, and if Crazy Kid actually did that it would be on. We'd have to back up South Korea and China would definitely back up North Korea and THAT is where the true threat to the United States starts.

Additionally moving to D3 puts everyone on notice that Crazy Kid is talking shit again and they should stand by and it also sends a message to Crazy Kid that "yeah we see your shit" and it also sends a message to countries like China to go get their kid out of the food court again.

Right now Korea is one of the likely flashpoints for shit to start. Used to be Berlin.

We also must consider the actual threat.

Russia was a threat because they had a huge nuclear and military capability.

North Korea is a threat because it all hinges on the motivations of ONE PERSON and their isn't anyone who is going to talk him back from the ledge.

04-02-16, 16:22
There's nothing definite about China backing up North Korea. Nobody likes the Norks - the Chinese have joined UN sanctions against them and they have, in turn, called China a "detestable enemy" and called for their annihilation by a "nuclear storm".

Link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3518620/North-Korea-labels-CHINA-detested-enemy-threatens-respond-force-nuclear-storm-Beijing-supports-efforts-prevent-Kim-Jong-obtaining-nukes.html).

The event of a war against North Korea will inevitably lead to the PLA being mobilized... but they'd be stationed along the Yalu River to keep North Korean refugees from crossing into China.

04-02-16, 19:50
N Korea has been at war with the Sea of Japan for many years now. I don't know how many missiles they have launched into the ocean but they are challenging not just the US but all of NATO by there belligerence. I'm not worried about going to war with N Korea. It would be over faster than Desert Storm, amidst all the chaos, millions of N Koreans would flock to S Korea and China including many military personnel leaving a very weak and vulnerable N Korea. My fear is that China will want to mediate between Nato and N Korea-(NATO meaning the US, S Korea and Japan). If that happened and depending who is in Office, could cause big problems. I'm Trump was in office, he would leverage the trade between China and US, which would force China to choose a side. They would most likely choose the US for fear of a massive trade embargo or choose N Korea because after all, for many years China has had major political and military influence in N Korea. And keeping communism alive and well in that region would be the best interest for China.

This is how WW1 started, by forcing people to pick a side.

04-02-16, 20:04
Believe it or not:
There's some white dude named Dresnok who is like 70something who defected to NK in the 50s and enjoys living there

04-02-16, 20:05
I'm going to agree with Elephant here.
I would get a hold of my Ambassador and fly the Secretary of State to China and sit down at the table with them. I would ask them straight up "What does it take to stabilize North Korea?" I would explain the potential problems if the issue escalated and explain that we would rather have a best case for the US and China rather than play this game every four or five years.
China has a really weird history of getting in on the game when wars start to get too close to their borders, like the Korean War and the War with Viet Nam and China after we left Viet Nam. I wouldn't want a repeat of that.
The real pressure is on China to continue to prop the North Koreans up, offering them an out and support and seeing how it plays out might be smart.
Dont force them to pick a side, offer them an allies.

04-02-16, 20:25
Believe it or not:
There's some white dude named Dresnok who is like 70something who defected to NK in the 50s and enjoys living there

Given that he had an unstable home life, spent time in a foster home joined the military at 17, found out his wife left him for another guy and was facing an imminent court martial for being awol and forging documents, I can see why North Korea wouldn't look like a horrible alternative.

Sounds like the guy was a walking f up. The fact that he ran across a minefield in broad daylight to reach North Korea shows he didn't seem to have much left to lose.

04-02-16, 20:30
True. But he's living off Kim Jong Un rent free.

99% of me thinks dude is traitoring scum but 1% of me thinks welfare leeching off North Korea is pretty amusing

04-02-16, 20:33
Given that he had an unstable home life, spent time in a foster home joined the military at 17, found out his wife left him for another guy and was facing an imminent court martial for being awol and forging documents, I can see why North Korea wouldn't look like a horrible alternative.

Sounds like the guy was a walking f up. The fact that he ran across a minefield in broad daylight to reach North Korea shows he didn't seem to have much left to lose.

That's a train wreck.

04-02-16, 20:57
I'm going to agree with Elephant here.
I would get a hold of my Ambassador and fly the Secretary of State to China and sit down at the table with them. I would ask them straight up "What does it take to stabilize North Korea?" I would explain the potential problems if the issue escalated and explain that we would rather have a best case for the US and China rather than play this game every four or five years.
China has a really weird history of getting in on the game when wars start to get too close to their borders, like the Korean War and the War with Viet Nam and China after we left Viet Nam. I wouldn't want a repeat of that.
The real pressure is on China to continue to prop the North Koreans up, offering them an out and support and seeing how it plays out might be smart.
Dont force them to pick a side, offer them an allies.
I couldn't agree more. We're kidding ourselves thinking we can do it better. Initially, no doubt. We own that court. 30 days in, then what?

Rah rah and all that..... Easy to forget we're all in this together.

Even if dickhead kim torches a bomb on his home turf.....what a disaster. People dead, for less than nothing.

04-02-16, 21:11
forgot where I watched a documentary on North Korea and China and Japan/South Korea

that the Chinese loved having North Korea there as a buffer
something about keeping a few defecting North Koreans out was much better than Having Chinese have such close relations with way more advanced countries in a democratic sense like South Korea and of course the long history with Japan and if North Korea went down the whole more forward thinking or plain old better living conditions that is South Korea and Japan would be to close to the crappy areas of China ?

was a interesting show and made a lot of sense about keeping that buffer zone they want

04-02-16, 23:29
True. But he's living off Kim Jong Un rent free.

99% of me thinks dude is traitoring scum but 1% of me thinks welfare leeching off North Korea is pretty amusing

Well if you think being "asked" to play evil Americans in propaganda films, and roughing up fellow defectors during interrogations and of course teaching english to Norks for a living "rent free" then sure.

But you can go to Japan, teach english, and live in a much nicer apartment. While it's true he lives better than the average North Korean, that isn't really saying a lot. Hopefully when he has outlived his usefulness his "universal health care" will have expired and he'll simple be parked in a dark corner of the room.

04-03-16, 00:58
Well if you're going to Hell, may as well go all the way.

I personally think dude is a total crapcake with nut sprinkles but he's old now so it doesn't matter what happens to him. Hell I know plenty of blokes what never saw past 65 and homeslice up in North Korea is like almost 80.

And he's fat. There are North Koreans that have had to resort to long porking a kid or elder family member to survive during famine and his ass was kept up in food so in a twisted way he's playing the EBT game in NK.

As for teaching in Japan, I know a guy who tried that years and years ago. He was into anime like really unhealthy wise. I don't mean a gore and tit flick once in a while or something genuinely interesting or amusing. I mean he thought it was Heaven on earth. Like it was gonna be a real life perv anime.

WRONG. He was miserable and bullied like mad hardcore. People that knew English wouldn't help him. All the Japanese girls were into brothers or military (and he was pasty and prematurely balding). Everything was expensive. Food was bad. Etc. He made the fatal error of S2ing a nation based on its porn and cartoons.

He finally gave up and came back, fully disabused of his delusions. Dunno where he at now

There's too much America I'd rather spend my time in. If you wanna get your geek freak on, there are always Cons filled with drunk white and more and more black chicks dressed up like some slut cartoon character.

Besides...I'm not into Asian birds. No offense to anyone but they just never did it for me.

If I were gonna BS for a year in Not America.....it would be in Jamaica or Fiji. Get in that whirlybird and find some place where we spend what time we got left getting juiced up and soaking up some sunshine.

And before anyone asks....Sheeet, I'd be doing that even if all this weren't going on.

04-03-16, 02:56
North Korea Lashes Out at China, Threatens a ‘Nuclear Storm’

“All Party members and workers must join in soundly crushing China’s pressuring schemes with the force of a nuclear storm for its betrayal of socialism.”


04-03-16, 03:08
The top echelon in NK may become tired of being anti aircraft gun targets and kill their leader themselves. The big idiot has just about reached the point of being too much trouble for too many too long.

04-03-16, 03:29
The top echelon in NK may become tired of being anti aircraft gun targets and kill their leader themselves. The big idiot has just about reached the point of being too much trouble for too many too long.

You would think that the NORKs would have smoked that entire family decades ago and ushered in the 21st Century by unconditionally surrendering to S Korea. At least then they wouldn't starve.

04-03-16, 03:49
I'm not too up to date on the crisis going on in N Korea. Is anyone from the US or NATO currently involved in some form of communication with any high rank personnel in N Korea? Kim Jong has to know that his odds against US or any NATO led collation is suicide.
There literally has to be a reason for all of this belligerence coming from N Korea. Personally, I think I could be 1 of 3 scenarios.

1. N Korea is being influenced by China to make these bold nuclear threats and aggressive actions over the last 10 years. China secretly wants to see how the US and NATO will respond without having any direct involvement because of the massive trade between China and US. We focus our attention to N Korea, then China can observe how the US, NATO and in particular, S Korea will react. The US and S Korea perform military exercises in the Yellow Sea, which gives China the reason to build up there entry level blue water navy and conduct studies on US led war games and military exercises. Possibly even monitor our strengths and weaknesses for a possible future pacific war. This would allow China to build there Navy accordingly as well as ship design and naval procedures.

2. N Korea make daily threats and promises of nuclear war, in return, you get a huge US led collation of warships in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan conducting military exercises. The large number of warships in the general south pacific geographical area disrupts major shipping routs, which gives China a reason have a bigger presence and to build artificial islands in the South China Sea and claim the reason is navigational rights. -Why? Those islands mean one thing, Control! Essentially, China will be in the middle of Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand, which is where over 50% of all goods are produced, manufactured and shipped. China claims these waters are there's because they discovered these underwater structures sometime in the 20th century, the knew the Philippines would protest and they knew the UN had no official stance on underwater structures or the use there of. China could effectively control logistics in that region forcing more nations to rely on China. China could build a orient version of NATO or League of Nations and have a few nations keep that area basically off limits to the US and NATO.- That would be a bad move though!

3. Kim Jong Un is in fact just really fvcking stupid and making these threats to impress his starving people. His aggression and talking down to a country like the US would symbolize strength and courage which would result in greater national support. This would translate into high moral, greater support, rejuvenating of the N Korean spirit and pride. But none of that puts food on the table which is what his people want more than a courageous and suicidal leader. Most likely Kim is getting his advice and daily briefings from the residue from his fathers days as supreme leader. And there job is to remind him everyday of how N Korea is a global powerhouse, the mightiest industrial nation, the most capable and willing military the world has ever seen, the highest academic levels, and that all the people in N Korea are the happiest people on earth according to the newest global poll.

04-03-16, 04:05
All I know is we are due a Team America Part Part Deux with this Jong . . .

04-03-16, 07:34
I just don't understand why we give a rat's arse about anything they do to begin with really.

I read earlier somewhere, that they supposedly have MANY arty pieces in range of and aimed at Seoul. So, it could be bad for them and the several thousand military personnel we have there. At least initially.

I can't find the link now, of course, so take that fwiw.

04-03-16, 15:05
I was talking to a guy who recently returned from South Korea. He explained to me during certain high stress/high threat times they pretty much reduce the military footprint that is noticeable and standby waiting for something to break.
I would say that if approached in a manner that was non threatening the Chinese would be the key to taking this knucklehead out. I would guess the because it all, always comes down to money, as soon he is a liability in that department he's going to be toast.
I'm surprised that the Family has maintained power this long. They done some pretty underhanded stuff to the Chinese.

04-03-16, 15:15
Number 3 above is pretty much the case with this bozo. Pretty standard fare for 3rd world dictators.

04-03-16, 15:24
I read earlier somewhere, that they supposedly have MANY arty pieces in range of and aimed at Seoul. So, it could be bad for them and the several thousand military personnel we have there. At least initially.

I can't find the link now, of course, so take that fwiw.

I get that, I really do, have read of the same as well as secret underground tunnel warfare and all sorts of other stuff. I apologize for not elaborating further to begin with.

Outside of an initial 'surprise' attack, North Korea has nothing. They cannot sustain an attack, they can only 'Shock and Awe'.

They know it, we know it, you'd have to be retarded to not know it and we've (the US and South Korea) been watching them and preparing for them for over half a century, so I don't see any big surprise attacks coming. It's why they want and need Nukes so badly.

Even if they get nukes, the second one goes off outside their territory, they are done and they know this.

So, while I am completely against anyone 'taking one for the team' (like Seoul getting it first before the hammer drops), I also understand the(ir) game all too well and therefore don't care anymore, and have no idea why anyone else would either.

26 Inf
04-03-16, 18:15
I read earlier somewhere, that they supposedly have MANY arty pieces in range of and aimed at Seoul. So, it could be bad for them and the several thousand military personnel we have there. At least initially.

I can't find the link now, of course, so take that fwiw.

“North Korea remains reliant on a predominantly obsolescent equipment inventory across all three services,” is the verdict of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The fact that North Korea is outclassed in almost every field of conventional warfare means that its threats against the South are almost always expressed in terms of “sending down a rain of fire” or some such Pyongyang-like language. It has been assumed for decades that a war would be triggered by a pre-emptive attack using the North’s large arsenal of missiles, notably a variant of the old Soviet Scud, on the South’s cities and civilian population.

The army has 21,000 artillery pieces, many of which are believed to be targeted on the South Korean capital, Seoul.

South Korea’s much smaller armed forces, by contrast, benefit from some of the best American-supplied weapons and equipment, including more than 2,000 tanks and hundreds of F5, F15 and F16 fighter jets and fighter bombers.

More importantly, it nestles under the US security umbrella, and there are 28,500 American troops permanently based in the South.

Its army moreover is better-fed - a factor which while reminiscent of a previous era to European armies remains significant in North Korea, where defectors often talk of the debilitating experience of hunger during their own military service.

This imbalance also helps to explain why the North Korean regime has gone to such lengths to build a nuclear arsenal. Only by possessing the ultimate weapon can North Korea’s rulers seize an advantage over the South and insure themselves against military defeat.


Found the 21,00 reference.

04-03-16, 18:51
“North Korea remains reliant on a predominantly obsolescent equipment inventory across all three services,” is the verdict of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The fact that North Korea is outclassed in almost every field of conventional warfare means that its threats against the South are almost always expressed in terms of “sending down a rain of fire” or some such Pyongyang-like language. It has been assumed for decades that a war would be triggered by a pre-emptive attack using the North’s large arsenal of missiles, notably a variant of the old Soviet Scud, on the South’s cities and civilian population.

The army has 21,000 artillery pieces, many of which are believed to be targeted on the South Korean capital, Seoul.

Left out the legion of sleeper agents trained and ready to take out infrastructure.

Or worse, use a suitcase nuke.

Don't know if it's a real threat, but the Army apparently still assumes it is in its scenarios.

Yep, the West could wipe out NORK, but even now it's thought it could be a very high price for S Korea.

04-03-16, 19:07

04-03-16, 19:13
Put another way: imagine if just 2-3 battalions (3x6 tubes?) Fired for 15 minutes before anti battery fire took them out. Even with only a 27 mile range and the center of Seoul is 35 miles away, it'd be a bad day on the fringes of the city and make 9/11 pale in comparison. As if if they just landed in New Jersey across the river rather than NYC.

And with rocket boosted, the densest part of the city is in range.

But he really has thousands dug in near the border. And even with incompetence and misfires, many will hit and explode.

So it's a real threat, even if as a prelude to suicide

I'm not an artillery (or even military) expert, but the active duty guys I know are not as dismissive of the risk.

04-03-16, 22:39
“North Korea remains reliant on a predominantly obsolescent equipment inventory across all three services,” is the verdict of the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The fact that North Korea is outclassed in almost every field of conventional warfare means that its threats against the South are almost always expressed in terms of “sending down a rain of fire” or some such Pyongyang-like language. It has been assumed for decades that a war would be triggered by a pre-emptive attack using the North’s large arsenal of missiles, notably a variant of the old Soviet Scud, on the South’s cities and civilian population.

The army has 21,000 artillery pieces, many of which are believed to be targeted on the South Korean capital, Seoul.

South Korea’s much smaller armed forces, by contrast, benefit from some of the best American-supplied weapons and equipment, including more than 2,000 tanks and hundreds of F5, F15 and F16 fighter jets and fighter bombers.

More importantly, it nestles under the US security umbrella, and there are 28,500 American troops permanently based in the South.

Its army moreover is better-fed - a factor which while reminiscent of a previous era to European armies remains significant in North Korea, where defectors often talk of the debilitating experience of hunger during their own military service.

This imbalance also helps to explain why the North Korean regime has gone to such lengths to build a nuclear arsenal. Only by possessing the ultimate weapon can North Korea’s rulers seize an advantage over the South and insure themselves against military defeat.


Found the 21,00 reference.

Yeah I believe that's it. It would be a bad deal, especially considering the artillery barrage but NoKo would undoubtedly be screwed.

04-03-16, 23:21
Left out the legion of sleeper agents trained and ready to take out infrastructure.

Or worse, use a suitcase nuke.

Don't know if it's a real threat, but the Army apparently still assumes it is in its scenarios.

Yep, the West could wipe out NORK, but even now it's thought it could be a very high price for S Korea.

Just like Berlin in the Cold War with the USSR, there is no way South Korea gets out of that conflict unscathed if that area goes hot.

04-03-16, 23:47
Welp. I'm honestly thankful I live nowhere near there.

04-04-16, 01:08
Welp. I'm honestly thankful I live nowhere near there.

Personally I think Crazy Kid is crazy, but not stupid. Any serious action on his part would be met with serious repercussions and it won't just be Obama with sanctions, it will be South Korea going full tilt.

Crazy Kid is probably just maintaining his street cred to secure his position. He wants to run the house of cards as long as he is alive. Currently he doesn't have a son, so he may not be terribly concerned about the country once he is gone.

04-04-16, 02:07
“North Korea remains reliant on a predominantly obsolescent equipment inventory across all three services,”.

The Taliban, Al Qaida and ISIS are all using predominantly obsolescent equipment. Just because its old and obsolete doesn't make it ineffective and unusable. The Soviets designed and built just about everything with a "wooden round" type of mentality. The Soviets were quite proficient at designing weapon systems that were long term maintenance free and could be stored for many years and work right out of the box. China followed there lead and build most of there weapon systems in the style of Soviet weapons. We are talking about missile defense systems, missile systems, radar systems, anti aircraft systems, radar jamming equipment.

Now, if there is a war and the US decides to use the M1 Abrams tank, that's a ground war N Korea will not win. Nothing Russia or China has produced or is currently producing will last 1 minute with a US tank.

If there is an air war then game over! I don't need to get into all the details but I assure you, the US has the most sophisticated aircraft in the world. And more importantly the most advanced missiles and threat detecting and targeting acquisition systems. Besides that, we can drop AGM-154's and AGM-130's without even flying into N Korean airspace. A MIG-21 against a F-15 strike eagle just aint going to happen. It just isn't. As well as a TU-22 is not going to go head to head with a F-22.

Also, the N Korean military does not have a "kit" or "load out", nor do they watch international news to know what kind of military the US has. The first time they get a good look at a US Marine wearing a plate carrier, helmet, headset and strapped with mags across his chest while carrying an M4, just that will set fear into there military. N Koreans don't have body armor, "extra magazines" or even a canteen for that matter. They don't look like a modern day military, there soldiers look like something straight out of Stalingrad. Pitiful! Also, they have upwards of half million female soldiers, I don't know how our "leaders" would feel about sending a bunch of young men over there.

04-04-16, 03:12
Before 9/11 there were seven nations on Earth (considered of some importance) that didn't have a central bank in the control of the Rothschild banking cabal. After 9/11 Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, and Libya all established Rothschild controlled central banks. Cuba finally caved when they "re-established relations with the US".

Two nations hold out . . . North Korea and Iran.

We will see wars in the very near future with these two.

04-04-16, 12:00
All I know is that if he went to a normal school and didn't have the Nork Army, Kim Jong Un would get beaten up everyday in school

04-04-16, 12:41
All I know is that if he went to a normal school and didn't have the Nork Army, Kim Jong Un would get beaten up everyday in school

He would be the King of the Atomic Wedgie.

04-04-16, 14:11
Before 9/11 there were seven nations on Earth (considered of some importance) that didn't have a central bank in the control of the Rothschild banking cabal. After 9/11 Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, and Libya all established Rothschild controlled central banks. Cuba finally caved when they "re-established relations with the US".

Two nations hold out . . . North Korea and Iran.

We will see wars in the very near future with these two.

Seriously, you think the lucrative financial opportunities in Afghanistan, Sudan and Libya are worth fighting wars over? What does Afghanistan sell...? Rocks...? I think their major product is Opium and that makes them something like Mexico.

Big A
04-04-16, 14:20
Seriously, you think the lucrative financial opportunities in Afghanistan, Sudan and Libya are worth fighting wars over? What does Afghanistan sell...? Rocks...? I think their major product is Opium and that makes them something like Mexico.

Actually, Yes: http://www.livescience.com/47682-rare-earth-minerals-found-under-afghanistan.html

They also had a large reserve of gold that U.S. forces miraculously recovered and spirited away to a safe place before the Taliban could get their hands on it...

04-04-16, 15:35
Actually, Yes: http://www.livescience.com/47682-rare-earth-minerals-found-under-afghanistan.html

They also had a large reserve of gold that U.S. forces miraculously recovered and spirited away to a safe place before the Taliban could get their hands on it...

Well it would be nice if we 100% took all of that shit that we paid for in blood.

Problem is that article is from 2014 and they were speculating about what is there and now much. And I don't think we managed to take much of that $1 Trillion dollars worth of minerals while we were ramping down in 2015 and I don't see us going back to get it.

Glad we took the gold reserve, we paid for it in blood. And I don't think we are going to send a bunch of troops back in to grab all that mineral wealth.

04-04-16, 17:48
Well it would be nice if we 100% took all of that shit that we paid for in blood.

Problem is that article is from 2014 and they were speculating about what is there and now much. And I don't think we managed to take much of that $1 Trillion dollars worth of minerals while we were ramping down in 2015 and I don't see us going back to get it.

Glad we took the gold reserve, we paid for it in blood. And I don't think we are going to send a bunch of troops back in to grab all that mineral wealth.

Too late on the minerals, China beat us to the punch.

04-04-16, 18:58
Well it would be nice if we 100% took all of that shit that we paid for in blood.

Problem is that article is from 2014 and they were speculating about what is there and now much. And I don't think we managed to take much of that $1 Trillion dollars worth of minerals while we were ramping down in 2015 and I don't see us going back to get it.

Glad we took the gold reserve, we paid for it in blood. And I don't think we are going to send a bunch of troops back in to grab all that mineral wealth.

While I agree 100% with the concept of the spoils of war... that aint what the US shed trillions of $$ and blood for.

04-04-16, 20:24
Too late on the minerals, China beat us to the punch.

Yup. Most of whatever mineral wealth there is in Afghanistan and Iraq has been bought and paid for by the Red Chinese.

04-04-16, 21:50
While I agree 100% with the concept of the spoils of war... that aint what the US shed trillions of $$ and blood for.

I know. But since we didn't actually "**** over the enemy so badly their great grandchildren will still fear us", I'll take a consolation prize. But looks like we won't even be getting that.

04-05-16, 01:36
Seriously, you think the lucrative financial opportunities in Afghanistan, Sudan and Libya are worth fighting wars over?

Pipelines. The land is needed for pipelines.

What does Afghanistan sell...? Rocks...? I think their major product is Opium and that makes them something like Mexico.

$5,000,000,000 in opium is nothing to sneer at, ever wonder why we have a heroin/opiates epidemic.

04-05-16, 01:41
They also had a large reserve of gold that U.S. forces miraculously recovered and spirited away to a safe place before the Taliban could get their hands on it...

And just where exactly did the bullion end up?

Anyone remember a little blurb a few years back about gold plated tungsten bars being discovered at the Federal Reserve of NY gold repository . . . more than a few nations scrambled to retrieve their gold reserves from our "Federal Reserve" aka central banks.

04-05-16, 03:16
more than a few nations scrambled to retrieve their gold reserves from our "Federal Reserve" aka central banks.

That was dumb on there part, considering our Federal Reserve bank pays 6% dividend to the majority stock holders. To put that in perspective, the Federal Reserve brought in over $90 Billion in 2015. There is only $1.4 Trillion total in circulation.

But back to the point: Afghanistan is geographically ideal for the US. Most important asset is LAND and lots of it. A natural gas pipe line from Russia to Europe with the US collecting a small fee for each cubic foot of natural gas going through would be a money making machine. Also, minerals like gold, uranium, copper, lithium, cobalt and iron are waiting to be mined, almost $2 trillion worth in raw form, estimates show about $6-9 trillion street value. Its not like a gold mine, it is a gold mine, a gold mine with a lot of Taliban that need to be dealt with first. Most importantly, Russian is not going to allow the US to stand between them and Europe and control or make money off of anything.

Big A
04-05-16, 06:21
And just where exactly did the bullion end up?

Anyone remember a little blurb a few years back about gold plated tungsten bars being discovered at the Federal Reserve of NY gold repository . . . more than a few nations scrambled to retrieve their gold reserves from our "Federal Reserve" aka central banks.
I'll take Wherever the IMF decided to hide it for one thousand Moose.

And do you recall that after the tungsten was discovered Germany asked for permission to audit their gold reserves held there and the Federal Reserve told them "No."?