View Full Version : Verizon FIOS and Frontier welcome me back to Texas

04-05-16, 20:49
My experience in this forum is that the majority of individuals here place an emphasis on CS and quality, so although this is in no way firearms related, I thought it may strike some folks as interesting and provide a cautionary tale.

A brief backstory, so this will have context. I have been away from my home state of Texas for 17 years, and as of March 23rd I have relocated back to Texas. I'm here to open a 175 suite 4 star hotel, so CS is something I am intimately familiar with. I'm a firm believer in the 5 Ps, so we planned and executed our relocation with the type of precision the military dreams about. In the planning stages I signed up for Verizon FIOS, and had it scheduled the day after we arrived (the 24th). At that time they failed to inform me that they had sold the service to Frontier. When our installer arrived, he informed us of this, and stated it was the reason he could provide the phone number but was unable to activate the actual phone (I was at work and my wife was confused so she allowed the installer to depart without the phone being activated). Once I arrived home I discovered this oversight, along with the fact that the internet was no where near the speed I signed up for 150/150gbs fiber, and I was getting 90/10gbs (still am). We placed a call and a technician was promised for Saturday between 8-12. No one arrived, so we called on Saturday and received a new promise of 8-12 monday. Again no one arrived, so we called, and the automated system would not let us in, it would state that we were migrated to Frontier, call them, so we did.

Frontier could not, and still cannot find our account. Today I received an invoice from Verizon. Keep in mind the service was partially installed on the 24th, and today is the 5th - 12 days total, and I received the bill for $266.72 (see dropbox link - yes I know it contains personal info but nothing that cannot be obtained in many other ways).


The audacity floored me, so I tried to contact Verizon, and was again thwarted by the automated guard dog, so I lied and stated I lived in Tennessee (sorry Tennessee folk I meant no harm). Here is a copy of the chat log...nothing omitted


Please note that while I used caps, I refrained from any personal attacks, profanity, or degrading remarks....afterall they are merely worker bees and not policy makers.

I was on the phone with Frontier during the chat, until they hung up on me, then I started a chat for the sake of a record. Here is that log.


I consider myself both patient, and empathetic for the most part, but I expect to be treated with respect, to get what I pay for, and I expect people to be accountable for what they say and do (I'm funny that way). I was never informed that my account was being sold, and this failure to even attempt to assist appalls me, but I'll let you all judge me here, am I being either unreasonable or unrealistic in my expectations?

04-05-16, 22:11
I was a in house vehicle/equipment mechanic for Verizon here in Texas about 6 years back. I didn't deal with the public but a handful of times. Everytime I did it was because I was at lunch and they saw my logo'ed shirt/jacket.

Needless to say, they weren't happy. I would let people go on their rants then let them know I worked on the vehicles/equipment and knew nothing about phones/TV. I took phone numbers a couple times and passed them onto the installer managers when I returned to the yard.

Back then, rumor had it that Verizon wanted to go completely away from dealing with copper and use fiber exclusively. It had something to do with Verizon having to allow other phone companies to use Verizon copper while Verizon had to maintain the lines. But Verizon didn't have to share the fiber.

They sold off some "territory" to Frontier up north while I was still there. I seem to remember hearing about lots of mad customers because the hand off of service was horrible.

My current employer uses Verizon and we came into "Your computers may suck today because Frontier can't figure out our account."

So, you're not alone or the first one.

04-06-16, 03:50
Received a letter and an e-mail regarding the change from Verizon to Frontier about a week ago. My first inclination is to cancel the service.

If Frontier takes over the Wireless service (cell phone), then I will drop both accounts at the same time. It's interesting that nothing explicitly stated in the letter regarding the cable business being sold, but that is what I figured.

As told one of Verizon's cable representatives a while back, "I can learn to live without cable".

Sometimes change is not a good thing.

04-06-16, 03:56

No you aren't being unreasonable. It's amazing...they can't find record of your account, until it's time to send the damned bill.

Yeah right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-09-16, 17:05
Update - day 18, now all services are down, and have been for 48 hours. No TV, no phone, no internet. Tech support did arrive today, but they have now been sitting in their van for 3.5 hours on hold (with their own tech support I might add) and they are saying the system in our apartment complex is still not accessible to them. They apparently have no solution or eta. I sent an email to the ceo of Verizon and have yet to receive a response.

I'm beginning to wonder how companies with this much incompetence stay in business.