View Full Version : Man filess bankruptcy, mad at Sanders

04-07-16, 12:35
It sucks the man lost a step daughter, but his attempt to blame the wrong party doing legal business, Const protected no less, is fail. Now he's mad at Bernie. BRB, suing Ford for guy running over my dog driving a Ford....

Aurora victim's stepfather blasts Sanders over gun views

Lonnie Phillips is filing for bankruptcy because he owes $203,000 to the company that sold his stepdaughter’s killer 4,000 rounds of ammunition over the Internet.

A federal judge threw out his lawsuit against Lucky Gunner, and now the Phillips family must pay its legal fees under Colorado law.

As the Democratic primary race turns to New York, where the gun issue looms large, Hillary Clinton will seize upon their story and those like it. The Phillips’ daughter, Jessica Ghawi, died in the 2012 mass shooting at a movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo.

Lucky Gunner was shielded from prosecution under a 2005 law that grants gun makers and sellers immunity from prosecution for crimes committed with their products. Bernie Sanders voted for the law while a member of the House, though he’s recently wavered over whether he supports it.



04-07-16, 12:47
Guess he should not have tried to sue a company for a legal transaction. But trying to get rich over a kid getting shot by a nut job is wrong in its own right.

Or am I taking this wrong???? It wasn't about the money...right? It was about principles?

Take Care,


04-07-16, 12:56
Guess he should not have tried to sue a company for a legal transaction. But trying to get rich over a kid getting shot by an Islamic terrorist is wrong in its own right.

Or am I taking this wrong???? It wasn't about the money...right? It was about principles?

Take Care,

Islamic terrorist?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

04-07-16, 13:19
Lonnie Phillips is filing for bankruptcy because he owes $203,000 to the company that sold his stepdaughter’s killer 4,000 rounds of ammunition over the Internet.

A federal judge threw out his lawsuit against Lucky Gunner, and now the Phillips family must pay its legal fees under Colorado law.

Thats some karmic justice right there, I love it! This will keep me smiling the rest of the day, I'm only sad he can file bankruptcy and weasel out of it.

04-07-16, 13:20
Guess he should not have tried to sue a company for a legal transaction. But trying to get rich over a kid getting shot by an Islamic terrorist is wrong in its own right.
Or am I taking this wrong???? It wasn't about the money...right? It was about principles?

I wouldn't assume he was trying to "get rich." Probably just grieving beyond rational thought and lashing out at anyone who seemed like a target. That seems to happen rather often, unfortunately.

Some gems from the article:

Lucky Gunner responded in an email saying that the Phillips' lawsuit was “orchestrated and funded” by the pro-gun control group Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

“It appears the Brady Center intends to leave the Phillips paying the bill,” the company said, noting it hasn’t received any reimbursement. “When the Brady Center does pay the funds will be donated to more than 75 groups committed to protecting against future assaults,” the company said.

The Brady Campaign has offered to help the family raise the money, but Phillips say they’d rather file for bankruptcy..

1) It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Brady encouraged them to do this and didn't give the most balanced view of their chances of success or the consequences of losing.

2) Hiding behind bankruptcy is a choice of theirs, and a rather BS one.

3) I can believe that the defendants actually incurred $200k in legal fees, and that is REAL money coming out of their profits and probably capital investment in the company. I'm glad that the applicable law requires the unsuccessful plaintiff to pay those expenses, and I hope they actually get the recovery.

4) If I were the defendant I would be looking at any ways to sue the Brady bunch over this, to the extent that the nominal plaintiffs didn't pay up.

With all that said, I wouldn't be too hard on the actual grieving father. That sort of tragedy would damage anyone, and his daughter was 100% innocent of any wrongdoing. He just lashed out at a company that isn't legally, or morally, responsible.

04-07-16, 13:36
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Sorry...mixed this shooting up with the CA shooting. My mistake. Fixed it

04-07-16, 13:39
I wouldn't assume he was trying to "get rich." Probably just grieving beyond rational thought and lashing out at anyone who seemed like a target. That seems to happen rather often, unfortunately.

Some gems from the article:

1) It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Brady encouraged them to do this and didn't give the most balanced view of their chances of success or the consequences of losing.

2) Hiding behind bankruptcy is a choice of theirs, and a rather BS one.

3) I can believe that the defendants actually incurred $200k in legal fees, and that is REAL money coming out of their profits and probably capital investment in the company. I'm glad that the applicable law requires the unsuccessful plaintiff to pay those expenses, and I hope they actually get the recovery.

4) If I were the defendant I would be looking at any ways to sue the Brady bunch over this, to the extent that the nominal plaintiffs didn't pay up.

With all that said, I wouldn't be too hard on the actual grieving father. That sort of tragedy would damage anyone, and his daughter was 100% innocent of any wrongdoing. He just lashed out at a company that isn't legally, or morally, responsible.

Note my opening remarks. It's important to keep in context and he was probably contacted by Brady Bunch et al and revved up and mislead on various fronts. He's wrong, but I still feel empathy for the man. The rest of them can kiss my....

04-07-16, 13:40
They were "adivsed" to not file the complaint. They did anyway........screw them guys. They're tier one juan assholes.

04-07-16, 13:49
Lucky Gunner was shielded from prosecution under a 2005 law that grants gun makers and sellers immunity from prosecution for crimes committed with their products. Bernie Sanders voted for the law while a member of the House, though he’s recently wavered over whether he supports it.

IMO the real criminals here are the lawyers that allowed him to rack up these legal fees while he was emotional. It's their jobs to know the law.

Edit: Didn't see they were advised not to sue. Lawyers did their job.

04-07-16, 13:51
IMO the real criminals here are the lawyers that allowed him to rack up these legal fees while he was emotional. It's their jobs to know the law.

Edit: Didn't see they were advised not to sue. Lawyers did their job.

As a rule, lawyers don't talk sense into people, they talk people into pursuing lawsuits. That's how the make money. When lawyers have to split the costs of what are blatantly frivolous lawsuits, then it will change. I have friends and a whole family full of lawyers who have talked me out of lawsuits, but most people don't have that advantage. Good lawyers tend to hate other lawyers in my experience.

04-07-16, 13:58
As a rule, lawyers don't talk sense into people, they talk people into pursuing lawsuits. That's how the make money. When lawyers have to split the costs of what are blatantly frivolous lawsuits, then it will change. I have friends and a whole family full of lawyers who have talked me out of lawsuits, but most people don't have that advantage. Good lawyers tend to hate other lawyers in my experience.

I've had the pleasure of dealing with lawyers :barf:

Its unfortunate that all this happened. I guess I can see why they want to file instead of raising money to pay.

04-07-16, 15:13
Good. Hope he ends up homeless.

Why not go sue the Medellin cartel and Arm & Hammer next time some dipshit ODs on crack. Or Ronco if someone gets stabbed with a kitchen knife.

F these BS activist lawsuits

04-07-16, 15:18
I think they ought to make the irresponsible lawyer bringing the suit pay... double! It was his product that caused the injury to the grieving party.

I agree with the above comments about holding these lawyers responsible for the stupid lawsuits who are just trying to get their own payday. They lose nothing but their time.

04-07-16, 16:01
If they had won money, you bet Brady Bunch would be there with open hands to 'help' them distribute it most effectively.

Progressives are crazy on gun laws. Every law that they pass doesn't actually address the problem. That is what we need to stress. We aren't against curbing gun violence- but the answer isn't in mag bans, waiting periods, UBCs and evil features. It is in addressing suicides, gang violence and actual keeping violent offenders off the streets. Those are the effective ways to curb the killing. Everything else is just a non-effective, divisive waste of time.

That is what I would attach Chickenlooper on here in CO. If he were a leader, after Aurora he would have put in place real and impactful legislation - instead he banned plastic tubes and grandpa handing off his gun. The mass shooting deaths blood is on his hands from the Planned Parent Hood shooting in The Springs.

We legalized weed and put the mag limit and UBC in place and Denver's murder rate doubled last year......

04-07-16, 16:15
If they had won money, you bet Brady Bunch would be there with open hands to 'help' them distribute it most effectively.

Progressives are crazy on gun laws. Every law that they pass doesn't actually address the problem. That is what we need to stress. We aren't against curbing gun violence- but the answer isn't in mag bans, waiting periods, UBCs and evil features. It is in addressing suicides, gang violence and actual keeping violent offenders off the streets. Those are the effective ways to curb the killing. Everything else is just a non-effective, divisive waste of time.

That is what I would attach Chickenlooper on here in CO. If he were a leader, after Aurora he would have put in place real and impactful legislation - instead he banned plastic tubes and grandpa handing off his gun. The mass shooting deaths blood is on his hands from the Planned Parent Hood shooting in The Springs.

We legalized weed and put the mag limit and UBC in place and Denver's murder rate doubled last year......

No can do bro, racism and all. Didndu's gonna dindu, and you can't be hatin on em for didnu'in and whatnot. Tis they right bro! :rolleyes:

04-07-16, 16:29
Islamic terrorist?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Sue Mohammed. There are like a couple million Mohammeds out there, if each one only paid $5 you'd be rolling in it.

04-07-16, 16:31
Good. Hope he ends up homeless.

Why not go sue the Medellin cartel and Arm & Hammer next time some dipshit ODs on crack. Or Ronco if someone gets stabbed with a kitchen knife.

F these BS activist lawsuits

I wonder if the father complains about his tax dollars that go to feed and house the person who ACTUALLY killed his daughter.

04-07-16, 17:13
I wonder if the father complains about his tax dollars that go to feed and house the person who ACTUALLY killed his daughter.


People think jail is "free". They picture guys doing hard labor and going to church with some wizened black mentor in a kufi cap and glasses telling them about the virtues of being a better person.

The reality is a buncha guys loafing about all day peddling food and sexual favors for pills, dope, and jailhouse liquor while trying to get barely above minimum wage COs in on the take.

Part of me thinks we should do like China and just shoot some of these pieces of filth, bill their next of kin, and burn the bodies.

Prison only seems bad to people who work and care about things. Otherwise it's just another place people can be worthless.

04-07-16, 17:44

People think jail is "free". They picture guys doing hard labor and going to church with some wizened black mentor in a kufi cap and glasses telling them about the virtues of being a better person.

The reality is a buncha guys loafing about all day peddling food and sexual favors for pills, dope, and jailhouse liquor while trying to get barely above minimum wage COs in on the take.

Part of me thinks we should do like China and just shoot some of these pieces of filth, bill their next of kin, and burn the bodies.

Prison only seems bad to people who work and care about things. Otherwise it's just another place people can be worthless.

If every they truly screwed up and made me President, I would split corrections into two kinds of facilities.

1. Rehabilitation - This is for those who did enough stuff to land in jail but aren't completely worthless. It would function like a secured trade school where you work, learn and earn a useful skill that you will have once you've done your time. This way you can actually support yourself without criminal activity and your years incarcerated won't have simply been wasted. Anyone who doesn't want to participate in their rehabilitation can be sent to "housing."

2. Housing - These are the people we never want to see again and those who are waiting for their date with the electric bench (services up to 5 at a time). It's basically a max facility with limited interaction between inmates and facility staff. Facility staff consists primarily of perimeter security with orders to shoot anyone in areas inmates are not permitted. No gym, no cable or TVs for that matter.

Military surplus MRE's are air dropped into the common yard and there are flush toilets and running water fixtures which are serviced and repaired annually while the facility is completely locked down. Non compliance with lock down procedure would be treated like an inmate who is in a prohibited area and they will be shot.

04-07-16, 17:53
If every they truly screwed up and made me President, I would split corrections into two kinds of facilities.

1. Rehabilitation - This is for those who did enough stuff to land in jail but aren't completely worthless. It would function like a secured trade school where you work, learn and earn a useful skill that you will have once you've done your time. This way you can actually support yourself without criminal activity and your years incarcerated won't have simply been wasted. Anyone who doesn't want to participate in their rehabilitation can be sent to "housing."

2. Housing - These are the people we never want to see again and those who are waiting for their date with the electric bench (services up to 5 at a time). It's basically a max facility with limited interaction between inmates and facility staff. Facility staff consists primarily of perimeter security with orders to shoot anyone in areas inmates are not permitted. No gym, no cable or TVs for that matter.

Military surplus MRE's are air dropped into the common yard and there are flush toilets and running water fixtures which are serviced and repaired annually while the facility is completely locked down. Non compliance with lock down procedure would be treated like an inmate who is in a prohibited area and they will be shot.

Are you against the alternative of simply reinforcing the concept of certainty of guilt and reasonable doubt in the legal system, then simply roping the persons otherwise meant for the "housing" facility?

04-07-16, 18:02

People think jail is "free". They picture guys doing hard labor and going to church with some wizened black mentor in a kufi cap and glasses telling them about the virtues of being a better person.

The reality is a buncha guys loafing about all day peddling food and sexual favors for pills, dope, and jailhouse liquor while trying to get barely above minimum wage COs in on the take.

Part of me thinks we should do like China and just shoot some of these pieces of filth, bill their next of kin, and burn the bodies.

Prison only seems bad to people who work and care about things. Otherwise it's just another place people can be worthless.

Prison in the US is only a deterrent for those who have something to lose. For those who have little/nothing to lose, it's an actual improvement for some. It would seem the goal should be to make sure less people have nothing to lose, and make sure prison sucks no matter who you are. I know a guy who spent 6 months in a Panamanian prison, and let me tell you, you don't wanna end up there, and everyone well aware of that fact.

Interesting fact: the max sentence you can get in Panama is 25 years, no matter how bad the crime. I asked an attorney I know "WTF?" and his response was "no one survives that long, so it's not really and issue"

Mind blown....

Alternatively however, we have been using the prisons as a dumping ground for the mentally ill for decades and that's an issue that needs to be addressed also that gets lip service but not real action.

04-07-16, 20:11
For the senseless and tragic loss of his stepdaughter, I feel tremendous sympathy and sorrow for this man.

I find him trying to sue people who are in no way responsible for her death, out of political motivation for a "cause" he believes in to be despicable. If he goes bankrupt, he deserves it. He earned it. I hope Lucky Gunner recovers their legal fees along with punitive damages against the anti gun groups that backed Mr. Phillips in this witch hunt.

I have no problem separating these two things in my mind.

Sorry for your loss, and screw you for taking it out on the wrong people and trying to ruin them financially. Now pay up.

04-07-16, 20:24
I'm in the same boat. I feel truly bad for the guy for loosing his daughter to a nut job. Have 0 ****s to give for his financial woes after following through with a lawsuit his lawyers supposedly advised to not file.

He would have been better off going after those who were atleast in some way responsible for the act. How about the psychologist who couldn't figure out this guy was a basket short of a picnic. At least there might be some logic there.

On a different note. If the lawyers counseled against his filing a suit; could a judge have intervened and dismissed the case before folks wracked up serious bills on the basis that it was frivolous?

04-07-16, 20:28
did anyone sue the theater company for creating a no gun zone which made it a dangerous place ?
I would be curious about that :) never rally cared much or followed up on much out of that accident ?

to sue the ammo company though is stupid if my daughter was lost do to something like this I might go after the company like the theater for not creating a safe space for patrons ?

I hope all the texting and driving accidents go after the phone company and the carrier and the car companies and the gov for creating the roads (sarcasm)

04-07-16, 23:18
Are you against the alternative of simply reinforcing the concept of certainty of guilt and reasonable doubt in the legal system, then simply roping the persons otherwise meant for the "housing" facility?

You are going to have to rephrase the question so I can answer it correctly.

04-07-16, 23:20
For the senseless and tragic loss of his stepdaughter, I feel tremendous sympathy and sorrow for this man.

I find him trying to sue people who are in no way responsible for her death, out of political motivation for a "cause" he believes in to be despicable. If he goes bankrupt, he deserves it. He earned it. I hope Lucky Gunner recovers their legal fees along with punitive damages against the anti gun groups that backed Mr. Phillips in this witch hunt.

I have no problem separating these two things in my mind.

Sorry for your loss, and screw you for taking it out on the wrong people and trying to ruin them financially. Now pay up.

Pretty much where I am at.

04-07-16, 23:34
The killer had no job therefore he could not buy weapons or ammo. Unfortunately .gov gave him $21600 so he could buy whatever he wanted. Sad story

04-08-16, 09:00
did anyone sue the theater company for creating a no gun zone which made it a dangerous place ?
I would be curious about that :) never rally cared much or followed up on much out of that accident ?

to sue the ammo company though is stupid if my daughter was lost do to something like this I might go after the company like the theater for not creating a safe space for patrons ?

I hope all the texting and driving accidents go after the phone company and the carrier and the car companies and the gov for creating the roads (sarcasm)

I'm curious as well. It would seem they created the situation, and should have provided security.

04-08-16, 09:09
Hate it for the dad; I cannot imagine the emotional torment that he went through. I bet he got bad advice from an attorney, sue on principle, and it backfired (as it should). Sucks all around, but the court made the right decision.

04-08-16, 11:24
Hate it for the dad; I cannot imagine the emotional torment that he went through. I bet he got bad advice from an attorney, sue on principle, and it backfired (as it should). Sucks all around, but the court made the right decision.

This will come back in the general as a reason to push the dem candidate and take back the Senate. If they can get the law voided or overwritten they can stop all the senseless killing blah, blah, blah.

They are probably happy that he is bankrupt. The voice over for the ads will talk about the dad who fought the mass shooters and it bankrupted him so we have to make the NRA and gun manufacturers pay.