View Full Version : The next "Predator"?

04-08-16, 11:30
Not sure if both Arnold and Danny Glover will be in this one, but it would be an interesting concept. Kinda wondered what became of Dutch and Anna after the first movie ended.

This this has the potential to be a hit or just another dud?


04-08-16, 12:50
It will suck. Sometimes sequels just tarnish the original.

I figured Dutch and Anna just went to America, got married, and lived out the rest of their days in peace because Dutch retired from the Army.

Same with Officer Murtagh. After fighting Predators he realized that he was too old for this shit and quit. Moved to AZ or something and just took it easy.

A real Aliens vs. Predator like the original comics would be badass. But won't happen. And the last Predator movie sucked.

Adrian Brody? Adrian Brody?! Really? Him?!

It'd be interesting to see a chick predator though

04-08-16, 13:41
Maybe Anna was asked to appear in Playboy's "Girls of the Revolution" issue :D

04-08-16, 13:54
Maybe Anna was asked to appear in Playboy's "Girls of the Revolution" issue :D

She turned it down. Once she hooked up with Dutch she stopped caring about the Shining Path and so forth.

Right now she probably drives a Mercedes and works at a bank while Dutch is a weapons instructor.
If you get him drunk enough he'll tell you the "no shit, there I was...the biggest ugliest Jamaican looking Motherfvcker ever. But he was from space..." story.

04-08-16, 14:03
Elpidia Carrillo ("Anna") is also listed in the credits for Predator II. For the longest time I wondered what scene she was in, until I read that she was credited because she appeared on a TV monitor (for a few seconds) in the Agency's control trailer.

04-08-16, 14:05
If Arnold is in I am in.

04-08-16, 15:02
Same with Officer Murtagh. After fighting Predators he realized that he was too old for this shit and quit. Moved to AZ or something and just took it easy.

And became semi famous for his humorous quips on a gun board?
Firefly is Murtagh, dude you've outed yourself.
And if they had some sort of chick predator movie then they would need a forced breeding program thing for her instead of her taking trophy heads and spines like the Males and we wouldn't hear from you for a month.

04-08-16, 15:04
Don't know the director of this one, but like any sequel or remake 20+ years after the original it will probably suck. Look what they did to mad max...

04-08-16, 18:01
I predict another CGI bukkakefest.

04-08-16, 18:08
I predict another CGI bukkakefest.

Boy that's a hot button for me. I hate CGI. It doesn't look real to me, and that's why I don't go to the movies anymore, or rent many new movies. Plus they always have to put a woman in a strong action rule for political correctness. DUMB.

04-08-16, 18:36
The only two movies that had convincing CGI were the original Jurassic Park and Terminator 2.

It is 2016 and those movies were made in the early 90s.

And I don't mind chicks in action roles. I have an Amazon fetish. But there has to be someone who can fight convincingly and dirty.

ETA but there should be consequences for action girls. Maiming, dismemberment, open breaks, and undignified death.

It happens in real life. Detective High Heels alone up against a gaggle of hoods doesn't work

04-08-16, 18:55
Heck, we might see Rhonda Rousey as "Dutch" :D

04-08-16, 18:57
Heck, we might see Rhonda Rousey as "Dutch" :D

She's fit but not pretty. I like Amazons not dickless dudes.

Brigitte Nielsen circa Rocky IV and Red Sonja...yeah. Gina Carano...yeah.

Rhonda Rousey...meh..

04-08-16, 19:40
The only two movies that had convincing CGI were the original Jurassic Park and Terminator 2.

Agreed. I'd only add "The Matrix" since it was an artificial environment anyway. But as much as it worked in that film, it doesn't work at all in any other film. And it can actually make a bad film that much worse.

Probably the lowest point was the idiots in Charlies Angels doing Matrix style effects when fighting.

People talked about how visually stunning "avatar" was, I saw a sophisticated cartoon with live actors. It was horrible.

04-08-16, 19:45
Gladiator had good CGI. I mean you can't recreate the coliseum, but they managed to do it in Ben Hur in 1958.

04-09-16, 04:28
Yeah this one has been on my radar as is Aliens V, the second Alien prequel, and Arnold wants to do two more Terminators after Genisys.

I actually liked Robert Rodriguez's Predators. In it the Mossod chic stated that Dutch gave an AAR and that IDF/Mossod had knowledge of the existence of the Predators.