View Full Version : Gen. James Mattis Being Floated as GOP Convention Candidate

04-12-16, 09:16

Never married, no kids. Known as the War Monk for having dedicated his life to destroying the enemy - I like it.

I've not yet studied his career but he probably meets (far exceeds) my standards for ethics. I'd love to hear more about his conservative values.

I'm not saying that he can unify the party if this goes well beyond the 2nd ballot, but he stands a far better chance than Paul Ryan.

26 Inf
04-12-16, 09:44
Sign me on.

04-12-16, 09:54
He's got my vote.

Outlander Systems
04-12-16, 09:56
Someone who is actually qualified for the position of CIC?


04-12-16, 09:58
Someone who is actually qualified for the position of CIC?


Which is why this will never happen.

Singlestack Wonder
04-12-16, 10:05
Of course if this would happen the military would now be paying $2000 for a hammer instead of $1000. Bloated, failed programs such as the F-35 would be continued, etc., etc.

04-12-16, 10:11
Which is why this will never happen.

Yeah, no shit.

04-12-16, 10:15
Which is why this will never happen.


04-12-16, 10:16
Was Mattis the one who was originally Navy and came over to the Marines as a "winger"?

04-12-16, 10:27
I'm giving him a conditional one thumb up. I still want to hear his positions on issues. Names like Clark, Petraeus, and McCrystal keep me from giving automatic 2 thumbs up.

04-12-16, 10:35
I need hear where he stands on issues and what his policies are before I can give any support. Same as any other candidate.

04-12-16, 11:04
I'm giving him a conditional one thumb up. I still want to hear his positions on issues. Names like Clark, Petraeus, and McCrystal keep me from giving automatic 2 thumbs up.


I don't think he'd make a good candidate, he's not an ass-kisser.

04-12-16, 11:50
I'd take Mattis over anyone currently in the race.

04-12-16, 11:55
It's really just mental masturbation at this point. They can float any convention candidate they want, but the voters will take offense and not be inclined to go along. Unless Mattis can destroy Hillary in 75 days without destroying himself in the process, AND lure back all the GOP voters disaffected by the underhanded GOP politics and processes, he'll lose by a huge margin. :(

04-12-16, 12:00
Was Mattis the one who was originally Navy and came over to the Marines as a "winger"?

Negative. That's Amos.

Mattis is a legitimate US Marine Corps infantry officer through and through with a CAR to boot.

“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you **** with me, I’ll kill you all.”

“I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

ETA: Source links no longer work, but they are legit quotes.

Outlander Systems
04-12-16, 12:14
Change, I can believe in.

"Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact." - Mattis

Yoni's right, but I've always felt you shouldn't even be eligible for POTUS, unless you have prior service experience. Period.

04-12-16, 12:34
So man well qualified with integrity is being floated to be president? Not a chance the establishment allows for this.

04-12-16, 12:50
This is insane. Somebody getting a small slice of the pie and stealing the presidency. I don't care who it is, that's wrong.

That result would leave Clinton with 267 votes, Trump with 206, Mattis with 67 and no one with enough to claim victory. The 12th Amendment dictates that Congress would then decide the winner, a process that hasn’t actually been tested in the last 190 years.

Noonan said he’s confident that given the choices available at that point, a Republican controlled Congress would back Mattis.

04-12-16, 12:50
I would love Mattis in the race and would vote for him. Unfortunately, I think most Americans would no longer appreciate a man like him who has devoted his life to the service of this country.

26 Inf
04-12-16, 13:03
Negative. That's Amos.

Mattis is a legitimate US Marine Corps infantry officer through and through with a CAR to boot.

“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you **** with me, I’ll kill you all.”

“I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

ETA: Source links no longer work, but they are legit quotes.

If you remember, he got in trouble for this one:

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually, it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right upfront with you, I like brawling."

04-12-16, 13:11
Not happening, as much fun as it would be to see happen. Not only would I endorse but I would actively and materially contribute to his campaign.

I have a buddy, former corpsman with 4th Marines, who was hanging around the BAS in Iraq when Mattis walked through. GEN. Mattis asked him something totally innocuous like "How ya doing Doc?" My buddy said "Sir, I have a boil on my ass and I think I have the clap but otherwise I'm OK." He said Mattis stopped, turned around, laughed and said "I would expect nothing less from my docs. You guys are some kooky sons-of-bitches."

I have heard nothing less than full loyalty from dudes serving under him.

04-12-16, 13:52
If you remember, he got in trouble for this one:

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually, it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right upfront with you, I like brawling."

Sounds like a lot of guys I know. Absent a reason to fight, we'd rather drink, **** and shoot the breeze all day. The moment some asshole starts abusing weaker people, the predatory nature kicks in. I detest bullies and evil people to the point my inner asshole goes from zero to "you want to try a piece of this?" in about 2.4 seconds.

That's exactly the type of man that isn't tolerated in polite society. No, they'd rather tolerate the bullies and evil than someone with moral fiber and a willingness to execute violence in the name of good.

Mattis can't win off the battlefield as a result.

04-12-16, 14:10
As much as I enjoy the anecdotal stories from his service, the country needs more than a man capable of fighting a war. He sounds like a decent guy, but before making a decision I want to hear his ideas in problems that aren't solved with guns and bombs. One doesn't get to his rank without being a political creature capable of reading the landscape and adjusting his opinions to survive.

What's his stance on the Constitution and the BoR. McRaven's stances on the 2A lead a lot to be desired. What is this guys? What about the economy. What are his ideas for bringing jobs back and protecting US interests. What about immigration both legal and illegal. Refugees. FSA... Lots more to a president.

04-12-16, 14:41
As much as I enjoy the anecdotal stories from his service, the country needs more than a man capable of fighting a war. He sounds like a decent guy, but before making a decision I want to hear his ideas in problems that aren't solved with guns and bombs. One doesn't get to his rank without being a political creature capable of reading the landscape and adjusting his opinions to survive.

What's his stance on the Constitution and the BoR. McRaven's stances on the 2A lead a lot to be desired. What is this guys? What about the economy. What are his ideas for bringing jobs back and protecting US interests. What about immigration both legal and illegal. Refugees. FSA... Lots more to a president.

I think these are fair questions. I think it's fun to think about because it is so improbable and because of his ever-growing status as a legend. But then, I wonder of they said the same thing about Eisenhower?

I think one of the (many) things that is attractive about Mattis is his leadership. He does not equivocate, his responses are measured and considered (in spite of what his awesome quotes imply), and he can lead. I think this is the trait that some people thought we were going to get with Trump but seems to never have materialized.

But with the turkeys running now? He is worth me gambling.

Outlander Systems
04-12-16, 15:12
Given the current crop of weasels, grifters, con-men, commies, and she-criminals, he is head-and-shoulders above the competition.

But with the turkeys running now? He is worth me gambling.

04-12-16, 15:14
As much as I enjoy the anecdotal stories from his service, the country needs more than a man capable of fighting a war. He sounds like a decent guy, but before making a decision I want to hear his ideas in problems that aren't solved with guns and bombs. One doesn't get to his rank without being a political creature capable of reading the landscape and adjusting his opinions to survive.

What's his stance on the Constitution and the BoR. McRaven's stances on the 2A lead a lot to be desired. What is this guys? What about the economy. What are his ideas for bringing jobs back and protecting US interests. What about immigration both legal and illegal. Refugees. FSA... Lots more to a president.

Who gives a shit anymore? How quickly do the Pro 2A "Politicians" fold under pressure?

While a 4 star general is almost unequivocally a politician, James Mattis is the least one can be and attain the rank.

I.E. I'll take a "no idea wtf to do" General or a "I have all the answers and will tell you what you want to hear" Republican politician any day.

04-12-16, 15:53
As much as I enjoy the anecdotal stories from his service, the country needs more than a man capable of fighting a war. He sounds like a decent guy, but before making a decision I want to hear his ideas in problems that aren't solved with guns and bombs. One doesn't get to his rank without being a political creature capable of reading the landscape and adjusting his opinions to survive.

What's his stance on the Constitution and the BoR. McRaven's stances on the 2A lead a lot to be desired. What is this guys? What about the economy. What are his ideas for bringing jobs back and protecting US interests. What about immigration both legal and illegal. Refugees. FSA... Lots more to a president.

The wonderful thing about being POTUS is that the correct answer to 90% of the questions is the one lessens the role of Federal government. It's really very easy if you simply abandon the notions that government needs to be fixed or made smarter, and instead power shrunk or returned to the states. If Mattis can master this very simple concept then he would do just fine.

For example, here is the INCORRECT answer to the question, If elected president, how would you fix healthcare? "Well, I would negotiate a program with hospitals so that every American is covered. It's going to be much better than Obamacare...it's going to be magnificent." Sound familiar?

Now, here is the correct answer: "Well reporter Dipshit, there is no federal answer to the healthcare crisis because the problem is one of shy rocketing cost and the government can only exacerbate the problem with further market distortions. Anyone promising otherwise or thinking that everybody can be covered is living a fools paradise and their ideas will only exacerbate the problem. Thus, I will work to return money to local governments and individuals so that the power of the consumer lowers industry wide prices. This will be accomplished with expanded use of pre-tax HSA's, HC retirement accounts, and multistate private catastrophic only insurance coverage. Ultimately, I see a day where the federal footprint in healthcare is measured in the tens of billions rather than hundreds of billions, and even then that federal involvement is focused on interstate collaborative research and education rather than individual care."

A guy like Mattis who takes that approach to every question instead of trying to be a smarter progressive would win in a landslide.

04-12-16, 16:12
I need hear where he stands on issues and what his policies are before I can give any support. Same as any other candidate.

Yep. Right now he's an even bigger wild card than Trump.

04-12-16, 16:20
The wonderful thing about being POTUS is that the correct answer to 90% of the questions is the one lessens the role of Federal government. It's really very easy if you simply abandon the notions that government needs to be fixed or made smarter, and instead power shrunk or returned to the states. If Mattis can master this very simple concept then he would do just fine.

For example, here is the INCORRECT answer to the question, If elected president, how would you fix healthcare? "Well, I would negotiate a program with hospitals so that every American is covered. It's going to be much better than Obamacare...it's going to be magnificent." Sound familiar?

Now, here is the correct answer: "Well reporter Dipshit, there is no federal answer to the healthcare crisis because the problem is one of shy rocketing cost and the government can only exacerbate the problem with further market distortions. Anyone promising otherwise or thinking that everybody can be covered is living a fools paradise and their ideas will only exacerbate the problem. Thus, I will work to return money to local governments and individuals so that the power of the consumer lowers industry wide prices. This will be accomplished with expanded use of pre-tax HSA's, HC retirement accounts, and multistate private catastrophic only insurance coverage. Ultimately, I see a day where the federal footprint in healthcare is measured in the tens of billions rather than hundreds of billions, and even then that federal involvement is focused on interstate collaborative research and education rather than individual care."

A guy like Mattis who takes that approach to every question instead of trying to be a smarter progressive would win in a landslide.

No he wouldn't. The voting public isn't smart enough or educated enough to understand that answer. Their eyes will glaze over right about the time he says "market distortions". By the time they get to "multistate private catastrophic only insurance coverage", their pea brains will be emitting smoke and the only thought their congealed brain matter will be able to form is "he wants the rich to get richer and screw the middle class".

Doesn't matter that they'd be wrong, the only thing that matters is what they can understand. Besides, who says a man that's spent his entire adult life under the care of a socialized medical system, would actually be in favor of a fully privatized health care system? :confused:

04-12-16, 16:46
No he wouldn't. The voting public isn't smart enough or educated enough to understand that answer. Their eyes will glaze over right about the time he says "market distortions". By the time they get to "multistate private catastrophic only insurance coverage", their pea brains will be emitting smoke and the only thought their congealed brain matter will be able to form is "he wants the rich to get richer and screw the middle class".

Doesn't matter that they'd be wrong, the only thing that matters is what they can understand. Besides, who says a man that's spent his entire adult life under the care of a socialized medical system, would actually be in favor of a fully privatized health care system? :confused:

After spending the last 10 minutes explaining the differences between majority vs. pleurality and education vs. intelligence, I'm starting to feel that you may be correct.

04-12-16, 17:45
No he wouldn't. The voting public isn't smart enough or educated enough to understand that answer. Their eyes will glaze over right about the time he says "market distortions". By the time they get to "multistate private catastrophic only insurance coverage", their pea brains will be emitting smoke and the only thought their congealed brain matter will be able to form is "he wants the rich to get richer and screw the middle class".

Doesn't matter that they'd be wrong, the only thing that matters is what they can understand. Besides, who says a man that's spent his entire adult life under the care of a socialized medical system, would actually be in favor of a fully privatized health care system? :confused:

While I certainly can't speak for Gen Mattis, I am in a similar situation as I have been in the military since the age of 17, I have received 3 surgeries through the VA and countless other Dr visits and procedures done. I have been on two combat deployments and have a disability rating, so I get free health care through the VA for life. Want to know what one of the first things I did after getting married? I went onto my wife's health insurance policy and fully intend on never stepping foot into another VA as a patient again for the rest of my life. I will gladly pay the co-pays and deductibles that go with having private insurance over dealing with the VA.

So like I said, I can't speak for the General, but just because someone has no first hand exposure to something doesn't mean that they can't educate themselves on the topic and form a logical opinion.

04-12-16, 20:42
I have no detailed familiarity with this GO.

I spent nearly three decades of my life in the military.
The first eight were enlisted.

Most of the last eight were spent as the deputy or acting commander of a unit owned by three stars.
All three went on to a 4 th star.

No matter how great an American any of those individuals may be, each made degrees of compromise politically or they would not have had those rolls.

Despite their good qualities, and lives of defending freedom, I suspect most would be surprised with the degree of control and statism they would be comfortable with in the Presidential role.

I only know one GO at the three star level that until that point I could have said made no political compromises.
Prior to making GO, despite their background and experiences, it was widely believed they were black listed and going to be a permanent COL. However, the length and requirements of the GWOT won out, like for many others that would not have made E9 or O6 or GO/FO rank during non GWOT times, over the black list. Although he was years behind others of his year group that made GO.

Don't get me wrong.
I would rather see him or any of these other guys as president over Clinton, Sanders, Trump.
But I doubt they could win.
Getting a GO/FO usually does not mean you are not getting a politician.
And their 2A views may surprise you.

You might be surprised in general at the view of senior military personnel's 2A views.

I was a LTC traveling to multiple FOBs my last year in with a crusty old CW5 and E9 (I had actually enlisted and been an NCO before either of them, but bear with me- I was young looking). The warrant like 45 marches with his gold cup and the sergeant major was a diehard USPSA Glock shooter. There were several 03 to 04 and one 05 from three different services that were with us for part of it. I am very used to a certain subset of the military and these were not that subset.

While talking guns with those two, we had very similar views. While talking with the rest, while those two were gone, I found most of them thought only the military and police should have guns and that as the senior guy I was just going along with the old gun nut dinosaurs. They were surprised my actual views on the 2A were so "1700s."

04-25-16, 01:37
For example


04-26-16, 18:36
The republicans will be defeated in the 2016 presidential election.

04-26-16, 21:32
The republicans will be defeated in the 2016 presidential election.

I would have disagreed a couple of months ago. I now think that more than just the presidential election is in jeopardy - they will likely lose the Senate and have a very narrow majority in the House.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

04-26-16, 21:53
I have no detailed familiarity with this GO.

I spent nearly three decades of my life in the military.
The first eight were enlisted.

Most of the last eight were spent as the deputy or acting commander of a unit owned by three stars.
All three went on to a 4 th star.

No matter how great an American any of those individuals may be, each made degrees of compromise politically or they would not have had those rolls.

Despite their good qualities, and lives of defending freedom, I suspect most would be surprised with the degree of control and statism they would be comfortable with in the Presidential role.

I only know one GO at the three star level that until that point I could have said made no political compromises.
Prior to making GO, despite their background and experiences, it was widely believed they were black listed and going to be a permanent COL. However, the length and requirements of the GWOT won out, like for many others that would not have made E9 or O6 or GO/FO rank during non GWOT times, over the black list. Although he was years behind others of his year group that made GO.

Don't get me wrong.
I would rather see him or any of these other guys as president over Clinton, Sanders, Trump.
But I doubt they could win.
Getting a GO/FO usually does not mean you are not getting a politician.
And their 2A views may surprise you.

You might be surprised in general at the view of senior military personnel's 2A views.

I was a LTC traveling to multiple FOBs my last year in with a crusty old CW5 and E9 (I had actually enlisted and been an NCO before either of them, but bear with me- I was young looking). The warrant like 45 marches with his gold cup and the sergeant major was a diehard USPSA Glock shooter. There were several 03 to 04 and one 05 from three different services that were with us for part of it. I am very used to a certain subset of the military and these were not that subset.

While talking guns with those two, we had very similar views. While talking with the rest, while those two were gone, I found most of them thought only the military and police should have guns and that as the senior guy I was just going along with the old gun nut dinosaurs. They were surprised my actual views on the 2A were so "1700s."

wtf are you talking about? James Mattis is a ****ing legend.

04-26-16, 22:25
I am saying I do not know his personal views on many things.

What I am talking about about is many assume senior military officers are all about freedom and guns.
While many have opinions regarding registration, ownership, etc. that are not the case.

04-26-16, 22:31
Sic 'em Mad Dog

04-26-16, 22:35
The republicans will be defeated in the 2016 presidential election.

They were defeated for 2016 in 2008.

04-27-16, 00:00
I am saying I do not know his personal views on many things.

What I am talking about about is many assume senior military officers are all about freedom and guns.
While many have opinions regarding registration, ownership, etc. that are not the case.

I feel you and I totally agree about flag officers but if you look into James Mattis I think you'll find he is of the "I don't give a ****. Shoot everyone that does you wrong" types.


04-27-16, 00:10
I am saying I do not know his personal views on many things.

What I am talking about about is many assume senior military officers are all about freedom and guns.
While many have opinions regarding registration, ownership, etc. that are not the case.

McChrystal is a great example. I think his statements on ARs can be found pretty easily.

04-27-16, 00:52
McChrystal is a great example. I think his statements on ARs can be found pretty easily.

Don't get me started on McChrystal. I was in A-Stan when he made us take down the red "Keep Back" signs from our 1151's as part of his COIN strategy. You know, because we don't want to offend the locals. It doesn't take Nostrodamos to foresee what would happen when Hajis (who have no concept of self-preservation) saw it as an invitation to speed past our convoys. Word has it that McCrystal was genuinely surprised when the escalation of force incidents went up after that brilliant move. Apparently, no amount of glastnos or perestroika can overcome the reaction of a M2 gunner as some local comes barreling down the road in what could be a VBID.

Unfortunately, I was CONUS when he met his literary Waterloo. I suppose that his decision to pal around with some "journalists" from Rolling Stone should tell us all we need to know about the man's politics. Taking down that turd was the rag's single greatest contribution to America. I say give a Silver Star to the whole publishing staff.

04-27-16, 08:31
I feel you and I totally agree about flag officers but if you look into James Mattis I think you'll find he is of the "I don't give a ****. Shoot everyone that does you wrong" types.


I just remember the whole of the 11th Marines being told outside of Dywania after OIF 1 by him as the CG "thanks for shooting 20k artillery rounds that paved the way for the division, being in countless firefights and later in the war being provisional infantry. But most of you don't rate CARs. He changed his mind because of sever congressional pressure following probably thousands of letters to Congressmen from the Marines who actually read the NAVMC 1650 and shooting artillery at the enemy was actually cited in the order as a qualification at the time of actions.

04-27-16, 08:33
Don't get me started on McChrystal. I was in A-Stan when he made us take down the red "Keep Back" signs from our 1151's as part of his COIN strategy. You know, because we don't want to offend the locals. It doesn't take Nostrodamos to foresee what would happen when Hajis (who have no concept of self-preservation) saw it as an invitation to speed past our convoys. Word has it that McCrystal was genuinely surprised when the escalation of force incidents went up after that brilliant move. Apparently, no amount of glastnos or perestroika can overcome the reaction of a M2 gunner as some local comes barreling down the road in what could be a VBID.

Unfortunately, I was CONUS when he met his literary Waterloo. I suppose that his decision to pal around with some "journalists" from Rolling Stone should tell us all we need to know about the man's politics. Taking down that turd was the rag's single greatest contribution to America. I say give a Silver Star to the whole publishing staff.

McCrystal was always known as a Liberal. I fear Dunford being a Boston democrat may be the same but at least he keeps his political opinion to himself

04-27-16, 09:19
McCrystal was always known as a Liberal. I fear Dunford being a Boston democrat may be the same but at least he keeps his political opinion to himself

After McCrystal got the boot from ISAF, it came out that he only watched MSNBC and would not allow FNC in his workspace. I'm not 100% sure if this is true, but it certainly fits a pattern. Thus, I'm not surprised that he joined the faculty (adjunct) at Yale and preached gun control on MSLSD's Morning Joe after his forced retirement.

04-27-16, 09:26
Ya... no. I'm not a fan of circumventing the will of the majority regardless of who that turns out to be.

04-27-16, 10:11
Sometimes the Guys we admire in the Military have and operate within a bit of a comfort zone. Yeah they can be a B.A. and full of Piss and Vinegar in their element.
Take them out of their element and well not so much...

04-27-16, 10:28
Sometimes the Guys we admire in the Military have and operate within a bit of a comfort zone. Yeah they can be a B.A. and full of Piss and Vinegar in their element.
Take them out of their element and well not so much...

This is true, and often depends on whether the former general sees himself as a leader or an administrator. It worked out for Washington, Grant, Eisenhower, though, but there is no formula to predict success.

I wonder if carter had been in long enough to get a star if he would have been better.

04-27-16, 10:38
Ya... no. I'm not a fan of circumventing the will of the majority regardless of who that turns out to be.

So far, the will of the majority, as measured by delegates and especially votes, is unclear.

The GOP's nomination process is designed so that voters are given a single chance to decide on a consensus candidate. I use the term "consensus candidate" because it is possible to secure a majority of delegates and thus the nomination without a majority of votes. If a consensus candidate cannot be determined by a majority of delegates on the first ballot, then the "will of the voters" becomes meaningless. Those are the rules of the party which is a private organization under no obligation to listen to the will of anyone.

If you do not like this, then your only choices are to work within the organization to reform it or change the channel.

04-27-16, 11:36
So far, the will of the majority, as measured by delegates and especially votes, is unclear.

The GOP's nomination process is designed so that voters are given a single chance to decide on a consensus candidate. I use the term "consensus candidate" because it is possible to secure a majority of delegates and thus the nomination without a majority of votes. If a consensus candidate cannot be determined by a majority of delegates on the first ballot, then the "will of the voters" becomes meaningless. Those are the rules of the party which is a private organization under no obligation to listen to the will of anyone.

If you do not like this, then your only choices are to work within the organization to reform it or change the channel.

That is not what is being advocated here, the process they have outlined in the article is regardless of the popular vote or delegates they can under cut the front running candidates that have a higher popular vote count and delegates only to grant it to a person that only receive 60 delegates... that is a slimy and dirty as it gets. The democratic process becomes null and void turning it into a party sponsored dictatorship.

04-27-16, 12:52
That is not what is being advocated here, the process they have outlined in the article is regardless of the popular vote or delegates they can under cut the front running candidates that have a higher popular vote count and delegates only to grant it to a person that only receive 60 delegates... that is a slimy and dirty as it gets. The democratic process becomes null and void turning it into a party sponsored dictatorship.

Democratic process? Ever since when did it become a requirement for political parties to adhere to a democratic process? The GOP is a private BUSINESS. It's not even a non-profit. The GOP is beholden to a democratic process in determining its nominee as much as the Redskins in choosing a QB.

The purpose of the GOP is to grow the wealth and power of its constituents. The most important constituents are the ones who donate (i.e. invest) lots of money.

04-27-16, 12:58
That is not what is being advocated here, the process they have outlined in the article is regardless of the popular vote or delegates they can under cut the front running candidates that have a higher popular vote count and delegates only to grant it to a person that only receive 60 delegates... that is a slimy and dirty as it gets. The democratic process becomes null and void turning it into a party sponsored dictatorship.

I think that would have been true (well, truer) a couple weeks ago when Trump wasn't so mathematically solid. There was a real threat of a brokered convention and all sorts of underhanded shenanigans, but I think it would be much, much harder if Trumps walks in with enough delegates to make it a done-deal.

I know the RNC and DNC are private organizations and have private rules; however, I, too, abhor the dirty-handed, back-ally, under-the-table manipulations that could toss out a candidate who clearly is a front-runner just because that organization simply doesn't like him/her. When I think about that my mind goes back to junior high and how the 'cool' kids at the 'cool' table would always change the rules about who they let sit there.

04-27-16, 18:58
Democratic process? Ever since when did it become a requirement for political parties to adhere to a democratic process? The GOP is a private BUSINESS. It's not even a non-profit. The GOP is beholden to a democratic process in determining its nominee as much as the Redskins in choosing a QB.

The purpose of the GOP is to grow the wealth and power of its constituents. The most important constituents are the ones who donate (i.e. invest) lots of money.

Which is exactly why they should never be trusted. Ever... :(

04-28-16, 15:28
When I think about that my mind goes back to junior high and how the 'cool' kids at the 'cool' table would always change the rules about who they let sit there.

We had our reasons.

04-28-16, 20:16
I'll just leave this here:

"Did Gen. Mattis pull duty on Christmas so a Marine could be with his family?"


BGen Ron Christmas did the same thing on Okinawa one year, when he was a MEB commander.

04-28-16, 20:18
I just remember the whole of the 11th Marines being told outside of Dywania after OIF 1 by him as the CG "thanks for shooting 20k artillery rounds that paved the way for the division, being in countless firefights and later in the war being provisional infantry. But most of you don't rate CARs. He changed his mind because of sever congressional pressure following probably thousands of letters to Congressmen from the Marines who actually read the NAVMC 1650 and shooting artillery at the enemy was actually cited in the order as a qualification at the time of actions.

That I did not know, thank you for the scoop.

If smelly dudes with AK's are shooting at you, you rate a CAR in my universe.

04-28-16, 20:38
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e225/teehee321/Mattis%20khmer%20rouge%20_zpsuo5jcgsa.jpg (http://s40.photobucket.com/user/teehee321/media/Mattis%20khmer%20rouge%20_zpsuo5jcgsa.jpg.html)

04-28-16, 22:13
I think that I now know who I will be writing in on the ballot this November if the GOP Primary continues in its current direction.

04-28-16, 23:02
I still think it's funny that he got a vote on a recent military times presidential poll... when he wasn't even on the list and there weren't write-ins. Someone had to "hack" the poll to vote for him.

04-29-16, 06:42
Seriously, I get the mistrust of flag officers in the military but James Mattis is another breed.

I'll just leave this here:

"Did Gen. Mattis pull duty on Christmas so a Marine could be with his family?"


BGen Ron Christmas did the same thing on Okinawa one year, when he was a MEB commander.

Voodoo and Serious, thanks for sharing. I love how Mattis called a Major a "Young Marine" :lol:

To an 18yo PFC, Majors looked like Grandpas :cool:

04-29-16, 06:56
Seriously, I get the mistrust of flag officers in the military but James Mattis is another breed.

Voodoo and Serious, thanks for sharing. I love how Mattis called a Major a "Young Marine" :lol:

To an 18yo PFC, Majors looked like Grandpas :cool:

Ok, no need to get personal.

04-29-16, 20:06
Sensei, just remember the Field Grade Officer's Creed:

"Age and skill will overcome youth and enthusiasm every time."

And I am a Grandpa. :cool:

04-29-16, 20:20
He doesn't come off so well in this book, presuming the accounts are accurate.


04-29-16, 20:46
“You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad.” -Gen. Mattis
He would have my vote, but something tells me hes to honest to have a chance.

05-02-16, 08:20
Mattis is popular similar to why Trump is popular. He says things that offend the senses of those who are PC. However many of us involved with OIF1 remember some of the just weird shit that he also pushed out. Things like everyone will have a sponge to sop up water, no vehicles would idle more than a couple of minutes, we will only plan for and move enough MREs to eat one a day, everyone will grow a mustache and on order cut them off as an IFF feature to name a few

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05-02-16, 09:51
Mattis is popular similar to why Trump is popular. He says things that offend the senses of those who are PC. However many of us involved with OIF1 remember some of the just weird shit that he also pushed out. Things like everyone will have a sponge to sop up water, no vehicles would idle more than a couple of minutes, we will only plan for and move enough MREs to eat one a day, everyone will grow a mustache and on order cut them off as an IFF feature to name a few

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For me, the opposite is true. I respect the man not for what he has said, but instead for what he has done - dedicating his life to a purpose greater than himself. I do not have that discipline but I respect those who do.

Admittedly I've been hungry for a Mattisesque character to emerge. However, I still want to hear about policies, positions, and a full vetting of the record before I say that such a person is better than what we've got.

05-02-16, 11:32
I strongly doubt this is the way one of his conversations went down with Dowdy, but this would make for high adventure at the State of the Union.

Or a debate with Hillary. A guy can dream, right?


05-02-16, 13:22
I strongly doubt this is the way one of his conversations went down with Dowdy, but this would make for high adventure at the State of the Union.

Or a debate with Hillary. A guy can dream, right?


Ok, something I've always wondered is why are Colonels total and complete ****ing dicks and Generals are generally ****ing hilariously laid back and awesome?

05-02-16, 14:54
Ok, something I've always wondered is why are Colonels total and complete ****ing dicks and Generals are generally ****ing hilariously laid back and awesome?

Because they "got there already", whereas Colonels are still busy climbing each others backs to make it.

05-02-16, 15:18
In A-Stan Mattis was known to go out in the middle of the night, hang out with junior Marines in fighting holes. He was a big believer, too, that officers did not "suffer" from excess when deployed and required his officers to deploy with the same gear, the same seabag that the enlisted was required to carry. I don't know many Marines who didn't appreciate his leadership or who didn't want to fight for him, but I also know for field-grade officers he was a bear to work for.

05-02-16, 16:55
In A-Stan Mattis was known to go out in the middle of the night, hang out with junior Marines in fighting holes. He was a big believer, too, that officers did not "suffer" from excess when deployed and required his officers to deploy with the same gear, the same seabag that the enlisted was required to carry. I don't know many Marines who didn't appreciate his leadership or who didn't want to fight for him, but I also know for field-grade officers he was a bear to work for.

I believe that story came from when he was with TF58 in Camp Rhino, he did not do that when he was 1st MarDiv, I MEF or Commander USCENTCOM.

The gear story is a little bit more complicated than that, during OIF 1 as part of his "logistics lite" concept every one was to only bring what was on the packing list, this packing list was based on the packing list of a foot mobile 0311. Problem is not everyone is a foot mobile 0311, nor were we fighting a foot mobile war, instead a motorized one in which everyone was in a truck, HMVEE or track and the logistic lite lead to use not bring maintenance blocks and starving, additionally it lead to the 4 day op pause at Dywanyia were need to give a chance to bring logistics forward.

05-03-16, 07:13
I believe that story came from when he was with TF58 in Camp Rhino, he did not do that when he was 1st MarDiv, I MEF or Commander USCENTCOM.

The gear story is a little bit more complicated than that, during OIF 1 as part of his "logistics lite" concept every one was to only bring what was on the packing list, this packing list was based on the packing list of a foot mobile 0311. Problem is not everyone is a foot mobile 0311, nor were we fighting a foot mobile war, instead a motorized one in which everyone was in a truck, HMVEE or track and the logistic lite lead to use not bring maintenance blocks and starving, additionally it lead to the 4 day op pause at Dywanyia were need to give a chance to bring logistics forward.

TF58, that's right. RE: the "gear story". I only brought it up because of the perspectives in which the Marines had because of it. The junior Marines thought Mattis was holding the senior leadership's feet to the fire, which seems to happen so infrequently. Certainly the truth is more complex, but it is from stories like this that legends grow. Thanks for offering the details, though, to balance the issue.

Primus Pilum
05-12-16, 11:58
They need to find a way to clone him and make every officer in every branch a clone of Mattis.

Coming from an army guy, he is the model officer and warrior. Something every officer should strive towards.

Trump should name him VP, Or atleast make him his national security advisory/SECDEF.

05-12-16, 13:16
Just gonna leave this here...



05-12-16, 19:00
They need to find a way to clone him and make every officer in every branch a clone of Mattis.

Coming from an army guy, he is the model officer and warrior. Something every officer should strive towards.

Trump should name him VP, Or atleast make him his national security advisory/SECDEF.

Secretary of War!!! We should change it so when we are at war you are Sec of War in non combat you are Sec Def. Mattis would be awesome at NSA/Sec War/Def.

Primus Pilum
05-12-16, 19:50
Secretary of War!!! We should change it so when we are at war you are Sec of War in non combat you are Sec Def. Mattis would be awesome at NSA/Sec War/Def.

I would be fine with King or Supreme Leader!!!!!!!

Always wanted to serve a warlord!!!

05-12-16, 21:42
They need to find a way to clone him and make every officer in every branch a clone of Mattis.

Coming from an army guy, he is the model officer and warrior. Something every officer should strive towards.

Trump should name him VP, Or atleast make him his national security advisory/SECDEF.

The Clone Wars...