View Full Version : Finally--a Good Cop Story In The News!!!

04-12-16, 11:18
This and the coffee warmed the cockles of my crusty little heart this morning...


A 10-year-old boy in Arkansas said his heart sank when his mom sent 21 classmates invitations to his birthday party earlier this month, but nobody showed up.

Two days later, the doorbell rang. A group of state troopers stopped by, and they brought cake.

"They had come to give me all that stuff and make up their own birthday party for me," Toxey Ahrabli told KTHV. "I cried a little bit because they did that for me."

04-12-16, 11:29
This and the coffee warmed the cockles of my crusty little heart this morning...


Great stuff. Good to see some troopers making a positive impression on their community and someone reporting on it so others can take notice.

04-12-16, 11:47
Saw that the other day on facebook and shared it to help combat all the cop hate going around.

04-12-16, 12:29
Good shit. Bravo to them

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04-12-16, 13:07
Saw the pics of troopers in the house. It's not a good idea to invite LEOs into your home. EVERYONE has contraband of one sort or the other.

04-12-16, 13:09
Saw the pics of troopers in the house. It's not a good idea to invite LEOs into your home. EVERYONE has contraband of one sort or the other.

Lol. "Happy birthday, daddy's gotta go downtown though"

04-12-16, 18:22
7.62 NATO tread lightly you must. Or dissapear you will.

04-12-16, 20:28
That's a very cool story, I know he really loved getting to see the K-9.

04-12-16, 20:50
What kind of asshole parents have their kids invited to a 10 year olds birthday and don't show?

Either this is a really horrible kid or he truly doesn't have any friends and he's better off without those 21 jerkoffs in his life. I'd really consider finding a different school if that happened to my kid.

Nice that the Troopers took up the slack, but there is something really wrong with 21 parents. When I was 10 I invited the whole class, even the kids I didn't really like all that much. My parents told me I had to invite EVERYONE because that is what you do.

And if I got invited I went, even if I didn't particularly like the kid much. I went to the toy store and picked out something decent based upon what I would probably want if it was for me. Then I showed up, sang the stupid song ate a slice of cake and tried to have a good time. Because that is what my parents told me was the way you do things.

Ironically enough I actually ended up becoming friends with some kids that I didn't particularly care for in class simply because I invited them to my birthday and they had a good time and we got to know each other a little better in a non school setting and realized we had some things in common.

A kid would actually have to have something like tuberculosis or his parents to be known terrorists for me to keep my kid away from his birthday party if my kid was invited. I don't care if the parents named the kid Adolf Hitler, were black militants or Muslims, if they are having a birthday party for their 10 year old and my kid gets invited, we are buying a birthday present and going. Because it isn't about the parents, it's about the 10 year olds.

04-12-16, 21:27
We agree, Steyr. That was the first thing that crossed my mind reading the article.

Good on the troopers, though.

04-12-16, 21:56
This is like the third or fourth time I have read a story like this. Good to see.


04-12-16, 22:15
There's still good guys out there.
It doesn't seem like it. But there are.

Kids are impressionable and maybe this will be a good, fond memory he takes into adulthood.

04-12-16, 23:12
There's still good guys out there.
It doesn't seem like it. But there are.

Kids are impressionable and maybe this will be a good, fond memory he takes into adulthood.

There's lots of good guys out there, problem is decent cops being decent people doesn't usually make the news.

In the days before GPS I once pulled over to get my bearings so I wasn't trying to read a map and drive at the same time. No sooner than I got off on the side of the road a State Trooper pulled up thinking I was having car problems and came to assist. How often do you hear people talk about stuff like that? They only mention it if they get a speeding ticket.

There are of course some bad cops as well, some jackass actually cited me at 85 after I explained that my girlfriends brother was killed the night before and I told her father I'd get her home (different town) as fast as I could. He should have understood and let me bounce, and as soon as I left I was doing 85 again because I told her father I would get her home as fast as I could.

But you always hear about the bad, you almost never hear about the good, and if bad cops were even 10% of the LE community everyone would be in jail, getting a ticket or dead.

04-12-16, 23:33
There's lots of good guys out there, problem is decent cops being decent people doesn't usually make the news.

In the days before GPS I once pulled over to get my bearings so I wasn't trying to read a map and drive at the same time. No sooner than I got off on the side of the road a State Trooper pulled up thinking I was having car problems and came to assist. How often do you hear people talk about stuff like that? They only mention it if they get a speeding ticket.

There are of course some bad cops as well, some jackass actually cited me at 85 after I explained that my girlfriends brother was killed the night before and I told her father I'd get her home (different town) as fast as I could. He should have understood and let me bounce, and as soon as I left I was doing 85 again because I told her father I would get her home as fast as I could.

But you always hear about the bad, you almost never hear about the good, and if bad cops were even 10% of the LE community everyone would be in jail, getting a ticket or dead.

Last year I blew out a tire and stopped to change it and an officer pulled over and asked if I needed any assistance. I thanked her and said I was ok.

I have only been pulled over twice. The first time I was stopped on my way to work for going about 70 in a 55. I had to speed up to get around a semi because people were riding nut to butt in the lane people merge onto when entering the highway and if I didn't I would have been stuck getting off on the next exit. I didn't even mention this to the trooper, he just let me off with a warning. The other time I was merging off the highway onto a state road and that road was a 45mph road and about 300m off the exit is a stop light. It had been raining heavy and lights on state roads out here tend to switch very quickly and that one happened to switch right as I was approaching it. I was driving my truck and it did not stop on a dime so instead of slamming on my breaks and risk getting rear ended or ending up in the intersection impeding traffic, I decided to try and make it. Well, I get half way past the line and I see a police Tahoe light up and speed through the intersection to pull me over. He risked causing an accident just to cite me for that crap. I could not even explain before he was already handing me a citation. I paid for the citation and deferment; $275.

04-12-16, 23:43
I remember being told once, "Nobody sees what you do. They only see what you don't do".

It gets demoralizing, and honestly these days it isn't worth it to do it.

But for the most part, it doesn't surprise me to see guys do this for a kid.

Nobody appreciates the majority that go out and try to be decent.

Save an old person or thwart a robbery, eh just doing your job.

Piss off some politician or do something people don't like you're a bastard of five degrees.

The point is, these guys made some little boy's day and that can't get enough attention.

04-13-16, 01:44
I remember being told once, "Nobody sees what you do. They only see what you don't do".

It gets demoralizing, and honestly these days it isn't worth it to do it.

But for the most part, it doesn't surprise me to see guys do this for a kid.

Nobody appreciates the majority that go out and try to be decent.

Save an old person or thwart a robbery, eh just doing your job.

Piss off some politician or do something people don't like you're a bastard of five degrees.

The point is, these guys made some little boy's day and that can't get enough attention.

The important thing isn't what other people see or don't see, say or don't say, but what you know you have done and why. You didn't take this job to be appreciated by the public or the media, you probably took it because you wanted a chance to do some good things and help some people. Hopefully you have had opportunity to do good things and help some people, because that and a very median paycheck is all you are going to get.

But it's still better than being a lawyer most of the time.

Try to ignore the BS and recognize the times when you were the person who helped when nobody else was there or willing, the times when you made your little corner of the world a slightly better place by your actions. And if you are really, really lucky someday some grown up will recognize you and tell you how you helped turn his life around when nobody else even cared even if it seemed like a minor thing at the time.

04-13-16, 02:57
But if the kid wasn't white . . . :jester:

Seriously warmed my cold Grinch heart the other day when I saw this on FB.

04-13-16, 07:25
7.62 NATO tread lightly you must. Or dissapear you will.

A little green dwarf stands little chance against The Empire.

04-13-16, 08:08
A little green dwarf stands little chance against The Empire.

The "little green dwarf" runs the Empire. It's the troll that stands little chance against it.

04-13-16, 09:26
What kind of asshole parents have their kids invited to a 10 year olds birthday and don't show?

Either this is a really horrible kid or he truly doesn't have any friends and he's better off without those 21 jerkoffs in his life. I'd really consider finding a different school if that happened to my kid.

Nice that the Troopers took up the slack, but there is something really wrong with 21 parents. When I was 10 I invited the whole class, even the kids I didn't really like all that much. My parents told me I had to invite EVERYONE because that is what you do.

And if I got invited I went, even if I didn't particularly like the kid much. I went to the toy store and picked out something decent based upon what I would probably want if it was for me. Then I showed up, sang the stupid song ate a slice of cake and tried to have a good time. Because that is what my parents told me was the way you do things.

Ironically enough I actually ended up becoming friends with some kids that I didn't particularly care for in class simply because I invited them to my birthday and they had a good time and we got to know each other a little better in a non school setting and realized we had some things in common.

A kid would actually have to have something like tuberculosis or his parents to be known terrorists for me to keep my kid away from his birthday party if my kid was invited. I don't care if the parents named the kid Adolf Hitler, were black militants or Muslims, if they are having a birthday party for their 10 year old and my kid gets invited, we are buying a birthday present and going. Because it isn't about the parents, it's about the 10 year olds.

It's nice to see a happy LE story. I am sure the little guy will remember it forever. I wonder how much notice his mother gave his classmates? I have three young kids. We have had a few birthday flops and it's always been when we did not get the invitations out with enough notice. Two of my kids have birthdays in August. That makes invites a little more challenging. I loved it when the kids would make a phone book at the beginning of the year and share it with all of their classmates. They have not done that in years. I'm sure someone complained.

04-13-16, 09:43
Generally we have a pretty good department. On my Facebook feed about once a week there is something about an officer buying a homeless person a meal, or helping above-and-beyond. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the PD, and the once or twice I have been stopped by them, have deserved it.

04-13-16, 15:47
It's nice to see a happy LE story. I am sure the little guy will remember it forever. I wonder how much notice his mother gave his classmates? I have three young kids. We have had a few birthday flops and it's always been when we did not get the invitations out with enough notice. Two of my kids have birthdays in August. That makes invites a little more challenging. I loved it when the kids would make a phone book at the beginning of the year and share it with all of their classmates. They have not done that in years. I'm sure someone complained.

I agree, it could have been any number of scenarios where somebody dropped the ball. But at the end of the day, it looks strongly like somebody just didn't give a shit enough. It would be bad enough it 21 parents were so thoughtless they blew off this kids party, but if it was due to his own parents not being organized enough to get invites out in time, that's actually a little worse.