View Full Version : AMERIGEDDON Movie

Doc Safari
04-12-16, 16:43
Coming in May.


Looks to be controversial, just like the original 'Red Dawn', but it may be a good movie. I'll probably see it just because it'll be a conversation piece.



I'm finding out that 'Amerigeddon' is not only in very limited release, but also it is encountering resistance from theaters across the country. If you want to see the movie (or even just to support the filmmakers because of the theme of the movie and its pro-2A stance), then please contact your local theater management, and have others do so as well, to tell them you want them to show this movie.

You can also go to their website: http://amerigeddonthemovie.com/ to sign up for updates as to whether it's being shown in your area.

So far it is not going to be shown anywhere near me.

04-12-16, 16:54
It looks like one of those John Wesley Rawles books.

It also looks like it was filmed on a budget of 300 dollars.

It looks like something I'd stream maybe.

Sort of Wolverines....I dunno.

Kinda hard to beat 1983 Lea Thompson and Dirty Dancing girl when she still had her jew nose(which she should've kept instead of getting surgery)ETA Jennifer Grey. Thats her name and she aged horribly

If it had Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson, I'd be more enthusiastic

Doc Safari
04-12-16, 16:55
If it had Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson, I'd be more enthusiastic

It's got Dina Meyer from Starship Troopers...what the Hell else do ya want? :dance3:

04-12-16, 17:03
It's got Dina Meyer from Starship Troopers...what the Hell else do ya want? :dance3:

That was Dina Meyer?!


We're getting old, dude.

04-12-16, 20:14
Reminds me of Jericho a little bit.

04-12-16, 20:36
Maybe it'll get better, but.... to preachy.
Shit. Firefly's right- it's a JWR book. :laugh:

Honestly I grow weary of the "whack you over the head" politics and good/bad portrayals in these sorts of things. It's almost like the ol' "four legs good two legs bad" thing, just from the other direction.
If a right-leaning director wanted to make a movie it needs to be more nuance. Show all the shades of grey that a REAL SHTF/Resistance story would involve. Like Game of Thrones with guns. :laugh:
I think that old show "Amerika" was about as close as it got to this.
Now expand on that with a modern movie/series.... perhaps a few years after the events of the show as the descendants of the old characters fight to forge a new country from the ashes of the old (see, I can turn a phrase too... :p ).
It wouldn't be hard to do- it left off pretty open-ended, with an easy starting backstory for some main characters.
That way we can have the old grayscale political intrigue and character personalities, along with more Pew for audience draw.

04-12-16, 20:57
Maybe it'll get better, but.... to preachy.
Shit. Firefly's right- it's a JWR book. :laugh:

Honestly I grow weary of the "whack you over the head" politics and good/bad portrayals in these sorts of things. It's almost like the ol' "four legs good two legs bad" thing, just from the other direction.
If a right-leaning director wanted to make a movie it needs to be more nuance. Show all the shades of grey that a REAL SHTF/Resistance story would involve. Like Game of Thrones with guns. :laugh:
I think that old show "Amerika" was about as close as it got to this.
Now expand on that with a modern movie/series.... perhaps a few years after the events of the show as the descendants of the old characters fight to forge a new country from the ashes of the old (see, I can turn a phrase too... :p ).
It wouldn't be hard to do- it left off pretty open-ended, with an easy starting backstory for some main characters.
That way we can have the old grayscale political intrigue and character personalities, along with more Pew for audience draw.

While not as exciting as "Red Dawn", the mini series "Amerika" was a lot scarier. It was a little too realistic, and perhaps a little too intellectual for most people. Try and find a copy now, VHS copies are going for $200.

It's the kind of show that scares people who understand politics. It frightened the liberal media enough that they attacked it for an entire year as some kind of McCarthyism.

04-12-16, 21:23
Now I want to watch "Amerika", simply because it looks like it's hard to find.

"Amerigeddon" doesn't look terribly well thought out based on that preview, I'll probably wait for the iTunes/Hulu/etc. release.

04-12-16, 21:36
I saw Amerika first run and as a kid it bored the hell out of me. Aside from having the Blue Thunder helicopter, it bored me.

V had aliens. Red Dawn had kids fighting the Soviet airborne. The Day After was just....horrible. Not horrible bad, but horrible scared the hell out of me.

But I saw Amerika later in life and it had this creepy undertone.

It's like The Americans. That is the smartest show on TV. I find the actions of the two agents deplorable, but they are good at what they do. And they still have human emotions. They love their kids. They try to be nice to friends. But they'll still sing you a Russian lullaby.

No truly evil person thinks that they are a villain or wrong.

Hillary Clinton is an evil, cold hearted bitch. But in her mind she thinks she's doing us all a favor. Like really. But she also thinks she's due for her good deeds.

Same with Hussein Obama and that love letter he wrote to himself 'Dreams from my Father'. He thinks he was this messiah. That we are philistines who are due for proper governance. That we are simply too stupid and he is so enlightened.
Despite not just starting the Cold War back and putting it back to 1982 levels, he's messed the economy all to hell.

And the people that follow people like that are not inherently bad. Just lazy, stupid, or maybe kinda cowardly.

People, being the creatures of comfort they are, are willing to give up everything for the promise of something.

04-12-16, 21:46
It's got Dina Meyer from Starship Troopers...what the Hell else do ya want? :dance3:

She was smoking and it appears she still is. Too bad we could be related (same last name).

04-12-16, 21:57
I saw Amerika first run and as a kid it bored the hell out of me. Aside from having the Blue Thunder helicopter, it bored me.

V had aliens. Red Dawn had kids fighting the Soviet airborne. The Day After was just....horrible. Not horrible bad, but horrible scared the hell out of me.

But I saw Amerika later in life and it had this creepy undertone.

It's like The Americans. That is the smartest show on TV. I find the actions of the two agents deplorable, but they are good at what they do. And they still have human emotions. They love their kids. They try to be nice to friends. But they'll still sing you a Russian lullaby.

No truly evil person thinks that they are a villain or wrong.

Hillary Clinton is an evil, cold hearted bitch. But in her mind she thinks she's doing us all a favor. Like really. But she also thinks she's due for her good deeds.

Same with Hussein Obama and that love letter he wrote to himself 'Dreams from my Father'. He thinks he was this messiah. That we are philistines who are due for proper governance. That we are simply too stupid and he is so enlightened.
Despite not just starting the Cold War back and putting it back to 1982 levels, he's messed the economy all to hell.

And the people that follow people like that are not inherently bad. Just lazy, stupid, or maybe kinda cowardly.

People, being the creatures of comfort they are, are willing to give up everything for the promise of something.

Yep, the part that got me was the "We know that lie" speech given by his kid Caleb. It immediately took me back to all the indoctrination I had been offered at that age. Thankfully there wasn't a "police state" mandating my adoption of everything I was taught without dissent.

The original V was absolutely one of the greatest things on TV in the 80s. Probably better than any allegory for how something like Nazi Germany can happen ever made, even if some of the symbolism was a little obvious.

The Day After was definitely our generations "On The Beach" and coming on the heels of War Games made quite an impact. One you should check out if you can find it is the remake of "On The Beach" 2000 starring Rachel Ward. It's a real kick in the pants.

For those wanting to watch "Amerika", it is on Youtube and that's probably the only way you are ever going to see it. It's long, some parts are even dull, but if the Soviet takeover of the US actually happened in 1987, that is probably what it would look like. There really wouldn't be band of high schoolers taking to the hills and fighting spetsnaz, it would be power brokered deals and people in high places selling everyone else out to maintain their position.

Given that we actually have a marxist President who was introduced to politics at the home of known terrorist Bill Ayers, we seem to be well down that road, only an occupying army in uniform is missing because that would give us somebody obvious to shoot at.

04-12-16, 22:09
Yeah. America was totally sold out. There was no real resistance. It was like....we were bought out. Like the USSR collapsed and if the US offered to buy em out under the auspices of "saving" them.

To quote Pet Shop Boys "It couldn't happen here" people said.

I did see On the Beach. It had Joe Mantegna. It was really depressing. Especially when they started handing out suicide kits.

I saw the original with Anthony Perkins but in this case, the remake touched a nerve with me more.

Kind of like how the remake of the Fly and the Thing did.

04-12-16, 23:06
Yeah. America was totally sold out. There was no real resistance. It was like....we were bought out. Like the USSR collapsed and if the US offered to buy em out under the auspices of "saving" them.

To quote Pet Shop Boys "It couldn't happen here" people said.

I did see On the Beach. It had Joe Mantegna. It was really depressing. Especially when they started handing out suicide kits.

I saw the original with Anthony Perkins but in this case, the remake touched a nerve with me more.

Kind of like how the remake of the Fly and the Thing did.

Apart from the general anarchy as society stopped following the rules, the scene that really got me was when Perkins went outside and flipped the power breaker off.

Loved Carpenter's remake of The Thing, but I think Cronenbergs "The Fly" was amazing. Even with it's budgetary limitations it was a pretty dark film, add Genna Davis and I'm on board, she was still smoking hot and only looked better in Transylvania 6-5000 which is one of my favorite horrible movies because it has Genna Davis in it wearing a vampire costume that is almost porn.

Always been a Cronenberg fan starting with Scanners, and who doesn't love exploding heads? Then I discovered "Shivers" and "Rabid" and I was a fan. His movies are about the only ones that combine sex and horror and don't completely put me off. For example I can't watch Hostel, I have a problem with watching people get tortured while I still digging the naked chicks. Those are just two things I don't want to combine which is why slasher films generally aren't my thing.

04-12-16, 23:33
Yeah...Saw and Hostel are turn offs to me as well.

Geena Davis great in anything. She has this hot but brainy air. Like she's always thinking about something. Plus she's like 6'2".

If you like Cronenberg, I trust you've seen eXistenZ. IIRC it predates the Matrix and was a total mindscrew.
It was like Inception but deeper and darker. Possibly moreso than Videodrome.

See.....in the world of Kickstarter and so forth, why can't people do a smart movie about the evils of government?

Anybody can do preachy Rush Limpjaw. But nobody wants to do the creepy eeriness of people being subtly taken away. The troublemakers. Then the fence sitters. All while using the Useful Idiots.

I know that it isn't "correct" to show blacks negatively but BLM was the best thing that happened for politicians. This gives them leverage. Acquiesce, and no rioting. Resist, and you are not safe.

Same with illegals. Or refugees. Threatening us with our own security. Submit and you're on your own. And even if you manage to make it.....we'll still come after you.

But the bad guy will be some rich white guy in Amerigeddon. That's where Jericho lost me.

First season, lots of questions. No answers. Cryptic Morse Code. Rumors of several Governors claiming ascendancy. Foreign Aid from China and Europe. Nobody knew if it were sleeper cells, a rogue attack, or anything.

Rogue mercenary forces traipsing about. Towns reverting to frontier law.

Then 2nd Season it was fat rich white guys.

When will people accept that fat rich white guys don't want to start shit? They ENJOY being fat rich and white as-is. They want for nothing.

It's the political underminers or the schlubs like Bernie Sanders who made a lifestyle out of being radicals. Their idea of equality is shared misery. They want revenge on America because it made everyone else look bad. They want this collectivism because they fear accountability. They don't want to damn work. So they create class warfare.

Put the blacks against white, jew against gentile, man against woman.

Keep everyone at odds then whisper "Submit. Just submit and you can be comfortable again. Just submit and it goes away".

Less like Lord Humungus and more like some Ducky from Pretty in Pink.

Wearing you down and manipulating you.

04-13-16, 02:52
Coming in May.


Looks to be controversial, just like the original 'Red Dawn', but it may be a good movie. I'll probably see it just because it'll be a conversation piece.

Watched the trailer a few weeks ago on FB.

Honestly wished someone with some capital would make a film adaptation of One Second After and or Lights Out.

Straight Shooter
04-13-16, 08:35
At first..I thought this WAS, FINALLY..a movie based on One Second After. BTW- WHERE IS THAT? Heard years ago someone bought the option on it to do a flick...not heard anything since.
Also- the low budget, lack of CG & crash, bang boom is a PLUS to me. Im sick of all the fake, nobody- ever- dies no- matter -what crap.
And all the superhero shit can just kiss my ass...sick of it. Where are the movies for grown ups?
Just saw 10 Cloverfield Lane- SUCKED. BAD.
This one looks interesting and Ill see it if possible.

Doc Safari
04-13-16, 09:17
Reminds me of Jericho a little bit.

Thanks for posting that. I miss that show more than the original Star Trek, which is to say, I miss it almost as much as hot nasty sex.

Doc Safari
04-13-16, 09:22
I know it ain't perfect, but there is so little talk in the mainstream about the grid going down and what might happen that I'd rather have a low budget movie about it than none.

Outlander Systems
04-13-16, 09:37
Looks corny.

Just watch re-runs of Jericho.

AMERIGEDDON, from my perspective, is cultural collapse. We're living it.

Raise your kids right, people.

04-13-16, 11:27
Hey, man....10 Cloverfield Lane was good. Ramona Flowers and Walter Sobchak can do no wrong.

Also Star Trek was lame hippie socialist crap. Now Firefly was by far the most brilliant show ever.

Space Confederate skirting the law and giving no damns.

Doc Safari
04-13-16, 11:31

Hey, man....10 Cloverfield Lane was good. Ramona Flowers and Walter Sobchak can do no wrong.

My girlfriend and I loved it until the end when it became spaceships and weird critters. They should have made a straight ahead "end of the world" movie. It would have been much stronger and a potential companion piece to movies like "The Road." Instead they had to ruin the whole movie by making it an alien invasion flick that is only revealed at the very end. I liked the first "Coverfield" movie: it's the movie "Godzilla" should have been, but you knew early into it that it was a monster attacking Manhattan. With "10 Cloverfield Lane" you had to be sucked into thinking this was another "Outbreak" or other disaster movie and only at the end did you find out it was UFO's and crap.

04-13-16, 11:41
Oddly enough.....the aliens were a fun twist for me.

Also when she could just go straight to safety but decided to join the alien war instead was badass.

It was like when the Marines go back out to fight aliens in Battle LA stopping only to gas up on mags.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a Sigourney Weaver waiting to happen.

Doc Safari
04-13-16, 11:45
Oddly enough.....the aliens were a fun twist for me.

Also when she could just go straight to safety but decided to join the alien war instead was badass.

It was like when the Marines go back out to fight aliens in Battle LA stopping only to gas up on mags.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a Sigourney Weaver waiting to happen.

Then they should have made a movie about that rather than ruin an otherwise fine movie that appeared to go in another direction. I not only didn't like it, I'm ANGRY about it.

I compare it to "From Dusk 'Til Dawn." They took a great bank robber/kidnap movie and ruined it by making it transform into a fourth-rate vampire movie.

Boba Fett v2
04-13-16, 11:52
Looks like a great film to watch if you want to lower your vibration frequency. Namaste.

04-13-16, 12:18
Then they should have made a movie about that rather than ruin an otherwise fine movie that appeared to go in another direction. I not only didn't like it, I'm ANGRY about it.

I compare it to "From Dusk 'Til Dawn." They took a great bank robber/kidnap movie and ruined it by making it transform into a fourth-rate vampire movie.

I can see how you felt baited and switched.
For the first 30 minutes I thought John Goodman was just a pervert.

It was kinda like Predator sort of. Predator starts out as a macho war movie with ome liners and dudes being tough, then it becomes an eerie game of cat and mouse, of being stalked, and it ends up as a duel between two warriors.

Cloverfield lame was liked a pissed off chick movie that went from a pissy girl leaving a dude, to possibly being a perverts quarry, to being an unwitting survivor of what could've been an attack, to being an Amazon soldier in a war of two worlds

Doc Safari
04-13-16, 13:03
It was kinda like Predator sort of. Predator starts out as a macho war movie with ome liners and dudes being tough, then it becomes an eerie game of cat and mouse, of being stalked, and it ends up as a duel between two warriors.

Another perfectly good movie ruined by an unnecessary science fiction element.

04-13-16, 15:31
Hey, man....10 Cloverfield Lane was good. Ramona Flowers and Walter Sobchak can do no wrong.

Also Star Trek was lame hippie socialist crap. Now Firefly was by far the most brilliant show ever.

Space Confederate skirting the law and giving no damns.

If not for the original star trek, we probably wouldn't have cell phones.

Doc Safari
04-13-16, 16:18

04-13-16, 18:50
Actually I sorta want to support this probably lame movie now out of spite.

Even though the last two Atlas Shrugged movies were boring as hell, I still bought them.

04-13-16, 19:04
Actually I sorta want to support this probably lame movie now out of spite.

Even though the last two Atlas Shrugged movies were boring as hell, I still bought them.

I have all three. Completely disappointing for so many reasons. Almost like they were designed to fail.

04-13-16, 19:26
Watched the trailer a few weeks ago on FB.

Honestly wished someone with some capital would make a film adaptation of One Second After and or Lights Out.

Somebody did. It was called Remnants. It doesn't follow the book One Second After at all, I never read lights out. It didn't really go anywhere except straight to DVD for people that chipped in to their gofund me version of a budget. There were two versions, one that just showed everyday people in that scenario (original) and one that included a vice president that went to an underground bunker under a cabin on a ranch. That version wasn't as good but I have an extra copy I'd be happy to loan out to whoever wants to see it. I chipped in enough to preorder/gofundme to get a copy of each. PM me.

04-13-16, 21:48
Also- the low budget, lack of CG & crash, bang boom is a PLUS to me. Im sick of all the fake, nobody- ever- dies no- matter -what crap.
And all the superhero shit can just kiss my ass...sick of it. Where are the movies for grown ups?

IMHO, there's a difference between "low budget" and "realistic". If I can *spot* the special effects and CG, it's to low. :bad:

But per superhero rubbish... yeah.
Well, ok, Deadpool? Maybe upcoming Suicide Squad? ;)
But most of the current stuff.... absolute tripe.
I mean, come on- Batman Vs Superman? Superman would literally kill Batman in ANY fight in about two seconds. How is this even a movie-worthy plot?
And of course the new "we ran out of made-up gods and aliens for our superhero group to fight, so let's have them fight each other". *snore*
Frankly, I think at this point it's just catering to the fan base that's all like "ermagherd what if so-and-so fought so-and-so", not about actually making a thinking movie.
How about "what happens when there's no more baddies for your superhero group left to fight"?
Ok, yeah, Watchmen, but IMO that movie was.... meh. Lots of potential in the trailer, didn't follow up.

It was like when the Marines go back out to fight aliens in Battle LA stopping only to gas up on mags.

You know, I was almost expecting them to pull a Starship Trooper-esque recruitment speech at the end.
"U.S Marines- Service ensures citizenship! Contact your local recruiter today!"

Per SHTF movies, I'm honestly surprised One Second After hasn't made it to the major movies yet- it's by far the most movie-ready and most mainstream-palatable all-out SHTF book out there. :shrug:

04-13-16, 22:23
Trailer needs more American flags.

In fact, it should probably just be a waving American flag and explosions.

And of course the new "we ran out of made-up gods and aliens for our superhero group to fight, so let's have them fight each other". *snore*
Frankly, I think at this point it's just catering to the fan base that's all like "ermagherd what if so-and-so fought so-and-so", not about actually making a thinking movie.
How about "what happens when there's no more baddies for your superhero group left to fight"?

If you're referring to Captain America: Civil War... the comic series on which it is based goes something like this:

Some superheroes accidentally kill a bunch of kids in a massive explosion. Government decides that all superheroes (and supervillains) need to register with the government and undergo training and certification. Essentially, they become part of a federal law enforcement apparatus. Tony "Iron Man" Stark leads the pro-government forces, Steve "Captain America" Rogers leads the resistance. Peter "Spiderman" Parker is the public face of the pro-government forces, because everybody and their grandmother knows that Tony Stark is Iron Man.

And a good number of supervillains join Stark/Iron Man and the pro-government forces (some supervillains, of course, are on the run and some try to join Captain America - but at least a couple of them are gunned down by Frank Castle/The Punisher, who is with Cap - until he guns down the villains who wanted to join Cap's forces, at which point Cap beats the shit out of him and then kicks him out of the club).

Spiderman switches sides after his family is attacked and he's badly injured. And SPOILER ALERT, Cap ends up surrendering to end the fighting and gets shot in the face on the way to his trial by a government-vetted supervillain. At which point in time, the public decides that the government has gone too far and things start to swing the other way. And the Winter Soldier/"Bucky" Barnes (the guy with the robot arm) takes up the mantle of Captain America. END SPOILERS

In the comics, it was both the typical, "How much government power is too much?" combined with breaking up the usual good guy/bad guy dynamics by breaking heroes and villains up along the libertarian/authoritarian axis, rather than the more typical moral/immoral or good/evil axes.

And this movie is a Captain America movie. So, since Cap was on the libertarian side, we can likely expect Captain America: Civil War to take the civil war dynamics largely from Cap's perspective - and have another libertarian message, like Winter Soldier did.

04-13-16, 23:24
Then they should have made a movie about that rather than ruin an otherwise fine movie that appeared to go in another direction. I not only didn't like it, I'm ANGRY about it.

I compare it to "From Dusk 'Til Dawn." They took a great bank robber/kidnap movie and ruined it by making it transform into a fourth-rate vampire movie.

"From Dusk 'Til Dawn" gets a pass on anything and everything because of the Salma Hayek dance. When I'm laying on my death bed, I'll still remember that scene...

04-14-16, 03:28
But per superhero rubbish... yeah.
Well, ok, Deadpool? Maybe upcoming Suicide Squad? ;)
But most of the current stuff.... absolute tripe.
I mean, come on- Batman Vs Superman? Superman would literally kill Batman in ANY fight in about two seconds. How is this even a movie-worthy plot?
And of course the new "we ran out of made-up gods and aliens for our superhero group to fight, so let's have them fight each other". *snore*
Frankly, I think at this point it's just catering to the fan base that's all like "ermagherd what if so-and-so fought so-and-so", not about actually making a thinking movie.
How about "what happens when there's no more baddies for your superhero group left to fight"?
Ok, yeah, Watchmen, but IMO that movie was.... meh. Lots of potential in the trailer, didn't follow up.

I never was into comics but the movies are all based on the comics. Not because Hollywood has run out of ideas already. Batman whooped Superman in the comics from what I have been told because of his resources and intelligence (kryptonite weapons). Similar to the movie. He outsmarted Kent. Plus, most of the movie was not about the actual fight but certain entities, clandestinely, trying to get them to fight.

04-14-16, 03:30
Thanks for posting that. I miss that show more than the original Star Trek, which is to say, I miss it almost as much as hot nasty sex.

If it is the same Jericho I am thinking of, too bad it only ran, what, two seasons? A shame.

04-14-16, 03:41
Jericho rocked, I own the complete series on DVD. Rumor several years back that Netflix was supposed to pick it up but nothing came of it. The cast is ten years older at this point.

04-14-16, 03:44
Jericho rocked, I own the complete series on DVD. Rumor several years back that Netflix was supposed to pick it up but nothing came of it. The cast is ten years older at this point.

It was a good show definitely. I believe people were trying to get Netflix to pick it up but not enough people signed the petition or something like that. Too damn bad, I wanted so much more.