04-13-16, 17:43
I work part time in a juvenile treatment center serving emotionally disturbed teens. Half are sex offenders. The great majority have committed criminal offenses. Today I took a 15 year old kid to the hospital for an MRI ordered by his primary care doc. The boy complained that masturbation gives him headaches. First, I'm flabbergasted that our nurse referred him to his doctor for this problem, and second, I see this effort as one more way that tax money is wasted. Perhaps Medicaid will provide a butt plug(with remote)to make things easier for him. You see, physical strain from tensed face and neck muscles and poor posture can aggravate this malady.

04-13-16, 18:11
MRI is only $2000-3000 right?

04-13-16, 20:03
Let's try having a GD thread without the NSFW potty talk.

04-13-16, 20:09
Sorry about that.

I would advise such juvenile detainee to refrain from his self-reported activities that would spur any real or perceived discomfort.

He likely just wants a trip outside of the detention center anyways.

04-14-16, 05:19
Violent, emotionally disturbed teenage sex offenders cannot be fixed.

04-14-16, 10:04
Violent, emotionally disturbed teenage sex offenders cannot be fixed.

Sure they can be fixed. A single dose of 4,989.516mg of Pb and Cu at 2,900 fps does the trick just nicely.

04-14-16, 11:24
Sounds like the little crap-head had a case of incarcer-itis.

04-14-16, 12:32
Post-Coital Cephalgia.

04-14-16, 12:32
dirt bags can have medical conditions also.

04-14-16, 13:47
First, I could care less if a POS suffers physical pain if they have sexually assaulted another person.

With that said, I am cursed with migraines. Have been pretty much my entire life. An orgasm is a pretty common trigger to bring on a migraine. I have had it happen to myself and I have been the cause of an orgasmic migraine multiple times with 3 Ladies I knew. :dirol:

I am suprised the dr looked past this & spend 2500 tax payer's dollars on a MRI vs giving him a $28 imitrex pill to rule out a migraine. I would be willing to bet exercise or strong physical activity will trigger a headache in this person as well.