View Full Version : Mass Shooting Tel Aviv Airport - 26 Dead, More Than 75 Injured (May 1972)

04-14-16, 00:30
Well in May 30, 1972 anyway.

Otherwise known as the Lod Airport Massacre (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lod_Airport_massacre)

But the point is we think the of the Paris and Brussels attacks as something new and recent, but the reality is, it's been happening for a long time now and we seem to have learned virtually nothing from the experiences.

Of course it's easy to say, well yeah, Muslims have been trying to kill everyone else for centuries, nothing new. But there is a difference. Let's examine who was involved.

The actual shooters were members of the Japanese Red Army Faction who were recruited and trained by Palestinian terrorists known as Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - External Operations. So even before Munich, you had a group of Islamic terrorists dedicated specifically to international terrorism. Shouldn't be surprising, except maybe to people who gobble up facts from CAIR.

And who are their supporters in the indiscriminate murder of men, women and children in a public area of an airport (sound familiar?), leftists / marxist groups. So it shouldn't be too surprising that the same leftists / marxist types, especially those who support violent action to further their agenda, are willing to give tacit support to terrorists who subscribe the religious fundamentalism. It should be terribly ironic that two such divergent groups would find common cause in trying to kill everyone else, but sadly there is a pattern.

This wasn't Munich where a specific group targeted another specific group who represented a specific country and effort was taken to not harm anyone else. In fact this preceded Munich and was completely indiscriminate.

At 10 pm the attackers arrived at the airport aboard an Air France flight from Rome. Dressed conservatively and carrying slim violin cases, they attracted little attention. As they entered the waiting area, they opened up their violin cases and extracted Czech vz. 58 assault rifles with the butt stocks removed.

Immediately afterward, they began to fire indiscriminately at airport staff and visitors, which included a group of pilgrims from Puerto Rico, tossing grenades as they changed magazines. Yasuda was accidentally shot dead by one of the other attackers, and Okudaira moved from the airport building into the landing area, firing at passengers disembarking from an El Al aircraft before being killed by one of his own grenades, either due to accidental premature explosion or as a suicide. Okamoto was shot by security, brought to the ground by an El Al employee, and arrested as he attempted to leave the terminal.

Even worse, in the immediate aftermath, news magazine Der Spiegel speculated that funding had been provided by some of the $5 million ransom paid by the West German government in exchange for the hostages of hijacked Lufthansa Flight 649 in February 1972.

So what lessons should have been learned? What should have changed?

Why are leftist radicals allowed to decide the immigration policies of Europe when it comes to Syrian refugees who are far more likely to be terrorists than people from Japan? Why are we permitting the same in the US? I would point out that we had groups in the US every bit as violent as the Red Army Faction, but I think everyone knows about the Weather Underground (a violent, radical leftist / marxist terrorist group) and how founding members Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who started out as "Students for a Democratic Society" (gee doesn't that sound nice?) hosted the start of Barrack Obama's political career.


Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995, where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate. Obama and Ayers' nine years of service on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago overlapped for three years from 1999 to 2002.

So it's now 2016, almost 45 years later, and the western world is still under attack by radical Islam and their leftists proxies. The only real difference is the radical leftists seem to be in charge politically, and the Muslim terrorist agenda is no longer just "a piece of land for themselves" but the destruction of as many innocents as possible.

Sadly few people seem to remember 9-11, I doubt you can find a high school student anywhere in the US who knows about the Lod Airport Massacre. But if they did learn about it, it would probably only strengthen their conviction that universal background checks and gun bans are the only solution to these kinds of tragedies.

It seems only Israel was able to figure it out. The last time a El Al jet was hijacked was in 1968 by the PFLP. The last significant attack concerning Israeli citizens taken hostage (once again by the PFLP-EO) was in 1976 and ended in Entebbe. The last attempted hijacking of an El Al plane was in September of 1970, it failed.

I know we aren't Israel, and we don't want to be. We have greater freedoms and they are worth defending. But we could learn a lot from these decades old events and how Israel seems to have addressed them. The reality is we have given up a lot of freedom without gaining any meaningful security.

Just wish we'd get our shit together before somebody realizes they can roll a pressure cooker bomb into the common areas of Los Angeles International Airport.

04-14-16, 06:12
Just wish we'd get our shit together before somebody realizes they can roll a pressure cooker bomb into the common areas of Los Angeles International Airport.

If I were a terrorist, the security lines at LAX would be the perfect target.

You already know everyone is unarmed, the sheep are caged in...

04-14-16, 08:18
And the organizer, Wadie Haddad, was a Palestinian Greek Orthodox Christian

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

04-14-16, 11:18
Just wish we'd get our shit together before somebody realizes they can roll a pressure cooker bomb into the common areas of Los Angeles International Airport.

On the day that happens, and it will eventually, the lefties in charge will get on the TV and with a tear in their eye explain how banning assault rifles, limiting clip capacity, and universal registrati…oh I meant, universal back ground checks, would have prevented this tragedy… If the population were disarmed and helpless, these things just would not happen anymore, right?

Good post with some good points Steyr. As usual.

04-14-16, 15:37
And the organizer, Wadie Haddad, was a Palestinian Greek Orthodox Christian

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Missed that one. The bedfellows get strange indeed.

04-14-16, 15:55
If I were a terrorist, the security lines at LAX would be the perfect target.

You already know everyone is unarmed, the sheep are caged in...

This type of guaranteed gun free zone, packed people, etc is exactly why the Paris & Belgian attacks were where they were.

Security lines are clearly the next soft target, good risk/impact ratio

04-14-16, 16:42
This type of guaranteed gun free zone, packed people, etc is exactly why the Paris & Belgian attacks were where they were.

Security lines are clearly the next soft target, good risk/impact ratio

And zero way to avoid them unless you stop traveling, going to events, etc.

04-14-16, 17:35
Even when we, the Americans, get attacked we also get punished by our own government as a result of their own failures

Remember the Draw Mohammed contest in Texas? They wanted to blame the lady that held it instead of acknowledge that we have a problem in the West and it's getting worse.

The problem is a direct result of our elected officials lack of wherewithal.

04-14-16, 19:57
I have a relevant anecdote.

I was to be flying Orlando to Vegas this last fall; while waiting in line to begin the TSA security process and remarking disdainfully at the theater of it all - among a crowd of at least 200 people waiting - an officer with the TSA announced abruptly over loud-speaker, "due to unexpectedly high volume, we will be sending everyone beyond the security area at this time." They opened the temporary barriers and let every last person through. No ID check, no scans, nothing. It was easily 300-400 people.

If I have a point it is to say there is no reason a person should trust a professional politician with matters of security, science, environment, economy, industry, history or any other matter. Same as seeking legal advice from an attorney, not your dentist.

04-14-16, 22:50
Even when we, the Americans, get attacked we also get punished by our own government as a result of their own failures

Remember the Draw Mohammed contest in Texas? They wanted to blame the lady that held it instead of acknowledge that we have a problem in the West and it's getting worse.

The problem is a direct result of our elected officials lack of wherewithal.

Yep, same with the Burn Koran controversy.

We have people willing to kill over a cartoon or the burning of a book. But the real problem is the cartoonist or the book burner. This really is blaming the rape victim because of what she was wearing.

I wish I could be a complete psychopath and espouse things like killing journalist who talk about banning guns and then have the journalists blamed for provoking me and not respecting my "beliefs."

04-15-16, 04:18
Yep, same with the Burn Koran controversy.

We have people willing to kill over a cartoon or the burning of a book. But the real problem is the cartoonist or the book burner. This really is blaming the rape victim because of what she was wearing.

I wish I could be a complete psychopath and espouse things like killing journalist who talk about banning guns and then have the journalists blamed for provoking me and not respecting my "beliefs."

Yeah the 1st Amendment is cool and all unless it counters the status quo and his found offensive to a certain demographic, the LGBT crowd, and or muslims.

04-15-16, 05:17
At ElAl check in yep, the passengers are not armed. But if you think they are sitting ducks the same as Brussels, you would be wrong.

If you think TSA is security, then go to Ben Gurion you will not see 90% of the security but it is there and heavily armed.

04-15-16, 14:49
At ElAl check in yep, the passengers are not armed. But if you think they are sitting ducks the same as Brussels, you would be wrong.

If you think TSA is security, then go to Ben Gurion you will not see 90% of the security but it is there and heavily armed.


And we could probably do the same for about what we are spending now to have incompetents tell you to remove your shoes.

04-15-16, 15:12
And we could probably do the same for about what we are spending now to have incompetents tell you to remove your shoes.

Most likely true. But, it's been pointed out to me that implementing the Israeli security approach (profiling, hardened etc) would be very difficult to implement in a major US airport, much less across all of them.

Not to defend the TSA, I think they are idiots. (Confirmed by a Fed agency buddy who in past lives had to spot check them).

But no amount of Israeli hidden armed guards, profiling, etc is likely to stop an IED in the screening line.

The best approach I've seen so far is K9 working the lines, focused on the ones entering the queue.

Then again, I've seen sub-gun toting police all over Heathrow, so I'd feel better there than in most US airports

04-15-16, 17:04
You can implement Israeli security in the USA, and the times needed in security would go down. It would cost maybe a little more, but you would not have fat stupid thieves wearing blue shirts in the airports .

TSA the stupid agency, but I really thing it should have been named Airport Security Service.

They are worthless and I have had ammo stolen from my bag twice now.

04-15-16, 17:15
Most likely true. But, it's been pointed out to me that implementing the Israeli security approach (profiling, hardened etc) would be very difficult to implement in a major US airport, much less across all of them.

Not to defend the TSA, I think they are idiots. (Confirmed by a Fed agency buddy who in past lives had to spot check them).

But no amount of Israeli hidden armed guards, profiling, etc is likely to stop an IED in the screening line.

The best approach I've seen so far is K9 working the lines, focused on the ones entering the queue.

Then again, I've seen sub-gun toting police all over Heathrow, so I'd feel better there than in most US airports

We don't have to do everything Israel does, I'm not sure everything they do would even work here. But we could do a LOT of what Israel does, combined with the things we have found most effective and stop wasting time shaking down 98 year old ladies to demonstrate we aren't profiling.

We waste a lot of time, money and effort doing things that are of no consequence.

04-15-16, 19:54
Steyr, keep up the posting brother, really enjoying your views on subjects lately!

LOL. I think that makes about four of you guys. Might have to start a fan club or something.

Seriously though, I have opinions and free time. I probably don't need encouragement.

I think there's more than four of us.

Take the fan club to PM and leave the thread on-topic.