View Full Version : The Hateful Eight (Review)

04-14-16, 09:06
Quentin Tarantino is hit or miss for me, mostly miss. The Hateful 8 is another narcissistic mess from him. It has some good dialogue in spots, great casting, a decent plot line, and is full of gratuitous cheesy looking violence, pushing various taboos as far as he can to show how edgy he is. The movies has it all for taboos covered, and the N Word is used at least every other minute, etc, etc.

It's dark humor and everyone is covered in blood and brain and other body parts at some point and in various nasty ways.

If you generally enjoy Tarantino's stuff, you'll like this one too I suspect. If you don't "get" what people see in Tarantino movies, I doubt you'll do any better with one.


04-14-16, 09:23
not one of his best, but not as bad as Kill Bill.

Inglourious Basterds,Django Unchained this is not. Those were epic.

04-14-16, 09:29
not one of his best, but not as bad as Kill Bill.

Inglourious Basterds,Django Unchained this is not. Those were epic.

I liked Kill Bill, in particular part II. It was if Part I and II were different directors.

I think Inglourious Basterd probably his best I have seen, didn't see Django Unchained.

04-14-16, 09:47
Long movie but I liked it. When I saw the way the title was written at the beginning (almost cartoonish or 1960's Batman-style writing) and then saw it was a Tarantino film I was like "Ahh, Quentin strikes again!". Again, I thought it was a good watch.

04-14-16, 09:51
I didn't like this one. Hateful Eight had a potential to be a great film, but it kind of got lost in the need to have gratuitous violence.
I saw a film years ago, I believe it was called "Ten Little Indians", looked like it was made in the late 40's maybe early 50's it was a thriller but the violence in it was handled almost like Hitchcock did in his films. Hateful Eight could have been that good.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed "Reservoir Dogs" that violence was a slow burn until the final crescendo shootout scene, Hateful Eight was a herky jerky, disjointed and the only thing predictable was lots of blood. I'm not sure why Tarantino's story and direction seemed so aimless, but it he has handled things like this in "Pulp Fiction" so much better.
He can be a great story teller, he seems to get lost sometimes in the need to make a "B" Movie and throw a lot of blood around.

04-14-16, 09:52
If you don't "get" what people see in Tarantino movies, I doubt you'll do any better with one.

You are correct. I thought it was terrible!

04-14-16, 09:59
You are correct. I thought it was terrible!

Dark humor is "funny" when you don't try too hard and be so damn obvious that's what you're trying to do. This movie screamed "look at me, I'm an edgy dark humor movie that challenges every taboo 'cuz I'm so cool and edgy and stuff" it fell flat mostly, with a few bright spots.

04-14-16, 10:02
I am sorry but he has got to be the most over-rated director, ever.

I know everyone thinks "Pulp Fiction" is the be all end all but I just could barely sit through it and a few of his other films that I tried watching.

I will probably skip this one as well, even though I love westerns.

04-14-16, 11:04
Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction just blew me away. But while I liked the Bills, the balance between style and story was disappointing. Except for Uma, all the characters were two dimensional. Hateful Eight sounds even more self indulgent.

It seems a common effect of success among authors too - character development ends and plot serves primarily to show off witty dialogue and snarky commentary and in-jokes. Too many yes-men and no no-men to rein in the excess.

04-14-16, 11:47
I do not support his movies with my money.

04-14-16, 12:08
I do not support his movies with my money.

Agreed. Never saw any of his movies in the theater and the ones I've seen, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bills, Reservoir Dogs, I've liked.

However, once he opened his cake hole and got all preachy about violence and cops are racist, I won't watch his movies even on cable.

04-14-16, 15:31
I do not support his movies with my money.

+1 This. Personally, I think he belongs in a looney bin. Oh wait, Hollywood, guess he already is.

04-14-16, 16:15
I am sorry but he has got to be the most over-rated director, ever.

I know everyone thinks "Pulp Fiction" is the be all end all but I just could barely sit through it and a few of his other films that I tried watching.

I will probably skip this one as well, even though I love westerns.

I get that. With Tarantino, I feel peer pressure as if I'm supposed to automatically like his stuff, but I often don't. I have no plans to see H8, and I feel like Westerns as a genre have been going downhill lately.

04-14-16, 18:45
Won't support a race baiting, LE hating, BLM ass hat.

Support BLM yet use the "N" word like punctuation.

I'd rather play in traffic. Blindfolded.

04-14-16, 18:53
Kill Bill was probably the last Tarantino film I liked. But only because I like Uma Thurman.

Inglorious Bastards was just stupid. Didn't see Django Unchained. Won't see this.

Pulp Fiction was probably the best one.
Reservoir Dogs being a close second

04-14-16, 19:50
Really thought the ending was horrible - not the events at the end, but how they left it. It was like the sopranos. Total bullshit.

Other than the ending, it was ok. Not his greatest,but worth watching.

04-14-16, 21:17
He made 2 great movies and wrote another; Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and (wrote) True Romance. Everything since then has been weak in comparison. Had he not made those first movies I really don't think he could have made a career based on any others.

04-14-16, 22:14
Kill Bill was probably the last Tarantino film I liked. But only because I like Uma Thurman.

Inglorious Bastards was just stupid. Didn't see Django Unchained. Won't see this.

Pulp Fiction was probably the best one.
Reservoir Dogs being a close second

Django Unchained is probably the only Tarantino movie I've enjoyed. Other than maybe Kill Bill, Vol. 2. I should probably watch Pulp Fiction again before writing it completely off, though, as I only saw it once, many years ago.

Didn't like Inglorious Basterds, didn't like Kill Bill, Vol. 1, didn't particularly care for Reservoir Dogs.

04-14-16, 23:44
I'm a cop, so I'm not allowed to like his movies.

Instead, I just don't like him. I do, however, dig his art form. Tarantino makes a dang good movie, and Hateful was good.

04-15-16, 04:11
As a Tarantino fan I have to say this one I did not like. I think he's getting worse as his early films are his best. He even said once that there comes a time directors need to stop making films cause they start sucking at a certain point. He's over played the "race thing" to death.

This doesn't even take into account the Weinstein brothers who are the money behind all his films and are notorious anti 2nd Amendment. Tarantino is the loudest voice in Hollywood anytime anyone in the media suggests violence in movies/TV is to blame for violence in society.

We've seen his best, at this point he is a has been . . .

With that said did those of you who watch the film catch all the hat tipping to Kurt Russell in John Carpenter's The Thing? That is one thing I like about his films as a cinephile, the geeky trivia homages stuff.

Perhapst the best thing about his film is it was shot on 65mm film with classic Panavision lenses in the widest aspect ratio of 2.76:1, this makes it the first anamorphic 70mm theatrical release in nearly 50 years. The cinematography is simply stunning. The last film in Ultra Panavision 70 released was Khartoum in 1966 staring Charlton Heston.

04-15-16, 06:31
I've never watched a Tarantino movie I didn't like until this one. It was boring and dragged on and on.

04-15-16, 08:00
I've never watched a Tarantino movie I didn't like until this one. It was boring and dragged on and on.

I tired watching it but had to turn it off it was so horrible.

04-15-16, 08:47
I won't go to the theater to see his movies anymore after this one. I'll wait until I can watch it for free on cable.

04-15-16, 10:51
I buy every movie my family is involved in, but this one I just really didn't care for. It's just not a good film.

04-15-16, 12:17
I buy every movie my family is involved in, but this one I just really didn't care for. It's just not a good film.


04-15-16, 12:27

My family has worked in the film industry for the last 30+ years. My father does transportation (coordination, picture car work) for Universal studios, and my Uncle also does the same thing. My father was not in the credits on Hateful 8, but my Uncle was.

Dad's IMDB;


My Uncles IMDB;


04-15-16, 13:53
I buy every movie my family is involved in, but this one I just really didn't care for. It's just not a good film.

As with so many of his films, could have been an excellent film. All the components were there but slapping together good ingredients without the talent to put them together, gets that mess of a movie. It's what a high school kid with ADHD puts out.