View Full Version : Russians one-up the Iranians.

04-15-16, 12:58
"...ultimately, the the rules of engagement put the CO in charge of how to respond."

I have to wonder what ROE the Navy is operating under: Don't shoot until *after* you've been sunk?


Just as with the Iranian fly over, the excuse is weak. At 30ft away it doesn't need to carry a weapon, it is a weapon. A small mistake on the pilot's part at that speed and that could have ended very badly for everyone on our destroyer.

04-15-16, 13:19
I'm sure him and Goose-ski got chewed out by a bald guy if it makes anyone feel better

04-15-16, 14:18
Я хочу некоторые окурки

04-15-16, 15:15
Wait till one of our new robot subs tails their boomer from 75 feet blasting "America the Beautiful" through the water.

04-15-16, 18:12
I would've "lit them up" electronically, which of course the Russkies would see when their warning lights went off. One freebie pass with only being "lit up". Second pass the Phalynx (or whatever they're called now) would've been firing into the water underneath the jets. I doubt there would've been a third pass after that.

Have to say there is still some evidence of protocol (decorum?) and not pushing it too far as the Russians were visibly not carrying missles/bombs.

04-15-16, 18:25
And how would a Russian Captain have handled the same provocative action by our pilots?

Alex V
04-15-16, 18:59
It's because he was inverted, wasn't it?

Я хочу некоторые окурки

You want some cigarette butts?

04-15-16, 19:18
Alex, you speak Russian. What would be a Russian phrase or name for a pernicious locality?

An area, if you will, beset with peril?
Perhaps marked parameter where hazard is afoot?

04-15-16, 22:23
Opasnoye teritoria

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

04-15-16, 22:37
Alex, you speak Russian. What would be a Russian phrase or name for a pernicious locality?

An area, if you will, beset with peril?
Perhaps marked parameter where hazard is afoot?

Been watching Archer again?

04-15-16, 22:48
Been watching Archer again?

Do you not?!

04-15-16, 23:07
Bro, all the seasons.

Back on topic. When do we start buzzing Russian warships?

04-15-16, 23:22
We probably won't for fear of an international incident that or they'd shoot somebody down

04-15-16, 23:25
Been watching Archer again?


Firefly doesn't watch Archer. Firefly lives Archer.


04-15-16, 23:59
Are we still using phrasing?


04-16-16, 05:52
U guess that one was over my head

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Alex V
04-16-16, 08:10
Been watching Archer again?

Danger Zone?

Arik has it just about right. Russian isn't as a poetic language as English can be. Your posts would be far less impactful on a Russian speaking forum.

What Arik says translates literally to "dangerous teritory." You could also say "Opasnyj rajon" or "dangerous area" or "zona smertel'noj opasnosti" which would translate to something like "zone of mortal danger."

Russian doesn't get very creative until you start cursing, then there is a lot of variation. It's a very simple language which is why Russian nobility spoke French or German... probably because they were all French and German.

04-17-16, 12:58
And it happens again....


04-17-16, 15:03
DARPA needs to build one of those robots into a UAV/Jet Pack powered wing gremlin like Stephen King came up with. Fly it onto the jet and start ripping it to shreds in flight.

Even better would make some sort of huge water cannon blaster and spray it all up in the intake of that jet as it buzzed the ship. Set charges out in a daisy chain under the surface to blast water up into his intake.

Better yet, a Albatross Cannon. Shoot a dead Albatross into the cockpit or into the intake. Poor Bastard hit a gull.

04-17-16, 17:25
One word - Phalanx.


04-17-16, 20:00
Isn't Putin up for an election or something, or should I say 'election'?

If I were the US, I wouldn't even report them. I guess we are on the record of them doing dumb stuff for when something goes 'bump'. Or put out that we are concerned about the fly bys because we don't think the Russian pilots are skilled enough to do that stuff safely. That close fly by pilot would have crapped his flight suit if the destroyer had popped off some flares and chaff.

Just use them for tracking practice. Seems like the equivalent of my kids in the back seat when my son puts his hands in my daughters 'airspace' or 'looks at her'.

Yep, a frozen seagull canon would be kind of funny. A rubber chicken would bring down some of those.

If nothing else play the crap out of that in Eastern European countries to show what the Russians are up to and how they might get Ukrained next.

Have the Russians been screwing around Turk airspace lately?