View Full Version : Mississippi joins the club..

04-16-16, 00:39
Mississippi becomes the 10th Constitutional Carry state.. we are 20% of the way there. http://bearingarms.com/breaking-mississippi-passes-constitutional-carry/

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant didn’t just sign House Bill 786 into law this afternoon: he did it like a boss.

The good governor had his Glock holstered on his hip and both a tattered Bible and a copy of the Reagan Diaries on his desk as he ushered The Magnolia State into an elite class with Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming to honor citizens’ right to carry a concealed handgun without having to obtain a permit first.

“Today I signed House Bill 786 to give churches the right to protect themselves from those who would harm them while they worship,” Governor Bryant said in a statement. “I’m a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights and will continue to advocate for your right to keep and bear arms.”

04-16-16, 00:52
Georgia desperately needs to be next.

Seriously, I know it generates revenue but there are a lot of folks in bad areas (mostly elderly) who want to carry but the avg cost is near $100 for a GWL. Which can be a lot to someone on a fixed income.

Meanwhile Jontavion and Demarco don't seem to bother with licensing.

I can understand license to drive as it is a Qualified Right (not a "privilege", I facepalm so hard at that). But if you pass NICS, you should be good to go.

Punishing someone for a good shoot because they didn't pay an extortion for a mother-may-I card is stupid.

Some areas can be rough and these "angry young youths" simply don't care who they step on or hurt.

But that's me on my soapbox and kinda bitter.

04-16-16, 01:04
As the data is collected, I think you will see more and more states move to this. I know that it hasn't changed a thing in Alaska, and folks I know from Arizona have said it really hasn't made a difference there either. I happen to have an Alaska CCW that allows me to be NICS exempt, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I am going to start pursuing changing the law in Alaska to change our law to allow 18 yr olds to carry CCW. I have two daughters under the age of 21 and I just encourage them to break the law currently.

04-16-16, 01:34
Good news, hopefully we'll get it through this year.

04-16-16, 07:52

04-16-16, 07:55
Indiana is attempting as well with the option to continue to get a carry license if going to states that reciprocate. You can also carry with a license at 18 you just cannot purchase a pistol at 18. Also with a license you do not need a nics but they still make me.

04-16-16, 09:28
Are there any other states on their way to Constitutional Carry? Had no idea MS was even considering it.

04-16-16, 11:19
Here's the two hitches I see. One is that every shooting becomes a 'CCWer shots XXX' and gets to be a data point for the Brady Bunch to put in their data base.

The other is that does that mean that if you are carrying, that you have to have an ID on you? Can you be compelled to produce an ID?

It would still be against the law for a felon to be carrying, but if there is no permit, and you either can't be compelled to produce ID- I just see gang bangers GATing up and leaving ID at home.

Arizona, Arkansas, and Kansas all have high crime areas. How has this actually worked out?

04-16-16, 13:52
Missouri has constitutional carry coming up in the house soon. Been emailing reps constantly. Hopefully we will be next.

04-16-16, 15:27
Missouri has constitutional carry coming up in the house soon. Been emailing reps constantly. Hopefully we will be next.

It would be nice, unfortunately I see Missouri and Texas both fighting it because of the revenue it brings in. States like Alabama and South Dakota that give CHL's to anyone with a clean record and $10 (no class requirement) would be less inclined to fight.

04-16-16, 19:53
No change whatsoever in Kansas. But trying to take a concealed carry class (for those who stray over borders) and you need to book them a month in advance.

04-16-16, 21:31
That is great news! If only Mississippi wasn't so damn hot and humid, I'd move there.

04-16-16, 22:41
No change whatsoever in Kansas. But trying to take a concealed carry class (for those who stray over borders) and you need to book them a month in advance.

Even though Alaska went to constitutional carry years ago, there seems to be no lack of interest in CCW classes and permits. The desire for NICS exempt is the major reason I believe.

04-16-16, 23:23
FYI, you guys from a Constitutional carry state, in Oklahoma any person who is a legal resident of a state that allows concealed carry without a permit may also carry concealed in Oklahoma without a permit, so long as they possess a photo ID showing they are a legal resident of that other state and also meet the legal requirements for permitless carry in that other state.

Congrat to Mississippi

04-17-16, 09:06
We really need this in TX. Our carry laws are kinda embarrassing when you realize how restrictive they are.

04-17-16, 11:39
Are there any other states on their way to Constitutional Carry? Had no idea MS was even considering it.
Oklahoma House Bill 3098 passed the House last month and is in the Senate. http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=HB%203098

We really need this in TX. Our carry laws are kinda embarrassing when you realize how restrictive they are.
Yes, but I would prefer removing more restrictions on place & manner of carry prior to making unlicensed carry illegal. IMO it would probably be easier to do it this way, instead of making unlicensed carry legal first, and then trying to loosen restrictions once no license is required.