View Full Version : Denver Sniper SWAT takes out bad guy

04-16-16, 17:01
Below is a link to SWAT doing what SWAT trains for. I hope the officer(s) involved does not have issues after this shoot (Mental or political). Think they did a fine job ending the hostage situation. Lady goes home at end of day. Kudos to them.


04-16-16, 17:04
That's an OLD video...

04-16-16, 17:05
Despite it being dated, "Hey Man, nice shot"

04-16-16, 17:09
I was wondering. It was sent to me by a friend. I saw the FB date of 6/14/16. Searched a little on here before posting. Been reading on this site for a couple years, would have remembered this one. Anyhow, maybe one of the other gents have a link to an original thread if it is here and I missed it. Cruisers looked fairly new.

04-16-16, 17:13
Old incident, Facebook repost, with nothing offered for discussion.