View Full Version : ABSCAM agents write to FBI Director

04-19-16, 13:24
Do we have a thread on this? Short version is that agents that were part of the Abscam investigation wrote a letter to the current director of the FBI saying that the reputation of the FBI is on the line in prosecuting Hillary Clinton to show that there is not one set of rules for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else

Outlander Systems
04-19-16, 13:41
The Bureau's reputation is DEFINITELY on the line with this one.

As the pinnacle of Law Enforcement, the FBI is either going to come out on the side of the law, or become another tool in the political machine's toolbox. Prosecuting this case is the litmus test on whether we are, or are not, a nation of laws, where, not even a king, is above said law.

Do we have a thread on this? Short version is that agents that were part of the Abscam investigation wrote a letter to the current director of the FBI saying that the reputation of the FBI is on the line in prosecuting Hillary Clinton to show that there is not one set of rules for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else

04-19-16, 13:52
Do we have a thread on this? Short version is that agents that were part of the Abscam investigation wrote a letter to the current director of the FBI saying that the reputation of the FBI is on the line in prosecuting Hillary Clinton to show that there is not one set of rules for the rich and powerful and another for everyone else

To be blunt, the FBI doesn't have any control over the matter. All they can do is turn their findings over to the AG with a recommendation to prosecute. If she says no, all they can do is leak the documents and/or resign in protest. :(

04-19-16, 13:55
Crom, I rarely pray to you. I have no tongue for it. But all I ask is for Hillary Clinton to be dragged sobbing and screaming in handcuffs by FBI agents in Balaclavas and battle rattle to a prison van on live TV.

04-19-16, 13:58
To be blunt, the FBI doesn't have any control over the matter. All they can do is turn their findings over to the AG with a recommendation to prosecute. If she says no, all they can do is leak the documents and/or resign in protest. :(

Screw a pension. Wal Mart is always hiring.
I'd leak that shit quicker than a Cuban life raft.

Besides I'd sooner die than get old anyways.

04-19-16, 14:03
With the Clintons, that is an option.

04-19-16, 14:09
To be blunt, the FBI doesn't have any control over the matter. All they can do is turn their findings over to the AG with a recommendation to prosecute. If she says no, all they can do is leak the documents and/or resign in protest. :(

The article does say that ultimately it is the AG's decision on whether or not to prosecute. How much of a racket Comey would make after Lynch declines is the question I suppose. His internal emails are very promising though. He says, and has already done, a number of things that lead me to believe he's a boyscout, all about the rules and very focused on doing what's right, for his employees and to keep the Bureau working in the public's best interest.

04-19-16, 14:12
Crom, I rarely pray to you. I have no tongue for it. But all I ask is for Hillary Clinton to be dragged sobbing and screaming in handcuffs by FBI agents in Balaclavas and battle rattle to a prison van on live TV.

...and please add Bill Debasio, Andrew Cuomo, Chuck schumer, Mike Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, King Obama...

04-19-16, 14:58
Crom, I rarely pray to you. I have no tongue for it. But all I ask is for Hillary Clinton to be dragged sobbing and screaming in handcuffs by FBI agents in Balaclavas and battle rattle to a prison van on live TV.
Be still my heart.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

04-19-16, 15:09
Screw a pension. Wal Mart is always hiring.
I'd leak that shit quicker than a Cuban life raft.

Besides I'd sooner die than get old anyways.

Yes, yes, and yes.

04-19-16, 15:15
I've had this fantasy that our current President is secretly letting this play out, only to let it go down right before the election. There is no love loss between them, and I think Obama wants to be the top guy in the Democratic Party when he leaves office...a place currently held by the clintons. If she's elected, it would push him to the bin of history.

There's a reason many of the top Illinois pols end up in prison...and that reason is other Illinois pols.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
04-19-16, 15:32
The FBI will catch the bad press; however, the fact of the matter remains, the experiment as a Constitutional Republic will officially have reached its conclusion.

To be blunt, the FBI doesn't have any control over the matter. All they can do is turn their findings over to the AG with a recommendation to prosecute. If she says no, all they can do is leak the documents and/or resign in protest. :(

04-19-16, 15:53
...I think Obama wants to be the top guy in the Democratic Party when he leaves office...a place currently held by the clintons.

Are you kidding me?

Obama doesn't want any more gray hair.

He will go chill on the beach with Jay-Z, smoke cigars with Clooney, give speeches, and be like a Jimmy Carter for race problems.

Straight Shooter
04-19-16, 15:54
The FBI will catch the bad press; however, the fact of the matter remains, the experiment as a Constitutional Republic will officially have reached its conclusion.

Agree 100%. Ill be completely, totally shocked if they even incriminate her, let alone indicte her for anything at all.
Tried to bet a guy at work last night some money about it...for months he's been ..."just wait until NEXT month, its ALLLL comin out", oh-oh, THEY GOT HER NOW", last night it was "by the end of May, she's toast". SICK of hearing about it. Tried to bet him $500, wouldn't do it, of course. Again, for the 10th time on here- HILLARY CLINTON WILL BE THE NEXT POTUS, PERIOD.

04-19-16, 16:00
Again, for the 10th time on here- HILLARY CLINTON WILL BE THE NEXT POTUS, PERIOD.


There's no stopping it now.

BS is just a strawman, and the GOP is doing everything they possibly can to cut the legs off of Trump.

The only interesting thing to talk about will be what happens to the GOP after they go from the endangered list to the brink of extinction.

04-19-16, 16:08
Maybe we deserve Hillary.
Fall asleep at the switch and Chernobyl happens.

One of two things will happen:
She'll push us to the brink Skynet style


After 6 months, EVERYONE in Congress will hate her guts to the point that she can get nothing done.

04-19-16, 16:16
Are you kidding me?

Obama doesn't want any more gray hair.

He will go chill on the beach with Jay-Z, smoke cigars with Clooney, give speeches, and be like a Jimmy Carter for race problems.

Well, in all fairness, I did say it was a fantasy...

Outlander Systems
04-19-16, 16:33
Indicting powerful criminals can be hazardous to one's career...

She's going to be coronated, and it'll be business-as-usual.

If you like your Republic, you can keep your Republic.



Agree 100%. Ill be completely, totally shocked if they even incriminate her, let alone indicte her for anything at all.
Tried to bet a guy at work last night some money about it...for months he's been ..."just wait until NEXT month, its ALLLL comin out", oh-oh, THEY GOT HER NOW", last night it was "by the end of May, she's toast". SICK of hearing about it. Tried to bet him $500, wouldn't do it, of course. Again, for the 10th time on here- HILLARY CLINTON WILL BE THE NEXT POTUS, PERIOD.

04-19-16, 16:45
1. Hillary will not be indicted. That indictment is also a stone around Obama's neck and he's all about how he looks to history.

2. Hillary will be elected...

3. Billary will do all they can to funnel as much treasure to themselves and their friends as they possibly can... violating all kinds of laws with impunity.

4. They won't live long enough to enjoy all that shit they steal. Enjoy hell, that's where they are headed.

04-19-16, 17:02
Bill will never see the White House.

04-19-16, 18:49
Risible. Both Boston & Sandy Hook were both two known & proven FEMA Capstone training events w/ Hyper Reality training & Crisis Actors playing their scripted roles. FBI played they're roles in both. To even pretend that they were legitimate acts of random Terror is absurd & boggles the mind to think anything else other than truth could be construed from that. The Deep State charade continues. Always speak truth to power.

04-19-16, 18:57
The FBI is slow walking this, Obama has publicly stated he believes she is essentially innocent
but made bad choices, not very hard to read between these lines.

04-19-16, 19:11
After 6 months, EVERYONE in Congress will hate her guts to the point that she can get nothing done.

Executive Orders my friend. Congress has ceded it's powers already.

Outlander Systems
04-19-16, 19:20
Exactly. Plus, once she owns the DOJ, she can prosecute her enemies mercilessly.

Brace yer buttholes, fellas. 8 months left.

Executive Orders my friend. Congress has ceded it's powers already.

04-19-16, 21:52
Anybody who hasn't figured out Comey hasn't done the research.
Lots of stuff already scrubbed but if your good enough you can find some of it. HSBC & Enron would be good places to start.
Comey is bought & paid for.

04-19-16, 23:15
The FBI will catch the bad press; however, the fact of the matter remains, the experiment as a Constitutional Republic will officially have reached its conclusion.

Agree 100%. Ill be completely, totally shocked if they even incriminate her, let alone indicte her for anything at all.
Tried to bet a guy at work last night some money about it...for months he's been ..."just wait until NEXT month, its ALLLL comin out", oh-oh, THEY GOT HER NOW", last night it was "by the end of May, she's toast". SICK of hearing about it. Tried to bet him $500, wouldn't do it, of course. Again, for the 10th time on here- HILLARY CLINTON WILL BE THE NEXT POTUS, PERIOD.

God damn the truth is depressing.

04-20-16, 13:06
What's really depressing is another 4-8 years of Obama.

04-20-16, 15:35
What's really depressing is another 4-8 years of Obama.

There is a 50:50 that I will have to listen to that twit for the rest of my life. He is not going to get out of the spot light. He provides very little real leadership or concrete work on problems now, and after he gets out he will pontificate even more- and the press will continue to refuse to see thru his BS.

04-20-16, 17:39
Meanwhile, the Founding Fathers are somewhere watching this, shaking their heads, and thinking well it was a good run while it lasted.
They would have revolted about 100 times by now.

04-20-16, 20:18
Risible. Both Boston & Sandy Hook were both two known & proven FEMA Capstone training events w/ Hyper Reality training & Crisis Actors playing their scripted roles. FBI played they're roles in both. To even pretend that they were legitimate acts of random Terror is absurd & boggles the mind to think anything else other than truth could be construed from that. The Deep State charade continues. Always speak truth to power.

And now a game I like to call Who Said It, VooDoo6Actual or Dale Gribble....

1. "I tell you what it is. It's your quote un-quote pollution control. I heard on talk radio you don't even need 'em. It's just the latest nazi government plot. Open your eyes, man, they're trying to control Global Warming. Get it Global. That's U.N. Commissars code for telling us what the temperature is gonna be in our outdoors. Let it warm up I say. See what Butchros Butchros Ghali Ghali thinks of that. We'll grow oranges in Alaska."

2. "Risible for a known & proven false flag."

3. "By now your name and particulars have been fed into every laptop, desktop, mainframe and supermarket scanner that collectively make up the global information conspiracy, otherwise known as 'The Beast.'"

4. "Hegelian dialectic & polemic paradigm & political / celebrity idolatry we are programmed in below. Panem et Circenses & bring in more clowns !"

5. "I killed eight gophers last year and a purebred Tennesse walking horse that was looking at me funny."

6. "It is huge news and the much of the planet is still in the flouride glazed lost look phase."

7. "The fix was in since at least 1871. Roosevelt told us way back in 1913 as did many other's..."

8. "Here's a clue. The 'cold monster' likes to cloud your discernment in asymmetrical nonlinear dispersed warfare."

9. "It's all a setup. Good Cop Bad Cop for the big event that's already been staged."