View Full Version : Double rifle case

04-19-16, 16:25
Hey guys I'm looking for a hard double rifle case that will be universal for all long guns. I mean that I will probably not carry two AR15s very often. I will most likely be carrying an AR and one of my bolt rifles or shotguns. I don't want to break the bank so what do yall recommend?

04-19-16, 17:31
How long is the longest gun you want to carry and where do you want to carry them?? In your trunk for a ride across town, in the belly of an airplane or back of a Jeep???

04-19-16, 18:10
How long is the longest gun you want to carry and where do you want to carry them?? In your trunk for a ride across town, in the belly of an airplane or back of a Jeep???
50" but that's my pump shotgun and now that I think about it, I may end up buying a seperate case for that which would bring the longest gun down to 45"

these will be going in the bed of the truck for road trips

04-19-16, 18:13
I have the 36" version of this; http://www.amazon.com/Plano-Double-Scoped-Rifle-Wheels/dp/B0029KDHQI/ref=pd_sim_200_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=41oEIZkbqNL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=0RA7TWXAA5K1F8XACTXV and am very happy with it. Reading your intended purpose it should work fine for you.

04-19-16, 18:16
I have the 36" version of this; http://www.amazon.com/Plano-Double-Scoped-Rifle-Wheels/dp/B0029KDHQI/ref=pd_sim_200_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=41oEIZkbqNL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=0RA7TWXAA5K1F8XACTXV and am very happy with it. Reading your intended purpose it should work fine for you.
Do you have to cut out the foam? I will be using multiple rifle combos with it

04-19-16, 18:30
I've got this one. It should fit your 50" shotgun too. I've got a .308 with a 26" barrel and it fits nicely. I've made one range trip with my .308, 12 gauge, AR, and two pistols. I also had ammo, mags, cleaning supplies, ear-pro, targets, a 36" cleaning rod, etc all in it as well. Did it work? Yes. Was it heavy as hell? YES. However, the hidden backpack straps make it very manageable with that much gear inside. It's definitely large, but it works very well. Most trips I've got my .308, AR, an extra pistol, and a bunch of mags stowed away; plus my cleaning stuff, targets, etc. Even though the ammo would fit, I take that in a smaller ammo case/bag. For your purposes, it will fit the bill. Just don't expect to go running through the woods with it. I got mine from the Sportsmans Guide for $60. I don't see it there any more, but I'm sure you can do a little shopping around. Overall, the construction is very solid and I'd definitely recommend it.


04-19-16, 19:17
That's a tall order. My best advice would be to spend a little more than you may have planned on and get a Pelican Case. They have dual rifle models. They're long, thick, wide and expensive. Maybe you could find one on the EE, craigs list or something....

04-19-16, 19:35
I also just realized I could take the barrel off the shotgun. That would make the longest gun a .270 at 45"

bad aim
04-19-16, 20:29
A Pelican 1750 is around $200 and should work with what you have. I know you said not to "break the bank", but how much are we looking at? On the bright side, this will most likely be the last hard case you will ever buy.