View Full Version : Obamacare implosion begins.

04-20-16, 08:35

UnitedHealth begins to pull out of Obamacare in 18 states, though the full withdrawl may take another year. I'm watching for other insurers to begin following suit as the losses spread to them:

"Insurers also have said some people are buying insurance, using lots of care, and then dropping their coverage mid-year."

04-20-16, 08:40
So that means it is working exactly as intended....

04-20-16, 08:43
Did anyone actually think it would go any other way?

Outlander Systems
04-20-16, 08:49
Now that it has failed, the "solution" will be a single-payer system.

Hope: These lines and wait times will be shorter

Change: The taxes, whoowee, they sure got a lot higher.

HillaryCare™ Just like ObamaCare, without that pesky free-market shit.

04-20-16, 09:00
UnitedHealth, which had about 795,000 ACA customers as of March 31, warned in November that it was posting losses on ACA policies. In December, the company said it should have stayed out of the individual exchange market longer.
The exchanges are a small part of the company’s total medical membership of 47.7 million people. Yet the insurer said Tuesday that it expects to lose about $650 million on ACA plans this year.

So they are losing $817 per customer per year...

04-20-16, 09:04
This is following Hillary's narrative of "Fixing Obamacare."
It's hard to listen to her, but she's been saying it for months and months.

04-20-16, 09:22
Single payer is on the ballot in Colorado this fall. Even our Progressive Gov thinks it won't pass. Something like a 10% income tax to start and if there is not enough money an unelected board can raise that rate to make the books balance.

The problem is that we have a monolithic system. We feed medicade and illegals into the same hospitals and care level as people that actually contribute and pay for the system. Until we get at least a two-track system to help control costs, we will never tame this dragon. You want free health care- you get a certain level and access while if you actually contribute you get a better level of care, faster. I'm not talking about in-humane care, but rather not the private rooms and all the tests done right now. Many EU countries have systems like this. There is the standard care, but if you want it done right, now and by the best it costs you more and that is covered out of pocket or by private insurance.

04-20-16, 09:35
The biggest issue with the medical industry and all of these insurance mandates is they dont do a single thing to fix the ****ing MEDICAL side of things. In a lot of ways they screw the hospitals and doctors causing them to raise rates on other patients to make up.

ER for the uninsured used to be a tax write off. Not under obamacare because "everybody has insurance". Now when an uninsured person shows up, ER still required to provide care and then must spread that cost over the rest of the hospital.

Certain procedures now have a max payout to the doctor. So now some doctors wont do those procedures anymore OR its causing new doctors to not want to go into that specialty because the money isnt there any more.

Tort reform is a HUGE one. Dr. A order tests that Dr. B ordered last week because Dr. A needs to cover his own ass. Dr. B might have ordered that test to cover his ass too. So we have this circle jerk of testing being done all so that every doctor doesnt get sued into oblivion. Testing costs would dramatically go down and mal practice insurance costs would go down drastically allowing all charges to go down.

There were other examples told to me by a Dr. friend. He said stuff like "Everybody having insurance is a pipe dream when they really need to simply reform the actual medical side of things which will drastically reduce costs."

04-20-16, 09:47
Single payer is on the ballot in Colorado this fall. Even our Progressive Gov thinks it won't pass. Something like a 10% income tax to start and if there is not enough money an unelected board can raise that rate to make the books balance.

The problem is that we have a monolithic system. We feed medicade and illegals into the same hospitals and care level as people that actually contribute and pay for the system. Until we get at least a two-track system to help control costs, we will never tame this dragon. You want free health care- you get a certain level and access while if you actually contribute you get a better level of care, faster. I'm not talking about in-humane care, but rather not the private rooms and all the tests done right now. Many EU countries have systems like this. There is the standard care, but if you want it done right, now and by the best it costs you more and that is covered out of pocket or by private insurance.
This is precisely how it works in Germany. An ex-pat friend had her child at the "free level" and was quite satisfied with the process. She wasn't 100% sure how the paid service would have improved things, other than maybe some options like extended stay in a private bed if needed, and an ambulance to the delivery ward if she opted for front of the line access to the OB.
As for every day emergency medicine, a Spanish grad student told me that any outdoor activity in a state or national park required a special insurance buy up- if you wanted to climb or ski, for example, you needed to buy specific coverage for that sport for a given time period, i.e., ski season from November to April. Here in the states we had to do a similar thing for rugby- it was a condition of participation. Our fees were cheap, $85 per year IIRC, but the Spanish guy was saying people in Spain were always weasling their way out of the insurance requirements due to the cost relative to their income. The big scam he said was people would either try to pass an injury off as an in-home event ("I slipped in the shower"), filing fraudulent worker's comp claims or they would join a soccer club and try to get coverage that way. He said most of the soccer clubs had dozens of members yet rarely could play matches due to inactive members filling the rosters. That stuff works for twisted ankles or sprains, etc, but for someone falling while rock climbing...If we go this direction with our health care I'm sure we will see plenty of similar trends.

04-20-16, 11:34
My company is having massive layoffs due to Omaocare but we're not pulling out of it.

04-20-16, 11:36
The biggest issue with the medical industry and all of these insurance mandates is they dont do a single thing to fix the ****ing MEDICAL side of things. In a lot of ways they screw the hospitals and doctors causing them to raise rates on other patients to make up.

ER for the uninsured used to be a tax write off. Not under obamacare because "everybody has insurance". Now when an uninsured person shows up, ER still required to provide care and then must spread that cost over the rest of the hospital.

Certain procedures now have a max payout to the doctor. So now some doctors wont do those procedures anymore OR its causing new doctors to not want to go into that specialty because the money isnt there any more.

Tort reform is a HUGE one. Dr. A order tests that Dr. B ordered last week because Dr. A needs to cover his own ass. Dr. B might have ordered that test to cover his ass too. So we have this circle jerk of testing being done all so that every doctor doesnt get sued into oblivion. Testing costs would dramatically go down and mal practice insurance costs would go down drastically allowing all charges to go down.

There were other examples told to me by a Dr. friend. He said stuff like "Everybody having insurance is a pipe dream when they really need to simply reform the actual medical side of things which will drastically reduce costs."

It was never about fixing it, it was about imploding it so govnt can come along with single payer as the solution.

04-20-16, 11:59
No matter the problem, their solution is always more of other people's money. The only way they don't want more from you, is when you don't have any.

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04-20-16, 12:05
Or, we could just go back to life before 2009 with some liberty restored

04-20-16, 12:29
The only way they don't want more from you, is when you don't have any.

Never stopped 'em before!

04-20-16, 12:50
Never stopped 'em before!

That ain't no shit...I should have stated that better. The only time is when you don't MAKE any.

04-20-16, 13:29
It was never about fixing it, it was about imploding it so govnt can come along with single payer as the solution.

problem is single payer wont fix the MEDICAL side of things EITHER. Without fixing the medical side of things, even stand alone free market insurance wont survive with costs on the medical side still going up. That is where the fix is(tort reform is a HUGE one that NOBODY will touch). Its not on the insurance side.

04-20-16, 15:23
Medical care- by the people that brought you Flint Michigan water.....

Seriously, Flint is single-payer water. VA healthcare is how single-payer ends up resembling.

04-20-16, 16:44
It was never about fixing it, it was about imploding it so govnt can come along with single payer as the solution.

This. It was the plan all along.

04-20-16, 18:39
I don't understand, Obama said that the Affordable Health Care Act would work flawlessly. The House members who sponsored the AHC said that "nothing would change". I'm not accusing you all but you are insisting and implying that our federal government, the bedrock of integrity, character and values , has lied to us and passed legislation on known false statements.

04-20-16, 18:58
Goodbye America...

04-21-16, 02:04
No matter the problem, their solution is always more of other people's money.

I think its more than that. Our government is not good at problem solving. America has never solved any social or economic problems.

The mortgage crisis in 2008 for instance. The government should have forced the banks to extend the lower interest rate an additional 5 years to allow people to get out of there situation. After Bear Sterns fell, then Lehman, AIG, Countrywide, the government thought it would be a good idea a let tens of thousands of Americans to loose there homes and bail out the banks instead. In the end, most of the banks that received TARP funds lost there ass and sold to other banks for less than they were worth and only 1 person went to jail. A guy from Deutsche bank.

Obama care: The problem was that health care insurance cost a lot of money. Too much for most people. Instead of finding out why, the decided to start a government ran health insurance provider and force anyone currently uninsured to sign up or pay a hefty fine. In the end, insurance prices stayed the same for a year then went up slightly 5% , the number of administrators went up 300%, the number of doctors went down 10% and thousands of prescription drug companies cashed in after there drugs were now accessible to 100% of Americans. Obama said the AHCA would reduce our national deficit but just after 1 year, but after getting the $3 billion dollar website up and running, 7 million of the proposed 100 million people signed up and it cost the us tax payers almost $200 Billion dollars mostly going to medical billing companies which 3 of them were owned by liberal congressman and 1 junior senator. One of the largest medical billing companies has Michele Obama on the board and pays here $5million a year. Go Obama!!!!

Iran nuclear deal: Iran hates America, insist that they will develop a thermonuclear 2 stage fission primary/fusion secondary hydrogen bomb. Development is delayed because Iran lack the resources to make heavy water to enrich uranium, so they use light water centrifuges to enrich uranium but not to weapons grade, only reactor grade. After years of economic sanctions and tension, Obama thinks its a good idea to donate $150 Billion over the next 10 years to Iran to further there nuclear ambition. He took Irans word that they were only wanting to use enriched uranium for peaceful purposes. So in the end, Iran gets $150 Billion, there leaders are high fiving everyone, drinking Dom and snorting coke off a bare hookers ass and will continue to use centrifuges but only 80% capacity and they are restricted to producing only minimal quantities for a duration of time and there nuclear lab is now a "research lab". The plutonium byproduct will not be reprocessed but exported. And the US will cease all economic and financial sanctions. Go OBAMA!!!!

Syria refugee policy. There is a war going on in Syria. There is 6 groups involved, ISIS, Bashar al-Assad and his regime, Hezbollah, National Defense Force, Islamic Front and rebel forces (Free Syrian Army). Two groups are Sunni Baath Party, two groups are Wahhabi Sunni, one group is Shia communist and one group secularist. 2 groups are backed by Russia, 2 groups are backed by Iran, one group is backed by NATO and one group has no allegiance. Instead of bombing the whole country, the US decides to make at least one friend, the communist group. We give them enough "shit your pants" to make a noticeable difference. Mostly anti aircraft artillery, communications, fuel and transportation. All hell breaks loose disposing over 3 million people of there homes. Obama decides it the right thing to do to bring as many as 100k of these people to America without knowing who these people are and who the are affiliated with. He hears horror stories around the world about the refugees in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, France but thinks they will fit right in in good old USA. GO Obama!!!

04-21-16, 04:31
The outcomes of most if not all of which was so easily predicted, that it actually was.

All of which, they now will attempt to fix with more of our money.

Sick of it bro...

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