View Full Version : Poor, Poor California - New SB 880 gun/mag ban

04-20-16, 16:20
"Lawmakers advance gun control measures in response to San Bernardino massacre"


Four months after the San Bernardino mass shooting, state lawmakers on Tuesday gave initial approval to five gun control bills, including measures that would outlaw assault rifles with detachable magazines, ban possession of clips holding more than 10 rounds and require homemade guns to be registered with the state.

The bills approved by the state Senate Public Safety Committee were introduced in response to the December shooting in San Bernardino that left 14 people dead and 22 others wounded at the hands of two terrorists.

04-20-16, 16:40
I'm a Californian, born and raised, who lived there for 30 years. Moving to a free state has really opened my eyes and I'm not sure I'll ever move back. My encouragement goes to those that are still there, who care for their freedoms and rights, to keep fighting and never give up.

04-20-16, 16:42
It's sad with it being such a beautiful place.

04-20-16, 17:03
More shooting the cows because the fox got into the chicken coop, I see.

I'm absolutely certain any further jihadis or violent criminals in general will be in total compliance with the new laws.

04-20-16, 17:14
There are plenty of beautiful states in this country. There are few, if any, good reasons to live there.

- Wildfires
- Earthquakes (They will only get worse)
- Mudslides
- Idiots
- Cost of living sucks
- Wages aren't appreciably higher

I have beyond zero desire to even travel to that State.

04-20-16, 18:24
They don't call it the land of fruits and nuts for nothing.

04-20-16, 18:40
Ah, the stupid is making itself a softer target. Darwin wins again.

04-20-16, 19:12
They should just outlaw murder. That would solve everything.

04-20-16, 19:43
CA Governor Brown vetoed those a few year ago.
The anti-gunners brought them back, in order to exploit the terrorist attack in San Bernardino.

In the San Bernardino attack, the terrorists used semi-auto rifles that were originally & legally sold with a "bullet button" maglock + 10 round magazine to a third party. That third party then illegally sold them to the terrorists, who then removed the "bullet button" maglock for magazine releases. The terrorists also illegally obtained large capacity (11+ round) magazines.

04-20-16, 20:00
Brilliant. Some real intellectual wizardry at work there.

Half my family is originally from Cali. They are complete liberal loons. Idiots.

I'd sooner go to the big booty titty bar that Elephant described in another thread, as spend any time with most of that half of the family.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-20-16, 20:25
Brilliant. Some real intellectual wizardry at work there.

Half my family is originally from Cali. They are complete liberal loons. Idiots.

I'd sooner go to the big booty titty bar that Elephant described in another thread, as spend any time with most of that half of the family.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ditto. I have my dad's side of the family there. My dad is the only one who has ever left and he did so in 1965. I go back to visit my 93 yr old grandmother out of respect, but she can be as bad as the rest of them. When she passes I doubt I will ever set foot in SoCal again.

04-20-16, 21:06
More doubling down on stupid. Literally crazy to think that banning buttons will make terrorists not be terrorists. We eventually will all be fitted with big trigger finger rings that won't allow the finger to enter a trigger guard.

Looks like they are going after ammo too. As if these guys ever get thru more than a box of ammo.

04-20-16, 21:12
I left there in '93 because of stupid shit like this. Since then I've watched Oregon get bluer and bluer everyday. F'ing California is a cancer and it is spreading.

04-20-16, 21:16
I left there in '93 because of stupid shit like this. Since then I've watched Oregon get bluer and bluer everyday. F'ing California is a cancer and it is spreading.

That it is. There are an ass load of Cali transplants here in north Texas, and with Toyota moving here I assume it will only get worse. They tend to bring their asshatness with them.

04-20-16, 21:52
That it is. There are an ass load of Cali transplants here in north Texas, and with Toyota moving here I assume it will only get worse. They tend to bring their asshatness with them.


04-20-16, 22:19
Most won't comply with any of these new bills should they get signed into law, I have no intention of doing so. They can't arrest us all.

04-20-16, 22:28
That it is. There are an ass load of Cali transplants here in north Texas, and with Toyota moving here I assume it will only get worse. They tend to bring their asshatness with them.

I grew up in CA, once I turned 19 I sought refuge in Wisconsin. I absolutely loved it here! Recently switchblades, and concealed carry of knives without a permit became legal. I am currently in CA, to visit family while waiting to ship out to basic training, and I already hate it here. There is nothing redeemable about this state.

I must ask, however, is there any way for it to be saved? Stupid laws seem to be piled and piled on, with no positive.

04-20-16, 22:39
That it is. There are an ass load of Cali transplants here in north Texas, and with Toyota moving here I assume it will only get worse. They tend to bring their asshatness with them.

Come down south of Dallas and come shoot some time. The sound of machine gun fire or Texas DPS helicopters can be a bit distracting at times when shooting on the 1200 yard steel range!

04-21-16, 01:08
It's sad with it being such a beautiful place.

True, I think California could be so much better if they had a better government.

04-21-16, 02:53
As a former Cali Resident let's not forget that all Californians are not represented by San Francisco and LA. Just because a former CA resident moves to a new state doesn't mean they're a Liberal Anti Gun Dem. I've been in Vegas for a year now and have freed all my rifles of the "bullet buttons" and really enjoy being in a free state.

04-21-16, 04:21
As a former Cali Resident let's not forget that all Californians are not represented by San Francisco and LA. Just because a former CA resident moves to a new state doesn't mean they're a Liberal Anti Gun Dem. I've been in Vegas for a year now and have freed all my rifles of the "bullet buttons" and really enjoy being in a free state.

Oh, I'm speaking of a very specific few, who because they happen to share my mothers maiden name, think they have the duty to look down upon my chosen way of life. Due to my "unenlightened-ness".

The rest of us think they're idiots. Which its their right to be...I just don't care to hear that shit. Or to see the smug glances to each other whenever a viewpoint they disagree with is mentioned.

They learned early to reel that shit in around me...I've always pretty much rolled with the attitude of..."don't THINK I won't cause a scene".

Why? Because f**k 'em, that's why.

04-21-16, 06:45
My only hope is that someday they think doubling down on hard work will lead to success as much as doubling down on these stupid gun laws helps prevent gun violence.

Straight Shooter
04-21-16, 07:18
MY SOLUTION for this crap:
EVERY, SINGLE manufacturer of firearms & ammunition & accessories, knives, shooting or hunting gear & equipment...ACROSS THE BOARD..for a 5 year period, utterly & completely 100% BAN ALL SALES to any & every single person or entity inside the state lines of Kalifornia, period. NO sales or service to ANY law enforcement agency ESPECIALLY. NOTHING-NADA. Sorry citizens..its gonna have to get
worse, if there is even still a chance for it to get better. LET THEM HAVE WHAT THEY WANT, for 5 years. Then, after they are begging for an end to the boycott-WE make the demands of how its gonna be from then on. Then..we start over with NY state, then another, then another.
The industry is gonna have to step up & MAKE this shit stop. Especially while sales are at the levels they are now.
I say- NO GUNS or AMMO to Kalifornia again!

04-21-16, 07:33
Come down south of Dallas and come shoot some time. The sound of machine gun fire or Texas DPS helicopters can be a bit distracting at times when shooting on the 1200 yard steel range!

This mystical place sounds great, where at?

04-21-16, 08:10
Lots of family in kali. Mostly conservatives. But it doesn't really matter. It gets lost in a sea of libtard. Some places I really still like. But every time I'm back, I like it less and less. Central valley used to be cool. Now it's a shit show. Very diverse cultures, with lots of gats and knives.

Even down town where we used to go hang was away from the vatos and white thrash. Nut anymore. One shooting, one stabbing that I know of recently.

Even some of the what used to be small farm towns are starting to get pretty sporty. They closed the hospital because the was too much bs and riff raff...and staph infections.

The capital in my state is starting to get chock full of people leaving. Shit gets real in some of the HOAs there...lol.

Kali had it all.....key word being had. The gun control there is just a sliver of the stupidity that runs amock in the leadership there.

04-21-16, 08:19
I truly wish that most manufacturers would pull a Barrett and stop doing any business with ANYONE in Cali. Sux for the general public, but so do these laws and the cancerous effects they have on the country as a whole. Not going to happen because generally speaking the gun mfg industry is just as stupid as Kali and only see their quarterly profits.

One can only hope head giant earthquakes they keep fear mongering about happen sooner than later and we shed some dead weight. Anyone able to get out should ASAFP.

04-21-16, 13:20
I had a sister and sister in-law move to Cali for college and both were liberalized by the time they moved back to CO.

I don't hold back at all with them. They try to censor me and the rest of the family all the time and I tell them to eat shit.

Everyone in my family and my wife's family are libertarian, conservative or nationalists except the two Cali college educated sisters. No one ever tries to censor them, but they always get hurt feelings and have to storm off when we discuss politics and reality. They have both actually cried over it a few times- I told them to wipe the tears of ignorance away and grow thicker skin.

All the Californians moving to CO are pissing me the F off. Always see Bernie sanders stickers on cars with Cali plates. I straight up tell them to get Biggie smalls and go back to Cali.
Phuck Kommiefornia!

A line from a great song:
"Sink California, fall into the sea!"

04-21-16, 13:47
There is no excuse for living in that state.

Goofy lib politicians that run it, the cost of housing and living, crazy environmental laws, earthquakes, fires, floods, mudslides and yes...the kooky gun laws.

All the nonsense tends to override the nice weather and pretty beaches.

brushy bill
04-21-16, 14:19
If Hillary is elected, this could be bigger than CA.

04-21-16, 14:25
If Hillary is elected, this could be bigger than CA.

Hillary comes in to Office a lame duck.
If you think Conservatives hate her guts, you should see how many democrats in office do. The Clintons made a lot more enemies than friends in Bills eight years in Office.

04-21-16, 15:33
Yeah but they will band together and support whatever leftist nonsense that Hillary wants to ram through.

Besides, look at how much leftist nonsense got passed when Obama had a GOP house and Senate and a 5/4 split in the Supreme Court.

I'd say Hillary has a damn near open road if she gets elected.

Scary times lie ahead....no doubt!

brushy bill
04-21-16, 22:01
Hillary comes in to Office a lame duck.
If you think Conservatives hate her guts, you should see how many democrats in office do. The Clintons made a lot more enemies than friends in Bills eight years in Office.

That's what the government wants you to think...:)

04-21-16, 22:03
Does the 2nd Amendment, and the entire Constitution for that matter, not apply to California or something?
I'm just a Eastern European Communist by birth, but even I grasp the whole shall not be infringed thing.

04-21-16, 23:41
Does the 2nd Amendment, and the entire Constitution for that matter, not apply to California or something?
I'm just a Eastern European Communist by birth, but even I grasp the whole shall not be infringed thing.

Benito. No sarcasm, bro, but that was some deep stuff you said. Like, profound.

This whole country of ours is just everybody BSing everybody else out rights they already had to begin with

04-22-16, 00:00
The courts have allowed the states to ban or limit certain arms. Also, California is a handful of states that have no state constitution that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.

Does the 2nd Amendment, and the entire Constitution for that matter, not apply to California or something?
I'm just a Eastern European Communist by birth, but even I grasp the whole shall not be infringed thing.

04-22-16, 00:24
The courts have allowed the states to ban or limit certain arms. Also, California is a handful of states that have no state constitution that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.

That's a good case for local activism. Like draw up a no pre-emption law that many Southern states enjoy where it outlines that it is a well established, protected right. Some states, on paper anyway, even outline non-compliance if federal law becomes too overbearing.

These people only have as much power as their constiuents allow.

Sometimes I lurk Calguns and realize how spoiled I am. Sometimes I get pissed off at where I live but ultimately, it's gun country.

I really feel bad. No smugness. I feel bad that guys who live in the same country as me can't just enjoy their full rights like I can.

04-22-16, 00:28
That's a good case for local activism. Like draw up a no pre-emption law that many Southern states enjoy where it outlines that it is a well established, protected right. Some states, on paper anyway, even outline non-compliance if federal law becomes too overbearing.

These people only have as much power as their constiuents allow.

Sometimes I lurk Calguns and realize how spoiled I am. Sometimes I get pissed off at where I live but ultimately, it's gun country.

I really feel bad. No smugness. I feel bad that guys who live in the same country as me can't just enjoy their full rights like I can.

This ^^^

It really is a shame.

04-22-16, 00:50
What your effectively saying is the state of komifornia's laws trump the constitution. This is also in line with the federal govt......its a win win situation. This is also why the fed govt has not taken on states making weed legal. It would remove some of the gray area between fed and state rights to make laws.

There is no common sense to laws anymore.

04-22-16, 01:23
"All the bill of rights are protected equally under the law. Neither the federal government, nor the states, shall infringe upon them. Except the ones leftists don't like. It is okay to infringe on those ones. If this treatment seems inconsistent, contradictory, and asisine; it is only because we are lawyers and so much smarter than you."
--Supreme Court of the United States

04-22-16, 03:41
" . . . I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

Learn to swim.

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.

Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

Learn to swim . . . "

04-22-16, 10:46
Again with this ignorant anti-Californian non-sense? The whole state should fall in the ocean? We should stop selling guns and supplies to all the good guys in CA? There is no reason to live here? Really? I expect more from members of this forum...

Yes, the libtards have gained a strangle hold here. They've also done that in NY, NJ, IL, etc... Conceding large areas of territory to them, and forsaking tens of millions of your allies, living, breathing human beings who are on YOUR side, is NOT the solution! I've said it in previous threads, but it obviously needs to be stated again. In caps for emphasis: NO OTHER STATE, (except for Texas, God bless 'em...) HAD MORE RIGHT WING VOTERS IN THE LAST TWO PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS! Let that sink in a moment... This state, the state some of you want to fall into the ocean, or crumble in an earthquake, or be destroyed by a terrorists dirty bomb, has more of YOUR allies than any other state besides Texas. CA had more people voting AGAINST our current communist in Cheif than 15 of the reddest states combinined. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. I've posted links to the stats on other threads.

For those who don't understand this, let me break it down another way. We are all in the same boat here. No sense in pointing a finger at one state and condemning the whole place. You don't cut the stern off of your boat because its infested with liberal rats. You need the stern to stay afloat. Right? What you do is exterminate the rats. Living in CA are millions and millions of people who believe in freedom, liberty and following the Constitution. The same things all (most?) of us here on this site believe in. Its pretty close to 50/50 here.

I hate what's happening here. I hate what's happening in NY, NJ and all over the country. I don't wish to say "F--- NY and everyone in it!", because some commies have gained political and legislative power there. Instead, I wish to fight those commies, where ever they take up residence. As we've seen with Obamacare, this crap is coming to a town near you, like it or not. I propose that we support our brothers in arms where ever they live, instead of condemning them because they live on one side or another of some imaginary state line that doesn't exist. I want as many allies as I can get in this fight. I don't care where they live. When that reset button is finally pushed, you all are going to need those millions of allies in CA to contain the ruckus that will follow.

These laws won't pass, just like they haven't passed in years past. They constantly throw this s--- against the wall here, and elsewhere, to see if any of it will stick. None of it has been sticking in recent years, and any that does stick is largely ignored by the good people that I've been speaking of in this post.

Lets band together here. Lets not throw our brothers in arms and their families under a bus because the enemy gained some measure of control in thier AO. Instead lets fight our common enemy together, from all over this country. As has been correctly noted, we are fighting a cancer here. If we just say, "Awe, forgot those lungs... Who needs them anyway?" Guess what happens to the rest of the body. Fight Dammit! Save your lungs. Stop this cancer in its tracks wherever it pops up. If you fail, the whole body dies.

04-22-16, 11:54
Well said BulletDog.


Also, somewhat ironic that many of the A-Holes (politicians, lobbiests, celebrities, etc.) here in California supporting and pushing this gun control and liberal policies agenda are originally from the Eastern seaboard.

Stupidity, and ignorance knows no geographic boundaries.

There are many patriotic, conservative, gun loving, die-hard, Americans in California.

Don't write everyone here off because these politicians figured out how to utilize the liberal political machine, along with Gerrymandering, to effectively silence and nullify the votes of millions of conservative and pro-Second Amendment Californians.

Consider lending a hand, because if these laws take place here, then these regulations will surely appear in other parts of the country.

04-22-16, 12:19
Lets band together here. Lets not throw our brothers in arms and their families under a bus because the enemy gained some measure of control in thier AO. Instead lets fight our common enemy together, from all over this country. As has been correctly noted, we are fighting a cancer here. If we just say, "Awe, forgot those lungs... Who needs them anyway?" Guess what happens to the rest of the body. Fight Dammit! Save your lungs. Stop this cancer in its tracks wherever it pops up. If you fail, the whole body dies.

Solid post. We all feel the frustration and express that frustration in different ways, but ultimately your reminder for solidarity is a message worth echoing.

04-22-16, 12:19
Double post.

04-22-16, 12:28
Anti-Cali people are dumb; they assume 100% of the state are hardcore leftist lunatics.

What they fail to comprehend is that San Bernadino county alone most likely has more legal gun owners than the entire state of Wyoming.

California has 58 counties, or roughly the equivalent population of 10 Wyomings.

If I had to choose between Californian gun owners fighting for freedom and dark red state gun owners hating on them I'd choose California every time.

04-22-16, 12:37
Anti-Cali people are dumb; they assume 100% of the state are hardcore leftist lunatics.

What they fail to comprehend is that San Bernadino county alone most likely has more legal gun owners than the entire state of Wyoming.

California has 58 counties, or roughly the equivalent population of 10 Wyomings.

If I had to choose between Californian gun owners fighting for freedom and dark red state gun owners hating on them I'd choose California every time.

Thank you for standing up for me!

Seriously though, this is accurate. Unfortunately as red as Northern California is, the fact is from Sacramento to the south, there are about 135 (or so... this is off the top of my head and not exact) representatives in the legislature to about 5 or 6 for the whole north part of the state. San Francisco area and LA area representatives dominate completely. And most of the legislature is now led by Hispanics (that vote for the benefits of Mexicans more often than Californians).

04-22-16, 13:11
I'm sorry but where are you guys seeing "anti CA" posts, are you all referring to my post where I quoted a CA resident (Manyard James Keenan's song lyrics)?

04-22-16, 14:00
Lots of conservative people thete who just get drowned out by LA, SF, SD, and Sacramento.

Most states are not well represented by their larger cities because gee, that's where all the shit likes to pile up.

04-22-16, 14:16
Not condemning anyone, but it really doesn't matter if you've got 20 million red-blooded conservatives when you've got 25 million flaming libtards. The lunatics run the asylum. The distribution in population centers as compared to the volume of the rest of the state also doesn't matter. Illinois faces the same problem (Shitcago runs everything). I've been in down-state Illinois before and there are some downright gun-loving nice people. It doesn't matter unless you outnumber the lunatics......they STILL run the asylum.

So it's great and all that our most populous state has a metric shit-ton of conservatives, but it doesn't matter one freaking iota in the big picture. It's actually a waste of conservatives if you ask me! Congeal in one area of the state and make it count by creating a NEW state (I know it's been bandied about).

I feel for ya, but your actual numbers are irrelevant unfortunately. Plus, that ocean is too damn cold for swimming in! ;)

04-22-16, 14:17
Most states are not well represented by their larger cities because gee, that's where all the shit likes to pile up.

Agreed. Look at IL. I've met a lot of pro-gun conservatives from upstate NY too.

People just don't realize that the representatives that were illegally elected by illegal immigrants do NOT represent the vast majority of Californians. We see idiots from Hollywood ignorantly yammering on all the time too, but most of Califronia hates those people and we hate being lumped in with them. I'm in Los Angeles county. Born and raised here. My neighborhood is full of gun toting conservatives that hate our current government and everything it stands for. Conservative bumper stickers outnumber lefty bumper stickers 20 to 1. And I suspect a lot of those lefties are visiting from farther south.

Further, a lot of these people are just a conversation away from changing their minds. Want evidence? CA tops the nation in gun sales every time The Chosen One opens his mouth about gun control. That is a lot of people sending a silent message that they aren't drinking the Kool-Aid.

04-22-16, 14:20
Not condemning anyone, but it really doesn't matter if you've got 20 million red-blooded conservatives when you've got 25 million flaming libtards. The lunatics run the asylum. The distribution in population centers as compared to the volume of the rest of the state also doesn't matter. Illinois faces the same problem (Shitcago runs everything). I've been in down-state Illinois before and there are some downright gun-loving nice people. It doesn't matter unless you outnumber the lunatics......they STILL run the asylum.

So it's great and all that our most populous state has a metric shit-ton of conservatives, but it doesn't matter one freaking iota in the big picture. It's actually a waste of conservatives if you ask me! Congeal in one area of the state and make it count by creating a NEW state (I know it's been bandied about).

You are absolutely correct here, but your allies behind enemy lines are still your allies. My point is: Don't abandon your allies because of geography.

04-22-16, 14:25
You are absolutely correct here, but your allies behind enemy lines are still your allies. My point is: Don't abandon your allies because of geography.

Not suggesting that at all. Just saying that you guys are cancelled out by the shitheads.

I realize that it may be home to you fellas but there is that old saying "vote with your feet". I know you get tired of hearing that but there is an element of truth to it. Just think: it's YOU guys paying for liberal La-La-Land. See how long it lasts without your paycheck to rape.

There are plenty of places that would welcome you (once cleared of Kali-suspicion of course!). There are also oceans that are actually swimmable! :)

04-22-16, 14:28
So it's great and all that our most populous state has a metric shit-ton of conservatives, but it doesn't matter one freaking iota in the big picture. It's actually a waste of conservatives if you ask me! Congeal in one area of the state and make it count by creating a NEW state (I know it's been bandied about).

It is called the State of Jefferson


04-22-16, 15:24
You are absolutely correct here, but your allies behind enemy lines are still your allies. My point is: Don't abandon your allies because of geography.

True, and I don't think the comments are really meant toward our brothers behind enemy lines. But at some point you have to either figure out a legitimate way to change things or realize the battle is lost and move somewhere that you can actually make a difference.

Short of a ton of conservatives moving into the state(never going to happen), you guys forming a break off state(probably won't happen either since the feds would have to approve I would think), or somehow convincing the libtards of the error of their ways I don't see anything changing there. And in all likely hood as more and more good people get fed up the conservative numbers are just going to continue to drop as the liberal and immigrant population grows. I mean FFS libtards seem to multiply in California and then move to other states to infect them with their asshattedness. Look at Colorado for example.

04-22-16, 20:51
Amen, Bulletdog. Right there with you on every post. Lots of assumptions and generalizations being thrown around here.

04-22-16, 23:47
Tombstone- No one says you can't have a gun, no one is saying you can't even carry a gun, you just can't carry it in town. People can still own shotguns, handguns and other rifles.

I think this was addressed during Heller and McDonald? In any case the 2nd Amendment is the most political and attacked amendment and the bottom line line is that it has been under scrutiny and attack for many years and we have allowed it.

"All the bill of rights are protected equally under the law. Neither the federal government, nor the states, shall infringe upon them. Except the ones leftists don't like. It is okay to infringe on those ones. If this treatment seems inconsistent, contradictory, and asisine; it is only because we are lawyers and so much smarter than you."
--Supreme Court of the United States

04-23-16, 12:17
Again with this ignorant anti-Californian non-sense? The whole state should fall in the ocean? We should stop selling guns and supplies to all the good guys in CA? There is no reason to live here? Really? I expect more from members of this forum...

Yes, the libtards have gained a strangle hold here. They've also done that in NY, NJ, IL, etc... Conceding large areas of territory to them, and forsaking tens of millions of your allies, living, breathing human beings who are on YOUR side, is NOT the solution! I've said it in previous threads, but it obviously needs to be stated again. In caps for emphasis: NO OTHER STATE, (except for Texas, God bless 'em...) HAD MORE RIGHT WING VOTERS IN THE LAST TWO PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS! Let that sink in a moment... This state, the state some of you want to fall into the ocean, or crumble in an earthquake, or be destroyed by a terrorists dirty bomb, has more of YOUR allies than any other state besides Texas. CA had more people voting AGAINST our current communist in Cheif than 15 of the reddest states combinined. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. I've posted links to the stats on other threads.

For those who don't understand this, let me break it down another way. We are all in the same boat here. No sense in pointing a finger at one state and condemning the whole place. You don't cut the stern off of your boat because its infested with liberal rats. You need the stern to stay afloat. Right? What you do is exterminate the rats. Living in CA are millions and millions of people who believe in freedom, liberty and following the Constitution. The same things all (most?) of us here on this site believe in. Its pretty close to 50/50 here.

I hate what's happening here. I hate what's happening in NY, NJ and all over the country.

Anti-Cali people are dumb; they assume 100% of the state are hardcore leftist lunatics.

What they fail to comprehend is that San Bernadino county alone most likely has more legal gun owners than the entire state of Wyoming.

California has 58 counties, or roughly the equivalent population of 10 Wyomings.

Lots of conservative people there who just get drowned out by LA, SF, SD, and Sacramento.

Most states are not well represented by their larger cities because gee, that's where all the shit likes to pile up.

Great points and great perspective, BulletDog.

There seems to be strong correlation between Urban dwellers and Leftist/Communist thinking.

I believe it is a by-product of high density/city living and happens in every state with a major metro area.

Our system of representation unfortunately tends to favor the large cities.

04-23-16, 16:55
Great points and great perspective, BulletDog.

There seems to be strong correlation between Urban dwellers and Leftist/Communist thinking.

I believe it is a by-product of high density/city living and happens in every state with a major metro area.

Our system of representation unfortunately tends to favor the large cities.

Oklahoma voted all 77 counties...the last two pres elections, for repub. mr Obama has NEVER won a county in Oklahoma.

04-23-16, 21:09
Great points and great perspective, BulletDog.

There seems to be strong correlation between Urban dwellers and Leftist/Communist thinking.

I believe it is a by-product of high density/city living and happens in every state with a major metro area.

Our system of representation unfortunately tends to favor the large cities.

Correct. Even here in TN you have urban areas that are SOLID libtard havens; Memphrica and most of Nashville ("metro" Davidson county.....any place where the primary city has annexed the whole county, no doubt for the tax $$$, is Libtard Central. Metro Dade comes to mind.)

04-23-16, 21:14
Please don't say "libtard".

Say Marxist/Communist. I not even jokingly refer to ATL as the ANC for you people who watched Wild Geese, read SOF, or kept up with the Bush Wars.


04-23-16, 21:54
Please don't say "libtard".

Say Marxist/Communist. I not even jokingly refer to ATL as the ANC for you people who watched Wild Geese, read SOF, or kept up with the Bush Wars.


Yeah, but aren't they synonyms? It can be construed as an unintended insult to those folks who are actually mentally-retarded (one of the few categories of humans I actually have a soft-spot for) but you can make a definite distinction: the latter are afflicted by no fault of their own but the former make cognizant, "intelligent" decisions to become so.

04-24-16, 23:33
Oklahoma voted all 77 counties...the last two pres elections, for repub. mr Obama has NEVER won a county in Oklahoma.

This is very good news. I love Oklahoma. 891,325 people voted for Romney in 2012.

Just for comparison sake, 4,839,958 voted for Romney in CA that year. I was one of them...

04-25-16, 00:16
I have to correct my statement in an earlier post in this thread where I said only Texas had more right wing voters than CA. I was wrong according to this chart.

Scroll down a bit. The chart is about half way down the page.

Texas had 4,569,843 Republican voters, while CA had 4,839,958.
Florida was the next closest with 4,163,447

Apparently NO other state beats CA for having the most Republican voters. My apologies for my previous inaccuracy.

Other notable states:
NY had 2,490,431 Republican voters.
NJ had 1,477,568
UT with a very high percentage of Republican voters had 740,600
Wyoming 170,962
Montana 267,928

Please forgive me for getting perturbed when I see someone from AL with 1.2 million R voters suggesting that cessation of gun sales and equipment to 4 times the R voters of his state, is a good plan.

Forgive my irritation when a dude form CO with 1.1 million R voters reprints song lyrics of CA falling into the sea as if it is something good.

Taz? Where are you from sir? Your suggestion of losing dead weight in an earthquake and also stopping gun sales to me and millions of your other allies and friends seems, well, a bit misguided to put it nicely.

Please understand fellas. I'm not trying to make you mad. I consider every person on this forum a friend and ally. We are all freedom loving, Constitution following, gun users. When any of my friends utter some ignorant non-sense, I feel obligated to point it out to them so that they at least have the chance to rethink it from a new perspective before they open their mouth (or type…) the same ignorant non-sense again. If after reading this, any of you still think that the millions of non-lefty good guys in CA should be denied gun purchases by the manufacturers, or die and have their loved ones and property destroyed in some horrible disaster, then I suppose I will have to reconsider our friendship. I can't be friends with people who think millions of innocent good guys, from their own side, dying is a good thing.

Now if your hope is that all the crazy lefties will fall into the ocean and leave the good guys alone, well, I can get on board with that. There are a few lefties I'd like to push that direction sometimes…

By the way, I have some friends who moved to CO and they vote R at every election, just as they did here. Texas too.

I ask that when you see CA or NY or CT lawmakers doing ever more stupid sh… uh... stuff. Please understand that all of your allies in those states are far more frustrated and angry about it than you are, and we are fighting it tooth and nail from behind enemy lines. Support us. Don't wish us dead.

04-25-16, 00:58
The problem is that so many Californians just put up with the absurd laws. I lived in Palo Alto for a year. Met a guy in his late 20s watching NCAA March Madness basketball at a local sports bar. He saw my LaRue cap and we started talking firearms. He was into black rifles. I asked how he could stand living in CA, that I would personally never settle somewhere that disallowed machineguns, SBRs, SBSs, and sound suppressors. He said it wasn't so bad - ten round mags and neutered ARs were good enough.

If my state enacted CA, NY, CT, or NJ type gun control I would work to move elsewhere immediately. And I say that as a small business owner, who would have a great deal of difficulty moving, not to mention a wife who is very adamant about staying in NC.

04-25-16, 01:13
I lived in Southern California several years. Far too many conservatives and republicans (and I knew many) had no idea about firearms and gun laws. They were far too quick to capitulate their rights and defend the progressive propaganda, while believing being republican was mostly about pro-life policy and public school reform.

04-25-16, 04:03
This is very good news. I love Oklahoma. 891,325 people voted for Romney in 2012.

Just for comparison sake, 4,839,958 voted for Romney in CA that year. I was one of them...

Yeah...not many of us, but what there are? Mostly right wing gun nuts.

04-25-16, 04:36
It's sad with it being such a beautiful place.

Yes, it is a sad paradox indeed.

I've visited CA, and have a few friends/family there who all boast of the cool places and things to do. Beaches/mountains/hiking, etc. The politics, laws, and high cost of living ruin it all though. Its a good place to live if you are a liberal who believes in restrictive gun laws or if you are not into guns.

04-25-16, 09:03
I lived in Southern California several years. Far too many conservatives and republicans (and I knew many) had no idea about firearms and gun laws. They were far too quick to capitulate their rights and defend the progressive propaganda, while believing being republican was mostly about pro-life policy and public school reform.

Sadly this seems to be the case for far too many conservatives. Firearms and the protection of the true intent of the 2A without inane references to hunting and what one "needs" seem to be absent the conscious of the majority of conservatives.

04-25-16, 12:21
Yes, it is a sad paradox indeed.

I've visited CA, and have a few friends/family there who all boast of the cool places and things to do. Beaches/mountains/hiking, etc. The politics, laws, and high cost of living ruin it all though. Its a good place to live if you are a liberal who believes in restrictive gun laws or if you are not into guns.

...and like to pay a crap ton in taxes.