View Full Version : Star Wars Episode VIII

Boba Fett v2
04-21-16, 21:22
Well this is interesting...


Potential spoilers if you're the type who likes to be completely surprised. This theory would certainly explain quite a bit of the "plot holes" people complained about in TFA, and would make sense in the grand scheme of things when you consider how she defeats Kylo at the end of TFA.

The backstory to Luke and his Jedi being wiped out is that Snoke seduced Kylo and a few of the other students to the dark side and tasked them with killing everyone. Luke and a few others survived, including a young Rey who was subsequently dumped on Jakku by Luke.

Rey's mom died in the attack.

Rey is pissed at Luke because she guesses that he was her father and is angry at him for abandoning her. Luke turns to her and says "No, you are my father".

Yes, really.

Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. Luke went to the first Jedi temple to better understand how the process works. He learned that the spirit of the chosen one is reincarnated by the Force every time the universe is thrown out of balance, which apparently happens on a semi-regular basis (Anakin was hardly the first time the chosen one reincarnated). This is why she's so crazy powerful with the Force (remember that Anakin blew up the Trade Federation donut ship by himself when he was like 8 years old).

Rey was the product of a virgin birth, but midichlorians aren't mentioned (Luke says "you are a child of the Force").

Luke is hesitant to train her because, according to Jedi history, the chosen one always struggles with staying on the light side of the Force because of the chaotic power running through them. He's afraid that she could become Vader 2.0. If he trains her to fight Kylo, and she turns dark, she would do way more damage to the galaxy than Kylo could ever dream of doing.

He ultimately trains her anyway and leaves everything up to the Force. He makes this decision in a scene where he confers with the ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda (Ewan MacGregor and Frank Oz come back).

Rey learns lightsaber skills, Force skills, and has a vision quest thing where she talks with Maz Kanata (unsure if it’s telepathy or just a dream) and Hayden Christenson. The latter tells her that she is him, but different, and there’s a quick scene where we see hundreds of other Force ghosts who are implied to be past chosen ones.

Big A
04-21-16, 21:35
Not buying it.

04-21-16, 21:46
Hhmmmm , can't we just get good stories with out either 'universe/time-line/franchise' considerations or some un-intelligible plot twist.

04-21-16, 21:53
Not buying it.

Yeah, I'm not as dialed in to SW as some of you guys are but that even sounded like a load of [emoji243][emoji90] to me too.

04-21-16, 22:05
Eh. I suppose it's possible.

It also means that the Sith will have told a lie - which is rather unusual, since they seem to have pretty effectively weaponized the truth.

04-21-16, 22:07
Seems plausible, by Star Wars standards. :) And yeah that's a train wreck of spoilers right there.

04-21-16, 22:19
That is like, Phantom Menace Gungan level gay.

Why can't people just be people who were just some random person who rose to the challenge?

Like okay....she didn't know her father. Okay that happens. Her mother dead. Oh well. So she is this resilient person who realizes one day that she has potential for great evil or great good. So she has to decide....or maybe picks a middle ground.

So she trains like a MFer and gets ripped and jacked. Like washboard abs. Bikini armor. And totes a laser pistol with her lightsaber. So she shoves Kylo Ren up his own ass. And tells Snoke she's coming for him. She raises a renegade army to attack First Order in a daring SAS style raid. Bodies dropping. Explosions happening and she kills Snoke. She gives the entirety lf First Order a chance to assimilate to a Republic army, quit, or die.

Then everyone looks at her to be the next Jedi leader. A new mentor. A messiah.

And she turns her back on it all. Sick of it.

Because she refuses to be the messiah of a religion she doesn't believe in.
Or a soldier in a war she doesn't care about.

Kinda like Shane. Whip ass...go to the desert alone to die or be a recluse

04-21-16, 22:44
That is like, Phantom Menace Gungan level gay.

You know there's a pretty good argument that Jar Jar Binks was "the phantom menace" and possibly a more powerful Sith Lord than Sidious?

Why can't people just be people who were just some random person who rose to the challenge?

This is probably wwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyy too deep for the Star Wars series, but maybe the idea is that free will doesn't exist and predestination, or some other determinism, rules? Maybe Lucas and Abrams are Calvinists? OK, seriously I don't think SW is that deep or philosophical, but I'll throw it out there.

04-21-16, 23:26
Ok... I don't get the Jar Jar bit
.. How is that possible again?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

04-21-16, 23:34
Ok... I don't get the Jar Jar bit
.. How is that possible again?


You'll want some beer and/or popcorn for this. Be sure to view the video clips.

Boba Fett v2
04-21-16, 23:35
Ok... I don't get the Jar Jar bit
.. How is that possible again?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


04-21-16, 23:37
Ok... I don't get the Jar Jar bit
.. How is that possible again?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Well there's this troll notion, based on some guys who were Salvia Addicts and Autistics in denial, that Phantom Menace didn't actually suck. That Jar Jar was this banished Gungan who was like the most Hardcore Sith ever. That he trained Sidious who trained Maul. That his comic relief and goofy actions were subversions of Force Power. That nothing he did was accidental. And allegedly had people not bitched and moaned; Jar Jar would reveal himself and order the Jedi killed and Vader and Sidious had to team up to kill him because he was really, really evil. He didn't just want a Republic. He wanted a perpetual chaos. A dark universe of vengeance. Hence the Trade Federation. Control the banks, the military, everything. But not for order.

Think of Heath Ledger Joker levels of mayhem purely because he just hated everything.

But again....it is a discredited troll theory borne of Salvia and Autism and Denial

04-22-16, 03:21
Well this is interesting...


Potential spoilers if you're the type who likes to be completely surprised. This theory would certainly explain quite a bit of the "plot holes" people complained about in TFA, and would make sense in the grand scheme of things when you consider how she defeats Kylo at the end of TFA.

Highly plausible and this isn't the first time I heard the whole Rey is Anakin reincarnated bit.

Who knows?

It's all fun . . .

Crow Hunter
04-22-16, 07:18
I think that Rey is going get trained by Luke on this isolated Water planet and then she will go into a dark tree and see that Kylo is really some type of relative, which she will deny and then there is going to be some battle where the First Order is attacking an Ice World somewhere and then she will get a "vision" that her friend Finn is in trouble on said Ice World and she will stop her training early and go to save her friends and there will be a big ice planet battle (or maybe it will be on the Wookie home world) and then Finn will be frozen in carbonite and transported by Doobie Fett (who is Jango and Bobo Fett's kid somehow) back to Jakkoo or whatever the new name of Tatooine is and well, you've seen it all before.

They won't blow up a "Death Star" in this movie because they only blow up Death Stars in odd numbered movies and this is an even movie.

Oh and someone will lose hand, somehow. (I was surprised they didn't in Episode VII)

We won't see anything new. The stories will be retreads of the same stories in the first 6 films because they "worked" and Disney is running out of "Princess" stories to make money on. Those who are hoping that they will create a new awesome story arc and innovative plot twists will be sorely disappointed. Demographic changes will be the only "innovation".

Star Wars is the new Disney Princess franchise.

Hopefully, the newly revised Hoth battle scenes will be longer and have even more cool special effects.

04-22-16, 08:43
Here's hoping Leai isn't in the slave outfit again....

04-22-16, 09:01
I think that Rey is going get trained by Luke on this isolated Water planet and then she will go into a dark tree and see that Kylo is really some type of relative, which she will deny and then there is going to be some battle where the First Order is attacking an Ice World somewhere and then she will get a "vision" that her friend Finn is in trouble on said Ice World and she will stop her training early and go to save her friends and there will be a big ice planet battle (or maybe it will be on the Wookie home world) and then Finn will be frozen in carbonite and transported by Doobie Fett (who is Jango and Bobo Fett's kid somehow) back to Jakkoo or whatever the new name of Tatooine is and well, you've seen it all before.

They won't blow up a "Death Star" in this movie because they only blow up Death Stars in odd numbered movies and this is an even movie.

Oh and someone will lose hand, somehow. (I was surprised they didn't in Episode VII)

We won't see anything new. The stories will be retreads of the same stories in the first 6 films because they "worked" and Disney is running out of "Princess" stories to make money on. Those who are hoping that they will create a new awesome story arc and innovative plot twists will be sorely disappointed. Demographic changes will be the only "innovation".

Star Wars is the new Disney Princess franchise.

Hopefully, the newly revised Hoth battle scenes will be longer and have even more cool special effects.

The first Death Star was destroyed in Episode IV. Even number. The Second Death Star was destroyed during Episode VI, another even number.

So I find it difficult to take you seriously.

Crow Hunter
04-22-16, 09:37
The first Death Star was destroyed in Episode IV. Even number. The Second Death Star was destroyed during Episode VI, another even number.

So I find it difficult to take you seriously.

I have difficulty taking the Star Wars franchise seriously anymore. (Not that I used to take it serious before other than when I was like 11 or something:rolleyes:)

Wait and see. It will be an "homage" to Empire Strikes back. Which is code for blatant copy because no one wants to be creative and change the formula that has made people tons of money over the years. Especially Disney, the epitome of the re-skinned Disney Princess do overs.

Hopefully the new Hoth/Kashyyk or (wherever the "secret" Rebel base is this time) scenes will be awesome with extra time spent on actual space/surface battles and less on the relationship developing between Han and Leia, I mean Ray and Finn.

You know, I bet it will be Kashyyk so they can pick up a replacement Chewie. His probably his daughter, Spittobacco.

Boba Fett v2
04-22-16, 10:31
No matter what anyone comes up with (whether it's Disney influencing the writers, directors, producers or not) people will find a reason to bitch about it and shoot it full of holes. People tend to forget that a lot of successful movies (and their sequels) follow a similar formula because that shit works. And I'm going to keep watching them because I like that shit. This guy does a great job of breaking it down.


04-22-16, 11:53
Maybe Lucas and Abrams are Calvinists? OK, seriously I don't think SW is that deep or philosophical, but I'll throw it out there.

OK, that made me laugh out loud to the point my colleagues are asking me if I am OK. Nice.

04-22-16, 14:55
Here's hoping Leai isn't in the slave outfit again....

I'm hoping they'll give it to Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones).

Boba Fett v2
04-25-16, 13:19
I think the days of bikini clad heorines are done under Disney, but you never know I guess. We need an R rated Star Wars movie along the vein of Knights of the Old Republic. Specifically Sacrifice.


04-25-16, 13:27
Little Mermaid was half naked.
Elsa got around in a slinky dress
The disney channel is essentially jailbait channel.

Most of the women who bitch about bikini armor are fat chicks.

I remain optimistic

Boba Fett v2
04-26-16, 10:23
Little Mermaid was half naked.
Elsa got around in a slinky dress
The disney channel is essentially jailbait channel.

Most of the women who bitch about bikini armor are fat chicks.

I remain optimistic

Maybe. But I can't see Rey being portrayed as a sex object in any of the follow-on films. The closest thing we got to galactic uber-hotness was the black leather clad chick in the Maz Kanata bar scene. The heroine in Rogue One has some potential, but since it's a one-shot we probably won't get any gratuitous ab shots of her with a halter top Natalie Portman style.

04-26-16, 11:51
Bikini Armor and whatnot has nothing really to do with being a sex object. Look at Conan or Rambo.

People think a woman being physically attractive diminishes her character. I say it enhances it.

When I think of heroic champions, frumpiness doesn't pop out to me. All the girls I know who saw Ep 7 cite the scene where she's tied up and trying to force persuade the Storm Trooper as their favorite. Otherwise she was kinda boring until she was fighting Kylo Ren.

But more than a few say she was too skinny.