View Full Version : VA gov. restoring voting rights for felons before election

04-22-16, 12:13
"RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — More than 200,000 convicted felons will be able to cast ballots in the swing state of Virginia in November's election under a sweeping executive order by Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Friday that restores their rights to vote and run for office."

Everyday I see more and more evidence on how bleak the future of this country is. First granting illegals citizenship to buy their votes and now pardoning convicted felons solely to get their votes. This makes me highly disappointed in my home state that continues to lean more and more left.

With a voting base of welfare leaches, illegals made legal by pen, and felons pardoned for votes how can Hillary lose?

Full story here

04-22-16, 12:25
If they have served their time, why should they continue to be punished for past crimes?

Alex V
04-22-16, 12:37
In all honesty, how many of them will actually get off the couch and put down the meth pipe long enough to go vote?

Sorry... was that unnecessarily judgmental?

04-22-16, 12:50
If they have served their time, why should they continue to be punished for past crimes?

Can they buy firearms? I would guess no, and as the left has shown voting is much more dangerous then guns. All or nothing. Give them back all of their rights or none. Stop picking and choosing what work for their crazy agenda.

04-22-16, 13:01
If they have served their time, why should they continue to be punished for past crimes?

Largely depends on the crime, time since crime was committed, and what the original crime was. I'm all for having past crimes pardoned, but it needs to be on a case by case basis. The individual needs to actually make the effort to show they desire to be a contributing member of society. Not have a blanket rule pardon just because they served their time.

It says in the article that, "Today we are reversing that disturbing trend and restoring the rights of more than 200,000 of our fellow Virginians, who work, raise families and pay taxes in every corner of our Commonwealth." However the fact that they pay taxes is not a requirement to be pardoned. Only that they have served their time. Honestly if they hold a steady job and haven't gotten in trouble with the law I would have no problem with it. But to pardon people simply for doing their time when some are back with their homeboys jobless seems illogical to me.

04-22-16, 13:13
That's cute.
Attach a rider that grants full restoration of gun rights and it gets the Firefly seal of approval.

Either you can be trusted back in society or you can't.

Either being a felon is a punishment or it isn't.

I wrote a while back the kinds of people who are anti-gun. One of those is the Criminal. He'll get a weapon no matter what. But would love for it if Mr. and Mrs. America were browbeaten into forfeiture of legal weapon possession.

All or Nothing.

04-22-16, 13:18
Felons, illegal aliens, and dead people vote for the DNC every time there is an election.

It's a modern day miracle I tell you.

04-22-16, 13:31
Who gives a shit? Free men (not incarcerated or institutionalized) have the right to vote and bear arms.

04-22-16, 13:39
Sex Offenders serve their time, then have to register on local databases for the rest of their lives.

04-22-16, 13:42
I guess I just don't have a problem with people doing the right thing, even if it is for the wrong reasons.

You guys know that damn near everything is a felony these days right? I probably committed one today and didn't even realize it. You may have too.

04-22-16, 13:47
Sex Offenders serve their time, then have to register on local databases for the rest of their lives.

Most sex offenders should be simply put to death.

Note the most... The BF having concessional sex with his 17 year old GF should not.

04-22-16, 13:51
I guess I just don't have a problem with people doing the right thing, even if it is for the wrong reasons.

You guys know that damn near everything is a felony these days right? I probably committed one today and didn't even realize it. You may have too.

I'm there with you, brother.

There are so many chickenshit Felonies out there, it isn't funny. It's a crock and a racket.

They aren't hard on crime. If they were, we'd go back to stomping hoods and lynching rapists.

No, this is about holding people in check.

Theoretically, I could randomly murder someone in broad daylight and would be out of prison far sooner than I would for Federal tax evasion.

That's Our American Life (you all know you listen to NPR, don't act like you don't. It's on quick select right next to the gangster rap and rock stations.)

04-22-16, 13:54
Most sex offenders should be simply put to death.

Note the most... The BF having concessional sex with his 17 year old GF should not.

I agree. Big difference between rapists and pedos and two kids screwing at make out point or some drunk pissing in an alley and some random woman sees his dingle dangle and faints because it was her first day outside the convent and she just couldn't even

04-22-16, 14:29
Can they buy firearms? I would guess no, and as the left has shown voting is much more dangerous then guns. All or nothing. Give them back all of their rights or none. Stop picking and choosing what work for their crazy agenda.

Silly doc, didn't you get the memo? That's how they roll!

04-22-16, 14:51
I understand everyone has done some felonious things in our lives that we could have been tagged for. However, be that as it may I still don't believe those felons convicted of violent crimes or sex offenses should have open access to voting and guns right after doing their time. I feel there should be at least a trial period, say 5-10 years before all rights returned. And though I don't mind this thread going down that avenue, my main point was our great governor making this move right before the election. If I felt he wasn't doing it for the sole reason then to buy votes I might find his move noble. However, it just shows me how low and desperate the left (and probably right) are to obtain voters and continue their position of power.

Vote for me? Here's some free crap! Vote for me? I'll remove that il off your illegal status! Vote for me? Goodbye felony!

04-22-16, 15:15
I don't really have too much of a problem with it in certain circumstances. All depends upon the crime for me. Those convicted of violent crimes and sex offenses should have no access to voting or gun rights after being released. Other non-violent felons upon being released I think after a period should have their rights restored.

04-22-16, 15:25
You guys realize this is just political subversion right?

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

04-22-16, 15:30
Silly doc, didn't you get the memo? That's how they roll!

Not sure what I was thinking....... ;)

04-22-16, 15:50
I don't really have too much of a problem with it in certain circumstances. All depends upon the crime for me. Those convicted of violent crimes and sex offenses should have no access to voting or gun rights after being released. Other non-violent felons upon being released I think after a period should have their rights restored.

Really? If they can't be trusted with guns why should they be free to mingle with society?

04-22-16, 16:45
I'm there with you, brother.

There are so many chickenshit Felonies out there, it isn't funny. It's a crock and a racket.

They aren't hard on crime. If they were, we'd go back to stomping hoods and lynching rapists.

No, this is about holding people in check.

Theoretically, I could randomly murder someone in broad daylight and would be out of prison far sooner than I would for Federal tax evasion.

That's Our American Life (you all know you listen to NPR, don't act like you don't. It's on quick select right next to the gangster rap and rock stations.)

If that isn't an indictment of our legal and judicial system I don't know. Felonies should all be serious crimes with serious repercussions. That we have 'felonized' so many crimes that the distinction of being a felony crime has lost its significance.

The fact that we all commit felonies every day- or more importantly that we can not say that we have not committed any felony everyday- just shows how screwed up our legislation and law enforcement are.

04-22-16, 16:53
Either you can be trusted back in society or you can't.

This. Right. Here.

04-22-16, 17:41
So then, no problem with these folks voting for county sheriff or DA? No conflict there?

04-22-16, 19:00
Since when do people get released from prison because it was decided that they were reformed, trusted, and ready to function in society.

04-22-16, 19:54
Following this line of thought why should Hillary be questioned for a lack of judgement ?
I mean she would never do anything to hurt Americans intentionally.
Like there is Top Secret and then there is TOP SECRET.

04-22-16, 20:00
So then, no problem with these folks voting for county sheriff or DA? No conflict there?

What about the people voting who are on "entitlements" when you have one candidate wanting to cut spending to "entitlements" and the other saying they will give the people everything they scream for? I think there are fewer felons then those than those who think they are owed something from society out there, just my thoughts.

04-22-16, 21:33
"RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — More than 200,000 convicted felons will be able to cast ballots in the swing state of Virginia in November's election under a sweeping executive order by Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Friday that restores their rights to vote and run for office."

Everyday I see more and more evidence on how bleak the future of this country is. First granting illegals citizenship to buy their votes and now pardoning convicted felons solely to get their votes. This makes me highly disappointed in my home state that continues to lean more and more left.

With a voting base of welfare leaches, illegals made legal by pen, and felons pardoned for votes how can Hillary lose?

Full story here

The Democrats have been pushing this issue hard in our area, because the vast majority of convicted felons and their families will support the Democratic party. This has a lot less to do with restoring voting rights to felons and more to do with gathering more votes for Democratic candidates.

04-22-16, 21:39
The difference is people who simply take advantage of the system, legally, as opposed to people who commit crimes against others and often destroy lives.

When I earned president's highest honors in college, that stays with me. It's an achievement. When a criminal breaks the social contract, he earns a number of things. Time in prison is only part. Once he's "done his time" that social contract does not end. Are you suggesting that the bell has been unrung now and that woman that was raped now has her life back whole? Or the murderer's victim comes back to life? No, of course not. That's forever. And so must those portions of rights lost, part of that social contract, like voting, remain on the record forever. They earned it like I earned my merit badges in the Boy Scouts.

04-22-16, 22:06
Since when do people get released from prison because it was decided that they were reformed, trusted, and ready to function in society.

Precisely, simply doing one's time has little to no correlation to being reformed and ready to be a functioning member in society.

04-22-16, 22:10
The criminal needs to live with the consequences of his shit for as long as his victims have to.

04-22-16, 22:39
The difference is people who simply take advantage of the system, legally, as opposed to people who commit crimes against others and often destroy lives.

When I earned president's highest honors in college, that stays with me. It's an achievement. When a criminal breaks the social contract, he earns a number of things. Time in prison is only part. Once he's "done his time" that social contract does not end. Are you suggesting that the bell has been unrung now and that woman that was raped now has her life back whole? Or the murderer's victim comes back to life? No, of course not. That's forever. And so must those portions of rights lost, part of that social contract, like voting, remain on the record forever. They earned it like I earned my merit badges in the Boy Scouts.

What I was pointing out is that both have conflicts of interest in regards to their voting, whether that conflict is through legal means of means you deem to be otherwise is irrelevant, it is still a conflict of interest. A senator voting for his own pay raise or benefits has no less conflict of interest even if it may be legal, and their position may afford them must greater opportunity to harm others. Also, felon does not mean solely rapists or murderers. Assuming that should be the master label is just as ignorant as assuming someone who makes the dean's or president's list if destined to be the acme of their discipline. Possible, but not exactly likely. People can change, both for better or worse.

Also, one could, and perhaps should point out the ironic fact that a felon may not be allowed to vote, but may be allowed to run for office, be elected, and then vote on laws.

Also worth noting we have a legal system, not a justice system. Meaning, what is right, or moral, doesn't always happen or even apply. And in honesty, felons voting, really is low on my worry list, we as a nation have a lot bigger issues to worry about.

04-23-16, 12:22
Right inline with the Left's Cloward-Piven strategy and general shrewd and shameless political maneuverings. No guns for law-abiding citizens, but votes and welfare for felons and illegal immigrants.

This is how democracy destroys itself. Politicians chasing votes by getting as many people on the rolls and bribing them with pandering to their interests, using state power to steal people's things and give them away for votes. Your Republic is lost, gents, sorry to say. The only way to get it back is to push a reset button, if you will. A watering of the withering tree is in order. Otherwise, enjoy a weird combination of a Caliphate, corporate Cronyism SuperState, 3rd World Oligarchy and Profressive Paradise.

04-23-16, 13:26

04-23-16, 18:31
That's cute.
Attach a rider that grants full restoration of gun rights and it gets the Firefly seal of approval.

Either you can be trusted back in society or you can't.

Either being a felon is a punishment or it isn't.

I wrote a while back the kinds of people who are anti-gun. One of those is the Criminal. He'll get a weapon no matter what. But would love for it if Mr. and Mrs. America were browbeaten into forfeiture of legal weapon possession.

All or Nothing.

One guy on Facebook said that a criminal record following you around the rest of your life is the punishment. Funny I've never heard a judge say that when sentencing someone. Mr X I sentence you to no less than 5 and no more then 10 years in prison and a record that will follow you the rest of your life.

04-23-16, 20:50
Years ago, a felony was a huge black mark. You were shunned.

Now a lot of states actually are doing away with background checks unless you are applying for a sensitive or sworn position. Like you can't even ask a person's criminal history if they aren't on parolw or probation.

But otherwise, it isn't held against you.
Hell look at Hollywood, Robert Downey Jr isn't hurting and he's been a felon for decades.

I'd like to say this is a Libertarian movement but in reality...not all, but most of these people are shitsticks who will always vote for more gibs and benefits.

Remember that one scene in the Original Dawn of the Dead? Before they raid the project house? And Wooley with his shotgun starts bemoaning that they put these people up in these high dollar areas for free and it's better than what he's got?

Know them feels

04-24-16, 01:40
Since when do people get released from prison because it was decided that they were reformed, trusted, and ready to function in society.

LOL, no caca!

The criminal needs to live with the consequences of his shit for as long as his victims have to.

We do not execute nearly enough of the violent offenders and none of the sexual predators.

Right inline with the Left's Cloward-Piven strategy and general shrewd and shameless political maneuverings. No guns for law-abiding citizens, but votes and welfare for felons and illegal immigrants.

This is how democracy destroys itself. Politicians chasing votes by getting as many people on the rolls and bribing them with pandering to their interests, using state power to steal people's things and give them away for votes. Your Republic is lost, gents, sorry to say. The only way to get it back is to push a reset button, if you will. A watering of the withering tree is in order. Otherwise, enjoy a weird combination of a Caliphate, corporate Cronyism SuperState, 3rd World Oligarchy and Profressive Paradise.

You sir just owned the X-ring!

07-22-16, 20:52
Struck down....

Claims he will restore the 200,000 individually.

I hope he catches the ones that are sex offenders and still in prison this time around.

I once helped a friend of mine get his rights restored.

Crime at 18.

Asking for rights back at 45 because he traveled to Florida a lot where tourist in rental cars were being targeted at the time.
I wrote a reference letter as did someone he knew from FL that was an FBI agent. He got his rights back EXCEPT CCW!!!

It took several letters, court appearance, and then the clerk of the court actually struck the judges orders for full rights and limited him to open carry.. This was a man that devoted his life to God before he even got out of the cell.. and that for his life...

All he wanted to do was be able to protect himself.

I would really really love to see the gutter snipe cheap POS Terry McCauliffe put that much effort and attention into the 200,000 felons he is going to restore -- voting rights only-- to.

Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Terry McCauliffe are the lowest forms of life that exist in Virginia.

You people of America get to do something about that in November. I hope you choose to defeat them.