View Full Version : NJ Woman Sets Infant on Fire

04-24-16, 14:05
A New Jersey woman has been sentenced to 30 years after she admitted tosetting her newborn daughter on fire.
Twenty-three-year-old Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier gave birth to a newborn girl at her home in January 2015, after concealing her pregnancy from family members. She then drove to a remote road, doused the infant in accelerant and set the baby on fire.

I'm not sure how the Prosecutor even came up with the Plea Deal?
Really at this level, a bullet to the back of the head is very deserved.

04-24-16, 14:29
It's not her fault.

ETA: Video games. Right?

04-24-16, 14:32

I am equally disgusted and not shocked.

04-24-16, 14:33
It's not her fault.

ETA: Video games. Right?

No. I have no doubt in my police mind this was a direct result of reading The Bell Jar and Flowers in the Attic.
One can only assume she was a voracious reader.

04-24-16, 14:37
Wow what kind of mind would do something like that? That's not a desperate act, that's got to be the cruelest way to kill a baby that I can think of.

04-24-16, 14:48
"People" like this need to be locked up forever, or removed from existence entirely. No excuse for this kind of depravity.

04-24-16, 14:49

I'm not sure how the Prosecutor even came up with the Plea Deal?
Really at this level, a bullet to the back of the head is very deserved.

I will supply the ammo.

There are several ways to give up a child, why do people have to resort to this.

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04-24-16, 16:48
I will supply the ammo.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I'll bring the beer.

04-24-16, 17:02

A bullet is too good, drive her out to the middle of nowhere. Throw her on the ground tied up, douse her in gasoline and light.

04-24-16, 17:27
A bullet is too good, drive her out to the middle of nowhere. Throw her on the ground tied up, douse her in gasoline and light.

This man thinks as I do.

04-24-16, 17:31
A bullet is too good, drive her out to the middle of nowhere. Throw her on the ground tied up, douse her in gasoline and light.

Now we can make smores!

04-24-16, 17:36
This man thinks as I do.
I second that idea

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
04-24-16, 18:11
Don't you worry, fellas.

Where she's ultimately going, there's plenty of fire for her too.

04-24-16, 18:30
It's not her fault.

ETA: Video games. Right?

She deserves to have some kind of Mortal Kombat fatality performed on her.

04-24-16, 18:40
Ya'll just don't understand the struggle she's had in her life, please try to show a little compassion for "Hyphernkemberly."

04-24-16, 19:09
She deserves to have some kind of Mortal Kombat fatality performed on her.
Yea like the spine ripped out!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

04-24-16, 19:15
A bullet is too good, drive her out to the middle of nowhere. Throw her on the ground tied up, douse her in gasoline and light.

Exactly what I was thinking.

04-24-16, 20:03
Oh crap - it's Screwface! Steven Seagal's fears are realized - they WERE triplets!!!


04-24-16, 20:03
I guess the silver lining, if there is such a thing in this case, is that nobody will have to suffer growing up with this POS as a parent. If I were an enlightened free spirit floating somewhere in the cosmos and I had the choice of being born to Hyphernkemberly and then literally burned alive and returned to some cosmic way station OR being born to Hyphernkemberly and having to endure an entire childhood dependent upon her to provide for me and raise me to be a decent human being...well I hope somebody brought matches.

In fact if my choices were to be born to and raised by Hyphernkemberly or simply cease to exist at all in any form, well it was a nice existence while it lasted.

The part that concerns me most is there are literally thousands of Hyphernkemberly types in this country alone. They may not set their babies on fire, they might just put them in a dumpster or abandon them in bathrooms. These people are absolutely soulless and devoid of any shred of humanity, they are feral beings.

04-24-16, 20:31
DITTO !!!!!

when people murder people in this fashion it needs to be done back to them !!!!

other horrific crimes like rape etc.. I say we have prisons that are locked from the outside large enough that they can grow food inside on there own and manage there own and we throw people in never to see them again ! self running small city of prisoners and population control will be up to the other prisoners etc..

all prisoners assets if they have any go to running the place one large prison for the US !

04-24-16, 20:31
Prayers sent for the murdered child.

Time to go give my granddaughter another hug.

04-24-16, 21:18
A bullet is too good, drag her out behind a truck to the middle of nowhere. Throw her on the ground tied up, douse her in gasoline and light.

I altered your solution a bit more

04-24-16, 21:32
A public burning is in order. I wonder how things would be if there were still public executions here.

04-24-16, 22:34
People think I'm joking but if we brought back public executions (lynchings and crucifixions), the bullshit would slow down if not stop.

There was a time when a man could take his son to a hanging and point to his dead body on full display hanging from a gallows or a tree and tell his son "Live right or that will happen to you".


I've seen it first hand. 16 year olds not afraid of jack nor shit because nothing will really happen to them. Some fatass from DJJ bitching "mah casework too much. I'm too backed up." and letting them go.

I do not want to say that drunken posses and frontier justice is the answer, but it has a very seductive appeal.

I was born either 200 years too soon or too late.

04-24-16, 22:47
Yeah, better to take the legal high road, get on down to Planned Parenthood, and part the kid out. The law allows us to make these fine distinctions in our enlightened times.

04-24-16, 23:22
I'm curious to see the guy that knocked up the cover model for Crack Whore Magazine.

I know HK was kidding about compassion but there are people out there who will argue exactly that. Insanity. Where was the compassion when this bitch set a new born baby, her own new born baby, on fire? Take your compassion and cram it.

I agree with Firefly, I was just thinking earlier this weekend that if we handed out more ass kickings to those woefully in need of an ass kicking, we'd be way further ahead.

Sickening. This shit just pisses me off....

04-25-16, 03:26
"People" like this need to be locked up forever, or removed from existence entirely. No excuse for this kind of depravity.

No, they need to be put to death and not become a life long burden upon the tax payers.

04-25-16, 03:38
Maybe it's just me, but I read a LOT, I mean a lot of stories from various sources and I'm seeing a huge up swing in violent crimes against infant and toddlers in 2016.

I won't even bother posting the links but a man in IN kidnapped a 14 month old girl from a friends party, raped her, strangled her, and threw her little body on the side of a road. Another 02 thief in MI filmed himself raping a tied up 18 month old girl and then relieved himself on her, he got a 200 year sentence this past week. More and more I'm seeing stories of sadistic attacks and murders of the youngest of our society.

So yeah, public immolations need a come back in a big, BIG f'n way. I'll perform their for free and won't require a mask.

04-25-16, 07:59
People think I'm joking but if we brought back public executions (lynchings and crucifixions), the bullshit would slow down if not stop.

I'd settle for 30 days in stocks. Let the neighbors pelt you with garbage for 30 days, and a LOTTA penny-ante stuff would never evolve to "Hang 'em High."


04-25-16, 09:57
Maybe it's just me, but I read a LOT, I mean a lot of stories from various sources and I'm seeing a huge up swing in violent crimes against infant and toddlers in 2016.

I won't even bother posting the links but a man in IN kidnapped a 14 month old girl from a friends party, raped her, strangled her, and threw her little body on the side of a road. Another 02 thief in MI filmed himself raping a tied up 18 month old girl and then relieved himself on her, he got a 200 year sentence this past week. More and more I'm seeing stories of sadistic attacks and murders of the youngest of our society.

So yeah, public immolations need a come back in a big, BIG f'n way. I'll perform their for free and won't require a mask.

What do you expect from a society where 25% of the population believe that it should be perfectly legal to pass a scissor through the skull of a full-term baby as it travels down the birth canal simply because it is an inconvenience? Hell, there are even philosophers that have been advocating "after birth abortion" for years.

If a significant minority of the population think that babies are not human until the parents want them to be, it should be no surprise that those members of society use them for pleasures that are subhuman.

Outlander Systems
04-25-16, 10:34

What do you expect from a society where 25% of the population believe that it should be perfectly legal to pass a scissor through the skull of a full-term baby as it travels down the birth canal simply because it is an inconvenience? Hell, there are even philosophers that have been advocating "after birth abortion" for years.

If a significant minority of the population has been told that babies are not human until the parents want them to be, it should be no surprise that those members of society use them for pleasures that are subhuman.

04-25-16, 10:57
There's an extra special place in hell for her.

Also, it's sad that I'm not shocked by this.....

04-25-16, 13:34
People think I'm joking but if we brought back public executions (lynchings and crucifixions), the bullshit would slow down if not stop.

There was a time when a man could take his son to a hanging and point to his dead body on full display hanging from a gallows or a tree and tell his son "Live right or that will happen to you".


I've seen it first hand. 16 year olds not afraid of jack nor shit because nothing will really happen to them. Some fatass from DJJ bitching "mah casework too much. I'm too backed up." and letting them go.

I do not want to say that drunken posses and frontier justice is the answer, but it has a very seductive appeal.

I was born either 200 years too soon or too late.

What you are referring to is the correct response, you will be punished. Severe ? yes, to some. I think of it as being a big enough deterrent to prevent you from it. Now we are too civilized to be so harsh. If everyone now days had been to a hanging, there would be no question about what was going to happen to you.

I'm just waiting for the old to become new again....

04-25-16, 16:01
Really at this level, a bullet to the back of the head is very deserved.

Is much less than deserved. I can see that this is a shared viewpoint.

I find it shocking and abhorrent when this sort of crime is done to a horrible person, and I am simply unable to understand someone doing it to an infant.

04-26-16, 02:12
What do you expect from a society where 25% of the population believe that it should be perfectly legal to pass a scissor through the skull of a full-term baby as it travels down the birth canal simply because it is an inconvenience? Hell, there are even philosophers that have been advocating "after birth abortion" for years.

If a significant minority of the population think that babies are not human until the parents want them to be, it should be no surprise that those members of society use them for pleasures that are subhuman.

Preaching to the choir Doc, I'm reading you loud and clear.

IMHO it's a death cult. Except they generate revenue off of harvested organs and tissues. The insanity of the left wants to spare the life of convicted murders yet execute the unborn.

04-26-16, 02:15
I'm just waiting for the old to become new again....


"Market corrections" naturally occur . . . high order violence has a historic way for righting wrongs.