View Full Version : Winter is Back: GOT Season 6

04-25-16, 00:53
Pretty happy with the way the season is shaping up. Not as much whacking and death as I would have liked, but lots of foreshadowing.

Can I get my wife one of those necklaces?

04-25-16, 01:58
Yeah I was hoping for more of the usual stuff, but definitely a good opening to set up the rest of the season.

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04-25-16, 02:42
I am so conflicted, I don't know who I want to see screwed over most Cersei or the Sparrows.

While they are cute, I'm a little sick of the Charlies Angels assassins already.

And finally, where is Daenerys dragon and why isn't it laying waste to the Dothraki? She really need to do the spock "mind meld" with the other two as well. Having three dragons flying around handling your shit can quickly eliminate most of your problems.

04-25-16, 07:11
Finding the ring is also a pretty amazing.

At least we don't have those annoying people 'book-splaining' what is going on.

04-25-16, 08:25
Thought it was a pretty good episode as well and sets up the season well.

Boba Fett v2
04-26-16, 10:15
My gross-out metered was pegged when the Red Woman was revealed in true form.

04-26-16, 10:17
My gross-out metered was pegged when the Red Woman was revealed in true form.

Uhh yeah. I went from "yes boobies" to "wtf son of a bitch what is happening here"

04-26-16, 11:26
Finding the ring is also a pretty amazing.

It was dead center surrounded the torn up ground from the Dothraki Blood Riders circling Danaerus when they captured her.

They even clued the viewer in by commenting on the presence of sign.

Alex V
04-26-16, 11:37
I thought the episode set up the season well. They showed a little bit of everyone and allowed us to catch up. Since we are in uncharted waters as far the books go, it will be interesting to see where they go.

I still believe Jon is a Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

The preview shows Tyrion looking for the dragons and potentially getting hit with their fire. This could be interesting, will we find out that he is really the son of Aerys II and Joanna Lannister? Tywin did you "you are no son of mine" right before Tyrion offed him. We shall see!

My gross-out metered was pegged when the Red Woman was revealed in true form.

Uhh yeah. I went from "yes boobies" to "wtf son of a bitch what is happening here"

Yeah, that was hard to handle for sure.

Alex V
05-02-16, 12:28
That was good... pretty damn good...

don't want to post spoilers lol

05-02-16, 12:36
It was dead center surrounded the torn up ground from the Dothraki Blood Riders circling Danaerus when they captured her.

They even clued the viewer in by commenting on the presence of sign.

Opps, missed that on first viewing. My wife has been in and out of the series and I have to GOT-splain things for her and I miss stuff. This week I paused it and the episode took 90 minutes to watch.

05-02-16, 12:43
Yep, Winter is back. We actually had snow in Denver this weekend. Some people expected it, some people thought we were done with that for the year. Yep, lots of snow.

Interesting how they twist characters good-bad-good. They almost seemed to do it last week with Ramsey and then pulled it back. Now they are building his eventual demise even more into bloodlust territory. It would be hard to bring him back to any kind of goodside- outside of saving everyone from the white walkers.

I was walking my wife back around the Houses and where things lie right now. She looked at me and said that I can never make fun of her 'stories' again. Vampires in that General Hospital spin-off are not as odd as ice zombies and dragons.

From the intro credits is there a complete rendering of the inside of the sphere (ring?) that the live on/in? A map that shows a complete contigious map? Have they shown the whole thing, or are there 'holes'?

Alex V
05-02-16, 14:12
this seems to be the largest map I could find:

05-02-16, 21:04
It was a great episode 2. Moved a couple story lines along. My curiosity is peaked that there have been two mentions of Jon Snow being Lord Commander in two different scenes - Roose Bolton to Ramsay and Sansa to Theon. Of course Jon Snow being brought back is awesome. But I'm kind of scared for at what the price. It's making me nervous that Melisandra seems melancholy and down about something. What does she know that she isn't saying yet? (Aside from the 80YO naked lady surprise). As for Ramsay and his killer hounds, that scene was working up to be horrific, and the end result was. But lots of credit to HBO for not making the attack sound more ugly than it needed to be. Having heard some pretty horrific things, I was grateful to not hear it on TV. So, good job HBO, I thought you did that one well, which was pretty tough to do, without going over the top. Oh, Bran's storyline, it was good to hear him talk and be more involved, and see the flashback to when Ned was young. They seemed to gloss over his journey this last season and it was getting kinda boring.

I still believe Jon is a Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

Interesting idea. Hadn't even crossed my mind for that combo.

05-02-16, 23:11
Not fond of the fact that they killed Alexander Siddig after only getting about five minutes in the series between this season and the last.

Alex V
05-03-16, 08:32
Interesting idea. Hadn't even crossed my mind for that combo.

Its pretty much a done deal based on the flashbacks and character memories in the first book.

A new theory is that Jon is a twin. There is potential for Meera Reed to be his twin. Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch was very close friends with Ned and with him when Ned found Lyanna on her death bed. Potentially, Meera was Jon's twin and given to Howland to raise.

05-03-16, 09:19
Its pretty much a done deal based on the flashbacks and character memories in the first book.

A new theory is that Jon is a twin. There is potential for Meera Reed to be his twin. Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch was very close friends with Ned and with him when Ned found Lyanna on her death bed. Potentially, Meera was Jon's twin and given to Howland to raise.

So the three headed dragon would have Jon, Meera, Dany and Tyrion? It is pretty easy to accept that Tyrion is not a Lanaster- they have telegraphed that pretty explicitly, but the Meera thing is a bit off to me. I see that it could be true through the analysis that has been posted other places, but the Meera thing is hard to see where that is going.

05-03-16, 09:38
1) I'm bummed out because I really liked Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort and the Warden of the North. I think there could have been some great interplay this season with trying to reign in Ramsey some more. It will be interesting to see Ramsey go up against the Wildlings and Zombie Snow. You know he's going to cross paths with Theon/Reek on the way too...

2) I am SUPER PUMPED that the story went back to the Iron Islands. The Greyjoys are my #1 most favorite family and they don't get enough coverage. I want to know more about the Drowned God, and the funeral was cool... but isn't Lord Greyjoy going to wash back up with the next tide? One part that I really liked about the episode and reinforced my love for the Ironborn was when Jana was like, "I'm in charge now" and the priest was basically like "IF you win the election. That's what the laws says. Maybe you'll be our first female president?" I was like hahahahaha No monarchy BS for the Ironborn! I don't like how Rando came walking in out of the rain though.

A new theory is that Jon is a twin. There is potential for Meera Reed to be his twin.

They certainly look the same...


Alex V
05-03-16, 10:31
So the three headed dragon would have Jon, Meera, Dany and Tyrion? It is pretty easy to accept that Tyrion is not a Lanaster- they have telegraphed that pretty explicitly, but the Meera thing is a bit off to me. I see that it could be true through the analysis that has been posted other places, but the Meera thing is hard to see where that is going.

The Meera thing is just a theory that I have seen. Not sure how much I believe it either but there are clues in the books to back it up. Will be interesting to see.

05-03-16, 23:41
I'm going to go back and review, again (just rewatched all 5 prior to the start of 6), these new theories in mind. I don't seek out GoT discussions elsewhere so I don't read or hear about theories floating around. I'm social media hermit :sarcastic: Also, I've not read the books. I'm totally blind on the story, all revelations are new to me.

Jon and Meera twins? They do have magnificent curly locks.

So, what DireWolves are still alive? There were originally 6. Sansa's was killed, Rob's was killed. Jon's is with him, Bran's is somewhere, Arya shooed hers off, and Rickons? Or Rickon at all for that matter?

05-04-16, 00:36
I'm going to go back and review, again (just rewatched all 5 prior to the start of 6), these new theories in mind. I don't seek out GoT discussions elsewhere so I don't read or hear about theories floating around. I'm social media hermit :sarcastic: Also, I've not read the books. I'm totally blind on the story, all revelations are new to me.

Jon and Meera twins? They do have magnificent curly locks.

So, what DireWolves are still alive? There were originally 6. Sansa's was killed, Rob's was killed. Jon's is with him, Bran's is somewhere, Arya shooed hers off, and Rickons? Or Rickon at all for that matter?

Rickon and Shaggydog are alive and well in the books, on their way to some Northern port I forgot the name of, whose Lord is still loyal to the Starks.

Arya's direwolf is also alive and well - she sometimes dreams she is Nymeria not unlike how Bran dreamt he was Summer before discovering he was a warg. And Nymeria is, IIRC, the alpha of a pack of normal wolves.

Only Lady (Sansa's direwolf) and Grey Wind (Robb's) are dead. The others are alive and well.

06-14-16, 00:58
I'm just dragging on thru this season out of habit. It's not horrible, but what I find is that they seem to be worried about getting to the story and tying everything together that they lose the small stuff. They are always rushing from this or that and not dwelling on a character. I would have spent more time with Blackfish.

It's like the Hobbit movies. They are always in a rush to do what is in the books, that it always seems to me, having not read (or remembered) the booksthat they are just going thru the motions. Hell, any of the main characters could support their own season.

Getting to be like Strike Back. Just finish it at some point and stop expecting me to show up and watch.

06-14-16, 01:48
To update the dire wolf count:

Shaggy Dog (Rickon): Dead (decapitated?).
Summer (Bran): Dead (torn apart by Others).
Ghost (Jon): Alive.
Nymeria (Arya): MIA, presumed alive.
Lady (Sansa): Dead (decapitated).
Grey Wind (Robb): Dead (shot full of arrows in a cage).

06-14-16, 02:14
If Keanu Reeves was on GOT as a Stark, all the Lannisters, White Walkers, Boltons, Freys, and probably everyone else would be dead shortly after his direwolf was killed.

Alex V
06-14-16, 07:59
I am on the fence, debating with myself if the show has Jumped-The-Shark

06-14-16, 08:08
I'm just dragging on thru this season out of habit. It's not horrible, but what I find is that they seem to be worried about getting to the story and tying everything together that they lose the small stuff. They are always rushing from this or that and not dwelling on a character. I would have spent more time with Blackfish.

It's like the Hobbit movies. They are always in a rush to do what is in the books, that it always seems to me, having not read (or remembered) the booksthat they are just going thru the motions. Hell, any of the main characters could support their own season.

Getting to be like Strike Back. Just finish it at some point and stop expecting me to show up and watch.

AS with everything on GOT, unless you see their head ripped off (like what the mountain did) more than likely they are still alive. They would never pass on a death scene, blackfish is still alive.

06-14-16, 08:37
I am on the fence, debating with myself if the show has Jumped-The-Shark

I'm there with you. Just trying to stay positive.

06-14-16, 09:03
Jump the dragon

Aria says she wonders what is west of Westeros... Did I get that right?

06-14-16, 09:56
Jump the dragon

Aria says she wonders what is west of Westeros... Did I get that right?

That's what I heard too. I'm interested in what kind of awesomeness she's gonna unleash when she gets home.

Alex V
06-14-16, 09:59
Jump the dragon

Aria says she wonders what is west of Westeros... Did I get that right?

Yes. Nothing in the world of The Song Of Ice and Fire has ever discussed what is west of Westeros and I don't think they have enough episodes to describe it. Plus, at the end of the episode she said "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfel, and she is going home"

The only interesting part of the episode was where the hell Varys is going and what is his secret mission? I fear we wont find out until next year.

06-14-16, 10:15
Yes. Nothing in the world of The Song Of Ice and Fire has ever discussed what is west of Westeros and I don't think they have enough episodes to describe it. Plus, at the end of the episode she said "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfel, and she is going home"

The only interesting part of the episode was where the hell Varys is going and what is his secret mission? I fear we wont find out until next year.

Naw.. best part of the episode is the hound. That dialog at the hanging was epic.

06-14-16, 10:29
Did they show Bran's actually getting killed? I know the wolf attacked the walkers when they were in the tree, but I didn't remember an actual death screen.

To update the dire wolf count:

Shaggy Dog (Rickon): Dead (decapitated?).
Summer (Bran): Dead (torn apart by Others).
Ghost (Jon): Alive.
Nymeria (Arya): MIA, presumed alive.
Lady (Sansa): Dead (decapitated).
Grey Wind (Robb): Dead (shot full of arrows in a cage).

06-14-16, 10:40
...at the end of the episode she said "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfel, and she is going home"

I thought they were going to do a straight up Fight Club move and say that The Waif was a figment of her imagination and she was Arya Stark the whole time (after the Waif/self kills her/the girl formerly named Arya Stark).

Sure it would have been totally played out, but if you noticed, Jaqen H'ghar always asked her to "leave the room" before addressing Arya, and the three of them never had a conversation together.

06-14-16, 12:28
Did they show Bran's actually getting killed? I know the wolf attacked the walkers when they were in the tree, but I didn't remember an actual death screen.

Yeah, the walkers all attacked Ghost and he let out a yelp and it looked like they killed him. Could he have lived? I guess. It would be pretty lame since the tree was swarmed with walkers and they were all on Ghost w/o any sign of a way out or a break in the action where he could sneak off having convinced them he was dead. He was the focus within the tree & the swarm was pretty thick and focused on him.

The fact that they NEVER show the dire wolves save for wimpy scenes were they're killed off really aggravates me.

06-14-16, 12:44
Yeah, the walkers all attacked Ghost and he let out a yelp and it looked like they killed him. Could he have lived? I guess. It would be pretty lame since the tree was swarmed with walkers and they were all on Ghost w/o any sign of a way out or a break in the action where he could sneak off having convinced them he was dead. He was the focus within the tree & the swarm was pretty thick and focused on him.

The fact that they NEVER show the dire wolves save for wimpy scenes were they're killed off really aggravates me.

So... what if Ghost comes back as a walker... the name fits.

06-26-16, 22:48
Well, that was a finale.

Yeah, the walkers all attacked Ghost and he let out a yelp and it looked like they killed him. Could he have lived? I guess. It would be pretty lame since the tree was swarmed with walkers and they were all on Ghost w/o any sign of a way out or a break in the action where he could sneak off having convinced them he was dead. He was the focus within the tree & the swarm was pretty thick and focused on him.

The fact that they NEVER show the dire wolves save for wimpy scenes were they're killed off really aggravates me.

Ghost is Jon Snow's dire wolf, not Bran's. Bran's wolf was Summer.

Of course, we can also add Rickon to the ranks of dead Starks.

Dead Starks:
Eddard "Ned"
Jon (he got better)

That leaves:
Sansa (Manipulator)
Arya (Ninja)
Jon (Warrior)
Bran (Warg)

06-26-16, 22:52
There will be nothing left to rule when it's said and done. That was a great finale!

06-27-16, 00:07
There will be nothing left to rule when it's said and done. That was a great finale!

Much as I despise Cersei, she does serve up the revenge. Of course it was related to a problem she created in the first place. So no more Lannister kids and I don't think she can have another. Jamie is pretty much the only one I don't want to see dead. Cersei has had it coming for a long time now.

I'm hoping Daenerys Targaryen comes out on top at the end but I'm not crazy about the Greyjoy allies. Technically there are two camps now, the brother / sister camp and the uncle camp.

Also Varys (the eunuch) seems to be at two places at the same time. He's with the Dragon / Greyjoy fleet and at Dorne with the crazy homicidal bitches. And as much as I like Ellaria Sand (mostly for the actress Indira Varma and her film "Kama Sutra") and her poison clan of ninja bitches, I think they need to die a hot death. I'm thinking one of those Varys is a "no one" guy.

There is also Grandma Tyrell but like Cersei I think she is the end of the line. I can't see anything positive coming from an alliance with Dorne and hopefully she is wise enough to figure that out. Shame about Margaery because Natalie Dormer has been hot since "The Tudors." Just as well, Tommen was a bigger homo than her brother.

So that leaves the Starks including a displaced Arya and Bran. I absolutely don't trust Baelish, Sansa has good instincts to keep her distance. Also seems Jon Snow isn't really a Stark bastard at all but a Targaryen bastard born to a Stark. This gives Jon some legitimacy and the basis for a possible alliance with Daenerys Targaryen.

I'm also going to make a prediction, as soon as the struggle to unite the kingdoms is resolved, the white walker army will appear on the horizon and that is how they will end this show, with a massive cliffhanger.

So people I want to see die:

Dorne bitches
Uncle Greyjoy
Randyll Tarly

People who I hope live:

Daenerys Targaryen
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Jamie Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Yara Greyjoy
Sam Tarly and Gilly

People I just don't care about anymore:

Theon Greyjoy.
Jon Snow
Bran Stark

06-27-16, 01:18
I'm betting Varys being on the galley with Dany & friends is a continuity error.

My biggest question is: How does Cersei die? It's pretty definitely going to happen. The only real question is whether Dany and her dragons does it or if Arya beats her to it.

In any event, it seems that the Lannisters have put themselves in a tight spot: The North has succeeded (again), the Iron Islands were never brought back into the fold and continue to be ruled by insurrectionists, the Vale has thrown in with the North (the only bright spot for the Lannisters here is that the Vale and the North are more interested in holding the line against the Westerlands, the Iron Islands, and the Others than in taking the Westerlands, the Riverlands, or the Stormlands), and the Lannisters have declared war against both Dorne and the Reach (House Tyrell). And the Riverlands and House Frey are probably going to be in such chaos as to be useless (and frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see the Black Fish raise another army and take the Riverlands back from the Freys and Lannisters).

At the same time, virtually every Dothraki is crossing the ocean with a couple thousand Unsullied and three dragons - likely to side with Dorne and the Reach. Even if Jaime and Bronn somehow manage to take the Reach in a blitz, that leaves Dorne - which the Targaryens never conquered and they had dragons. So Dany is pretty well assured of having a secure port to land her troops in. On top of that, she's bringing the only half-way legitimate heir to House Lannister with her. Kinslayer though he may be, there are likely to be many in the Westerlands and House Lannister who would prefer to serve a kinslaying dwarf to serving a sociopathic woman who blew up the Sept of Baelor (and a good chunk of Kings Landing) and put their house at war with half of Westeros.

Oh, and the Iron Bank of Braavos is going to come looking for the money Houses Lannister and Baratheon owe them - and they're happy to finance anyone willing to knock them down a peg or two if Cersei doesn't start paying back the loans. And knowing Cersei... she'll probably have the Iron Bank's emissary tortured to death or something.

Cersei's best bet would be to ally with Euron Greyjoy, hope that he still has his "dragon horn" (from the books) and that it functions as he thinks it does, and then try to destroy Dany's fleet at sea before they can put into port. Even then, even if the Freys manage to actually do some good and keep the Riverlands from becoming overtly hostile to the Lannisters, even if they manage to sack the Reach and crush Dany's armada... that still leaves the Vale, the North, and Dorne and I don't think Cersei and the Lannisters can defeat them all. (And Euron and Cersei would have to cement their alliance with marriage... which would probably end with Cersei poisoning Euron and Euron cutting Cersei's throat.)

06-27-16, 02:02
I'm betting Varys being on the galley with Dany & friends is a continuity error.

Given the vast expanse of kingdoms and plot lines, I seriously doubt a continuity error would get past anyone.

My biggest question is: How does Cersei die? It's pretty definitely going to happen. The only real question is whether Dany and her dragons does it or if Arya beats her to it.

Dragon fire...Dragon fire. Keep in mind Cersei just killed her enemies with wild fire so it's only fitting that she burn. I also think her "little brother" Tyrion will be along to fulfill the prophecy.

In any event, it seems that the Lannisters have put themselves in a tight spot: The North has succeeded (again), the Iron Islands were never brought back into the fold and continue to be ruled by insurrectionists, the Vale has thrown in with the North (the only bright spot for the Lannisters here is that the Vale and the North are more interested in holding the line against the Westerlands, the Iron Islands, and the Others than in taking the Westerlands, the Riverlands, or the Stormlands), and the Lannisters have declared war against both Dorne and the Reach (House Tyrell). And the Riverlands and House Frey are probably going to be in such chaos as to be useless (and frankly I wouldn't be surprised to see the Black Fish raise another army and take the Riverlands back from the Freys and Lannisters).

Yeah, I think they are screwed.

At the same time, virtually every Dothraki is crossing the ocean with a couple thousand Unsullied and three dragons - likely to side with Dorne and the Reach. Even if Jaime and Bronn somehow manage to take the Reach in a blitz, that leaves Dorne - which the Targaryens never conquered and they had dragons. So Dany is pretty well assured of having a secure port to land her troops in. On top of that, she's bringing the only half-way legitimate heir to House Lannister with her. Kinslayer though he may be, there are likely to be many in the Westerlands and House Lannister who would prefer to serve a kinslaying dwarf to serving a sociopathic woman who blew up the Sept of Baelor (and a good chunk of Kings Landing) and put their house at war with half of Westeros.

Dorne needs to burn. Those bitches are evil. Even Cersei protected her own as best she could.

Oh, and the Iron Bank of Braavos is going to come looking for the money Houses Lannister and Baratheon owe them - and they're happy to finance anyone willing to knock them down a peg or two if Cersei doesn't start paying back the loans. And knowing Cersei... she'll probably have the Iron Bank's emissary tortured to death or something.

Cersei's best bet would be to ally with Euron Greyjoy, hope that he still has his "dragon horn" (from the books) and that it functions as he thinks it does, and then try to destroy Dany's fleet at sea before they can put into port. Even then, even if the Freys manage to actually do some good and keep the Riverlands from becoming overtly hostile to the Lannisters, even if they manage to sack the Reach and crush Dany's armada... that still leaves the Vale, the North, and Dorne and I don't think Cersei and the Lannisters can defeat them all. (And Euron and Cersei would have to cement their alliance with marriage... which would probably end with Cersei poisoning Euron and Euron cutting Cersei's throat.)

I think Cersei has burned her last bridge. She wasn't savy enough to see the fatal error she made with the High Sparrow simply to screw with Margaery and her family, she won't be smart enough for any complex alliances to get her out of her current predicament. Luring everyone to the Sept and then blowing them up and accepting some losses wasn't difficult to conceive, even Margaery figured out what was coming.

Cersei's scheming and planning has always blown up in her face, I don't see that changing. But she did get a moment of contentment with the nun. That was more awesome than blowing everyone up.

06-27-16, 09:55
Varys at the end must have taken place months later. Why? Because the fleet included House Martel and House Tyrell ships.

The fleet probably already crossed the sea, stopped in Dorne, picked up Varys and incorporated the Martel and Tyrell fleets, and is heading up the coast.

The alternative of Varys heading back to Slaver's Bay/Bay of Dragons with a combined fleet just to escort everyone back again is kind of a waste. Unless he didn't know the Greyjoys showed up with a fleet, so he convinced the Martels and Tyrells to send a fleet back to Essos to pick up Daenerys and company and was pleasantly surprised to find they already had enough ships, then just turned around and left with them?

06-27-16, 10:43
Varys at the end must have taken place months later. Why? Because the fleet included House Martel and House Tyrell ships.

The fleet probably already crossed the sea, stopped in Dorne, picked up Varys and incorporated the Martel and Tyrell fleets, and is heading up the coast.

The alternative of Varys heading back to Slaver's Bay/Bay of Dragons with a combined fleet just to escort everyone back again is kind of a waste.

I wasn't exactly looking, but I don't recall seeing any flowers or spear-pierced suns. I'm also pretty sure that the fleet was in open waters - which I guess could make sense if their plan is to attack the Iron Islands or stage an amphibious assault on Kingslanding.

But then I would expect Varys and Tyrion would not be with the fleet, but trying to turn houses great and small to the Targaryen cause and/or away from the Lannisters (and the Lannisters against Cersei).

Now, it might be best to deal with the Iron Islands first, secure the flanks and destroy the largest hostile fleet in Westeros, before beginning the campaign on the continent in earnest. But at the same time your ships are packed with thousands of Dothraki, who are good in a fight but probably can't generally swim and are best as light cavalry - so not the best choice for island hopping to Pyke.

I would think it would make the most sense to off-load the majority of Dany's troops in the North, the Vale, the Reach, or Dorne. Put Varys's birds to work at whispering promises of destruction and salvation to House Lannister and their allies. Then sack the Iron Islands.

Maybe get Ser Davos and the North in an alliance with Danaerys - see if he can convince Stannis's fleet (and maybe his old pirate friend) to link up with the Targaryen fleet to defeat Euron and his fleet, then sack the Iron Islands.

Then use the fleet to blockade Kings Landing, Casterly Rock, Lannisport, and Storms End, let the Greyjoys launch amphibious raids against Lannister/Baratheon military targets, and send small groups of Dothraki into the hinterlands of Westeros to attack inland supply lines while the rest of the Targaryen army marches from the South (and/or the North). Sack Kings Landing, convince Lannisport/Casterly Rock and Storms End to surrender, then march to the Wall for the final war between the living and the dead.

Alex V
06-27-16, 10:45
Also seems Jon Snow isn't really a Stark bastard at all but a Targaryen bastard born to a Stark. This gives Jon some legitimacy and the basis for a possible alliance with Daenerys Targaryen.

We have known this since book one. Jon is the son of Rheagar and Lyanna

This makes it awkward now. He is now declared the new King in the North because he is the bastard of Ned, but he isn't, he is a Targgaryen. As the son of the eldest child of the eldest child of Aerys II, he has more claim to the throne that Daenerys. Dani is the youngest of Aerys II's kids, Rheagar would have been first in line, then his children. Both Aegon and Rhaenys were killed by The Mountain when Robert sacked Kings Landing, this means Job is next in line for the throne. Obviosly he doesn't have the army that Dani does, and he more than likely will not challenge for the Iron Throne, they would team up just like Yara did. Yara gets to be Queen of the Iron Islands, Job stays King in the North, and Dani is Queen of Westors.

Daenarys Stormborn of house Targaryan, first of her name. Queen of the Andals and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Sounds good lol

Also, Arya killing Walder Frey was freakin' epic!

06-27-16, 10:49
We have known this since book one. Jon is the son of Rheagar and Lyanna

This makes it awkward now. He is now declared the new King in the North because he is the bastard of Ned, but he isn't, he is a Targgaryen. As the son of the eldest child of the eldest child of Aerys II, he has more claim to the throne that Daenerys. Dani is the youngest of Aerys II's kids, Rheagar would have been first in line, then his children. Both Aegon and Rhaenys were killed by The Mountain when Robert sacked Kings Landing, this means Job is next in line for the throne. Obviosly he doesn't have the army that Dani does, and he more than likely will not challenge for the Iron Throne, they would team up just like Yara did. Yara gets to be Queen of the Iron Islands, Job stays King in the North, and Dani is Queen of Westors.

Daenarys Stormborn of house Targaryan, first of her name. Queen of the Andals and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Sounds good lol

Also, Arya killing Walder Frey was freakin' epic!

Jon is still a bastard, be it by Ned or Rhaegar. As a bastard, he has no claim to the throne, so Daenerys is still the next in line from the Targaryen perspective. They even had to specifically say that regardless of him being a bastard, he still has Ned's blood, so they'll follow him. But they're wrong of course, and Bran would have more claim to the title if he was found to be alive.

Also, I did see both Martel and Tyrell sails on the fleet in the end, Tyrell was a bit harder to see but the Martel sails are clearly visible in a couple of shots.

06-27-16, 11:00
Well, Jon Snow was never the legitimate son of Rhaegar. He would have to be legitimized by a king to be eligible to inherit. And he hasn't been. Danaerys is legitimate and therefore can inherit.

Further, who knows that he's Lyanna and Rhaegar's son? Ned Stark, who is dead, and Bran Stark - who saw it in a vision. And I'm sure the rest of Westeros is going to take the word of a Stark and a warg for making one of their own the king of the seven kingdoms.

I suppose it's possible that Varys knows, but I doubt Varys will volunteer that information. And Jon does not exhibit any definitive Targaryen characteristics that might aid the claim: No silver hair, purple eyes, nor any particular fire resistance (he was burned pretty badly while trying to save Lord Commander Mormont).

Finally, even if Jon is legitimized as a Targaryen, he would still be the King of the North. He might not even be legitimized as a Targaryen, but be wed to Dany (which is awkward, but we've had Cersei and Jaime for six seasons going on seven and, well, they are Targaryens).

06-27-16, 11:03
Well, Jon Snow was never the legitimate son of Rhaegar. He would have to be legitimized by a king to be eligible to inherit. And he hasn't been. Danaerys is legitimate and therefore can inherit.

Further, who knows that he's Lyanna and Rhaegar's son? Ned Stark, who is dead, and Bran Stark - who saw it in a vision. And I'm sure the rest of Westeros is going to take the word of a Stark and a warg for making one of their own the king of the seven kingdoms.

I suppose it's possible that Varys knows, but I doubt Varys will volunteer that information. And Jon does not exhibit any definitive Targaryen characteristics that might aid the claim: No silver hair, purple eyes, nor any particular fire resistance (he was burned pretty badly while trying to save Lord Commander Mormont).

Finally, even if Jon is legitimized as a Targaryen, he would still be the King of the North. He might not even be legitimized as a Targaryen, but be wed to Dany (which is awkward, but we've had Cersei and Jaime for six seasons going on seven and, well, they are Targaryens).

Even Robert Baratheon was part Targaryen, which gave him a claim to the throne... because all the other Targaryens were dead... because he killed them.

His grandmother was Targaryen if I recall correctly.

Alex V
06-27-16, 11:07
Well, Jon Snow was never the legitimate son of Rhaegar. He would have to be legitimized by a king to be eligible to inherit. And he hasn't been. Danaerys is legitimate and therefore can inherit.

Further, who knows that he's Lyanna and Rhaegar's son? Ned Stark, who is dead, and Bran Stark - who saw it in a vision. And I'm sure the rest of Westeros is going to take the word of a Stark and a warg for making one of their own the king of the seven kingdoms.

I suppose it's possible that Varys knows, but I doubt Varys will volunteer that information. And Jon does not exhibit any definitive Targaryen characteristics that might aid the claim: No silver hair, purple eyes, nor any particular fire resistance (he was burned pretty badly while trying to save Lord Commander Mormont).

Finally, even if Jon is legitimized as a Targaryen, he would still be the King of the North. He might not even be legitimized as a Targaryen, but be wed to Dany (which is awkward, but we've had Cersei and Jaime for six seasons going on seven and, well, they are Targaryens).

All true.

If anything Jon and Dani are cousins, not as bad as brother and sister lol

06-27-16, 11:16
Are there 1 or 2 seasons left?

Alex V
06-27-16, 11:25
Are there 1 or 2 seasons left?

Supposedly two. 7 and 6 episodes tho, not full 10 like the others.

06-27-16, 11:29
Yeah, I would figure they'd have about a season and a movie left. I don't think they could get two full seasons out of it without seriously stretching the lead-up to the fight with the Others or bogging down the war between Cersei and Danaerys. And maybe even stretching the epilogue into a few episodes (usually they're one episode in length or less).

06-27-16, 15:44
Well, Jon Snow was never the legitimate son of Rhaegar. He would have to be legitimized by a king to be eligible to inherit. And he hasn't been. Danaerys is legitimate and therefore can inherit.

Further, who knows that he's Lyanna and Rhaegar's son? Ned Stark, who is dead, and Bran Stark - who saw it in a vision. And I'm sure the rest of Westeros is going to take the word of a Stark and a warg for making one of their own the king of the seven kingdoms.

I suppose it's possible that Varys knows, but I doubt Varys will volunteer that information. And Jon does not exhibit any definitive Targaryen characteristics that might aid the claim: No silver hair, purple eyes, nor any particular fire resistance (he was burned pretty badly while trying to save Lord Commander Mormont).

Finally, even if Jon is legitimized as a Targaryen, he would still be the King of the North. He might not even be legitimized as a Targaryen, but be wed to Dany (which is awkward, but we've had Cersei and Jaime for six seasons going on seven and, well, they are Targaryens).

I have a feeling Sam is going to find something in the Library.

06-27-16, 17:29
I have a feeling Sam is going to find something in the Library.

Speaking of which, did he just leave his gf/wife and son standing there as he went to go read some books?

06-27-16, 18:56
That's what I heard too. I'm interested in what kind of awesomeness she's gonna unleash when she gets home.

Well, I guess we found out. She makes black look gray she is so dark.

Nobody says anything about Lady Mormont? What a great character and so well played. She gets the best writing of the series, I think.

I hope Aria stays a ghost. Just whacking the enemies of House Stark, and eventually Little Finger too. A boogeyman spook that is never nailed down.

And I think Blackfish is alive. The Frey's comment near the end about the Blackfish dying was too obvious as a set up.

Uncle Benjin is a good zombie?

06-27-16, 19:13
So, for sure Ned Stark is Jon Snow's uncle.

He raised him and protected him for his sister.

His sister had been engaged to Robert Baratheon.
She was supposed kidnapped and raped by the Targaryen prince.

When Ned Starks's Dad and older brother told the king to give her back, he killed them.

Then Robert and Ned led the rebellion that was going to end up with the Mad king blowing up Kings landing and everyone in in. Jamie Lannister killed the mad king. his sister married Robert the new king.

If Ned's sister had been pregnant by her fiancé Robert,
They could have just got married earlier. So I do not think Snow is his,
Or Ned could have just fessed up to it and all would have been well.

I suspect he got a deathbed confession she was not kidnapped and raped.
She ran away with a man she loved and not to let anyone kill her love child.

06-27-16, 19:20
Well, I guess we found out. She makes black look gray she is so dark.

Nobody says anything about Lady Mormont? What a great character and so well played. She gets the best writing of the series, I think.

I hope Aria stays a ghost. Just whacking the enemies of House Stark, and eventually Little Finger too. A boogeyman spook that is never nailed down.

And I think Blackfish is alive. The Frey's comment near the end about the Blackfish dying was too obvious as a set up.

Uncle Benjin is a good zombie?

Lady Mormont should be Queen.

Arya needs to slit all the throats.

Yeah I think Blackfish might be alive too, but I doubt it since the Lannister soldiers reported his death to Jamie on-screen, and they probably wouldn't lie to their General.

Benjin was established as a good zombie when he first showed up, he said he was resurrected by the Children of the Forest in the same way that the Night King was originally resurrected.

06-27-16, 20:07
Lady Mormont should be Queen.

Arya needs to slit all the throats.

Yeah I think Blackfish might be alive too, but I doubt it since the Lannister soldiers reported his death to Jamie on-screen, and they probably wouldn't lie to their General.

Benjin was established as a good zombie when he first showed up, he said he was resurrected by the Children of the Forest in the same way that the Night King was originally resurrected.
If you don't see someone die on screen in GOT, they aren't dead.

Alex V
06-27-16, 21:00
So, for sure Ned Stark is Jon Snow's uncle.

He raised him and protected him for his sister.

His sister had been engaged to Robert Baratheon.
She was supposed kidnapped and raped by the Targaryen prince.

When Ned Starks's Dad and older brother told the king to give her back, he killed them.

Then Robert and Ned led the rebellion that was going to end up with the Mad king blowing up Kings landing and everyone in in. Jamie Lannister killed the mad king. his sister married Robert the new king.

If Ned's sister had been pregnant by her fiancé Robert,
They could have just got married earlier. So I do not think Snow is his,
Or Ned could have just fessed up to it and all would have been well.

I suspect he got a deathbed confession she was not kidnapped and raped.
She ran away with a man she loved and not to let anyone kill her love child.

The vast majority of readers believe that Rhaegar and Lyanna loved each other. Rhaegar was forced to Mary Elia Martell and Lyanna was promised to Rob but neither wanted those partners. Rhaegar gave a rose to Lyanna instead of his wife after winning a tournament similar to what Loris did with Sansa in season 1. After that Rhaegar ran away to Dorne with Lyanna. I don't think it was forced. It was mutual.

The idea that Jon is a Targaryan has been the predominant theory since book 1 came out.

Meanwhile, where the hell is Lady Stoneheart? We finally got to see the Brotherhood without Banners again and I got all excited. Then they just dropped it. What the hell! Nymiria is supposed to be with them too.

And also, what the hell has Ghost been doing since they left Castle Black? Why wasn't he in he battle?

06-27-16, 21:26
Varys at the end must have taken place months later. Why? Because the fleet included House Martel and House Tyrell ships.

There were so many light speed time warps in this season... I don't know why anyone would question it.

Plus, as pointed out, the Targaryen ships were black sails with a red dragon, the sun spear was the japan looking sails, and the flowers were yellow on blue sails.

I don't think they could get two full seasons out of it without seriously stretching the lead-up to the fight with the Others...

You don't think??

Not by having hours of Slaver's Bay pointless nonsense taking place that nobody cares about?

I wanted more Iron Borne... but maybe I should be happy I got some?

Dorne is also intriguing to me, and I wish they gave all the stupid Mereen time and half the Arya Stark ninja camp BS to the homicidal bitches.

06-27-16, 22:50
If you don't see someone die on screen in GOT, they aren't dead.

If you DO see someone die on screen the list is growing of those that are not dead.

06-27-16, 23:35
Lady Mormont should be Queen.

Arya needs to slit all the throats.

Yeah I think Blackfish might be alive too, but I doubt it since the Lannister soldiers reported his death to Jamie on-screen, and they probably wouldn't lie to their General.

Benjin was established as a good zombie when he first showed up, he said he was resurrected by the Children of the Forest in the same way that the Night King was originally resurrected.

It's not like the Blackfish couldn't have slaughtered a bunch of Lannisters or Freys and then swapped armor with one about his age.

The vast majority of readers believe that Rhaegar and Lyanna loved each other. Rhaegar was forced to Mary Elia Martell and Lyanna was promised to Rob but neither wanted those partners. Rhaegar gave a rose to Lyanna instead of his wife after winning a tournament similar to what Loris did with Sansa in season 1. After that Rhaegar ran away to Dorne with Lyanna. I don't think it was forced. It was mutual.

The idea that Jon is a Targaryan has been the predominant theory since book 1 came out.

Meanwhile, where the hell is Lady Stoneheart? We finally got to see the Brotherhood without Banners again and I got all excited. Then they just dropped it. What the hell! Nymiria is supposed to be with them too.

And also, what the hell has Ghost been doing since they left Castle Black? Why wasn't he in he battle?

I don't think we're getting Lady Stoneheart, not with Lord Beric Dondarrion still in command of the Brotherhood. It's been suggested that years have passed since the Red Wedding, and Lady Stoneheart pretty much took over the Bw/oB (with Dondarrion finally getting his final rest) almost immediately after Cat died. At this point, Cat's body would have to be pretty decomposed.

And it was kind of suggested in the novels that Arya might also be a warg, as she dreamed from time to time that she was Nymeria, but we haven't seen any of that - no Arya-as-Nymeria dream sequences to go with the earlier Bran-as-Summer dream sequences. I don't seem to recall it being out-and-out stated that Nymeria was hanging with the Brothers without Banners, either, although it has been a while since I've read it. I seem to recall that Nymeria had become the alpha of her own pack of mundane wolves.

As for Ghost, yeah, I noticed that, too... I'm guessing that it's sloppy writing. Maybe Ghost is at Castle Black helping to hold the fort down, maybe he's trying to find Bran. Ghost does seem to have a mind of his own. Where's Brienne of Tarth, while we're at it? She zipped down to Riverrun fast enough, but can't seem to make it back to the North with any sort of speed.

Rhaegar/Lyanna... the rape story sounds like the victors wrote the history to me.

You don't think??

Not by having hours of Slaver's Bay pointless nonsense taking place that nobody cares about?

I wanted more Iron Borne... but maybe I should be happy I got some?

Dorne is also intriguing to me, and I wish they gave all the stupid Mereen time and half the Arya Stark ninja camp BS to the homicidal bitches.

I know people who have zero interest in what's happening in Dorne or the Iron Islands (or with the Greyjoys and Ironborn for that matter).

So I guess they can't keep everybody happy.

06-27-16, 23:58
You need the slavers bay stuff to set up Danny as to what kind of leader she'll be and assets she needs.

The movement of people crazy. How did the Knights of the Vale get there so fast.

06-28-16, 00:27
You need the slavers bay stuff to set up Danny as to what kind of leader she'll be and assets she needs.

The movement of people crazy. How did the Knights of the Vale get there so fast.

I'm guessing the Knights of the Vale were in the process of sacking Moat Cailin when Littlefinger met with Sansa in Moletown.

I'm not fond of the Vale showing up because it seems like no one can win a battle in fiction or fantasy any more unless the cavalry shows up with overwhelming force. I wanted to see Jon Snow completely outwit Ramsey Bolton on the field of battle, sucker him into a Battle of Cannae. Instead we get Jon Snow being stupid and nearly getting his men slaughtered only for Éomer, er, Theoden, er Treebeard, er Aragorn, er Littlefinger to show up just in the nick of time.

06-28-16, 08:22
While the battle was one of the best in series for grittiness, it does seem that GoT depends on Deus Ex Machina events like cavalry, dragons or green goo to save a desperate situation.

Not to be a prick, but Jon is a pretty boy midget who makes really bad decisions that get him and those around him killed.

Right now, GoT is all about keeping all the cogs in sync and moving. But in doing that they don't seem to be able to connect at a base level with the characters. It is all plot driven.

So you have GoT which is all plot and then you have Ray Donovan which is almost all character.

06-28-16, 08:40
I'm almost positive that Blackfish is alive. His own soldiers were sent to find him. And you could see the shock on their faces when ordered to surrender. I'm thinking they helped him escape and then reported to the Lannister soldiers that he had been killed.

06-28-16, 09:11
You need the slavers bay stuff to set up Danny as to what kind of leader she'll be and assets she needs.

A leader with Dragons (and all of her clothes on).

Next scene...

06-28-16, 09:19
Ummm I much prefer her with her "assets" on display....

06-28-16, 09:36
I'm almost positive that Blackfish is alive. His own soldiers were sent to find him. And you could see the shock on their faces when ordered to surrender. I'm thinking they helped him escape and then reported to the Lannister soldiers that he had been killed.

The green goo (wildfire) made sense for the Battle of the Blackwater, and Tyrion actually managed to do a pretty good job of suckering Stannis into his trap. It's pretty heavily implied in both the books and show that Tyrion would have won the battle without Tywin showing up in the nick of time.

I had thought that Tyrion used it all, though, and I don't recall anyone saying that wildfire had any explosive characteristics. It seemed that the wildfire was just going to burn Kings Landing to the ground, not blow it up. And then there's the issue of Cersei knowing if she was using enough to destroy the sept but not so much that it touched off the other wildfire under Kings Landing - or otherwise ensure that she didn't blow up the Red Keep or the rest of Kings Landing.

As for dragons... It seems to me that there must be some form of telepathic communication between a dragon and their rider, so I can forgive that. (And in the books, Meereen was besieged at the time Drogon rescue-abducted her, so Dany showing up with Drogon around the time the Masters showed up wasn't a thing.)

06-28-16, 09:45
Ghost wasn't in E9 because of money. The director said he only had enough money (even though it was what, a $25M episode or something?) for the wolf or the Giant.

06-28-16, 10:22
I have been disappointed by a few minor things.

Snow's sheer lack of ability as a leader, as good a man as he is.
He realizes the true battle is man against the walkers. He had the vision to realize the windings needed to be saved and allied with. But he can't keep basic tactics together for one battle. And he can't keep his disgust with the red witch in check enough to cut one deal. " you burned an innocent child alive, I owe you my life. Are you willing to stay on as counsel, keep me in good with your sect, and be an ally fulling realizing you will have to answer for that at some point in the future if we succeed against the walkers?" Instead of instant exile.

And the lack of relevance of the dire wolves.
Going down in a second to zombies vs. buying them several minutes and fighting up a storm, etc.

I am also getting sick of the hate for the wildings. It would be like England wanting to kill of all the Irish and Scots if a fleet of Germans was marching on them.

06-28-16, 10:35
...he can't keep his disgust with the red witch in check enough to cut one deal. " you burned an innocent child alive, I owe you my life. Are you willing to stay on as counsel, keep me in good with your sect, and be an ally fulling realizing you will have to answer for that at some point in the future if we succeed against the walkers?" Instead of instant exile.

Why is it important to keep her around at all?

As counsel you say? Stannis had her counsel.
In good with the Lord of Light? She doesn't even know what she's doing.
Be an ally? If anything, having her and her kooky religion around is just going to piss off the Northerners who he needs support from (kind of like exactly what was going on with the Stannis ear-whispering and BS).

Davos Seaworthy should have chopped her head off, severing the necklace and turning her into an old lady, and letting all the smoke out.

I am also getting sick of the hate for the wildings. It would be like England wanting to kill of all the Irish and Scots if a fleet of Germans was marching on them.

Very few even believe in the White Walkers. Even fewer know they're coming.

That's why they're always like, "You've seen one??? No wayyyy... You killed one? GTFO!"

06-28-16, 10:39
I am also getting sick of the hate for the wildings. It would be like England wanting to kill of all the Irish and Scots if a fleet of Germans was marching on them.

Supposed to be Mexicans or Syrian refugees?

06-28-16, 11:02
Why is it important to keep her around at all?

As counsel you say? Stannis had her counsel.
In good with the Lord of Light? She doesn't even know what she's doing.
Be an ally? If anything, having her and her kooky religion around is just going to piss off the Northerners who he needs support from (kind of like exactly what was going on with the Stannis ear-whispering and BS).

Davos Seaworthy should have chopped her head off, severing the necklace and turning her into an old lady, and letting all the smoke out.

Very few even believe in the White Walkers. Even fewer know they're coming.

That's why they're always like, "You've seen one??? No wayyyy... You killed one? GTFO!"

Fair enough on the red witch.

I thought there was supposed to be some link with that religion, the dragon queen, and holding off the walkers.
If not,
My opinion is unjustified.

The Knights of the vale, to clarify,
Sansa's crazy aunt was in charge of them? And little finger is in good with Sansas cousin who is there leader?

06-28-16, 11:48
Fair enough on the red witch.

I thought there was supposed to be some link with that religion, the dragon queen, and holding off the walkers.
If not,
My opinion is unjustified.

The Knights of the vale, to clarify,
Sansa's crazy aunt was in charge of them? And little finger is in good with Sansas cousin who is there leader?

Lysa Arryn was formerly Lysa Tully, sister of Catelyn Stark, formerly Catelyn Tully, and of Edmure Tully. Catelyn of course being Sansa/Rob/Bran/Rickon's mother and Ned Stark's wife. Edmure Tully was the guy being held captive by the Freys and was used by Jamie Lannister to take Riverrun on threat of Edmure's child's death an episode or two ago.

Lysa married Jon Arryn, who was the lord of the Vale. He was killed in the first season by Cersei for figuring out that Geoffrey and Tommen and Myrcella were not Robert Baratheon + Cersei's kids, but Jamie + Cersei's kids. As Lysa is not a Arryn by blood, the actual lord of the Vale then fell to her and Jon Arryn's son, Robin Arryn. But as Robin was (and is) very young, Lysa was Regent, ruling in her son's name until he comes of age, as is often done.

Lysa then married Petyr Baelish, then "mysteriously" fell out of the Moon Door. That doesn't change Robin Arryn's actual lordship over the Vale, but it does leave Petyr Baelish as the Regent until Robin, his step-son, comes of age.

06-28-16, 12:21
Lysa Arryn was formerly Lysa Tully, sister of Catelyn Stark, formerly Catelyn Tully, and of Edmure Tully. Catelyn of course being Sansa/Rob/Bran/Rickon's mother and Ned Stark's wife. Edmure Tully was the guy being held captive by the Freys and was used by Jamie Lannister to take Riverrun on threat of Edmure's child's death an episode or two ago.

Lysa married Jon Arryn, who was the lord of the Vale. He was killed in the first season by Cersei for figuring out that Geoffrey and Tommen and Myrcella were not Robert Baratheon + Cersei's kids, but Jamie + Cersei's kids. As Lysa is not a Arryn by blood, the actual lord of the Vale then fell to her and Jon Arryn's son, Robin Arryn. But as Robin was (and is) very young, Lysa was Regent, ruling in her son's name until he comes of age, as is often done.

Lysa then married Petyr Baelish, then "mysteriously" fell out of the Moon Door. That doesn't change Robin Arryn's actual lordship over the Vale, but it does leave Petyr Baelish as the Regent until Robin, his step-son, comes of age.

The real question is, what will Littlefinger do to try and maneuver his way to the throne?

06-28-16, 12:22
That dude is such a snake. He needs to eat a sword. Sansa should be the one to take him out.

06-28-16, 12:25
I gave up on Game of Thrones long ago when I realized the author was just whacking characters to no purpose. Their deaths did nothing to drive the story forward. The various nations were still in the same state as they were at the beginning of the story arc, no character did anything useful or important before getting whacked and especially frustrating is Danny has dragons she does nothing with. The last straw was when Jon Snow was betrayed and got whacked by his own men. That's when I deleted the books from my phone and got my money back

06-28-16, 12:28
Ummm I much prefer her with her "assets" on display....

YES! I love it when she walks into the fire with her non-fireproof clothing!

06-28-16, 14:08
Also, the zombie mountain rapes the "Shame!" nun, right?

Some people today were saying that he was going to torture her because Cersei said so... but then why was he taking stuff off?

Plus she's like, "He's your god now..."

What do you guys think? It's GoT, so def rape... right?

06-28-16, 14:22
That dude is such a snake. He needs to eat a sword. Sansa should be the one to take him out.

Arya will if Sansa doesn't - remember who it was that betrayed Eddard in the first place.

I gave up on Game of Thrones long ago when I realized the author was just whacking characters to no purpose. Their deaths did nothing to drive the story forward. The various nations were still in the same state as they were at the beginning of the story arc, no character did anything useful or important before getting whacked and especially frustrating is Danny has dragons she does nothing with. The last straw was when Jon Snow was betrayed and got whacked by his own men. That's when I deleted the books from my phone and got my money back

Well, Dany's definitely using the dragons now.

06-28-16, 17:12
Also, the zombie mountain rapes the "Shame!" nun, right?

Some people today were saying that he was going to torture her because Cersei said so... but then why was he taking stuff off?

Plus she's like, "He's your god now..."

What do you guys think? It's GoT, so def rape... right?

That was the impression I got.

06-28-16, 17:28
I gave up on Game of Thrones long ago when I realized the author was just whacking characters to no purpose. Their deaths did nothing to drive the story forward. The various nations were still in the same state as they were at the beginning of the story arc, no character did anything useful or important before getting whacked and especially frustrating is Danny has dragons she does nothing with. The last straw was when Jon Snow was betrayed and got whacked by his own men. That's when I deleted the books from my phone and got my money back

I think that is the idea. There are no real good guys or bad guys and nothing really changes. Everyone starts out with or ends up with the best of intentions, but eventually gets whacked- evil or not.

What do you guys think? It's GoT, so def rape... right?

Yep. Every other episode has a rape it seems. First episode my wife watched with me was the time Jamie rapes Cersie- a two-fer on the gross meter.

Yep, she's on the log ride on the mountain or insert impalation joke here.

06-28-16, 17:41
Also, the zombie mountain rapes the "Shame!" nun, right?

I don't think so. Not because GoT wouldn't do rape (they do), not because it's not in The Mountain's character (it is), and not because Cersei wouldn't allow it (she definitely would)... but because I think Zombie Mountain doesn't have the ability to get it up anymore.

He doesn't eat, drink, sleep, or relieve himself, so I don't think most of his bodily functions work besides walking and hitting things. I think it was good old pain torture.

06-28-16, 17:43
Rape seems to be the MO for the mountain character.

So when a Zombie has an erection is it petrified wood??

06-28-16, 18:13
Nicely done taz!

06-28-16, 18:49
The vast majority of readers believe that Rhaegar and Lyanna loved each other. Rhaegar was forced to Mary Elia Martell and Lyanna was promised to Rob but neither wanted those partners. Rhaegar gave a rose to Lyanna instead of his wife after winning a tournament similar to what Loris did with Sansa in season 1. After that Rhaegar ran away to Dorne with Lyanna. I don't think it was forced. It was mutual.

The idea that Jon is a Targaryan has been the predominant theory since book 1 came out.
What he said.

Meanwhile, where the hell is Lady Stoneheart? We finally got to see the Brotherhood without Banners again and I got all excited. Then they just dropped it. What the hell! Nymiria is supposed to be with them too.
The show runners have stated Lady Stoneheart will not be in the tv series.

And also, what the hell has Ghost been doing since they left Castle Black? Why wasn't he in he battle?
No more money in the budget for dire wolf special effects.

Lysa Arryn was formerly Lysa Tully, sister of Catelyn Stark, formerly Catelyn Tully, and of Edmure Tully. Catelyn of course being Sansa/Rob/Bran/Rickon's mother and Ned Stark's wife. Edmure Tully was the guy being held captive by the Freys and was used by Jamie Lannister to take Riverrun on threat of Edmure's child's death an episode or two ago.

Lysa married Jon Arryn, who was the lord of the Vale. He was killed in the first season by Cersei for figuring out that Geoffrey and Tommen and Myrcella were not Robert Baratheon + Cersei's kids, but Jamie + Cersei's kids. As Lysa is not a Arryn by blood, the actual lord of the Vale then fell to her and Jon Arryn's son, Robin Arryn. But as Robin was (and is) very young, Lysa was Regent, ruling in her son's name until he comes of age, as is often done.

Lysa then married Petyr Baelish, then "mysteriously" fell out of the Moon Door. That doesn't change Robin Arryn's actual lordship over the Vale, but it does leave Petyr Baelish as the Regent until Robin, his step-son, comes of age.

Jon Arryn was killed by Lysa Arryn and wrote the letter to Catelyn Stark warning about the Lannisters. All this was done per the request of Petyr Baelish.
(this was revealed in Season 4 of the tv series)

So, that two of the major houses (Stark v Lannister) in Westeros would fight each other and in the chaos give Petyr the opportunity to rise up in power.

06-28-16, 19:05
Queen Margery was looking hotter than normal this ep

Tommen took the name Kings Landing a bit too literally

Too soon?

06-28-16, 19:34
I'm almost positive that Blackfish is alive. His own soldiers were sent to find him. And you could see the shock on their faces when ordered to surrender. I'm thinking they helped him escape and then reported to the Lannister soldiers that he had been killed.

If I remember the book correctly he is alive. He escaped from RiverRun at night by swimming out.

I'm finishing up the last book but also it seems Aegon Targaryen is still alive and that has never been touched by the show at all so I couldn't tell you if they're going to play the Blackfish back into it eaither.

06-28-16, 19:36
Jon Arryn was killed by Lysa Arryn and wrote the letter to Catelyn Stark warning about the Lannisters. All this was done per the request of Petyr Baelish.
(this was revealed in Season 4 of the tv series)

So, that two of the major houses (Stark v Lannister) in Westeros would fight each other and in the chaos give Petyr the opportunity to rise up in power.

Oh right, completely forgot about that.

06-28-16, 19:36
Queen Margery was looking hotter than normal this ep

Tommen took the name Kings Landing a bit too literally

Too soon?

I thought she was looking pretty lame lately. I was sure sad to see her go regardless.

06-28-16, 19:41
If I remember the book correctly he is alive. He escaped from RiverRun at night by swimming out.

I'm finishing up the last book but also it seems Aegon Targaryen is still alive and that has never been touched by the show at all so I couldn't tell you if they're going to play the Blackfish back into it eaither.

I thought that we were ahead of the books now?

06-28-16, 19:42
I thought she was looking pretty lame lately. I was sure sad to see her go regardless.

I think he was making a joke.

Hotter than normal as in, normally she's probably around 98F internal body temperature, while this episode she was about the same temperature as a giant green fireball.

06-28-16, 19:57
I thought that we were ahead of the books now?

We are but there is so much more than the show touches on. They could probably do 20 episodes per book and still not fit it all.
There were things in this season that were in the beginning of the last book. The siege of RiverRun was pretty early in the last book. It also went a bit differently.

They don't really get deep into how much Jamie fights with what is right andirection what is expected of him. He's a much more likable character in the book.

Without ruining things for you guys, there are characters that are still "alive" in the books that aren't mentioned in the show.

06-28-16, 19:58
I think he was making a joke.

Hotter than normal as in, normally she's probably around 98F internal body temperature, while this episode she was about the same temperature as a giant green fireball.

Ugh. Yeah, right over my head...

Alex V
06-28-16, 21:39
Lysa Arryn was formerly Lysa Tully, sister of Catelyn Stark, formerly Catelyn Tully, and of Edmure Tully. Catelyn of course being Sansa/Rob/Bran/Rickon's mother and Ned Stark's wife. Edmure Tully was the guy being held captive by the Freys and was used by Jamie Lannister to take Riverrun on threat of Edmure's child's death an episode or two ago.

Lysa married Jon Arryn, who was the lord of the Vale. He was killed in the first season by Cersei for figuring out that Geoffrey and Tommen and Myrcella were not Robert Baratheon + Cersei's kids, but Jamie + Cersei's kids. As Lysa is not a Arryn by blood, the actual lord of the Vale then fell to her and Jon Arryn's son, Robin Arryn. But as Robin was (and is) very young, Lysa was Regent, ruling in her son's name until he comes of age, as is often done.

Lysa then married Petyr Baelish, then "mysteriously" fell out of the Moon Door. That doesn't change Robin Arryn's actual lordship over the Vale, but it does leave Petyr Baelish as the Regent until Robin, his step-son, comes of age.

Lysa poisoned Jon Aryn as stated above because she was obsessed with Petyr.

I thought that we were ahead of the books now?

The story line of Jamie going to the Roverlands to take back RiverRun is from Book 4. The ignored it during season 4/5, I assume they either needed filler in S6 or wanted to go back to cover it for some reason.

06-29-16, 00:30
The story line of Jamie going to the Roverlands to take back RiverRun is from Book 4. The ignored it during season 4/5, I assume they either needed filler in S6 or wanted to go back to cover it for some reason.

Like getting Jaime out of Kings Landing? Creating plausibility for Walder Frey's assassination (and the Frey pie) to be put in the lap of the Lannisters?

Alex V
06-29-16, 08:44
Like getting Jaime out of Kings Landing? Creating plausibility for Walder Frey's assassination (and the Frey pie) to be put in the lap of the Lannisters?

Oh, Sorry, that was Book5 not 4.

Yes, Jamie is sent to the Riverlands to take back Riverrun in Book 5. He takes back the castle essentially the same exact way. Brienne isn't there. Blackfish doesn't die in the book, he escapes again. After Jamie takes the castle, he meets up with Brienne and she tells him to come with her. The leave together and his story line kinda ends there.

At the end of book 5 Arya was still in Bravos so there is no reference to judge against. She killed Walder Frey after Jamie left with Brianne so that would have had to be a book 6 thing. But Jamie left with Bienne, he didn't make a b-line for Kings Landing like in the show.

06-29-16, 14:24
I think that is the idea. There are no real good guys or bad guys and nothing really changes. Everyone starts out with or ends up with the best of intentions, but eventually gets whacked- evil or not

When a death is just a death, it changes nothing in the story. There is no tension, there is no conflict resolution, there is no character growth. It makes for poor storytelling and is boring. I forget how many books I listened to on Audible, but everything was still the same as it was after the first chapter in the first book. The story had not progressed. I kept asking "So what? What did this have to do with the story?" When the answer keeps coming back "Nothing", that's a clue. If the author puts a revolver on the mantlepiece, someone had better fire it before the end of the story. The GOT mantlepiece is cluttered with too many unfired revolvers

06-29-16, 16:14
When a death is just a death, it changes nothing in the story. There is no tension, there is no conflict resolution, there is no character growth. It makes for poor storytelling and is boring. I forget how many books I listened to on Audible, but everything was still the same as it was after the first chapter in the first book. The story had not progressed. I kept asking "So what? What did this have to do with the story?" When the answer keeps coming back "Nothing", that's a clue. If the author puts a revolver on the mantlepiece, someone had better fire it before the end of the story. The GOT mantlepiece is cluttered with too many unfired revolvers

Perhaps it's just setting, to show how commonplace death is, and that you can die for almost no reason at all.

06-29-16, 17:55
Perhaps it's just setting, to show how commonplace death is, and that you can die for almost no reason at all.

See also City of Chicago.

06-29-16, 18:06
the sudden deaths show how no mercy the Game is

06-29-16, 23:23
Yes, Jamie is sent to the Riverlands to take back Riverrun in Book 5. He takes back the castle essentially the same exact way. Brienne isn't there. Blackfish doesn't die in the book, he escapes again. After Jamie takes the castle, he meets up with Brienne and she tells him to come with her. The leave together and his story line kinda ends there.
And this was after Lady Stoneheart hung Brienne for failing to secure and protect her girls.
(speculations that Thoros brings back Brienne from the dead, so they can use her to lure Jaime Lannister to Lady Stoneheart)

Around Season 4, the show runners stated that they would not be adhering to the books and will be telling their own story that will contain the spirit of what's going on in the books.

Show runners have stated that they will not have Lady Stoneheart in the tv series and would be doing other things to compensate for that.
Which is evident with the Hound encountering the Brotherhood without Banners, which is still being lead by Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr.
During this time period in the books, Lady Stoneheart is leading the Brotherhood without Banners and the Hound is a "grave digger" that is under the care of a Septon of the Seven, who is telling people that the Hound is dead.

06-30-16, 11:28
Perhaps it's just setting, to show how commonplace death is, and that you can die for almost no reason at all.

Exactly. I actually like that.

Too many stories have heroes that get shot outside the building, a few more times inside, and then go have a fist fight.

In GoT the hero you're rooting for dies like POOF! and you have to pick again...

06-30-16, 15:31
Exactly. I actually like that.

Too many stories have heroes that get shot outside the building, a few more times inside, and then go have a fist fight.

In GoT the hero you're rooting for dies like POOF! and you have to pick again...

It fits. If there is one thing about GoT, life isn't fair. Decent people die for no other reason than they were check mated by other people who were willing to sacrifice them. Truly reprehensible attain power, status and wealth. If we discount dragons, magic and other supernaturals I think the only real difference between GoT and our middle ages is our middle ages weren't as impressive looking and things were a lot less fair. In the middle ages Arya Stark would have lasted two days on her revenge quest and Ramsey Bolton would probably still be alive making life horrible for untold thousands of people he never even personally met.

06-30-16, 17:28
Perhaps it's just setting, to show how commonplace death is, and that you can die for almost no reason at all.

I've always said this. It's like Manila John Basilone. A hero's hero, suddenly killed at Iwo. The battle went on without him, the war was won, and somebody had to step up and replace him. Life is horrible, death happens, and the show often reflects that.