View Full Version : More forewarning for ISIS.

04-25-16, 13:22
Hey guys, just making doubly sure that you are all aware of the attacks incoming so that you can be sure to avoid them:


"While officials declined to discuss the details of their operations, interviews with more than a half-dozen senior and midlevel officials indicate that the effort has begun with a series of “implants” in the militants’ networks to learn the online habits of commanders. Now, the plan is to imitate them or to alter their messages, with the aim of redirecting militants to areas more vulnerable to attack by American drones or local ground forces."

04-25-16, 13:24
Just looking out for his Muslim homies

04-25-16, 13:37
Robert MacNamara lives.

04-25-16, 13:58
Obama thinks he has the most transparent administration in history, but it's really just the leakiest.

04-26-16, 02:56
Maybe we'll bomb some more unoccupied tanker trucks . . .

04-26-16, 14:14
You know, I grew up around a lot of Lefty loons, and while they are completely wrong about a lot of things, the one thing they are not wrong on (I hate to say the word "correct" regarding them) is the U.S. And Western governments helping, funding and arming terrorists. The part they are consistently wrong about is that terrorism is caused by the West, rather then Islam, but the funding part is bang on.
Obama is a good Muslim. Helping fellow Muslims in the fight against kuffars is his holy duty.

04-26-16, 16:48
Man if these idiots had been running the country in the 40s we would have lost ww ii in months. I think you should have to show you can hold a job at mcdonalds before being allowed to take office.

04-26-16, 17:06
Man if these idiots had been running the country in the 40s we would have lost ww ii in months. I think you should have to show you can hold a job at mcdonalds before being allowed to take office.

That sounds racist to me. I need a trigger warning next time.

04-26-16, 17:19
I have a feeling he couldn't really community organize worth a crap either.
If you're going fight, fight, quit dicking around and get a good solid location then eliminate that grid square.

04-26-16, 18:36
I have a feeling he couldn't really community organize worth a crap either.

Dude, first of all, Obama was the one who said HE was a community organizer, that could mean literally anything. The fact that you have doubts about his community organizational results makes me believe that you actually took his word for it at one time.

We couldn't find his college transcript let alone anyone that knew him while in Columbia.

04-26-16, 23:13
He can't name a single significant achievement beyond "being present", either before or after becoming president. Him saying "you didn't build that" could aptly apply to everything he's ever "done", to include Obamacare and killing OBL.

He is a zero in every sense of the word.

04-27-16, 10:11
Obama thinks he has the most transparent administration in history, but it's really just the leakiest.

The whole transparent thing is the single solitary item that he was actually telling the truth about. We just assumed he meant transparent to the citizenry so we can see what is going on. You know what happens when you ASS U ME. He really meant we will be transparent to our enemies.

In all fairness this is most likely false information psyops to generate distrust within the enemy ranks.

04-27-16, 10:32
Following this Guy's logic and actions (and lack of actions at times), his Love of the "Religion of Peace" and his policies supporting "The Arab Spring", I really believe in his heart he thinks he can talk these guys in to being nice and playing fair.
Now, what is going on, if anything in his head?
With the time, effort and money spent on this, I'm not sure that putting a little more effort in to in might not actually lead to some real ISIS casualties, well if he wanted that anyway.

04-27-16, 18:48
... I think you should have to show you can hold a job at mcdonalds before being allowed to take office.

This is priceless! AND should be run up the chain of command for immediate implementation in any position above PTA member.

And you guys are correct, the POTUS is a giant, huge and total zero. I am reasonably sure he would flunk the "hold the job at McDonald's" test in a big hurry.