View Full Version : X-MEN: APOCALYPSE

04-27-16, 00:57
Here the new trailer, looks pretty action packed. I dug that scene with Quicksilver in Day of Future Past so I'm glad to his return, of course Jennifer Lawrence is always easy to look at and Apocalypse is going to be a total badass.


04-27-16, 17:21
I just want to see Psylocke in Imax

Outlander Systems
04-27-16, 19:44
Olivia Munn is the hottest chick alive, homie.

I just want to see Psylocke in Imax

04-27-16, 19:52

Plus she actually wants to be an X-Man.
She cosplays on her own for free for well over a decade plus.

These new Marvel movies have been pretty dope. I liked the first few X-Men because it was so new at the time but in retrospect, kinda lame. Everybody looks like Matrix refugees.

The newer ones look like actual character designs. Especially Magneto.

I hope they eventually work in Domino.

DC, god bless em, can't make a movie worth a damn.

Marvel, and this is even under Disney, just tosses you hot chicks, fights, explosions, and badassery and you just have to like it or GTFO.

DC is so wishy washy.

Outlander Systems
04-27-16, 20:04
Um, thank you.

I had no idea.

A quick googling has me ogling.

Princess Leia Olivia Munn, holy hell.


Plus she actually wants to be an X-Man.
She cosplays on her own for free for well over a decade plus.

These new Marvel movies have been pretty dope. I liked the first few X-Men because it was so new at the time but in retrospect, kinda lame. Everybody looks like Matrix refugees.

The newer ones look like actual character designs. Especially Magneto.

I hope they eventually work in Domino.

DC, god bless em, can't make a movie worth a damn.

Marvel, and this is even under Disney, just tosses you hot chicks, fights, explosions, and badassery and you just have to like it or GTFO.

DC is so wishy washy.

05-28-16, 23:11
I saw this and screw the haters.

Saw Olivia Munn and Jennifer Lawrence from low angles in Imax. Wasn't disappoint.

Oh yeah there was a movie in there and some good ol' 80s nostalgia.

I was the guy who shouted "THRILLER!" when Nightcrawler was in his civvies

Big A
05-29-16, 11:51
I saw this and screw the haters.

Saw Olivia Munn and Jennifer Lawrence from low angles in Imax. Wasn't disappoint.

Oh yeah there was a movie in there and some good ol' 80s nostalgia.

I was the guy who shouted "THRILLER!" when Nightcrawler was in his civvies
I'm still kinda Meh about this one. Aside from the lovely leading ladies how does it compare to Civil War?

05-29-16, 12:01
I'm still kinda Meh about this one. Aside from the lovely leading ladies how does it compare to Civil War?

That's hard to answer.

Anything with Winter Soldier is automatically brilliant. This movie felt like I was watching an 80s era X Men comic. That can be good or bad because X-men comics can be sorta soap opera-y (who's screwing who, who's whose baby daddy, etc)

But it also did the 80s thing WAY better than Watchmen and it had enough "whoa" moments to justify it and the final battle was interesting and it had Jennifer Lawrence wearing that one dress.

I liked it. There were several great scenes that made it worth it but to tell you would be to spoil it

05-29-16, 14:21
If I had to take a wild guess, based on the available evidence, I'd say it's going to effing suck and I liked the previous ones.

05-29-16, 14:28
Um, thank you.

I had no idea.

A quick googling has me ogling.

Princess Leia Olivia Munn, holy hell.

I wanna play connect the dots with her freckles.

05-29-16, 15:09
If I had to take a wild guess, based on the available evidence, I'd say it's going to effing suck and I liked the previous ones.

I wouldn't say it sucked.

I mean I felt like I was watching a literal 1980s X Men issue in motion.

The first X-Men in 2000 I liked because it was X Men and hadn't been done yet looks like a made for TV movie compared to Apocalypse.

My Non Spoiler Highlights:
Olivia Munn and J Law in stripper outfits or bodypaint from low angles in Imax.

The black(ish) chick doing Storm looks like 80s era Comic Book Storm.

Quicksilver. Breakout Character.

80s nostalgia. Everywhere.

Subtle hints of Scarlet Witch sort of how they did Quicksilver in Avengers 2.

Some decent battle scenes.
And one really bad ass scene that took me way by surprise.

The Not So Good:

Not enough Psylocke
Apocalypse reminds me of a Stargate bad guy. Was expecting O'Neill to P90 him.

Magneto has some good scenes but isn't "the guy" like he was.

Jean Grey is okay but just isn't Famke Janssen.

It wasn't as good as First Class or Epic as DOFP but was still better than any of the original X Men movies. I wouldn't put this in Last Stand territory at all.

I was skeptical of Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique in First Class but I will saw she's better than Rebecca Romijn now.

I couldn't imagine anyone else.

I wouldn't say it's better than Civil War just because it doesn't have Cap or Winter Soldier. But it's a solid film.

My only regret is that these movies didn't come out when I was 12 and still into regularly reading comics.

But...in hindsight they stick to the source material whereas I hear in newer comics everyone is pointlessly gay, black, and muslim instead of who they originally were.
Like Ms. Marvel. Ms. Marvel is a blonde in a black one piece and whoreboots with super strength. And always will be. If you must have a Muslim superhero(which wouldn't be halal anyways) name her Palestina or something and have her be her own character.

Anyways....I hope they have Domino in a movie at some point.

I give it 3.5/5. wasn't pissed. Saw what I needed to see in Imax.

05-29-16, 16:04
As super hero movies go, found all the X Men movies generally enjoyable. Not enough to see in a movie theater, but rented them all. The Wolverine movies have been the let down X Men movies for me. Last one started off great, then went into Hollywood formula 101 sadly.

05-30-16, 01:28
I wouldn't say it sucked.

I give it 3.5/5. wasn't pissed. Saw what I needed to see in Imax.

I thought the first three were solid, even approaching excellent at times with manageable pacing, great characters and a coherence lacking from most of the genre. First Class and DOFP were even a bit sharper, with Kevin Bacon and then the Sentinels nearly stealing the show.

I've seen the reviews on IMDB fall quickly from an initial high which makes me suspect fan boys, JJ Abrams style craptastic spectacles and general horse manure. I'll give it a chance, though. I just watched The 5th Wave not knowing it was another ridiculous teeny pop tart consumable so anything will be better.