View Full Version : May 2016 election Poll - revote

04-27-16, 13:09
As some people have changed their minds and the candidates are in a dynamic situation. As well, we have somewhat of a finite pool of participants. Let's re-vote to see if any changes have taken place.


If you would vote any Republican candidate that wins the nomination your current options are Trump, Cruz, Kasich.... please select them all. If you would only vote for Cruz and might even vote for Hillary, select Cruz and Hillary.

If you could see yourself voting for Bernie but would also vote Kasich... choose both.

I will vote for Other is for write ins. As it stands this poll is only to cover the current 5 contenders. Jeb, Rubio, et al... don't consider them unless you would indeed write one in.

This is a 60 Poll to make it through June.

The desired result is to see under varied circumstances how the individuals may do.

04-27-16, 13:37
Sorry, I didn't read the instructions all the way through. I'll vote for any of those Republicans (looks like Trump), wouldn't vote for either of those two Democrats.

04-27-16, 13:49
Voted for only Trump although I would hold my nose and vote for Cruz only to keep treasonous Hillary out of the White House. I used to like Cruz more but he is sounding increasingly delusional and I think he must have hired Baghdad Bob as his communications director.

04-27-16, 14:21
I can't believe anyone here would actually vote for Hillary.

04-27-16, 14:23
I can't believe anyone here would actually vote for Hillary.

Always one in every crowd.

05-04-16, 22:08
Quote Originally Posted by soulezoo View Post
I can't believe anyone here would actually vote for Hillary.

Always one in every crowd.

All we need now is a bigger crowd.