View Full Version : Gun Confiscations to (Maybe) Expand in CA

Doc Safari
04-27-16, 15:18

California Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) is pushing to expand firearm confiscations by allowing co-workers and others to file a complaint that sets the “secret” confiscation process in motion.

[Ting’s] bill massively expands a controversial law that has only been in place for 4 months. At present, current law permits family members and peace officers to petition a court, in secret, in order to restrain an individual from possessing firearms. AB 2607 compounds this measure by adding, to the list of qualified petitioners, employers, coworkers, mental health workers, and employees of a secondary or postsecondary school.

This would add thousands of people (including complete strangers) to the list of people who could petition a court to restrain a person from possessing firearms, triggering a warrant and armed law enforcement raids—without trial, conviction, or opportunity to defend oneself before a court.

Of course, even if you don't live in California, the real danger of this is that it puts the idea in the head of Hillary Clinton, who will undoubtedly try to get Congress to pass this nationally.

04-27-16, 15:23

04-27-16, 15:32
This is probably going to work in California, but I would guess not so much in Free States.
If the POTUS wasn't divisive enough for the Progressives this kind of stuff coming from Hillary should finish the job. I swear the idea is to push the Progressive agenda far enough until they get someone willing and able to push back.
I'm pretty sure is this works will soon begin to head North up the West Coast at about the same time the North Eastern Progressives decide to give it a try. I'm almost willing to bet it wont take long before they begin to offer rewards for people to turn in "unstable" neighbors.
What will it take to be declared unstable? Owning Guns, will likely be enough.
Maybe they can find Janet Reno, dust her off and let her sick some BATFE folks on some otherwise legal gun owners?

Doc Safari
04-27-16, 15:37
What I see happening is that Hillary has already promised to use executive orders against gun ownership as much as possible. I'm not a lawyer, but I would think she would try to somehow twist an existing law (such as the one allowing civil forfeiture without trial).

04-27-16, 15:38
I have a friend at UC Berkeley right now and she is an insanely hardcore libtard...But even her ridiculous views on the environment, guns, abortion, war, and the economy, were not far left enough for that place.

She actually received an in-class censure because a few students in the class class disapproved of her making comments that "Women shouldn't be allowed to just get an abortion 2 weeks before their delivery date because an opportunity came up to go on a cruise to the Bahamas". They said she was using, and I am not lying, "hate speech".

She told me this story immediately after telling me about the Dean being forced to resign because of some ridiculously overhyped sexual harassment charge on an admin aide and that the students demanded extra time to turn in assignments due to emotional stress...

So it doesn't surprise me one bit that Peter Ting one bit is a freedom quenching statist. Those people literally live in another world, but at least most of them stay in California.

Alex V
04-27-16, 15:44
How is the 4month old law not being challaned in court yet? How is that not Unconstitutional?

04-27-16, 15:55
She actually received an in-class censure because a few students in the class class disapproved of her making comments that "Women shouldn't be allowed to just get an abortion 2 weeks before their delivery date because an opportunity came up to go on a cruise to the Bahamas". They said she was using, and I am not lying, "hate speech".

Wow. I would say that is crazy except it is San Fran, and California. Those people are effing nuts. What are these people going to do when they get out in the real world? Or is the real world going to change to accommodate them? Don't think so.

04-27-16, 15:55
Doesn't this, like, literally piss on the 4th through 6th Amendments as well as the 2nd?

And isn't the "secret ballot" a way to be pretty frivolous? What's to stop us or anyone from saying "Police Chief/Sheriff/Congressman so and so is crazy. Please disarm them?"

How can an accused confront the accusers or know they are suspect until it is too late?

And adding to this why can't I petition for 5th Street Piru and West Side Crips to be collectively disarmed without being laughed at?

More of your elected officials focusing on bullshit while ignoring the real shit.

04-27-16, 15:56
Don't tell people that you have guns.....

04-27-16, 15:59
Don't tell people that you have guns.....

This. Have a secret identity.
If I don't actively shoot with you; you don't need to know I shoot. Especially if you don't know me.

Doc Safari
04-27-16, 16:01
Sad we have to live like persecuted people hiding in the sewer, but what's the alternative? I already know someone who refuses to buy any more guns or gun-related stuff until after the election for fear they'll have to "turn it all in." That, to me, is a defeatist attitude.

If you have to bury your guns in the back yard, it's time to...well...you know.

04-27-16, 16:06
How is the 4month old law not being challaned in court yet? How is that not Unconstitutional?

News flash... All gun laws are unconstitutional. All of them.

Boba Fett v2
04-27-16, 16:06
Hence another reason why I won't be returning to Cali. Wish I could convince the rest of my family to leave, but they're dug in pretty good.

04-27-16, 16:08
This. Have a secret identity.
If I don't actively shoot with you; you don't need to know I shoot. Especially if you don't know me.

That's how they want you to act... With shame and hiding the fact you are into guns like a ****ing drug addict.

There is no need to pound your chest and tell everyone you know you are into guns but the other end of the spectrum (hiding) is also unacceptable.

Doc Safari
04-27-16, 16:12
News flash... All gun laws are unconstitutional. All of them.

...And the income tax is illegal, man does not cause global warming, and I could go on and on.

IT DOESN'T MATTER if it's unconstitutional. Until the powers-that-be on our side are able to overcome the policies of those in power who write the laws, the Constitution is effectively just a quaint document in a museum.

This is what I can't fathom about people on the internet gun forums: get it in your head that the people passing the laws could care less about what's constitutional. They only care about what they can get away with. Until people on our side outnumber people on their side, waving the Constitution is pretty much useless.

04-27-16, 16:15
...And the income tax is illegal, man does not cause global warming, and I could go on and on.

IT DOESN'T MATTER if it's unconstitutional. Until the powers-that-be on our side are able to overcome the policies of those in power who write the laws, the Constitution is effectively just a quaint document in a museum.

This is what I can't fathom about people on the internet gun forums: get it in your head that the people passing the laws could care less about what's constitutional. They only care about what they can get away with. Until people on our side outnumber people on their side, waving the Constitution is pretty much useless.

Yea... The powers that be wiil save us. lmfao.

Doc Safari
04-27-16, 16:17
Yea... The powers that be wiil save us. lmfao.

Well, no, but since most people in the American population won't do anything but whine about it as they turn their guns in, the only alternative is to try to get some people into office who have the guts to fight this kind of crap.

04-27-16, 16:32
...And the income tax is illegal, man does not cause global warming, and I could go on and on.

IT DOESN'T MATTER if it's unconstitutional. Until the powers-that-be on our side are able to overcome the policies of those in power who write the laws, the Constitution is effectively just a quaint document in a museum.

This is what I can't fathom about people on the internet gun forums: get it in your head that the people passing the laws could care less about what's constitutional. They only care about what they can get away with. Until people on our side outnumber people on their side, waving the Constitution is pretty much useless.

The courts are CORRUPT, and uphold illegal law, and positions. You're right. The Constitution doesn't matter anymore. If this continues, we're screwed.

Doc Safari
04-27-16, 16:34
The courts are CORRUPT, and uphold illegal law, and positions. You're right. The Constitution doesn't matter anymore. If this continues, we're screwed.

We ARE screwed. We are the condemned on the way to the Gulag trying to convince ourselves "It's only a work camp."

04-27-16, 16:37
So it doesn't surprise me one bit that Peter Ting one bit is a freedom quenching statist. Those people literally live in another world, but at least most of them stay in California. And Portland OR and Seattle WA and Chicago IL and NYC and.....

On Edit, I'm thinking this Peter Ting dude had a brother in the Senate that was just sentenced on gun running charges.

04-27-16, 16:52
That's how they want you to act... With shame and hiding the fact you are into guns like a ****ing drug addict.

There is no need to pound your chest and tell everyone you know you are into guns but the other end of the spectrum (hiding) is also unacceptable.

I'm not ashamed of anything. It's just if you're some random guy in the world; you don't need to know what ill shit I'm into.

Those that know I shoot either do so because they need to or because I know and like them. Otherwise, it's nobody's business.

Same as queers screwing and hippies toking. Unless it directly affects me as a person, I really don't care.

If someone has a problem with me and tries to murder me, well....we'll just find out whose cowboy hand is quickest the hard way.

No reason to bring politicians into it.

I don't chump on queers and dopers. So they need to leave me alone too.

04-27-16, 18:01
Some groups demand that they be allowed to control what the rest of us are allowed to think and say. If they can control vocabulary and how it is used to construct meaning of sentences, then these progressives have initiated first steps in thought control. The process shapes and forms use of approved facts and concepts which then constitute social theory which eventually determines policy. In-class censure mentioned here is an example of using the group to control its members' thoughts. For me that's the scary part. Too, it seems as if current students are susceptible to this treatment, which is brain washing. Remember THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE? I suggest that the folks here view the original 1962 movie. 20 years ago I saw it for the first time, and it scared the hell out of me. I had to go load my 870.

In 1973 I was in doctoral school at Auburn University. While in a social psychology class where I was participating in a sensitivity session, I perceived that a class member(female) was trying to censure me about what I though about certain things. My reply was, "You'll shit if you eat regular." Of course, this statement did not follow or relate to anything said. It did get me kicked out of the class. My major professor threatened to send me back to Mississippi.

04-27-16, 18:26
In Re: Manchurian Candidate (the original)

"A paranoid is someone who just found out what's really going on"

-- William S. Burroughs

Also yet more reason never to be taken alive.

04-27-16, 20:53
This. Have a secret identity.
If I don't actively shoot with you; you don't need to know I shoot. Especially if you don't know me.
No need to hide like a drug addict, but it's the same argument of conceal Vs open carry. I'm actually ok with open carry, BUT I also see no reason to give the game away if you're expecting to actually need the thing, not just make a political statement...

04-27-16, 21:10
Some groups demand that they be allowed to control what the rest of us are allowed to think and say. If they can control vocabulary and how it is used to construct meaning of sentences, then these progressives have initiated first steps in thought control. The process shapes and forms use of approved facts and concepts which then constitute social theory which eventually determines policy. In-class censure mentioned here is an example of using the group to control its members' thoughts. For me that's the scary part. Too, it seems as if current students are susceptible to this treatment, which is brain washing. Remember THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE? I suggest that the folks here view the original 1962 movie. 20 years ago I saw it for the first time, and it scared the hell out of me. I had to go load my 870.

It's not just the progressives telling people how they should think.

Same thing goes on with conservatives, just on different topics.

04-27-16, 21:30
I agree. Extremes of both sides frighten me. Reaching a consensus about what is(and not)extreme is usually an endless debate. Sometimes I'll read where a court ruled that a reasonable man would...Then I'm reminded of this saying written by someone else, not I. It goes like this(paraphrase): During the Spanish Inquisition a reasonable man might say that not every person tried for heresy should be burned at the stake. But, this same man would say that it is reasonable that some should be burned at the stake.

We fight over what is reasonable.

04-27-16, 22:52
Don't tell people that you have guns.....

This. No one I work with knows anything about my hobby other than the one that ishoots with me. Most people I know outside of work have no idea, and if they know I have guns they don't know anything about what kind.

04-27-16, 22:55
If you have to bury your guns in the back yard, it's time to...well...you know.

Exactly. My father has been that guy that has refused to buy "new" guns for probably the last 10-15 years for fear of either being on a list or having to turn them in. I took the opposite approach and decided to get on all the list with the same thinking Doc above mentioned.

04-28-16, 00:02
News flash... All gun laws are unconstitutional. All of them.


04-28-16, 00:24
I'm not going to comply.

BTDT. Leroy, Shawndravious, Julio, and Jose already don't and are either convicted felons or illegal aliens , and any gun charges against them get dropped in the plea deal after actually committing a crime.

And I'm still going to go shooting and I'm still going to enjoy my builds.

And they can either Order 66 my fat ass or leave me the frick alone. One of the two.

This is why I don'thave many friends and remain single. Freedom.
When I'm 50 I might buy a Russian chick or hell, take up with a black bird. All the same to me. If my calculations are correct, by the time my kids reach adolescence, I'll hopefully be dead. And they can pick up the hard way like I had to.

So...that's why I live like Oscar the Grouch.

Screw it. All of it.

04-28-16, 00:52
Exactly. My father has been that guy that has refused to buy "new" guns for probably the last 10-15 years for fear of either being on a list or having to turn them in. I took the opposite approach and decided to get on all the list with the same thinking Doc above mentioned.

I was probably "on the list" before I got out of middle school. By high school I had more guns than most adults I knew.

04-28-16, 02:53
Some groups demand that they be allowed to control what the rest of us are allowed to think and say. If they can control vocabulary and how it is used to construct meaning of sentences, then these progressives have initiated first steps in thought control. The process shapes and forms use of approved facts and concepts which then constitute social theory which eventually determines policy. In-class censure mentioned here is an example of using the group to control its members' thoughts. For me that's the scary part. Too, it seems as if current students are susceptible to this treatment, which is brain washing. Remember THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE? I suggest that the folks here view the original 1962 movie. 20 years ago I saw it for the first time, and it scared the hell out of me. I had to go load my 870.

In 1973 I was in doctoral school at Auburn University. While in a social psychology class where I was participating in a sensitivity session, I perceived that a class member(female) was trying to censure me about what I though about certain things. My reply was, "You'll shit if you eat regular." Of course, this statement did not follow or relate to anything said. It did get me kicked out of the class. My major professor threatened to send me back to Mississippi.

Great post.

Academia has been a vehicle for Marxism for going on a century now.

Every free thinking liberty loving American should watch that movie along with 1984, and this one . . .

The man's parents escaped being murdered in the Holocaust, he wanted to know how such a thing could happen. His research is wholly numbing.

65% of humans will knowingly cause harm to a fellow human for no other reason that being told to do so by some imaginary "authority".


04-28-16, 02:56
It's not just the progressives telling people how they should think.

Same thing goes on with conservatives, just on different topics.

Across the nation on college campuses we are seeing militant radicals getting deans and presidents fired for nothing. Safe zones, microagressions, gender studies, et al.

I cannot think of a single liberal progressive college student that has ever been expelled by a conservative prof. In face I read an article the other day on a MSM site that was entitled "Conservative professors closeted across academia".

04-28-16, 03:19
The measure, if carried out by the court as intended, would not be unreasonable. A peace officer can confiscate firearms in plain view only, for their immediate protection which translates that the order does not involve an actual search warrant. However, it is pause for concern.