View Full Version : 30 Seconds of PURE "Feel Good"...

04-28-16, 01:02

In a world of doom and gloom a Muslim man slaps a Asian girl for refusing to dance with him, and then the party gets started...and suddenly all was right with the world.

04-28-16, 01:15
Some muslim getting beaten by a Malaysian(?) bird. Ho hum.

I thought this was going to be a SteyrAUG Zen thread about the time in life for 30 seconds we felt purely good or a pure good.

I know some people would rush to sex story or thoughts.

But for me, it was helping an old widower with a case I worked for him that could've easily been a quick and easy MI repirt and he said "I wish you were my, son" (and I felt bad because in reality, I'm awful) but at the time I felt like "This is nice"

Or a surgery I had years ago and I knew I could die. Like it was a chance. And before I went under I just said "God, I'll either wake up or I won't. It's your call" and before they put the mask on I just felt like no matter what it was okay. It was good.

Like, I guess the man who is trapped between two tigers and eats the cherry. And it's the best cherry he ever had.

04-28-16, 01:35
Some muslim getting beaten by a Malaysian(?) bird. Ho hum.

I thought this was going to be a SteyrAUG Zen thread about the time in life for 30 seconds we felt purely good or a pure good.

I know some people would rush to sex story or thoughts.

But for me, it was helping an old widower with a case I worked for him that could've easily been a quick and easy MI repirt and he said "I wish you were my, son" (and I felt bad because in reality, I'm awful) but at the time I felt like "This is nice"

Or a surgery I had years ago and I knew I could die. Like it was a chance. And before I went under I just said "God, I'll either wake up or I won't. It's your call" and before they put the mask on I just felt like no matter what it was okay. It was good.

Like, I guess the man who is trapped between two tigers and eats the cherry. And it's the best cherry he ever had.

Man you have got to shake out of your funk. If she just stuck him with a couple straight shots I could agree with you. But did you miss the jump kick? Did you not see her get pulled off and wade straight back into him like he was a kiddie pool and execute one of the best "real world" take downs I've seen in a long time.

It was like all the karma in the universe came out and sang that hippie effin Coke commercial.

Does she really need to be dressed like Lucy Lawless to get your admiration?

Anyway, just because you so eloquently suggested it, my two moments of 30 seconds were:

1. When I finally had my own house and my grandparents came to stay with me, and I took them out to dinner, etc. When my grandfather finally understood he didn't have to reach for the check anymore, that moment felt great.

2. Got to do similar things with my Dad. But honestly, just having him at my house and watching movies together again, like we did when I was a kid, yeah that was huge. One of the handful of times I truly amazed my father was when he realized I had a film collection of more than 8,000 DVDs.

04-28-16, 01:39
Ok, this thread weirded me out.

At first glance I thought firefly has my picture as his avatar.
(Yes, two years after retiring from the military that looks like my hair)

Don't know why I did not notice it before.

04-28-16, 01:42
Ok, that was great. Nice find Steyr.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

04-28-16, 02:32
What, a benevolent muslim man slapping a woman after refusing him!?

She must be an islamophobe from Stormfront. :sarcastic:

Yeah good find, just wished she had punted him in his vagina and stomped his throat when he was on the ground.

04-28-16, 05:15
Man she wore his ass out. Lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-28-16, 11:25
What, a benevolent muslim man slapping a woman after refusing him!?

She must be an islamophobe from Stormfront. :sarcastic:

Yeah good find, just wished she had punted him in his vagina and stomped his throat when he was on the ground.

Heh, yeah, he was probably just politely offering her some Halal soup as part of the soup kitchen Jihad that we have all been misinformed about. Her bigoted refusal of his Halal soup justified the peaceful Islamic slap of Justice.

04-28-16, 11:29
If that female Islamophobe tried that here in the Islamic States of America, the good Loretta Lynch would have rightfully seen to it that she was punished for harming a Muslim's self-esteem, which is a hate crime, i.e. the same as Hitler and the Nazis.

04-28-16, 11:44
German women....take note.

Like the comments section on Live Leak says...this is how to deal with your new unwanted neighbors! LOL

04-28-16, 15:09
Ok, this thread weirded me out.

At first glance I thought firefly has my picture as his avatar.
(Yes, two years after retiring from the military that looks like my hair)

Don't know why I did not notice it before.

I am disappointed. You were an officer no less! :nono:

04-28-16, 15:21
Hair power, man!

Anyways I decided that China doll's name should be Katrina Highkick.

04-28-16, 15:35
Hair power, man!

Anyways I decided that China doll's name should be Katrina Highkick.

Shinobi Q
Jasmine Nightshade
Jun Fan Lee

04-28-16, 15:40
Jasmine Nightshade sounds badass.

04-30-16, 18:22
It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. She is a little bad ass!

04-30-16, 19:34
I am disappointed. You were an officer no less! :nono:

The US military fascination with very short strait haircuts is a pretty modern development.
And not shared among all parts of the military.

My opinion is if you are pushing 50 and can still grow hair and piss go for it.
Nothing but less hair and more prostate in an aging man's future.

04-30-16, 19:48
I'm uplifted and will go drink a second cup(forbidden)of coffee. Obviously, the Midiot has not spent much time in country bars and roadhouses, the kind I'm familiar with from an earlier life. Otherwise, he would have known better. Also, I'd like to see him pull this stunt in a black joint against a big black woman who would have torn him to shreds. Are there any old cops here who have seen the results of a straight razor in action? That's what this fool needed.

04-30-16, 19:57
Never fight women. Not out of honor but because they are mean. They will fight you butt naked and always go for balls and eyes.

I swear to God the scariest thing I ever saw in my life was a Hispanic bird with a knife cursing in Spanish so fast it sounded like devil talk.

If it sounds anything at all like "quarter two verga"


04-30-16, 20:21
You got it right. On a similar vein, big bull dyke women always scared the hell out of me.

04-30-16, 21:45
The US military fascination with very short strait haircuts is a pretty modern development.
And not shared among all parts of the military.

My opinion is if you are pushing 50 and can still grow hair and piss go for it.
Nothing but less hair and more prostate in an aging man's future.


I keep my hair short, as in "military" short, because too damn much gray shows if it grows out! I hit the half-century mark last year and grew a beard over the fall/winter months. I looked like my freaking 11yo German Shepherd with all the gray!

04-30-16, 23:53
Never fight women. Not out of honor but because they are mean. They will fight you butt naked and always go for balls and eyes.

I distinctly remember being told at the Academy and again on the road "The worst fights you'll be in involved the 3 Ds and and F. Drunk, drugged, deranged and female." That Seattle PD Sgt was 100% correct.

04-30-16, 23:53
I do have some grays coming in.
Just enough so someone can tell I am not doing the Ash groovy show polish coloring job.
It got even longer than this and had to trim bangs back, they were down by my chin.

http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/a6c99bdc-37fb-4fa5-b4c7-097d0ac2e43e_zpspkfdndry.png (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/a6c99bdc-37fb-4fa5-b4c7-097d0ac2e43e_zpspkfdndry.png.html)

I went another decades after that first ranger Bn enlistment with no desire to ever have a high and tight again.
Would not do it for DA photos or anything.

I am off to grab a beer with Sonny Crockett and shoot my Beretta with Martin Riggs, and like in the getting old thread,
Do not give two craps if the scrawny dude in skinny jeans wearing a fedora with big gauge holes in his ears thinks it is out of date. I'll take my sordid past of near carnivoreism, shooting bad guys, screwing women, and driving single digit mpg cars over what his future will likely hold any day.

I cut hair like this off in high school before I headed to fort Benning to start my planned 4 years in the Rangers and some college money. And now it's thirty years later. And only two since I retired. Some four year enlistment. If only the energy, single digit body fat, ability to have sex without falling asleep after and stuff came back as easy as the hair.

05-01-16, 07:41
I do have some grays coming in.
Just enough so someone can tell I am not doing the Ash groovy show polish coloring job.
It got even longer than this and had to trim bangs back, they were down by my chin.

http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/a6c99bdc-37fb-4fa5-b4c7-097d0ac2e43e_zpspkfdndry.png (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/a6c99bdc-37fb-4fa5-b4c7-097d0ac2e43e_zpspkfdndry.png.html)

I went another decades after that first ranger Bn enlistment with no desire to ever have a high and tight again.
Would not do it for DA photos or anything.

I am off to grab a beer with Sonny Crockett and shoot my Beretta with Martin Riggs, and like in the getting old thread,
Do not give two craps if the scrawny dude in skinny jeans wearing a fedora with big gauge holes in his ears thinks it is out of date. I'll take my sordid past of near carnivoreism, shooting bad guys, screwing women, and driving single digit mpg cars over what his future will likely hold any day.

I cut hair like this off in high school before I headed to fort Benning to start my planned 4 years in the Rangers and some college money. And now it's thirty years later. And only two since I retired. Some four year enlistment. If only the energy, single digit body fat, ability to have sex without falling asleep after and stuff came back as easy as the hair.

Seriously, looks like my HS graduation pic with the hair! (Class of '83) Shaved my hair off the summer I graduated before I left for Benning that fall. Never had it that long since. Well, I'll reluctantly admit to maybe a mullet-type of do circa 1990 or so.

05-01-16, 08:58
I was having a long and bad day, the Blackhawk I rode in on was fired up as we closed in on the FOB. No bus, so I carried my gear four miles or so back to my CHU, I went to chow and to get a haircut
I was walking in to a Barber Shop and a .50 caliber round came through just above the door as I was turning the handle.
I haven't had a haircut since.
I mean it could have been worse....but why risk another Barber Shop?

05-01-16, 09:12
I was having a long and bad day, the Blackhawk I rode in on was fired up as we closed in on the FOB. No bus, so I carried my gear four miles or so back to my CHU, I went to chow and to get a haircut
I was walking in to a Barber Shop and a .50 caliber round came through just above the door as I was turning the handle.
I haven't had a haircut since.
I mean it could have been worse....but why risk another Barber Shop?

Truly well done.
Done so well now I'm afraid Stenguppy will add that line to his repertoire and my photo will end up getting posted with his face shopped on and a Bren ten added in a shoulder holster.

05-01-16, 09:20
Seriously, looks like my HS graduation pic with the hair! (Class of '83) Shaved my hair off the summer I graduated before I left for Benning that fall. Never had it that long since. Well, I'll reluctantly admit to maybe a mullet-type of do circa 1990 or so.

Hell yeah,
Except that picture is from the past year. And I don't plan on going business up front party in the rear in 7 years.

05-01-16, 12:31
Never fight women. Not out of honor but because they are mean. They will fight you butt naked and always go for balls and eyes.

I swear to God the scariest thing I ever saw in my life was a Hispanic bird with a knife cursing in Spanish so fast it sounded like devil talk.

If it sounds anything at all like "quarter two verga"


I've always said that if women were the ones with the testosterone and big muscles, the world would long ago have been a smoking, featureless wasteland...

05-01-16, 12:35
I've always said that if women were the ones with the testosterone and big muscles, the world would long ago have been a smoking, featureless wasteland...

Having been married to a Hispanic Woman with Red Hair I can assure you that being woken up with a pistol muzzle laid on your forehead and questions concerning your fidelity can be rather disconcerting.
Honestly, I thought I was about to get laid, not almost laid to rest.

05-01-16, 12:41
I was having a long and bad day, the Blackhawk I rode in on was fired up as we closed in on the FOB. No bus, so I carried my gear four miles or so back to my CHU, I went to chow and to get a haircut
I was walking in to a Barber Shop and a .50 caliber round came through just above the door as I was turning the handle.
I haven't had a haircut since.
I mean it could have been worse....but why risk another Barber Shop?

I can't match that. But I do remember going to a barbershop on a Saturday about 38 years ago to find it crowded with other guys wasting their off time to get sheared. Already in a bad mood, I was told to "take a number". I walked out, went home, and told the wife to get out her horse clippers and cut my damn hair. I did spring for a proper haircutting kit thereafter, and she's cut my hair ever since. Now, I didn't have all that much hair then (and less now) but it was a matter of principle. Let them pound sand.

Besides there's a rumor that bald men are sexier, and I choose to believe it. If it's not true, well, dammit, it ought to be.

05-01-16, 13:05
Having been married to a Hispanic Woman with Red Hair I can assure you that being woken up with a pistol muzzle laid on your forehead and questions concerning your fidelity can be rather disconcerting.
Honestly, I thought I was about to get laid, not almost laid to rest.

Yikes! You went for the combination of Latina fire AND red head superhuman strength!

I applaud you, Sir...

05-01-16, 21:33
Having been married to a Hispanic Woman with Red Hair I can assure you that being woken up with a pistol muzzle laid on your forehead and questions concerning your fidelity can be rather disconcerting.
Honestly, I thought I was about to get laid, not almost laid to rest.

05-01-16, 22:42
Having been married to a Hispanic Woman with Red Hair I can assure you that being woken up with a pistol muzzle laid on your forehead and questions concerning your fidelity can be rather disconcerting.
Honestly, I thought I was about to get laid, not almost laid to rest.

I do believe I'd have a new tree in the back yard if that happened to me.