View Full Version : You Know You're Getting Old When...

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:11
...Someone asks you if Paul McCartney was in another band before Wings.

You know you're REALLY getting old when...someone asks you if Paul McCartney ever played with anyone before Michael Jackson.

You know you're getting old when...

...It takes you longer to do number one than it takes you to do number two.

...You won't bend over to pick up anything less than a quarter.

...You prefer a good night's sleep to partying into the night with your friends.

...You suffer from CDS (Can't Do Shit) and CMS (Can't 'Member Shit)

04-28-16, 17:16
When young hot chicks feel completely comfortable and safe around you.

I swear I can talk to them about anything now, where was this Jedi skill when I was young and single?

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:17
You know you're getting old when...

...you realize that half the Beatles are dead.

You know you're REALLY getting old when...

...you realize that most of the Ramones are dead.

You know you're REALLY REALLY getting old when...

...you realize that Prince is dead.

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:18
You know you're getting old when....

...You tell your girlfriend's daughter to "turn it DOWN!" and it's a Queen song you liked when you were her age.

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:20
You know you're getting old when...

...you're more worried about how heavy a gun is rather than how badass it looks.

04-28-16, 17:38
This is a cheerful topic.

-Eye Floaters
-Catching up with some bird you knew from high school that starred in your wet dreams regularly and she is old, fat, divorced, and has two or three mixed kids by two or three different men
-Listening to an Oldies station and it's playing Soundgarden.
-Recalling when you knew all the moves to Street Fighter II and now video games seem blah and over complicated
-Still wanting that Toyota truck from Back to the Future
-You don't trust anybody under 30
-Everything is kinda boring and the future seems more and more hopeless as life seems more and more pointless.

-Women are way more easily approachable but.....why? It'll just cost time and money better spent on skittles, guns, and moonpies.

-"Mrs. Robinson" would be age appropriate.

-When you say "I don't care", you really, actually don't care.

-200 channels, nothing but cats, preachers, botox hags, and whatnot and you'd pay good money to see Alf and Facts of Life again.

Those old people you thought were a Fleetwood Mac tribute band on TV were actually Fleetwood Mac.

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:47
You know you're gettng old when...

...heavy metal is what you're worried you're getting too much of in your diet rather than a musical style.

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:49
You know you're getting old when....

....your grandson starts telling you about this badass rock band he just found out about...and it's Led Zeppelin.

Doc Safari
04-28-16, 17:51
You know you're getting old when...

..."50 Shades of Gray" describes your hair color rather than some steamy sex movie.

04-28-16, 17:59
I knew the other day when I was listening a radio station that had some good tunes, and it's an "oldies" station. They were not new tunes to be sure, but "oldies"?! I was like WTF?

04-28-16, 18:02
You know you're getting old when there is more hair on your face than on your head.

You actually feel like the 90s were not that long ago. Same with the 80s. Seems like just yesterday it was 1997 and I was going through MEPS.

I drive a 95 truck and I wouldn't dream of getting rid of it. Still love the look.

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04-28-16, 18:13
I see a pretty young woman with her shit together and my first thought is that I hope my daughter ends up like her...

I swear that I can' tell a 16 yo from a 26 yo. I used to be able to tell what year in college a girl was. I have a hard time with telling the 2nd wives from the nanny's, though in my defense those groups can overlap.

I finally figured out that old people don't repeat themselves (exclusively) because they don't realize that they are repeating themselves. They are repeating themselves because we didn't take their advice the first time. I tell my kids that I'm not repeating myself, they are just not listening.

I type out whole words and sentences in iMessage. I can type faster on a computer than I can text on a phone.

04-28-16, 18:18
My text messages have correct grammar and punctuation.

04-28-16, 18:36
When Turner Classic Movies is showing Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) as a big screen event.


That one really, really hurt.

04-28-16, 18:43
When Turner Classic Movies is showing Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) as a big screen event.


That one really, really hurt.

The remake of favorite movies are now old...

04-28-16, 18:46
During your three and a half minute pee at two in the morning you look down to a ghastly observation, "I had No idea that "that" hair would go gray too?".

04-28-16, 18:49
You know when you are getting old when taking a pee is almost as good as getting laid.

04-28-16, 18:50
When somebody asks you how to dim the lights in their new old truck because they did not know the dimmer switch was located on the upper floor board behind and to the left of the clutch......When a young man asks what is a 4 barrel carburetor.....When others around you have zero recognition of terms like Khe Sanh, Hue, or A Shau Valley....When the English teacher thinks that an innuendo is an Italian suppository....when you're the only guy around who can read Latin.

04-28-16, 19:12
For me it was when one of my wife's co-workers came over for a drink after work, I said a line from the Goonies; she drew a blank- I explained the line and that it was from the Goonies- blank stair and "what are Goonies"?

That one really cut me deep. Who hasn't seen or at least know of the Goonies for Christs sake!

04-28-16, 20:42
I finally figured out that old people don't repeat themselves (exclusively) because they don't realize that they are repeating themselves. They are repeating themselves because we didn't take their advice the first time. I tell my kids that I'm not repeating myself, they are just not listening.

04-28-16, 21:06
About ten years ago when I got to my last unit in the military,
I realized I was "old" as squadron, division, etc. CSMs were guys I grew up with, was a team leader with, went to Ranger school with, etc.

Then they were all retired and guys I remember as your E4s were becoming PSGs, Bn Senior Medics, etc. and the guys that enlisted ten years after me were becoming SGMs.

And then all the young guys that became senior guys were moving on.

When you are around E9s and CW5s that enlisted after you,
You are not a spring chicken anymore.

Physically needing reading glasses was a kick in the pants.
I know it's no life shattering medical thing, but being dependent on something was a big change.

I used to think old people were clueless when they wore out dated clothes, hair styles and stuff.
But now I realized it's a complete **** you.
They/we know what is up to date, cool, etc.
I just don't care.

I got my winter soldier 70s hair on,
Will wear shit I know is outdated that I like,
And happily pull up behind some scrawny androgynous hipster in his Prius playing with his IPhone close enough he think I am going to hit his car while blaring an 8 track in a imuscle car the same age as me so I can get the gas hose to to the filler under my rear license plate.

I will happily put a 30 plus year old design hand gun in leather,
And throw a Magnum PI Hawaiian shirt, Miami Vice sports jacket, or 90s musician looking leather over it. Because I can and do not give a shit.

The jacked up thing is at work at my civilian job now most of the people in their 20s or 30s thought I am ten or fifteen years younger than I am?!?

I think that is the main thing that tells you you are old.
You literally could not care less who likes your car, music, clothes, etc.

04-28-16, 21:21
I finally figured out that old people don't repeat themselves (exclusively) because they don't realize that they are repeating themselves. They are repeating themselves because we didn't take their advice the first time. I tell my kids that I'm not repeating myself, they are just not listening.
Ha! I saw what did you there.
You know you are getting old when you start wishing you had listened...

04-28-16, 21:41
I think that is the main thing that tells you you are old.
You literally could not care less who likes your car, music, clothes, etc.

This. This. This.

That American Beauty movie takes on a new dimension.

It's so liberating when one just has this "aw fvck it" attitude.

So I think before I retire for the evening I'm gonna blast some Duran Duran, watch some retro TV, and maybe break out the Sega Genesis.

Confidence is believing in yourself, but no longer giving a shit is not believing in anyone else.

04-28-16, 21:45
You know you're getting older when..........You think the cashier at the restaurant gave you too much change and they tell you they gave you the senior discount.

You know you're getting older when.........You suffer from CSS (Can't See Shit) Syndrome.

04-29-16, 00:37
For me it was when one of my wife's co-workers came over for a drink after work, I said a line from the Goonies; she drew a blank- I explained the line and that it was from the Goonies- blank stair and "what are Goonies"?

That one really cut me deep. Who hasn't seen or at least know of the Goonies for Christs sake! I'm 47 and have never seen the movie, nor do I know a single line from it.

3 AE
04-29-16, 00:56
During your three and a half minute pee at two in the morning you look down to a ghastly observation, "I had No idea that "that" hair would go gray too?".

:lol: You nailed it right there!

You know you're getting old when your barber says,"You want me to trim back your eyebrows?"

You know you're getting old when it takes you longer to trim your nose hairs and the hair growing out of your ears than it does shaving!

04-29-16, 01:05
When the adult contemporary (oldies) station plays songs that came out AFTER you considered yourself an adult. I can accept that my high school music is now "retro" but when "the crap these kids listen to now" becomes oldies, then you know you are past a certain point.

Every time I watch VH1 Classics and they play music from the 90s I just cringe.

04-29-16, 02:32
-Still wanting that Toyota truck from Back to the Future

That movie is why I have driven a Tacoma for two decades now.


04-29-16, 02:37
In the spirit of the thread, I saw this meme float around after Prince was announced dead.


04-29-16, 05:54
You know you're getting older when...

You don't care WHERE your old lady is going, as long as you don't have to go with her...

30 year olds call me "sir"...

Testosterone shots have nothing to do with the gym...

Canot rimember how to spel commen wurds...


I can sit on my own balls. Like a f'ing dog. Wtf is that about?

And sometimes I'm "not in the mood"...something that the thought of is totally confusing.

I tend to just power thru those moments, just on principle.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
04-29-16, 06:06
When you tell Millenials, "back in my day, We didn't "swipe left or right." We had to get off our asses and actually charm a lady.

Tinder? Pfffffsssshhh

04-29-16, 09:06
You know you are getting old when you can say a crude remark about a young lady right to her face and she says to her other friends "Isn't he cute!" In your younger days that would have resulted in getting your face slapped or being told to go F yourself!!

Doc Safari
04-29-16, 09:14
You know you're getting old when you care more about retirement than a good career.

I got to a point where I no longer cared about "impressing the boss" or "making lots of money" or "going up through the ranks in the company."

I got to a point where I just wanted out, and I mean out of the effing work force.

Now I have the ranch and I feel like I work harder for free.

04-29-16, 09:19
When you realize there are high schoolers who weren't even alive when 9/11 occurred.

Doc Safari
04-29-16, 09:21
When you realize there are high schoolers who weren't even alive when 9/11 occurred.

This hit me when I started talking to people about how bad Hillary Clinton would be as President. I quickly realized I was preaching to people who either weren't even alive or were way too young to know or care what a scandal-ridden administration Bill's presidency had been.

I brought up Waco, Vince Foster, Monica Lewinsky, and some other stuff and I just got stares like "who are you talking about?"

04-29-16, 09:36
This has been a very enjoyable read…

I thought I'd share my wife's standard test to determine if someone is worth talking to:
"Do you know who Freddy Mercury is…?"

04-29-16, 09:38
Double post.

04-29-16, 10:06
I thought I'd share my wife's standard test to determine if someone is worth talking to:
"Do you know who Freddy Mercury is…?"

...and I reply, only one of the best, purest singers of all time.

A few years ago I started getting the "you're old enough to be my dad" card thrown at me. I do get accused of being a dirty old man from time to time.

04-29-16, 10:32
...when words like communism or socialism are not "bad words" to those under 30.

04-29-16, 10:43
My son is older now, by 4 years, than I was when he was born.
10 years ago I went from being the fastest guy on the flag football field to suddenly not being able to go left or right without stopping 1st.
You stop doing exercises to get stronger, and simply workout hard to "maintain".
Sleeping through the night is replaced by getting up at least once to relieve your bladder.
To quote Seinfeld "Its enough already and you just want to get some sleep"

04-29-16, 10:45
Seems like just yesterday it was 1997 and I was going through MEPS.

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Seems like yesterday it was 1981 and I was going through MEPS. That's old....

04-29-16, 12:56
Sleeping through the night is replaced by getting up at least once to relieve your bladder.
To quote Seinfeld "Its enough already and you just want to get some sleep"

I guess that just "Depends", really it just "Depends",....

04-29-16, 13:11
Seems like yesterday it was 1981 and I was going through MEPS. That's old....
Dayuum.... someone from Nam will pipe up soon I'm sure. Make both of us look like we're still wet behind the ears.

04-29-16, 13:31
You know you are old when you visit the eye doctor and rather than a chart on the wall he asks you if you can identify objects like chairs, and file cabinets.

04-29-16, 14:04
Dayuum.... someone from Nam will pipe up soon I'm sure. Make both of us look like we're still wet behind the ears.

The Blue Bird Bus, finding the yellow foot prints on the asphalt in the middle of the night, the joys of some imaginable and yet to be named concoction that looked like cream beef and tasted like paste and your new Bestest Buddy with the funny brown hat, he, who renamed you dickweed upon first sight.
Ahhhhh those were the days!

04-29-16, 14:14
This hit me when I started talking to people about how bad Hillary Clinton would be as President. I quickly realized I was preaching to people who either weren't even alive or were way too young to know or care what a scandal-ridden administration Bill's presidency had been.

I brought up Waco, Vince Foster, Monica Lewinsky, and some other stuff and I just got stares like "who are you talking about?"

Watergate to Monica is almost as long as Monica to now....

I have a theory that we all mentally divide time in two halves- time since we were born and the time before we were born. You might even better calibrate it to when you gained some notion of the world at 6-10 years of age.

To someone graduating HS this year Monica, Watergate, Nam, Kennedy and even WWII are all historical things from movies and documentaries with poor quality video.

I was talking to some co-workers this week. How douche-y are the millennials that they can make Gen X look like hard core neolithic Viking beast slayers.

04-29-16, 14:24
When nobody ever heard of the riots that burned up so many American cities and when people look at you funny when you tell them that all the peace groups during the Vietnam War era had communist roots and thus influence. But, I best not get started on this topic because then I won't shut-up, which is something you're supposed to do when you get old.

Doc Safari
04-29-16, 14:28
Watergate to Monica is almost as long as Monica to now....

I have a theory that we all mentally divide time in two halves- time since we were born and the time before we were born. You might even better calibrate it to when you gained some notion of the world at 6-10 years of age.

To someone graduating HS this year Monica, Watergate, Nam, Kennedy and even WWII are all historical things from movies and documentaries with poor quality video.

I was talking to some co-workers this week. How douche-y are the millennials that they can make Gen X look like hard core neolithic Viking beast slayers.

It occurred to me the other day that Clinton has been out of office pretty close to twice as long as he was there. To someone born in the middle of his term (let's say 1996), that's comparable to how I view Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedy assassination happened roughly a year before I was born, so someone in 1996 would view the Oklahoma City bombing the same way. Someone born during Clinton's term looks at Hillary like I would view Jackie Onassis: I barely know who she is much less care about all the stuff that happened to her before I was born. That's why Hillary scares me that she has a chance to win. Young liberals just barely of voting age don't have a historical reference to make them automatically mistrust her.

What's even more surprising is that Obama's term is nearly over and (so far) there hasn't been any appreciable anti-gun legislation.

I was in college for five years, which means I've been out nearly six times longer than I was there. Reagan has been out of office three times longer than he was there.

World War II ended roughly 20 years before I was born. To make Vietnam comparable I would have been born in 1995. In 1995 I was cussing the 1994 AWB, and sweating bullets that the Oklahoma City Bombing might result in martial law even though Congress had been taken over by the Republicans, but there was no war affecting the whole country.

04-29-16, 14:31
It occurred to me the other day that Clinton has been out of office pretty close to twice as long as he was there. What's even more surprising is that Obama's term is nearly over and (so far) there hasn't been any appreciable anti-gun legislation.

Just as Slick Willy doesn't seem as bad now, I wonder if BHO will seem like a good guy or better guy. Especially if Hildabeast wins and we get some left of left SCOTUS judge instead of BHOs pick.

04-29-16, 14:42
Hey man, I just realized.

I'm NOT getting old.

Everybody else is just getting younger

04-29-16, 14:49
Hey man, I just realized.

I'm NOT getting old.

Everybody else is just getting younger



Doc Safari
04-29-16, 14:58
Just as Slick Willy doesn't seem as bad now, I wonder if BHO will seem like a good guy or better guy. Especially if Hildabeast wins and we get some left of left SCOTUS judge instead of BHOs pick.

It's worse than that. Study Abraham Lincoln and realize that people on both sides hated his guts and a lot considered him a de facto dictator just like we disparage Obama. In 50 years Obama will probably be revered.

I never thought I'd actually say this: but I actually miss Clinton. He at least put troops on the border. All of his gun legislation turned out to be temporary or mostly meaningless window dressing. Even though the AWB forced me to use ban-style weapons for ten years there was no fear that the entire world was coming apart. Now under Obama you get the feeling like ISIS will set off a nuke or dirty bomb within the US any minute now, or we will start World War III with the Russians or Chinese, or Fukushima has already poisoned all of us, or SOMETHING.

I don't remember living under a cloud like this even during the Cold War. During the Cold War I was listening to stupid Cold War songs by New Wave bands that didn't like Reagan, thinking "What a bunch of liberal idiots."

04-29-16, 15:16

What I do in front of Circle K is my business and not to be discussed on M4C


04-29-16, 15:29

What I do in front of Circle K is my business and not to be discussed on M4C




04-29-16, 20:54
Seems like yesterday it was 1981 and I was going through MEPS. That's old....

That's the new term for AFEES (Armed Forces Enlisted Entry Station), correct?

Straight Shooter
04-29-16, 21:04
We've got a new place here in Huntsville that opened this month...got nearly all the old school arcade games from back in the day, and a long line of pinball machines as well. Went in there a couple days ago, and I was GIDDY..I mean plum, un-ashamedly GIDDY. Got a nice menu and a great bar..had big screen TV's with only 70's-80's videos playing. And downstairs...a two level old timey merchantile type store that I lingered in for over an hour. Told the proprieter{ you know you are getting old when you call the owner PROPRIETER!} I felt like I just stepped back in time 50 years. Man, have I found MY new hangout!

04-29-16, 22:27
I will likely never go to Huntsville anytime soon but that sounds awesome.

"Wocka wocka wocka" hell yeah!

I remember them sit down Pac Man tables and it was awesome.

Straight Shooter
04-29-16, 22:59
I will likely never go to Huntsville anytime soon but that sounds awesome.

"Wocka wocka wocka" hell yeah!

I remember them sit down Pac Man tables and it was awesome.

I remember those too..they were great! Also- on the same road about a mile away got another place under construction right now that gonna have a huge outdoor venue, craft beer made onsite, and also gonna have a ton of the old arcade vids and pinball machines. Called RONNIE RAYGUNS...after Pres. Reagan. Ill be up in there, too!!

04-30-16, 00:24
I will likely never go to Huntsville anytime soon but that sounds awesome.

"Wocka wocka wocka" hell yeah!

I remember them sit down Pac Man tables and it was awesome.

My father actually had one in his office from about 1981-83, sadly it was lost to a second bad marriage.

04-30-16, 05:33
My folks owned a convenience store when I was young, and I would steal a roll of quarters almost daily from the change bag. After school, the local mini arcade got all of them.

Geez they were pissed when they finally found out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-30-16, 10:09
My folks owned a convenience store when I was young, and I would steal a roll of quarters almost daily from the change bag. After school, the local mini arcade got all of them.

Geez they were pissed when they finally found out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How many cashiers had they fired?

04-30-16, 11:02
How many cashiers had they fired?

None. It was small town 1982. The cashiers didn't walk into a formal shift change like a modern quik trip or 7-11. You Z out the register and make the deposit at midnight. I'm not sure they even tracked it back then, my dad probably got tired of going to the bank for quarters if I had to guess.

04-30-16, 20:14
To put this in perspective. The kids in Kindergarten when Vince Foster died are 27 now ...

This hit me when I started talking to people about how bad Hillary Clinton would be as President. I quickly realized I was preaching to people who either weren't even alive or were way too young to know or care what a scandal-ridden administration Bill's presidency had been.

I brought up Waco, Vince Foster, Monica Lewinsky, and some other stuff and I just got stares like "who are you talking about?"

Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk 2

26 Inf
04-30-16, 22:58
None. It was small town 1982. The cashiers didn't walk into a formal shift change like a modern quik trip or 7-11. You Z out the register and make the deposit at midnight. I'm not sure they even tracked it back then, my dad probably got tired of going to the bank for quarters if I had to guess.

My dad opened a two bay 'Jenny' car wash when I was in sixth grade. It cost a quarter. Big spenders would spend 75 cents washing their car. Even though we lived in a small town, this was the first car wash in the area. It wasn't to long before I became the 'go over and check the soap, and while your at it empty the coin boxes, here's the key' kid. We lived five blocks from the car wash, I'd be walking home or riding my bike home at 10:00 sometimes with two bags full of quarters. No way I'd send one of my kids do that today - different world.

We always had plenty of quarters. I don't think they had change counting machines back then, because the whole family sure rolled a bunch of quarters around the kitchen table on Friday nights before we played Monopoly, Tripoli or Rummy.

I had a pretty danged good childhood even though I did have to walk to school in 3 feet of snow, uphill both ways.

05-01-16, 05:45
My dad opened a two bay 'Jenny' car wash when I was in sixth grade. It cost a quarter. Big spenders would spend 75 cents washing their car. Even though we lived in a small town, this was the first car wash in the area. It wasn't to long before I became the 'go over and check the soap, and while your at it empty the coin boxes, here's the key' kid. We lived five blocks from the car wash, I'd be walking home or riding my bike home at 10:00 sometimes with two bags full of quarters. No way I'd send one of my kids do that today - different world.

We always had plenty of quarters. I don't think they had change counting machines back then, because the whole family sure rolled a bunch of quarters around the kitchen table on Friday nights before we played Monopoly, Tripoli or Rummy.

I had a pretty danged good childhood even though I did have to walk to school in 3 feet of snow, uphill both ways.

Yep...a lot of stuff we "missed out on" growing up in small towns.

I wouldn't trade it for anything.

05-01-16, 08:05
My text messages have correct grammar and punctuation.

That ain't no lie!

05-01-16, 08:15
...and I reply, only one of the best, purest singers of all time.

A few years ago I started getting the "you're old enough to be my dad" card thrown at me. I do get accused of being a dirty old man from time to time.

My comeback would be "That may be true, BUT I'M NOT your dad so we're cleared for takeoff!!!" :dance3:

05-01-16, 08:24
Now in fairness it's a very vague memory but I can actually recall S&H Green Stamps. I mentioned them a while back and got a look like "WTF are you talking about?"

The guys who were my senior NCO's were almost all 'Nam vets and are now the most common age group of guys I see being treated at the VA. They're like all old and shit, but of course to a 19yo PFC they were "old" when they were 38!

05-01-16, 08:26
My dad opened a two bay 'Jenny' car wash when I was in sixth grade. It cost a quarter. Big spenders would spend 75 cents washing their car. Even though we lived in a small town, this was the first car wash in the area. It wasn't to long before I became the 'go over and check the soap, and while your at it empty the coin boxes, here's the key' kid. We lived five blocks from the car wash, I'd be walking home or riding my bike home at 10:00 sometimes with two bags full of quarters. No way I'd send one of my kids do that today - different world.

We always had plenty of quarters. I don't think they had change counting machines back then, because the whole family sure rolled a bunch of quarters around the kitchen table on Friday nights before we played Monopoly, Tripoli or Rummy.

I had a pretty danged good childhood even though I did have to walk to school in 3 feet of snow, uphill both ways.

But did you do it in bare feet?

05-01-16, 10:27
You know you are old when you visit the eye doctor and rather than a chart on the wall he asks you if you can identify objects like chairs, and file cabinets.
Been there. Only the eye doctor asked me to turn around, and when I did, asked how many fingers he was holding up.
I couldn't tell him.
All I knew was that it was more than one, but less than all four.

My father passed away last summer, and we been cleaning out his house, the house I grew up in.
Lot of memories.
Had a job way back that gave everybody 200 s&h green stamps every pay day, and there was a store here in town.
Found the whole stack I had, that I had never cashed in. Bundle a little over 1/2" thick.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

05-01-16, 12:11
Now in fairness it's a very vague memory but I can actually recall S&H Green Stamps. I mentioned them a while back and got a look like "WTF are you talking about?"

The guys who were my senior NCO's were almost all 'Nam vets and are now the most common age group of guys I see being treated at the VA. They're like all old and shit, but of course to a 19yo PFC they were "old" when they were 38!

I used to do the S&H green stamps cards with my grandmother on my dads side. They were raised during the Great Depression, and did not throw away or waste shit! Clipped coupons, bought generic where available, canned their own vegetables, etc..

Both retired from jobs they'd held for over 30 years. This was obviously unique to the time, because they owned natural gas royalties and could have retired comfortably 15 years earlier. Which is what most people today would do. Myself included.

26 Inf
05-01-16, 13:32
Now in fairness it's a very vague memory but I can actually recall S&H Green Stamps. I mentioned them a while back and got a look like "WTF are you talking about?"

The guys who were my senior NCO's were almost all 'Nam vets and are now the most common age group of guys I see being treated at the VA. They're like all old and shit, but of course to a 19yo PFC they were "old" when they were 38!

Do you remember cigarette coupons?

Doc Safari
05-02-16, 14:43
You know you're getting old when...

....you realize most of the crew of the original Star Trek is dead.

05-02-16, 15:09
Do you remember cigarette coupons?

No but I vaguely remember cigarette TV commercials., namely one about Salems: "You can take the man out of the country but you can't take the country out of the man" as a guy walks down the road with his little boy.

Remember Dark Shadows?

05-02-16, 15:15
Raleigh's had coupons. A little Gold Square under the cellophane. I remember those.
I can also recall watching "Man from Uncle", "Combat" and "I Spy" in their original runs.
I often wondered how many times poor Kirby got wounded on "Combat", that guy took a bullet every two weeks, but I bet his dialog was easy to remember, "I'm Hit!" Kirby must have had 300 Purple Hearts.

05-02-16, 17:05
Natalie Portman isn't Al Pacino's stepdaughter any more - she's Thor's post-doctoral girlfriend.

Mark Hamill was the same age during the filming of The Force Awakens as Sir Alec Guinness was during the filming of Star Wars/A New Hope.

They're making cholesterol jokes in movies with Bruce Willis.

Doc Safari
05-02-16, 17:17
Mark Hamill was the same age during the filming of The Force Awakens as Sir Alec Guinness was during the filming of Star Wars/A New Hope.

Wow. I did not know that.

If you use 2017 as a benchmark, the franchise will be 40 years old. Assuming a person is old enough to enjoy it from a basic age of 8-10 years old so they understand all the basics, only someone of my generation (50+) or older would have been old enough and able to enjoy every Star Wars movie as it came out first-run at the theater.

Every subsequent generation would have had to see at least some of the older chapters only on video.

05-02-16, 22:16
Wow. I did not know that.

If you use 2017 as a benchmark, the franchise will be 40 years old. Assuming a person is old enough to enjoy it from a basic age of 8-10 years old so they understand all the basics, only someone of my generation (50+) or older would have been old enough and able to enjoy every Star Wars movie as it came out first-run at the theater.

Every subsequent generation would have had to see at least some of the older chapters only on video.

I'm not that old, but I've seen every movie (except The Clone Wars - which isn't live action and managed to be worse than the prequels, although it did mature into a pretty good show) in theater.

Of course, the original trilogy I saw in theaters was the Special Editions. Still. Loved it.

05-03-16, 09:28
One thing that all old men say at one time or another: "See all that? None of that was here when I moved in."

05-05-16, 08:23
One thing that all old men say at one time or another: "See all that? None of that was here when I moved in."
There's things where I live, parts of the roads, that were both built and removed while I was here to see it.
As in, built, here for about 30yrs or so, and then removed.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

05-05-16, 08:35
There's things where I live, parts of the roads, that were both built and removed while I was here to see it.
As in, built, here for about 30yrs or so, and then removed.

Sent from my SGP612 using Tapatalk

I grew up on Camp Lejeune. A couple years ago I took my family aboard to show them where I grew up. It was all gone. Oh, the streets were there, but the school that was there, gone...the housing that was there, gone....

Nothing like editing your life to make it look like you never existed.....