View Full Version : Do you think this is funny? - 2016 WH Correspondents Dinner

05-01-16, 16:01
Cause I sure as hell got a chuckle out of it!
Larry Wilmore tells some jokes at the expense of the press.... And the President ;)

NSFW: http://youtu.be/NekE9di2KSo

05-01-16, 16:14
I found it to be exhaustive racial facetious humor. I've never seen the comedian before, but if that is his example of performance he doesn't deserve to present at such an event. Overall no, it was not funny.


I may be a little harsh - the racial crap piddles off near the end.

05-01-16, 17:27
I thought he insulted everyone in the room fairly evenly..... and they did not like it. That was their night to be told how wonderfully important they were. Good for him!

Not many people can really pull that off easily. Richard Pryor could do it. Robin Williams.

Wolfie Blitzem and Michelle looked pissed the whole way. Barry tried to fake it.

I thought it funny and had they accepted him and not sat there trying to be politically correct it would have been more funny. He got on a roll about 3/4 through but then it trailed off. Again a different room and it would have flowed better.

How dare he treat professional correspondents as though they were mere mortals.

That CSPAN joke was funny... the only lower rating is HDMI-1 -- No Input .. lol

Liberals love to tell everyone what's wrong but don't you dare point a finger at them.

I noticed he kinda went easy on Bernie and I swear I think Liberals are dying to say out loud how much they hate Hillary but are afraid to.

05-01-16, 18:16
The more insulting part is the disgrace he has brought to the country.

Worst President in the history of the United States, regardless of his ethnicity.

05-01-16, 18:45
Obama out.


05-01-16, 18:49
I would have had the had the MSNBC people stand up and say that only on C-Span would their ratings be lower than on their regular showtimes...

Just be glad that Michelle didn't plan the menu...

26 Inf
05-01-16, 21:22
Nope, not a bit funny, delivery sucked, disjointed, and oh, did I mention, not funny?

05-01-16, 21:31
Just when I thought this clown couldn't insult the country or the office of the president any more.

Is this the presidency of the United States or an episode of The Fresh Prince?

05-01-16, 21:36
Do we really need to know what that inbred bunch of swine are up to in their off time?

05-01-16, 21:39
If you-know-whats were airplanes, then that place would have been an airport.

All the little sycophants stand and clap as required......

05-01-16, 21:45
I'll have to admit, his self comparison to Lester Holt at the expense of Lyin Brian Williams made me LOL.

05-01-16, 22:51
I didn't find him very funny.

05-02-16, 04:35
Just when I thought this clown couldn't insult the country or the office of the president any more.

Is this the presidency of the United States or an episode of The Fresh Prince?

Would you expect any less from the first Affirmative Action POTUS?

You can't make this $hit up . . .

Rapper Rick Ross’s Ankle Monitor Goes Off During Minorty Youth Empowerment Program at White House

According to the Associated Press, the “Hood Billionaire” rapper joined fellow artists Alicia Keys, Common, Nicki Minaj, Busta Rhymes, Janelle Monae, Ludacris, Chance the Rapper and others at the White House on Friday, where the group met with the president to discuss the administration’s “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative, which focuses on empowering black and Latino youth.

. . . Ross’s ankle monitor, which he must wear as a condition of his release on kidnapping and assault charges last summer, beeped loudly shortly after the president concluded a speech.

Ross was arrested in June 2015 on kidnapping, aggravated assault and aggravated battery charges after allegedly pistol-whipping a man who had been doing repair work on his house. The kidnapping charge was added after it was alleged that the man was physically prevented from leaving Ross’ house.


05-02-16, 10:04
Too much racial stuff. Purposefully thrown about to make the white people in the room uncomfortable.

I cannot wait until Obama is gone and we can stop talking about race 24/7. It is exhausting.

05-02-16, 19:11
Good thing a lot of you guys were not born when Richard Pryor was around. The guy is a comedian. The jokes were actually funny. The entire audience with the exception of about 4 or 5 people all had sticks up their asses including those at the main table. So it bombed. He would have gotten more laughs at a convent.

Man if that's all it takes to be called a racist these days I guess things are worse of than I thought they were.

The only "racist" comment was at the end after the routine when he said "Yo Barry, you did it my ******" ... and honestly what do you expect. He was still the first black POTUS even if he wasn't the rock star everyone thought he was or that he thinks he is.

05-02-16, 19:54
Good thing a lot of you guys were not born when Richard Pryor was around. The guy is a comedian. The jokes were actually funny. The entire audience with the exception of about 4 or 5 people all had sticks up their asses including those at the main table. So it bombed. He would have gotten more laughs at a convent.

Man if that's all it takes to be called a racist these days I guess things are worse of than I thought they were.

The only "racist" comment was at the end after the routine when he said "Yo Barry, you did it my ******" ... and honestly what do you expect. He was still the first black POTUS even if he wasn't the rock star everyone thought he was or that he thinks he is.

Honestly only the Lester Holt and Ben Carson stuff was funny. You can't even mention this guy and Richard Pryor in the same sentence. Richard Pryor was hilarious, so was Eddie Murphy in the early days, Paul Mooney, Robin Harris and too many others to name.

Here's the difference, they too talked about race issues but it wasn't in a pandering way that demanded acceptance because the subject of race was brought up. They also weren't as exclusionary when it came to race, it wasn't all white people this and black people that. As often as not they ridiculed differences in race, watch Eddie Murphy's SNL skit "White Like Me" as an example. It's hilarious.

With Pryor, Murphy, Mooney and Harris the jokes were for "us", they weren't divisive. Can't say the same for this guy.

05-02-16, 20:52
With Pryor, Murphy, Mooney and Harris the jokes were for "us", they weren't divisive. Can't say the same for this guy.

I understand that but Richard Pryor wasn't invited to news corespondents dinner either. That audience had a stick up it's ass the size of Florida. What are you going to do? I'm just saying in a different setting those jokes would have worked... IOW, he could go somewhere tonight and tell the Wolfe Blitzer joke AND make fun of how Wolfe looked like Mt. Rushmore and it would be funny. Same joke.

I just don't get why people are knocking this guy because he had to play to a room that a)was going to be offended no matter what and b)the subject matter he had to relate to sucks anyway -their jobs.

I'm not saying his act was funny but some jokes were good and had they laughed and gotten into it maybe he would have riffed some. That audience was not going to laugh at themselves.

IOW, the material was there. I didn't see anything offensive. I can't tell if people are pissed at Obama, the comedian, the Presidency, the jokes or what. the bottom line, for me anyway, was that the guy was in a no win situation.

With Pryor, Murphy, Mooney and Harris the jokes were for "us", they weren't divisive. Can't say the same for this guy.

Check out Richard Pryor roasting somebody. Thin skin was not going to fly. He would flat out say anything about anybody. He would have Wolfie crying for his momma and probably called him a white mf as the rest of the room was laughing/crying at teh same time.

That dinner was not an 'anything goes' type deal. They brought it on themselves with their high brow attitudes. AND.. and this is the big one... Their industry is falling apart and everyone knows it. They are so desperate to be cool and on top and are clueless.

I'm not saying the guy's show was good. It was cringe worthy. But it was his audience. It affected him too but he was in a no win situation.

I'm not comparing him to Pryor or anyone. BTW... Murphy... he couldn't take the heat when David Spade told the joke... "oh look a falling star" with EMs picture on the screen. OTOH.. Pryor made fun of setting himself on fire. So the same can be said about names in a sentence. Richard Pryor got that you laugh at anybody, even yourself. But that's all aside from this guy having to do a political dinner where no one will laugh at themselves. Even Obama's laugh you could cut and paste. He does the big smile, leans his head over and back. Same thing every time.

The whole ordeal was as fake as it gets and the comedian was hired to entertain them on their level. I've seen more lively people at a funeral.

05-02-16, 21:00
Interesting side note about this event...beyond the offensive "comedian", besides the obvious problem of the chumminess between the media and the Dems, apparently, this event is actually supposed to be a fundraiser. They do this supposedly to fund scholarships for journalism students. Turns out, only around 20% of their revenue is actually paid out in scholarships, making one AWFUL charity.

05-02-16, 22:05
I'm just not sure I've ever seen a more miserable group of people in my life. At this point, the only people who could save us from them would be comedians. Sadly, most of the DGAF who you are comedians have pretty much said it's just not worth it anymore. Or they're dead.

Can you imagine what Sam Kinnison would've said to them? It would've been epic.

05-03-16, 01:59
I'm not saying his act was funny but some jokes were good and had they laughed and gotten into it maybe he would have riffed some. That audience was not going to laugh at themselves.

I'll give you that. But it really doesn't mean he was very funny. He was ok. Maybe he'd be funny with different jokes someplace else, I don't know, never heard of the guy.

I'm not comparing him to Pryor or anyone. BTW... Murphy... he couldn't take the heat when David Spade told the joke... "oh look a falling star" with EMs picture on the screen. OTOH.. Pryor made fun of setting himself on fire. So the same can be said about names in a sentence. Richard Pryor got that you laugh at anybody, even yourself.

Eddie had some moments in his early days, but Pryor clearly led the entire pack. Without Pryor I'm not sure we'd have gotten an Eddie Murphy. Also Pryor wasn't afraid to go places and explore material that people might not get or be able to relate to. Mudbone sure as hell wasn't mainstream. I also remember Richard Pryor going off script at a Gay Rights event at the Hollywood Bowl in 1977.


05-03-16, 07:36
I'll give you that. But it really doesn't mean he was very funny. He was ok. Maybe he'd be funny with different jokes someplace else, I don't know, never heard of the guy.

Eddie had some moments in his early days, but Pryor clearly led the entire pack. Without Pryor I'm not sure we'd have gotten an Eddie Murphy. Also Pryor wasn't afraid to go places and explore material that people might not get or be able to relate to. Mudbone sure as hell wasn't mainstream. I also remember Richard Pryor going off script at a Gay Rights event at the Hollywood Bowl in 1977.


Makes you wonder what Pryor would do to the BLM movement. Some reality to what is going on in the country would be something that is lacking.

05-03-16, 08:02
I saw this on another site, it's funnier than hell. He spares no one--which is fine, but the look on the media faces is priceless. Those effing liberal bullies are always good at dishing it out, but when someone pokes at them they get all offended.

05-03-16, 14:49
I saw this on another site, it's funnier than hell. He spares no one--which is fine, but the look on the media faces is priceless. Those effing liberal bullies are always good at dishing it out, but when someone pokes at them they get all offended.

You see it every time someone being grilled by the media turns the tables. About 0.25 seconds after they do, the bobblehead says "this isn't about the media, this is about...". My response would be "Why the hell isn't it about the media? You idiots do far more damage than just about anyone else these days!" :(