View Full Version : 2016 Election Poll - Trump vs ??

05-04-16, 21:50
You either will or you won't.

Let's not kid ourselves. This is a gun forum and supposedly the 2A is a foundation cornerstone.

Hillary will try to take away your rights. Trump, who knows.

You have a decision to make. Are you in or out?

You either vote for Trump or your vote chips away at the 2A. It is your right and your choice to vote as you desire. No need to validate it. What's it going to be?

05-04-16, 22:21
Trump is not going to come for anyone's guns; Hillary will. Trump is a buffoon, but I don't think he's likely to destroy the country. If anything, he'll do nothing. Hillary will willfully destroy the country.

05-04-16, 22:25
Like I said elsewhere, take a chance jumping from a third story window vs burning alive.

That lawn looks a lot softer and less incendiary than the flame even if its a little ways down..

05-04-16, 23:02
Trump is not going to come for anyone's guns; Hillary will. Trump is a buffoon, but I don't think he's likely to destroy the country. If anything, he'll do nothing. Hillary will willfully destroy the country.

There's no way in good conscience I could vote for Hillary, because as stated above she will try her damndest to destroy our country. If I don't vote for Trump then that's giving my vote away to Hillary, so even though he's not what I consider the best choice I'll still vote for him as the lesser of the evils.

05-05-16, 00:00
Anyone but clinton.

05-05-16, 00:03
Can't believe 5 people so far are going to pick Hillary over Trump.

Stop Trump was yesterday, today is Stop Hillary. Unreal.

05-05-16, 00:26
Can't believe 5 people so far are going to pick Hillary over Trump.

Stop Trump was yesterday, today is Stop Hillary. Unreal.

PM Sent.

05-05-16, 00:37
Trump is not going to come for anyone's guns; Hillary will. Trump is a buffoon, but I don't think he's likely to destroy the country. If anything, he'll do nothing. Hillary will willfully destroy the country.

Darrell/nyeti posted this on PF.com. I agree:

"I find the guns argument with Trump amusing at best. "Hilary says she wants your guns". Well, yea...which for her is recent. On the other hand, Schummer, Reid, Pelosi have made no bones about gun control for a long time....and Trump wrote them checks. Anybody here write a check to any of those folks. Anybody know an NRA member anywhere who has funded Chuck Schummer? So let's just stop the "Trump will protect our 2nd Amendment". He has been canceling out your checks to NRA ILA for a lot of years. So, I would rather have a straight up fight with Hilary on the guns, then a compromise deal on them with the "Republican" president."

05-05-16, 07:04
So, I would rather have a straight up fight with Hilary on the guns, then a compromise deal on them with the "Republican" president."


05-05-16, 07:39
I'm not a big Trump fan, but I would never vote for HRC. My feelings about these two aside, when you look at their positions on our favorite firearms it's no-brainer...Trump

From their respective campaign sites...


* Keep military-style weapons off our streets. Military-style assault weapons do not belong on our streets. They are a danger to law enforcement and to our communities. Hillary will work to keep assault weapons off our streets and supports reinstating the assault weapons ban.



Defend The Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners

GUN AND MAGAZINE BANS. Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own.


05-05-16, 07:42
Darrell/nyeti posted this on PF.com. I agree:

"I find the guns argument with Trump amusing at best. "Hilary says she wants your guns". Well, yea...which for her is recent. On the other hand, Schummer, Reid, Pelosi have made no bones about gun control for a long time....and Trump wrote them checks. Anybody here write a check to any of those folks. Anybody know an NRA member anywhere who has funded Chuck Schummer? So let's just stop the "Trump will protect our 2nd Amendment". He has been canceling out your checks to NRA ILA for a lot of years. So, I would rather have a straight up fight with Hilary on the guns, then a compromise deal on them with the "Republican" president."

None of that matters if Killary gets three SCOTUS appointments....the left cares not about checks and balances, the role of Congress etc.

05-05-16, 08:37
Darrell/nyeti posted this on PF.com. I agree:

"I find the guns argument with Trump amusing at best. "Hilary says she wants your guns". Well, yea...which for her is recent. On the other hand, Schummer, Reid, Pelosi have made no bones about gun control for a long time....and Trump wrote them checks. Anybody here write a check to any of those folks. Anybody know an NRA member anywhere who has funded Chuck Schummer? So let's just stop the "Trump will protect our 2nd Amendment". He has been canceling out your checks to NRA ILA for a lot of years. So, I would rather have a straight up fight with Hilary on the guns, then a compromise deal on them with the "Republican" president."

Trump wasn't my guy, just to be clear. So I understand the sentiment. But why do people think if Trump DID come after guns, we would fight him any less than Hillary?

That makes no sense to me.

He is obviously better than her on the majority of other issues. If Obama couldn't get any guns banned, how would Trump be more successful?

05-05-16, 09:03
None of that matters if Killary gets three SCOTUS appointments....the left cares not about checks and balances, the role of Congress etc.

Glad to see someone else is thinking it through!

05-05-16, 09:17
Usually in my area "ABC" means "Anyone But Carolina" in regard to basketball. Here, an entirely different connotation: "Anyone but Clinton." I will vote for Trump twice if I can.

Outlander Systems
05-05-16, 09:30
Talk to ACORN. I'm pretty sure your great great great grandma can vote too, as long as it's for Clinton.

Usually in my area "ABC" means "Anyone But Carolina" in regard to basketball. Here, an entirely different connotation: "Anyone but Clinton." I will vote for Trump twice if I can.

05-05-16, 10:12
Any conservative who stays home or votes for the Hildabeast either due to their own personal butthurt due to their special snowflake candidate not winning the nomination or due to some sort of misguide ideological purity test IMO is a Benedict Arnold.

The following are facts regarding a Hillary Clinton presidency.

1.) We will see substantial challenges to the 1st Amendment due to the tyranny of political correctness
2.) 2A rights will be challenged and a highly likelihood of them being severely reduced on eliminated.
3.) Conservatism will be dead with no chance of it ever reviving due to the expansion of the Free Shit Brigade and the widespread importation and citizenship of millions of 3rd world immigrants of which 95% will vote democratic.
4.) We will see unprecedented levels of corruption from the most corrupt person ever to run for President
5.) Steady reduction in national sovereignty, Hillary Clinton is a globalist through and through.
6.) Massive increase in terrorism risk in the U.S. due to the importation of terrorists from the Middle East through the various refugee programs

05-05-16, 10:45
The fact of the matter is that either Clinton or Trump is going to be elected in November. Not voting isn't going to somehow preserve the Constitution or in any way prevent one of these two idiots from becoming president. If you don't want to vote, fine. But I don't see how not voting is doing any greater service than voting for the lesser of two evils.

05-05-16, 10:47
Any conservative who stays home or votes for the Hildabeast either due to their own personal butthurt due to their special snowflake candidate not winning the nomination or due to some sort of misguide ideological purity test IMO is a Benedict Arnold.

This, but I'll add that Trump does need to make an effort to unite the party, like Reagan did when he picked the idiot GHWB as VP. This is why I believe Marco Rubio is the guy to have for VP, I see him as the 2016 GHWB.

05-05-16, 11:02
This, but I'll add that Trump does need to make an effort to unite the party, like Reagan did when he picked the idiot GHWB as VP. This is why I believe Marco Rubio is the guy to have for VP, I see him as the 2016 GHWB.

Agreed, I think Trump is already doing this and I wouldn't be surprised if Rubio is the VP pick. Also, I think Cruz although a poor presidential candidate would be a great Supreme Court pick.

05-05-16, 12:29
The ideas floating around about "fighting the devil you know" regarding Hillary are insane. She represents the endgame -- literally, not figuratively -- for destroying the second amendment. With 100% certainty, we know a Hillary presidency will be very, very focused on effecting its death.

Trump? Yeah...not at all. He's not even close to that level. Even if you don't believe his stance has changed over the last 15 years (your ideas haven't?), he still can't be as bad as Hillary. She is the 10/10 anti-gun option. You literally cannot do worse than her. Trump, even if he turns on us, won't be as bad as her. And even then, we'll still fight him.

So you're left with, like someone said, staying in a burning building to be immolated and die, or jumping from a third story window to the ground, which may kill you, may break your legs, or maybe you'll be just fine. At least the latter option has a chance of survival, but some of you are choosing the former, 100% guaranteed option of death?

What a goddamn joke. You're not special. Your chosen candidate wasn't special. You're not making some grand gesture by allowing Hillary into office via protest vote or staying home. You're allowing the end of the 2nd Amendment to occur in your lifetime, all because a third story jump is worse than the fire escape you think you deserve, but not somehow worse than burning alive.

Get real. Get over yourself. A 6-3 liberal majority on SCOTUS and a Clinton at the helm literally means the death of the 2nd Amendment in our lifetime, and you're knowingly and willingly letting it happen. Get the hell out of here.

And this is coming from a guy who voted Ron Paul in 2008 and Gary Johnson in 2012. I get the protest vote. This is not the election to do that. When it comes to gun rights, no election in the last 20 years has been this important.

And you're sitting it out. To face 100% certain destruction. Because blah blah blah NeverTrump and all kinds of twisted rationalizations to try and equivocate him with literally our worst political enemy. Shameful.

Outlander Systems
05-05-16, 12:34

And this is coming from a guy who also voted for Paul, Johnson, Browne, etc.

Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate I've ever voted for.

Get real. Get over yourself. A 6-3 liberal majority on SCOTUS and a Clinton at the helm literally means the death of the 2nd Amendment in our lifetime, and you're knowingly and willingly letting it happen. Get the hell out of here.

And this is coming from a guy who voted Ron Paul in 2008 and Gary Johnson in 2012. I get the protest vote. This is not the election to do that. When it comes to gun rights, no election in the last 20 years has been this important.

05-05-16, 12:52
Just look at the last gubernatorial vote in VA.....

Seriously people, I struggled with trying to explain to so many people in VA that voting independent would get an extremely left leaning liberal into the govna's office. Look what happened. The independent running was funded by Bloomberg himself. Now look who is governer. VA nearly last it's CC reciprocity with most other states.(still may lose) The state capitol building no longer allows conceal carry. Amongst other issues.

Anyway, seriously. ... We are in this together. Make it count

05-05-16, 12:52
Awe, you bitches are too gullible. Of course I'm voting for Trump. I kept this going for 4 months, but watching DreadPirarateMoyer waste a whole day with a 6 paragraph post was just too much. See ya'll in Cleveland.

05-05-16, 13:24
Awe, you bitches are too gullible. Of course I'm voting for Trump. I kept this going for 4 months, but watching DreadPirarateMoyer waste a whole day with a 6 paragraph post was just too much. See ya'll in Cleveland.

Not sure if serious, but...


05-05-16, 13:28
Please no one get me wrong. I plan to have a pissy attitude on election day.
Pissier than usual

05-05-16, 14:11
"Hilary says she wants your guns". Well, yea...which for her is recent.

Um No. She is on the record as far back as 1996.


Get weapons off the streets; zero tolerance for weapons. (Sep 1996)
Tough gun control keeps guns out of wrong hands. (Jul 1999)
Congress’ failure at Littleton response inspired Senate run. (Nov 2003)
Get assault weapons & guns off the street. (Jul 2007)

05-05-16, 14:12
Yeah I'll take the d-bag over the crimal

05-05-16, 14:28
None of that matters if Killary gets three SCOTUS appointments....the left cares not about checks and balances, the role of Congress etc.


05-05-16, 14:36
During her tenure as Co-President , she wholeheartedly supported the Crime Bill which included the AWB.

So, she has an established track record.

She would LOVE to get another one passed with no sunset.

Trump, if he's smart or at least savvy, won't touch guns and just leave it a state issue.

05-05-16, 15:39
During her tenure as Co-President , she wholeheartedly supported the Crime Bill which included the AWB.

So, she has an established track record.

She would LOVE to get another one passed with no sunset.

Trump, if he's smart or at least savvy, won't touch guns and just leave it a state issue.

One of the plank's in Trump's platforms is no more gun control & push for national concealed carry reciprocity. I'm more than good with that & I fully expect he will live up to that.

05-05-16, 17:15
Not sure if serious, but...


Wow, 140 words per minute - now that is some fast think'en. I need to do some drills to get my cyclic rate up...too much time focusing on accuracy and precision.

Doc Safari
05-05-16, 17:33

Do some research into what she and her husband wanted to do to gun owners in the 1990's and you will understand that she is literally THE worst choice a gun owner could make.

Trump may or may not be another Ronald Reagan, or the country's savior, or whatever other happy horseshit you want to ascribe to him, but HE'S BETTER THAN HILLARY.


05-05-16, 17:35
Just look at the last gubernatorial vote in VA.....

Seriously people, I struggled with trying to explain to so many people in VA that voting independent would get an extremely left leaning liberal into the govna's office. Look what happened. The independent running was funded by Bloomberg himself. Now look who is governer. VA nearly last it's CC reciprocity with most other states.(still may lose) The state capitol building no longer allows conceal carry. Amongst other issues.

Anyway, seriously. ... We are in this together. Make it count

Yeah, and if I remember correctly, the split to the third party candidate equaled almost the exact amount of votes needed to edge out our current governor for a win. Nice one guys...:rolleyes:

As far as November is concerned....
"Every day we're not at war is another day we get to sharpen our hatchets."

05-05-16, 17:41

Do some research into what she and her husband wanted to do to gun owners in the 1990's and you will understand that she is literally THE worst choice a gun owner could make.

Trump may or may not be another Ronald Reagan, or the country's savior, or whatever other happy horseshit you want to ascribe to him, but HE'S BETTER THAN HILLARY.


And that is it right there.

Boba Fett v2
05-05-16, 17:56
I find it funny that you all think voting for Trump means you'll vote away problems. This is dumbest election in recorded history. Have fun debating which idiot is the best choice to lead this country. I'm out.

Doc Safari
05-05-16, 17:59
I find it funny that you all think voting for Trump means you'll vote away problems. This is dumbest election in recorded history. Have fun debating which idiot is the best choice to lead this country. I'm out.

Literally, Hillary Clinton is one notch better (maybe) than voting for Sarah Brady.

05-05-16, 18:43
I find it funny that you all think voting for Trump means you'll vote away problems. This is dumbest election in recorded history. Have fun debating which idiot is the best choice to lead this country. I'm out.
We sure could use your vote.

05-05-16, 23:03
I find it funny that you all think voting for Trump means you'll vote away problems. This is dumbest election in recorded history. Have fun debating which idiot is the best choice to lead this country. I'm out.

Well Paul Ryan stated he can't endorse Trump right now, so right there that's good news.

brushy bill
05-05-16, 23:18

And so is a road killed dog...& I'd vote for the road killed dog over Hillary too.

05-05-16, 23:30
I find it funny that you all think voting for Trump means you'll vote away problems. This is dumbest election in recorded history. Have fun debating which idiot is the best choice to lead this country. I'm out.

You're implying that Hillary isn't a problem. :rolleyes:

05-06-16, 00:25
I find it funny that you all think voting for Trump means you'll vote away problems.

No one thinks that.

05-06-16, 02:21
Ted was my guy but now its gonna be Trump. I see it this way, his sons are avid hunters and gun owners while Chelsea on the other side is doing speeches like mama bear and saying we need more gun control... I rather take my chances with Trump.

05-06-16, 03:41
Trump is my guy now. He is going to shake up the establishment and go after those hedge fund managers. Just today he named Steven Mnuchin as the Finance Chair to his campaign. Steve is fighter and patriot who helped bring credit default swaps and mortgage backed securities to the forefront of our economy while leading Goldman Sachs' mortgage division for 17 years. Most recently, he has been a hedge fund manager using George Soro's money for the start up of Dune Capitol.

05-06-16, 05:13
Im more in the anti Hillary camp that pro Trump camp. If it comes down to those two then he is for sure getting my vote. If she steps down due to the FBI investigation and Bernie takes over, I might vote 3rd party.

05-06-16, 05:23
From another POS beltway establishment

A message for my fellow Republicans: If you back Trump you will not be trusted again

Any Republican who claims that it’s better to elect Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton either lacks proper judgment, or has become so blinded by partisan ideology that they have lost objectivity.


05-06-16, 06:28
From another POS beltway establishment

A message for my fellow Republicans: If you back Trump you will not be trusted again

Any Republican who claims that it’s better to elect Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton either lacks proper judgment, or has become so blinded by partisan ideology that they have lost objectivity.


How dare you elect someone who might kick me off of the line at the trough !
F'ing Mopes.

05-06-16, 07:16
All of these Bush-ism neo-con establishment guys not backing Trump probably serves Trump well.

05-06-16, 07:39
All of these Bush-ism neo-con establishment guys not backing Trump probably serves Trump well.

I would consider the Bush folks and all of their strap hangers not endorsing Trump as one of the better reasons to look in to what Trump's plans are.
Fifty years from now, when most of us are dead and gone, I'm wondering what history books will say about the Bush legacy in the M.E.?
As of today what has this earned us other than close ties to Saudi Arabia, the very people behind funding a lot of the discord that keeps drawing us in to bad decisions and intervention in affairs that simply are not in our best interest?
Trump will now begin to get security briefings as he is the nominee, do you think he might be learning some things in those briefings that will be ammo to use against the both "D and R" Establishment?
I'm just guessing that between Trump getting these briefings, the Hacker who is talking to the FBI about getting in to Hillary's server and Bernie Sanders who wont shut up and roll over and die, Hillary is somewhere throwing some rather expensive china and screaming bloody murder.

05-06-16, 07:42
I would consider the Bush folks and all of their strap hangers not endorsing Trump as one of the better reasons to look in to what Trump's plans are.
Fifty years from now, when most of us are dead and gone, I'm wondering what history books will say about the Bush legacy in the M.E.?
As of today what has this earned us other than close ties to Saudi Arabia, the very people behind funding a lot of the discord that keeps drawing us in to bad decisions and intervention in affairs that simply are not in our best interest?
Trump will now begin to get security briefings as he is the nominee, do you think he might be learning some things in those briefings that will be ammo to use against the both "D and R" Establishment?
I'm just guessing that between Trump getting these briefings, the Hacker who is talking to the FBI about getting in to Hillary's server and Bernie Sanders who wont shut up and roll over and die, Hillary is somewhere throwing some rather expensive china and screaming bloody murder.

Well, at the least she didn't pay for the expensive china, she stole it from the WH.

But looking at the National Review, and other "conservative" media sources as they continue to bash Trump shows me two things. One, they are unwilling to accept the end of Bush-ism, and two it shows just how little influence they actually have.

05-06-16, 08:46
From another POS beltway establishment

A message for my fellow Republicans: If you back Trump you will not be trusted again

Any Republican who claims that it’s better to elect Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton either lacks proper judgment, or has become so blinded by partisan ideology that they have lost objectivity.


The GOP is Dr. Frankenstein trying to disavow the monster after they built it. Like my mom said to me, "You made this mess, you reap the consequences."

26 Inf
05-06-16, 08:52
Trump will now begin to get security briefings as he is the nominee, do you think he might be learning some things in those briefings that will be ammo to use against the both "D and R" Establishment?

Although I not using this statement in your exact context, you make a point that does not speak well of Trump: 'do you think he might be learning some things in those briefings'

I routinely sit on employment search committees. One of the questions we ask to gauge the potential of our candidate is 'What do you know about our organization?' Serious candidates, who will be committed to the work we do are able to answer beyond generalities.

Is there any evidence from his statements, early on in his campaign, or even recently, that Trump has done anything to prepare himself to DESERVE to be President? I'm not talking character here, I'm talking about knowledge of the duties and responsibility of the President. Nope NADA, zip.

I don't hate Bush as much as many of you do (KEV :rolleyes:) but I did not like many of his policies. However, I'd love to have a meal with him, on hang for a day, because like the author of the linked article said, I believed he was doing what he thought was best for the nation.

You Trump guys, even though you may not agree with much the author of the linked article wrote, can you tell me you honestly disagree with this portion:

Donald Trump’s sole motivation for seeking the presidency is Donald Trump. His careers in business, reality television, and politics have been marked by personal ambition, self-aggrandizement, and a willingness to do or say anything to achieve power, fame, or notoriety. He is exactly the kind of demagogue that our founders feared might try to seek the Presidency for his own personal gain.

Trump lacks the judgment, character, and emotional stability to be president. Given his frequent public outbursts and lack of self-restraint, the thought of Mr. Trump controlling our military and nuclear weapons is unacceptable. The GOP, which has spent decades claiming to be the party of national security, should have been the first to declare Trump unfit for the presidency.

Trump has repeatedly attacked core conservative principles such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and American leadership on the world stage. He has incited the use of violence against his detractors, called on America to commit war crimes, and suggested the possibility of civil unrest if he is denied the GOP nomination.

Mr. Trump proclaims that he’s going to make America great again, but can’t provide any realistic plans for doing so.....the few policies that Trump has articulated would make America less safe, trample upon our most fundamental rights, and appeal to the basest instincts of the American people.

Many of you who back Trump are, as I've said before, giving him the benefit of the doubt you wouldn't give anyone else. You are like the cuckholded husband who can think of many reasons to believe his wife as she explains why she didn't come home last night......

Yeah, I get it, this is M$Carbine, and most of us have the 2nd Amendment as out primary concern. I also get that the 2nd has been attacked by the Clinton's in the past, and no doubt would be under another Clinton administration. But...it survived, in fact it bounced back even stronger than before.

Despite our fondest dreams, it isn't likely that any President is going to make abolishing the NFA their primary focus. That impetus will come from the legislative branch, not the executive.

Our focus needs to be on the legislative branch, because, my friends, regardless of who wins this election we are attached to another object by an incline plane wrapped helically around an axis.

05-06-16, 08:52
From another POS beltway establishment

A message for my fellow Republicans: If you back Trump you will not be trusted again

Any Republican who claims that it’s better to elect Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton either lacks proper judgment, or has become so blinded by partisan ideology that they have lost objectivity.


Someone should remind him that he had a direct hand in creating Trump the GOP nominee. :D

05-06-16, 10:20
Although I not using this statement in your exact context, you make a point that does not speak well of Trump: 'do you think he might be learning some things in those briefings'

I routinely sit on employment search committees. One of the questions we ask to gauge the potential of our candidate is 'What do you know about our organization?' Serious candidates, who will be committed to the work we do are able to answer beyond generalities.

Is there any evidence from his statements, early on in his campaign, or even recently, that Trump has done anything to prepare himself to DESERVE to be President? I'm not talking character here, I'm talking about knowledge of the duties and responsibility of the President. Nope NADA, zip.

I don't hate Bush as much as many of you do (KEV :rolleyes:) but I did not like many of his policies. However, I'd love to have a meal with him, on hang for a day, because like the author of the linked article said, I believed he was doing what he thought was best for the nation.

You Trump guys, even though you may not agree with much the author of the linked article wrote, can you tell me you honestly disagree with this portion:

Donald Trump’s sole motivation for seeking the presidency is Donald Trump. His careers in business, reality television, and politics have been marked by personal ambition, self-aggrandizement, and a willingness to do or say anything to achieve power, fame, or notoriety. He is exactly the kind of demagogue that our founders feared might try to seek the Presidency for his own personal gain.

Trump lacks the judgment, character, and emotional stability to be president. Given his frequent public outbursts and lack of self-restraint, the thought of Mr. Trump controlling our military and nuclear weapons is unacceptable. The GOP, which has spent decades claiming to be the party of national security, should have been the first to declare Trump unfit for the presidency.

Trump has repeatedly attacked core conservative principles such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and American leadership on the world stage. He has incited the use of violence against his detractors, called on America to commit war crimes, and suggested the possibility of civil unrest if he is denied the GOP nomination.

Mr. Trump proclaims that he’s going to make America great again, but can’t provide any realistic plans for doing so.....the few policies that Trump has articulated would make America less safe, trample upon our most fundamental rights, and appeal to the basest instincts of the American people.

Many of you who back Trump are, as I've said before, giving him the benefit of the doubt you wouldn't give anyone else. You are like the cuckholded husband who can think of many reasons to believe his wife as she explains why she didn't come home last night......

Yeah, I get it, this is M$Carbine, and most of us have the 2nd Amendment as out primary concern. I also get that the 2nd has been attacked by the Clinton's in the past, and no doubt would be under another Clinton administration. But...it survived, in fact it bounced back even stronger than before.

Despite our fondest dreams, it isn't likely that any President is going to make abolishing the NFA their primary focus. That impetus will come from the legislative branch, not the executive.

Our focus needs to be on the legislative branch, because, my friends, regardless of who wins this election we are attached to another object by an incline plane wrapped helically around an axis.

Do you think that anyone whose knee jerk response to a criticism of their candidate is to call the author of the critique a piece of shit is doing that much introspection?

I mean, notice how none of the Trumpettes want to acknowledge that Trump's new Finance Chairman is a 17-year veteran of Goldman Sach's Mortgage Division who help to design the mortgage backed securities that lead to the 2008 banking crisis. He even referred to securitization as, “an extremely positive development in terms of being able to finance different parts of the economy and different businesses efficiently." Oh, and he is one of those hedge fund managers that Trump was going after, but this one got much of his start-up capital from George Soros. You...can't...make...this...shit...up.

26 Inf
05-06-16, 12:25
Do you think that anyone whose knee jerk response to a criticism of their candidate is to call the author of the critique a piece of shit is doing that much introspection?

My youthful beliefs in the essential goodness of man, requires that I spread my nuggets, even though on fallow fields.

VIP3R 237
05-06-16, 12:32
Yeah, I get it, this is M$Carbine, and most of us have the 2nd Amendment as out primary concern. I also get that the 2nd has been attacked by the Clinton's in the past, and no doubt would be under another Clinton administration. But...it survived, in fact it bounced back even stronger than before.

With for sure one, and with another 3-4 potential chief justices passing away and being replaced in the next 4 years, we absolutely can not assume that the 2nd (as well as others) will survive a Clinton presidency. We are looking at a possible worst case scenario Democrat 7-2 majority in the SCOTUS for the next 30-40 years if Hillary wins.

05-06-16, 14:34
With a Trump presidency, the 2nd has a ghost of a chance of surviving.

With 8 years of Hillary, it has almost NO chance of surviving.

Unfortunately, that is where the mushy, moderate GOP establishment has left us....with this truly shitty choice that IS still a choice but it stinks to high heaven.

05-06-16, 16:04

Let’s face it: America has been locked into a downward spiral under the permanent grip that a corrupt system has had on power. Politicians bent on reform, representing voters demanding it, arrive in Washington, D.C. only to discover the impossibility of breaking the hold on the levers of governance of lobbyists, bureaucrats, and politicians in their pockets. Washington, D.C. thrives, becoming the richest city in the country, as most of the rest of the nation stagnates and declines. Businesses discover that it is far more important to cultivate government support than to innovate. Rent-seeking becomes the path to riches.

Boba Fett v2
05-07-16, 00:10
Although I not using this statement in your exact context, you make a point that does not speak well of Trump: 'do you think he might be learning some things in those briefings'

I routinely sit on employment search committees. One of the questions we ask to gauge the potential of our candidate is 'What do you know about our organization?' Serious candidates, who will be committed to the work we do are able to answer beyond generalities.

Is there any evidence from his statements, early on in his campaign, or even recently, that Trump has done anything to prepare himself to DESERVE to be President? I'm not talking character here, I'm talking about knowledge of the duties and responsibility of the President. Nope NADA, zip.

I don't hate Bush as much as many of you do (KEV :rolleyes:) but I did not like many of his policies. However, I'd love to have a meal with him, on hang for a day, because like the author of the linked article said, I believed he was doing what he thought was best for the nation.

You Trump guys, even though you may not agree with much the author of the linked article wrote, can you tell me you honestly disagree with this portion:

Donald Trump’s sole motivation for seeking the presidency is Donald Trump. His careers in business, reality television, and politics have been marked by personal ambition, self-aggrandizement, and a willingness to do or say anything to achieve power, fame, or notoriety. He is exactly the kind of demagogue that our founders feared might try to seek the Presidency for his own personal gain.

Trump lacks the judgment, character, and emotional stability to be president. Given his frequent public outbursts and lack of self-restraint, the thought of Mr. Trump controlling our military and nuclear weapons is unacceptable. The GOP, which has spent decades claiming to be the party of national security, should have been the first to declare Trump unfit for the presidency.

Trump has repeatedly attacked core conservative principles such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and American leadership on the world stage. He has incited the use of violence against his detractors, called on America to commit war crimes, and suggested the possibility of civil unrest if he is denied the GOP nomination.

Mr. Trump proclaims that he’s going to make America great again, but can’t provide any realistic plans for doing so.....the few policies that Trump has articulated would make America less safe, trample upon our most fundamental rights, and appeal to the basest instincts of the American people.

Many of you who back Trump are, as I've said before, giving him the benefit of the doubt you wouldn't give anyone else. You are like the cuckholded husband who can think of many reasons to believe his wife as she explains why she didn't come home last night......

Yeah, I get it, this is M$Carbine, and most of us have the 2nd Amendment as out primary concern. I also get that the 2nd has been attacked by the Clinton's in the past, and no doubt would be under another Clinton administration. But...it survived, in fact it bounced back even stronger than before.

Despite our fondest dreams, it isn't likely that any President is going to make abolishing the NFA their primary focus. That impetus will come from the legislative branch, not the executive.

Our focus needs to be on the legislative branch, because, my friends, regardless of who wins this election we are attached to another object by an incline plane wrapped helically around an axis.


I can't stomach the thought of either one of these assclowns becoming the next POTUS. The 2A survived 8 years of Obama, even after Sandyhook. If there ever was a better time for our 2A rights to be attacked and revoked it would've been post-Sandyhook. If anything, I'm inclined to go with the strategy of letting the bitch win and putting up a fight for the next 4 to 8 years. I'm trying to remain optimistic here, but we really are in a position of being forced to eat a shit sandwich or shit soup.

05-07-16, 00:18

I can't stomach the thought of either one of these assclowns becoming the next POTUS. The 2A survived 8 years of Obama, even after Sandyhook. If there ever was a better time for our 2A rights to be attacked and revoked it would've been post-Sandyhook. If anything, I'm inclined to go with the strategy of letting the bitch win and putting up a fight for the next 4 to 8 years. I'm trying to remain optimistic here, but we really are in a position of being forced to eat a shit sandwich or shit soup.

The problem is, the balance of the Supreme Court wasn't at stake. The next president could end up replacing 3 to 4 judges. With Hillary, it's game over.

05-07-16, 00:36
He is exactly the kind of demagogue that our founders feared might try to seek the Presidency for his own personal gain.

Why do you imagine Hillary wants to be President? Or for that matter Cruz, Rubio, Bush or any of the others? I think the only one who would truly try to do something for the benefit of the county and the rest of us is Rand Paul and he did worse than Carson.

People go into politics for power and money, thankfully Trump already has plenty of both so that leaves him time to do other things. If you aren't there for power and money, and you don't already have it, you will quickly be destroyed by those who do or relegated to a position where you can do no harm to those who are their to gain power and money.

I don't believe Trump is going to be a public servant in the Leonidas tradition, but Leonidas might have actually been the last one to actually do that. So Trump will be a lot like Obama in some ways, he will try and do everything that he thinks is important. In Obama's case that amounted to his best effort to destroy this nation, protect radical Islam, associate with known terrorists and criminals and at the very least further the leftist / marxist / socialist agenda.

Trump thankfully has different values. Now I don't think he is Reagan incarnate but I think he actually has a view regarding things like illegal immigrants and a few other common cause issues with mainstream middle America. He's not going to address the problem of illegal immigrants and the related issues of crime, drugs and violence for "us", but he will do it because he has a problem with it. He also seems to understand basic economics better than anyone who has come along in the last few decades so he is probably the best candidate to get us out of the money mess we are currently in.

Now if you are hoping for someone who is going to champion shit the average person really doesn't care about like stopping gay marriage or banning abortion, then you are probably going to be disappointed.

I'll be happy with somebody who trims the socialist fat from the budget, brings some of those NAFTA jobs back home, leaves guns alone, stops screwing up stable governments in the Middle East simply because they are run by vicious assholes and brings home those 3,500 guys who are currently "not fighting a war."

If Trump does even half of that, it will be a dramatic improvement and well worth the price of admission.

05-07-16, 01:45

Boba Fett v2
05-07-16, 17:19

05-09-16, 20:24
