View Full Version : Mary Matalin, Republican Strategist and Pundit, Changes Political Parties

05-06-16, 09:32

“I’m not a Republican for a party or a person,” she continued. “The Libertarian Party represents those constitutional principles that I agree with.”

Mary Matalin, a high-profile political pundit and veteran strategist for the Republican Party, changed her party registration to Libertarian from Republican, she said on Thursday.

But in an interview with Bloomberg Politics, which reported on the switch, she emphasized that her decision was not connected to Donald J. Trump’s being the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

She described herself as a voter as a “provisional Trump” and a “never Hillary,” referring to the leading Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.

05-06-16, 09:35
She wasn't the first, certainly won't be the last. People are leaving the GOP in droves.

05-06-16, 09:47
There are more reasons to be disgusted with the GOP than not these days. :mad:

05-06-16, 09:57
Bet she would never admit it was her support of Bush-ism and her coziness with the other side (and many others like her) that is the real destruction of the GOP.

Outlander Systems
05-06-16, 10:31
The Republican Party committed suice.

*See also: RINO

05-06-16, 10:44
The GOP establishment has nobody else but themselves to blame for the whole mess they find themselves in right now.

Trump happened because of their lack of action after being handed two big mid term elections.

05-06-16, 11:11
The GOP establishment has nobody else but themselves to blame for the whole mess they find themselves in right now.

Trump happened because of their lack of action after being handed two big mid term elections.

It is because for all their talk of being principled, they are not. The tell us all the things we want to hear, they promise to do all the things we want them to do, but in the end, the are more worried about being liked by the media that despises. They are more interested in what the DFems tell them they need to do to get votes. And if Trump falls for the same crap, he will lose too. If picks a VP based on pandering to a certain ethnicity, or to appeal to "moderates" he will lose. If he "tones it down" to get applause from pundits, he will lose.

05-06-16, 12:06
Pressed on Thursday about why she switched political parties, Ms. Matalin told Bloomberg Politics that she was a Republican in the “Jeffersonian, Madisonian sense.”

“I’m not a Republican for a party or a person,” she continued. “The Libertarian Party represents those constitutional principles that I agree with.”

So she cites two people and then says she isn't a Republican for party or person. OK.

She reminds me of the twits in California. They mess things up and make it dysfunctional and then they escape to places like Colorado- and then they start their stupidity all over again.

Libertarian Party, or anything organized, is a fricking oxymoron. Anti-social assholes latch onto it because they basically hate people and you can never organize these people. Sure, great principles and ideas, but it has a higher rate of spouting ass-holes than a cruise ship after serving Norovirus crab cakes.

05-06-16, 12:48
My best friend wrote this last night. I agree with him 100%

Dear Establishment Republicans, Hacks, & Mouthpieces,

**** you.
Yep, I said it...
Fuh huck yuh hoo.

We the poor, unwashed conservative masses have been been trusting you douche nozzles for a long, long time and what has it gotten us??

-Nearly endless war
-A 19 Trillion deficit (BTW that's 950 semi trailers packed with $100 bills)
-The continuous exportation of jobs
-John Roberts and Milton ****ing Souter on the Supreme Court?
-22 veterans a day dying by their own hands
-The Patriot Act and the single largest expansion of the federal government

And this is just off the top of my head.

You guys have been making a comfy living milking the status quo of driving this country into the ground and WE are finally fed up.

Fed up with being talked down to. Fed up with being spoon fed your populist bullshit. Fed up with being ****ed over, over and over by people elected to carry the conservative banner.

Donald Trump is the all but coronated nominee because you clowns ****ed it up. WE the People gave you the Congress in the 2014 midterms with the express mandate of putting the brakes on the Marxist in Chief and you didn't.

Because you didn't want to, or because you were afraid. So, yay us. Our leaders are feckless sellouts and cowards. That's you John Boehner, and you Mitch McConnell, and now you Paul Ryan.

You hate Trump because he's going to embarrass you on the national stage and you know it. He's told us he can't, unlike all of you, be bought. In American Polisprudence if you're to join the club you must first be bought. Trump won't play and you can't force him to.

You know what? We really don't know if he's going to make things better, but because we're all aware of Einstein's take on insanity, we're willing to gamble on the loudmouth with the ridiculous comb-over.

Because he's not one of you.

So now what are you going to do? You assholes really going to support Hillary?? Of course you are. Because you're all in on it.

I reiterate. ****. You.

05-06-16, 13:16
My best friend wrote this last night. I agree with him 100%

Dear Establishment Republicans, Hacks, & Mouthpieces,

**** you.
Yep, I said it...
Fuh huck yuh hoo.

We the poor, unwashed conservative masses have been been trusting you douche nozzles for a long, long time and what has it gotten us??

-Nearly endless war
-A 19 Trillion deficit (BTW that's 950 semi trailers packed with $100 bills)
-The continuous exportation of jobs
-John Roberts and Milton ****ing Souter on the Supreme Court?
-22 veterans a day dying by their own hands
-The Patriot Act and the single largest expansion of the federal government

And this is just off the top of my head.

You guys have been making a comfy living milking the status quo of driving this country into the ground and WE are finally fed up.

Fed up with being talked down to. Fed up with being spoon fed your populist bullshit. Fed up with being ****ed over, over and over by people elected to carry the conservative banner.

Donald Trump is the all but coronated nominee because you clowns ****ed it up. WE the People gave you the Congress in the 2014 midterms with the express mandate of putting the brakes on the Marxist in Chief and you didn't.

Because you didn't want to, or because you were afraid. So, yay us. Our leaders are feckless sellouts and cowards. That's you John Boehner, and you Mitch McConnell, and now you Paul Ryan.

You hate Trump because he's going to embarrass you on the national stage and you know it. He's told us he can't, unlike all of you, be bought. In American Polisprudence if you're to join the club you must first be bought. Trump won't play and you can't force him to.

You know what? We really don't know if he's going to make things better, but because we're all aware of Einstein's take on insanity, we're willing to gamble on the loudmouth with the ridiculous comb-over.

Because he's not one of you.

So now what are you going to do? You assholes really going to support Hillary?? Of course you are. Because you're all in on it.

I reiterate. ****. You.

Your best friend is right. I was anti-Trump all the way until the bitter end, but the truth is the Republicans have done nothing other than lick the boots of the Democrats. The man's won the primary's, so obviously it's time to make him the face of the party moving forward. We have five months to defeat the Hildabeast so it's time to move on!

I love listening to the few RINO's (or they may be true Democrats) in this thread talk about how Hillary would be a better President. Really, how so? A career criminal with her husband, and that's what you would rather have in office than Trump? A CIC who leaves troops and ambassador without backup and then blames it on a Youtube video? That's what you idiots really want? A woman on record who wants to do away with the Second Amendment, and the possible power to put three or more Supreme Court justices on the bench to keep taking away your rights? And you all have been talking about us needing to take the blinders off...

I was hoping the Republicans would get their shit together, and really put someone out there to take the agenda we want and stand in DC and tell the Democrats to pound sand. Since the Republican party wouldn't do that, we have Trump. Which is basically the working man's big middle finger to the Boehner's, Ryan's and McConnell's and all the other RINO's out there. I find Ryan's temper tantrum over endorsing Trump hilarious as I didn't like him as Speaker in the first place. Him and his cry baby "my way or the highway" ultimatum so they could get him to take the job. The Republican party need to man up, harden the **** up, and do the job us run of the mill Republican's who voted them in to do.

I so wish the Tea Party would split from the Republican party so I could join a political party that had the same ideology as I do.

05-06-16, 14:15
As much as I would like to believe it is principle, I'm not going to hold my breath.
She's married to Skeletor, (aka James Carville) so if the two of them can share a bed, I have to ask how it could ever be about principle? You don't generally spend your life with someone who's core values allow for covering up W.J. Clintons rape charges and call yourself Conservative. Just how did she go to sleep with that Scumbag without a little of that wearing off on her over the years?
I'm guessing it is all a sham and she's been looking for the "Next Big Thing" as she sees the tides turn. Remaining relevant, means leaving the GOP about now.

I return you back to your regularly scheduled Republican bashing!

05-06-16, 14:16
So she cites two people and then says she isn't a Republican for party or person. OK.

She reminds me of the twits in California. They mess things up and make it dysfunctional and then they escape to places like Colorado- and then they start their stupidity all over again.

Libertarian Party, or anything organized, is a fricking oxymoron. Anti-social assholes latch onto it because they basically hate people and you can never organize these people. Sure, great principles and ideas, but it has a higher rate of spouting ass-holes than a cruise ship after serving Norovirus crab cakes.

That's the problem I have with the Libertarian Party. I support a lot of their positions, but there's a lot of deal breakers in their platform for me as well. The thing for me is, I'm patriotic. I'm proud to be an American. Many libertarians I know don't give a shit about the country. I also don't like an environment where apathy and selfishness are praised and hospitality and benevolence are sneered at. Also, being a Christian, I wouldn't be welcome among the militant atheists that make up a large portion of the Libertarian Party.

05-06-16, 14:31
Just because one favors the individual over the collective, that does not automatically make one selfish. Most Libertarians I know (myself included) have a very big charitable side.

Also, many Libertarians DO have a moral compass and are NOT atheists. I tend to fall in that category as well.

Maybe it is time to get to know a few....

05-06-16, 14:44
Just because one favors the individual over the collective, that does not automatically make one selfish. Most Libertarians I know (myself included) have a very big charitable side.

Also, many Libertarians DO have a moral compass and are NOT atheists. I tend to fall in that category as well.

Maybe it is time to get to know a few....

I know quite a few. WAY more than a few. I don't make my judgement based solely on Penn Jillette or Andrew Nepolitano. I'm also not saying that ALL libertarians are like that. But the large number of libertarians I've met who ARE like that simply means that I wouldn't join the Libertarian Party. I also support some positions that most libertarians would strongly disagree with.

That said, I DID vote Libertarian in the last presidential election.

05-06-16, 16:26
There is no party that will reflect every single person's positions on everything. Purity and absolute truth's are a myth. That said, I find it odd that the Speaker can't "yet" support Trump, but he can pass a 2 Trillion dollar budget by working with Obama.

What exactly does that tell you? Enough said.

Time for a new speaker.

05-06-16, 16:27
Nice to see that my views are not rare here.

I haven't supported Dems generally since, oh, about my 18th birthday. In theory I prefer Republicans, but the Republicans I support are largely, umm, theoretical. Actually we have a good number of decent state and local reps who are Republicans, in my state at least, but DC seems to corrupt absolutely.

Zero chance I'm voting for Hillary, small chance I'm voting for Trump. I'm wondering if the whole game is truly rigged and Trump is simply a dressed suit made to appeal to certain segments, with the usual old-money elites pulling the strings in the background.

05-06-16, 16:27
She wasn't the first, certainly won't be the last. People are leaving the GOP in droves.

Hope they take Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, John McCain and the entire Bush family with them.

05-06-16, 16:29
That's the problem I have with the Libertarian Party. I support a lot of their positions, but there's a lot of deal breakers in their platform for me as well. The thing for me is, I'm patriotic. I'm proud to be an American. Many libertarians I know don't give a shit about the country. I also don't like an environment where apathy and selfishness are praised and hospitality and benevolence are sneered at. Also, being a Christian, I wouldn't be welcome among the militant atheists that make up a large portion of the Libertarian Party.

Militant atheists really don't understand the basic premise of Libertarianism and should find another party.

05-06-16, 16:31
There is no party that will reflect every single person's positions on everything. Purity and absolute truth's are a myth. That said, I find it odd that the Speaker can't "yet" support Trump, but he can pass a 2 Trillion dollar budget by working with Obama.

What exactly does that tell you? Enough said.

Time for a new speaker.

I hope Trump wins and requests his resignation. Ryan didn't want the job in the first place.

05-06-16, 16:50
So we held our noses for them and at the first wiff of someone else poop, they run. Classy.

Who in their right mind thinks the Libertarians want them???

Outlander Systems
05-06-16, 16:57
They think we're all a bunch of suckers, don't they?

So we held our noses for them and at the first wiff of someone else poop, they run. Classy.

Who in their right mind thinks the Libertarians want them???

05-06-16, 16:57
My best friend wrote this last night. I agree with him 100%

{Keeping a running tally here…}
That's one beer for AK Doug for sharing this, and one case of beer for Doug's friend for putting this glorious, genius combination of words to paper.

You guy's got a favorite Brand?

05-06-16, 17:00
Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, John McCain and the entire Bush family are just the tip of the iceberg, all of those
mostly nameless, faceless Senators and Congress critters who campaigned ostensibly as Tea Party proponents
promptly forgot about all that when they arrived in Mordor.
Don't you forget, send their ass packing back to Sioux Falls where they can go back to selling insurance & auto's.

Outlander Systems
05-06-16, 17:34
Paul Ryan's little temper-tantrum/stunt today, just ensured I'll be voting for All non-incumbents.

These cockroaches just don't get it. Betrayal after betrayal. No more.

At least the Democrats actually have the honesty to say what they mean and mean what they say.

Paul Ryan just made it clear today that the Republican Party doesn't want, nor value my vote.

I'll make sure to remember that when I'm voting in November.

Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, John McCain and the entire Bush family are just the tip of the iceberg, all of those
mostly nameless, faceless Senators and Congress critters who campaigned ostensibly as Tea Party proponents
promptly forgot about all that when they arrived in Mordor.
Don't you forget, send their ass packing back to Sioux Falls where they can go back to selling insurance & auto's.

05-06-16, 18:09
....You know what? We really don't know if he's going to make things better, but because we're all aware of Einstein's take on insanity, we're willing to gamble on the loudmouth with the ridiculous comb-over....

Ladies and Gents; the 2016 presidential election in a nutshell.

I heard there was a beer fund for the author?

05-06-16, 18:25
It really doesn't matter to me beyond guns and the military and taxes. I mean, it's just too big for anybody to do anything about it now. NO SHOT.

$19T in debt? Seriously? How? What in the actual hell are they spending the money on? $3T per year in spending? Still, it's not enough? WHY NOT?

Put it into context...if you were able to live for 2000 years, and during that 2000 years you spent one million dollars per day, EVERY DAY...you STILL would be $265 billion short of ONE trillion dollars. And they spend $3T every year.

Where is the cash going?

No way we get it reeled in, folks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-06-16, 18:30
I dunno if someone else said it or I just thought it but the greatest threat to freedom is government.

It's not "mine, yours, and ours" anymore.
It's "theirs".

The arrogance of Clinton stating that it was "her turn" really does show they don't care about what you think.

Not even her supporters.

But there's nothing you can do. Any vote, or lack thereof, will be wrong this election

05-06-16, 18:30
Excuse me but is this the thread with the free pot brownies?

05-06-16, 18:57
Excuse me but is this the thread with the free pot brownies?

No but I have some iced tea with LSD.
Lemon, Sugar, and Decaf

Outlander Systems
05-06-16, 19:10
Everything...EVERYTHING they own is stolen.

Simmer on that.

I dunno if someone else said it or I just thought it but the greatest threat to freedom is government.

It's not "mine, yours, and ours" anymore.
It's "theirs".

The arrogance of Clinton stating that it was "her turn" really does show they don't care about what you think.

Not even her supporters.

But there's nothing you can do. Any vote, or lack thereof, will be wrong this election

05-06-16, 19:22
Excuse me but is this the thread with the free pot brownies?

Your lookin for the Bernie thread...

In this thread, we have pay for our pot brownies like normal people.

05-06-16, 21:59
My best friend wrote this last night. I agree with him 100%

That's simply outstanding!

05-07-16, 05:35
Militant atheists really don't understand the basic premise of Libertarianism and should find another party.

Amen to that... as an atheist, I support "freedom of religion" as strongly as I support "freedom from religion". I am not an atheist because I'm a libertarian, nor am I a libertarian because I'm an atheist.

05-07-16, 05:50
My best friend wrote this last night. I agree with him 100%

You are not the only one!

05-07-16, 10:47
I've never been a Trump fan, and I am not a fan of the Republican Establishment, but have always voted Republican more as an Anti Democrat vote. So, yes I will vote for Trump as an anti Hillary vote. That being said, unless the GOP unites, this could be the end if Hillary wins. We will be a one party country with Democrat control on the Federal level. State governments matter less and less, so the Republican governors, and legislatures will be relatively meaningless, especially when Hillary packs the SCOTUS with far left, anti 2A activist judges.

The centralized, large collective government we have on the Fed level is what the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid, but didn't anticipate the corruption of the courts. We now have royalty. A protected, elite class of politicians, and unelected government bureaucrats.

05-07-16, 11:43
That bribes people against our interests with our own money and if that is not enough cash, they print more.

What will Hillary take away from Snowden's revaluations, her getting away with Benghazi, weaponizing the IRS and EPA while avoiding any repurcusions from the email issues? She can do anything she wants, even if th GOP holds a chamber of congress. The attacks on the global,warming realists will be intense. The queer agenda on steroids and more economics from the 'intelligent design' idiots.

05-07-16, 15:22
I've never been a Trump fan, and I am not a fan of the Republican Establishment, but have always voted Republican more as an Anti Democrat vote. So, yes I will vote for Trump as an anti Hillary vote. That being said, unless the GOP unites, this could be the end if Hillary wins. We will be a one party country with Democrat control on the Federal level. State governments matter less and less, so the Republican governors, and legislatures will be relatively meaningless, especially when Hillary packs the SCOTUS with far left, anti 2A activist judges.

The centralized, large collective government we have on the Fed level is what the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid, but didn't anticipate the corruption of the courts. We now have royalty. A protected, elite class of politicians, and unelected government bureaucrats.

And that is why I voted for McCain and Romney, and was ready to vote for Cruz, even though I despised them.

Outlander Systems
05-07-16, 20:11
Nailed it.


See also: Anatomy of the Deep State (http://billmoyers.com/2014/02/21/anatomy-of-the-deep-state/)

The centralized, large collective government we have on the Fed level is what the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid, but didn't anticipate the corruption of the courts. We now have royalty. A protected, elite class of politicians, and unelected government bureaucrats.

05-07-16, 20:39
See also: Anatomy of the Deep State (http://billmoyers.com/2014/02/21/anatomy-of-the-deep-state/)

That was a good read, thank you.

Outlander Systems
05-07-16, 21:19
Absolutely. Sad truth of our world, brother.

That was a good read, thank you.