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05-09-16, 19:36
Castro is also rumored to be on short list of VP candidates for Hillary. God help us!

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy


Outlander Systems
05-09-16, 19:48
Dude, we're all ****ed:


A senior National Union of Students official has defended the organisation’s Safe Space policy by insisting that “some people have more equal rights than others.” He has denied the Orwellian nature of the phrase claiming he meant only that some had more power than others.

Castro is also rumored to be on short list of VP candidates for Hillary. God help us!

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy


05-09-16, 19:57
“One of the peculiar phenomena of our time is the renegade Liberal. Over and above the familiar Marxist claim that ‘bourgeois liberty’ is an illusion, there is now a widespread tendency to argue that one can only defend democracy by totalitarian methods. If one loves democracy, the argument runs, one must crush its enemies by no matter what means.

“And who are its enemies? It always appears that they are not only those who attack it openly and consciously, but those who ‘objectively’ endanger it by spreading mistaken doctrines. In other words, defending democracy involves destroying all independence of thought.”

05-09-16, 20:00
By hook or by crook... These people will not stop. It's been said over and over. They don't mind losing repeatedly... They just need to win once, and only then do they move on to the next step. Beginning again the cycle of losing until they've managed to win the next step. Program failed to be what they wanted it to? That's only because it wasn't tried on a grand enough scale. Just like the repeated failures of gun control. It's only failing because there isn't enough of it!!!

They'll homogenize us all into exactly what they think the world should be, one lawsuit at a time.

05-09-16, 21:09
I, for one, am glad this is happening.

Some more home invasions and murder-rapes of old white ladies might be what it takes to strip the insulation that the Starbucks Coffee Cup liberals tend to enjoy. South African style miscegnation will be an edifying experience for people.

It's awful hard to be a 'We are the World' liberal when Grandma got her head bashed in for her last 20 dollars because the 'urban youth' couldn't be troubled to find honest work.

05-09-16, 21:46
I really thought I had seen it all, but once again I am awed by the absolutely blatant racism.

If you simply switch the words, you have a hate crime.

"Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less black and [for those blacks to be] less wealthy"

And then justify that blatant racism with...“some people have more equal rights than others.”

When you don't even realize you are quoting Orwell, Stalin, etc. it's time to accept that you are fundamentally evil.

05-09-16, 21:47
I, for one, am glad this is happening.

Some more home invasions and murder-rapes of old white ladies might be what it takes to strip the insulation that the Starbucks Coffee Cup liberals tend to enjoy. South African style miscegnation will be an edifying experience for people.

It's awful hard to be a 'We are the World' liberal when Grandma got her head bashed in for her last 20 dollars because the 'urban youth' couldn't be troubled to find honest work.

Personally I wish they'd hit all the Obama voters over the head, Grandma probably didn't do anything wrong.

05-09-16, 21:58
Watch the yuppie scum start not voting Hillary when this gets more press later in the summer. No reason to start talking about it now. And this won't come in Oct., it will come in late November.

05-09-16, 22:06
There are some members here who will vote for Hillary. How many I have no idea. It's a paradox I've seen before. I refer to the situation where gun owners will vote a straight Democratic ticket. Some are union members. Others are dyed in the wool Democrats who might even be conservative. And then there are the ignorant, lame, and afflicted individuals who don't know better. Too, we can't forget girls who will vote for H because she's a girl too. H will be the next president, and we will continue to see the same poor leadership that we have seen through the combined 16 years of Bush and Obama. Unfortunately Trump as a presidential candidate(in my opinion)has little to offer. So, there we are.

05-09-16, 22:33
Personally I wish they'd hit all the Obama voters over the head, Grandma probably didn't do anything wrong.

Hurt a person, they are merely a victim. A martyr in their minds. It becomes "heroic"
Hurt someone they love, well...that takes on a new dimension.

I don't want to sound mean spirited, but most people like these do-gooders.....have never felt the agony and helplessness of not being able to do anything.

05-09-16, 22:50
When brainwashing goes wrong. Or is this what happens when you practice hypnotism in the mirror?

05-09-16, 23:43
How many of these inner city urchins are going to live next to Hilly or Julian or Barry?

A big fat zero.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-10-16, 00:44
In a professor Farnsworth accent, "Doomed I tell you! Doomed!"


05-10-16, 00:54
And this is how the DEms lose the working class. Research what happens with monkeys when another monkey gets a grape instead of a cucumber slide for a task.

05-10-16, 01:10
Hurt a person, they are merely a victim. A martyr in their minds. It becomes "heroic"
Hurt someone they love, well...that takes on a new dimension.

I don't want to sound mean spirited, but most people like these do-gooders.....have never felt the agony and helplessness of not being able to do anything.

Don't kid yourself. These people are selfish. If it happens to grandma...well "Even my GRANDMA was effected by disenfranchised youth who felt locked out of the white mans system." It will justify ever ridiculous belief they ever had. They care more about their cause than Grandma trust me. Either Grandma will have been telling them they are misguided socialist hippies for decades (in which case she deserves it and finally got what was coming) or she is an old school socialist hippie herself who has been warning of this for years and she has been vindicated through becoming a victim herself.

But wanna know what really selfish people won't tolerate? Being inconvenienced. The entire time they are being victimized they will try and explain "But I'm on your side..." and it won't matter. But when they are done being robbed, raped and victimized they probably won't feel martyred, they will be angry and betrayed and at least some of them will actually figure it out.

Either way, I just want the chickens to return to the correct roost. I honestly don't care if people learn anything from their stupidity or not.

05-10-16, 02:14
They already have it figured out, but when these thoughts rise to the conscious level, they are repressed again. Even when many are victims, they won't verbalize their feeling if doing so will bring scrutiny from their group. I'm here to tell you that if you work in education or local, state, or federal government you had best keep quiet even if your pants are on fire. Let me share a relevant example.

Once at a wedding dinner party, I was seated at the same table with three faculty members of a well known major university. I was working at an inner city high school and was asked what could be done to bring up academic levels of inner city children. I replied that these students belonged to a population that had been subsidized with free food, free medical care, free child care, parenting programs, and a large array of this and that--so much subsidy that they could be considered a custodial population. Next I pointed out the population lived in neighborhoods with high crime, that the population had a very high incarceration rate, and a very high addiction rate. Then I said that despite billons of dollars spent to improve their environment, no educational gains have been made. My conclusion was that the population has low cognitive ability and that this itself was inherited. Then I pointed out that intelligence is not inherited. What is, though, are the intricate and vast networks comprising neuro-anatomy at the cellular and bio-chemical level.

Not a single person spoke to me for the rest of the evening.

05-10-16, 04:53
Barry's War on Suburbia has been in full swing for awhile now. In fact he didn't start it and it sure won't end with him. The city I live in was sued back in '08 by a private group funded but the likes of Soros. I'll post more on that when time permits. Essentially the group sued stating that there wasn't enough "low income housing" available, that is code for "too many white people living in a prosperous low-crime community".

Where do think that Barry housed all those Dream Act OTM illegal minors? Here's a hint . . . it wasn't in Little Havana or Spanish Harlem!

Don't forget all the benevolent muslims that were fast tracked to fugee status from Syria, Iraq, etc.

And worth repeating . . .


05-10-16, 05:55
Is it an attempt to speed up violence?

05-10-16, 07:24
Castro is also rumored to be on short list of VP candidates for Hillary. God help us!

Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy


Dude, relax...it worked out just fine in Chicago. The poor people were inspired to achieve success just like the rich people whose neighborhoods they were relocated into, and the rich people benefitted from the cultural diversity.

Oh, wait....no it didn't work out. At all. But I bet we can get it right this time! :suicide:

05-10-16, 08:00
When Cabrini Green was demolished in Chicago they managed to distribute some of the former residence out amongst smaller rural Illinois towns. To think some of the smaller rural towns were ready for the influx of these residence is madness.
These former Chicago subsidized housing residence simply took the attitude, lifestyles and culture out there to the corn fields of Timbuktu with them.
I mean after all, what could go wrong?

Even in my own rural Texas town we have residence who just refuse to culturally adapt, For the most part it is about class and economics and not race.
If you give someone something and they have no concept of the value of the home, or the culture in which they now find themselves living in, there will be issues. Home values begin to fall, neighbors begin to alienate those who refuse to care for property and the SHTF.
I now have a large dumpster sitting in a driveway two blocks from my house. It is full of broken fruit trees, junked furniture and a garage door. To be honest the signs of this type of failure were evident last fall when these folks refused to water their lawns, cut the grass or pull weeds.
I'm really not sure why action wasn't taken then, certainly everyone was aware of the eventual outcome.

05-10-16, 11:35
This is what you are going to get if we do not pull together and stop Hillary from getting in office.

I know Trump is repulsive but if you want more of this and the current bathroom wars and other nonsense...stay home on election day.

05-10-16, 13:38
Meh...you're right after a bit more contemplation. Too fricking stupid and ignorant. No matter what they'll keep at it.
Liberalism is not a mental disorder. It's worse. It's a religion.

You know, it left an impression on me...this yuppie couple I had dealt with on an almost weekly basis about a decade ago.

They thought they were being trendy by buying a cheap house in a shithole ghetto. They had nice cars that got broke into, they had guys passing out drunk and high in the old shed behind the house, leaving rubbers in their sad attempt at a flower bed, or pissing on their bushes.
It finally took someone staggering over after an altercation and dropping dead in their front yard for them to move. They were like two or three houses up from a party house.

They thought they were "cool" with the boys on the block. And the boys on the block just thought they were dumbass crackers. They were never accepted and were easy targets for vandalism.

Ostensibly, they had every legal right to be there despite it being a high crime area. They had decent jobs and wanted to be home owners at a young age (mid 20s). They tried to be good neighbors but it made them look weak.

If you look weak, you get stepped on. Law of the jungle.

They were naive and fortunately it only cost them money. They got out before it cost them their lives.

There is a demographic in this country that simply will never share the value systems needed to properly function in society. They'll steal things they don't need simply to establish dominance. They will attack people just to make themselves feel better. They only understand violence. Brutality. Death.

That's all. It is all they are capable of because they are so backwards. They continue to inbreed these value systems of this sense of entitlement.

And now they are being injected next door by court order. Lucky you.

You don't make stupid kids smart by putting them in Honors courses. You just end up bringing down the worthwhile people.

Doesn't bother me anymore. I am personally looking forward to more crime, diminished quality of life, and more suffering.

It is a path to reality.

The greatest generation are all dead. They fought a world war. Millions died. They all said "You know....it's over. Every day is gravy. I'm going to marry me the girl with the biggest tits, have 10 kids, buy a house, work 8 hours a day, grow old and die".

And those ungrateful little shits they bore got on the commie bullshit and the weed. Decided to mess up a good thing. And now....now we get to see it all intentionally ruined.

And I'm loving it. I think everyone needs an extra dose of ghetto bullshit. 16 year olds standing 6'2" with kids, robbing and assaulting and keeping it real. More hipsters and yuppies beaten, raped and robbed. Their precious snowflake children beaten half to death by a granfalloon of savages in public school while administrators do nothing. Video of 50 kids stomping the guys out of someone's precious child yet "nobody seen nuffin".

Life in Hell. It's a wonderful place. You'll either harden up or rightfully die off.

26 Inf
05-10-16, 13:40
Once at a wedding dinner party, I was seated at the same table with three faculty members of a well known major university. I was working at an inner city high school and was asked what could be done to bring up academic levels of inner city children. I replied that these students belonged to a population that had been subsidized with free food, free medical care, free child care, parenting programs, and a large array of this and that--so much subsidy that they could be considered a custodial population.

Next I pointed out the population lived in neighborhoods with high crime, that the population had a very high incarceration rate, and a very high addiction rate.

Then I said that despite billons of dollars spent to improve their environment, no educational gains have been made. My conclusion was that the population has low cognitive ability and that this itself was inherited.

Then I pointed out that intelligence is not inherited. What is, though, are the intricate and vast networks comprising neuro-anatomy at the cellular and bio-chemical level.

Not a single person spoke to me for the rest of the evening.

Well, I'd have talked to you. ;) My sister is a city planner for one of the 15 most populous cities in the country. Much of what has been talked about here regarding moving folks to other areas are things that we have cussed and discussed over the table whenever we get together.

The theory is that if you move folks to better areas they will adopt the norms of the area they move into. There are a couple of things that make efforts like this a success: 1) jobs and 2) patience.

Jobs - it is ludicrous to simply move folks into another area, think upwardly mobile, without the economic means to live in the area - that translates to jobs at a rate high enough to sustain their presence. If that doesn't happen and all you are doing is moving housing projects to better areas, you are doomed to repeat the decline of the area.

Patience - change is not immediate, it is generational. Here is where I'd be talking to Williejc. This - the population has low cognitive ability and that this itself was inherited - is bullshit. What is inherited are values - from your parents, from your friends, from your surroundings. Ever heard someone say, want to know what your wife will be like - look at her mother? It is true more often than not, we inherit some things from our parents, but most behaviors are learned.

Here is where the patience comes in - the older kids from the 'ghetto' families may have already adopted traits that are not going to bring them up, but the youngest, and those yet to come, will have more opportunity for positive role models and find a way out of the mess they grew up in. In the process there will be a lot of failures, and we, as a Nation don't take a long view.

Boils down to economic opportunity. Maybe the current welfare generation wouldn't take advantage, but some of the next, and even more of the following will. Patience, patience.

I'm retiring within the next two months after 37 years at my current job. Next school year starts you can find me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, mid-morning to mid-afternoon at the second poorest elementary school in our district reading, talking, eating and recessing with a couple of kids. One kid at a time.

05-10-16, 13:53
Well, I'd have talked to you. ;) My sister is a city planner for one of the 15 most populous cities in the country. Much of what has been talked about here regarding moving folks to other areas are things that we have cussed and discussed over the table whenever we get together.

The theory is that if you move folks to better areas they will adopt the norms of the area they move into. There are a couple of things that make efforts like this a success: 1) jobs and 2) patience.

Jobs - it is ludicrous to simply move folks into another area, think upwardly mobile, without the economic means to live in the area - that translates to jobs at a rate high enough to sustain their presence. If that doesn't happen and all you are doing is moving housing projects to better areas, you are doomed to repeat the decline of the area.

Patience - change is not immediate, it is generational. Here is where I'd be talking to Williejc. This - the population has low cognitive ability and that this itself was inherited - is bullshit. What is inherited are values - from your parents, from your friends, from your surroundings. Ever heard someone say, want to know what your wife will be like - look at her mother? It is true more often than not, we inherit some things from our parents, but most behaviors are learned.

Here is where the patience comes in - the older kids from the 'ghetto' families may have already adopted traits that are not going to bring them up, but the youngest, and those yet to come, will have more opportunity for positive role models and find a way out of the mess they grew up in. In the process there will be a lot of failures, and we, as a Nation don't take a long view.

Boils down to economic opportunity. Maybe the current welfare generation wouldn't take advantage, but some of the next, and even more of the following will. Patience, patience.

I'm retiring within the next two months after 37 years at my current job. Next school year starts you can find me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, mid-morning to mid-afternoon at the second poorest elementary school in our district reading, talking, eating and recessing with a couple of kids. One kid at a time.

All nice and neat, but it doesn't work for shit. You may save a half dozen kids overall, but destroy hundreds if not thousands in the process. Yes, when you lower the bar for a whole group so dindunuffin doesn't feel bad you're destroying the group. We have spent decades and billions coddling these potential geniuses to little avail. Their success rates are the same if not worse than they were in the 60's or 70's. Sorry, but enough with the doubling down on stupid. It's time for people to assume responsibility for themselves and pay the consequences when they don't. I could honestly give a rats ass if the next Albert Einstein may come from the ghetto if it costs me a generation of average engineers to find him.

05-10-16, 13:58
If you do some research into Julio Castro and his awful twin brother, you will NOT like what you find.

You will find that the Castro brothers (appropriately named, if you ask me) are cut from the same leftist cloth as Barack Obama. they think the same, have eerily similar views and support the same policies. they are racist rabble-rousers that look at everything through the race prism. Their mother was also a leftist race-baiting activist in San Antonio that angered many people.

So yes, by not voting against Hillary...you ARE bringing about Obama 2.0.

05-10-16, 14:24
When you don't even realize you are quoting Orwell, Stalin, etc. it's time to accept that you are fundamentally evil.


05-10-16, 15:19
I think too many people watched Trading Places and thought that it was a good idea, just too small scale.

05-10-16, 15:46
I think too many people watched Trading Places and thought that it was a good idea, just too small scale.

The most realistic Trading Places episode was done on Chappelle's Show.

05-10-16, 15:51
How many of these inner city urchins are going to live next to Hilly or Julian or Barry?
A big fat zero.

And that is EXACTLY it. This is class warfare, plain and simple. It's the upper .1% using the bottom 10% to make war on the middle 50%.

05-10-16, 16:48
This was a great country.

It was born in the principle that those not born to royalty or station could still work for and strive and obtain and achieve.

Where the state could not dictate what church you went to or what the official state religion was.

It made a pretty good melting pot for guys of varying Christian sects and speaking some related romance/Germanic based twinges.

But at the end of the day,
There were all a bunch of white and part white (hey, not everyone brought a wife with them) European guys from places with laws and rules and governments that were not all that different.

And the legal system and social mores were established with that European and classic and Christian foundation.

Sure, you don't have to be C of E or Catholic, or even go to church. But you work, you respect property rights, you don't rape and murder people, etc.

We even started saying judeochristian instead of Christian because those money lending Christ killers were not really all that bad. And they prospered too.

And we got more people from other similar counties over here and kept on going,
And whether they were sheep shagging skirt wearers, drunken potatoe eaters, or greasy pasta eaters, everyone pretty much got the memo and got with the program.

And we became the dominant world super power.

We had bumps along the way.
No shining example of perfection.

But lots of people hate us for that success.
Both from within and without.

And will stop at nothing to burn it down.
If your people of your faith will never accomplish what we have,
And all that you have is because we buy your oil,
Some will want to sell us oil and plenty of others just want to take us down.

Some are here from a culture that never got built a runway, let alone got off it,
And despite every prop and opportunity will never make it as a hole,
And show every intention of eating, not just biting the hand that feeds it and want it to burn.

While a libertarian,
I am a dejected and hopeless one.
People don't want to be left alone.
They want to burn down every social more and force every way of life on you and make you pay for it.

That's why your safe neighborhood with good schools is under attack.
People want it to burn. They do not want it to exist.
It stands as yet another example that Western European culture and values, Christian social mores, hard work ,perserveance, families, and education lead to a superior way of life.

Ensure the immigration system is stacked against working, educated Europeans.

Be sure to put these immigrants where they will have the most impact.

Tax the shit out of hard work and education and success.

Ensure every movie, book, story, tv show tears down pre baby boomer progressive America.

Denounce all science, fact, and experience that says other wise.

Censure and ostracize all free speech that is not the party line.

Destroy the military.
When the all male, largely white bad ass section has not been destroyed, seek further means to ensure that falls as well.

Indoctrinate the products of the education system to feel bad to tell on being raped so the person that did it won't get deported or face charges. Unless it was not actually rape. If you got drunk and screwed a guy and your husband, CO, etc. is coming down on you you can destroy them.

Make laws to crush men when they divorce. To the point tha when they divorce a woman for getting pregnant by another man, they have to pay child support because they were married to her when she got pregnant.

Seek to destroy the second amendment and the right of self defense,
Because that is pretty all that stands in the way of sweeping changes and American transformation.

I am not sure if the perpetrators that want to burn it all down underestimate the ticking time bomb of a response that is winding up, or they want to use that response as justification to drop the hammer.

Outlander Systems
05-10-16, 16:54

05-10-16, 19:41
There are known knowns, Known unknowns & unknown unknowns...
It was determined & known years time ago.
The 4th Turning Strauss & Howe

05-10-16, 20:24
The most realistic Trading Places episode was done on Chappelle's Show.

I saw a rerun and it was in the old tv format aspect ratio. Kind of depressing.

05-11-16, 04:16
I, for one, am glad this is happening.

Some more home invasions and murder-rapes of old white ladies might be what it takes to strip the insulation that the Starbucks Coffee Cup liberals tend to enjoy. South African style miscegnation will be an edifying experience for people.

It's awful hard to be a 'We are the World' liberal when Grandma got her head bashed in for her last 20 dollars because the 'urban youth' couldn't be troubled to find honest work.

You couldn't be more wrong.

These Marxist/liberals/progressives/leftists are brain washed with their indoctrination and rhetoric.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder".

"Some people are so open minded their brains fall out".

Back story:

Amy Elizabeth Biehl (April 26, 1967 – August 25, 1993) was a white American graduate of Stanford University and an Anti-Apartheid activist in South Africa who was murdered by black Cape Town residents while a black mob shouted anti-white slurs. The four men convicted of her murder were released as part of the Truth and Reconciliation process.

As she drove a friend home to the township of Guguletu, outside Cape Town, on August 25, 1993, a black mob pulled her from the car and stabbed and stoned her to death.[2][3] The attack on the car driven by Amy Biehl was one of many incidents of general lawlessness on the NY1 road that afternoon. Bands of toyi-toying black youths threw stones at delivery vehicles and cars driven by white people. One delivery vehicle was toppled over and set alight and only the arrival of the police prevented more damage. There was evidence that some of the possessions of Amy Biehl and the passengers in her car were stolen.[4] According to Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle is Not Enough: "Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her] … burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain." (pp. 188–89.) Four people were convicted of killing her.[5]:17–18 In 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission when they stated that their actions had been politically motivated.[1]:71

Biehl's family supported the release of the men, and her father shook their hands, stating:

“ The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue ... we are here to reconcile a human life which was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Biehl

An engaging woman of 65 with a blond bob and a warm smile, she has grown exceptionally close to her daughter's killers. "Easy and Ntobeko are fascinating and I really do love them," she says. "They have given me so much."

Then of course there is this . . .

Liberal Extremist APOLOGIZES to Group of ‘Refugees’ Who Raped Her

The 24-year-old spokeswoman for the “Linksjugend Solid” (“Left-wing Youth Solid”), identified only as “Selin G.” was attacked in a parking lot just two weeks ago and although she reported the rapes to the police at the time, she now identifies with the perpetrators as a fellow “victim” of the same Germany that has welcomed immigrants by the hundreds of thousands.

The woman posted an apology on her Facebook page to the three men who raped her, blaming their actions on the “racist” atmosphere and “sexist society” in Germany, beginning the post with, “Dear male refugees, I am so sorry!”

Selin G. does not self-identify as German and her phrasing and choice of language suggest that she may be an immigrant, herself, “I wanted an open, friendly Europe. One in which I’d be happy to live and where we would both be safe. Sorry. I am so unbelievably sorry for both of us.”

While warning the three men that they are “not safe” because of anti-immigrant sentiment in Germany, invoking images of Nazi mobs, the woman vowed to “scream… I will not look on and do nothing and let it happen when racists and concerned citizens say you are the problem.”


05-11-16, 04:42
Is it an attempt to speed up violence?

Essentially the Section 8 FSA are nothing more than useful idiots to the powers at be. They will be used as "foot soldiers" to speed things up along with manipulating voting districts at large.

Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

The Strategy was first elucidated in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation magazine by a pair of radical socialist Columbia University professors, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. David Horowitz summarizes it as:

The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Their strategy to create political, financial, and social chaos that would result in revolution blended Alinsky concepts with their more aggressive efforts at bringing about a change in U.S. government. To achieve their revolutionary change, Cloward and Piven sought to use a cadre of aggressive organizers assisted by friendly news media to force a re-distribution of the nation's wealth.

By crisis, we mean a publicly visible disruption in some institutional sphere. Crisis can occur spontaneously (e.g., riots) or as the intended result of tactics of demonstration and protest which either generate institutional disruption or bring unrecognized disruption to public attention.


Outlander Systems
05-11-16, 06:16
Some of the stories Launchpad McQuack shared, remind me of the hipster couple that made the news here, when they "forgave" the dirtbags that opened fire on their infant.

Be your friend's
true friend.
Return gift for gift.
Repay laughter
with laughter again
but betrayal with treachery.

- The Havamal

We are living in a World of Wimpcraft.

05-11-16, 07:44
I am not a overly religious person, so don't take this video as me coming across that way, but this Man calls it like it is. The issue with the Hood Culture is the same as with the Islamic World. Their values are not aligned with our historic societal views. They either need to address the issues this Man calls out in the video and get with the program or we need to shut up about it and accept our fate. I do feel sorry for guys like this Pastor who are telling it like it is only to be the subject of such hate for his own people.


I hate to say it, but I can honestly understand what it must have felt like to be a person who was not down with Nazism in Germany in the mid 1930's, or someone who was not down with Communism in Russia just prior to the revolution.

Outlander Systems
05-11-16, 08:00
It's all about fostering dependence and victimhood.

You can't control the self-reliant, nor people who realize that one chooses to be a victim.

05-11-16, 10:06
"Against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." Little did we know, we'd become the enemies they made us swear to defend against. :(

05-11-16, 11:26
I don't know about you, but I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.

05-11-16, 11:41
Moose knuckle nailed it.

Those examples show the product of decades of educational and social acceptability indoctrinazation.

Only we seem to be getting the South African/Rhodesian violence at the same time as the Muslim immigrant stuff.

While you are being ridiculed and shamed commenting on a bath room law, for "who are you to say who should use what bathroom, there are way may important things to worry about you hateful , evil person"...

05-11-16, 12:06
I'd be fine with if we just went full Animal Farm, though I'd like some Soma thrown in for fun. It's the mash-up with 'Idiocracy' that tweaks me.

05-11-16, 12:23
I'd be fine with if we just went full Animal Farm,

We'd be much better off going Full Animal Mother.

05-11-16, 12:24
You're absolutely right. I shouldn't be anthropomorphizing these people with morals and value systems.

I do, however, stand by my statement that liberalism is a religion as opposed to a mental disorder.

They all have these immature, unrealistic martyr fantasies.

Shaking hands with a mob that murdered your daughter over....race relations? In another, lesser country?

If people laughed in open court about killing someone I loved, especially a child; I highly doubt that I could "be the better person"

Even after all this time, there's still a little bit of naivete in me.

But, I still hope this lot reaps the whirlwind.

I personally am at a point in life where I just don't feel like taking guff from anybody over their silly little beliefs.

I am not a Buddhist, but I subscribe to the wisest teaching of the Buddha; "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing"

05-11-16, 14:26
Moose-Knuckle's examples......................holy batshit crazy wtf. Shaking hands with the guys that stabbed and stoned your daughter to death so you can help further the cause of race relations? I have to say I would have taken the opposite approach, as in scorched earth.

05-11-16, 14:29
Moose-Knuckle's examples......................holy batshit crazy wtf. Shaking hands with the guys that stabbed and stoned your daughter to death so you can help further the cause of race relations? I have to say I would have taken the opposite approach, as in scorched earth.

Talk about ultimate betrayal. I would haunt the sh*t out of them. I hope the rest of the family disowned them.

05-11-16, 14:32
Moose-Knuckle's examples......................holy batshit crazy wtf. Shaking hands with the guys that stabbed and stoned your daughter to death so you can help further the cause of race relations? I have to say I would have taken the opposite approach, as in scorched earth.

Forgiveness is for God to meter out.

05-11-16, 15:45
I could forgive them, as soon as they were dead in my hands. I'm practical like that.

05-11-16, 16:02
I don't know about you, but I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.
Amen to that brother...

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05-11-16, 18:08
I am not a overly religious person, so don't take this video as me coming across that way, but this Man calls it like it is. The issue with the Hood Culture is the same as with the Islamic World. Their values are not aligned with our historic societal views. They either need to address the issues this Man calls out in the video and get with the program or we need to shut up about it and accept our fate. I do feel sorry for guys like this Pastor who are telling it like it is only to be the subject of such hate for his own people.

I hate to say it, but I can honestly understand what it must have felt like to be a person who was not down with Nazism in Germany in the mid 1930's, or someone who was not down with Communism in Russia just prior to the revolution.

Dr. Manning says it like it is.


05-11-16, 18:42
Only we seem to be getting the South African/Rhodesian violence at the same time as the Muslim immigrant stuff.

Having friends who fled in the dead of night to escape torture/rape/murder in the countries of their birth, South Africa and Rhodesia this book is a good look at our current situation.

Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa

Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from post-Apartheid South Africa is a polemical work anchored in history, reality, fact, and the political philosophy of classical liberalism. It is a manifesto against mass society, arguing against raw, ripe, democracy, here (in the US), there (in South Africa), and everywhere. Into the Cannibal's Pot follows Russell Kirk's contention that true freedom can be found only within the framework of a social order. It is a reminder that, however imperfect, civilized societies are fragile. They can, and will, crumble in culturally inhospitable climes. The tyranny of political correctness, so unique to the West plays a role in their near-collapse. Advanced societies don't just die; they either wither from within, or, like South Africa, are finished off by other western societies. Ilana Mercer delivers a compelling book; it is required reading for thinking people who care about the destiny of western civilization.


While you are being ridiculed and shamed commenting on a bath room law, for "who are you to say who should use what bathroom, there are way may important things to worry about you hateful , evil person"...

Accusations of being labeled a "racist", "sexist", "homophobe", "islamophobe", and the newest "transphobic" are grounded in Marxism. The tactic of attacking one's political enemies and traditionalist come straight from the Bolsheviks.

"Racist" -- A Word Invented by USSR's Leon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky, after helping Lenin to create the Soviet murder machine in which he and Trotsky killed 1 to 4 million[2] people, was removed from power and expelled from the Soviet Union in the year 1929 after losing a power struggle to become Lenin's successor to Josef Stalin. However, before fading into the pages of history, Leon Trotsky would do one last thing in 1930 that would arguably cause more damage to the West than Stalin and his successors' entire Soviet nuclear arsenal could ever have done. He would invent a word that would empower literally the most rotten, traitorous weasels within the West to redefine those loyal to their people, their cultural traditions and way of life as the worst evil, and to send the government, the education system, and the mass media on an absolute royal crusade until they themselves and virtually everyone else around them actually believe it. And this unholy creation would be repeated over and over again, bolstered by revisionist history fabricated by more of the same rotten weasels falsely portraying the white man as the sole perpetrator of slavery and genocide in the world, and this would go on and on until the West would submit via demoralization to the entire Trotskyist internationalist agenda without a single shot being fired. We can see the final stages of this playing out right now, with racial double standards having been created here in America (at the expense of American whites, of course), with the creation of "racism" and "hate speech" offenses in Europe (only targeting the indigineous population, of course), with the Canadian and Australian governments having implemented "multiculturalism" as official state policy (at the expense of the pre-existing Canadian and Australian cultures), and most of all, with the huge wave of third-world immigration into the West, supported by all Western governments (otherwise it wouldn't be happening), which is radically changing the makeup and culture of those countries, and is threatening their original populations with becoming a minority in their own countries within just a few decades.


Mauser KAR98K
05-11-16, 19:25
Orwell and Bradbury were not writing instructional manuals.

05-11-16, 19:47
Orwell and Bradbury were not writing instructional manuals.

They might as well have been for the evil scum we're up against. :(

05-12-16, 01:03
Speaking of Orwell . . .


05-13-16, 04:35
You can always count on Moose to deliver.

I shall call him...the post man.

05-14-16, 12:42
Best 10 minutes I spent all day...



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