View Full Version : Have any of you ever lost a gun?

05-10-16, 16:08
I have a decent amount of guns.

I used to have a dedicated gun, reloading room.

When I moved,
I gained lots more land and
I gained space, but lost the overall number of rooms until I get my detached shop, garage built.

I now have a locked safe in the attached garage,
One in a tack room, and one in my bedroom closet.

Vs one gun/reloading room and a mini safe in the bed room.

I had a case with two third gen S&W 10mms, lots of mags, and their holsters, etc.

I know they made it after the move,
And even a trip to the range,
But cannot find them every place I think to look.

We are still not fully moved in and organized, but damn.

05-10-16, 16:11

05-10-16, 16:17
Praise Jesus, no.

05-10-16, 16:22
Given the thread that was just locked, I hope this isn't taken as BS baiting/instigating/flaming.

But I lost a pistol while riding on a motorcycle. I was laying on the tank with my feet on the passenger pegs and when I got where I was going about 100 miles later I felt that the pocket in my jacket was super light. Immediately upon getting home I called the local Sheriff to report a lost/stolen gun...

05-10-16, 16:32
No, and if I did the only people who I would tell about would be local law enforcement.

05-10-16, 16:35
I did, but found it.

I was off roading, and got stuck in the mud. Some point while digging out my truck it fell out of the crappy uncle mikes neoprene holster I was using.

I knew I had a 50ft radius it had to be in, but was probably buried in the mud. I rented a metal detector and used my friends week wacker. Cut everything down in the 50ft diameter circle and started digging and detecting.

It was a long wet, muddy two day ordeal. I found it. What a relief!!!

Lesson learned on holsters. I will never use a holster that does not have some positive retention and is not gun model specific.

05-10-16, 16:42
Given the thread that was just locked, I hope this isn't taken as BS baiting/instigating/flaming.

But I lost a pistol while riding on a motorcycle. I was laying on the tank with my feet on the passenger pegs and when I got where I was going about 100 miles later I felt that the pocket in my jacket was super light. Immediately upon getting home I called the local Sheriff to report a lost/stolen gun...

Not trying to get in your business, Euro but was it recovered?

I know a guy who was one of the few decent bike cops ever and he always used a lanyard. Nobody made him do it and everybody thought it looked goofy but he said he didn't trust the leather safariland holster to retain his pistol if he had to drop it or crash and go in on his right side.

I personally haven't ridden a bike since I was a teenybopper but that'd be something I'd probably do if I were to ride and tote.

05-10-16, 16:52
Had one stolen from my truck last year, but never misplaced one. I'd be sick til I found it.

05-10-16, 16:54
Lost might not be the right word.

But misplaced will do for now.

The box is not in the three places I thought it was.

I have boxes in the attic and garage I have not looked in yet,

Three more car trunks,
Another tack room, etc.

All I can say is,
Never move to a house with bigger rooms but less rooms.

I have the serial numbers and receipts.

05-10-16, 17:15
Lost might not be the right word.

But misplaced will do for now.

The box is not in the three places I thought it was.

I have boxes in the attic and garage I have not looked in yet,

Three more car trunks,
Another tack room, etc.

All I can say is,
Never move to a house with bigger rooms but less rooms.

I have the serial numbers and receipts.

You can call it what you want.

05-10-16, 17:20
Not trying to get in your business, Euro but was it recovered?

I know a guy who was one of the few decent bike cops ever and he always used a lanyard. Nobody made him do it and everybody thought it looked goofy but he said he didn't trust the leather safariland holster to retain his pistol if he had to drop it or crash and go in on his right side.

I personally haven't ridden a bike since I was a teenybopper but that'd be something I'd probably do if I were to ride and tote.

It was recovered three years ago but I never got it back. There's an interesting news article about it. I'll send you a PM; I'd rather it not be on an open forum.

05-10-16, 17:32
I have never lost a gun by leaving it anywhere. However, I do have a Spikes lower stashed around the house somewhere (I hope) that isn't in the shorts drawer I thought it was.

05-10-16, 17:44
Lost a gun? No. I have found ammo, mags, and parts of guns that I didn't know I had when doing inventory though. Not as bad as a friend who when he moved and we inventoried his shit I heard the, "I didn't know I had a case of XXX." to point that I started threatening to throw cases of ammo in my truck since he didn't seem to remember owning it. I mean how many cases of black talon and match .308 can you forget buying?

I have never lost a gun by leaving it anywhere. However, I do have a Spikes lower stashed around the house somewhere (I hope) that isn't in the shorts drawer I thought it was.

Pray tell why it was being kept with your shorts? That's just odd. :confused:

05-10-16, 17:50
I lost a mag once. I'm still pissed.

05-10-16, 18:21
I saw someone lose a weapon; the ensuing hilarity caused by its recovery still makes me laugh.
In Germany the pipes are buried deep around the wash racks we used to wash the Tanks. One of our more stellar Mopes took his lanyard off of his weapon and bent over to turn the water off and kerplunk, his 1911 was now about 5 feet under water.
It being February, cold as your ex Mother in Laws heart and knowing he deserved it, we grabbed him by the ankles and lowered him in.
If you think terrorists had a tough time being water boarded, you really should have seen this guy.
We got the pistol on the third dunk.

05-10-16, 18:58
I have never lost a gun by leaving it anywhere. However, I do have a Spikes lower stashed around the house somewhere (I hope) that isn't in the shorts drawer I thought it was.

That I think is the difference between lost and misplaced. I came up with the bright idea of using a brown box as my range bag to go shooting with a buddy when he was picking me up one day. I thought the brown box was back in my gun closet. You don't realize how many small brown boxes you have around your house until you're trying to peek through all of them.

05-10-16, 19:08
I've had dreams that I found a gun that I didn't remember having and was overjoyed.....then I woke up and remembered I sold it. :(

05-10-16, 20:26
There will be a lot of guns getting lost if Hillary's elected.

05-10-16, 20:31
I have...but I didn't know I did. Was cleaning out 25 years of accumulated stuff in my shed this weekend and found an old 1917 Enfield 30-06 that I guess I forgot I owned. Amazingly it was fine after all those years. Well oiled when put there obviously. I also found a pristine copy of Sixguns by Keith.

05-10-16, 21:41
I didn't "loose" a pistol but I forgot where my CZ Shadow was in my house lol. It took quite awhile to find it. It was in my pistol bag ready to be shot but I couldn't find it for anything for a few weeks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26 Inf
05-10-16, 21:59
Pistol, smistol, I've lost my 30 oz. Yeti mug somewhere in the house and have torn the dang place up looking for it.

On the subject of lost weapons, I was rearranging the safes the other day - opened a box and said to myself, hell yeah, as I remembered I had two more lowers stashed.

05-10-16, 22:55
Pistol, smistol, I've lost my 30 oz. Yeti mug somewhere in the house and have torn the dang place up looking for it.

On the subject of lost weapons, I was rearranging the safes the other day - opened a box and said to myself, hell yeah, as I remembered I had two more lowers stashed.

Lowers are like quarters between the couch cushions.

If I'm at a gun store and I have time to kill, I pick one up.

05-11-16, 17:35
All is well.

A small safe, used for non gun valuables, I swore I had already checked twice.

http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/image_zpsewlfoh8i.jpeg (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/image_zpsewlfoh8i.jpeg.html)

26 Inf
05-11-16, 21:59
Lowers are like quarters between the couch cushions.

If I'm at a gun store and I have time to kill, I pick one up.

Well then send me a buck's worth of your spare change. I like non-attributable lowers.

Found my Yeti, just discovered that the damn thing won't fit in the cup holders of my street racer Escort.

05-11-16, 22:18
You have a 1006 with the match sights.
You have good taste.

05-12-16, 01:48
Misplaced a rimfire during one of my many moves, IIRC it was my move from a small college town to the big city with the ex-wife. I always take my arms to my parents house while everything is in transit from one place to another. That way I know where all of them are and that they are secure. Well got all moved in, new jobs, just married and forgot all about my Ruger 22/45 until one day when I wanted to shoot it. Sinking feeling but knew that it was probably at my parents. Sure enough my father had got my Ruger 22/45's case mixed in with all of his gray Ruger cases.

05-14-16, 12:28
Went to a friend's batchelor's party held at his house. About 15 guys or so......all pretty trustworthy. Everybody invited to stay over after. Place looked like a crime scene with guys all over the floor/chairs/sofas.

I was carrying a S&W 638. In the morning with sleep still in my eyes, I went to go pee and discovered my revolver wasn't in my holster (bellyband?). Hoping the stripper didn't palm the piece, I freaked out and woke a couple of guys to help search.

The gun fell out and embedded itself in the cushions of the easy chair of slept in. Like someone else posted....no generic holsters with no retaining feature for me afterwards.

05-14-16, 13:44
I freak out if I lose a detent.

Outlander Systems
05-15-16, 08:24
Sure have. Every last one of 'em.

I knew I should've listened to my buddy. I got all Boy Scout on him, and said, you never know dude:
