View Full Version : Billy Corgan on Social Justice Warriors

Boba Fett v2
05-12-16, 04:11
Although quite a lengthy watch, a very interesting discussion and, in my opinion, a great social analysis if you have time to sit through it.


"In this exclusive new interview, Billy Corgan founder of the multi-platinum band Smashing Pumpkins provides an in depth interview on the current social justice warrior movement. Where is going right, should we listen to what they are saying, and how it will eventually end."

05-12-16, 06:13
Enough screwing around with these people and trying to "have a conversation." My responses to SJW's now are more akin to these two videos. Definitely NSFW (language)

Gavin McInnes vs Coppercab (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=720BFYfRbIY)

Social Justice Warriors Get Owned (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oss7KmiHLmA)

05-12-16, 10:15
I would have never thought Billy Corgan would have those views. I totally hated his music, but I'm glad you posted this because I would not have thought he would some of the same views as I do.

05-12-16, 10:33
I don't know about appearing on Alex Jones's Show InfoWars, but, he is eloquent and has a viewpoint much in line with many folks posting here.

Alex V
05-12-16, 11:08
Never would have guessed he would have those opinions. Not in a million years.

Boba Fett v2
05-12-16, 12:22
I would have never thought Billy Corgan would have those views. I totally hated his music, but I'm glad you posted this because I would not have thought he would some of the same views as I do.

I really dig his older music from the early to mid-90s. But yeah, totally caught me by surprise. My guess is he's not alone in his line of thinking, but rather one of the few courageous enough to state his opinion publicly and not conforming to the status quo mindset of the entertainment industry as a whole.

05-12-16, 13:14
I really dig his older music from the early to mid-90s. But yeah, totally caught me by surprise. My guess is he's not alone in his line of thinking, but rather one of the few courageous enough to state his opinion publicly and not conforming to the status quo mindset of the entertainment industry as a whole.

I still don't like his music (his voice just grated me), but the man does have my respect. It's refreshing to hear someone eloquently state their position, not that the other side of the coin would even take the 36 minutes to listen to him. They'll just flip him the bird, call him an uncle Tom and move on.

05-12-16, 13:30
People think SP is moody shoegaze because of some of their MTV hits, but people used to routinely die at the mosh pits of their concerts so....I doubt Corgan really cares about the opinions of more popular artists

05-12-16, 16:39
Never would have guessed he would have those opinions. Not in a million years.


I loved the Smashing Pumpkins. Growing up in the 90's the were one of my favorite bands. I would totally of thought he was another Libtard Social Marxist. This makes me like them on a different level.

05-12-16, 17:43
Terrible interview shirt for her to wear.

"What were we talking about again?"

05-12-16, 17:54
That was a great intellectually honest discussion and worth the time investment. He even makes funny of the Bernie FSA! :) hahahahaha

05-13-16, 03:34
AND . . . Billy is from Chiraq so he's see's this shit on a daily basis.

As for Alex Jones, who else would do an interview like this? The former CIA intern now head CNN propagandist Anderson Cooper?

05-13-16, 04:41
The Smashing Pumpkins had some good songs I grew up hearing. Good stuff.