View Full Version : SS Agents on HC

05-12-16, 14:12
This rumor has been going around a long time and I do have second hand confirmation it's true: she was, and I'd assume still is, a real nasty person to work for:

“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.

“**** off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard.

Kessler writes flatteringly and critically about people in both parties. Regarding the Clintons, Kessler presents Chelsea as a model protectee who respected and appreciated her agents. He describes Bill as a difficult chief executive but an easygoing ex-president. And Kessler exposes Hillary as an epically abusive Arctic monster.

“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”

He adds: “Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.”

Kessler was an investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and has penned 19 other books. Among much more in “First Family Detail,” he reports:

 “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”

“Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House,” one former agent remembers. “She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it.”

Former agent Jeff Crane says, “Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps.” Another former member of her detail recollects, “Hillary never talked to us . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that.”

“We spent years with her,” yet another Secret Service agent notes. “She never said thank you.”

Within the White House, Hillary had a “standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another,” says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. “In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office.”

One former Secret Service agent states, “If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions.”

Hillary one day ran into a White House electrician who was changing a light bulb in the upstairs family quarters. She screamed at him, because she had demanded that all repairs be performed while the Clintons were outside the Executive Mansion.

“She caught the guy on a ladder doing the light bulb,” says Franette McCulloch, who served at that time as assistant White House pastry chef. “He was a basket case.”

White House usher Christopher B. Emery unwisely called back Barbara Bush after she phoned him for computer troubleshooting. Emery helped the former first lady twice. Consequently, Kessler reports, Hillary sacked him. The father of four stayed jobless for a year.

While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. “She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f uck did we come here for? There’s no money here.’ ”

Secret Service “agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment,” Kessler concludes. “In fact, agents say being on Hillary Clinton’s detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service.”

After studying the Secret Service and its relationships with dozens of presidents, vice presidents and their families, Ronald Kessler’s astonishment at Hillary Clinton’s inhumanity should reverberate in every American’s head.

As he told me: “No one would hire such a person to work at a McDonald’s, and yet she is being considered for president of the United States.”


05-12-16, 14:49
See...if I had guys with college degrees and automatic weapons brainwashed into taking a bullet for me and returning fire as they exfil my fat ass from the AO....

I would make sure they got mad laid on their birthdays, their kids had awesome Christmas every year, and I'd give them all positive nicknames like "mad dog", "Turbo", "killer", "Rad Chad", and "Awesome Bill"

Look at how some of our more prominent gangsta rappers treat their entourages. They set the example

05-12-16, 15:03
I would not doubt if 90% of all of that was true about Hillary. She always comes across as cold, prickly and very phony. A person you would not only dread to be around but try to avoid at all costs. Toxic, mean and nasty to the core.

She is a horrible, troglodyte of a woman and I cannot believe that so many people think that Trump cannot beat her.

05-12-16, 16:02
Just being anywhere around her must be hell. Hope she craters, big time.

05-12-16, 16:06
See...if I had guys with college degrees and automatic weapons brainwashed into taking a bullet for me and returning fire as they exfil my fat ass from the AO....

I would make sure they got mad laid on their birthdays, their kids had awesome Christmas every year, and I'd give them all positive nicknames like "mad dog", "Turbo", "killer", "Rad Chad", and "Awesome Bill"

Look at how some of our more prominent gangsta rappers treat their entourages. They set the example
Advanced degrees at that, or extensive military service.....

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Primus Pilum
05-12-16, 16:09
Those "rumors" have been floating around the DC and Fed LEO circles for 2 decades. Lots of federal protective service, Uniformed and non Uniformed SS agents have said the exact same thing.

If someone is willing to treat those who would give their lives to protect you like that, how would they treat a regular joe or someone who doesn't have something to offer them?

05-12-16, 16:44
I actually heard it first hand from a retired USSS Agent who was on her detail when Bill was in office. I worked with him in the late 90's. All you had to do was say the word "Hillary" in his presence and you'd get a profanity laced tirade that would make a Marine blush!

05-12-16, 18:10
Anyone that worked with Secret Service during the Clinton years would hear these same stories. Hill-dog was a complete bitch. Everyone wanted off the Presidential detail because of her.

05-12-16, 21:03
Want to have some fun? Ask those guys about the locked file box that she toted around, that got better security than her husband gave to the nuclear codes he misplaced.

Gee, I wonder if that had records from the Rose law firm in it? Gee, I wonder......

Primus Pilum
05-12-16, 22:21

05-12-16, 22:30
Want to have some fun? Ask those guys about the locked file box that she toted around, that got better security than her husband gave to the nuclear codes he misplaced.

Gee, I wonder if that had records from the Rose law firm in it? Gee, I wonder......

Vince fosters redrum as well. The big question I have is, would ANY SS agent take a bullet for her???? If yes, why?

05-12-16, 22:34
Nothing new for the Clintons.

Arkansas white trash that was permitted into the White House because Bush 41 was an arrogant asshole.

05-13-16, 01:01
Vince fosters redrum as well. The big question I have is, would ANY SS agent take a bullet for her???? If yes, why?
Because their honorable men and women... The real question is why do we afford such American hating scum such protection in the first place compared to a prison cell

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05-13-16, 02:26
Because their honorable men and women... The real question is why do we afford such American hating scum such protection in the first place compared to a prison cell

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Because "we the people" are greatly outnumbered by retards who vote.

05-13-16, 06:38
Hillary acted the same when Bill was governor of Arkansas. She treated the State Police who were assigned to her security, very badly. The vast majority despise her.

05-13-16, 08:26
Common knowledge with SS and HRC. I have a friend, retired Navy medical officer who was on medical staff at the White House during Clinton. He said she hated anyone in uniform, would make them leave any room she was in. He said his limited interactions with Bill were cool, her, not so much.

05-13-16, 08:43
There is one job that would be worse... Hildabeast's OB/GYN.
While not required to "take a bullet" for HRC, there are things that are worse than death.

05-13-16, 08:46
Anyone that worked with Secret Service during the Clinton years would hear these same stories. Hill-dog was a complete bitch. Everyone wanted off the Presidential detail because of her.

Which means she must have been pretty intolerable... I'm sure going around with Bill was like hooker central broken up by good Southern food and long slow runs with lots of dirty jokes and laughs.

05-13-16, 09:57
Which means she must have been pretty intolerable... I'm sure going around with Bill was like hooker central broken up by good Southern food and long slow runs with lots of dirty jokes and laughs.

As disgusting as the man is politically....he's still a horndog hillbilly. I can almost see Slick Willie telling his guys to go to the arcade or day room while he was getting day head from a fat girl and then later in the day bragging about it to his guys over moonshine and Arch Deluxes.

05-13-16, 10:22
As disgusting as the man is politically....he's still a horndog hillbilly. I can almost see Slick Willie telling his guys to go to the arcade or day room while he was getting day head from a fat girl and then later in the day bragging about it to his guys over moonshine and Arch Deluxes.

That's what I'm saying!

I would never want to be a Secret Service agent, even if it did not entail making very little money, but if I did I'd at least have to like the guy... and that has nothing to do with politics (I know... the party-owned among us can't fathom this).

Bill Clinton would probably be my #1 of living POTUS/VP.

Joe Biden would be #2. He's an idiot, but I think he'd be fun.

05-13-16, 10:31
That's what I'm saying!

I would never want to be a Secret Service agent, even if it did not entail making very little money, but if I did I'd at least have to like the guy... and that has nothing to do with politics (I know... the party-owned among us can't fathom this).

Bill Clinton would probably be my #1 of living POTUS/VP.

Joe Biden would be #2. He's an idiot, but I think he'd be fun.

I think Clinton would be a hoot. I would love to spend an evening with him. And Geo. Bush.

just a scout
05-13-16, 10:31
I had the "pleasure" of being the boss's driver to the WH, 93 or 94. We had to change out of greens into suits and ran into that cunt in the hallway. What a mean, foul mouth, nasty, vituperous cunt. She cursed at my boss for a good couple of minutes because he was polite and said good afternoon to her.

I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

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05-13-16, 10:57
I had the "pleasure" of being the boss's driver to the WH, 93 or 94. We had to change out of greens into suits and ran into that cunt in the hallway. What a mean, foul mouth, nasty, vituperous cunt. She cursed at my boss for a good couple of minutes because he was polite and said good afternoon to her.

I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

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I have heard similar stories from others, a few I know personally, so many times now, it's impossible to simply view as rumor.

05-13-16, 12:00
I have a good friend (met in 1996) who joined the USSS. In fact, I was one of the people he put down to be interviewed for his hiring process. USSS female agent came to my home for the background interview and everything.

My friend said the exact same thing regarding Hillary being a total bitch. He did say Bill is a gentleman (for what that's worth).

I lost touch with him for a bit when he got married and had a kid.

Then out of the blue one day, my friend calls me up with major marital problems, which I spent uncountable amount of hours with him over.....blah, blah, blah.

Kinda "thanked me" when we both went to Octoberfest.....all my expenses paid. Great times.

He also spoke about a few well known political people he had first hand run ins whom were total douches.

My friend is currently assigned to Bill Clinton's retired president detail in NY.

All these accounts CANNOT be a coincidence. As someone earlier stated, if you treat badly people assigned to your personal and family's protection....to take a bullet if need be.....what arrogance does she have for peons like the rest of us?? This ALONE disqualifies her as POTUS in my eyes.

I trust what my friend told me. He's non-partisan........he doesn't even vote, get that!

05-13-16, 12:08
All these accounts CANNOT be a coincidence. As someone earlier stated, if you treat badly people assigned to your personal and family's protection....to take a bullet if need be.....what arrogance does she have for peons like the rest of us?? This ALONE disqualifies her as POTUS in my eyes.

I worked in the ED, and when POTUS or the VP would come around they would close off a resuscitation/trauma room and sit a SS agent by his phone back by the room. I was around for a handful of these visits and the SS would range from very chatty to all business. On one VP visit the SS agent had been assigned to the ED was chatting, he came from one of the field offices. He had mentioned to one person once upon a time that there was a protectee (he did not name a name) for whom he would not step in front of the bullet. So, naturally, they removed him and since then he had been "in the field." I asked him if that was a 'mark against him' or something like that, he said there were actually a lot of agents who chose not to do POTUS/VP duty who could get reassigned because of issues with the protectee. I am sure he wasn't totally forthcoming and I bet tomorrow's paycheck there was far more to the story. But, he was a hoot.

05-13-16, 12:20
I worked in the ED, and when POTUS or the VP would come around they would close off a resuscitation/trauma room and sit a SS agent by his phone back by the room. I was around for a handful of these visits and the SS would range from very chatty to all business. On one VP visit the SS agent had been assigned to the ED was chatting, he came from one of the field offices. He had mentioned to one person once upon a time that there was a protectee (he did not name a name) for whom he would not step in front of the bullet. So, naturally, they removed him and since then he had been "in the field." I asked him if that was a 'mark against him' or something like that, he said there were actually a lot of agents who chose not to do POTUS/VP duty who could get reassigned because of issues with the protectee. I am sure he wasn't totally forthcoming and I bet tomorrow's paycheck there was far more to the story. But, he was a hoot.

Yep, the USSS agency is like EVERY other group/organization in the world......"its takes all kinds." There are 24/7 guys and there are your **** ups too. My friend told me about a legacy agent that they NEVER let out of the building, due to said agent being a total incompetent **** up, a physically unkempt, filthy mess. I asked why don't they fire him? My friend replied...Because of who his father is in the USSS.

05-13-16, 18:34
Those stories are old news about Hilary, so are the ones about her lesbian affairs in the Executive Mansion. One USSS agent that works at a sister agency to the one I use to work for would tell tales of her exploits and stated she got way more vagina than Bill ever did.

05-13-16, 18:40
Those stories are old news about Hilary, so are the ones about her lesbian affairs in the Executive Mansion. One USSS agent that works at a sister agency to the one I use to work for would tell tales of her exploits and stated she got way more vagina than Bill ever did.

Thanks Knuckle... I let my mind wander and I am now officially cured of any fantasies about two college cheerleaders and me... :(

05-13-16, 20:42
I think Clinton would be a hoot. I would love to spend an evening with him. And Geo. Bush.

I'd still feel compelled to shove him from a moving vehicle. Maybe in the spirit of NAFTA, Hillary can be President of Mexico.

05-13-16, 20:48
Those stories are old news about Hilary, so are the ones about her lesbian affairs in the Executive Mansion. One USSS agent that works at a sister agency to the one I use to work for would tell tales of her exploits and stated she got way more vagina than Bill ever did.

Bitch needs to back off my woman.


I always figured it would be Hillary and Reno for the regular uglies smash.

05-13-16, 20:48
I'd still feel compelled to shove him from a moving vehicle. Maybe in the spirit of NAFTA, Hillary can be President of Mexico.

Enjoying debauchery with someone isn't the same as approving of their poltics. I know some people who are morally upstanding and would trust with my last ten dollars but wouldn't necessarily want to hang out with them.

I mean....hanging with Bob Guccione or Larry Flynt would be great but I wouldn't vote for them.

05-14-16, 00:41
Enjoying debauchery with someone isn't the same as approving of their poltics. I know some people who are morally upstanding and would trust with my last ten dollars but wouldn't necessarily want to hang out with them.

I mean....hanging with Bob Guccione or Larry Flynt would be great but I wouldn't vote for them.

Larry Flynt and Bob Guccione didn't export much of our infrastructure, give hard drives full of military secrets to the Chinese or ban high capacity magazines and correct configuration rifles for 10 years.

Even though he is clearly insane, I'd roll out with Larry just for the experience. It's one thing to respect another man's differing political views, it's another to directly suffer because of them. It's the difference between a guy who "doesn't like black people" and another guy who "attacks people because they are black." I can respect the freedom of thought of the former, I want nothing to do with the latter.

Bill Clinton might be fun to party with, but I think I'd have more fun shoving him out of a moving vehicle. It just feels more right.

El Pistolero
05-14-16, 21:09
Bill Clinton might be fun to party with, but I think I'd have more fun shoving him out of a moving vehicle. It just feels more right.

This is sig line worthy.

05-14-16, 23:17
One of our family friends is a SS agent, and has told me a few of his own personal horror stories about HC.
On the other hand, he did tell me about one of his experiences with Obama that was a pleasant one. He said that when on duty, there are times when you just don't get a chance to eat, and that day, Obama's schedule was running late so all the agents were hungry. When they finally got to the airport and had boarded Air Force One, Obama made sure all the agents got fed before he himself ate.

05-14-16, 23:49
Obama would probably be alright to work for. Idk about his wife.

05-15-16, 00:09
Obama would probably be alright to work for. Idk about his wife.
Contrary to popular belief she's actually really nice I guess.

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05-15-16, 00:52
Some people confuse personality with politics.

I have biblically known girls who were to the left of Lenin, fantasized about living in USSR 2.0, and were devout atheists but were nice, friendly people.

And I've known both men and women who always had a Bush or Romney sticker or a Christian fish sticker who could very easily piss me off just by talking. They were just "better than you" types who always brought up how much they had or how they did all this and that.

Once you got past the whole "Marxism is the answer" spiel they were fun to be with, liked all the same movies, cooked, played competitive games of Mario Kart and were great in bed.

Juxtaposed with being told how I'm always going to hell, get a haircut, quit listening to devil music after snooping in my CD rack, and that because I don't go to church and tithe that I am just terrible.

Yet they vote Republican.

Shit if Obongo weren't president or in power, we'd probably joke and smoke and listen to Richard Pryor tapes.

05-15-16, 01:31
One of our family friends is a SS agent, and has told me a few of his own personal horror stories about HC.
On the other hand, he did tell me about one of his experiences with Obama that was a pleasant one. He said that when on duty, there are times when you just don't get a chance to eat, and that day, Obama's schedule was running late so all the agents were hungry. When they finally got to the airport and had boarded Air Force One, Obama made sure all the agents got fed before he himself ate.

Credit given if true, but I also have to wonder if Obama was also missing meals that day. You aren't always in the same boat with the President just because you are with the President. Now if Obama also hadn't eaten anything and said "take care of my guys first" then I will think of him as a better person.

Boba Fett v2
05-15-16, 02:00
Credit given if true, but I also have to wonder if Obama was also missing meals that day. You aren't always in the same boat with the President just because you are with the President. Now if Obama also hadn't eaten anything and said "take care of my guys first" then I will think of him as a better person.

Personal SS friend of mine says Obama and family have always treated their detail with the utmost dignity and respect. HRC? Not so much.

05-15-16, 02:40
At a wedding I attended I met a former Crew Chief of Marine Two during the Gore years, said he was never a problem and always liked to eat cereal in milk like a kid on the bird. Told me before he left that detail he palmed a fine china bowl with the Presidential Seal at the bottom as a memento.

05-15-16, 07:11
When Bill and Hillary came to Israel. I was on the Israeli side for her security, she is horrible. The way she swore at the people that were there to protect her was beyond belief.

She is the most nasty person I have ever had to be around, that wasn't in cuffs on their way to jail.

05-15-16, 18:44
Now if Obama also hadn't eaten anything and said "take care of my guys first" then I will think of him as a better person.

That was the impression i got from what he told me - he said that in his experience, obama was very good about taking care of the people around him.

05-16-16, 07:45
Personal SS friend of mine says Obama and family have always treated their detail with the utmost dignity and respect. HRC? Not so much.

Heard the same about both Bush families. I think it was Laura Bush that used to make sandwiches and cookies for the agents.

05-16-16, 07:51
Heard the same about both Bush families. I think it was Laura Bush that used to make sandwiches and cookies for the agents.

People willing to jump in front of a bullet for me could have all the sandwiches and cookies they wanted.

just a scout
05-16-16, 10:54
I got to meet the ASAC for obamas detail in butte mt when he was candidate. He told me Bill Clinton was ok, pretty nice guy but "stuff" was always happening. HRC was a flaming cunt. The Bush's were awesome and even did a bbq for the staff every time they went to Texas. Holidays were always taken care of and they knew all the names of family members of the detail. Birthdays, anniversaries, etc always got a card and a gift for kids. He was waiting to see how Obama shook out but wasn't real enthused at the time.

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05-16-16, 12:41
Likewise, I've met some security detail people who were in Waco during the Bush years. None had anything good to say about HRC.

After she is elected, she will see the opportunity for pay back to get even with real or imagined groups(and individuals)who have criticized her, and she will get away with it.

05-16-16, 15:20
You know, that will be one of the scariest things about Hillary being president. The fact that many of her actions will be revenge-motivated.

God knows what she will do but with a lapdog press...she will get away with things that even Obama has not dreamed of.

05-16-16, 15:25
You know, that will be one of the scariest things about Hillary being president. The fact that many of her actions will be revenge-motivated.

God knows what she will do but with a lapdog press...she will get away with things that even Obama has not dreamed of.

She hasn't even beaten Bernie Sanders yet, much less Trump.

PMA dude.

05-16-16, 15:29
Do you know what receiving a Lewinsky from HRC has in common with walking a tightrope across Niagara Falls? In either case you should never look down.

05-16-16, 16:07
Do you know what receiving a Lewinsky from HRC has in common with walking a tightrope across Niagara Falls? In either case you should never look down.

From what I hear, no man has to worry about that...

05-16-16, 17:04
Please keep it clean.

05-16-16, 17:07
People willing to jump in front of a bullet for me could have all the sandwiches and cookies they wanted.

No joke. I'd treat them better than any visiting dignitary. Anyone who would belittle somebody like that is fundamentally unqualified to serve the public. You can learn a lot about people by how they treat people who are in a position of service.

One easy giveaway is how they treat wait staff in a restaurant. I've been able to fine tune opinions of people I know based upon how they treat servers.

05-16-16, 18:08
No joke. I'd treat them better than any visiting dignitary. Anyone who would belittle somebody like that is fundamentally unqualified to serve the public. You can learn a lot about people by how they treat people who are in a position of service.

One easy giveaway is how they treat wait staff in a restaurant. I've been able to fine tune opinions of people I know based upon how they treat servers.

I've never understood the logic of being rude or imperious to someone who's about to handle my food...while out of my view.

I damned sure don't understand taking that attitude with people who are protecting me...especially if I were a universally disliked person.

05-16-16, 18:40
See...if I had guys with college degrees and automatic weapons brainwashed into taking a bullet for me and returning fire as they exfil my fat ass from the AO....

I would make sure they got mad laid on their birthdays, their kids had awesome Christmas every year, and I'd give them all positive nicknames like "mad dog", "Turbo", "killer", "Rad Chad", and "Awesome Bill"

Look at how some of our more prominent gangsta rappers treat their entourages. They set the example

So much win here. So much win.

05-16-16, 18:45
No joke. I'd treat them better than any visiting dignitary. Anyone who would belittle somebody like that is fundamentally unqualified to serve the public. You can learn a lot about people by how they treat people who are in a position of service.

One easy giveaway is how they treat wait staff in a restaurant. I've been able to fine tune opinions of people I know based upon how they treat servers.

That's a key litmus test right there, and I have been with seemingly normal people who treated wait staff like chit, and it's an instant and permanent black mark on their character for me.

05-16-16, 19:35
That's a key litmus test right there, and I have been with seemingly normal people who treated wait staff like chit, and it's an instant and permanent black mark on their character for me.

Totally agree.

05-16-16, 21:40
That's a key litmus test right there, and I have been with seemingly normal people who treated wait staff like chit, and it's an instant and permanent black mark on their character for me.

Yeah, there are some people I was "friendly" with and I had to stop accepting invitations to go out to dinner with them because they were so bad I didn't want to be seated at the same table with them.

05-16-16, 22:14
You can also learn a lot about someone by talking to their admin assistant.

05-17-16, 02:04
You can learn a lot about people by how they treat people who are in a position of service.

One easy giveaway is how they treat wait staff in a restaurant. I've been able to fine tune opinions of people I know based upon how they treat servers.


Had a buddy back in college who came from a wealthy family. His family paid for his tuition, books, rent, car, everything but in order for them to do that they made him hold down a full time job working retail as a sales clerk. He told me one time that his grandfather who founded the family business and was a multi-millionaire had an interview process like no one else. He would take potential new employees on a tour of the plant/warehouse and would prearrange for some trash to be on the ground in close proximity to a garbage can. If said applicant(s) did not bother to stop, pickup, and throw away the trash (typically a wadded up piece of paper) they wouldn't get hired.

I read a story a year or so ago about a Fortune 500 CEO who would take potential hires (management level) out to lunch during their interview phase. He would have the wait staff of the restaurant on board and set up ahead a time various scenarios. Things like screwing up the candidate's drink order, serving the wrong entree, or spilling a drink on them. If they reacted with disgust and anger they were not hired. It afforded him the opportunity to see their true colors.

For awhile now on FB I've seen memes that say; "I was raised to treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO".

The "golden rule" and all that.

05-17-16, 08:13
Yeah, there are some people I was "friendly" with and I had to stop accepting invitations to go out to dinner with them because they were so bad I didn't want to be seated at the same table with them.

It's sad, and impossible to tell who will turn into "that person" who goes from seemingly normal to total DBs to wait staff etc. Parents of a GF I had were awful and I avoided going out to dinner with them. I even tipped the waiter on the side a few times on my own with a "I'm not really with these people" kinda comment. Had a few friends pull that BS, and had to tell them I was not going to be able to eat out with them if they kept that up. It's a very strange behavioral behavior and some psychologist needs to study some day, no doubt giving it a "syndrome" status for which some med will be required ;)

05-17-16, 11:40
It's sad, and impossible to tell who will turn into "that person" who goes from seemingly normal to total DBs to wait staff etc. Parents of a GF I had were awful and I avoided going out to dinner with them. I even tipped the waiter on the side a few times on my own with a "I'm not really with these people" kinda comment. Had a few friends pull that BS, and had to tell them I was not going to be able to eat out with them if they kept that up. It's a very strange behavioral behavior and some psychologist needs to study some day, no doubt giving it a "syndrome" status for which some med will be required ;)

I tried to start down that road until it became obvious they had no idea what I was talking about and didn't understand they did anything wrong. I guess that's how their parents acted.

05-17-16, 11:58
I never treat waitstaff or "the help" badly. We were raised to treat them with respect because many times they were working for little money and their jobs were hard enough to begin with.

The waiter mess up my drink order? Again...I don't go off on them and many times I don't say anything. Maybe they are having a bad time - a relative or spouse died or is sick or some other bad thing is weighing on their mind that day. Haven't we all been there?

If service is bad...I just tip lightly and don't go back. One time, on a fairly hefty lunch tab, the waitress had such a bad attitude, I left 4 quarters as a tip. Basically to send her a message for her shitty attitude. If you hate the job, please find another and don't subject everyone else to your crabby personality...ok?

But yes, as a rule, I too look down on those that treat waitstaff, maintenance workers and other helpers like dirt. There is just no excuse for that.

05-17-16, 17:19
But yes, as a rule, I too look down on those that treat waitstaff, maintenance workers and other helpers like dirt. There is just no excuse for that.
I think people forget it takes all the jobs getting done for a business to prosper. If the warehouse worker doesn't sling packages, it doesn't matter how good the website is.

Outlander Systems
05-17-16, 17:57
If you want to see someone's character, take them out for a sit-down meal.

That's when it AAAAAALL comes out.

05-17-16, 18:14
I wish there were a way to articulate just how awful a person HRC is to the general public. From what I've heard, Trump is actually a fair guy to work for.

Food for thought.

05-18-16, 00:04

Had a buddy back in college who came from a wealthy family. His family paid for his tuition, books, rent, car, everything but in order for them to do that they made him hold down a full time job working retail as a sales clerk. He told me one time that his grandfather who founded the family business and was a multi-millionaire had an interview process like no one else. He would take potential new employees on a tour of the plant/warehouse and would prearrange for some trash to be on the ground in close proximity to a garbage can. If said applicant(s) did not bother to stop, pickup, and throw away the trash (typically a wadded up piece of paper) they wouldn't get hired.

I read a story a year or so ago about a Fortune 500 CEO who would take potential hires (management level) out to lunch during their interview phase. He would have the wait staff of the restaurant on board and set up ahead a time various scenarios. Things like screwing up the candidate's drink order, serving the wrong entree, or spilling a drink on them. If they reacted with disgust and anger they were not hired. It afforded him the opportunity to see their true colors.

For awhile now on FB I've seen memes that say; "I was raised to treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO".

The "golden rule" and all that.

I have, in effect, fired vendors to my business for inappropriate treatment of wait staff while at business lunches and dinners. It's happened three times in twenty years. The biggest one was a primary vendor to my business to the tune of $500K per year in purchases and it was the CEO of the company that was so bad I sent them packing.

05-18-16, 04:06
... From what I've heard, Trump is actually a fair guy to work for...

That wouldn't surprise me. As a career LEO, the few truly wealthy people I've met have been the nicest people to interact with.

05-18-16, 04:23
Can't find it now, but there was a cell video of Trump taking the time out to shake the hands of all the LEOs on the tarmac where his plane was parked.

05-18-16, 12:02
Trump has HAD to be nice to workers and those guarding him. They don't HAVE to be there for him.

Hillary? Well..those guys are required to be there and the one SS agent that wrote that tell-all book, said the being put on Hillary's watch was seen as a form of punishment! LOL

05-18-16, 12:31
Trump has HAD to be nice to workers and those guarding him. They don't HAVE to be there for him.

I don't agree. Lots of people doing SD work who can't stand the people they work for but it pays the bills, part of some contract, etc. Trump it doing because he's a good guy like that who respects the people taking care of him, and or, he knows it makes him seem like a "regular" guy and all that. But, having a total dink for a client is very common and most grin and bear it it appears. I have some buddies who do that work in places like Hollywood, NYC, Miami, etc and they got some stories... ;)

I'm sure others here in the know can confirm.

Hillary? Well..those guys are required to be there and the one SS agent that wrote that tell-all book, said the being put on Hillary's watch was seen as a form of punishment! LOL

By all accounts, she's nasty bit of work.

05-18-16, 14:01
Trump has HAD to be nice to workers and those guarding him. They don't HAVE to be there for him.

Hillary? Well..those guys are required to be there and the one SS agent that wrote that tell-all book, said the being put on Hillary's watch was seen as a form of punishment! LOL
Trump's really good.

As for the book I assume your referencing Bongino's? Don't believe everything you read. Same with the Kessler books.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-18-16, 15:15
That wouldn't surprise me. As a career LEO, the few truly wealthy people I've met have been the nicest people to interact with.

Not a LEO, but this is my experience as well. Ruthless with their peers when warranted, but very gracious to those in their employ and service staff.

The man who founded the company I work for is super wealthy now. Came from what would typically be abject poverty. Always treated us first class...Christmas parties, company cookouts twice a year, massive bonuses, etc. he expected a lot from us, and made sure we knew he appreciated it.

When he sold the company, he paid out millions to the employees, on a graduating scale that included time employed and employment level. Almost all of us received well into five figures, and several well into six. Just to show us he appreciated our effort and loyalty. This is all the more impressive considering we have over 600 employees.

05-18-16, 15:25
Trump has HAD to be nice to workers and those guarding him. They don't HAVE to be there for him.

Hillary? Well..those guys are required to be there and the one SS agent that wrote that tell-all book, said the being put on Hillary's watch was seen as a form of punishment! LOL

Trump has his own private army of PSDs and USSS protects all presidential candidates.

05-18-16, 18:41
Fourthing this.

I helped do security for some wealthy, famous folks while they were doing what they do some years back for a week as a part time job.

I got paid more than they initially offered and got a priceless hug and kiss on the cheek when they were done.

Nobody else would've ever known. Everybody was a class act. "Don't call me sir/ma'am, call me (real first name)"

The only horror stories I've heard were about Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry (both were openly racist) and when he did one of his last Matlocks, apparently Andy Griffith was a total bastard.

But these people (whom I won't name out of respect), you'd think they'd be snotty, but no. They offered food, anything, and if they wrapped early, I still got full day's pay. And they always made it a point to learn my first name and say "hi" and "good night, thanks for keeping an eye on us"

05-18-16, 18:53
But these people (whom I won't name out of respect), you'd think they'd be snotty, but no. They offered food, anything, and if they wrapped early, I still got full day's pay. And they always made it a point to learn my first name and say "hi" and "good night, thanks for keeping an eye on us"

Damn man, you never told us you worked the set of The Walking Dead! :ph34r:

05-18-16, 18:59
Damn man, you never told us you worked the set of The Walking Dead! :ph34r:

Ssh ;)

05-19-16, 07:14
The only horror stories I've heard were about Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry (both were openly racist) and when he did one of his last Matlocks, apparently Andy Griffith was a total bastard.

I have some very weird connections. He taught my mother in high school, he and I were in same fraternity, and I had a professor in college that roomed with him at UNC. And yes, all of the stories are true, he was an asshole. Apparently he mellowed quite a bit the last couple years but was very reclusive even till the end.

My only connection with celebrity comes from the medical field, and as such patient confidentiality prohibits me from mentioning any names. I will say of the few celebrities with whom I have had any meaningful contact, I have been very surprised at how nice and kind they have been. There have been some actors, five I think, a couple well-known musicians, maybe five professional athletes, and a professional sports coach. When I have to call them in the course of my job, they all answered their phones....very weird..."Good morning, this is Charles calling from ********, may I please speak to *******?" "Yes, speaking...."

06-02-16, 19:34
Very good, long interview with Ron Kessler, who has written a book about the secret service presidential detail:


26 Inf
06-02-16, 20:23
Based on this thread I ran down to the library and checked out 3 of Kessler's books. Got them home and started to read them by copyright dates. The first one was The Terrorist Watch: Inside the Desperate Race to Stop the Next Attack. Kessler is such a breathless fanboy of all things Bush and the FBI, etc. that it was really distracting from the subject matter. I forced myself to finish it and took the others back without even opening them. As much as I wanted to read the details of Hilary's love fests with nubile young coeds snatched from Bill's hands, I couldn't bear to read anymore of Kessler's writing.

06-02-16, 21:06
I remember reading a similar story about the Arkansas State Troopers who were assigned to protect her when Bill was Governor.

On a side note, a buddy of mine is a State Dept. DSS Agent, and did some time on the protective detail for Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. He said the Secret Service handled most of the "in-close" protective detail stuff, but the DSS would always accompany anytime she traveled as Secretary. The handful of stories he has relayed to me are pretty much in line with everything else that's been said; i.e. she's the anti-christ.

06-05-16, 01:57
A new tell all book . . .

Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate
