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05-13-16, 06:29

I just had to have the conversation, with my 10 and 12 year old boys, that they need to be prepared for a "girl" to walk into the restroom or locker room. Needless to say, they were a bit confused...
We discussed a few different scenarios, answered some questions, ranted a little, and ended in agreement that they will not walk into a girls bathroom or locker room because they have penises and therefore they will use the mens facilities.
I told them that if a girl does in fact walk in they need to tell teachers and administrators that it made them feel very uncomfortable!

We also ended in agreement that stupid hurts...

05-13-16, 06:41
I know for a fact if I was in high school I would show up to gym class today demanding to be let into the girls locker room.

For. A. Fact.

05-13-16, 06:43
Everything the leftists do has little or nothing to do with their stated goals, it is actually about tearing down any standards, traditions, and values.

05-13-16, 07:07
In all seriousness, what is to stop someone from identifying as female and just going into the bathroom because the girl who went in there looked cute?

How will this affect changing rooms for public pools? What about elementary school aged summer camps?

I haven't seen this discussed anywhere. Can a 50 year old male janitor use the women's locker room when a bunch of 8 year old girls are changing? And there is nothing the business owner/girls/parents can do about a creepy ass cracker just standing in the bathroom watching all the girls?

No doubt the first business to kick said CAC out will be sued...

ETA: From the AP report on the Administration's "directive"

There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive.

Now I understand that only applies to public schools, but when it doesn't...wow

05-13-16, 07:27
It is designed to further destabilize society and this has been planned. A local school in my area has decided to install a bathroom for both sexes. It will be called the "sex" bathroom. Lol. No not kidding at all.

05-13-16, 07:28
In all seriousness, what is to stop someone from identifying as female and just going into the bathroom because the girl who went in there looked cute?

How will this affect changing rooms for public pools? What about elementary school aged summer camps?

I haven't seen this discussed anywhere. Can a 50 year old male janitor use the women's locker room when a bunch of 8 year old girls are changing? And there is nothing the business owner/girls/parents can do about a creepy ass cracker just standing in the bathroom watching all the girls?

No doubt the first business to kick said CAC out will be sued...

ETA: From the AP report on the Administration's "directive"

Now I understand that only applies to public schools, but when it doesn't...wow

It doesn't only apply to public schools. Title IX is just one of many fed rules that mandate equality. In this instance the equality of some is greater than that of others.

05-13-16, 07:33
Cake, part II.

The next step is that the tranny's will start sending people in the bathrooms and if you complain or a business Throws you out, you'll be slapped with a discrimination lawsuit. Just like the gays with the wedding cakes. It's not that they want cakes, they wanted to press their issue.

I saw that 60% of people polled are for this craziness. That shit all stops when the predators started to take advantage of this.

05-13-16, 07:56
Cake, part II.
I saw that 60% of people polled are for this craziness. That shit all stops when the predators started to take advantage of this.

Which isn't an issue if your Daughters have S.S. escorts wherever they go.
Now if someone in drag decided to follow one of them in to the bathroom and get all weird with some sort of sickness, I'm guessing the S.S. would react. Your kid, well unless you follow them in, not so much.

05-13-16, 08:22
In all seriousness, what is to stop someone from identifying as female and just going into the bathroom because the girl who went in there looked cute?

How will this affect changing rooms for public pools? What about elementary school aged summer camps?

I haven't seen this discussed anywhere. Can a 50 year old male janitor use the women's locker room when a bunch of 8 year old girls are changing? And there is nothing the business owner/girls/parents can do about a creepy ass cracker just standing in the bathroom watching all the girls?

No doubt the first business to kick said CAC out will be sued...

ETA: From the AP report on the Administration's "directive"

Now I understand that only applies to public schools, but when it doesn't...wow

Yes, and it get's worse (like, how can it??):


Where do we draw a line at self-identity?


It's OK to self-identify as an opposite sex, or a different race/ethnicity, but clearly as one pushes boundaries a line WILL appear.

05-13-16, 08:24
It is a directive from the King! What a POS! Is there a legal definition of a Transgender?

Would love to have a few boys at Sidwell Friends School walk into the locker room, when one or both the King's daughters are taking a shower.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 08:25
This. Fundamental transformation.

Black is white. Up is down. Sick is "normal." Good is evil.

This is a mind**** of epic proportions. A PSYOP on a massive scale, for which, you, and your family, are the intended targets.

If I self-identify as a cat, can I shit in a litter box?

Everyone's talking about SHTF?

You're witnessing cultural collapse.

It is designed to further destabilize society and this has been planned. A local school in my area has decided to install a bathroom for both sexes. It will be called the "sex" bathroom. Lol. No not kidding at all.

05-13-16, 09:19
These are symptoms of a larger problem.
We have an identity crisis in this country.
We can't be winners because that means we are arrogant bullies.
We can't give up because apparently we owe the world.
We can't rear men because men are horny savages.
If a woman isn't a militant feminist then she is a sellout.
A child has to be exposed to things beyond his reasoning ability to please adults who, in the long term, have no great signifince in his life.

Because people have found a way to profit from long term activism. It is a full time occupation. It will never be enough.

To push a narrative that frustrates most people.
But they stay silent because they get shouted down so vehemently and are attacked so viciously so as to jeopardize their livelihoods.

So they just grit and bear it. Pretend it's not there. But it
will absolutely never stop. They will not leave you alone. Not at your job, your home, or anywhere.

And tgey have perverted the concept of free speech. Part of Free Speech is the right of people to ignore you and your horseshit.

You can make a movie, publish an essay, publish a book, sing a song, hold a lecture, and assemble peacefully.

And people have every right to totally ignore you and wipe their ass with your little opinions.

So...they raid libraries, start riots, obstruct day to day life, and scream in your face with bullhorns.

Which is harassment and nuisance.

And we lack fathers now. We lack base discipline.

I recall being a youth and being told "Once you're 18 you can do whatever. Until such time, you do as your told"

Kids now think that is bad but as they say; you never rise to the occasion, you fall back on what you know.

If you had a grounded young life of value systems and the whole young turk spiel didn't work out.....you could always dig into your ruck and find a little extra and keep going.

Life sucks. You WILL have people who hate your guys, you WILL face racism, you WILL at some point work for the dumbest motherfvcker alive, you WILL get a lot of rejection, and you WILL sit down at times and wonder truly "WTF am I doing here?".

So...you dig deep, find extra, and push on. No drama, no protests, no cause celebre.

The only guarantee is there are no guarantees. But people got it in their minds that life is a cradle to grave shelter and that we should lose our shit over every little real or perceived slight.

So....no. Males use male facilities. Females use female facilities. And you aren't legally anything but a minor until you reach age of majority. You can't vote and thus your opinions, no matter how passionate, are irrelevant.

If you 'must' be transgender accept that it isn't a path to easy street or privilege. That you are not a hero. That if you aren't doing this strictly for yourself then you need not do it.

In some countries they just beat you half to death and throw you off a roof.

For every 'out and proud' queer that makes being queer a lifelong occupation, there are scores more remaining silent who either are comfortable not drawing attention or, on a darker note, caught something in their youth and are having to live with it. And now they have changed their minds about a lot of things but it is too late.

Anyways, I'd rather hurt all the feelings in the world if it lets kids keep their innocence as long as they can. You have a whole lifetime to be an adult exposed to unpleasantness.

05-13-16, 09:21
How long before gender dysmorphia is dropped from the DSM-V? Until then, I'll be sure my daughters identify with specific learning disorders so I can have some funds set aside for college in 15 years. Then again what will life be like in 15 years...

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05-13-16, 09:37
How long before gender dysmorphia is dropped from the DSM-V? Until then, I'll be sure my daughters identify with specific learning disorders so I can have some funds set aside for college in 15 years. Then again what will life be like in 15 years...

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The American Psychiatric Association, publisher of the DSM-5, states that "gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition."

It's an Alice in Wonderland kind of logic....So identifying as the opposite gender is OK, but if you are depressed because of it, then you have mental illness. With treatment for the depression, but not the gender dysphoria.

05-13-16, 09:44
Gotcha. They have all bases covered

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05-13-16, 09:49
Reason #2,387 why the Wife & I are not having kids.

05-13-16, 09:51
Reason #2,387 why the Wife & I are not having kids.

For every kid you don't have, rest assured that the lowest common denominator is happily picking up the slack

05-13-16, 09:53
So a lot of transgender/dyspohria/homosexual will say "it's biological," and part of their "make up" or what "defines them." I counter, then it's a statistical anomaly, and genetic mutation. And like most legitimate disease processes that come from genetic mutation, we search and research for a cure. We try to cure it. But wait, they say. It's OK, it's not a mutation. I say, you cannot have it both ways: if it's "normal," then statistically, more people would have these sex-based phenomena and it would not be a statistical aberration. If it's simply "nature," than by nature's design people with these phenomena would simply die out.

05-13-16, 09:55
Guys, I'm beginning to get confused. I mean, I just feel like I am missing something.

Is grown ass manly man using a female locker room at the gym acceptable now if he identifies with the female gender?

Tell me it is not that easy? It can't be. Who is the war on women being waged by again?

05-13-16, 09:59
Guys, I'm beginning to get confused. I mean, I just feel like I am missing something.

Is grown ass manly man using a female locker room at the gym acceptable now if he identifies with the female gender?

Tell me it is not that easy? It can't be. Who is the war on women being waged by again?


If you can get lunk alarmed for wearing a cutoff N.W.O. shirt, I doubt you'll get to partake in any locker room lez outs

05-13-16, 10:01
Reason #2,387 why the Wife & I are not having kids.

My wife and I see things differently. This right here is the exact reason to have a platoon of children, bring them up right, teach them to fight this bullshit and become healthy adults who do the same so we can fight the bigger fight.

Make no mistake, the idiots in this world will continue to procreate at rates that astonish me, you gotta fight fire with fire brother.

Otherwise we lose the long game and all is lost.

Send your kids to classical private schools or homeschool them. Be a BIG part of the curriculum and make sure your values are supported, taught and flourish.

Give the kids the tools to understand the idiocy of what's going on and the will/motivation to fight this shit.

05-13-16, 10:04
Guys, I'm beginning to get confused. I mean, I just feel like I am missing something.

Is grown ass manly man using a female locker room at the gym acceptable now if he identifies with the female gender?

Tell me it is not that easy? It can't be. Who is the war on women being waged by again?

Put on a wig and some yoga pants and give it a try; report back afterwards- should make for an exciting chapter in the exploits of eurodriver.

05-13-16, 10:10
Guys, I'm beginning to get confused. I mean, I just feel like I am missing something.

Is grown ass manly man using a female locker room at the gym acceptable now if he identifies with the female gender?

Tell me it is not that easy? It can't be. Who is the war on women being waged by again?

Yes, actually it is that easy. And by law (at the least the ones your Attorney general cited in the US case against North Carolina), the other folks in the bathroom do not have the right to be uncomfortable at your presence.

05-13-16, 10:14
That's ridiculous

Put on a wig and some yoga pants and give it a try; report back afterwards- should make for an exciting chapter in the exploits of eurodriver.

And that's the crux of the issue. Had I been younger with less successful future potential I would have obliged. Have you seen the chicks in Golds Gym? Geez, I'd just live in the locker room there.

However, now I'm older. I have a professional career that places a lot of emphasis on ethics, contacts, and relationships. I'm not going to be the "test case" that our side decides to pursue criminally/civilly to make a point when all I was doing was trying to make a point against the idiocy in the first place. Picking up what I'm putting down?

Plus you couldn't video/record it for evidence because that would probably get you hemmed up regardless of bathroom choice.

I'm just in total disbelief right now. Part of me fears for parents of little girls, another part of me fears for women in general, and the rest of me wishes I could be 17 in high school again...

05-13-16, 10:32
And the way I understand it, this goes beyond just bathrooms, this includes all school activities and sports.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 10:38
Seriously. Point me in the direction of Galt's Gulch.


05-13-16, 10:43
And the way I understand it, this goes beyond just bathrooms, this includes all school activities and sports.

I can't wait to see some of the "girls" teams in basketball and lacrosse losing to teams made up of "transgender" boys who just coincidentally happen to be 50lbs heavier/stronger than their opponents. How many (XX chromosome) Emilys need to get concussions before this basically eliminates actual girls sports?

I have no issue with gay people, or with the 0.0001% of actual gender-confused people who are simply trying to live their lives. The recent political focus on "trans issues" has nothing to do with genuine concern for the welfare of actual "trans" people, and everything to do with destruction of our society by the so-called progressives.

05-13-16, 10:46
I can't wait to see some of the "girls" teams in basketball and lacrosse losing to teams made up of "transgender" boys who just coincidentally happen to be 50lbs heavier/stronger than their opponents. How many (XX chromosome) Emilys need to get concussions before this basically eliminates actual girls sports?

I have no issue with gay people, or with the 0.0001% of actual gender-confused people who are simply trying to live their lives. The recent political focus on "trans issues" has nothing to do with genuine concern for the welfare of actual "trans" people, and everything to do with destruction of our society by the so-called progressives.

Damnit. I was born in the wrong decade.

I could be smashing left and right as a "female" girl's volleyball player.

Pun very much intended.

This literally has my mind blown away. I just cannot begin to possibly understand this shit.

05-13-16, 10:47

Don't even have to look like a female

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05-13-16, 10:53
With all that is going on in America now....THIS gets Obama's attention?

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 10:53
Has anyone here read, "Harrison Bergeron?"

05-13-16, 10:57
With all that is going on in America now....THIS gets Obama's attention?

It's a diversion to irritate the populous that still have their heads in the game.
In the meantime Hillary's e-mails are being investigated and her people walk out of FBI interviews when the questions get a bit relevant to the investigation.
Now if the FBI would only quit asking about e-mails, servers, Benghazi and security and start talking about Tranny's and Bathrooms everything would be okay.

05-13-16, 11:08
Has anyone here read, "Harrison Bergeron?"

I just read the plot on Wikipedia.

Damn scary. Damn true. Damn shame.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 11:16
Had to read it, and 1984 in high school.

Both have haunted me ever since. It's like watching dystopian fiction come to life. Whole world's gone totally batshit.

I just read the plot on Wikipedia.

Damn scary. Damn true. Damn shame.

05-13-16, 11:38
With all that is going on in America now....THIS gets Obama's attention?

I feel just like you man but I swear we see the most mind boggling things go down in election years. This seems like a highly calculated move by the Dems to further push an agenda that is building a full head of steam, which is, to pander to the LGBT and LGBT symphathizer voters. It basically effects further polarization between parties (and our nation) but Republicans will be the ones painted as divisive. UGH.

05-13-16, 11:44
Has anyone here read, "Harrison Bergeron?"

Yep. I even knicked the sole paperback my HS at tge time was shitcanning to make room for more computers and more "modern" literature like Ebony/Jet, The Source, and Sports Illustrated.

They were literally giving books away. And I still have some. Otherwise they got thrown away.

This was in the 1990s

05-13-16, 12:16
That's ridiculous

And that's the crux of the issue. Had I been younger with less successful future potential I would have obliged. Have you seen the chicks in Golds Gym? Geez, I'd just live in the locker room there.

However, now I'm older. I have a professional career that places a lot of emphasis on ethics, contacts, and relationships. I'm not going to be the "test case" that our side decides to pursue criminally/civilly to make a point when all I was doing was trying to make a point against the idiocy in the first place. Picking up what I'm putting down?

Plus you couldn't video/record it for evidence because that would probably get you hemmed up regardless of bathroom choice.

I'm just in total disbelief right now. Part of me fears for parents of little girls, another part of me fears for women in general, and the rest of me wishes I could be 17 in high school again...

Redo ilium indeed, I made the comment in jest.

I think this whole thing has gone full retard. The entire country. We are witnessing the demise of our society and country from within.

It is truly Horrifying.

05-13-16, 12:39
Everything the leftists do has little or nothing to do with their stated goals, it is actually about tearing down any standards, traditions, and values.

It is designed to further destabilize society and this has been planned. A local school in my area has decided to install a bathroom for both sexes. It will be called the "sex" bathroom. Lol. No not kidding at all.

I hate to say this and I'll be "the one" this time, but it's the same people who have been doing it for much of history. Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch.....No one or thing pointed me to this conclusion, I just noticed every time someone advocates something morally messed up (Like some idiot advocating parents who read bedtime stories to their children are biased and discriminatory towards "poor" people and should desist....Google it)...tearing down traditional family values & structure (tho I don't even have kids), anti-Christian/anti-Xmas messages (I'm NOT religious whatsoever either), encouraging massive confusion & chaos (are you a boy or a girl?), advocating civil unrest and un-cohesiveness.

I started Googling their names (plenty from the nightly news commentators/media, professors/academia, etc.) to check their backgrounds to understand what makes these leftists tick (job, schooling, philosophy, etc.), and then I started noticing the names itself......there is a common denominator. Don't believe me.....Google for yourself.

05-13-16, 13:00
I feel just like you man but I swear we see the most mind boggling things go down in election years. This seems like a highly calculated move by the Dems to further push an agenda that is building a full head of steam, which is, to pander to the LGBT and LGBT symphathizer voters. It basically effects further polarization between parties (and our nation) but Republicans will be the ones painted as divisive. UGH.

LGBT comprise at most 1.8% of the population. They like to say 20% of the population are LGBT, but I think that is a tactic to seem more mainstream (i.e. normal). 1.8% voting block is barely a dent. AND there is a lot of crossover as many of that 1.8% are already from traditionally democratic subgroups (i.e. women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews), so in reality it is much less than a 1.8% voting block.

So BS, it is the advocating/encouraging the confusion and splintering (divide & conquer) of society/civilization.

05-13-16, 13:05
LGBT comprise at most 1.8% of the population. They like to say 20% of the population are LGBT, but I think that is a tactic to seem more mainstream (i.e. normal). 1.8% voting block is barely a dent. It is the advocating/encouraging the confusion and splintering (divide & conquer) of society/civilization.

Yup. By hyperinflating the numbers, cooking the books, they are trying to normalize the behavior. If it was anything close to 20% the world's population would severely start slowing down (cause they ain't making babies....).

05-13-16, 13:38
LGBT comprise at most 1.8% of the population. They like to say 20% of the population are LGBT...


The blacks are only 13%, and we gave them their rights.

GWOT vets are only 1%... and look at all the attention we get.

What's a good % to start granting equal protection under the law?

05-13-16, 13:40
Last thing I want is my daughter to be in the Women's restroom and some middle aged male pervert is in there with her. There will be violence. Pic of daughter:

05-13-16, 13:40
Has anyone here read, "Harrison Bergeron?"

I just read the plot on Wikipedia.

Damn scary. Damn true. Damn shame.

Just read the Wikipedia plot version.....it right up there with other societal warnings like 1984, and Idiocracy. And Haarison Bergeron was from 1960's!!!

Had to read it, and 1984 in high school.

Both have haunted me ever since. It's like watching dystopian fiction come to life. Whole world's gone totally batshit.

You MUST be old;) because back then the teachers/schools may have tried to warn students of a possible future.

Today those books, I imagine, would be banished for fear the students might read the script of what teachers/schools are doing to help those who would tear apart societies.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 13:45
I'm right there with you, buddy.

Last thing I want is my daughter to be in the Women's restroom and some middle aged male pervert is in there with her. There will be violence.

I like to say I'm too old for prom; too young to be your daddy.

I'd be willing to wager that works like, "Harrison Bergeron," "1984," "Brave New World," etc. aren't on the "approved curriculum" list...

Just read the Wikipedia plot version.....it right up there with other societal warnings like 1984, and Idiocracy. And Haarison Bergeron was from 1960's!!!

You MUST be old;) because back then the teachers/schools may have tried to warn students of a possible future.

Today those books, I imagine, would be banished for fear the students might read the script of what teachers/schools are doing to help those who would tear apart societies.

05-13-16, 13:50

The blacks are only 13%, and we gave them their rights.

GWOT vets are only 1%... and look at all the attention we get.

What's a good % to start granting equal protection under the law?

You misunderstood my post.

I was replying to donlapalma about LGBT pandering, as if the recent "boys in girls bathrooms" vote pandering would have any effect of outcome of elections with such a low representation of the population at 1.8%. I submit the purpose is NOT for voting representation, it is to further divide and confuse. As to your comparisons to "13% blacks".....LGBT's can already vote. How does an LGBT man not going into a girls bathroom somehow limit his civil rights? How many LGBT's have been arrested under the previous law in THIS country for this to be any kind of blip on society's radar??

For the record, I'm more of a financially conservative libertarian. I'm all for LGBT's being equal. I'm all for LGBT getting civilly married (so they can suffer like all heteros). I just don't agree with men in girls bathrooms, etc.

I'm ALL for our vets. I just don't think an LGBT vet should be entitled to more than a hetero vet.

BTW, on the flip side....I don't see any such "pandering" to the 1% vet voting block.....see my point?

05-13-16, 13:56

The blacks are only 13%, and we gave them their rights.

GWOT vets are only 1%... and look at all the attention we get.

What's a good % to start granting equal protection under the law?

Percentage and equal protection, while a fun side story, isn't the point. The point is actually about transgender and equal protection. What makes that different is that I can offer you proof I am a veteran of GWOT. A black man has proof he is a black man. A transgender just has to "feel" he/she is the opposite sex. All about self-identification. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is already walking back stating he made a mistake and talking about becoming a man again. So today you can claim transgender, walk into a woman's shower or locker room or bathroom; the next day, be a man again.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 14:03
Just seeing what you wrote, shows how absolutely insane it all is.

If I "self-identify" as a cat, can I shit in a litter box in public? Serious question.

Where does society draw the line? At what point does depravity encounter a "no-go" zone?

Why is this even an issue?

G19A3 is absolutely dead on the money.

This shit ain't about "rights," it's about sleights...

Percentage and equal protection, while a fun side story, isn't the point. The point is actually about transgender and equal protection. What makes that different is that I can offer you proof I am a veteran of GWOT. A black man has proof he is a black man. A transgender just has to "feel" he/she is the opposite sex. All about self-identification. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is already walking back stating he made a mistake and talking about becoming a man again. So today you can claim transgender, walk into a woman's shower or locker room or bathroom; the next day, be a man again.

05-13-16, 14:11
My Glock self-identifies as jewelry now.

Can I hang it around my neck on a chain and go wherever I want, now? Even in the girls restroom?


We can laugh or cringe but if you stay home in November and we get Hillary, this type of garbage will go into overdrive and this bathroom nonsense will seem tame in a short while.

...food for thought.

05-13-16, 14:15
Brickboy - good point.

I genuinely thought "You know, now that homos can marry...it's all over"

And yet here we are...King Obama has told every pedo in the nation he can go creep in on little girls in the bathroom in the name of "equality".

Can King Obama now decree busty mulatto and Asian chicks from 24-32 must perform fellatio on Marines driving European automobiles in the name of diversity?

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 14:16
I mean, since we're pandering to abject insanity, can I "self-identify" as a President, and preemptively commute any potential sentencing for crimes yet to be comitted?

Can I dress up as Batman, and demand to be treated like a Super Hero?

This country's gone full shortbus.

My Glock self-identifies as jewelry now.

Can I hang it around my neck on a chain and go wherever I want, now? Even in the girls restroom?


We can laugh or cringe but if you stay home in November and we get Hillary, this type of garbage will go into overdrive and this bathroom nonsense will seem tame in a short while.

...food for thought.

05-13-16, 14:17
We can laugh or cringe but if you stay home in November and we get Hillary, this type of garbage will go into overdrive and this bathroom nonsense will seem tame in a short while.

This is true. It's an perversion of normalcy, one social issue at a time.

05-13-16, 14:18
My Glock self-identifies as jewelry now.

Can I hang it around my neck on a chain and go wherever I want, now? Even in the girls restroom?


We can laugh or cringe but if you stay home in November and we get Hillary, this type of garbage will go into overdrive and this bathroom nonsense will seem tame in a short while.

...food for thought.

I agree..... holding your nose to vote is more important than ever.

Alas, even on a pro-2A website like this one, with all its vets (who deserve more rights than anyone else, IMHO) and conservative LEO's, I'll wager 55-60% of the members here will even vote,.... one way or the other.

05-13-16, 14:19
Can I dress up as Batman, and demand to be treated like a Super Hero?

Sure. You can even put on a dress, call yourself a woman, then call yourself a little girl:


Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 14:22

Iraqi migrant rapes a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna and tells police it was a 'sexual emergency' because he hadn't had sex in months


Brickboy - good point.

I genuinely thought "You know, now that homos can marry...it's all over"

And yet here we are...King Obama has told every pedo in the nation he can go creep in on little girls in the bathroom in the name of "equality".

Can King Obama now decree busty mulatto and Asian chicks from 24-32 must perform fellatio on Marines driving European automobiles in the name of diversity?

05-13-16, 14:25
Percentage and equal protection, while a fun side story, isn't the point. The point is actually about transgender and equal protection. What makes that different is that I can offer you proof I am a veteran of GWOT. A black man has proof he is a black man. A transgender just has to "feel" he/she is the opposite sex. All about self-identification. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is already walking back stating he made a mistake and talking about becoming a man again. So today you can claim transgender, walk into a woman's shower or locker room or bathroom; the next day, be a man again.

Whoa, hold on there cowboy, because:


and this:


05-13-16, 14:29
You misunderstood my post.

I see that now, I didn't read the thread.

I wasn't talking about votes at all... but you bring up a good point about marriage as well.

All I'm saying is, we let Blacks use our bathrooms and as a percentage, they commit more acts of rape than the transgendered community.

(If we're talking about rape, I guess?)

I don't know... back to our regularly scheduled program...

ZOMG! The sky is falling!!! Everybody get scared!!!!!!!!!!!

Percentage and equal protection, while a fun side story, isn't the point. The point is actually about transgender and equal protection. What makes that different is that I can offer you proof I am a veteran of GWOT. A black man has proof he is a black man. A transgender just has to "feel" he/she is the opposite sex. All about self-identification.

I think you're too hung up on the idea that someone is going to identify but not express their gender.

If a female presents as male, wears male clothes, and has a haircut like mine, then why the heck should she be in the ladies room?

If she wants to use her GoGirl in the urinal next to me and try to talk to me about whatever sportsgame is on (what is it now, hockey?) then I'm cool with it.

What would actually be more inappropriate would be a T-gurl fixing her makeup in there... but really I wouldn't care about that either. Let her use the ladies room for that though.

05-13-16, 14:35
Whoa, hold on there cowboy, because:


and this:


Lol. Yeah, good point. Poor ol' Rachel Dolezal. But when they do it, it turns out to be fraud. And that damned double standard kills me: the black community will out them, but you can't do it with transgender.

05-13-16, 14:44
As long as you have an XY chromosome pair or an XX pair, you will ALWAYS be a male or female respectively. Period. I don't care what you "identify" as, what parts you've had cut off or sewn on, how many hormones they inject you with, you will ALWAYS be what you were born as (hermaphrodites being a genetic exception and extremely rare).

Notice this has nothing to do with morality or religion........it's fvcking biology.

05-13-16, 14:45
LGBT comprise at most 1.8% of the population. They like to say 20% of the population are LGBT, but I think that is a tactic to seem more mainstream (i.e. normal). 1.8% voting block is barely a dent. AND there is a lot of crossover as many of that 1.8% are already from traditionally democratic subgroups (i.e. women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews), so in reality it is much less than a 1.8% voting block.

So BS, it is the advocating/encouraging the confusion and splintering (divide & conquer) of society/civilization.
Hence, my comment "and LGBT sympathizers". I think we're essentially trying to drive home the same point....if you read the last sentence of my earlier post.

05-13-16, 14:45
I think you're too hung up on the idea that someone is going to identify but not express their gender.

If a female presents as male, wears male clothes, and has a haircut like mine, then why the heck should she be in the ladies room?

If she wants to use her GoGirl in the urinal next to me and try to talk to me about whatever sportsgame is on (what is it now, hockey?) then I'm cool with it.

What would actually be more inappropriate would be a T-gurl fixing her makeup in there... but really I wouldn't care about that either. Let her use the ladies room for that though.

Well, we've come full circle......who gets to decide? As men (I believe you are male as I am?), I don't we would be as bothered as say if we were women and a male walking into our ladies room.

Is it really about peeing and crapping or is there an effort to say some animals are better than others and for what purpose? My big thing is who is REALLY pushing this and why.

Because I don't know about the rest of you all, I don't even like to spend any more time than necessary even in the sanctity of my own home bathroom.........................NEVERMIND A PUBLIC REST ROOM.

05-13-16, 14:49
I think you're too hung up on the idea that someone is going to identify but not express their gender.

If a female presents as male, wears male clothes, and has a haircut like mine, then why the heck should she be in the ladies room?

If she wants to use her GoGirl in the urinal next to me and try to talk to me about whatever sportsgame is on (what is it now, hockey?) then I'm cool with it.

What would actually be more inappropriate would be a T-gurl fixing her makeup in there... but really I wouldn't care about that either. Let her use the ladies room for that though.

No, I am hung up on the increasingly soft subjectivity that no standards exist. You don't wanna be a girl because you "feel" you are a girl? Fine. You are a 52 year-old man but you wanna be a 6 year-old girl? Hey, if that's how you feel. In the case of Rachel Dolezal, you "feel" black so you identify as black, even though both your parents (and grandparents, etc) are/were Caucasian? It worked for years but the black community finally called her out.

So Dolezal didn't cause any real harm because of her actions. And the fruitcake 52 year-old man, well, the jury is out. But a man who claims to be a woman can go into a woman's restroom without ramification simply because he feels that he identifies as a woman, that's bullshit. But that's the law.

05-13-16, 14:51
As long as you have an XY chromosome pair or an XX pair, you will ALWAYS be a male or female respectively. Period. I don't care what you "identify" as, what parts you've had cut off or sewn on, how many hormones they inject you with, you will ALWAYS be what you were born as (hermaphrodites being a genetic exception and extremely rare).

Notice this has nothing to do with morality or religion........it's fvcking biology.

That's what I was trying to get to way back in post 18.

05-13-16, 14:53
I see that now, I didn't read the thread.

I wasn't talking about votes at all... but you bring up a good point about marriage as well.

All I'm saying is, we let Blacks use our bathrooms and as a percentage, they commit more acts of rape than the transgendered community.

(If we're talking about rape, I guess?)

I don't know... back to our regularly scheduled program...

ZOMG! The sky is falling!!! Everybody get scared!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you're too hung up on the idea that someone is going to identify but not express their gender.

If a female presents as male, wears male clothes, and has a haircut like mine, then why the heck should she be in the ladies room?

If she wants to use her GoGirl in the urinal next to me and try to talk to me about whatever sportsgame is on (what is it now, hockey?) then I'm cool with it.

What would actually be more inappropriate would be a T-gurl fixing her makeup in there... but really I wouldn't care about that either. Let her use the ladies room for that though.

Well that's great you feel that way, you're an adult and can decide things for yourself. It is different with CHILDREN.

If they have a right to FEEL like a woman whe they are not a woman, my wife has a right to feel VERY uncomfortable with a man in her potty room. Dressed up like a woman or not, lopped off penis or not- it's a man.

She doesn't want it and shouldn't be forced to have a man, one who believes they are a woman or not to invade that space and cause the discomfort.

Children should absolutely not this idiocy foisted upon them to make little Susie trans gender feel like she fits in with the boys.

Might as well let pedophiles have jobs in child care- you know so we don't make them "feel" bad and they can still do what they "want" and "feels natural" to them.

You may be comfortable with gogirl next to you- I'm not. And a lot of others aren't either. Doesn't make us bad people or hateful, it's just how it is.

So what if I self associate as a dog, I'll get hair transplants and walk on all fours; would you be okay with me taking a shit in your yard in front of your children, or pissing down your leg? I'll be on a leash and my wife will pick the shit up just like a regular dog, I'll even bark wag my ass and try to get you to rub my ears. You'd be okay with that?

05-13-16, 15:07
Well, we've come full circle......who gets to decide? As men (I believe you are male as I am?), I don't we would be as bothered as say if we were women and a male walking into our ladies room.

We experience emotional anxiety by what we perceive as a threat- not by male/female, black/white, rich/poor, tall/short.

Just like there are a whole lot of trans-men I'd feel more comfortable sharing a restroom with than some dudes, there are a whole lot of trans-girls with whom ladies would feel more comfortable than cisgendered females.

Yes... I know... there are always going to be folks who are afraid of being around blacks, afraid of being around Muslims, afraid of being around transpeople... but that's their issue. How they are going to function in the real world and what they are going to do for a job is up to them to figure out.


The media is trying to tell us that this is something that we should be all worked up over and get wild.

On the one side it's, "How can you deprive a transgendered person of their right to all the exact same things as a person of the gender they express themselves as?"

On the other side it's, "AHHHHH! Errrebody about to get raped up in here! Little girls! RAPE! Think of the children!"

In 6 months it'll be essentially the same as when college campuses allow CCW- no drunken, wild-west, bloodbath shootouts on the weekend... but the other side will tell you that it's just... about... to... happen... (as they secretly pray for it to fuel their partisan agenda).

...and normal people still won't care.

05-13-16, 15:19
As long as you have an XY chromosome pair or an XX pair, you will ALWAYS be a male or female respectively. Period. I don't care what you "identify" as, what parts you've had cut off or sewn on, how many hormones they inject you with, you will ALWAYS be what you were born as (hermaphrodites being a genetic exception and extremely rare).

Notice this has nothing to do with morality or religion........it's fvcking biology.

Well its interesting that you bring up biology, because it is these secular idiots (and I am NOT the slightest religious) who love using science such as dinosaurs, the Big Bang to explain away God & religion for everyone. But they can't wrap their heads around the PROVEN science of what makes a physical male or a physical female.

What's next? DNA blood sample of a killer that says he's a man, but when captured by LE claims he couldn't of done it because he claims to be a female?

This is what everyone here is agreeing on............ NO STANDARDS = confusion. And while we all sit and merrily type our replies on this website, scratching our heads and trying to "logically" (<--scientific mathematical equation) figure this out, the agenda being pushed for the usual reasons......money (semantically interchangeable with power). Because there ain't no way, no how the world's general population is that altruistic about a 1.8% (if that) genetically anomolic mutation.

05-13-16, 15:23
On the one side it's, "How can you deprive a transgendered person of their right to all the exact same things as a person of the gender they express themselves as?"

Well hell, I "feel" deprived I wasn't BORN with a ten inch d**k........ doesn't mean I go around the world with a chip on my shoulder making everyone around me accommodate me. I mean think of all the chicks I would've..........


05-13-16, 15:31
Yes... I know... there are always going to be folks who are afraid of being around blacks, afraid of being around Muslims, afraid of being around transpeople... but that's their issue. How they are going to function in the real world and what they are going to do for a job is up to them to figure out.

There are always going to be folks who are afraid of being around whites, afraid of being around Christians, afraid of being around heteros, afraid of being around LEO's, afraid of being around US vets, afraid of being around CCWers... but that's their issue. How they are going to function in the real world and what they are going to do for a job is up to them to figure out.

As a financially conservative libertarian......I say NO ONE is special.....everybody deal with it or too bad.

Well the only right answer is for every school, business, building to retrofit "individual", one-person only, unisex bathrooms. I'm down with that....I like my privacy while on the throne. It may be expensive, maybe trillions of dollars.....but we'll do it just for the less than 1.8% (at most), because we are talking rest rooms, not even bathrooms, right?

05-13-16, 15:40
You guys with the dog/cat thing are killing me... the imagery of it, LOL.

Was that on Rush today?

Well the only right answer is for every school, business, building to retrofit "individual", one-person only, unisex bathrooms. It may be expensive, maybe trillions of dollars.....but we'll do it just for the less than 1.8% (at most).

I hadn't heard that yet... but is that what you were getting at with the money thing?

American Standard and their lobbyists are behind this EEEEEVIL plot!

Some of you guys are positively looney. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when your kid tells you there's nothing wrong with being transgendered/ having tattoos/ being another race/ whatever, and that you don't have to be scared and flipping out all the time.

05-13-16, 16:23
If you think the sign on a bathroom door will prevent a sexual predator from assaulting someone then I guess you also must believe that a no guns allowed sign will prevent crime with a firearm.

05-13-16, 16:39
I am speaking expressly for myself but...

I will not share a bathroom with someone who is obviously or mechanically female.
I will excuse myself and leave.

I don't have children and probably won't, sadly, but I do feel poorly for those of you that do. When I was a kid, this never came up.

I try to open minded and I am associated with several alternative lifestyle people and even they think this is a big step too far.

05-13-16, 16:45
The people running things now must be the kids who were always left out growing up....it's like we are living a giant real life version of "Revenge of the Nerds."

05-13-16, 16:52
The people running things now must be the kids who were always left out growing up....it's like we are living a giant real life version of "Revenge of the Nerds."

Don't say that, man. That movie had a good moral. The nerds were mostly people who just weren't athletic but made up for it with being smart. Eventually they even befriended Ogre.

This here is essentially just reverse sexual harassment

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 17:01

I've got a daughter, and this shit has my hair on fire.

I am speaking expressly for myself but...

I will not share a bathroom with someone who is obviously or mechanically female.
I will excuse myself and leave.

I don't have children and probably won't, sadly, but I do feel poorly for those of you that do. When I was a kid, this never came up.

I try to open minded and I am associated with several alternative lifestyle people and even they think this is a big step too far.

Negative, don't listen to any of the bought-and-paid-for-political-advertisement-disguised-as-commentary-radio.

Some dudes at work were talking about how we're gonna handle the first nut that wants to use the ladies' head.

I said, "That transgender shit? That's so last week. I'm transpeciest. I self-identify as a cat, and if the top dogs won't accommodate me with a litter box, I'm going to lawyer-up."

And like it, or not, dude, that is just as batshit crazy as staring down at a pecker, and thinking it's a cooter.

Sorry, bro. If we are all supposed to flex for someone's whimsy, or delusion, this country ain't gonna get a damn thing done.

Should I sue my employer for forcing a dress code? What if I "self-identify" as a professional figure skater, and want to wear ice skates and a leotard every day?

You can attempt to frame this as a "rights" issue, but my kid has a right to drop a deuce, without having some whackjob with a screw loose, demanding that courtesy, and decency doesn't apply to them, because, "social justice."

Frame it however you want, but you know this isn't about rights at all. It's about societal engineering.

You guys with the dog/cat thing are killing me... the imagery of it, LOL.

Was that on Rush today?

05-13-16, 17:04
LGBT comprise at most 1.8% of the population. They like to say 20% of the population are LGBT, but I think that is a tactic to seem more mainstream (i.e. normal). 1.8% voting block is barely a dent. AND there is a lot of crossover as many of that 1.8% are already from traditionally democratic subgroups (i.e. women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews), so in reality it is much less than a 1.8% voting block.

So BS, it is the advocating/encouraging the confusion and splintering (divide & conquer) of society/civilization.

Back during BOs first term, if a person from a foreign country whom had never heard of TV or media came to America.....they would have concluded that everyone was LGBT. The numbers don't lie, even if the LGBT group would like them to.

05-13-16, 17:16
The people running things now must be the kids who were always left out growing up....it's like we are living a giant real life version of "Revenge of the Nerds."

Bwhaha....I'm saving that.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 17:18
If "transgenderism" was real thing.

Objectively, demonstrably real, shouldn't they be able to bear offspring with their original gender?

Please provide the data in support of someone having:

A) Successfully, biologically, not cosmetically/superficially, changed genders.
B) A mutation whereby said individual's genitalia has morphed into the opposite of what it started out as.
C) Procreated, with someone of the original gender, and conceived, and brought-to-term, a child.

If any of those situations apply, by all means, use whatever restroom fits your current crotch-related hardware.

05-13-16, 17:25
It is actually a sad case...most so-called transgender are actually quite in need of mental health care, but instead we have people cheering them and calling them heroes. Horrible situation.

05-13-16, 17:27
I am speaking expressly for myself but...

I will not share a bathroom with someone who is obviously or mechanically female.
I will excuse myself and leave.

I don't have children and probably won't, sadly, but I do feel poorly for those of you that do. When I was a kid, this never came up.

I try to open minded and I am associated with several alternative lifestyle people and even they think this is a big step too far.

I believe this is the desired effect from those that I have already spoken of. The shame and embarrassment of "normal" people, encouragement of chaos, confusion, and splintering.

Luckily I was born a male with NO transgender "feelings" of any kind.......so I will NOT leave and be inconvenienced if a transwhatever walks in. I cannot say the same if I was born a female with its associated implications of a vis-a-versa.

But there lies the light at the end of my amusement tunnel. the kooks will be bumping into each other all over the place and so be it....that will be unavoidable. The contest of who ranks higher on the order of victimhood. There was an incident in my city where a gay man and a muslim got into a fight on the street. I waited with glee to see which victim would come out on top per the liberal media. The muslim did. So be it.

Regarding the bathroom situation. At least in my city, women are SIGNIFICANT democratic voters and major supporters of the LGBT lifestyle. So be it, again. When the men's room is full or just if I damn well feel like it, I WILL use the ladies room. So be it.

05-13-16, 17:37
This is a total smokescreen, and the people you see touting it on Facebook, etc. are akin to Stalin's "useful idiots". If somebody with a wang decides to use the same bathroom/locker room/changing area and expose themselves to my little girl, they'd better hope the police find them before I do. I don't GAF about somebody's bullshit agenda, especially when their definition of "tolerance" ends with anyone who has a difference of opinion.

Don't focus on the smoke, fellas. Focus on what it's covering up.

05-13-16, 17:54
Don't focus on the smoke, fellas. Focus on what it's covering up.

OR who started the fire in the first place.

Stalin and his henchmen (Google them),......indeed.

05-13-16, 17:56
If you think the sign on a bathroom door will prevent a sexual predator from assaulting someone then I guess you also must believe that a no guns allowed sign will prevent crime with a firearm.


See what happened when they took the signs off the restrooms in Chicago?


Oh... wait... they didn't do that there yet?

The sex predators are undeterred by signs, just like the spree killers are.

This is about transgender folks and not forcing them into one restroom or another.

With the emotional spin we're seeing here, bizarre non-sequiturs, and trotting of the "for the children" card, I'm starting to wonder if some of you guys are secretly with the Moms Demand Action...

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 18:04

It's about an agenda.

The rainbow jihadis can wish and dream all they want; doesn't negate, nor alter, reality.

I can wish to be 7'2". Ain't happenin', homie.

05-13-16, 18:08
DNA, glands, and genitalia determine what a person's gender is not what they think are in their dejected minds. This whole transgender concept is on par with the bunk science known as global warming. Ever notice who pushes this stuff and those who defend it?

So let's play along with the social engineers and their cultural Marxism, why stop at gender? Why can't people "trans" and "identify" as other races, heights, weights, and even species?

Coming to your daughters, grand daughters, and nieces bathrooms . . .


05-13-16, 18:11
DNA, glands, and genitalia determine what a person's gender is not what they think are in their dejected minds. This whole transgender concept is on par with the bunk science known as global warming. Ever notice who pushes this stuff and those who defend it?

So let's play along with the social engineers and their cultural Marxism, why stop at gender? Why can't people "trans" and "identify" as other races, heights, weights, and even species?

Coming to your daughters, grand daughters, and nieces bathrooms . . .


Yes....but they call us "anti-science"....

05-13-16, 18:16
I'm moving the date up, I use to say we were ten years out but now I'm saying it will be with in five years that we will see the normalization of pedophilia. It will start first by being decriminalized and pushed as an illness. After that it will be just another "lifestyle".

NAMBLA has been waiting in the wings playing the victim card like homos and trannies.

Note the AG's comments . . .

Obama’s Attorney General: ‘Gender Identity’ More Important Than Sexual Privacy, Opponents Are Like Racists

Attorney General Janet Lynch argued May 9 that any one person’s desire to choose a male or female “gender identity” is more important than Americans’ right to sexual privacy in shared public facilities, such as bathrooms and school locker rooms.


05-13-16, 18:16
Yes....but they call us "anti-science"....

****'em, "they" can all go choke on a bag of tranny dicks.

05-13-16, 18:20

Whatever is going to happen is going to happen.

I don't have to make it my problem.

05-13-16, 18:34
My daughter is a high school sophomore. She says the minute her high school says the bathrooms are open to everyone, she will be using the independent bathrooms in the nurses office or the ones connected to the teachers' lounge and school office. She hopes they will have an issue with that and she hopes to make a point.

05-13-16, 18:35
I'm moving the date up, I use to say we were ten years out but now I'm saying it will be with in five years that we will see the normalization of pedophilia. It will start first by being decriminalized and pushed as an illness. After that it will be just another "lifestyle".

NAMBLA has been waiting in the wings playing the victim card like homos and trannies.

The pedophiles can't have a consenting adult as a parter. For this reason it won't ever be accepted. If it is then it will be time to clean the neighborhood up.

05-13-16, 18:37
The pedophiles can't have a consenting adult as a parter. For this reason it won't ever be accepted.

They use to say the same thing about abortion, gay marriage, et al.

When has a baby ever consented to being scraped and sucked out of their mother's womb?

If it is then it will be time to clean the neighborhood up.

We're way past that time.

05-13-16, 18:55
Well hell, I "feel" deprived I wasn't BORN with a ten inch d**k........ doesn't mean I go around the world with a chip on my shoulder making everyone around me accommodate me. I mean think of all the chicks I would've..........


Trust me, you hardly ever get to use more than the first 7-8". ;)

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 19:03

It's the reason we have this word:

alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
"he was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice"
synonyms: distort, corrupt, subvert, twist, bend, abuse, misapply, misuse, misrepresent, misinterpret, falsify
"people who attempt to pervert the rules"
a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.
synonyms: deviant, degenerate; informalperv, dirty old man, sicko
"a sexual pervert"

Why is it a perversion? Because it goes against the utility function of human sexual behavior.

Copulation is biologically hard-wired into us as a means of genetic-immortality. Play whatever "feel-goods" and "wishes" out, but that is the bottom line. Full stop.

Undermine the fabric of family, undermine everything that is decent, normal, and natural. The endgame is State supremacy, whereby even the very notion of self, down to the biological DNA, is malleable, at least through "perception."

No. Sorry.

2+2 does NOT equal five. If little Timmy has a ding-dong, he's a boy. Not a "Ze." Not a "she." Not a "cisgender."

Little Timmy is a ****ing dude. And no amount of rainbow-sparkles, "you-go-girl," mental shenanigans is gonna change it.

They use to say the same thing about abortion, gay marriage, et al.

When has a baby ever consented to being scraped and sucked out of their mother's womb?

We're way past that time.

ETA: Regarding chopping up Unborn-Americans; future historians will look back upon this era with the same lens we view barbaric acts like slavery, and medieval-torture.

Joke's on them, home-slice.

Cutting up babies: Liberating
Making dudes use a bathroom that corresponds to their dude parts: Oppressive

Freedom is Slavery.

05-13-16, 19:07

It's about an agenda.

It is indeed about an agenda.

People just don't see how plainly they're being emotionally manipulated.

I'm sure that the intellectually honest among us will agree that all the wacky nonsense thrown around the issue is merely an obfuscation.

The pedophiles can't have a consenting adult as a parter. For this reason it won't ever be accepted. If it is then it will be time to clean the neighborhood up.

Well, look on the bright side...

CCW rights are also expanding, which... by the same logic... means that murder will also be legal... likely sooner!

(Sidebar: Psychologically, it is very interesting to me that some folks here seem to have no sense of right and wrong, or basic morality. When you think about it, CCW'ing is much closer to commuting a murder than taking a crap is to molesting a child. I believe these must be the kind of folks who get jammed up doing something epicly stupid and obviously criminal and then play dumb about it. Think "Locked up Abroad" or the huge percentage of our population currently incarcerated. Just some thoughts...)

05-13-16, 19:10
I'm moving the date up, I use to say we were ten years out but now I'm saying it will be with in five years that we will see the normalization of pedophilia. It will start first by being decriminalized and pushed as an illness. After that it will be just another "lifestyle".

NAMBLA has been waiting in the wings playing the victim card like homos and trannies.

Note the AG's comments . . .

Obama’s Attorney General: ‘Gender Identity’ More Important Than Sexual Privacy, Opponents Are Like Racists


Everything is on the table...bestiality, polygamy, pedophilia....there are no standards any more.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 19:12
Nothing matters, anything goes

We, as a culture, have no sense of shame.

Everything is on the table...bestiality, polygamy, pedophilia....there are no standards any more.

05-13-16, 19:14
Nothing matters, anything goes

We, as a culture, have no sense of shame.

Well, looks like we will have had a much shorter reign than the Romans....have to check the timeline, but the rampant hedonism and barbarians at the gate surely occurred near the end of the empire.

05-13-16, 19:29
I hate to say this and I'll be "the one" this time, but it's the same people who have been doing it for much of history. Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch.....No one or thing pointed me to this conclusion, I just noticed every time someone advocates something morally messed up (Like some idiot advocating parents who read bedtime stories to their children are biased and discriminatory towards "poor" people and should desist....Google it)...tearing down traditional family values & structure (tho I don't even have kids), anti-Christian/anti-Xmas messages (I'm NOT religious whatsoever either), encouraging massive confusion & chaos (are you a boy or a girl?), advocating civil unrest and un-cohesiveness.

I started Googling their names (plenty from the nightly news commentators/media, professors/academia, etc.) to check their backgrounds to understand what makes these leftists tick (job, schooling, philosophy, etc.), and then I started noticing the names itself......there is a common denominator. Don't believe me.....Google for yourself.

That population has always been 1/3 capitalist get rich to the core, 1/3 average, and 1/3 crazy ass burn it all down leftists.

why such a large portion are burn it down leftist I will never understand.

05-13-16, 19:46
That population has always been 1/3 capitalist get rich to the core, 1/3 average, and 1/3 crazy ass burn it all down leftists.

why such a large portion are burn it down leftist I will never understand.

Even if your 1/3 breakdown is correct, the one third crazy ass burn it all leftists are in vastly high positions of authority or disproportionate influence compared to their population ratio.

Hell, they are BIG proponents of the ratio representation, yet 3 maybe soon 4 of the Supreme Court judges are Jewish.

Be that as it may, almost the whole three thirds are single-minded and vote en-bloc democratic if not faaar left. Therefore the other two thirds somewhat support the crazy ass third.

Also if you Google going back to the 19th century, many of the hardcore leftists were from families with means (the capitalist one third), much like today.

You have to be of some means to be able to afford to be an aspiring socialist/communist.

Outlander Systems
05-13-16, 19:52
If someone can look at this cluster**** of an internecine shitshow, and think this what a healthy society looks like, I can't help 'em.

Cultural collapse, bro.

Cultural collapse.

Well, looks like we will have had a much shorter reign than the Romans....have to check the timeline, but the rampant hedonism and barbarians at the gate surely occurred near the end of the empire.

05-13-16, 21:16
The progressives keep going down the unicorn hunt public policy initiative. They are all about the 1%. They don't actually solve problems that we all face, they keep on these socially divisive and inconsequential initiatives.

The only people that are going to make out on this are the general contractors who are going to make a killing going in and fixing all of the public facilities.

What's next, going after sex toy companies because double amputee lesbians can't use a dildo?

They'll push this queer agenda and then pivot to attack organized religion.

05-13-16, 23:12
I admit to being slow. I still can't figure out how this tranny stuff became a hot button activist issue so quickly. The word perverted will be the next term attacked by those that so concern themselves. I guess the old "glory holes" of years past will eventually disappear because the fruitcakes need not bother drilling them. I like to show my ignorance and refer to unisex restrooms as bisexual bathrooms.

I can see it now on national news. Down in Florida this kid meets a nice girl, and he feels good about her because she doesn't have an Adam's apple. She likes Glock 19's and excels in precision shooting and can shoot 2 inch groups at 500 yards. They have a whirlwind romance, and then he finds a big worm in her pants. Murder occurs in the heat of passion. This tragedy will likely be repeated through out the land. :shout:

05-13-16, 23:43
For the sake of discussion



Be careful out there fellas lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-14-16, 00:08
And if your boy at eight years old doesn't know if he wants to transgender to being a girl, his lesbian parents can always decide for him. Because you need good role models in society.

Any bet takers say he, I mean she, will grow up to like girls anyway, just like his/her parents.

Let's see....I trans'd from a man to a women so I could be a lesbian. A Jewish lesbian too it seems.....cause I ain't enough shades of victim.
(Reminder: Gotta give Rachael Dolezal a call, so I can be a transgendered-Jew-lesbian--trans-self-identifying as a black, straight chick)

I don't know if Sodom and Gomorrah really existed, but I kinda know what they musta felt right before the fire and brimstones fell. (Note to self: Don't pay my credit card bills next month, because by all indications, we are there.)

Click this if you dare:


05-14-16, 00:21
For the sake of discussion

Holy mislabeling, Batman!!

1. Woman? Err, not yet if it still has its penis til 2016.

2. How can this it be straight, while still having a penis pre-op? Does it mean it prefers girls? If so wouldn't she be a lesbian, and thereby NOT straight?

3. What's it is really good at is causing confusion.

And while I'm trying to figure this mess of a puzzle out, or trying to figure if I even give a sh*t to figure this puzzle out.......someone's stealing my wallet.

Not for nothing, but this thread and the Friggin Animal Farm thread should be merged into one as it is the same cause and effect.

05-14-16, 00:49
As far back as 2002 when I was working at a county jail, at least three people were booked in who were undergoing sex change. Prior records showed them to be men, but they claimed to be women. In each case the nurse had to look and see what they had in their pants. If it was a sausage, then they were booked in as men despite having boobs. Then they were housed in the punk tank where they were treated like queens.

About legalizing pedophilia. For this to occur would not age of consent laws have to be changed, and if they were, then there would be no statutory rape criteria? I see this fact as the stumbling block for pedophilia legalization. Also there are at least a million pages of medical/psychological literature detailing how this practice destroys children's lives. I would hope that his research would be a giant blocking agent.

05-14-16, 00:53
For the sake of discussion

Be careful out there fellas lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

If you have a penis, use the men's bathroom. If somebody say's something to "Kari" about being in the men's bathroom, he simply needs to explain "I have a penis" and that will be the end of that.

Also Kari will never lose his virginity. I'm not sure that penetrating a mutilated penis fashioned to resemble a vagina actually counts. But once Kari successfully mutilates his penis in 2016 then he can use the women's bathroom because he really doesn't have a penis anymore.

See how simple that is?

I will only add that THANK GOD I didn't have any of this crap to think about in middle school or high school. The worst thing that you had to worry about was the kid "everyone knew was gay already" might proposition you in the bathroom because he's been known to do it before. Nobody really cared that he was actually gay, you kinda felt sorry for him because it had to be lonely, but mostly you worried about the "creepy" feeling you got if he was in the bathroom when you walked in.

05-14-16, 01:52
Last thing I want is my daughter to be in the Women's restroom and some middle aged male pervert is in there with her. There will be violence. Pic of daughter:

As the father of a 6 year old little girl I am in your corner. As she's only 6 when we're out and about and she has to go to the restroom mom goes with and if they tell me there was a dude creeping in the ladies room there will be a severe ass kicking handed out.

Non tranny people need to sue for discrimination.

Women are threatened by men in the ladies room but somehow that makes them phobic or something.

05-14-16, 03:09

A man is accused of choking an 8-year-old girl until she passed out in the bathroom of a restaurant in Chicago's South Loop.

Police say 33-year-old Reese Hartstirn walked in and targeted the girl, choking her and trying to lock her in a stall. The mother heard her daughter scream and grabbed her.


05-14-16, 03:25
Emotions are not cognitive to reality, to logic, to reason, or debate.

Give them their own separate bathroom, simple.

Children should not be exposed to such things as they lack a full mental capacity to understand.

On a side note, these people are NOT born that way. They developed those "identities" or "feelings" or "beliefs" from a variety of experiences in their life. Many theories on why people commit crime are applicable to why they are the way they are.

Such theories include:

- Learned behavior theory
- Social learning theory
- Social disorganization theory
- Trauma theory

05-14-16, 06:15
Emotions are not cognitive to reality, to logic, to reason, or debate.

Give them their own separate bathroom, simple.

Children should not be exposed to such things as they lack a full mental capacity to understand.

On a side note, these people are NOT born that way. They developed those "identities" or "feelings" or "beliefs" from a variety of experiences in their life. Many theories on why people commit crime are applicable to why they are the way they are.

Such theories include:

- Learned behavior theory
- Social learning theory
- Social disorganization theory
- Trauma theory

Transgender is a mental health issue, and treating it as the opposite makes matters worse for these people, not better. If the so-called tolerant ones really cared, they would help them, not hurt them. This is no more "normal" or "natural" than the person that thinks they are a dragon, gets their whole body tattoo'd and gets horns and scales implanted into their skin. Or the person that thinks they are really disabled and has a limb removed.

I in no way think anyone should be mistreated, everyone has basic human rights, but to say that is what this is about is a complete falsehood.

05-14-16, 06:21
Transgender is a mental health issue, and treating it as the opposite makes matters worse for these people, not better. If the so-called tolerant ones really cared, they would help them, not hurt them. This is no more "normal" or "natural" than the person that thinks they are a dragon, gets their whole body tattoo'd and gets horns and scales implanted into their skin. Or the person that thinks they are really disabled and has a limb removed.

I in no way think anyone should be mistreated, everyone has basic human rights, but to say that is what this is about is a complete falsehood.

It is a psychological/mental issue. That was my point. Those theories can help explain how they got those psychological issues. They were not born with them. An experience or a series/re-occuring experience or event in their lives developed them.

05-14-16, 06:31
Understood, I was agreeing with you.

05-14-16, 06:32
Understood, I was agreeing with you.

Ohh haha my fault. I assumed the opposite. I apologize. Carry on.

05-14-16, 07:06
And while I'm trying to figure this mess of a puzzle out, or trying to figure if I even give a sh*t to figure this puzzle out.......someone's stealing my wallet.


"KariMarie1994" has likely been using the ladies room her whole life, will continue to use the ladies room, and no one will care any more tomorrow than they did last year.

This is all just a distraction from the fact that we are supporting/ funding/ training/ equipping Al Qaeda against secular Middle Eastern regimes.

05-14-16, 07:43
Holy mislabeling, Batman!!

1. Woman? Err, not yet if it still has its penis til 2016.

2. How can this it be straight, while still having a penis pre-op? Does it mean it prefers girls? If so wouldn't she be a lesbian, and thereby NOT straight?

3. What's it is really good at is causing confusion.

And while I'm trying to figure this mess of a puzzle out, or trying to figure if I even give a sh*t to figure this puzzle out.......someone's stealing my wallet.

Not for nothing, but this thread and the Friggin Animal Farm thread should be merged into one as it is the same cause and effect.

Nope, not even then. Still has that pesky XY chromosome pair so.......NEVER.

05-14-16, 08:07

05-14-16, 08:15
For the sake of discussion

Be careful out there fellas lol



Outlander Systems
05-14-16, 08:34
Can't argue with that.


05-14-16, 08:34
The pedophiles can't have a consenting adult as a parter. For this reason it won't ever be accepted. If it is then it will be time to clean the neighborhood up.

Oh, but now there is precedent. The .gov has said that high school, ANY school child, can self-identify as a member of the opposite sex regardless of what is on the birth certificate. So if that's the case, what's to stop a 14 year-old girl self-identifying as a 20 year-old and hooking up with their phys ed teacher? Well, now it's consensual sex. Because .gov has said what is on the birth certificate doesn't matter.

05-14-16, 08:41
I do not think the argument of uncertainty about predators is a concrete one. Statistically you are more likely to win the lotto than have your child abducted. Also statistically, most predators of that nature are someone you know personally like a family member, friend, and so on. A parent should be vigilant with their children. They should not rely on others to provide that safety.

What I am worried about is what a child sees and does not fully grasp and comprehend. A child could be exposed to such things and think that is how they are supposed to be or what they are supposed to do. They start pretending they are like that. They experiment with it, think it is fun or intriguing, and start to believe that is correct. This is where the learned behavior theory comes into play. It could destroy them psychologically well into their adulthood because they were not fully mentally and psychologically mature enough to know the difference and became indirectly and subconsciously influenced. Throw in the social learning and disorganization theories and they become extremely conflicted, resulting in even more psychological damage. Now think about about a child taking these curiosities to another child and it solidifies, and it stays with them into adulthood. This is where their argument becomes "I was born this way" because that is all they have known, and because as most of us know much interactions as a young child are forgotten, suppressed, or lapsed. Then you have the individuals who had a traumatic experience as a child like molestation, rape, and so on, steering them to such life choices. Or the child who decided to experiment with another child of the same gender at a really young age and it was an on going thing and when they reached adolescence not knowing otherwise came to the consensus that is their birth orientation; not realizing that those events have a psychological impact that subconsciously altered their perceptions.

Outlander Systems
05-14-16, 08:42

Oh, but now there is precedent. The .gov has said that high school, ANY school child, can self-identify as a member of the opposite sex regardless of what is on the birth certificate. So if that's the case, what's to stop a 14 year-old girl self-identifying as a 20 year-old and hooking up with their phys ed teacher? Well, now it's consensual sex. Because .gov has said what is on the birth certificate doesn't matter.

05-14-16, 08:46
Then add in parents who raise their children to be of a different gender or orientation. The ripple effect.

Youth are the most psychologically open and impressionable people of any age range. We need to be better parents and stop allowing such bullsh*t to alter them negatively for the rest of their lives. Virtually everything a person is as an adult was molded in them as a child. This crap does not happen overnight. Think of somebody who was a great human being; honorable, valiant; ethical; virtuous; disciplined; etc. Those characteristics were built from childhood on.

Almost everything someone is, has a connection to one or more events as a child.

05-14-16, 09:36
Let's see....I trans'd from a man to a women so I could be a lesbian. A Jewish lesbian too it seems.....cause I ain't enough shades of victim.

Was at my kids soccer and there was a white woman there, loud and obnoxious as heck with a huge Jewish star on one bicep, in rainbow colors. Asian kid. I felt like I was on Modern Family TV show.

05-14-16, 09:52
I stood in front of the door at a restaurant last night while my 6yo and 4yo used the restroom. My wife wasn't with us. Opened the door, made sure it was empty, let them in and stood there like a secret service agent. I don't care who needed to piss, I politely said , my daughters will be out in just one minute. Only 2 "real" women tried to enter but they had no issue. If some ladyboy tried to enter and be forceable about it, I will happily be a real A-hole. Sorry world, my daughters just got priority and I will respect all you gents kids as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
05-14-16, 10:04
I've been doing this since mine was old enough to walk.

I stood in front of the door at a restaurant last night while my 6yo and 4yo used the restroom. My wife wasn't with us. Opened the door, made sure it was empty, let them in and stood there like a secret service agent. I don't care who needed to piss, I politely said , my daughters will be out in just one minute. Only 2 "real" women tried to enter but they had no issue. If some ladyboy tried to enter and be forceable about it, I will happily be a real A-hole. Sorry world, my daughters just got priority and I will respect all you gents kids as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-14-16, 10:15
I stood in front of the door at a restaurant last night while my 6yo and 4yo used the restroom. My wife wasn't with us. Opened the door, made sure it was empty, let them in and stood there like a secret service agent. I don't care who needed to piss, I politely said , my daughters will be out in just one minute. Only 2 "real" women tried to enter but they had no issue. If some ladyboy tried to enter and be forceable about it, I will happily be a real A-hole. Sorry world, my daughters just got priority and I will respect all you gents kids as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So what would you do if (s)he tried to go in?


05-14-16, 10:30
And the way I understand it, this goes beyond just bathrooms, this includes all school activities and sports.

I went to a small private high school. Most of the schools in our athletic division were small private schools but there were a couple small public schools in the division that had to allow girls on the boys teams (football and wrestling). The individuals that suffered most were the girls on those teams. It was sad that their ideological parents were willing to let or push them to go through with it.

05-14-16, 11:05
@Euro- same thing homes, maybe flip on the audio recorder on my phone if sister gets testey, hopefully I'll avoid the massive discriminatory suit that unicorn can generate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-14-16, 11:08
What if a guy identifies as female for the sake of the police physical ability test? As he's "female" he has to bench press less, fewer sit-ups and has more time to complete the run? How is that "fair" to the men?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-14-16, 11:10
So what would you do if (s)he tried to go in?

He/she/it has gone through he change. I have far less concern about this than those who make the claim based on how they feel yet have made no modifications. But, hell, Bruce Jenner regrets it and changing back.

05-14-16, 11:30
And if your boy at eight years old doesn't know if he wants to transgender to being a girl, his lesbian parents can always decide for him. Because you need good role models in society.

Any bet takers say he, I mean she, will grow up to like girls anyway, just like his/her parents.

Let's see....I trans'd from a man to a women so I could be a lesbian. A Jewish lesbian too it seems.....cause I ain't enough shades of victim.
(Reminder: Gotta give Rachael Dolezal a call, so I can be a transgendered-Jew-lesbian--trans-self-identifying as a black, straight chick)

I don't know if Sodom and Gomorrah really existed, but I kinda know what they musta felt right before the fire and brimstones fell. (Note to self: Don't pay my credit card bills next month, because by all indications, we are there.)

Click this if you dare:


05-14-16, 11:37
I do not think the argument of uncertainty about predators is a concrete one. Statistically you are more likely to win the lotto than have your child abducted. Also statistically, most predators of that nature are someone you know personally like a family member, friend, and so on. A parent should be vigilant with their children. They should not rely on others to provide that safety.

What I am worried about is what a child sees and does not fully grasp and comprehend. A child could be exposed to such things and think that is how they are supposed to be or what they are supposed to do. They start pretending they are like that. They experiment with it, think it is fun or intriguing, and start to believe that is correct. This is where the learned behavior theory comes into play. It could destroy them psychologically well into their adulthood because they were not fully mentally and psychologically mature enough to know the difference and became indirectly and subconsciously influenced. Throw in the social learning and disorganization theories and they become extremely conflicted, resulting in even more psychological damage. Now think about about a child taking these curiosities to another child and it solidifies, and it stays with them into adulthood. This is where their argument becomes "I was born this way" because that is all they have known, and because as most of us know much interactions as a young child are forgotten, suppressed, or lapsed. Then you have the individuals who had a traumatic experience as a child like molestation, rape, and so on, steering them to such life choices. Or the child who decided to experiment with another child of the same gender at a really young age and it was an on going thing and when they reached adolescence not knowing otherwise came to the consensus that is their birth orientation; not realizing that those events have a psychological impact that subconsciously altered their perceptions.

And THAT is a major part of the agenda.....if 1.8% of the population is not "normal" enough, lets invest into the future where this behavior/mutation will achieve the oft-quoted 20%. A form of indoctrination.

The warning signs were there waaay long ago. Do you guys remember the pre-school books, "Tommy Has Two Dads"......"Susy has Two Moms"? Normalization.

Well it was inevitable.....our country achieved ultimate wealth. For once you have enough wealth to buy anything a heart desires....what's left is to desire what wealth can't buy. (In this case born a boy, but desire to be a girl.)
This country can financially "afford" to be stupid I guess. Poor countries don't really have this problem or at least force the other 98.2% to comply. Poor countries don't have a lactose-intolerance or vegan problem either.

05-14-16, 11:39
Was at my kids soccer and there was a white woman there, loud and obnoxious as heck with a huge Jewish star on one bicep, in rainbow colors. Asian kid. I felt like I was on Modern Family TV show.

And if she was forced to mark herself with a Jewish star, like those in WW2 Europe had to.......all hell would break loose.

Honestly, your post/statement reinforces my theory that all this is just attention-seeking. Like a real walk-thru-life Gong Show or American Idol or another generic look-at-me Facebook post.

The more shades of victimhood, the more attention the freak gets. A Jewish victimhood star isn't enough victim, so it has to be in the LGBT coalition colors to double down the victimhood.

Like the Rachael Dolezal chick...... she can work 24/7 as a proponent for black issues, there was NO need to pretend to be black.

Like a Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy thing going on.

05-14-16, 11:43
So what would you do if (s)he tried to go in?

OR if this tried to go in?39469

05-14-16, 12:02
also a lot of fakes like this are happening !!
not trans but written made to be that way !!!
just like everything else trolling for 10 minutes of fame

For the sake of discussion

Be careful out there fellas lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-14-16, 14:41
OR if this tried to go in?39469

Tell them you ruptured a hemrrhoid while having explosive diarrhea and youre waiting for the cleaning crew.

Or throat punch

05-15-16, 03:08
I transitioned today for a short time fellas and it was wondrous . . .

I had to run to Babies-R-Us to pick up my son a few things and noticed that all ten of the "Expecting Mother Reserved Parking" spaces were open. So I "identified" as a pregnant woman and parked my happy ass right up in front of the store. It was glorious, I'm starting to think there is something to all these special snowflake privileges.

Though on another note I "identify" as an able-bodied human, I feel discriminated against with all those handicap parking spaces here about.

05-15-16, 07:53

One of his New York City readers wrote in to say that her 14-year-old daughter had just finished dressing in a city locker room when a grown man stepped from the showers wearing only a towel. Girls as young as seven were present, and they were staring at the man with “concerned expressions.”
The reader ends her e-mail with, “It sucks to be a parent these days.” And indeed it does suck, especially when you know that even your friends and alleged allies are simply too timid to act. Dreher describes speaking to parents who tried to organize resistance to new “trans” bathroom policies but found they “couldn’t get anybody interested.”

I'm not sure "talking" will get your point across to someone perving seven year old girls. I don't and would't care if anyone else was "interested" at that point you really should just apply something solid like a toilet tank lid to his noggin and get your kid and roll on out.
I would imagine in a more industrial type facility, a good pistol whipping and some Tony Lama two step might work just as well.

Outlander Systems
05-15-16, 08:31

05-20-16, 11:54

Interesting. I know it is from 2 years ago, but "this stuff never happens".

TORONTO - A sexual predator who falsely claimed to be transgender and preyed on women at two Toronto shelters was jailed indefinitely on Wednesday.

Justice John McMahon declared Christopher Hambrook — who claimed to be a transgender woman named Jessica — was a dangerous offender.

The judge said he imposed the indefinite prison sentence because there’s a great risk that Hambrook will commit more sex crimes and require strict supervision if he returns to the community.

05-20-16, 12:31
My Daughter is 15. I'm no longer a Target Shopper, and I'll be standing guard at the bathroom door she uses...and if I have to make a scene, so be it...

05-20-16, 13:28
My Daughter is 15. I'm no longer a Target Shopper, and I'll be standing guard at the bathroom door she uses...and if I have to make a scene, so be it...

So... Laverne Cox shows up to use the ladies room while your daughter is in there... is your plan to prevent her from going in, or do you pull your daughter out?

05-20-16, 15:05
I feel like I am 62', can I retire and collect SS now

Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

05-20-16, 15:14

05-20-16, 18:08
I guess Stolen Valor is just Borrowed or Identified Valor now?

Milo Gaybritoppolus is pretty good on the tranny issue. Is this seriously the frontier of civil rights now? Both extremes are not wrapping themselves in glory or honor on this one. It really shows the lack of any real concrete, rational or meaningful Progressive agenda and the last gasps of the religious right. They are spinning each around each other spiraling inward until they hopefully annihilate each other and we can talk about real issues like:

Lack of true economic growth because of stifling of innovation
The increasing omnipresent and omnipotent surveillance state
The Rise of a Napoleonesque Putin and China which is going to implode- both to the detriment of their neighbors.
Another banking crisis forming that we won't have QE or low rates to counter since we shot that gun and can't reload it
Global Warming- just kidding if anything the nationalisation and rationing of energy (economic juice) while we are blind to earth intersecting objects which are actually proven to cause extinction level events.
Kardashians. Seriously, if there ever was a sign that God is dead, it is that those twits are still here, relevant and to my uneducated eyes, multiplying.

05-20-16, 18:27
We should have all or nothing.

I'm more than willing to let dopers dope, queers be queer, and women to stop shaving their legs and arms if I could just buy a Stoner 63 and suppressors over the counter cash and carry.

There would be less crime and everyone would be happy.

I thought if we could get the fags and drapes on board; we'd have this new golden age of privatization and more guns.

Instead it's all youtube pissing matches and people just being a drag.

05-20-16, 20:29
We should have all or nothing.

I'm more than willing to let dopers dope, queers be queer, and women to stop shaving their legs and arms if I could just buy a Stoner 63 and suppressors over the counter cash and carry.

There would be less crime and everyone would be happy.

I thought if we could get the fags and drapes on board; we'd have this new golden age of privatization and more guns.

Instead it's all youtube pissing matches and people just being a drag.

Really helps explain the term "drag queen", eh? ;)

05-20-16, 20:54
Can I just pick whichever bathroom is less filthy? I don't care who else is in it, I just prefer a clean toilet when it's time to do work.

05-21-16, 01:24

Interesting. I know it is from 2 years ago, but "this stuff never happens".

Thank you for sharing this and providing the link.

05-21-16, 01:33
I'm no longer a Target Shopper,

****'em, they've lost $10,000,000,000 so far in sells since they just had to come out and take a political stance on allowing the mentally ill and sexual degenerate in the women's restrooms and changing rooms.

My father stopped shopping at Target back during the Clinton AWB dust up, they ceased selling firearm periodicals in their book and magazine section to be PC. They stopped selling firearms in the mid 80's and airguns/toy guns in the late 90's.

When my wife found out they went and pulled this latest stunt she has sworn them off as well.

05-21-16, 01:38
I feel like I am 62', can I retire and collect SS now

I've been saying this from the start, why draw the line at "gender". I want to "identify" as transage so I can collect SS now and then "identify" as transracial so I can get that Affirmative Action college degree I've always wanted among other things. Oh the possibilities in this Brave New World of ours.


That guy just took things to a whole other level!

He would be classified as an "otherkin" not to be confused with "furries".

Otherkin are people who identify as partially or entirely nonhuman. A dragon, a lion, a fox—you name it—there is probably someone out there who feels like they are more these things than they are human. The otherkin community can be found lurking on Reddit, Tumblr, TV Tropes, and other online forums.

05-21-16, 01:42
I guess Stolen Valor is just Borrowed or Identified Valor now?

Then there is this, what about all those poor posers. So what if they never served and earned that Congressional Medal of Honor, so long as they simply believe it in their pretty little heads it is so. Why we got to be all like discriminate against the poser minority?

26 Inf
05-21-16, 23:45
Then there is this, what about all those poor posers. So what if they never served and earned that Congressional Medal of Honor, so long as they simply believe it in their pretty little heads it is so. Why we got to be all like discriminate against the poser minority?

It's that easy? 'I had a 3 way with Mariska Hargitay and Jan Smithers, I had a 3 way with Mariska Hargitay and Jan Smithers, I had a 3 way with Mariska Hargitay and Jan Smithers.' Oh, wow.

05-21-16, 23:53
I am the Last Starfighter.

That is how I self identify.

05-21-16, 23:54
It's that easy? 'I had a 3 way with Mariska Hargitay and Jan Smithers, I had a 3 way with Mariska Hargitay and Jan Smithers, I had a 3 way with Mariska Hargitay and Jan Smithers.' Oh, wow.

Smithers from 'The Simpons' first name is Jan?

I've been saying this from the start, why draw the line at "gender". I want to "identify" as transage so I can collect SS now and then "identify" as transracial so I can get that Affirmative Action college degree I've always wanted among other things. Oh the possibilities in this Brave New World of ours.

That guy just took things to a whole other level!

He would be classified as an "otherkin" not to be confused with "furries".

Uhm, not to be insensitive, but if they don't identify as human but as say a deer, can we hunt them. In season of course. Would they ignore blaze orange and run at cars at night?

26 Inf
05-22-16, 09:34
Smithers from 'The Simpons' first name is Jan?

WKRP's Bailey Quarters was played by Jan Smithers.

I'm old enough I don't watch cartoons.

05-23-16, 02:21
It's that easy?

It is with "gender identity", but why stop there?

I'm old enough I don't watch cartoons.

No one is ever too old for the classics.


26 Inf
05-23-16, 10:51
No one is ever too old for the classics.


I agree with you on that point.

Somehow I manage to go days, even weeks without watching much TV - Royals baseball and the last 1/4 of most of the Sprint Cup races this year is about all I've watched.

I am too busy with raising kids, work, school, reserves, and outside activities - shooting, boating, motorcycling - to watch much TV. Spent all this past weekend at the state high school swim meet - watching daughters climb onto the podium or watching TV, no contest.

Been that way most of the time, I watched most of WKRP on reruns while I was on either my NordicTrack or rower.

05-23-16, 11:12
Race Bannon wasn't concerned with traditional gender roles when it came to accomplishing the mission... or carrying his litter.


05-23-16, 12:02
The feminists would have a field day with that today!


(no real safety on that M3 Greaser....so lets keep our finger off it...m-kay? LOL)

05-23-16, 12:32
Race Bannon was an original gangster.

He murders up communists, enslaves a sex harem, and when he gets home puts shoes to his girlfriend and gives Jonny Quest a speech on how not to suck.

The man didn't worry for anything.

05-23-16, 13:36
Man that was an awesome show. Bannon was a F'ing stud. Should I ever have a boy my plan is to name him Jack Waylon but Race Bannon would be legit I'm starting to think.

Also, Hadji, how no Pc awesome is that.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-24-16, 06:18
My Daughter is 15. I'm no longer a Target Shopper, and I'll be standing guard at the bathroom door she uses...and if I have to make a scene, so be it...

Looks like you'll be going to jail.

Sources say a security guard is accused of pushing the transgender woman from the bathroom area to the store's exit. It's also alleged the security guard directed a homophobic slur at the transgender woman.



I like Deana Chisholm though!

Chisholm says, "If you was born a man go to the men's bathroom. You got a penis go to the men's bathroom. If you are born a woman go to the woman's bathroom. Period!"

05-24-16, 08:16
We also ended in agreement that stupid hurts...

I told my boys, that when they see a man in a dress, RUN for help! SCREW political correctness. :nono:

05-24-16, 08:22
I told my boys, that when they see a man in a dress, RUN for help! SCREW political correctness. :nono:

They're far more likely to get "attacked" by a man dressed like a man.

05-24-16, 09:59
I told my boys, that when they see a man in a dress, RUN for help! SCREW political correctness. :nono:


Also run away from Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, people with tattoos, the Jews...

I don't know how some of you guys make it in the world. Good to see that you're bringing up the next generation right!

05-24-16, 10:08

Also run away from Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, people with tattoos, the Jews...

I don't know how some of you guys make it in the world. Good to see that you're bringing up the next generation right!

Seriously? Bad analogies. A man in a dress is deviant. That is deviant behavior. What is wrong in telling your kids that when they see a man in a dress, that is deviant behavior, not normal. Said man in a dress in a women's bathroom? Hell, yeah, leave.

05-24-16, 10:26
Seriously? Bad analogies.

They're actually highly relevant because- as Koshinn pointed out above and pretty much everyone knows, statistically you are far more likely to be victimized by a member of those groups than a transgender person.

There are people in this country who tell their kids to run away from anyone carrying a gun that's not wearing a uniform.

How about we all just stop being afraid of everything and deal with reality?

The fear-junkie routine gets old after a while. Don't you guys ever wear yourselves out?

05-24-16, 10:32
I think a lot of people are confusing transgender or whatever with pedophiles

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

05-24-16, 10:33
They're actually highly relevant because- as Koshinn pointed out above and pretty much everyone knows, statistically you are far more likely to be victimized by a member of those groups than a transgender person.

There are people in this country who tell their kids to run away from anyone carrying a gun that's not wearing a uniform.

How about we all just stop being afraid of everything and deal with reality?

The fear-junkie routine gets old after a while. Don't you guys ever wear yourselves out?

OK, the statistics game. Sure, more likely assaulted by fill-in-the-blank. So let's get back to reality in that the men-in-dress-transgender population is an aberrant, anomalous, deviant population. So, in reality, I tell my kids to avoid them as much as possible. Don't hate, don't run, don't discriminate, don't make fun of. But avoid? Oh, yeah. Especially in bathrooms where they should not be.

05-24-16, 10:50
I think a lot of people are confusing transgender or whatever with pedophiles

I don't think it's honest confusion on their part, but just sort of a game that they play... just like people do against the Blacks or Muslims or gun owners or anyone else.

Maybe there's a few of them that don't know any transgender people, but I think for most of them it's willful ignorance in the face of the truth... because reality does not support their agenda.

05-24-16, 13:16
The issue with the statistical argument is it is comparing two different data sets. You should only look at the statistical probability of a criminal mind within the transgender subset. Yes, a child is more likely to be abducted / molested / victimized by a bad person. Yes, there are statistically more bad people that bad transgender people. But how many bad transgender people are there within the transgender subset? Perhaps not bad as in a criminal record, but broken / deviant / of poor moral fiber? Im going to go-ahead and guess that its about 75% once you include all the outliers and inability to prove one’s genuine transgender nature and their now, legal ability to deny you to do so. Previously, at minimum, under the same set of circumstances, gender identifiable bathrooms provided a hurdle for your non-transgendered bad guy. They were forced to contend with the social norm that is visually seeing a man walk into a clearly marked women’s bathroom. There was no issue with taking action / notifying someone. That hurdle has been removed. Now, lets take your previously mentioned statistically small “bad & transgender” and begin to add “bad” and “bad and actually not transgendered” etc.. and you see the issue with statistics. Not to mention, you are not really considering the weight of the negative outcome. This is a big deal. Here is an analogy that may better illustrate the problem.

You are in room with a stranger, he / she pulls out a gun.
Now statistically, it will show that they are a licensed CCH and would like you to see the pistol, maybe ask a question or remark on an issue. Im certain you will consider that statistic in the moment.

The issue is not stats, it’s the variables, they went through the roof…so let’s stop debating the calculated risk.

05-24-16, 14:16
The issue with the statistical argument is it is comparing two different data sets. You should only look at the statistical probability of a criminal mind within the transgender subset. Yes, a child is more likely to be abducted / molested / victimized by a bad person. Yes, there are statistically more bad people that bad transgender people. But how many bad transgender people are there within the transgender subset? Perhaps not bad as in a criminal record, but broken / deviant / of poor moral fiber? Im going to go-ahead and guess that its about 75% once you include all the outliers and inability to prove one’s genuine transgender nature and their now, legal ability to deny you to do so. Previously, at minimum, under the same set of circumstances, gender identifiable bathrooms provided a hurdle for your non-transgendered bad guy. They were forced to contend with the social norm that is visually seeing a man walk into a clearly marked women’s bathroom. There was no issue with taking action / notifying someone. That hurdle has been removed. Now, lets take your previously mentioned statistically small “bad & transgender” and begin to add “bad” and “bad and actually not transgendered” etc.. and you see the issue with statistics. Not to mention, you are not really considering the weight of the negative outcome. This is a big deal. Here is an analogy that may better illustrate the problem.

You are in room with a stranger, he / she pulls out a gun.
Now statistically, it will show that they are a licensed CCH and would like you to see the pistol, maybe ask a question or remark on an issue. Im certain you will consider that statistic in the moment.

The issue is not stats, it’s the variables, they went through the roof…so let’s stop debating the calculated risk.


05-24-16, 14:29
Here's my rule o' thumb:

Would you rather spend an evening with a pretty tranny who is gorgeous or an ugly, "healthy at any size" woman who is loud and opinionated?

Would you rather live next door to a black guy who drives a Volvo, dresses up everyday, and a has white wife, who is always passive aggressive about everything and anything and is insistent that the world is against him or an authentic brother with dreads, a fat wife, black as hell, old faded gang tats who honestly keeps it real, tosses deuces at ya, has your back when you aint home, and always has a 40 oz in his hand?

Would you rather go shooting with Walter Sobchack of FPSRussia?

Would you rather live next to some double income, no kids Muslims that have decent jobs, keep it in the mosque, and just are chill or Mormons who defecate children every 9 months and stockpile guns and food and have a harem ranging from 40 to 18?

How you answer may lead to some zen soul searching.

05-24-16, 14:54

Also run away from Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, people with tattoos, the Jews...

I don't know how some of you guys make it in the world. Good to see that you're bringing up the next generation right!

They're actually highly relevant because- as Koshinn pointed out above and pretty much everyone knows, statistically you are far more likely to be victimized by a member of those groups than a transgender person.

There are people in this country who tell their kids to run away from anyone carrying a gun that's not wearing a uniform.

How about we all just stop being afraid of everything and deal with reality?

The fear-junkie routine gets old after a while. Don't you guys ever wear yourselves out?

Thanks Kev, I was getting highly concerned reading the majority of the replies.

But, I know I will get labeled the brain-washed, lazy, good-for-nothing, degenerate, uneducated, poorly maintained Millennial.

My year of birth may have had an impact on what kind of perception I have of the world I was raised in, but it didn't change the reality of the world.

This isn't a Trans issue, just like it wasn't a gay issue, or black/racism issue. It was the fear of difference. Look at what was said about the Gays, I don't see much more "raping or pillaging" occurring, even though I heard a lot of that "is going to happen" growing up; how many of your kids "turned gay" by being in contact with someone who identifies that way?

It's fear mongering, at it's best, and a large chunk of this country is so willing to chase the rabbit down the hole. I have said it before, I will say it again: How many of you have been in a bathroom with a transgender before?

Anyone who has used public restrooms, has most likely already encountered this exact situation. And you were none-the-wiser.

And anyone who says: It puts people at risk by having them in the same bathrooms; what's to stop a full grown man following an inattentive woman or child into the bathroom? Better yet, while all of you are up in arms about your daughters, what about your sons? (Oh my!)

Truly, thanks Kev, it's a joke how far people are willing to go to make a redundant point.

ETA: All I ask, of anyone who is so adamantly against this, what will you do if one day you wake up, and your child identifies that same way? What will you do, will you exile them, will you beat them, kick them from the house? Maybe tell them you didn't raise them that way, and that it's not possible, that they're sick?

If you're lucky, they will tell you. Or all your fear mongering hate will bottle them up, drive them over the edge, like countless times before, and you risk the fruit of your loins taking their own life because "Dad hates me as gay/trans. I'm worthless, I shouldn't be alive." Look at your babys next time and ask yourself: Are my hateful actions, today, worth my child feeling hated by me forever?

05-24-16, 15:03
The problem isn't transgendered people using restrooms of their self-assigned sex; the problem is that non-transgendered people can abuse it. That's really it.

Personally, I believe that you should have to undergo mandatory sexual-reassignment surgery and then report your sex change in the same way you would report a name change before you could legally qualify as being transgendered and using the benefits of being such.

Don't want your man-parts chopped off? Not ready to pee sitting down? Then you obviously aren't ready to be a woman. Tough luck, buddy - use the men's room.

That would fix everything (and everyone who is a problem, strictly speaking).

05-24-16, 15:07
Everything the leftists do has little or nothing to do with their stated goals, it is actually about tearing down any standards, traditions, and values.

^^^^^This. Exactly. And the President/Feds are involved which is also stupid on many levels, but it actually only affects 0.1% of the population.

05-24-16, 15:21
^^^^^This. Exactly. And the President/Feds are involved which is also stupid on many levels, but it actually only affects 0.1% of the population.

And it wont ever for the most part impact our lives, except tear down all the traditions and the ways we view what is normal.

But if you walk in to a restroom in Norwood Park Illinois and there is a Tranny and a Clown??


Convicted of 33 murders, Gacy was sentenced to death for 12 of these killings on March 13, 1980. He spent 14 years on death row before he was executed by lethal injection at Stateville Correctional Center on May 10, 1994.

Gacy became known as the "Killer Clown" due to his charitable services at fundraising events, parades and children's parties where he would dress as "Pogo the Clown", a character he devised himself.

Always kill the Clown.

I don't know a thing about Transvestites (ok, except for what Euro has posted here.) but I'm pretty sure they are a lot less dangerous than Gacy ever was. I'm thinking if you stopped in your local Tavern for a cold beer on your way home tonight and Gacy happened to be sitting on the next bar stool, you wouldn't think twice.

05-24-16, 15:39
I had not thought of the abusers masquerading in order to get a peek.

Here's what I don't understand. If the number of transgender whatevers is a small fraction of the population, why can't they go to their real sex bathroom? This way only a few people(they)are made uncomfortable instead of the rest of us(an enormous fraction of the whole)being made uncomfortable.

ADDENDUM: One solution is sending them all to St. Pete, Florida and putting Eurodriver in charge of their up-keep and well being. He, then, could hire Firefly to serve as their ombudsman and together they could hire others from the forum to work as counselors, recreation aides, and security.

05-24-16, 15:45
I had not thought of the abusers masquerading in order to get a peek.

Here's what I don't understand. If the number of transgender whatevers is a small fraction of the population, why can't they go to their real sex bathroom? This way only a few people(they)are made uncomfortable instead of the rest of us(an enormous fraction of the whole)being made uncomfortable.

Sir! This is a logic free discussion, please show yourself out.

05-24-16, 15:46
If the number of transgender whatevers is a small fraction of the population, why can't they go to their real sex bathroom?

Because, "you never let a serious crisis go to waste."

You think the current administration cares about transgendered rights? Nope, no way in hell. They simply care about using it as a vehicle to gain control over yet another aspect of American life they never had influence on before. It's the same thing with gun rights - the current administration isn't anti-gun, they're simply against people owning firearms without their expressed approval; they're against commoners owning firearms without the permission of the elite.

Just wait until lawsuits come out because someone won't date a homosexual person or a transgendered person or someone of a different race, because of their own personal preference. It's all about control - that's all this was ever about.

Outlander Systems
05-24-16, 16:32
I find the silence, regarding the science behind the phenomenon of "Transgenderism" rather telling.

05-24-16, 16:57
I find the silence, regarding the science behind the phenomenon of "Transgenderism" rather telling.

I've realized that once we accept that some people are just freakoes that the world is easier to handle.

Done right it can make life interesting. Done wrong it can be lame.

I say this as someone who enjoyed too much 90s Jerry Springer

05-24-16, 16:58
Because, "you never let a serious crisis go to waste."

You think the current administration cares about transgendered rights? Nope, no way in hell. They simply care about using it as a vehicle to gain control over yet another aspect of American life they never had influence on before. It's the same thing with gun rights - the current administration isn't anti-gun, they're simply against people owning firearms without their expressed approval; they're against commoners owning firearms without the permission of the elite.

Just wait until lawsuits come out because someone won't date a homosexual person or a transgendered person or someone of a different race, because of their own personal preference. It's all about control - that's all this was ever about.

Agreed and I'll add that it's not really about the number of transgender people, but more about the larger population who are sympathetic to their cause. I was listening to the radio the other day and there were some political commentators talking about this issue and one of them called this a "wedge issue". Defined as "a divisive political issue, especially one that is raised by a candidate for public office in hopes of attracting or alienating an opponent's supporters." I think this has some applicability here.

In my simplistic way of thinking, I view this as the "flavor-of-the-month" political issue giving politicians the opportunity to add fuel to the flames, draw a line in the sand, and force people to pick a side on an issue that isn't black or white. Like you said, Skyyr, the current administration doesn't care. They just want to divide the room, find out which side you are on, and commence their political attack.

05-24-16, 17:19
Cake, part II.

The next step is that the tranny's will start sending people in the bathrooms and if you complain or a business Throws you out, you'll be slapped with a discrimination lawsuit. Just like the gays with the wedding cakes. It's not that they want cakes, they wanted to press their issue.

I saw that 60% of people polled are for this craziness. That shit all stops when the predators started to take advantage of this.

No, the next step is if you turn down an advance or don't have relations with a man or transsexual then you are a bigot and hateful person.

Outlander Systems
05-24-16, 17:29
I could, personally, care less whether someone thinks he's a she, or she is a he, and says, "Hey babe; take a walk on the wild side."

But, what I do care about is that, my blessing, whether I approve of it or not, is absolutely demanded, lest I be a social pariah at best, or a thought-criminal at worst.

Everyone gets dick knots over incrementalism; mark my words - pedophilia acceptance is next.

God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

I've realized that once we accept that some people are just freakoes that the world is easier to handle.

Done right it can make life interesting. Done wrong it can be lame.

I say this as someone who enjoyed too much 90s Jerry Springer

05-24-16, 17:43

Also run away from Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, people with tattoos, the Jews...

I don't know how some of you guys make it in the world. Good to see that you're bringing up the next generation right!

Kev, you're the one with the hang-ups about Jews (Neocons).

Statistically you are more likely to be killed by someone you know, by a gun in your house and get in traffic accidents near your house.

When are moving to get away from family, guns and house?

I tell my kids that when you feel that hair on the back of your neck rise up, get the F out. Men in dresses in the ladies room fits this bill. Maybe it is Kaitlyn Jenner or some other harmless person. Sorry, I don't want my daughter figuring out the hard way that it ain't. Don't be disrespectful, don't make a scene- get the hell out of dodge.

I don't think it's honest confusion on their part, but just sort of a game that they play... just like people do against the Blacks or Muslims or gun owners or anyone else.

Maybe there's a few of them that don't know any transgender people, but I think for most of them it's willful ignorance in the face of the truth... because reality does not support their agenda.

Most people don't know someone who is transgendered. That's just the way that it is. These are societal unicorns.

Reality and transgendered people. That's a hoot.

The problem isn't transgendered people using restrooms of their self-assigned sex; the problem is that non-transgendered people can abuse it. That's really it.

Ding, ding. Winner, winner.

Neither side has cloaked themselves with honor on this one. Progressives are using transgendered people as some kind of further traipse down the queer alphabet soup and right wingers go crazy if you can put sex and potty talk in the same sentence. Add in a slow news stretch so the media can focus on this and you've got a national crisis that literally means nothing.

No, the next step is if you turn down an advance or don't have relations with a man or transsexual then you are a bigot and hateful person.

We don't need to overplay this. Progressives will use any kind of microaggression towards the queer alphabet crew to try to cast anyone who questions their agenda out of society. This is just another stake in the ground to help marginalize organized religion. They'll ostracize the evangelicals and destroy the Catholics from within or by overplaying Francis statements.

(Anyone see 'The Real O'Neals' episode where the strict Catholic grandmother comes to visit and the swap the Francis portrait for JPII. Best joke in the episode.)

05-24-16, 17:53
They've been pushing pedo acceptance for a while.

I don't mind being a social pariah for drawing my firm lines in the sand.

Hell, I ain't all that popular now.

In my book, if you're age of majority; anything goes. Just don't cry if people judge you or you catch something Ajax won't get rid of.

Touch a kid, and that's a huge problem.
For the kid diddler.

I am pretty liberal(in the literal sense) on weird or far out stuff because I get bored easy and like to be entertained.

I am not, however, a housebroken male.

Do not confuse my kindness for weakness, my patience for acceptance, or my good nature for lacking a cruel and vicious side.

People can have their opinions, I can have mine.

Anything beyond that is a country best left unexplored

Outlander Systems
05-24-16, 18:23
Pretty much.

My last experience with a whack job was in, well, Florida. So there I was, in this bar, and Budreaux comes and sits with me and my homies.

He proceeds to explain to us that Hitler's is still alive, and that he runs a Eugenics program out of Flash Foods (Florida Stop N Rob Chain.) According to this dude, who was also a spy, he was out to track down the center of Hitler's operations.

Now, based on society's "trending" (God I hate that word) milieu, rather than tell Johnny McScrewloose to pound sand, I should have handed him my pistol, and told him, metaphorically, "You go girl!"

You don't encourage delusions. You can be polite. You can be nice. But you don't encourage delusions.

They've been pushing pedo acceptance for a while.

I don't mind being a social pariah for drawing my firm lines in the sand.

Hell, I ain't all that popular now.

In my book, if you're age of majority; anything goes. Just don't cry if people judge you or you catch something Ajax won't get rid of.

Touch a kid, and that's a huge problem.
For the kid diddler.

I am pretty liberal(in the literal sense) on weird or far out stuff because I get bored easy and like to be entertained.

I am not, however, a housebroken male.

Do not confuse my kindness for weakness, my patience for acceptance, or my good nature for lacking a cruel and vicious side.

People can have their opinions, I can have mine.

Anything beyond that is a country best left unexplored

05-25-16, 02:57

05-25-16, 06:40
The problem isn't transgendered people using restrooms of their self-assigned sex; the problem is that non-transgendered people can abuse it. That's really it.

Personally, I believe that you should have to undergo mandatory sexual-reassignment surgery and then report your sex change in the same way you would report a name change before you could legally qualify as being transgendered and using the benefits of being such.

Don't want your man-parts chopped off? Not ready to pee sitting down? Then you obviously aren't ready to be a woman. Tough luck, buddy - use the men's room.

That would fix everything (and everyone who is a problem, strictly speaking).
I just don't see someone going out in public dressed as the opposite sex just to have a chance at sneaking into a bathroom.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

05-25-16, 07:28
I just don't see someone going out in public dressed as the opposite sex just to have a chance at sneaking into a bathroom.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

It happens, but sure is infrequent. Happened here some months ago at a local mall.

05-25-16, 07:41
Thanks Kev, I was getting highly concerned reading the majority of the replies.

But, I know I will get labeled the brain-washed, lazy, good-for-nothing, degenerate, uneducated, poorly maintained Millennial.

My year of birth may have had an impact on what kind of perception I have of the world I was raised in, but it didn't change the reality of the world.

This isn't a Trans issue, just like it wasn't a gay issue, or black/racism issue. It was the fear of difference. Look at what was said about the Gays, I don't see much more "raping or pillaging" occurring, even though I heard a lot of that "is going to happen" growing up; how many of your kids "turned gay" by being in contact with someone who identifies that way?

It's fear mongering, at it's best, and a large chunk of this country is so willing to chase the rabbit down the hole. I have said it before, I will say it again: How many of you have been in a bathroom with a transgender before?

Anyone who has used public restrooms, has most likely already encountered this exact situation. And you were none-the-wiser.

And anyone who says: It puts people at risk by having them in the same bathrooms; what's to stop a full grown man following an inattentive woman or child into the bathroom? Better yet, while all of you are up in arms about your daughters, what about your sons? (Oh my!)

Truly, thanks Kev, it's a joke how far people are willing to go to make a redundant point.

ETA: All I ask, of anyone who is so adamantly against this, what will you do if one day you wake up, and your child identifies that same way? What will you do, will you exile them, will you beat them, kick them from the house? Maybe tell them you didn't raise them that way, and that it's not possible, that they're sick?

If you're lucky, they will tell you. Or all your fear mongering hate will bottle them up, drive them over the edge, like countless times before, and you risk the fruit of your loins taking their own life because "Dad hates me as gay/trans. I'm worthless, I shouldn't be alive." Look at your babys next time and ask yourself: Are my hateful actions, today, worth my child feeling hated by me forever?

Why don't you, to prove a point to all of us who you and Kev are labeling under "fear" (noting, of course, neither of you are refuting any scientific or logical arguments), claim transgender? I bet you won't because your answer is, "I am not". So, then, you don't self-identify as a woman? Well, why not?

There are standards. Biological, genetic, chromosomal standards. If your genes are out of whack, nut up, have the surgery, have your birth certificate changed, and have at it. Until that point, however, you remain one, or the other. Bruce Jenner is learning the hard way how rash decisions in this area can have profound effects.

As for your edit, the nice, smugness of your patronizing tone to those of us in the arena of having to raise a family in this day and age is sad, but a little funny. I am glad you (and Kev) can take the moral high road in this argument, and I am sure you will be a far better father than the rest of us because of your advanced thought.

05-25-16, 09:21
Thanks Kev, I was getting highly concerned reading the majority of the replies.

I haven't given up on this place just yet.

This board is being targeted by hate groups who have been sending over provocateurs for a while now. To the casual observer, it looks like just a couple of dim thinkers spouting their backward opinions to the sheep so they can all baaaahhh in agreement. What it actually is, is a coordinated effort to hijack our culture and propagate more ignorant, hateful people in this country.

Also, thank you for speaking up.

Here's what I don't understand. If the number of transgender whatevers is a small fraction of the population, why can't they go to their real sex bathroom?

They should go in the bathroom they present as... and they do.

No weirdness. No laws required. Done.

I've realized that once we accept that some people are just freakoes that the world is easier to handle.

What defines these people though, is that they do not "accept."

Look at some of the language in this thread, particularly the use of the word "condone."

What exactly does it mean to not "condone" and why should anyone care?

I completely do not care about what "offends," what another person "is comfortable with," or... most laughably... what they are willing to "condone."

Also- When haters get rid of all the different people in the group/ town/ whatever... do you think they all crack a beer and celebrate? No, they re-examine the differences among them and find a new category to hate.

I was listening to the radio the other day and there were some political commentators talking about this issue and one of them called this a "wedge issue". Defined as "a divisive political issue, especially one that is raised by a candidate for public office in hopes of attracting or alienating an opponent's supporters."


What makes this interesting, however, is that Republicans brought this on themselves by going to the legislature and trying to make new laws.

I believe this is part of an internal effort to scuttle the party.

Trump has brought over TONS of mainstream Americans into the Republican party. The vast majority of these are real-world-folks, whose lives consist of more than a few walks to the fridge, 1.5 trips to the bathroom, and a walk to the mailbox every day.

This play is designed to show them that the party is rotten, and drive them away lest they start influencing the core principles of the party and moving things in a direction that better suits modern American life.

No, the next step is if you turn down an advance or don't have relations with a man or transsexual then you are a bigot and hateful person.

I get a huge kick when fear junkies on both sides talk about "The next step..."

The left is all like, "Campus CCW? The next step is fraternities having duels at high noon! Blood will flow in the streets! Bullets traveling in every direction! Shooting beer bottles on the quad will replace frisbee!!"

The right is like, "Marriage Equality? OMGOSH... huhhhh... huhhh... huhhhh... are... you... kidding me???? The next step is marrying your dog! Legalized child molestation! Postnatal abortions! I'm gonna be forced to install solar panels on the roof or else the Red Communists will burn my house down!!1! Aaaaarghhh!!!1!"

I guess in that way I do appreciate the radical fringe for their unintended humor.

But, what I do care about is that, my blessing, whether I approve of it or not, is absolutely demanded, lest I be a social pariah at best, or a thought-criminal at worst.

The slavers felt the exact same way.

It sucks for a bit, American society moves on, and eventually they all die.

Kev, you're the one with the hang-ups about Jews (Neocons).

Jews are followers of a particular religion.
Neoconservatism is a political ideology.

Also I'm not hung up on anything... I just keep it real.

Most people don't know someone who is transgendered. That's just the way that it is.


05-25-16, 10:13
Why don't you, to prove a point to all of us who you and Kev are labeling under "fear" (noting, of course, neither of you are refuting any scientific or logical arguments), claim transgender? I bet you won't because your answer is, "I am not". So, then, you don't self-identify as a woman? Well, why not?

There are standards. Biological, genetic, chromosomal standards. If your genes are out of whack, nut up, have the surgery, have your birth certificate changed, and have at it. Until that point AND EVEN AFTERWARDS, however, you remain one, or the other. Bruce Jenner is learning the hard way how rash decisions in this area can have profound effects.

As for your edit, the nice, smugness of your patronizing tone to those of us in the arena of having to raise a family in this day and age is sad, but a little funny. I am glad you (and Kev) can take the moral high road in this argument, and I am sure you will be a far better father than the rest of us because of your advanced thought.

Those pesky chromosomes again, science hasn't figured a way to alter that yet so XY or XX you'll always be. How you "think" of yourself is irrelevant to your biology. You can imagine yourself a bug but you're not. Presenting as and actually being are two totally different things sometimes.

05-25-16, 11:14
Dennis Prager just made an EXCELLENT point on this. The same people that are telling us that gender is not part of your biology, that is fluid, that you are whatever you feel you are, are the same people that are always telling us that sexual preference is completely fixed, not a choice, you have no control over it.

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 12:39

A leading North Carolina newspaper issued an editorial last week telling girls to attempt “overcoming discomfort” at the sight of “male genitalia,” should transgender bathroom laws be enacted.

In a defense of President Obama’s order compelling schools to allow access to restrooms on the basis of gender identity, the Charlotte Observer editorial board compared the discomfort of school-aged girls seeing male genitalia in locker rooms to the discomfort of white people being around black people in post-segregation America.

05-25-16, 12:47
I haven't given up on this place just yet.

This board is being targeted by hate groups who have been sending over provocateurs for a while now. To the casual observer, it looks like just a couple of dim thinkers spouting their backward opinions to the sheep so they can all baaaahhh in agreement. What it actually is, is a coordinated effort to hijack our culture and propagate more ignorant, hateful people in this country.

Also, thank you for speaking up.

They should go in the bathroom they present as... and they do.

No weirdness. No laws required. Done.

What defines these people though, is that they do not "accept."

Look at some of the language in this thread, particularly the use of the word "condone."

What exactly does it mean to not "condone" and why should anyone care?

I completely do not care about what "offends," what another person "is comfortable with," or... most laughably... what they are willing to "condone."

Also- When haters get rid of all the different people in the group/ town/ whatever... do you think they all crack a beer and celebrate? No, they re-examine the differences among them and find a new category to hate.


What makes this interesting, however, is that Republicans brought this on themselves by going to the legislature and trying to make new laws.

I believe this is part of an internal effort to scuttle the party.

Trump has brought over TONS of mainstream Americans into the Republican party. The vast majority of these are real-world-folks, whose lives consist of more than a few walks to the fridge, 1.5 trips to the bathroom, and a walk to the mailbox every day.

This play is designed to show them that the party is rotten, and drive them away lest they start influencing the core principles of the party and moving things in a direction that better suits modern American life.

I get a huge kick when fear junkies on both sides talk about "The next step..."

The left is all like, "Campus CCW? The next step is fraternities having duels at high noon! Blood will flow in the streets! Bullets traveling in every direction! Shooting beer bottles on the quad will replace frisbee!!"

The right is like, "Marriage Equality? OMGOSH... huhhhh... huhhh... huhhhh... are... you... kidding me???? The next step is marrying your dog! Legalized child molestation! Postnatal abortions! I'm gonna be forced to install solar panels on the roof or else the Red Communists will burn my house down!!1! Aaaaarghhh!!!1!"

I guess in that way I do appreciate the radical fringe for their unintended humor.

The slavers felt the exact same way.

It sucks for a bit, American society moves on, and eventually they all die.

Jews are followers of a particular religion.
Neoconservatism is a political ideology.

Also I'm not hung up on anything... I just keep it real.


I've been giving this issue a LOT off thought lately and a lot of discussions with family and friends.

I have a transgender family member as well as a few homosexual family members- one being a sibling of mine. I also know a few people who are/were friends or acquaintances that are some form of LGBTQSA. I spoke to each of them about all of this.

I love, support, protect, speak to and listen to them just as any other family member I have. Makes no difference to me how they live. But that doesn't mean that I HAVE to "like" the way they live or teach my children to like it either. Respect them, love them, support them- HELL YES they are family. But I do not have to enjoy or like their choices/biology- whatever you choose to ascribe to LGBTQSA.

Same thing if I had a son or daughter that turned out any way- I'd love, support and respect them no matter what. I'd be honest about how I felt as well. If I feel that being gay is "icky" that's just as much my right as it is theirs to be gay.

I've said exactly that to my family members and acquaintances, one of them took it well and completely understood, the others were upset with me. When I discussed why they were upset, they said that I should "Accept" them for who/what they are. Well, I do accept it, it's just not pleasant to me personally and it doesn't have to be for us to have good relationships and respect/love each other. Just like themnot respecting my carrying a gun 100% of the time doesn't have to stop us from being civil with each other. I do not want to FORCE them to like it.

Just like I love and support my family members who are in Motorcycle gangs and always getting into trouble, I DO NOT like what they do and I won't help them out of the trouble they get themselves into, but I still love them as family.

I think that a lot of interpret my not 100% being pro-____ as hate. That's BS. I do not hate Tranny's. If/when I have a daughter; or son for that matter- I would prefer they not be in the bathroom with them. How is that hate?

My sister who is gay doesn't like guns, if she has a son or daughter (They are trying In Utero right now) and won't let them be a part of our family's monthly shoot- should I ascribe "hate" to that decision? Because they do not "like" that we have/carry/shoot guns- does that instantly mean that they are not accepting me and hate me?

Nope, I don't see it that way, it aint for them, not their cup'o'tea- I'm fine with that. They still love me and respect me, support me and are family.

So when I asked you about me presenting as a dog and shitting on your lawn you didn't answer because you see it as laughable- or dishonest, or ridiculous. But what happens when we go down that road. Surely you know someone who is a furry, or know of them. How far do we take tolerance of peoples "presenting" as something they literally are not and never will be?

Believe me, I'm all for 100% actual real freedom. Most are scared to death of it. I would welcome and cherish it. Problem is- people only want/support their brand/idea of freedom.

From personal experience-most of the pro-LGBTQSA community are Anti-gun, big time; and in my experience they do want me to "accept" who they are, but not just accept them as I've stated, but that I have to be "okay" with it and "like" it. That my children need to be okay with and like it also and iff I say different or find it icky- I'm wrong and a bigot or racist, or hateful THAT IS CRAP. I'll like and dislike whatever I please.

Just like my gun rights- I do not try to force people who are anti to buy and carry a gun, I just want them to accept that I do and stop trying to take that away from me. I will never find LGBTQSA to be "okay" I personally believe those things come with mental baggage and a lifetime of choices that lead them to it, not biology or genes that make them that way. But I am not actively trying to make them stop being the way they are, I'm not yelling hateful words at them, trying to hurt them in any way or sense.

My wife and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of a man with a penis "presenting" as a woman being in the bathroom with my wife, nieces, children etc or a woman "presenting" as a man in the bathroom with me, my children or nephews.

What type of crap is it that- it is perfectly okay for them to be biologically one thing but decide to present as another and not be bound to the social normative rules that our society functions on- but my right to not like these things and disagree with them is just- hate?

Their being comfortable as the opposite sex than they actually are is okay, but my discomfort with it is not?

So whose "Comfort" is more important? How do we make it so everyone can win with these issues? I really don't know...

05-25-16, 13:21
Dennis Prager just made an EXCELLENT point on this. The same people that are telling us that gender is not part of your biology, that is fluid, that you are whatever you feel you are, are the same people that are always telling us that sexual preference is completely fixed, not a choice, you have no control over it.
I don't know who Dennis Prager is but I can tell with absolute certainty that I never chose to like the opposite sex. One day I just started noticing girls a little differently. I never sat down and weighed the pros and cons of each and then make a decision

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

05-25-16, 13:22
I don't know who Dennis Prager is but I can tell with absolute certainty that I never chose to like the opposite sex. One day I just started noticing girls a little differently. I never sat down and weighed the pros and cons of each and then make a decision

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

He is not saying that you did make a choice, no more than you chose your gender.

05-25-16, 13:37
This man lays it out better than I could:


05-25-16, 13:57
Why don't you, to prove a point to all of us who you and Kev are labeling under "fear" (noting, of course, neither of you are refuting any scientific or logical arguments), claim transgender? I bet you won't because your answer is, "I am not". So, then, you don't self-identify as a woman? Well, why not?

There are standards. Biological, genetic, chromosomal standards. If your genes are out of whack, nut up, have the surgery, have your birth certificate changed, and have at it. Until that point, however, you remain one, or the other. Bruce Jenner is learning the hard way how rash decisions in this area can have profound effects.

As for your edit, the nice, smugness of your patronizing tone to those of us in the arena of having to raise a family in this day and age is sad, but a little funny. I am glad you (and Kev) can take the moral high road in this argument, and I am sure you will be a far better father than the rest of us because of your advanced thought.

Chuck, I gotta admit, I have no idea what you are asking in your first sentence...

Did you want me to show some transgendered who are "under fear"? If so, you're right. I am not a trans person, but I know many who fear walking into a public restroom they do not identify as.

Again, I will claim, have you noticed a trans in your bathroom currently? Probably not. And you've most likely been in the same restroom.

I don't identify as a woman, because I identify as a man... Not sure what other explanation you were expecting? Because, that's why I am not a transgendered individual.

If you referencing the "Fear Mongering" I was mentioning, look at everyone here posting about the fear for their wives, daughters, and children. ETA: Ive redacted the last bit of comment. My point was that it seems a lot of people thinking that will happen. But considering it is ironic to my point in it's potential perception, I will remove it.

We live in America. A peeping tom, or worse, regardless of identity/looks/race, they're still a pedophile, pervert, criminal, check-boxes-that-apply-to-the-dirtbag.

Now, onto the birth certificate, just so we can clarify, who will pay for the "bathroom-bouncers" who will be doing penis/vagina checks and birth certificate checks? I will leave it at that food-for-thought. Frankly, any pervert who offends criminally or not, a birth certificate or genitals won't change the fact they're still the way they are.

As for my edit, thanks for pointing out the point I was trying to make. It's no more patronizing than the majority of all posts in this topic. You're putting words in my mouth with the "better parent" aspect. I said what I said. If you adamantly believe and repeat the hate, you run the risk I mentioned. THCDDM4 said it in a way I can agree, and understand with. But it's because he is CLEAR about not spewing hate with his opinion. He still shows LOVE even though there is difference.

Opinions about family, children, parenting, is fine. But let your children develop their own opinions, not disguise hate as "American Values" and "Culture" because that's just pure melarky.

And what "Arena?" What lions are you fighting? What Gladiators are coming to slit your throat and take your victory? Again, fear mongering. The trans issue will only impact your children in one way: They are free to feel OKAY with themselves without the societal pressure bearing down with the label that THEY are what's wrong about our nation.

I agree, this is a wedge issue. I hate the fact that it's used for politics, but it sure makes it easy to identify those that are close-minded individuals.

05-25-16, 14:34
New York City now recognizes 31 different options for gender....totally effin ridiculous.

26 Inf
05-25-16, 15:07
New York City now recognizes 31 different options for gender....totally effin ridiculous.

Post a link to the list, would you? Might be t-shirt material.

05-25-16, 15:16
Post a link to the list, would you? Might be t-shirt material.


05-25-16, 15:25
So it's basically the same thing said 31 different ways. I thought maybe 31 different things!!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 15:32
Reality, officially, is irrelevant. We are the United States of Fantasy.

When I show up in my dog fetish suit tomorrow for work, I'll be sure to get my lawyers on deck when my boss tells me to go home and change.

Some of you people have lost your damned minds.

05-25-16, 15:44
Bill Whittle always has great videos. Stefan Molyneux is another one. Check him out.

05-25-16, 17:03

Use the bathroom or locker room most
consistent with their gender identity

Most consistent.... :confused:

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 19:47
These dudes identify as dogs.

Get ready, to hear about how racist, bigoted, and hateful you are for not participating in their delusions.

This, most likely, will occur prior to pedophilia-acceptance.



05-25-16, 19:52
These dudes identify as dogs.

Get ready, to hear about how racist, bigoted, and hateful you are for not participating in their delusions.

This, most likely, will occur prior to pedophilia-acceptance.

You're just a HATEer. Shame on you.


Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 19:55
Another day in the world's largest open-air insane asylum.

05-25-16, 20:01
I sometimes wonder if maybe General Jack Ripper was onto something about the Russians putting LSD in the water supply.

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 20:11
Our national motto should be, "Nothing Matters - Anything Goes."

I sometimes wonder if maybe General Jack Ripper was onto something about the Russians putting LSD in the water supply.

05-25-16, 20:21

Go big or go home, I say

Our national motto should be, "Nothing Matters - Anything Goes."

05-25-16, 20:21
Texas and 10 other states plan to sue the Obama administration over a directive to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and other facilities that match their gender identity, state politicians said Wednesday. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Texas was willing to lose billions of dollars in federal education money over the civil rights issue, and repeatedly has said the federal government overreached with its guidelines.

I know ya'll get tired of me saying it...Balkanization already.

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 20:30
Pretty much.

I'm so voting for SMOD.


Go big or go home, I say

Balkanization. That's what's being missed, amidst all the straw man arguments being hurled around.

Divide Et Impera, bitchez.

This has zero to do with, "Rights."

Texas and 10 other states plan to sue the Obama administration over a directive to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and other facilities that match their gender identity, state politicians said Wednesday. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Texas was willing to lose billions of dollars in federal education money over the civil rights issue, and repeatedly has said the federal government overreached with its guidelines.

I know ya'll get tired of me saying it...Balkanization already.

05-25-16, 20:31
Texas and 10 other states plan to sue the Obama administration over a directive to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and other facilities that match their gender identity, state politicians said Wednesday. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Texas was willing to lose billions of dollars in federal education money over the civil rights issue, and repeatedly has said the federal government overreached with its guidelines.

I know ya'll get tired of me saying it...Balkanization already.

Agreed. There's a reason why Jericho and Revolution were taken off the air.


05-25-16, 20:36
And now that Balkanization has come up, this thread has officially run the M4C course:

1.) OP
2.) Outrage
3.) Mod warnings
4.) Conspiracy theories
5.) Texas threatens secession
6.) Recommend Balkanization of the US
7.) Thread closed?


05-25-16, 21:10
I don't recommend Balkanization.

I'd like to be able to go anywhere in these United States without getting hassled or having all these intrusive laws.

But we must admit, TPTB have been way overbearing and meddlesome.

Used to you could go wherever and do whatever. What happened here?

05-25-16, 21:15
I don't recommend Balkanization.

I'd like to be able to go anywhere in these United States without getting hassled or having all these intrusive laws.

But we must admit, TPTB have been way overbearing and meddlesome.

Used to you could go wherever and do whatever. What happened here?

Kinda makes you feel like a.. depressed, grumpy, curmudgeonly, constantly bad-tempered, surly, fatalistic, melancholic loaf of pullman bread speaking in a deep, gloomy baritone.

05-25-16, 21:17
Kinda makes you feel like a.. depressed, grumpy, curmudgeonly, constantly bad-tempered, surly, fatalistic, melancholic loaf of pullman bread speaking in a deep, gloomy baritone.

Actually....Yeah. How did you know?

05-25-16, 21:35
We of the Pro Balkanization tribe are sensitive like that. We also have Pibb and Skittles.

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 21:46
*And BBQ. Killer BBQ.

We of the Pro Balkanization tribe are sensitive like that. We also have Pibb and Skittles.

05-25-16, 21:48
I'd like to be able to go anywhere in these United States without getting hassled or having all these intrusive laws.
So you don't live near California? You can't get into CA without being hassled by the man, just Google "fruit checkpoint"

05-25-16, 22:36
I learned something....

"Radical Fearie"

Look it up, wow

05-25-16, 22:43
I remember reading that we have several primitive ancestors. One was Homo erectus. Maybe he is not extinct and roams California with a big woody.

05-26-16, 03:51
I told my boys, that when they see a man in a dress, RUN for help! SCREW political correctness. :nono:

And your a good father for it, never let the opposition "shame" you into placing your children in harms way or believing some how any of this debasement is some how normal.

Also run away from Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, people with tattoos, the Jews...

LOLIRL . . .

And here we have it folks.

You see, if you don't agree with exposing your children to people who are mentally ill with gender dysphoria your just a racist, islomophobic, tatouazophobic, antisemite. Talk about extremists and fear junkies you really can't get any worse than this.

I don't know how some of you guys make it in the world.

I realize you think that quip was supposed to offend some here but in actuality it is comforting to know as it shows just how much of a photographic negative people like you are from some of the rest of us.

Good to see that you're bringing up the next generation right!

As opposed to what, this . . .


The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

I don't think it's honest confusion on their part, but just sort of a game that they play... just like people do against the Blacks or Muslims or gun owners or anyone else.

The Blacks, nice one . . .

Maybe there's a few of them that don't know any transgender people,

Oh really just a few huh, 0.3% of the entire US population "identify" as being "transgender" just how many of these special snowflakes are the rest of the 99.97% supposed to know?

but I think for most of them it's willful ignorance in the face of the truth... because reality does not support their agenda.

You mean like the reality of cytogenetics and biology that do not support the critical theorists agenda of transgender identity? Yeah lets not let things like chromosomes, DNA, and genitalia get in the way.

I know I will get labeled the brain-washed, lazy, good-for-nothing, degenerate, uneducated, poorly maintained Millennial.

Well as it has been said; "There are stereotypes for a reason".


My year of birth may have had an impact on what kind of perception I have of the world I was raised in, but it didn't change the reality of the world.

Reality of the world? Oh you mean like the reality of a person being born a man or a woman.

This isn't a Trans issue, just like it wasn't a gay issue, or black/racism issue. It was the fear of difference. Look at what was said about the Gays, I don't see much more "raping or pillaging" occurring, even though I heard a lot of that "is going to happen" growing up; how many of your kids "turned gay" by being in contact with someone who identifies that way?

It's fear mongering, at it's best, and a large chunk of this country is so willing to chase the rabbit down the hole. I have said it before, I will say it again: How many of you have been in a bathroom with a transgender before?

Ironic because "fear mongering" is exactly how we came to this nonsense in the first place and the radical leftists justify creating more laws protecting another made up victim class waging their war on American culture and values.

ETA: All I ask, of anyone who is so adamantly against this, what will you do if one day you wake up, and your child identifies that same way? What will you do, will you exile them, will you beat them, kick them from the house? Maybe tell them you didn't raise them that way, and that it's not possible, that they're sick?

What would you do if your child came home and said they identify as an otherkin and are transspecies? If you had a daughter and she was anorexic would you humor her delusions and agree with her that she is fat and encourage her to binge and purge?

I find the silence, regarding the science behind the phenomenon of "Transgenderism" rather telling.

Same with the silence regarding the science that debunks the global warming agenda. If it doesn't fit the agenda denounce it as old fashioned, flat-Earth, racist, phobic, et al.

Straight out of the Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky playbooks.

Those pesky chromosomes again, science hasn't figured a way to alter that yet so XY or XX you'll always be. How you "think" of yourself is irrelevant to your biology. You can imagine yourself a bug but you're not. Presenting as and actually being are two totally different things sometimes.

And thank you for interjecting facts and common sense amidst all the radical fringe rhetoric.

I don't identify as a woman, because I identify as a man...

And just why is that exactly?

We're not in Islam-Policed land where even a female being raped could lead to her death by stoning.

Whoa there pal, watch it with the trigger words and check your islomophobia at door will yeah. :p

But let your children develop their own opinions, not disguise hate as "American Values" and "Culture" because that's just pure melarky.

Well their gender is not determined by their opinions and what you call hate, again ironic, is nothing more than resistance to the never ending onslaught of social engineering.

These dudes identify as dogs.

Get ready, to hear about how racist, bigoted, and hateful you are for not participating in their delusions.

This, most likely, will occur prior to pedophilia-acceptance.



Hater, don't unrepresent the kitty cats!


Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night

05-26-16, 06:33
Same with the silence regarding the science that debunks the global warming agenda. If it doesn't fit the agenda denounce it as old fashioned, flat-Earth, racist, phobic, et al.

Straight out of the Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky playbooks.

And the science of abortion, fracking, etc...but they call us "anti-science."

26 Inf
05-26-16, 09:48
This back and forth on this thread is a good example of one of the major problems that confronts us: extremism and gross exaggeration at both ends of the spectrum.

05-26-16, 10:28
In the end, this is a distraction issue.

It is not meant to solve any huge, pressing problem facing America. It is meant to further divide people and get people angry at each other and even more diced up into little groups. It is also brought up by those that get some sort of sick thrill at making others uneasy or uncomfortable.

The left does this because they have NO IDEA how to right the economy or fix any of the real large problems we face here in America.

...don't fall for it!

05-26-16, 16:44
This back and forth on this thread is a good example of one of the major problems that confronts us: extremism and gross exaggeration at both ends of the spectrum.

Yep. All about an issue of no real consequence or impact on people's lives. We might as well worry about which way a unicorn's horn twists.

The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

Rugmunchausen by proxy.

05-26-16, 17:23
I agree...
this is yet another tar baby to get us focusing on bullshit while ignoring the real shit.

05-26-16, 17:56
I agree...
this is yet another tar baby to get us focusing on bullshit while ignoring the real shit.

While I tend to agree with that sentiment, it nonetheless advances yet another libtard agenda item. Hell, look at what has transpired in this thread......no one has advocated dragging trannies out in the street and beating or killing them yet some folks toss around the waaayyy overused term "hate" just because others want to point out to their own kids that this behavior is aberrant and not normal. Telling them to "run away as fast as you can" may be a bit much but it could be just the way they said it. Tolerance doesn't mean "embracing" or "rejoicing" in said deviance but just the "do unto others" way of thinking. You can be polite yet stand your ground. If that's "hate" then so be it; it can be turned around the other way mighty quick, i.e. "You should feel this way about XXX and if you don't you're a hater" yet the recipient of said scorn could say the same damn thing about "tolerance". Apparently "tolerance" is a one-way street.

05-26-16, 18:37
In years to come, gun forum posters will be reprimanded or banned for bashing anyone in the tranny category. Referring to gays as queers already makes some folks nervous The terms tranny, queer, homo, fag, fruitcake, booty bandit eventually be referred to as T-word, Q-word, and so on. Already they are terms which, if used, will cause career ruin.

05-26-16, 18:40
I fear that people these days confuse the loudness of their words for majority of opinion.

At our core, we are very much still animals. A higher form perhaps, but animals.

You can brainwash, browbeat, and program all you like but we are still hardwired. We are less like MacBook pros and more like Commodore 64s.

I promise you, we could put 100 self avowed gay men between ages 18-26 and 100 self avowed gay women ages 18-29 on the same island for a year.

No TV, no Prius, no Wi Fi, no anything.

By the end at least one or more women will be pregnant.

Personally, anybody can be as queer as a three dollar bill if they want to but it is a modern luxury.

People try too hard to shove it down throats.

I knew several militant LUGs who in their youth looked like pissed off Sinead O' Connors......and then they grew up, married a guy, had some kids, and calmed the heck down.

05-26-16, 21:33
Keep it clean.

05-27-16, 00:14
Keep it clean.

About the trannys and bathrooms.....

05-27-16, 13:21
Well, it looks like the left is getting their way...

Maniac Attacks Dad With Daughter In Walmart Men’s Room

Synopsis: Father of 5yr old girl and 8yr old boy brings them into men's room so he can supervise their potty break, only to have irate customer attack the father in the men's room in front of his kids...

05-27-16, 13:48
Well, it looks like the left is getting their way...

Maniac Attacks Dad With Daughter In Walmart Men’s Room

That's retarded. On both ends of the spectrum.

If mommy, daddy, son and daughter are in the store why do we need to all go into the men's room???

26 Inf
05-27-16, 14:00
I was a single parent with two little toddler daughters for 3 summers while my wife was attending school in another state.

I've done the same thing at our WalMart, as well as other places. I'd look first then take them into a stall.

The other guy was a flaming idiot.

05-27-16, 14:24
I was a single parent with two little toddler daughters for 3 summers while my wife was attending school in another state.

I've done the same thing at our WalMart, as well as other places. I'd look first then take them into a stall.

The other guy was a flaming idiot.

Agree 100%.

You did what you did cause you had to aka no females around. My wife's done that many times with my son while she was out and about without me.

In this case mommy was there she could have taken daughter to the women's room. Why volunteer to participate in a stupid situation if you don't have to??

05-27-16, 15:50
I have never heard or read of a problem with a parent bringing their young child into the opposite sex's restroom (mother and son in women's restroom, father and daughter in men's restroom) so they can supervise their potty break. I have no memories of thus causing problems as a child and have not experieced this as a father.

We have the advantage of hindsight here, yes, the mother could have taken the daughter into the women's restroom. But as 26inf pointed out, what happens when you're there without mommy? Does your little girl now have to wet her pants?

I also read that there was a family restroom option available as well, and hindsight being as stellar as it is, we could lambast the father for not utilizing it as well. However, no walmart, along with many other businesses, that I frequent have family restroom options, leaving us again with male or female only options.

Now, do we start another bathroom war movement for family restrooms everywhere as dictated by Federal law, or do we understand that parents have had to deal with this for as long as we've been having children? Do we understand that a father with two children in tow, that is actually supervising them, actually made sure his daughter was in a stall and not wandering around able to gaze upon unexpecting male customers? Hell, he even made them wash their hands.

Nope, we outrage, social discourse at full throttle and attack him, with the benefit of hindsight and a wackadoo customer that decided this was the hill he was going to plant his flag on.

Am I now to be so frightened about being in a situation with my daughter having to pee, that I no longer take her anywhere on my own or if, God forbid I have to, I ask a random female that 'looks' upstanding and trustworthy to take my daughter into the women's restroom to go potty? Same for my wife and our son?
Do we drop everything and rush home?

Thi specific 'isolated incident' may not be the best example of, well, anything really, except as a sign of just how wound up we are over nothing, thanks to the left.

05-27-16, 16:01
Just pee in the parking lot or behind the store's dumpster.

Problem solved!


05-27-16, 16:42
Just pee in the parking lot or behind the store's dumpster.

Problem solved!





05-27-16, 16:47
In this case mommy was there she could have taken daughter to the women's room. Why volunteer to participate in a stupid situation if you don't have to??

I've done that numerous times. We have two daughters & a son (4, 3 & 1). If one or both of the girls need to go to the bathroom, more often than not, I'll take them to the guy's can so my wife can keep shopping. It's all about efficiency & nothing about being PC or avoiding conflict.
It really boils down to who's doing the shopping or which adult also has to, or could, use the bathroom.
Until the kids are old enough to go by themselves, they're free to use whichever bathroom is appropriate for the adult taking them.

05-27-16, 17:30
Like I've said, my wife has done this many times with my son and I am certain that if I had a daughter Id do the same if it was me alone. Shopping efficiency is not on my radar. The safety of my family is and at this stage of the game walking into the opposite gender bathroom may illicit a response like the dumbass in the above story. Why do it if better options exist?

05-27-16, 17:46
Better options don't exist and I'm not in the least bit concerned of the above story ever happening to me. It's all about getting the kids to the bathroom. It doesn't even have to be while we're shopping. It could be at a restaurant, theme park, museum, whatever...
Whichever adult makes more sense to take whichever child to the bathroom is the way it rolls for us.

If safety ever is a concern, which it rarely is, I'd rather be the one taking my kids anyway.

05-28-16, 03:00
While I tend to agree with that sentiment, it nonetheless advances yet another libtard agenda item.


It is interesting to me that this, of all the bovine feces the left has thrown at us, is finally waking people up and making them see the line that has been drawn in the sand. I think it's due to the fact that the mainstream acceptance of "identifying" i.e. thinking/pretending you are something that you are not is fundamentally FUBAR to most sane people. And of course there is always the bigger picture at play with these types of agendas. But when you use the enemies own tactics against them your labeled (in Randy Savage's voice) "extreme". Hilary looked to Alinsky as a mentor for a reason.

Well, it looks like the left is getting their way...

Maniac Attacks Dad With Daughter In Walmart Men’s Room

Synopsis: Father of 5yr old girl and 8yr old boy brings them into men's room so he can supervise their potty break, only to have irate customer attack the father in the men's room in front of his kids...

Now this is a non-issue.

Any parent at one time or another has taken a child of the opposite gender to their respective gender's restroom. And yes, I see more and more places with "family restrooms" for just this reason usually at malls. The ironic thing is that Target stores already had these single room restrooms that they could have announced to the world as trans friendly but no they would rather shoot themselves in the foot and loose $20,000,000,000 in the name of political correctness.

06-01-16, 18:30
If I shoot a buck, but I only have a doe tag, can I claim that the buck wasn’t really a buck?

I mean...maybe he had always wanted to be a doe, but with no choice of his own, as he was born with all the physical attributes of a male...and yet, on the inside he had always known he was in truth a female... I wonder?

Will the game warden buy my story, because it seems society...courts...school administrators...Target... etc. & the President seem to think so! I am confused?????