View Full Version : I'll just leave this here.

05-15-16, 22:55
To all my brothers and sisters in arms who have served, thank you, and God bless.

Saw this photo on facebook today and felt like it needed some explanation for those idiots out there that don't already know... Please share this little meme I cooked up.

http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc306/daddyusmaximus/Misc/Safe%20Place_zpsuta6tsyp.jpg (http://s219.photobucket.com/user/daddyusmaximus/media/Misc/Safe%20Place_zpsuta6tsyp.jpg.html)

05-16-16, 01:00
This isn't Facebook.

05-16-16, 06:57
Since when is America a safe place? Seen the crime stats in Chicago? All for supporting the troops but data matters...

05-16-16, 12:53
Since when is America a safe place? Seen the crime stats in Chicago? All for supporting the troops but data matters...

Compared to much of the rest of the world.

F chicago. In America, you are free to leave that hell hole if you want. Move to a state with more freedoms. Hell, you're free to move to a country with more freedoms if you think such a place exists.

05-16-16, 13:02
Daddy, thank you.

05-16-16, 13:47
I think there is a quote from Heinlein: "Only mice and damned fools think there is any such thing as security."

Even bubbles burst sometime.

05-16-16, 17:19
This isn't Facebook.

Since when is America a safe place? Seen the crime stats in Chicago? All for supporting the troops but data matters...

Was any of that really necessary? Somebody is trying to show respect for those in service. Doesn't really need to be crapped on.

26 Inf
05-16-16, 17:23
Was any of that really necessary? Somebody is trying to show respect for those in service. Doesn't really need to be crapped on.

Correct you are, sir!

05-16-16, 20:45
Since when is America a safe place? Seen the crime stats in Chicago? All for supporting the troops but data matters...

data = plural

Pet peeve. :p

05-16-16, 22:18
No, this is not Facebook.

And thanking the men and women that keep us free is never out of place.

Carry on.

05-16-16, 22:21
This isn't Facebook.
I thought you had to have 200 posts to be in the GD? How did you get in here?

Since when is America a safe place? Seen the crime stats in Chicago? All for supporting the troops but data matters...

What have you done to change that other than posting online?

Anyways, like Maj. Winters said, "I served in the company of heroes." I was no hero, but I certainly was in the presence of them and that warms my heart. Thank you to all of my heros.

05-16-16, 23:28
I've refrained from commenting because that's a powerful image even without the macro.

One leg, and still standing tall.
Is everyone in America a bad ass?

But the badasses we have will always destroy lesser rogue nation's terrorists

The Brits have panache,
The French have romance,
The Germans have discipline,
The Russians have stoicism, but Americans...

Americans have guts. You can't teach it. Only be born with it.

05-16-16, 23:40
I thought you had to have 200 posts to be in the GD? How did you get in here?

What have you done to change that other than posting online?

Anyways, like Maj. Winters said, "I served in the company of heroes." I was no hero, but I certainly was in the presence of them and that warms my heart. Thank you to all of my heros.

I also served in the company of heroes. It is a warn feeling you never forget. Now that I'm retired, (and half crippled) it is the job of the younger heroes to keep me and mine safe (and you and yours) from the enemy at the gates. Bless them in their efforts overseas, and I'll try to stand as ready as I can here at home.

05-17-16, 02:30
"Safe Place" . . . bwahahaha :lol:

I see what you did there, good play sir.