View Full Version : One Small Towns HIV Rate Exploding to Record Levels

05-19-16, 18:52
This is a tragic story and told for the most part from a sympathetic Author.
I'm amazed how people think they can do this and not die from it.


Austin, in southern Indiana. It’s a tiny place, covering just two and a half square miles of the sliver of land that comprises Scott County. An incredible proportion of its 4,100 population – up to an estimated 500 people – are shooting up. It was here, starting in December 2014, that the single largest HIV outbreak in US history took place. Austin went from having no more than three cases per year to 180 in 2015, a prevalence rate close to that seen in sub-Saharan Africa.

From a purely biological standpoint, the 2015 HIV outbreak was caused by the transfer of the virus by dirty needles used to inject liquefied pain pills and methamphetamine. “Everyone knows each other,” Darren said. “And they’re all sharing needles.” Because of the sharing, a single introduction of HIV exploded among the community of drug users. Jackie McClintock, the nurse who started working with Combs when the outbreak made headlines, told me about a couple she met who’d recently moved to Austin. “They shared one needle for a month,” she said. “They would shoot up at least ten times a day.”

At what pont in the process of educating people about HIV and its causes do people just say "WTF, it might be worth it?". I'm not sure how I feel about this, I don't think sympathy enters in to it anymore.

05-19-16, 18:54
In other news...


Extreme ' sex roulette ' parties - where one person secretly has HIV and no one is allowed to wear a condom - are on the rise, doctors have warned.

The risky orgies are usually attended by gay men and offer the so-called 'thrill' of not knowing whether or not you will be infected .

05-19-16, 19:03
Have at it.

Just don't make me pay for it.

If you're too stupid to avoid such an easily preventable disease, you probably earned it

05-19-16, 19:06
There is the problem.
I have a feeling you will find all of them, their kids, their food, their healthcare, everything is paid for by the Tax Payers of Indiana and the Federal .Gov.
I have a feeling Euro is right, with the advances in HIV drugs many people out there just don't care anymore.

Outlander Systems
05-19-16, 19:07
Obamacare, homie.

Now you can be pathologically reckless, and have no financial repercussions.


Have at it.

Just don't make me pay for it.

If you're too stupid to avoid such an easily preventable disease, you probably earned it

05-19-16, 19:10
Obamacare, homie.

Now you can be pathologically reckless, and have no financial repercussions.


That "you" doesn't include you, me or most people of any worth.

It's a way for the politburo to keep the deck stacked for those votes

05-19-16, 19:18
I grew up just north of I-10 in Arizona in the 1970's.
There was so much dope moving through that area then, that local Cops used to tell me to "Be careful when you ride your motorcycle out in the desert, if you find anything that looks like landing light get the hell out of there."
I joined the Army in '81 just to get out of there and I didn't really come back until '89. The numbers of people who had died from HIV by then was pretty staggering. I'm not sure how people now, decades later haven't figured out that if the Dope doesn't do it, the HIV will.

Outlander Systems
05-19-16, 19:22
I heard rumors that there are gov't-issued needle handouts in the Bluffs. I tend to avoid that part of town, but if it's really that bad...daaaamn.

That "you" doesn't include you, me or most people of any worth.

It's a way for the politburo to keep the deck stacked for those votes

05-19-16, 19:22


HIV is very treatable with current HAART therapy

Shit, Hep C is even curable now

05-19-16, 19:26


HIV is very treatable with current HAART therapy

Shit, Hep C is even curable now

That's funny because I have heard that there has long been a treatment/cure for Hep C, it was just that the cure was likely to kill you back then.

05-19-16, 19:34
That's funny because I have heard that there has long been a treatment/cure for Hep C, it was just that the cure was likely to kill you back then.

Interferon (90s; bad adverse effects) very low cure rate

Interferon + Ribavirin (2000s) ~50% cure rate

New drugs (different combos of hard to pronounce/spell names for different genotypes of the virus) 95% cure rate

05-19-16, 20:47
In other news...


Part of me wonders why anyone with a functioning brain would ever even consider that, but part of me also understands I just answered my own question.

05-19-16, 20:58


HIV is very treatable with current HAART therapy

Shit, Hep C is even curable now

All hobbies I don't need. I don't want to get into reloading let alone an HIV drug regime- which frankly isn't working that well or you wouldn't t have out breaks to that magnitude.

I've got a touch of the AIDS, sorry, HIV today....

05-19-16, 21:10
Yes, hep C is curable. I have an employee that was an AF O-5 attached to NATO HQ and at the time he was in the reviewing stand and watched Anwar Sadat get assassinated. Took a bullet for his trouble. In the Egyptian hospital getting a transfusion, he got hep C. From that date to just a few months ago, he carried it. Finally, the VA cured it.

05-19-16, 21:34
All hobbies I don't need. I don't want to get into reloading let alone an HIV drug regime- which frankly isn't working that well or you wouldn't t have out breaks to that magnitude.

I've got a touch of the AIDS, sorry, HIV today....

If you have HIV, regardless of treatment, you are still infectious.

Treatment is aimed at maintaining an adequate CD4 count and low viral load, not transmissibility.

05-20-16, 03:38
Darwinism comes to mind, the only problem is that death is not faster. These clowns will stay alive for years sucking down tax payer funded programs all the while spreading the love.

05-20-16, 06:00
Darwinism comes to mind, the only problem is that death is not faster. These clowns will stay alive for years sucking down tax payer funded programs all the while spreading the love.

This is true, two of those who were mentioned, one a pimp and the other his prostitute sister were both positive and both on the street.
I'm not sure how a Prostitute that is known to be HIV positive remains on the street spreading the disease?

05-20-16, 08:46
This is true, two of those who were mentioned, one a pimp and the other his prostitute sister were both positive and both on the street.
I'm not sure how a Prostitute that is known to be HIV positive remains on the street spreading the disease?

What do you mean by you don't know how a stupid effer can act like a stupid effer?

Don't pretend or even entertain the concept that these kinds of people think the same or think for that matter. They are for the most part reptilian brained (no offense to the reptile kingdom). Screwing = money = food and no beating. That is all.

I have sympathy for the person who contracts a disease through little fault of their own. Transfusion, sex with a undiagnosed partner or other type of event they can't execute much control over.

I have 0 sympathy for drug users, sex roulette players, prostitutes, pimps or johns. Those are generally actions you are in control of and choose to participate in. Tough shit for you.

05-20-16, 08:54
My thought was
"If we know we have someone doing this, why don't we lock them up and throw away the key?"
I'm not sure how our legal system can justify the modern version of Typhoid Mary knowingly passing HIV along on a daily basis, but your kids can't go to school without proper vaccinations.
Reptilian brain or not, that is evil on a very high level, not just passing it along, but the State allowing this reptile to continue to walk the streets.

05-20-16, 09:13
My thought was
"If we know we have someone doing this, why don't we lock them up and throw away the key?"
I'm not sure how our legal system can justify the modern version of Typhoid Mary knowingly passing HIV along on a daily basis, but your kids can't go to school without proper vaccinations.
Reptilian brain or not, that is evil on a very high level, not just passing it along, but the State allowing this reptile to continue to walk the streets.

Makes more sense. Agree 100%. Purposefully giving someone a potentially lethal disease = aggravated assault or whatever legal mumbo jumbo we define as trying to kill someone. Should be in jail and not out and about. Too unPC though.

05-20-16, 10:52
I don't understand the mentality either.

Chlamydia, for example, is easily treated and cured.

I still don't want Chlamydia.

05-20-16, 10:58
I don't understand the mentality either.

Chlamydia, for example, is easily treated and cured.

I still don't want Chlamydia.

Oh man... that reminds me of a story.

This was late 80's and I had an employee that I took to the ER as he had sliced his hand badly with a boxcutter.

While waiting for that ungodly amount of time for him to get stitched, there was this young Vietnamese couple there.

She went in and then was waiting in the lobby for a long time with her boyfriend/husband (I don't know what).

Finally the nurse came out and tried to speak with her but she didn't understand English. It took quite awhile to get an interpreter for her.

The nurse was trying to tell her that she had Chlamydia. She didn't understand what that was. Finally when the interpreter told her that it was VD and how she probably caught it, her eyes lit up and she tore into that guy like you wouldn't believe. "Security to ER stat!"

05-20-16, 11:17
As far as releasing the HIV prostitute, I imagine the viewpoint is "let the johns learn the hard way". You don't want to catch a disease from a prostitute, then it's simple, don't use prostitutes. I don't want to be eaten by a shark, so I stay outta water where sharks are known to be.

05-20-16, 11:40
As far as releasing the HIV prostitute, I imagine the viewpoint is "let the johns learn the hard way". You don't want to catch a disease from a prostitute, then it's simple, don't use prostitutes. I don't want to be eaten by a shark, so I stay outta water where sharks are known to be.

That line of thinking is flawed in that, if the John doesn't know and he deserves it because he has sex with a Prostitute, well, what about his wife?

05-20-16, 11:46
I agree, and the john should then be charged with assault or worse. Locking up the prostitute indefinitely, and paying for their treatment will fall on the tax payer. Are you volunteering to pay my share, as I don't feel I should pay for the prostitute's incarceration or treatment.

05-20-16, 12:07
In other news...


I'm praying for rain, and I'm praying for tidal waves....

05-20-16, 13:08
I don't understand the mentality either.

Chlamydia, for example, is easily treated and cured.

I still don't want Chlamydia, again.


05-20-16, 13:41
I agree, and the john should then be charged with assault or worse. Locking up the prostitute indefinitely, and paying for their treatment will fall on the tax payer. Are you volunteering to pay my share, as I don't feel I should pay for the prostitute's incarceration or treatment.

No as I feel we need to share the burden of paying for the incarceration of criminals and I believe what She is doing is a crime, at the same time, if they can do something that generates money while in prison, (other than prostitution) they can pay part of their own freight.
As far as Tax Payer funded medical care goes, I think someone who blatantly disregards certain obvious and indisputable health and safety measures such as IV Drug using, needle sharing, Prostitutes, perhaps there should be a similar disregard from the public as to paying for their treatment.

05-21-16, 01:11
My thought was
"If we know we have someone doing this, why don't we lock them up and throw away the key?"
I'm not sure how our legal system can justify the modern version of Typhoid Mary knowingly passing HIV along on a daily basis, but your kids can't go to school without proper vaccinations.
Reptilian brain or not, that is evil on a very high level, not just passing it along, but the State allowing this reptile to continue to walk the streets.

People that knowing infect others with HIV/AIDS are charged and locked away.

But then they are a risk to corrections officers/nurses/doctors and then there it the whole shower sex thing. Tax payers pick up their expensive meds and medical bills.

05-21-16, 01:38
Addicts concern themselves with one and only one thing--getting more dope with which to chase the high. They have degenerated so much and moved so far down the scale that they just plain don't care.

In the juvenile treatment center where I work, more than half of this population reports that they have mainlined heroin or meth as their primary drug. I'm talking about kids who start mainlining at age 13. Many arrive after having been in other treatment centers including rehab facilities. They bounce from one to the other. As a group, they have an extremely high recidivism rate.

One 17 year old who recently completed the program shot and killed two men within three weeks of being released. We work with these kids in an environment that prohibits access or use of any weapon: firearm, stick, or pepper spray. Handcuffs are also prohibited. Hitting back if attacked is considered assault. I see kids that are so messed up that sometimes I'll cry when I get home. I'm 11.5 years from age 80 and have realized that I'm getting too old to cut the mustard anymore.

05-21-16, 09:07


Historical Photos That Take You Back In Time
During the early 1990s AIDS epidemic, this father comforts his son who is on his deathbed. Widely considered the photo that changed the face of AIDS, the photo was published in LIFE magazine’s November 1990 edition. In doing so, the magazine helped to put the spotlight on a disease that would eventually become the most serious medical threat in U.S. history. (I guess influenza 1918 and other diseases don't count cause it didn't specifically infect/kill the super special snowflakes of society.)

The lesions on the patients arms and face are tumors created by a a rare form of cancer known as Lucosi sarcoma. This disease is so rare in fact that it is now used as one way to diagnose the disease as it almost never occurs for any other reason. Sadly, the stigma associated with this terrible disease continues to this day, and very few people who are infected actually know it. Luckily, thanks to the Ryan White act, all citizens in the U.S. with confirmed HIV receive assistance from the government.

05-21-16, 10:05
Have at it.

Just don't make me pay for it.

If you're too stupid to avoid such an easily preventable disease, you probably earned it

ALL of this.

I'd point out, that keeping your fly zipped, prevents AIDS 100% of the time. But that's probably racist/sexist/homophobic of me... :rolleyes:

05-21-16, 10:19
Have at it.

Just don't make me pay for it.

If you're too stupid to avoid such an easily preventable disease, you probably earned it

My thoughts exactly. We all end up paying for it, however, thanks to the growing FSA membership.

05-21-16, 13:46
Addicts concern themselves with one and only one thing--getting more dope with which to chase the high. They have degenerated so much and moved so far down the scale that they just plain don't care.

In the juvenile treatment center where I work, more than half of this population reports that they have mainlined heroin or meth as their primary drug. I'm talking about kids who start mainlining at age 13. Many arrive after having been in other treatment centers including rehab facilities. They bounce from one to the other. As a group, they have an extremely high recidivism rate.

One 17 year old who recently completed the program shot and killed two men within three weeks of being released. We work with these kids in an environment that prohibits access or use of any weapon: firearm, stick, or pepper spray. Handcuffs are also prohibited. Hitting back if attacked is considered assault. I see kids that are so messed up that sometimes I'll cry when I get home. I'm 11.5 years from age 80 and have realized that I'm getting too old to cut the mustard anymore.

Hearts break or turn to stone.

There's this line, from the band Scarling on their song Manorexic:

"An ordinary person who climbed into his void, would only wake up bitter or deeply paranoid".

That's how I feel.

05-21-16, 13:52
I don't understand the mentality either.

Chlamydia, for example, is easily treated and cured.

I still don't want Chlamydia, again.


You know you can get Chlamydia from bedbugs don't you?

Well, at least that's what She told him.

05-21-16, 14:57
I love Euro but probably wouldn't share a straw with him.

05-21-16, 15:49
Well, it's starting to feel like the 90s again..... Sex roulette..... WTF........That doesn't even make sense....For the thrill???

Do people just not have respect for life and dangerous shit like HIV?

At this point, it's kinda your own fault. There's been what, 20 plus years of education for this kind of thing...... Unbelievable....

26 Inf
05-21-16, 23:32
Addicts concern themselves with one and only one thing--getting more dope with which to chase the high. They have degenerated so much and moved so far down the scale that they just plain don't care.

In the juvenile treatment center where I work, more than half of this population reports that they have mainlined heroin or meth as their primary drug. I'm talking about kids who start mainlining at age 13. Many arrive after having been in other treatment centers including rehab facilities. They bounce from one to the other. As a group, they have an extremely high recidivism rate.

One 17 year old who recently completed the program shot and killed two men within three weeks of being released. We work with these kids in an environment that prohibits access or use of any weapon: firearm, stick, or pepper spray. Handcuffs are also prohibited. Hitting back if attacked is considered assault. I see kids that are so messed up that sometimes I'll cry when I get home. I'm 11.5 years from age 80 and have realized that I'm getting too old to cut the mustard anymore.

It sounds as if you've done your share in trying to help. It also sounds as if you need to take a break. I hope that is possible. One of the sad things in your line of work is that often no one takes care of the caregivers.

05-21-16, 23:35
Just to give you an idea of how much we actually pay for this type of treatment.

The current HCV cure is ~$40,000.

05-22-16, 07:18
ALL of this.

I'd point out, that keeping your fly zipped, prevents AIDS 100% of the time. But that's probably racist/sexist/homophobic of me... :rolleyes:
Lol. You must still think gay sex is the only way to get this.

26 Inf
05-22-16, 09:28
Lol. You must still think gay sex is the only way to get this.

Hey War Wagon - continuing on with Caduceus's theme: it is not that easy to get AIDS, there are case studies of families living with a family member with AIDS for years with no other family member infected. These families, of course, were educated on transmission vectors and practiced basic sanitation principles - none of the ones studied put their family member in a bubble or sterile room.

Most common routes are/were sex with tissue tearing, sharing needles, contaminated blood. It was a major concern in the armed forces, not because of sexual passage, but because each soldier is a potential blood donor in direct transfusion.

If you have an AIDS infected victim at an accident or incident, first responders can be at risk from breathing in, or getting vaporized blood in their eyes. Using a barrier when doing CPR, gloving up and wearing wraparound eyepro pretty much solves that problem.

Medical professionals, please correct any misconceptions.

05-22-16, 10:05
You know you can get Chlamydia from bedbugs don't you?

Well, at least that's what She told him.

Not that medical science has discovered. Thus far no known diseases have been found to be transferred by those evil buggers

05-22-16, 17:41
Not that medical science has discovered. Thus far no known diseases have been found to be transferred by those evil buggers

It's an old joke on here at someones expense, I actually know better.

05-22-16, 17:47
Preachers get chlamydia from toilet seats. :neo:

05-22-16, 17:53
Hey War Wagon - continuing on with Caduceus's theme: it is not that easy to get AIDS, there are case studies of families living with a family member with AIDS for years with no other family member infected. These families, of course, were educated on transmission vectors and practiced basic sanitation principles - none of the ones studied put their family member in a bubble or sterile room.

Most common routes are/were sex with tissue tearing, sharing needles, contaminated blood. It was a major concern in the armed forces, not because of sexual passage, but because each soldier is a potential blood donor in direct transfusion.

If you have an AIDS infected victim at an accident or incident, first responders can be at risk from breathing in, or getting vaporized blood in their eyes. Using a barrier when doing CPR, gloving up and wearing wraparound eyepro pretty much solves that problem.

Medical professionals, please correct any misconceptions.

If you replace most of what you said with HIV, then it's correct.

HIV causes AIDS.

You can have HIV without having AIDS.

Generally, to make an AIDS Dx:

1) CD4 count <200 cells/mm^3

2) HIV (+)ve with AIDS defining condition (e.g. Pneumocystis pneumonia)

Transmission rates:

- sex 0.2% (more so the one receiving and anal sex)
- IV drugs 0.3%
- vertical (pregnant mother to fetus) 25%

05-22-16, 17:59
Eurodriver told me that Frog Lube cures chlamydia but not syphilis or herpes.

05-22-16, 18:46
Transmission rates:

- sex 0.2% (more so the one receiving and anal sex)
- IV drugs 0.3%
- vertical (pregnant mother to fetus) 25%

Those seem off. High on the birth and low the other ways. A 1:500 chance by sex. Is that per act? When practicing safe(er) sex? IV transmission from sharing a needle with an infected HIV co-junkie? Is that for births were no precautions or preemptive care taken?

05-22-16, 18:47
Eurodriver told me that Frog Lube cures chlamydia but not syphilis or herpes.

Everyone know CLP kills everytthing...

05-22-16, 18:58
Those seem off. High on the birth and low the other ways. A 1:500 chance by sex. Is that per act? When practicing safe(er) sex? IV transmission from sharing a needle with an infected HIV co-junkie? Is that for births were no precautions or preemptive care taken?

The numbers on sex (no protection) and IVDU (with an infected needle) are per act.

The numbers for vertical transmission are without any HIV treatment/ prenatal care.

05-22-16, 20:30
The term "multigenerational drug-use" in the original article still has my blood boiling after reading five pages. Meanwhile someone shouts at their kid in a nosy neighborhood and they're getting bi-weekly CPS interviews for six months... I hope that at least the druggies are busy enough getting high, or committing some crime for drug money to later get high, that they wouldn't make the polls in November.

05-23-16, 00:10
The numbers on sex (no protection) and IVDU (with an infected needle) are per act.

The numbers for vertical transmission are without any HIV treatment/ prenatal care.
The numbers seem about right for what I've read, though admittedly very dated information since I last looked.

I believe the 1:500 is "average," that is, higher for receptive anal, lower for the male during heterosexual intercourse. Basically, the more you rip/tear/swap fluids, the better the chance. So something like 1:20,000 if you're the "pitcher," and 1:300 if you're the catcher. Totally made up those numbers, don't make the mistake of thinking they're correct.

05-23-16, 00:16
The numbers seem about right for what I've read, though admittedly very dated information since I last looked.

I believe the 1:500 is "average," that is, higher for receptive anal, lower for the male during heterosexual intercourse. Basically, the more you rip/tear/swap fluids, the better the chance. So something like 1:20,000 if you're the "pitcher," and 1:300 if you're the catcher. Totally made up those numbers, don't make the mistake of thinking they're correct.

Admittedly those numbers are from memory, but I memorised them for a reason. I graduate med school this year.

Im obviously not an HIV/AIDS expert, but I like to have a general knowledge base of most diseases and their respective epidemiology.

Here is one actual source. Take it for what it's worth.


05-23-16, 12:54
Admittedly those numbers are from memory, but I memorised them for a reason. I graduate med school this year.

Im obviously not an HIV/AIDS expert, but I like to have a general knowledge base of most diseases and their respective epidemiology.

Here is one actual source. Take it for what it's worth.


One would think that since the early 80's when this went mainstream that people would have a better handle on HIV transmission risks than they do.
I would think that those numbers could be pretty deceptive because they are just raw numbers. As an example the porn industry for years was having everyone tested on a regular basis, but it only took one HIV carrier to infect several dozen porn actors in a month.
Not only were these people at a high risk for infection, but the time delay between testing and filming was enough to create an environment that caused a lot of people to get infected.
Take that single example and then include a larger population with more variables, I'm surprised there haven't been more cases.
The idea that these folks using IV drugs not only knew the risk, but carried on using the same needles for as many as 40 days with likely dozens of people, well, it is hard to feel sorry for them. I don't want to sound cold hearted, but they were making a choice of "Get high and die" or just get off of the Dope.

05-23-16, 13:56
I live less than 15 minutes south of Austin. This has been a big deal around here for a while now. Police are especially worried because of the risks to them.

This article ignores a lot of the factors involved while focusing only on one. This didn't happen overnight and was caused by a mix of social issues, lazy cops, and really stupid policy decisions by the state legislature.

Austin has always been a hellhole, while it has some good businesses in it most of the area is strait out of either Dili wrench or 8 Mile depending on where you are. Now it is just an even worse hellhole.

Teen pregnancy is also through the roof since they closed down the only non church operated clinic in the area and the next worry is a wave of babies born with drug addiction or HIV.

It has gotten to the point I won't even show houses there anymore.

05-23-16, 14:02
I don't mind sounding cold hearted...they made the choice, they can either live or die with that choice. Either way it should not be my problem, but their choice results in tax funded indigent care or incarceration, and it becomes my problem...When did the bleeding hearts gain so much control? We the people right? Well this person doesn't think my tax dollars should be spent on those that make "a choice". Sure I'll help those that weren't given a choice, but you choose to do drugs, have multiple kids you can't afford, choose not to work, engage in unprotected sex with high risk people, etc. then I choose to let you twist in the wind.
I can remember the day, as a small child, when I whined about something being unfair to my dad. He simply looked at me and stated, "no one ever told you life was fair." I understood then and there you either sink or swim and no one is accountable for you, except you. Odd how I look around now and every loser has their hand out and requires their poor decisions to be excused, and the government to foot the bill! Wake up losers, the government is funded by those with jobs!

Sorry for the rant, but if they choose to do drugs, choose to share needles, they chose to die, so let's let them die in the gutters where they belong.

05-23-16, 16:24
I live less than 15 minutes south of Austin. This has been a big deal around here for a while now. Police are especially worried because of the risks to them.

This article ignores a lot of the factors involved while focusing only on one. This didn't happen overnight and was caused by a mix of social issues, lazy cops, and really stupid policy decisions by the state legislature.

Austin has always been a hellhole, while it has some good businesses in it most of the area is strait out of either Dili wrench or 8 Mile depending on where you are. Now it is just an even worse hellhole.

Teen pregnancy is also through the roof since they closed down the only non church operated clinic in the area and the next worry is a wave of babies born with drug addiction or HIV.

It has gotten to the point I won't even show houses there anymore.

The original article came from a rather liberal slant. For the most part, no one in the article was held to any degree of responsibility for their condition or situation.

The idea that there are likely to be even more babies brought in to the world in Austin Indiana dealing with being born addicted and/or HIV positive is pretty sickening. I can only imagine what the school system will be dealing with and how it will be worse in the near future.
For you to say that you wont show houses there says a lot about your character, thanks for that. No one deserves to unwittingly buy property in a hell hole like that.

05-23-16, 17:36
I think the whole HIV situation is far more wide spread than people think. My senior year in high school which was roughly 11 years ago had a blood drive. Now I cannot say for certainty this is all fact because I did not see the report but many teachers confirmed that the rumors of over 25% of the students that gave blood had HIV. Still I cannot say for certainty that the rumors were fact but this was a high school just outside the Houston city limits in predominately white suburbs. I cannot imagine what those numbers look like now and it would not surprise me if far more high schools mimic these numbers than most people realize.

05-23-16, 17:39
I think the whole HIV situation is far more wide spread than people think. My senior year in high school which was roughly 11 year ago had a blood drive. Now I cannot say for certainty this is all fact because I did not see the report but many teachers confirmed that the rumors of over 25% of the students that gave blood had HIV. Still I cannot say for certainty that the rumors were fact but this was a high school just outside the Houston city limits but in predominately white suburbs. I cannot imagine what those numbers look like now and it would not surprise me if far more high schools mimic these numbers than most people realize.

There's less than 2 Million people infected in the US.

Even if your school consisted mostly of men who have sex with men and IVDUs, it's still not anywhere close to possible.

Not to mention that the teachers would not be privy to that information.

05-23-16, 17:43
There's less than 2 Million people infected in the US.

Even if your school consisted mostly of men who have sex with men and IVDUs, it's still not anywhere close to possible.

Not to mention that the teachers would not be privy to that information.

You are most likely right and this may have just been scare tactics in attempt to reduce the number of teen pregnancies.

05-23-16, 18:05
You are most likely right and this may have just been scare tactics in attempt to reduce the number of teen pregnancies.

Haha. Works for me.

I went to a Catholic high school, and the one thing I still can't wrap my head around is the lack of sex education.

Teenagers are going to have sex. Period.

STDs are not cool, and neither is an unwanted pregnancy. Parents and faculty need to get their heads out of their asses, and educate their children on these real issues.

05-23-16, 19:25
I think the whole HIV situation is far more wide spread than people think. My senior year in high school which was roughly 11 years ago had a blood drive. Now I cannot say for certainty this is all fact because I did not see the report but many teachers confirmed that the rumors of over 25% of the students that gave blood had HIV. Still I cannot say for certainty that the rumors were fact but this was a high school just outside the Houston city limits in predominately white suburbs. I cannot imagine what those numbers look like now and it would not surprise me if far more high schools mimic these numbers than most people realize.

That is birthcontrol in Texas.

05-23-16, 20:08
First, I find out that condoms do not protect against genital herpes (probably the worst of the STDs - aside from babies and HIV)

Then, I find out that people treat HIV like its a game

Then, I find out bed bugs transmit chlamydia.

Then, I find out that hot chicks can have big sticks.

M4C has obliterated my desire to have sexual intercourse ever again.

05-23-16, 20:28
First, I find out that condoms do not protect against genital herpes (probably the worst of the STDs - aside from babies and HIV)

Then, I find out that people treat HIV like its a game

Then, I find out bed bugs transmit chlamydia.

Then, I find out that hot chicks can have big sticks.

M4C has obliterated my desire to have sexual intercourse ever again.

It's because we love you, bro

05-23-16, 20:38
First, I find out that condoms do not protect against genital herpes (probably the worst of the STDs - aside from babies and HIV)

Then, I find out that people treat HIV like its a game

Then, I find out bed bugs transmit chlamydia.

Then, I find out that hot chicks can have big sticks.

M4C has obliterated my desire to have sexual intercourse ever again.

There, there, Euro. Give things a few years and with the rate of robotics you'll be able to buy a sex bot custom designed to your liking and download your preferred kinks and have her/it clean your rifles while you have a post screw drink, that it also fixed for you. No risk of STD or bed bugs. Perhaps genital electrocution, but I am sure that will be marketed as a feature as will the steady decline of the human race.

26 Inf
05-23-16, 22:37
First, I find out that condoms do not protect against genital herpes (probably the worst of the STDs - aside from babies and HIV)

Then, I find out that people treat HIV like its a game

Then, I find out bed bugs transmit chlamydia.

Then, I find out that hot chicks can have big sticks.

M4C has obliterated my desire to have sexual intercourse ever again.

Euro - those kids, you might want to rethink that mindset. Just saying, seems from what I've read on here you have a high risk lifestyle. IF, by the Grace of God, you make it into your 40's, your body will be so ravaged that a good, loyal son, or daughter, preferably daughter, will be great comfort as a caregiver. A loving son or daughter will make sure your adult depends is on straight and put lotion on your lesions.

You say you are considering abstention as a way of life, the flesh is weak. You will jump on that pony (so to speak) again one slip up and you are doomed. I'd suggest a Russian mail order bride or a six-toed Amish wench. Get that family started before it is too late. Save yourself from an old age fraught with the discomfort of bedsores.

Good luck.

05-23-16, 23:52
My plan is to buy me a South American chick who is real churchy. They will cook and clean and won't cheat on you but....

They will murder you violently if you upset them or make them jealous.

I plan to wait until I'm 55 and buy me one and dress her up as a maid or Sofia Vergara depending on my mood. Her name will be Consuela and I refuse to teach her English.

I'll buy her young (early 20s-ish) so even if I have the misfortune of living to 65, she won't have enough time to get old and fat. Any children I sire will be born totally ignorant of Spanish so they can check (Not Hispanic) on tgeir 4473s if guns are still legal. In their formative yers, they'll speak only the Queen's English and any communication with the mother must be given in hand signals and stick figure drawings.

That's my plan.

or....she can learn english but has to speak with no accent. All or nothing. Or use a robot voice.

05-24-16, 01:13
My plan is to buy me a South American chick who is real churchy. They will cook and clean and won't cheat on you but....

They will murder you violently if you upset them or make them jealous.

I plan to wait until I'm 55 and buy me one and dress her up as a maid or Sofia Vergara depending on my mood. Her name will be Consuela and I refuse to teach her English.

I'll buy her young (early 20s-ish) so even if I have the misfortune of living to 65, she won't have enough time to get old and fat. Any children I sire will be born totally ignorant of Spanish so they can check (Not Hispanic) on tgeir 4473s if guns are still legal. In their formative yers, they'll speak only the Queen's English and any communication with the mother must be given in hand signals and stick figure drawings.

That's my plan.

or....she can learn english but has to speak with no accent. All or nothing. Or use a robot voice.

Funniest thing I've read in a long time.

05-24-16, 16:03
You're wrong about the won't get fat part. Also, you can't let her hire a young skinny yard boy. Also, pick a girl with good teeth. :big_boss:

05-24-16, 17:02
You're wrong about the won't get fat part. Also, you can't let her hire a young skinny yard boy. Also, pick a girl with good teeth. :big_boss:

If she gets out of line, I'll sic my girlfriend on her.

While she's whipping her ass, I'll just hang out at my mistress' house until it gets sorted. She's the only one who really gets me anyways.