View Full Version : Star Trek Beyond

05-21-16, 07:41
Here's the trailer for new Star Trek Beyond. I hope the new director is able to pick up where Abrams left off with the last two, but this trailer looks promising.


05-21-16, 08:30
Big time Trekkie here. I've enjoyed the last two movies, the first more than the second. This does look promising. Was that the NX-01 from the Star Trek Enterprise series towards the end?

05-21-16, 09:01
Big time Trekkie here. I've enjoyed the last two movies, the first more than the second. This does look promising. Was that the NX-01 from the Star Trek Enterprise series towards the end?

That poor ship seems to get the snot beat out of it virtually every single movie ;)

I did see a ship with a different configuration toward the end.

05-21-16, 10:11
Was that the NX-01 from the Star Trek Enterprise series towards the end?

Sure looked like it! And this trailer looks better than the ones they released LAST year.

05-21-16, 11:59
Sure looked like it! And this trailer looks better than the ones they released LAST year.

Definitely a better trailer. The old one seemed to be 'Mad Maxed' or something.

05-21-16, 15:05
I'll watch it. I'm not a Star Trek nerd and find most Star Trek stuff banal but I liked the last movie

My only beef with this trailer is that it didn't have Beastie Boys Sabotage in it. Probably because some Star Trek nerds wrote about how having cool music in a trailer violated the Prime Directive.

Also....Uhura/Spock is awkward because Spock only got laid once every seven years and Zachary Quinto is gay.

It should be Kirk/Uhura or Bones/Uhura.

Big A
05-21-16, 15:45
I'll watch it. I'm not a Star Trek nerd and find most Star Trek stuff banal but I liked the last movie

My only beef with this trailer is that it didn't have Beastie Boys Sabotage in it. Probably because some Star Trek nerds wrote about how having cool music in a trailer violated the Prime Directive.

Also....Uhura/Spock is awkward because Spock only got laid once every seven years and Zachary Quinto is gay.

It should be Kirk/Uhura or Bones/Uhura.

Kirk Bones Uhura?

05-21-16, 15:53
I love star trek, but am I the only one that wishes they'd get Mass Effect done as a movie sooner than later....

I love the scifi of yesteryear. But it's played out as hell. Time for a new story, in my opinion.

The trailer does look good.

05-21-16, 15:56
I love star trek, but am I the only one that wishes they'd get Mass Effect done as a movie sooner than later....

I love the scifi of yesteryear. But it's played out as hell. Time for a new story, in my opinion.

The trailer does look good.
What, the new world of Warcraft movie doesn't cut it for you? Lol

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05-21-16, 16:51
As someone who has been watching Star Trek for virtually his entire life...

Meh. There is nothing about this trailer that piques my interest beyond the brief shots of the NX-type starship and the woman doing the voice-over sounds somewhat like the female Founder (shaeshifter/changeling) from DS9.

05-21-16, 17:08
Looking forward to another fun summer flick!

05-21-16, 17:45
As someone who has been watching Star Trek for virtually his entire life...

Meh. There is nothing about this trailer that piques my interest beyond the brief shots of the NX-type starship and the woman doing the voice-over sounds somewhat like the female Founder (shaeshifter/changeling) from DS9.

Well the obvious litmus test is if you enjoyed the last two with the new crew and all that. If you did, than you may like this one. If you didn't, than it probably stands to reason you may not dig this one. I fully enjoyed the last two and felt Abrams et al "got" it when it came to the spirit and intent of the franchise, with the casting really blowing me away. The main characters, Kirk, Bones, and Spok, so dead on, even down to various physical mannerisms, the casting director should get an Oscar for it. I was fully expecting to dislike the "younger" versions of them, and as proven wrong. It was very obvious the actors (maybe being Trek fans?) took their new characters seriously. Scotty should be fatter, but that's about my only complaint there.

How Abrams got Star Trek so well and Star Wars so wrong, I don't know, but that' another thread ;)

05-21-16, 17:52
Well the obvious litmus test is if you enjoyed the last two with the new crew and all that. If you did, than you may like this one. If you didn't, than it probably stands to reason you may not dig this one. I fully enjoyed the last two and felt Abrams et al "got" it when it came to the spirit and intent of the franchise, with the casting really blowing me away. The main characters, Kirk, Bones, and Spok, so dead on, even down to various physical mannerisms, the casting director should get an Oscar for it. I was fully expecting to dislike the "younger" versions of them, and as proven wrong. It was very obvious the actors (maybe being Trek fans?) took their new characters seriously. Scotty should be fatter, but that's about my only complaint there.

How Abrams got Star Trek so well and Star Wars so wrong, I don't know, but that' another thread ;)

I enjoyed both JJ Abrams Star Treks, even though I don't think they're particularly good (and Into Darkness was at least as bad as Nemesis).

The trailers for the last two movies also made me excited to see the movies proper. This trailer - and the last trailer - only make me hope that they don't crash and burn so badly that CBS abandons the new Trek series and Paramount stops making Trek movies for a decade or so.

How you got JJ Abrams's level of "getting" on Star Trek and Star Wars reversed is also another thread. :p

05-21-16, 18:58
I'm as geek as they come and I liked the first two reboots so im jazzed about this

05-21-16, 21:43
As someone who has been watching Star Trek for virtually his entire life...

Meh. There is nothing about this trailer that piques my interest beyond the brief shots of the NX-type starship and the woman doing the voice-over sounds somewhat like the female Founder (shaeshifter/changeling) from DS9.

With you. I know that it's because I'm still stuck with the original ten movies- 6 of which were very good to brilliant. To me, the first two reboots really did a great job setting up the casts and then proceeded to deliver a ham-fisted, forehead-slapping, illogical mess of a movie that seemed patterned after 'Galaxy Quest' as much as anything else. For Christ's sake, Scotty was ran through a clear tube and perilously close to 'choppers' of a sort, for no reason and Kirk fought a screeching, skinless, obligatory CGI blob of protoplasm on a winter planet that couldn't possibly have sustained any such type of life.

This new one looks like Prometheus but busier and less coherent.

05-22-16, 01:45
What, the new world of Warcraft movie doesn't cut it for you? Lol

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Didn't know they were doing one. Never got into that one. The whole mid evil lord of the rings type show is over done, for me at least.

I understand why hollywood pushes what they know will work. I know guy who worked in the movie business for Warner bros a while back, and got to learn about the world of movie making from the inside.. Just like any business they have to produce, and just like most businesses, the internet, tech and the information age kinda wrecked their old model and they're trying to make it work.

I just get tired of the redo over and over. Look at how well deadpool did. Something kinda new. What a concept.

Mass effect is such a great story. Yes, it is a video game. (They are slated for movie production, no official date yet,) But to me, I put it in the story line realm of Red Storm Rising and Rainbow Six.

But we all know how that usually goes. The movies never does the story justice.

05-22-16, 02:29
This looks good, I've rather enjoyed these reboots of the old school Star Trek.

05-22-16, 05:56
As someone who has been watching Star Trek for virtually his entire life...

Meh. There is nothing about this trailer that piques my interest beyond the brief shots of the NX-type starship and the woman doing the voice-over sounds somewhat like the female Founder (shaeshifter/changeling) from DS9.

I fall into the above category too, but suddenly this last statement struck a chord. I couldn't figure out who the badass aliens were in the trailer, but in looking at them again, maybe this is the Jem'Hadar (from DS-9) re-imagined (like the Klingons were in "Into Darkness"). The resemblance is close enough!

05-22-16, 09:21
The trailers for the last two movies also made me excited to see the movies proper. This trailer - and the last trailer - only make me hope that they don't crash and burn so badly that CBS abandons the new Trek series and Paramount stops making Trek movies for a decade or so.

Seeing as the new show is intended to be one of the anchors on CBS All Access, they will give it at least a season. The bar for attracting viewers isn't too high: at least as many as Supergirl had.

I'm just waiting to see if any of the movie cast will be on the show, and if so in what capacity.

05-23-16, 12:21
I enjoyed the two rebooted films, especially the first one. Looking forward to "Beyond" but have a "...I hope they don't screw up the franchise..." type of attitude. The fact that the director is from the "Fast and the Furious" franchise isn't a plus for me.

Big A
05-23-16, 13:58
I enjoyed the two rebooted films, especially the first one. Looking forward to "Beyond" but have a "...I hope they don't screw up the franchise..." type of attitude. The fact that the director is from the "Fast and the Furious" franchise isn't a plus for me.

Scotty (Simon Pegg) wrote it so it should be good. He is the biggest nerd in Hollywood so I think we'll be ok.

05-23-16, 14:01
He walked away from it a couple times too. Apparently the studio insisted on rushing it out and did a lot of things that pissed off the cast and crew. Early word is that this will be a disaster. I really hope that is wrong though.

Big A
05-23-16, 14:04
He walked away from it a couple times too. Apparently the studio insisted on rushing it out and did a lot of things that pissed off the cast and crew. Early word is that this will be a disaster. I really hope that is wrong though.

I hadn't heard that and it certainly is disheartening. They sure haven't hyped this movie up very much especially considering it comes out pretty soon.

05-23-16, 21:17
I fall into the above category too, but suddenly this last statement struck a chord. I couldn't figure out who the badass aliens were in the trailer, but in looking at them again, maybe this is the Jem'Hadar (from DS-9) re-imagined (like the Klingons were in "Into Darkness"). The resemblance is close enough!

I had the same thought. Certainly wouldn't be the first time they've brought things into the JJ-verse movies from DS9 (I'm looking at you, Section 31. Or the shadow that you're hiding in, anyway).

But I can't think of a logical reason for why they would be encountering the Jem'Hadar. I mean, in the alternate universe, they haven't encountered the wormhole, have they? I suppose it's possible - Nero's ship was in the custody of the Klingons for quite a while and there's no saying what, if anything, he told the Romulans. I'm sure, either way, if his ship was property of the Tal Shiar, it would have had data on the Dominion War and the location of the wormhole.

But if the Klingons and/or the Romulans decided to use the wormhole to get to the Gamma Quadrant, it would precipitate early interference in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants by the Dominion and - perhaps - an invasion. Chaos, in any case, would be engulfing the Alpha and Beta Quadrants as the Founders did what they do - and we haven't seen any of that.

I suppose it's possible the Founders have infiltrated the Klingons and the Romulans after their scouting missions into the Gamma Quadrant and have intentionally leaked its location to Starfleet to lure the Enterprise there for reasons unknown.

But then we have the presence of the USS Franklin (the ship that looks like an NX-class), which is supposed to be an older Starship, although not as old as the NX-01 Enterprise, but we've never heard of any Starfleet ships being lost in the general vicinity of Bajor prior to the wormhole's discovery. And... yeah.

I think it's possible that they're Jem'Hadar and the Enterprise somehow ends up in the Gamma Quadrant. But I don't think it's probable.

Seeing as the new show is intended to be one of the anchors on CBS All Access, they will give it at least a season. The bar for attracting viewers isn't too high: at least as many as Supergirl had.

I'm just waiting to see if any of the movie cast will be on the show, and if so in what capacity.

They don't have a cast, they don't have a crew. All they have is a vague concept. The "trailer" for the new TV show was a Starfleet delta and a bunch of words that probably took them an hour to make (if even that).

I imagine that we'll get a cast - or the beginnings of one - or at least concept sketches - sometime after or during opening weekend for Beyond, if it does well.

I enjoyed the two rebooted films, especially the first one. Looking forward to "Beyond" but have a "...I hope they don't screw up the franchise..." type of attitude. The fact that the director is from the "Fast and the Furious" franchise isn't a plus for me.

I would feel more comfortable if they weren't advertising the film as having been directed by a guy who directed Fast & Furious movies. I'd think they could get William Shatner or Patrick Stewart or even Jonathan Frakes or LaVar Burton (although maybe they couldn't afford Shatner or Stewart) to at least co-direct and I'd feel much better about it.

Big A
06-20-16, 11:22
It appears that the young actor who plays Pavel Chekov in the new Star Trek movies, Anton Yelchin, died yesterday. He was crushed by his Jeep Grand Cherokee.


06-20-16, 12:52
It appears that the young actor who plays Pavel Chekov in the new Star Trek movies, Anton Yelchin, died yesterday. He was crushed by his Jeep Grand Cherokee.


That's terrible. He was not a bad actor. Had he played Kyle Reese again in Genisys, it would've been a much better film

11-06-16, 22:15
Movie's out on DVD and Blu-Ray.

I think the marketing department really let this film down.

I actually really, really enjoyed it. A lot better than any of the other JJ-verse Star Treks. I heard one critic say that it's the best Star Trek movie since The Voyage Home. I certainly think it's the best since First Contact.

If I decide that I like it better than First Contact (which I don't think I will), that means it's the best Star Trek movie since The Wrath of Khan IMO. In any event, it's definitely on my top three Star Trek movies ever.

And the call backs to previous series and plays on nostalgia feel genuine. I really liked how they kept playing with older ships and tech in Star Trek harkening back to older sci-fi, so we had the USS Kelvin and the uniform's associated with that era calling back the sci-fi uniforms of the 1950s and they continue that with the USS Franklin, which calls up sci-fi of the 1940s.

It's the first Star Trek movie I haven't seen in theaters since Generations and I actually kind of regret having not seen it in theaters.

Good movie, I recommend it to anyone who likes Star Trek.

11-07-16, 08:36
I had high hopes for this new Star Trek, but the change of directors left me wondering if the streak of solid Trek movies with the new cast would continue. Such is not the case. The movie has essentially no clear plot other than a soldier and ship captain from the past who sucks the life out of people decides he want to wipe out the Federation, massive CGI scene starts, and something something that makes no sense or is not explained happens, and over till next CGI overkill battle scene.

Even the characters were less convincing as key characters than they were in the last two movies. I was blown away by how on target they were as Jim, Bones, Spock, etc, in the first two movies, much less so in this third installment. Why? I'm not sure, but they were far less believable in this movie.

This movie attempts to make up in special effects and CGI where it severely lacks in story development, character development, or anything else needed to balance the action scenes. You don't see Trek movies for realism per se, but at some point you just can't suspend the disbelieve. For example (spoiler alert), the most advance star ship in the fleet can't defeat the enemies tech, but by playing a Beastie Boys song loud enough, all the enemy space ships explode. No, I'm not making that up, and that pretty much sums up this movie. I hope they can talk JJ Abrams into coming back to the franchise or find another director who really "gets" Star Trek: C+

Best part of this movie was a white painted Sofia Boutella


11-07-16, 08:40
I watched it on the seatback on the plane flying back from New Orleans last week. It would have been worth renting, not buying, but in the end I'm glad that Delta Airlines provided it for me for free.

11-07-16, 12:27
This movie attempts to make up in special effects and CGI where it severely lacks in story development, character development, or anything else needed to balance the action scenes

An all too common practice with today's movies.

Best part of this movie was a white painted Sofia Boutella


I agree

11-07-16, 12:29
Aside from that pic and some googling I'm just here to say ST sucks, always has sucked, glad I never saw this, and we almost 30 and a wakeup for Rogue One

11-07-16, 15:55
I always see the Star Wars and Star Trek films in theater.

But didn't see the last Star Trek movie. The last one was totally forgettable and the one this year sounded like the same. Then I kept hearing is was worse than that.

WillBrink summed it up nicely to save me the typing!

11-07-16, 15:59
Y'all are whack.


11-08-16, 00:04
Most dissapointing ST in the JJ trilogy.

Whoooooooo- motorcylces and rock and roll wins the day! Simplistic and shallow. The second one was meh, the first one was the best of the three.

The full title for this one should be "Star Trek Beyond Stupid"

Good new is that my 9 year old daughter like TNG episodes. Bad news is I set the DVR to record them on BBC America and I choked it full in about 48 hours.

ETA: On teh video review, I don't take advice from a wannab Hawaiian gangster, outside of Honu.

11-08-16, 09:55
Most dissapointing ST in the JJ trilogy.

Whoooooooo- motorcylces and rock and roll wins the day! Simplistic and shallow. The second one was meh, the first one was the best of the three.

The full title for this one should be "Star Trek Beyond Stupid"

Good new is that my 9 year old daughter like TNG episodes. Bad news is I set the DVR to record them on BBC America and I choked it full in about 48 hours.

ETA: On teh video review, I don't take advice from a wannab Hawaiian gangster, outside of Honu.

I refer to all of the "nuTrek" movies as "Star Trek for Dummies" or "Star Trek for people who used to make fun of people who like Star Trek"