View Full Version : California's New Gun-Control

Outlander Systems
05-22-16, 09:55

Lawmakers voted to outlaw the sale of assault weapons with easily detachable magazines and to require that people turn in magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. They also backed a variety of other measures aimed at restricting access to guns and ammunition or limiting the carnage they can inflict.

This is a preview of Clinton's America, people.

They effectively made law-abiding citizens overnight criminals.

While not a surprise, understand that any agency under the umbrella of the Executive Branch can assuredly expect to see a significant policy change under the WWOTW's Presidency.

Obama, on his worst day, has never been as outspoken an advocate of gun control as Cankles is.

Plus, based on her previous stint as POTUS, we have prior precedent to see what, exactly, she is willing to do.

I'm curious to hear Californians' on M4C's take on the recent vote on outright bans.

05-22-16, 10:09
This is a race to the bottom, and has been discussed here before. The California legislature doesn't want to be usurped by the Lt Gov's ballot measure.

There's a quote - I'll have to search for it I just read it yesterday. One of the Senators responsible for introducing this bill said basically the voters of California can't be trusted:


Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, said he's also concerned that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign will drive more right-leaning voters to the polls and imperil the gun-control initiative.

"I think it's too risky to put a lot of hard work, decades of hard work, before the voters of California. We don't know if it passes or not," de Leon said. "But if we can get it done in the legislative body, the question is, why not do it?"

De Leon wrote to Newsom last month asking him to hold off on his initiative and allow lawmakers to tackle the problem. Newsom declined.

ETA: Found the exact quote.

05-22-16, 10:30
I wonder it it will be OK for a conservative city to declare itself a firearm"sanctuary" city?...........

05-22-16, 10:34
This is a race to the bottom, and has been discussed here before. The California legislature doesn't want to be usurped by the Lt Gov's ballot measure.

There's a quote - I'll have to search for it I just read it yesterday. One of the Senators responsible for introducing this bill said basically the voters of California can't be trusted:


ETA: Found the exact quote.
And that folks, is tyranny.

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05-22-16, 10:38
Non-compliance of anything Brown signs will be the name of the game.

Outlander Systems
05-22-16, 10:40
All this being done under the auspices of "preventing another San Bernadino."

No wonder those of a tyrannical-bent LOVE terrorism; all draconian legislation, big or small, can be "justified" in the name of "prevention."

05-22-16, 11:09
So, California legislators are no longer going to have taxpayer funded armed security? Are we then going to reverse Castle Rock and hold the state etc responsible for individual safety?

I didn't think so.

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Outlander Systems
05-22-16, 11:29
He who placed a chicken in every pot, reserves the right to stop providing chicken.

So, California legislators are no longer going to have taxpayer funded armed security? Are we then going to reverse Castle Rock and hold the state etc responsible for individual safety?

I didn't think so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-22-16, 12:05
do we even care what happens there at this point?

05-22-16, 12:14
Meanwhile, criminals in California rejoice. They know that their victims will follow the law, and they will continue their ways of not following the law.

Outlander Systems
05-22-16, 12:16
Absolutely. One as an indicator of future Leftist policy matters, and two, last I checked, the Bill of Rights still applies there.

do we even care what happens there at this point?

Criminals abide by gun laws, the same way that elected officials abide by their oaths of office...

Meanwhile, criminals in California rejoice. They know that their victims will follow the law, and they will continue their ways of not following the law.

05-22-16, 13:00
So, they'll be going from dope house to dope house, barrio to barrio, cartel to cart, shady mosque to shady mosque in full gear to round em all up, won't they?

Didn't think so.

Just more obstreperous, malicious legislation to keep tax payers taxed and perpetually under the sword of damocles

05-22-16, 13:18
I hope our brothers out there can turn the tide or find a path out.

05-22-16, 13:34
I hope our brothers out there can turn the tide or find a path out.

I'm working on the latter. Went to the LGS to buy a pistol this week (Sig P226 Mk 25). I passed, because it's a CA variant which has a "magazine disconnect" meaning it can't be fired when a magazine isn't in the well. Deal-breaker. This latest development is blantantly unconstitutional though (not that I expect anyone in CA's kangaroo-court legislature to care.)

ETA: Based on the article, it's hard to tell exactly what it will take from here for them to sign this into law. Their governor evidently vetoed it once.

Big A
05-22-16, 15:06
Why don't they just cut to the chase and outlaw the manufacture, distribution, sale and possession of gun powder either loose or in complete self contained cartridges and be done with it....

05-22-16, 17:08
In case anyone missed the point, this bill perfectly demonstrates where "law" becomes a meaningless and invalid concept. These are nothing but "threats of force." I know, some of you may think all laws are just that, but legitimate, just laws are based on moral principles, while these are the complete opposite.

Just a sign of the continuing cultural and social collapse of the California region.

05-22-16, 17:46
And that folks, is tyranny.


05-22-16, 17:48
do we even care what happens there at this point?

Only a narrow-minded, short-sighted idiot wouldn't.

I don't think that description fits you, so you must care about this preview of what the left has coming to a town near you.

05-22-16, 17:51
Why don't they just cut to the chase and outlaw the manufacture, distribution, sale and possession of gun powder either loose or in complete self contained cartridges and be done with it....

Because they are hoping they can keep on doing their incremental, unconstitutional, illegal, mis-deeds without causing a full on open revolt.

05-22-16, 23:11
My theory is their is one last wave of freedom loving veterans, LEOs, and good Americans who were not indoctrinated.

We still have mortgages, kids in school, college, peckers that work, active health, and happiness and some hope things will get better.

In ten or twenty years the houses will be paid for, kids will be out of school, we will have held a grand kid or two, and otherwise, realize things are still getting worse, and otherwise don't G A F.

They want to make sure that wave is not armed when they decide they don't give a F, have no SS, their retirement has acquired by the government, and have had enough.

05-22-16, 23:16
I forgot, increments is how you do in order to make everything illegal.

Driving really drunk is bad,
Outlaw it.
Outlaw lower and lower amounts of alcohol as driving drunk.
Make it illegal to drink a single beer while you are driving. Even if you are well under the limit.
Outlaw anyone else in the car not driving from having a drink.
Outlaw a half bottle of scotch you are taking to a friend to try in the car even if you are not drinking it.

In order to prevent people from driving drunk,
Now a bunch of people driving with a BAC a quarter the legal limit, or 100% sober are criminals.

05-22-16, 23:42
Don't count on police. I'm too young, to be this old, but. ..

The newer breed are brought in on self righteous BS. They are being told essentially that "everyone is a suspect".

To an extent, yeah...to an extent.

But they know they get to keep their guns. And everyone else is lesser. I've seen it go from "go out, do right, but take no shit" to "Everyone is guilty until proven innocent" and that's including the rookie syndrome.

Even in the South I've known, but not liked, guys who had take home SMGs and would BLAAAAAAAT paint cans at a DNR range while drinking and would also question why someone "needs a machine gun".

I've known a CLEO who was anti-gun but didn't mind getting a few HK416s for himself and his buddies. "patrol rifles" for people who don't patrol.

There are loads of skaters and flakes in police work who don't care about the collective gun rights as long as they get to keep a gun they want.

Just being real.

But the Policemen who DO care about the 2nd will be the first to go as "troublemakers"

Same way they are doing with Combat Arms guys trying to get them labeled as some kind lf PTSD despite being right as rain.

Radar O'Reilly working payroll probably doesn't appreciate a the infividual need for a sharp knife, gassed up carbine, and a good handgun like Joe Airborne.

So...be skeptical. Be very skeptical.

When rubber meets road, you find out who your friends really are.

The older guys who say they wouldn't go door to door are likely telling the truth.

But a 24 year old with a badge and gun....well, that's a gamble these days.

05-23-16, 01:07
Whole lot of backyards with fresh 'landscaping' patches I bet.

This is just really, really sad, that the individual, innocent citizen simply cannot be trusted is the norm in the United States of America.

We have become what we rebelled.

05-23-16, 01:20
He who placed a chicken in every pot, reserves the right to stop providing chicken.

Not according to Venezuelan president. Same politics is coming to these shores.

05-23-16, 03:45
All this being done under the auspices of "preventing another San Bernadino."

If that were true they should ban muslims.

05-23-16, 04:01
If that were true they should ban muslims.

They don't want to prevent another San Bernardino. They welcome them, knowing that hey can use it to justify cracking the whip on law-abiding citizens. The thing is: the law is not the law when that law violates the highest law of he land, the Constitution.
But with a SCOTUS that has wacko retards who actively hate the Constitution, it leaves U.S. In a bad Catch 22.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Founding Fathers would have kicked off 100 revolutions by now if they were alive.

05-23-16, 06:52
But a 24 year old with a badge and gun....well, that's a gamble these days.

Interesting. Ive seen the exact opposite. Most worthless, lazy, 20yr veterans are the "you don't need an assault weapon" kind. All the younger guys/gals I know that have grown up with AR's are perfectly fine with people owning them and see no reason why they shouldn't. They see every day that criminals don't follow laws and know they're going to have them anyway.

Im not real high on old timers, as they are usually lazy and arrogant in my experience. Not to mention they are topped out on the pay scale, which means they make more while doing less (sometimes nothing). But "back in the day"........

Guess it all depends on where you're from.

05-23-16, 07:09
If the III% and Oathkeepers wanted to make a real stance on something, they should go to the CA legislature armed to the teeth and take over that building.

05-23-16, 09:34
If the III% and Oathkeepers wanted to make a real stance on something, they should go to the CA legislature armed to the teeth and take over that building.

Ahhh but they don't really want to go to jail for their cause. They'd rather go to the middle of Oregon where they severely out-number the local cops and can push people around then leave when the snacks and socks stop coming in.

05-23-16, 10:11
Don't count on police. I'm too young, to be this old, but. ..

The newer breed are brought in on self righteous BS. They are being told essentially that "everyone is a suspect".

To an extent, yeah...to an extent.

But they know they get to keep their guns. And everyone else is lesser. I've seen it go from "go out, do right, but take no shit" to "Everyone is guilty until proven innocent" and that's including the rookie syndrome.

Even in the South I've known, but not liked, guys who had take home SMGs and would BLAAAAAAAT paint cans at a DNR range while drinking and would also question why someone "needs a machine gun".

I've known a CLEO who was anti-gun but didn't mind getting a few HK416s for himself and his buddies. "patrol rifles" for people who don't patrol.

Interesting. Ive seen the exact opposite. Most worthless, lazy, 20yr veterans are the "you don't need an assault weapon" kind. All the younger guys/gals I know that have grown up with AR's are perfectly fine with people owning them and see no reason why they shouldn't. They see every day that criminals don't follow laws and know they're going to have them anyway.

Im not real high on old timers, as they are usually lazy and arrogant in my experience. Not to mention they are topped out on the pay scale, which means they make more while doing less (sometimes nothing). But "back in the day"........

Guess it all depends on where you're from.

I have friends in LE and my job puts me in contact with a constant stream of LEOs of all sizes, shapes and ages from many different departments. I frequently talk about these issues with them and I've seen the full spectrum that both of you mention. I'm talking about CA and other states as well. If our society ever degenerates to knocking on door type confiscation, which it very well could if the Hildebeast somehow makes it to office, its going to be a very very interesting and uncertain time in American history. It seems to me that most Europeans are willing to just accept government subjugation. Maybe its how they are raised, or its just their culture… I don't know. But Americans, most Americans that I come into contact with, will take it to a point, but then we are ready to fight for what's right. I think we are quickly approaching that point. Billary as POTUS will accelerate that path to fighting.

05-23-16, 10:12
If the III% and Oathkeepers wanted to make a real stance on something, they should go to the CA legislature armed to the teeth and take over that building.

The leftists would absolutely LOVE that if it were to happen...it could be the moment they have been waiting for.

05-23-16, 10:14
They don't want to prevent another San Bernardino. They welcome them, knowing that hey can use it to justify cracking the whip on law-abiding citizens. The thing is: the law is not the law when that law violates the highest law of he land, the Constitution.
But with a SCOTUS that has wacko retards who actively hate the Constitution, it leaves U.S. In a bad Catch 22.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Founding Fathers would have kicked off 100 revolutions by now if they were alive.

I wish you were wrong. The implications of you being right about this are very disheartening.

I don't see a way to draw any other conclusion, given the facts. Failure to prosecute bad guys across the board, and ever increasing efforts to criminalize and/or disarm the good guys of society.

05-23-16, 11:34
I think Benito is right.

No gun laws actually want to prevent inner city crime types, crazy rampage types, or Muslim attack types.
They use those violent issues to push for gun control. They need those acts of violence.

I get the different takes of different types of LEOs.

My main point,
Is there are certain mindsets and backgrounds not tolerant of this shit.

The WW2 and Korea generation did not get pushed too far. There were a ton of them. But there are in the died and dying off and feeble age.

The VN generation did not get pushed too far. There were less of this mindset. There are less of them. They are hitting the getting feeble age for many of them.

The 40 to 50 year olds of this mindset are even less, but still a big number. If they get pushed to far it will be an issue. And also at a point with lives and family where they still GAF. If they get pushed too far at that age where they are not yet feeble but don't GAF it will not go well.

Once you get younger than this,
So many years of indoctrinazation, so many fewer of the mindset, so many new laws on the books and stacking of the courts, so many dependent FSA, etc.

the indoctrinazation the public schools and media are giving our kids is powerful.
Homeschooling will probably end up being outlawed and private schools are often just as bed with the indoctrinazation.

05-23-16, 11:55
When you get much below the age of 35, the instances of those that are willing to give up rights like gun ownership, goes up by a great deal.

Many of those under 30 do not see communism or socialism as dirty words as well.

05-23-16, 11:57
Of course gun laws don't target criminals or stop crime. We have literally decades of info gathering to tell us this. Plus tons of history in the books showing what happens when good men are disarmed and cannot defend themselves.

The problem isn't even the politicians, for christ sakes, the same politicians/families have been in power for ages and have pushed to disarm the populace, serfs.

Its the people down here on our level that get indoctrinated, fall for the BS- those folks are the problem. The ones who buy into the rhetoric that if they only give up their freedom and liberty- they will be "safe" for doing so.

Each and every one of us need to scream it at the top of our lungs that safety is a mere facade, a promise that cannot be kept, filthy lucre of the tyrants that seek to control us by any and all means.

Governments and those who seek power WANT to disarm EVERYONE, except themselves and their personal guard- that way they can do WHATEVER they please without fear of reprisal.

This is the same old story, same as it ever was since the beginning of time. It wasn't always guns, sometimes long bows, swords, information/knowledge, etc. But the end is always the same; it transcends time and geography- a foot on your neck and tyrants that controls your every movement, will kill you if they see it necessary, when they please to or when it entertains them. The only real freedom is in your thought, in your actions/defiance of these tyrants.

Liberty is just TOO precious to give up, too important to let go- flee your false safety and comfort; fight for what is right, be it with words, at the ballot box or with violent force. What is right and just must be fought for at all times and at all costs. Fear not the cell or the grave; for slavery and compliance to tyranny is it's own cell and it's own grave.

Nothing is worth more than our individual liberty, nothing.

05-23-16, 12:26
The SCOTUS is far from infallible. They once upheld slavery, so what's that tell you? To get more recent, how in the hell is Kelo in any way shape or form what was meant by the Founders with eminent domain? (hint: it isn't).

Any institution made up of humans is fallible. That includes SCOTUS.

I often chuckle when I hear about attempts to call a Constitutional convention of the states (not that I disagree with it). I swear they could amend it and have their amendment ruled unconstitutional! Yes, we're that far gone.

05-23-16, 12:50
Interesting. Ive seen the exact opposite. Most worthless, lazy, 20yr veterans are the "you don't need an assault weapon" kind. All the younger guys/gals I know that have grown up with AR's are perfectly fine with people owning them and see no reason why they shouldn't. They see every day that criminals don't follow laws and know they're going to have them anyway.

Im not real high on old timers, as they are usually lazy and arrogant in my experience. Not to mention they are topped out on the pay scale, which means they make more while doing less (sometimes nothing). But "back in the day"........

Guess it all depends on where you're from.

I give credit where it is due. When I say old salts, I should've clarified road officers.

Guys in leadership positions, you are right on.

Some newer, younger guys are pretty squared away, but lots more want to brown nose and get ahead and will show out to do it.

It's like anything else, I reckon. But yeah the old never-wases sitting back just taking it easy; I never cottoned to them.

It all comes down to the individual doing what's right over what's easy

05-23-16, 12:58
When you get much below the age of 35, the instances of those that are willing to give up rights like gun ownership, goes up by a great deal.

Many of those under 30 do not see communism or socialism as dirty words as well.

This. There are countless videos where people saying "Communism didn't work because nobody tried hard enough"

These college kids seem to think Socialism is everyone getting a free car, free house, free wi-fi, and free weed.

ETA They don't even try to hide it


05-23-16, 15:59
do we even care what happens there at this point?

You really should. Largest state in the union with the most electoral college votes. CA legislation has a reaching impact on other states. So every time someone says, "just leave" that is a terrible answer to the problem we are facing. We need more people in this state with a constitutional mindset to help fight against these idiots in Sacramento.

05-23-16, 20:01
When you get much below the age of 35, the instances of those that are willing to give up rights like gun ownership, goes up by a great deal.

Many of those under 30 do not see communism or socialism as dirty words as well.

This is simply not true.


People 30-49 have the least support for gun rights (by far) than any other age bracket. (Conversely, they have the highest support for gun control)

In fact, the 18-29 group is virtually tied with support for gun rights with the 65+ crowd.

Prior to Obama's election you may have been correct, but that is absolutely no longer the case.

You could read many of the discussions between the "young people" and 7.62NATO on this forum. He blames everything on the youth - virtually ignoring that almost every single ultra liberal politician with significant influence is a product of the hippy generation.

05-24-16, 03:26
They don't want to prevent another San Bernardino. They welcome them, knowing that hey can use it to justify cracking the whip on law-abiding citizens. The thing is: the law is not the law when that law violates the highest law of he land, the Constitution.
But with a SCOTUS that has wacko retards who actively hate the Constitution, it leaves U.S. In a bad Catch 22.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Founding Fathers would have kicked off 100 revolutions by now if they were alive.

Hence why I said; "If that were true . . ."

They are flooding CONUS with mulsims from Africa and the Middle East, OTM's, Mexicans, Cubans, etc. Obama is set to release 70K felons and I'll let you guess as to what their demographic is.

As for laws legally trampling upon the Constitution . . .

“Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with.” ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

05-24-16, 19:39
This is simply not true.


People 30-49 have the least support for gun rights (by far) than any other age bracket. (Conversely, they have the highest support for gun control)

In fact, the 18-29 group is virtually tied with support for gun rights with the 65+ crowd.

Prior to Obama's election you may have been correct, but that is absolutely no longer the case.

You could read many of the discussions between the "young people" and 7.62NATO on this forum. He blames everything on the youth - virtually ignoring that almost every single ultra liberal politician with significant influence is a product of the hippy generation.

Thank you for this, I completely agree, a lot of Hipsters like guns, even though I really don't like Hipsters. On top of that, we are the largest generation of people to have served in a war since Vietnam.

05-24-16, 20:06
I like Hipster chicks.

....what?! I do.

Outlander Systems
05-24-16, 20:16
Curse those bespecled wenches.

If not for my testosterone-driven stupidity, I wouldn't have attempted a wheelie on race takeoffs in sub-freezing temperatures, to impress their quirky, zany, daddy-issue-having, identity crisis undergoing, entitlement-mentality-espousing asses.

I like Hipster chicks.

....what?! I do.

05-24-16, 20:33
Curse those bespecled wenches.

If not for my testosterone-driven stupidity, I wouldn't have attempted a wheelie on race takeoffs in sub-freezing temperatures, to impress their quirky, zany, daddy-issue-having, identity crisis undergoing, entitlement-mentality-espousing asses.

You're an overachiever, bruh.

I usually just say "Hey cute shoes".

Outlander Systems
05-24-16, 20:42
If I wasn't married, I'd so player-up and go full Eurodriver style on an endless parade of air-headed leftist hipsters.

I too, have a thing for hipster chicks. I love 'em, but I'd never "true love" dem hoes:


You're an overachiever, bruh.

I usually just say "Hey cute shoes".

05-25-16, 15:56
This is a race to the bottom, and has been discussed here before. The California legislature doesn't want to be usurped by the Lt Gov's ballot measure.

There's a quote - I'll have to search for it I just read it yesterday. One of the Senators responsible for introducing this bill said basically the voters of California can't be trusted:


ETA: Found the exact quote.
You may remember Kevin de Leon from this ABSOLUTE GEM!!!

THIRTY MAGAZINE CLIP IN HALF A SECOND (https://www.youtube.com/embed/iJmFEv6BHM0)

I'm glad I never forget a scumbag...

05-25-16, 17:08

"This is 'Ghost gun'. This right here has ability with a 30 caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. 30 magazine clip in half a second."

That dirtbag threw himself an "inauguration party" when he became the CA Senate leader that was supposedly all paid for without tax payer dollars. A few months later we found out the truth...

05-25-16, 18:37
When they start actively stomping gangbanger ass and round up all the guns coming into the US from Mexico...I might raise a brow.

But felonizing some joe, or some guy shooting cans in the desert with a 30 round mag is a chump move.

But criminals are a vital part of holding power.
I remove all forms of self determination so therefore, you must rely on my vague promise of collective security