View Full Version : Baltimore get ready for riots

05-23-16, 13:05
I'm sure the BLM and others who have no actual interest in facts will use this as another excuse to act like out like spoiled children:

Baltimore police officer acquitted in Freddie Gray death

Baltimore police officer Edward Nero was acquitted on Monday of four charges in the 2015 death of black detainee Freddie Gray, the second setback for prosecutors in a case that triggered rioting and fueled the Black Lives Matter movement.

Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams, who heard the case in a bench trial, told a packed courtroom that Nero, 30, had acted as any officer would during Gray's arrest in April 2015.

Nero is the second officer to be tried and faced misdemeanor charges of second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and two counts of misconduct in office. The first trial of an officer in the 25-year-old Gray's death ended in a mistrial.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake issued a statement urging calm. The only incident in the immediate aftermath of the verdict involved protesters chasing members of Nero's family into a parking garage, yelling, "No justice, no peace."

State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby had charged Nero with arresting Gray without probable cause when he ran from him and other officers unprovoked in a high-crime area. She also contended Nero did not secure Gray in a police transport van. Gray died from a spine injury suffered in the van.

Nero's lawyers had argued that Gray's arrest was justified and that the officer had little to do with it. He never touched Gray except when he tried to help him find an asthma inhaler and helped lift him into the van, they said.



05-23-16, 13:20
Nah, there won't be a riot. Elijah Cummings has spoken:


"This is the way justice rolls".

05-23-16, 13:44
If they want to burn their own homes and businesses because of a dead POS go nuts. Just don't expect aid, MREs, tax funded relief, or anything else.

Go outside the deadline and get lit up with beanbags or tasers and hauled off. Stay within the line and destroy yourselves to your hearts content.

If you take your mayhem to people defending their property Korean rooftop style and they drop you, oh well.

Lots of things upset me, but I don't start breaking things and so on

05-23-16, 15:49
So is Marilyn Mosby has no wins for an 0-1-1 record?

05-23-16, 16:03
So is Marilyn Mosby has no wins for an 0-1-1 record?

Yep, the hung jury trial is rescheduled for Sep. Officer Nero was smart (at least I think so), he waived the jury and went with the judge.

Now what about compensation for lost wages during the past year? Then add any future lost wages due the the stigma those frivolous charges will have.

The prosecutor affected his life to appease criminals rioting.

05-23-16, 16:15
Yep, the hung jury trial is rescheduled for Sep. Officer Nero was smart (at least I think so), he waived the jury and went with the judge.

Now what about compensation for lost wages during the past year? Then add any future lost wages due the the stigma those frivolous charges will have.

The prosecutor affected his life to appease criminals rioting.

I'm not sure the guy can even work in Baltimore again. Once someone sees the name tag or the badge number gets to be common knowledge I'm sure he's done.
I'm thinking, compensating this guy; Why not just retire him?
The liability of keeping these guys on and risking someone shooting any one of them as some sort of BLM Justice isn't out of the question once the final acquittal comes in.

05-23-16, 16:56
Who in the right mind would want to keep working there? Same situation as officer Wilson in Ferguson, MO. Officer Nero need to pack up his thing and slip out of town and head cross country somewhere more civilized.

05-23-16, 17:13
Who in the right mind would want to keep working there? Same situation as officer Wilson in Ferguson, MO. Officer Nero need to pack up his thing and slip out of town and head cross country somewhere more civilized.

All for doing his job....

That is just state charges. Wait till the Feds take the next bite at the apple...

05-23-16, 19:25
I think it's all going to come down on the paddy wagon driver, Caesar Goodson.

05-23-16, 19:28
I think it's all going to come down on the paddy wagon driver, Caesar Goodson.

I always figured he swallowed the dope and went in to a siezure, and smacked his own head in the process.

26 Inf
05-23-16, 19:32
I think it's all going to come down on the paddy wagon driver, Caesar Goodson.

I tend to agree with that assessment, I've thought that all along.

26 Inf
05-23-16, 19:32
I always figured he swallowed the dope and went in to a siezure, and smacked his own head in the process.


05-23-16, 19:42

You really think so?

I'm not going to speculate on COD as Baltimore has a reputation but I have personally seen folks swallow coke/crack and go spastic before losing consciousness.

Then it was a race to get them to the ER to get their stomach pumped.

Or they could've just not seated him properly and brake checked him while cuffed and he broke his neck.

Either way there probably was some form of negligence

05-23-16, 19:46
Yep, the hung jury trial is rescheduled for Sep. Officer Nero was smart (at least I think so), he waived the jury and went with the judge.

Now what about compensation for lost wages during the past year? Then add any future lost wages due the the stigma those frivolous charges will have.

The prosecutor affected his life to appease criminals rioting.

I think it's all going to come down on the paddy wagon driver, Caesar Goodson.

A Nero and Ceasar? Who's case is next, Augustus? I'm pretty sure that they could get a conviction on Pontius Pilate.

05-23-16, 20:22
All for doing his job....

That is just state charges. Wait till the Feds take the next bite at the apple...

Before the Feds, BPD & outside agencies are planning a disciplinary review. BUT not until all of the other cases have been through court. Nero will remain in an administrative capacity.


Trial dates: Ceasar Goodson is scheduled to be tried June 6, Rice will be tried July 5, Officer Garrett E. Miller will be tried July 27, Porter will be retried Sept. 6, and Sgt. Alicia White is slated for Oct. 13.

A Nero and Ceasar? Who's case is next, Augustus? I'm pretty sure that they could get a conviction on Pontius Pilate.

LOL great catch!

26 Inf
05-23-16, 22:41
You really think so?

I'm not going to speculate on COD as Baltimore has a reputation but I have personally seen folks swallow coke/crack and go spastic before losing consciousness.

Then it was a race to get them to the ER to get their stomach pumped.

Or they could've just not seated him properly and brake checked him while cuffed and he broke his neck.

Either way there probably was some form of negligence

My money is on brake checked. It is all fun until you break the guys neck.

05-23-16, 23:22
If there was a brake check the other low life would have mentioned it. He only mentioned that gray was trying to hurt himself. I hope the thugs riot and burn the entire city down. They idiots who vote for democrats deserve it. Hopefully they make it to the zoo keepers neighborhoods and burn down their houses too.

26 Inf
05-23-16, 23:29
If there was a brake check the other low life would have mentioned it. He only mentioned that gray was trying to hurt himself. I hope the thugs riot and burn the entire city down. They idiots who vote for democrats deserve it. Hopefully they make it to the zoo keepers neighborhoods and burn down their houses too.

There are a lot of folks who are trying to make their way that would be impacted by widespread rioting, why would you wish that on them?

05-23-16, 23:34
There are a lot of folks who are trying to make their way that would be impacted by widespread rioting, why would you wish that on them?

If that's the case maybe they'll do something other than giving them space to destroy; but I doubt it. They live in Baltimore after all.

Straight Shooter
05-23-16, 23:38
There are a lot of folks who are trying to make their way that would be impacted by widespread rioting, why would you wish that on them?

I too, hope the hood rats riot. And I certainly don't want to impact good, innocent folks- I want them & others to see firsthand exactly what my & their tax dollars fund every month. We house, feed, fund, medicate and pay to procreate these f-ing cockroaches, they get every fukin thing FREE, are allowed to do & say almost any fukin thing, then when one of them is hurt or killed legally & morally, they decide to further break the laws and riot and tear shit up, sit in the middle of the road "impacting" people who WORK for a living, who actually HAVE SOMETHING to lose, and get away with it scott fukin free. It is my hope against hope, that each time they do this, itlll change one persons mind about "tolerance"...and "rraaacism".., and "bigotry"...and maybe finally see the TRUTH...that some people are animalistic pieces of shit that should be shot in the fuking head. TWICE.
And further hope against hope- that one day good people line up and do JUST THAT.

05-23-16, 23:40
I dunno. 26 makes a sobering point.

Ever see the LA riot videos and that one old lady is crying to the news people how she can't buy food and has no food in her house and doesn't know how she'll get back home?

That would be bad.

As much as I would like for these people to kill themselves off, they actually would be taking a lot of innocent people unable to leave with them.

And tgat would be very, very bad

Straight Shooter
05-23-16, 23:51
I dunno. 26 makes a sobering point.

Ever see the LA riot videos and that one old lady is crying to the news people how she can't buy food and has no food in her house and doesn't know how she'll get back home?

That would be bad.

As much as I would like for these people to kill themselves off, they actually would be taking a lot of innocent people unable to leave with them.

And tgat would be very, very bad

I have absolute sympathy for people like that...I really do. But, using the lady as an example..how many of them supported politicians who catered to these goblins? Wouldn't her situation,,,just using her as an example...wouldn't that be a case of getting what you've asked/voted for? All the libs who think /thought these thugs & muslims are their friends, only to be beaten and raped and killed and robbed by them just like everyone else...I just do not feel the least little bit sorry for them. Ive said since day one I hoped America, and every single person who voted Demorat and for Obama gets EXACTLY what they voted for..to a T. ALL OF IT.
And I feel the same way for the liberal cities who push this diversity shit on us, this tolerance bullshit on us...I WANT them to reap the "benefits" of that soooo badly. They voted for the female Michael Jackson looking bitch for mayor? GOOD. REAP WHAT YOUVE SOWN!!
I hope I see the the city in ASHES tomorrow. Itll be good enough for them.

05-23-16, 23:54
I have absolute sympathy for people like that...I really do. But, using the lady as an example..how many of them supported politicians who catered to these goblins? Wouldn't her situation,,,just using her as an example...wouldn't that be a case of getting what you've asked/voted for? All the libs who think /thought these thugs & muslims are there friends, only to be beaten and raped and killed and robbed by hem just like everyone else...I just do not feel the least little bit sorry for them. Ive said since day one I hoped America, and every single person who voted Demorat and for Obama gets EXACTLY what they voted for..to a T. ALL OF IT.
And I feel the same way for the liberal cities who push this diversity shit on us, this tolerance bullshit on us...I WANT them to reap the "benefits" of that soooo badly. They voted for the female Michael Jackson looking bitch for mayor? GOOD. REAP WHAT YOUVE SOWN!!
I hope I see the the city in ASHES tomorrow. Itll be good enough for them.

I once seen a cartoon of a white cuckold democrat getting his head caved in by a group of black thugs. The caption said, "wait I'm a democrat"

05-23-16, 23:57
Some of these old people didnt move into the hood.

They moved into a working class neighborhood, worked to own a home, and the riff raff moved in and they were too old and broke to move out by then.

I doubt they vote for this but got outnumbered and just want to live in peace. Any votes they do cast are outnumbered by the riff raff who bet bussed in

Straight Shooter
05-24-16, 00:01

This guy got some "reality". Bet he STILL didn't change his mind.

Straight Shooter
05-24-16, 00:10
Some of these old people didnt move into the hood.

They moved into a working class neighborhood, worked to own a home, and the riff raff moved in and they were too old and broke to move out by then.

I doubt they vote for this but got outnumbered and just want to live in peace. Any votes they do cast are outnumbered by the riff raff who bet bussed in

Again, I really do know that some innocents will be hurt or killed maybe. Those older folks saw "the hood" come up around them, they were there first, I understand that. And they cant move due to age, finances, ect.
I don't have an answer for them. I wish I could exclude them from what I desire to see happen. But the people who have voted these demonic libs in for the last 40 years NEED to pay for what they've done to this country. They NEED to see the fruits of their liberalism, they NEED to experience and deal with the consequences of their liberalism. It needs to come out of THEIR pockets, not mine.
Again, I fully accept the fact that not all there supported these goblins, I just don't know why one would live in a city like that if you didn't.

05-24-16, 06:33
Morgan State University Assistant Professor Dr. Lawrence Brown declared, “American policing was founded on slave patrols. This system of policing has been always exacting disproportionate violence against African-Americans, throughout the history of this country.”

Brown said, “[T]his system that we have doesn’t work for African-Americans. There’s disproportionality in arrests and sentencing for African-Americans, and then when cops are shooting our children, when they’re shooting our people, cops are not punished, disproportionately.”

It's got to be true, after all he is a "Professor."

05-24-16, 07:03
Morgan State University Assistant Professor Dr. Lawrence Brown declared, “American policing was founded on slave patrols. This system of policing has been always exacting disproportionate violence against African-Americans, throughout the history of this country.”

Brown said, “[T]his system that we have doesn’t work for African-Americans. There’s disproportionality in arrests and sentencing for African-Americans, and then when cops are shooting our children, when they’re shooting our people, cops are not punished, disproportionately.”

It's got to be true, after all he is a "Professor."

I would direct the good professor towards "worldstarhiphop" to see why the Black American is arrested at a far higher rate in comparison to any other ethnic group.

I could not care less about any hooligans burning down Baltimore. Let them burn down their own neighborhood. Sure some good folks will be effected, but you know all the Cop haters use this train of thought "well the good ones need to call out the bad ones and change things, if they haven't they deserve the same fate as the bad ones"....sounds good to me. The good citizens need to snitch/rat on the bad ones to get them out.

Everyone knows the ONLY person that could be found responsible in any way for the dope dealers death is the transport driver (and even that is a stretch given the statement of the other prisoner and the dope dealer's past medical issues). This was a witch hunt in the post Ferguson AmeriKa.

05-24-16, 07:09
My family and I are going to be in Baltimore this weekend. Hope they keep the crap away from the inner harbor and let us do out tourist thing in peace.

05-24-16, 07:58
If that's the case maybe they'll do something other than giving them space to destroy; but I doubt it. They live in Baltimore after all.

It's a mid sized city full of people, obviously that's the case. Let's keep it in context.

05-24-16, 09:18
It's pretty much gone from the front page of CNN. Not much traction here.

05-24-16, 10:30
It's pretty much gone from the front page of CNN. Not much traction here.

Without the desired results and some "Headline News" what is the story?
Oh, you mean perhaps that the rush to convict the LEO's is falling apart in Court and the Prosecutor who was using this as a political tool for her own advancement is FOS?
Although it could also be that the entire narrative that was pushed to burn down a city was full of holes in the first place and used by BLM to get some headlines and some face time to push another false agenda.
These guys (the LEO's) were quickly convicted in the court of public opinion with the help of CNN, it's a shame they do not now have the kind of integrity necessary to now tell the truth.
I've totally given up on the "Inner City" and certain cultures that promote failure, we need to build a wall around these places and just let them burn.

05-24-16, 12:31
Judge Jeanine jumps on Mosby!


05-24-16, 12:58
Mosby certainly has a problem with ethics

05-24-16, 16:03
Mosby certainly has a problem with ethics

Ethics, the law, logic, English... The list of her problems is pretty long.

99 problems, and convictions; none.

05-24-16, 18:06
People in Baltimore are not the only people who should be on alert. I expect to hear or read something in the news concerning a retaliatory attack on a white person to avenge Freddie Gray's death.

Outlander Systems
05-24-16, 18:39
Surely to be prosecuted as a hate crime...


BLM is an anti-LE, anti-Law, anarchist group, using race and "social justice" as smokescreen.

The Twitter posts I was reading yesterday, while #FreddieGray was "trending" made my stomach churn.

People in Baltimore are not the only people who should be on alert. I expect to hear or read something in the news concerning a retaliatory attack on a white person to avenge Freddie Gray's death.

05-24-16, 22:42
These kind of stories will continue. With the return of the warm weather "riot season", and Trump running for POTUS, riots are gonna happen no matter what happens to these or any other cops. Gonna be some interesting TV once the left kicks off riot season. Could start any day... and for any reason.

05-25-16, 01:16
Ethics, the law, logic, English... The list of her problems is pretty long.

99 problems, and convictions; none.


05-25-16, 03:19

Outlander Systems
05-25-16, 05:47
F'in classic.


05-26-16, 12:02
Long overdue! 2 officers in Freddie Gray case sue prosecutor Lawsuit alleges defamation, invasion of privacy

The lawsuit alleges Mosby made statements for purposes of quelling the riots rather than prosecuting police officers.

The lawsuit states: "They exposed plaintiffs to public scorn, hatred and contempt, thereby discouraging others in the community from having a favorable opinion or associating with plaintiffs."

The civil action also names Sheriff's Office Maj. Samuel Cogan. Mosby conducted an investigation into Gray's death independent of police with the help of Cogan. He signed the charging documents in the case.

White and Porter are seeking more than $75,000 in damages for each of four counts detailed in their 26-page lawsuit.


05-26-16, 12:09
I, for one, hope she is removed from office and personally sued into bankruptcy and disbarred from practicing law of any kind.

I hope she is so professionally destroyed that she couldn't even be a file clerk at an ambulance chasers office.

People like her need to be made examples of.

Go by the law book or don't go.

Ain't nobody got time for your activist bullshit, bitch

Outlander Systems
05-26-16, 12:20
Omni Consumer Products needs to just hurry up and buy Detroit and Baltimore.

I'll self-identify as your K9 partner, and we'll go work for OCP as cops.

I, for one, hope she is removed from office and personally sued into bankruptcy and disbarred from practicing law of any kind.

I hope she is so professionally destroyed that she couldn't even be a file clerk at an ambulance chasers office.

People like her need to be made examples of.

Go by the law book or don't go.

Ain't nobody got time for your activist bullshit, bitch

05-26-16, 15:50
Omni Consumer Products needs to just hurry up and buy Detroit and Baltimore.

I'll buy that for a dollar!

Outlander Systems
05-26-16, 15:55

05-26-16, 17:49
I, for one, hope she is removed from office and personally sued into bankruptcy and disbarred from practicing law of any kind.

I hope she is so professionally destroyed that she couldn't even be a file clerk at an ambulance chasers

That there would actual justice. What she was persueing was clearly not justice.

05-26-16, 18:26
I, for one, hope she is removed from office and personally sued into bankruptcy and disbarred from practicing law of any kind.

I hope she is so professionally destroyed that she couldn't even be a file clerk at an ambulance chasers office.

People like her need to be made examples of.

Go by the law book or don't go.

Ain't nobody got time for your activist bullshit, bitch

Saved me some typing.

05-26-16, 18:55
I, for one, hope she is removed from office and personally sued into bankruptcy and disbarred from practicing law of any kind.

I hope she is so professionally destroyed that she couldn't even be a file clerk at an ambulance chasers office.

People like her need to be made examples of.

Go by the law book or don't go.

Ain't nobody got time for your activist bullshit, bitch

If there is anything to karma, this will all happen

05-26-16, 22:17
Some of you guys are living in a fantasy world. She's an SJW, and a hero to all other SJW's. Beyond that, she will always be SJW elite. There is money, book deals, talk shows, and fame to be had as an SJW elite. She has it made.

05-27-16, 01:27
I, for one, hope she is removed from office and personally sued into bankruptcy and disbarred from practicing law of any kind.

I hope she is so professionally destroyed that she couldn't even be a file clerk at an ambulance chasers office.

People like her need to be made examples of.

Go by the law book or don't go.

Ain't nobody got time for your activist bullshit, bitch

My sentiments exactly, along with that SJW DA C**T down in FL who tried to crucify that White Hispanic guy.

Big A
05-27-16, 13:15
My sentiments exactly, along with that SJW DA C**T down in FL who tried to crucify that White Hispanic guy.
Angela Corey is many things but a Social Justice Warrior she is not...

26 Inf
05-27-16, 14:09
Angela Corey is many things but a Social Justice Warrior she is not...

Understatement there. IIRC she got Jesse Jackson mad at her over one case.

05-28-16, 02:20
Angela Corey is many things but a Social Justice Warrior she is not...

I guess we define SJW's differently. The George Zimmerman witch hunt is about as social justice as one can get. Is she the DA that screwed the pooch on the child killer Casey Anthony as well? I might be getting my dipshit FL DA's mixed up.

IIRC she got Jesse Jackson mad at her over one case.

Probably the one where she tried to send a Black woman to prison for decades because she fired a warning shot in the air to scare off her abusive husband that was coming at her. The only time I can think of where I actually agreed with Jackson on anything.

Wife jailed for 20 YEARS for firing warning shots to scare off abusive husband finally walks free - after legal campaign against 'unfair' Stand Your Ground law made infamous by George Zimmerman's trial

A Florida woman originally sentenced to 20 years behind bars for firing a warning shot to scare off her abusive husband and two stepsons, has been released from jail to spend the remainder of her two year sentence on house arrest.


Big A
05-28-16, 07:59
Angela Corey is a political creature. She saw an opportunity for what she thought was an open and shut first degree murder conviction and a chance to improve her chances for a possible Florida Attorney General bid. But trust me when I tell you she has no interest in any social justice causes.

She had nothing to do with the Casey Anthony case.

There is more to the second case you cited. They were not warning shots nor was the defendant some poor abused housewife that had finally decided to defend herself. The defendant in that case would have been charged with first degree murder if she new how to aim a pistol. She should be doing time in prison.

05-29-16, 05:00
Angela Corey is a political creature. She saw an opportunity for what she thought was an open and shut first degree murder conviction and a chance to improve her chances for a possible Florida Attorney General bid. But trust me when I tell you she has no interest in any social justice causes.

Cool, I remember the Zimmerman case was no big thing for a good while until the MSM got a hold of it.

She had nothing to do with the Casey Anthony case.

Okay, couldn't remember as I'm not a FL resident and just hear/read these stories in the national headlines.

There is more to the second case you cited. They were not warning shots nor was the defendant some poor abused housewife that had finally decided to defend herself. The defendant in that case would have been charged with first degree murder if she new how to aim a pistol. She should be doing time in prison.

I stand corrected, again only read about this case after Zimmerman in the headlines.

Big A
06-01-16, 08:57
Cool, I remember the Zimmerman case was no big thing for a good while until the MSM got a hold of it.

Okay, couldn't remember as I'm not a FL resident and just hear/read these stories in the national headlines.

I stand corrected, again only read about this case after Zimmerman in the headlines.

This is the real Angela Corey my friend:

06-01-16, 11:25
This is the real Angela Corey my friend:

So let me get this right. You have to take time out of your life to change party affiliation in order to get to vote and that's not an infringement on your civil rights, but showing a state issued DL is. HMMMMM

American politics appears to model itself after Game of Thrones minus the hot chicks getting naked part.

06-01-16, 11:25
So I was in Baltimore over the weekend visiting friends and the only riots I saw were between tourists fighting over a parking space in a garage....

06-09-16, 06:26
Today will be very interesting:

Baltimore Police Officer Cesar Goodson (left) is scheduled to begin his bench trial today, Thursday, in the third prosecution revolving around the Freddie Gray case. However, a stunning last minute motion to dismiss, based on a severe Brady violation from prosecutor Marilyn Mosby’s office, might just end the entire trial before it begins.


06-09-16, 07:20
Jesus. Give you real faith in the legal system doesn't it.

06-09-16, 07:39
Jesus. Give you real faith in the legal system doesn't it.

It is Mosley, for sure an novice political hack.

Don't know if you caught this from the article: This is the third time Mosby’s office has been caught hiding exculpatory evidence in the cases against the accused.

06-09-16, 07:44
Hopefully she'll get Nifonged.

Outlander Systems
06-09-16, 08:19
Prosecutors' Careers Matter.

Jesus. Give you real faith in the legal system doesn't it.

06-09-16, 11:18
She was destined to fail when she started running her mouth on CNN.

People like her are the worst

06-09-16, 11:38
She was destined to fail when she started running her mouth on CNN.

People like her are the worst

She had to get that face time on TV and make some accusations in order to take the next step up the ladder, it is irrelevant that these 6 guys get buried under false charges and railroaded as She hides evidence, She has a career at stake.
I'm thinking at some point perhaps is we had a "Real" Justice Department someone might come along and jerk her chain enough to bring some charges against her.

06-09-16, 13:45
It is Mosley, for sure an novice political hack.

Don't know if you caught this from the article: This is the third time Mosby’s office has been caught hiding exculpatory evidence in the cases against the accused.

Why isn't the BAR Disciplinary Committee or the Maryland Attorney General taking action if this is the third time we know about?

Big A
06-09-16, 14:20
Why isn't the BAR Disciplinary Committee or the Maryland Attorney General taking action if this is the third time we know about?

I'll take "Because They Are Just As Corrupt As Her" for one thousand Alex...

06-09-16, 14:28
Why isn't the BAR Disciplinary Committee or the Maryland Attorney General taking action if this is the third time we know about?

This kind of thing happens A LOT. Prosecutors will often fail to discover something, either entirely or fail to meet a deadline for discovery, and will face a number of outcomes for it (trial is continued to another date, prosecution will face sanctions during trial or during jury instructions, etc). Rarely is the outcome of a discovery violation a dismissal of the case. Because, after all, that isn't true justice.

06-09-16, 14:46
If he got the case tossed, I assume they would be able to refile? If nothing else, Barry would get Loretta Twit to get a FEderal Case going.

26 Inf
06-09-16, 15:26
This happens a lot. The thing I think we need to keep in context here is that IN THIS CASE most of you are against the prosecution. As LSHD mentioned, this type of behavior is not unusual, generally the prosecution will try to wait until the last minute to answer a motion for discovery.

06-09-16, 15:56
This happens a lot. The thing I think we need to keep in context here is that IN THIS CASE most of you are against the prosecution. As LSHD mentioned, this type of behavior is not unusual, generally the prosecution will try to wait until the last minute to answer a motion for discovery.

Well that makes me feel better. Since a lot of people do it it must not be that wrong? Guess we should make drugs legal cause well a lot of people do them.

Something is either wrong or right; legal or illegal. I'd offer a compromise on the first count cause people make mistakes and all, but if this is truly her third rodeo on 1 case then who else has she screwed over??

06-09-16, 20:15
Well that makes me feel better. Since a lot of people do it it must not be that wrong? Guess we should make drugs legal cause well a lot of people do them.

Something is either wrong or right; legal or illegal. I'd offer a compromise on the first count cause people make mistakes and all, but if this is truly her third rodeo on 1 case then who else has she screwed over??
No one is excusing her behavior, just explaining what happens in a criminal court to those who do not have the same experience as some of us. She's a crook.

26 Inf
06-09-16, 22:10
Well that makes me feel better. Since a lot of people do it it must not be that wrong? Guess we should make drugs legal cause well a lot of people do them.

Something is either wrong or right; legal or illegal. I'd offer a compromise on the first count cause people make mistakes and all, but if this is truly her third rodeo on 1 case then who else has she screwed over??

TAZ - I wasn't condoning or justifying. And I certainly wasn't calling you out, if it seemed that way I apologize. It is wrong. The thing that I've noticed on forums, and was trying to point out, was that we are sometimes kind of situational in our opinions of things - if she was holding back while trying an accused baby-raper, many of us would be going 'good on her.' I like folks who throw down the middle, no matter who is batting.

06-09-16, 22:16
The fact that these officers were doing exactly what Mosby's office requested they do...make dope arrests on that very corner shouldn't be forgotten.

Did the make Gray run? Did they make him resist? Did the arresting Officers or their supervisors have anything to do with the injuries inflicted during transportation to jail?

It's a witch hunt.

06-10-16, 03:09
When Hillary is "elected" I can see her appointing Mosby as her AG.

They are cut from the same fetid cloth.

06-15-16, 20:02
Believe the case is really finally falling apart.

15Jun - New evidence suggests medical examiner once intended to rule death an accident

idence disclosed for the first time Wednesday in the trial of Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., the van driver charged with second-degree murder in the death of Freddie Gray, suggests that the doctor performing Gray's autopsy at one point intended to rule his death an accident.

Assistant medical examiner Dr. Carol Allan ultimately ruled the death a homicide. She has stood by that ruling during Goodson's trial, testifying that she never felt Gray's death was an accident.


06-18-16, 18:26
I always figured he swallowed the dope and went in to a siezure, and smacked his own head in the process. Very interesting.