View Full Version : Local County Cuts Power on Ventilator-Dependent Patient

05-25-16, 00:25
Well, here is how my day started. EMS brings in a patient from home because the city cut her power. This isn't your usual "I didn't pay my bill type." This was a trach'ed, PEG'ed, ventilator-dependent young person with a high spinal cord injury who blinks for her tube feeds. She breaths with a ventilator that runs on this crazy thing called electricity, and lo' and behold it will stop working after about an hour on emergency battery power.

It gets better, her father and primary care giver is also chronically debilitated due to end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis 3 days per week. While he is at dialysis which lasts about 3-4 hours, a home health nurse comes to take care of the patient.

Well, he was at dialysis when the power company called to say they were cutting the power on their home due to him being 6 months behind on the bill. The home health nurse told the power company (run by the city) that a vent-dependent patient would die without electricity to power the machine that allows her to breath. Do you think that slowed them down a bit? Nope.

After the lights go out, the home health nurse calls 911 for an ambulance to come get the patient and take her to the only place that will let you use the wall socket to power a vent - the ER. Apparently, the local Starbucks was too crowded with people charging their iPhones and MacBooks. After a couple of phone calls to city officials, we finally got the power turned on so that the patient could live. It seems that a story like this doesn't float well in the news if you are running for re-election in November.

Anyway, I thought that you guys would like to know how the government has your back. Nobody let's me turn off a vent when the family can't pay my bill, but god forbid that you fall out of favor with the city utilities. Let's hope that she returned her library books...

Dist. Expert 26
05-25-16, 00:41
Yet no matter how many stories like this come to light, people will still beg for the government to take care of them. It's almost unbelievable. Almost.

05-25-16, 00:53
Without the ability to issue unlimited debt, people will one day see government charity in a very different light.

05-25-16, 01:09
While not as dramatic, but to demonstrate the level that local utilities "just don't care."

Last year my wife shuffled the water bill from the "real mail" pile to the "junk mail" pile and as a result it didn't get paid. I'm one of those old times who still sends a check. When I pay bills, I go through the "real mail" pile and pay everything. Obviously in this case I didn't notice the water bill wasn't there and simply assumed it would arrive in a day or two and would pay it in 2 weeks.

30 days go by and despite the fact that I've never been late, let alone missed a payment in over 20 years, early one Monday morning while my wife is getting ready to go to the airport for a business trip, she informs me we have no water. We call the water company and they tell us we never made a payment and that it was turned off about a half hour ago.

When I ask why they didn't knock on the door so I could arrange payment by phone we were informed that they no longer do that since people attack their workers who shut off services. My pointing out that I've never missed anything in over 20 years didn't seem to matter at all. I made a credit card payment over they phone hoping to get the guys to come back and turns the water back on. They then informed me that somebody would be out by 4pm to restore service and they were kind enough to waive the reconnect fee.

Thankfully I know how things work went out to the meter and turned the water back on so my wife could shower and get ready to go to the airport. When she was done I turned the meter about 95% off so that I could still build water pressure and refill a toilet tank (slowly) confident that nobody will actually match up the numbers on the meter or will simply assume they didn't get it completely turned off.

Jackasses actually didn't show up until about 5:30pm. If you are a regular person paying your own way...you are nobody to most people. I'd hate to think about if I were life dependent on any of the local utilities, I'd be screwed.

Obviously Obamacare isn't working out well for the people in the OP if they are six months behind on the light bill.

05-25-16, 03:11
The father should have claimed to be "transgender" and that he and his daughter "identify" as "undocumented migrants".

Then and only then they would have been taken care of and absolved of their sins of being an American by birth.

05-25-16, 06:48
With that quality of life, I'd be praying for that type of error. I doubt my family would give me a little shake to finish things. (Yes, I'm a callous bastard).

I thought most municipalities had lists that you could add yourself to in order to prioritize them? Like sending out people there first to restore services in case of natural disaster.

05-25-16, 07:26
That's horrible; but having worked in EMS and ED, happens more often than I care to remember. The utilities, the government, it's just another account number.

05-25-16, 07:43
So who is getting charged with neglect? If dad cant take care of his daughter, why is he still her custodian?

I would think adult family services would've already stepped in to the situation if they were aware of the issue.

Yes I know its the big evil power companies fault, but there are many, many ways this could have been handled prior to the power being shut off. Had the father contacted any churches? Had he reached out to any media outlet for help? How about a charity cake sale for Christ sake? Where are other/extended family members? Is nobody there on SSI?

I've been on a slightly different side to cases just like this, and for some reason the only person that is the victim is the completely disabled person that relies on other people to not squander their money in order to care for them. Was there ample amount of mountain dew and Cheetos in the residence prior to the electricity being turned off?

05-25-16, 07:46
So who is getting charged with neglect? If dad cant take care of his daughter, why is he still her custodian?

I would think adult family services would've already stepped in to the situation if they were aware of the issue.

Yes I know its the big evil power companies fault, but there are many, many ways this could have been handled prior to the power being shut off. Had the father contacted any churches? Had he reached out to any media outlet for help? How about a charity cake sale for Christ sake? Where are other/extended family members? Is nobody there on SSI?

I've been on a slightly different side to cases just like this, and for some reason the only person that is the victim is the completely disabled person that relies on other people to not squander their money in order to care for them. Was there ample amount of mountain dew and Cheetos in the residence prior to the electricity being turned off?

derp "It gets better, her father and primary care giver is also chronically debilitated due to end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis 3 days per week."

05-25-16, 07:47
So who is getting charged with neglect? If dad cant take care of his daughter, why is he still her custodian?

I would think adult family services would've already stepped in to the situation if they were aware of the issue.

Yes I know its the big evil power companies fault, but there are many, many ways this could have been handled prior to the power being shut off. Had the father contacted any churches? Had he reached out to any media outlet for help? How about a charity cake sale for Christ sake? Where are other/extended family members? Is nobody there on SSI?

I've been on a slightly different side to cases just like this, and for some reason the only person that is the victim is the completely disabled person that relies on other people to not squander their money in order to care for them. Was there ample amount of mountain dew and Cheetos in the residence prior to the electricity being turned off?

A vent dependent quad? The county will try EVERYTHING to not intervene. Who the hell would they get as caregiver? No one will touch that person with a 10-foot extension cord. It ain't like a kid they can place in a foster home. No, I imagine the county will line up some sort of education for the father, maybe get home health in on some assessments.

05-25-16, 08:01
derp "It gets better, her father and primary care giver is also chronically debilitated due to end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis 3 days per week."

Ya to my point, if he cant take care of her, why is she in his care? Quite frankly adult DFS should have been contacted about him, let alone the daughter.

And again, were any charitable org's contacted for help? There are a lot of folks out there that are willing to donate their time and money to help people. Hell do we even know if the power company was aware of the situation prior to the day of?

Or are we SJW's that just want a snippet of the truth a make a judgment? Im just saying there are always three sides to every story....so jumping to "the Nazi power company playing God" might be premature.

Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe dad called every church, news station, salvation army, VFW, hospital, assisted living facility, Boys and Girls club, girl/boy scouts, local fire fighters, Police, and quilting group and they all said **** off. If that's the case, ya that's really messed up...and a shitty place to live.

P.S. I hope they are getting free charity care at the hospital, I would hate for them to charge the family or Medicaid for the services provided.

05-25-16, 08:14
Ya to my point, if he cant take care of her, why is she in his care? Quite frankly adult DFS should have been contacted about him, let alone the daughter.

And again, were any charitable org's contacted for help? There are a lot of folks out there that are willing to donate their time and money to help people. Hell do we even know if the power company was aware of the situation prior to the day of?

Or are we SJW's that just want a snippet of the truth a make a judgment? Im just saying there are always three sides to every story....so jumping to "the Nazi power company playing God" might be premature.

Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe dad called every church, news station, salvation army, VFW, hospital, assisted living facility, Boys and Girls club, and quilting group and they all said **** off. If that's the case, ya that's really messed up...and a shitty place to live.

P.S. I hope they are getting free charity care at the hospital, I would hate for them to charge the family or Medicaid for the services provided.

I don't know that "the Nazi power company playing God" line is accurate, either. I think they got lost in "The System." Again, they are just an account number.

I second the idea of going to the church community or charitable organizations. I also hope that the hospital would have some sort of charitable care for that kind of visit.

05-25-16, 09:07
I second the idea of going to the church community or charitable organizations. I also hope that the hospital would have some sort of charitable care for that kind of visit.

Back when most charities came from local Community Churches and Charitable Organizations, I do believe the system worked a lot better. As soon as the .gov decided to tax you and distribute charities it got a little jacked up.
You know the local KoC could have a Fish Fry and in one day, keep the power on for six months.

05-25-16, 09:38
Back when most charities came from local Community Churches and Charitable Organizations, I do believe the system worked a lot better. As soon as the .gov decided to tax you and distribute charities it got a little jacked up.
You know the local KoC could have a Fish Fry and in one day, keep the power on for six months.

Agreed. We have a special needs baby in our church. Born at 26 weeks, all sorts of chromosomal weirdness. The church does a couple big--BIG--fundraisers for him every year. The amount of money they get is insane (in a good way). If people looked at community, church, local organizations, then they may never feel compelled to go to .gov.

05-25-16, 09:41
So if the dad stopped paying for medicine to give his daughter but kept going back to the pharmacy demanding her pills, are they evil if they say no?

05-25-16, 09:56
Agreed. We have a special needs baby in our church. Born at 26 weeks, all sorts of chromosomal weirdness. The church does a couple big--BIG--fundraisers for him every year. The amount of money they get is insane (in a good way). If people looked at community, church, local organizations, then they may never feel compelled to go to .gov.

Exactly, that's how communities are supposed to work/act. It is not for the government to do.

05-25-16, 10:05
And yet I'll bet NO power is EVER cut off in the projects. Just sayin'........

05-25-16, 10:22
Ummm…. Generator anyone? I realize the guy is lacking funds, but if my daughters life depended on electricity, I'd sure as chit get a generator one way or another. And it would be well maintained, kept in proper working order and checked regularly. Lots of time to service and check your genie in-between dialysis sessions.

Forget not paying the bill. What happens when there is a winter storm, or a summer black out during a heat wave? What happens if a drunk driver knocks down the power pole a mile down the road?

05-25-16, 10:36
Forget not paying the bill. What happens when there is a winter storm, or a summer black out during a heat wave? What happens if a drunk driver knocks down the power pole a mile down the road?

Natural disasters/long power outages have seen, overwhelmingly (literally), the most EMS calls for transport of home vent/home equipment patients to the ED, and ED visits of same. As an ED nurse, holy crap....when that happens we look like a skilled nursing home...beds in the hallway, anywhere we can put them, so they are hooked up to power.

05-25-16, 15:07
Every night on the news I have to watch some "Making A Difference" story, usually some feel good crap about somebody who really didn't accomplish anything meaningful but is promoting a supported agenda.

Why isn't this story on the national news? Probably lots of people who could actually bring about meaningful resolution but aren't even aware of the situation.

05-25-16, 19:29
Natural disasters/long power outages have seen, overwhelmingly (literally), the most EMS calls for transport of home vent/home equipment patients to the ED, and ED visits of same. As an ED nurse, holy crap....when that happens we look like a skilled nursing home...beds in the hallway, anywhere we can put them, so they are hooked up to power.

So glad I don't work in a hospital :/

I'd have a hard time cutting someone's power if I knew someone had a home vent. Story reminds me of Milgram's obedience trials.

05-25-16, 19:51
Back when most charities came from local Community Churches and Charitable Organizations, I do believe the system worked a lot better. As soon as the .gov decided to tax you and distribute charities it got a little jacked up.
You know the local KoC could have a Fish Fry and in one day, keep the power on for six months.

Yep. In the encyclical, "Rerum Novarum" (1891) it was called "subsidiarity". Do stuff at the lowest practicable level to keep it real and personal. Anymore it seems that the only people who give a damn about others (if at all) are immediate family members.

It's a cold damn world..."On 3 January 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental collapse. Two policemen approached him after he caused a public disturbance in the streets of Turin. What happened remains unknown, but an often-repeated tale from shortly after his death states that Nietzsche witnessed the flogging of a horse at the other end of the Piazza Carlo Alberto, ran to the horse, threw his arms up around its neck to protect it, and then collapsed to the ground."

Maybe I DO need a dog.

05-25-16, 20:13
They could've fired me.

F em.

I would tell Mr. Man Supervisor in my most gutteral voice "TO HELL WITH YOU, GIVE THOSE PEOPLE AIR!"

05-25-16, 21:40
From the OP, the father was "6 months behind on the bill". The bill was not delinquent by one month or two, but six months. How in the heck is this the utility company's fault? Does requiring Dialysis exempt one from paying their bills, or at least communicating with the companies in which they owe? The father can coordinate Dialysis 3 days per week, but he can't contact the utility company?

Perhaps, someone here is eyeing the spot of Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

05-25-16, 22:53
I would tell Mr. Man Supervisor in my most gutteral voice "TO HELL WITH YOU, GIVE THOSE PEOPLE AIR!"

Okay Mr. Quaid/Hauser…


05-26-16, 10:53
Anyway, I thought that you guys would like to know how the government has your back. Nobody let's me turn off a vent when the family can't pay my bill, but god forbid that you fall out of favor with the city utilities. Let's hope that she returned her library books...

I started off reading your post like "Well, they didn't pay their bill. Oh well."

Then I got to this part, and my entire perspective changed.

05-26-16, 10:57
And yet I'll bet NO power is EVER cut off in the projects. Just sayin'........

I can't speak for the electric, but for the city-run water...it isn't.

In my past life we regularly foreclosed on homes that had $3,000 delinquent water bills. My water bill is $80/mo. That's over 3 years of water use without paying, and the water was still on.

It gets better.

You own a home that was taken over by squatters? Well, you have to keep paying the water bill. Shut it off, and they can sue you...using lawyers paid for by the city. Seen it happen.

05-26-16, 10:59
From the OP, the father was "6 months behind on the bill". The bill was not delinquent by one month or two, but six months. How in the heck is this the utility company's fault? Does requiring Dialysis exempt one from paying their bills, or at least communicating with the companies in which they owe? The father can coordinate Dialysis 3 days per week, but he can't contact the utility company?

Perhaps, someone here is eyeing the spot of Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

If you read more deeply, you'll see a point made that in the medical field people don't pay all the time. A regular 'ole doc can't just shut someone's care off in the hospital because they aren't paying. But the government can do it because...they're the government.

05-26-16, 11:18
No. Utilities in the 'jects are not cut off.

It would make people angry. And free trac phones are very real.

By virtue, it encourages sloth and overpopulation.

Double income, college educated no kids work like dogs to have a standard of living while in the hood you just sit back, breed, and keep it real.

05-26-16, 11:25
If you read more deeply, you'll see a point made that in the medical field people don't pay all the time. A regular 'ole doc can't just shut someone's care off in the hospital because they aren't paying. But the government can do it because...they're the government.I get the feeling that it's not so much a government thing, as much as a utilities thing; I suspect a private utilies company (i.e., places with deregulated electric providers, such as IL or TX) could and possibly would do the exact same thing. A medical professional has different laws constraining their ability to willfully and directly contribute to certain outcomes of a patient, while a utilities provider would not.

05-26-16, 22:04
On a more philosophical level, what interests me is that the government forces doctors at gunpoint to provide services to Jane Doe even if she doesn't pay.

But that same government can then turn the power off on Jane Doe, essentially killing her, for not paying them.

Isn't that just a little...cray cray?

05-26-16, 22:41
On a more philosophical level, what interests me is that the government forces doctors at gunpoint to provide services to Jane Doe even if she doesn't pay.

But that same government can then turn the power off on Jane Doe, essentially killing her, for not paying them.

Isn't that just a little...cray cray?
I'm with you on this one. Funny how the gov gets to dictate what ever policy fits their desires at the moment.

I have a feeling this isn't a devious situation (I hope....)...

Just multiple breakdowns in a complex system. The family obviously has very limited resources / support system in place. ( assuming the house wasn't crammed full of mountain dew, Cheetos, and dou-not boxes and aid money being squandered on drugs)

People involved at the utility maybe didn't care. Maybe the person there has other issues occupying their mind. Or maybe they just don't give a rip.

Maybe the hospital outreach program doesn't exist, or has problems, or maybe Jane Does dad told them to eff off....again....we really don't know.

Maybe Jane doe's dad is mentally shot from his renal failure issues. Maybe they literally have no one else.

This just seems like one of those really effed situations. Plenty of able persons getting aid, support and money, while people that are genuinely in a shitty spot get none. Maybe the Doe's don't even know where to start.

I usually go out of my way to help people and organizations that I know. I really try to keep the karma piggy bank as full as possible.

This world gets pretty dark, pretty fast with out the help and love of family, friends, and neighbors.

05-27-16, 01:33
I can't speak for the electric, but for the city-run water...it isn't.

In my past life we regularly foreclosed on homes that had $3,000 delinquent water bills.

By allah water is a basic human right, I remember reading that the UN chimed in when the broke ass city of Detroit was threatening to turn off the water for members of the FSA for not paying their water bills.

05-29-16, 14:25
Did the OP really imply that Starbucks should have let someone push her in, plug into a recep and make a coffee house her care location?

05-29-16, 14:29
Did the OP really imply that Starbucks should have let someone push her in, plug into a recep and make a coffee house her care provider location?

Would you not let her plug into your house recepticle if you were her neighbor?

05-29-16, 15:23
Did the OP really imply that Starbucks should have let someone push her in, plug into a recep and make a coffee house her care location?

If they let pretentious hipsters hog all the plugs to their laptops while pretentiously pretending to write, why not?

05-29-16, 15:27
If they let pretentious hipsters hog all the plugs to their laptops while pretentiously pretending to write, why not?
