View Full Version : Congress, Making Life Suck Since Before You Were Born...

05-25-16, 02:49
I grew up watching reruns of "The Wild Wild West." Scenes like this one in the pilot episode "The Night of the Inferno" made me want to have a house one day with secret panels for weapons and this show is why I have a Vintage Winchester and a Model 1 Remington Derringer.


But as much as I loved the show, at some point it stated getting silly...they call it campy now...and now I understand why.


The first season's episodes were filmed in black and white, and they were darker in tone. Cinematographer Ted Voightlander was nominated for an Emmy Award for his work on these episodes. Some episodes were violent for their time, and that, rather than low ratings, ultimately was the series' downfall. In addition to gunplay, there were usually two fight sequences per episode. These were choreographed by Whitey Hughes and performed by Conrad and a stock company of stuntmen, including Red West, Dick Cangey, and Bob Herron (who doubled for Ross Martin).

Following the 1968 assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, President Lyndon Johnson created the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. One of the questions it tackled was whether violence on television was a contributing factor to violence in American society. (This also included graphic news coverage of the Vietnam War.) The television networks, anticipating these allegations, moved to curtail violence on their entertainment programs before the start of the 1968-69 season. Television reporter Cynthia Lowrey, in an article published in August 1968, wrote that The Wild Wild West "is one of the action series being watched by network censors for scenes of excessive violence, even if the violence is all in fun."

In December 1968, executives from ABC, CBS and NBC appeared before the President's Commission. The most caustic of the commissioners, Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La.), decried what he called "the Saturday morning theme of children's cartoon shows" that permit "the good guy to do anything in the name of justice." He also indicted CBS for featuring sadism in its primetime programing (The Wild, Wild West was subsequently identified as one example). The Congressman did, however, commend CBS for a 25% decline in violence programming in prime time compared to the other two networks.

Three months later, in March 1969, Sen. John O. Pastore (D-R.I.) called the same network presidents before his Senate communications subcommittee for a public scolding on the same subject. At Pastore's insistence, the networks promised tighter industry self-censorship, and the Surgeon General began a $1 million study on the effects of television. Congress’s concern was shared by the public: in a nationwide poll, 67.5% of 1,554 Americans agreed with the theory that TV and movie violence prompted violence in real life.

After being excoriated by two committees, the networks scrambled to expunge violence from their programming. The Wild Wild West received its cancellation notice in mid-February, even before Pastore’s committee convened. CBS killed 'The Wild, Wild West' despite high ratings, because of criticism. It was seen by the network as a gesture of good intentions." The networks played it safe thereafter: of the 22 new television shows that debuted in the fall of 1969, not one was a western or detective drama; 14 were comedy or variety series.

In case you are wondering, this is why Batman from the same time period also sucked...or excuse me was campy. If you tried to make an ACTUAL Batman TV story, you could expect to appear before a Congressional committee on violence, keep in mind this was the same President who was causing a LOT of actual violence and by all accounts was a caustic asshole himself.

This is also why The Green Hornet when from an intelligent show adults could watch to a live action cartoon with lots, and lots of camp.

Of course we shouldn't be surprised, in 1954 Congress investigated comic books. It was called The United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency.


The public hearings took place on April 21, 22, and June 4, 1954, in New York. They focused on particularly graphic "crime and horror" comic books of the day, and their potential impact on juvenile delinquency. When publisher William Gaines contended that he sold only comic books of good taste, Kefauver (D) entered into evidence one of Gaines' comics (Crime SuspenStories #22 [April-May 1954]), which showed a dismembered woman's head on its cover. The exchange between Gaines and Kefauver led to a front-page story in The New York Times the following day.

Because of the unfavorable press coverage resulting from the hearings, the comic book industry adopted the Comics Code Authority, a self-regulatory ratings code that was initially adopted by nearly all comic publishers and continued to be used by some comics until 2011. In the immediate aftermath of the hearings, several publishers were forced to revamp their schedules and drastically censor or even cancel many popular long-standing comic series.

By contrast today, our government simply won't enforce crime at all in some major cities. People who push drugs are seen as "non violent" criminals and efforts are being made for early release in as many cases as possible. Pedophiles are being released from jail with the belief that a "registry" can actually protect the public.

Hard to believe there was a time when Senators investigated comic books and a Presidential advisory board saved the world from action television while another advisory board seemed to be devoted to just how badly they could screw up an actual war in Vietnam.

It's always been a bizarre world, we just didn't know who was doing it. In hindsight I'm amazed anyone bought into this bullshit and didn't stand up for it. Seems the only time anyone took a stand was when Joe McCarthy pointed out that we actually had communist infiltrators in our government, but he became the bad guy.

Thankfully I have the Wild Wild West box set on DVD so I can enjoy the show that was, and imagine the show as it could have been.

Straight Shooter
05-25-16, 07:31
Those concealed panels are freakin awesome.
Wont EVEN get started about Congress.

05-25-16, 07:41
Robert Conrad was a badass. Always liked WWW and Bah Bah Black Sheep.

05-25-16, 08:01
Thank allah that the .gov saved us all from those old evil white men and their guns on TV. I know I'm a much better human for seeing the constant barrage of LGBT smut pushed by the entertainment industry.

05-25-16, 08:32
I've seen more old westerns than most, thanks to my dad. As a kid it seemed that was all we watched. To this day, he watches only the westerns channel, and some other westerns that are on other channels intermittently.

The stuff by Sam Peckinpah is about all I can personally get into, largely I'm sure for the reasons you cite.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-25-16, 08:38
The .gov loves to equate correlation with causation. They just omit pesky research and evidence that may not tie in to their narrative.

Straight Shooter
05-25-16, 08:43
The .gov loves to equate correlation with causation. They just omit pesky research and evidence that may not tie in to their narrative.

They also omit that pesky First Amendment, too, when it suits them. And the 2nd. 4th, and so on and so on.

05-25-16, 14:51
Thank allah that the .gov saved us all from those old evil white men and their guns on TV. I know I'm a much better human for seeing the constant barrage of LGBT smut pushed by the entertainment industry.

Imagine if a Presidential advisory board called the producers of some "LGBT" tv show to appear before them to chastise them because of the harm they "believe" they are doing to children and society and actually forced them to make significant changes.

Really starting to think Lyndon Johnson was an even bigger piece of shit than FDR.

05-25-16, 18:56
As a youth I went from GI Joe kicking ass, Transformers, MASK, and Dino Riders to now kids with their gay pony shows.

As a kid we had Airwolf, A Team, Miami Vice, reruns of SWAT and everything else.

No politics. No lessons to learn. If youre a crazed hippie on LSD, a Columbian Drug lord, a KGB spy, or the town bully; you get an M16 or an UZI or a Hellfire rocket shoved up your ass.

End of Story.

05-25-16, 21:13
Imagine if a Presidential advisory board called the producers of some "LGBT" tv show to appear before them to chastise them because of the harm they "believe" they are doing to children and society and actually forced them to make significant changes.

Really starting to think Lyndon Johnson was an even bigger piece of shit than FDR.

An older buddy of mine has told me some stories about his grandmother before she passed many years ago. She was a young adult during FDR's administration(s) and would call him names that would make a salior blush. LBJ was apparently tied in her mind with FDR as the biggest POS president in US history.

I tend to believe the lady was on to something.

05-25-16, 23:05
As a youth I went from GI Joe kicking ass, Transformers, MASK, and Dino Riders to now kids with their gay pony shows.

As a kid we had Airwolf, A Team, Miami Vice, reruns of SWAT and everything else.

No politics. No lessons to learn. If youre a crazed hippie on LSD, a Columbian Drug lord, a KGB spy, or the town bully; you get an M16 or an UZI or a Hellfire rocket shoved up your ass.

End of Story.

You just named all my favorite kid shows. "I love it when a plan comes together…"

You omitted Voltron though. Coolest giant sword ever.

brushy bill
05-25-16, 23:13
An older buddy of mine has told me some stories about his grandmother before she passed many years ago. She was a young adult during FDR's administration(s) and would call him names that would make a salior blush. LBJ was apparently tied in her mind with FDR as the biggest POS president in US history.

I tend to believe the lady was on to something. I get this...but I'd say a four way tie with Wilson and Lincoln.

05-26-16, 02:24
I get this...but I'd say a four way tie with Wilson and Lincoln.

Not a fan of Wilson, or much of one for Lincoln for that matter, but I disagree with your four way tie.

Wilson did help screw up the maps after WWI, but he was mostly along for the ride and letting France and England exact their pound of flesh if they pledged support for his "League of Nations." Ironically that colossal failure is his true legacy. Wilson basically was weak and his grandest "best idea" came to nothing when the Japanese delegation simply walked out and said "Screw you guys" and the League realized they were powerless to enforce their will.

And I know Lincoln and the war of aggression and screw states rights and all of that. But under a weaker leader things could have been amazingly worse and the United States might have simply ceased to exist there and then. Furthermore it was demonstrated why you can't just screw everyone over and that even Presidents can be held accountable at the theater.

FDR on the other hand spent years trying to make socialism cure the depression and it only made it worse. When WWII was started to protect Poland, FDR and Churchill promptly buddied up Stalin who had just recently been allied with Hitler and sold out the Poles for good. While Hitler invaded from the west Stalin invaded from the East and the country was divided by prior agreement between Hitler and Stalin. To compound the insult, at the Yalta conference it was decided to let Stalin keep ALL of Poland as a concession prize. So much for starting a world war to make sure Poland is a free, secure and sovereign nation.

LBJ gave us the great welfare state which created the free shit army and it has been chugging on ever since. More importantly he cared about his "war on poverty" because he wanted the "Great Society" to be his legacy with greater focus than the actual war in Vietnam where people were fighting and dying. He really did view the conflict as a major inconvenience that prevented him from being the Great White President who saved all the poor people. After all what is a few thousand dead when you are trying to work on your white guilt issues.

I always wonder what might have been if Kennedy had not been assassinated and we were spared the LBJ Presidency. Kennedy knew when "shit wasn't working" and it was time to bail, just as he did with the Bay of Pigs regardless of how much he desperately wanted to go down in history as the President who rescued Cuba from Communism. And if he decides to stay the course, he really has an end game in mind, as we saw with the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think Kennedy would have resolved Vietnam one way or another, and he would have known that has to be done first before you start creating welfare programs.