View Full Version : Parents sue San Francisco over daughters death

05-29-16, 09:07
I'm not one for frivolous lawsuits, but I support these people in their fight and hope they triumph. One little fact that I don't recall being mentioned before is, the shooter used a gun stolen from Fed agents car! I hadn't heard that before.

Parents of woman gunned down by illegal-immigrant felon sue San Francisco, customs officials over death

The parents of a woman killed on a busy San Francisco pier last year have sued city and immigration officials, blaming them for the summer shooting because the gunman was in the country illegally.

Kate Steinle's parents filed the wrongful death lawsuit Friday, ahead of the one-year anniversary of her July 1 shooting death.

Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez — who was living in the U.S. illegally after serving jail time for a marijuana sales charge — picked up a Bureau of Land Management ranger's gun and fired it, killing Steinle, 32.

Steinle's heartbroken parents said a lack of communication between the city Sheriff's Department and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement contributed to their beloved daughter's death.

San Francisco law enforcement failed to tell federal immigration officials that it was releasing Lopez-Sanchez from jail.

The city sheriff should have notified the federal agency of Lopez-Sanchez's release, according to the lawsuit, which blames ICE for failing to detain or deport the immigrant. The suit also seeks to hold the Bureau of Land Management responsible for inadvertently furnishing the murder weapon.

The BLM agent reported that a gun was stolen from his car while it was parked in downtown San Francisco last June. Two weeks later, Lopez-Sanchez used the weapon to shoot and kill Steinle on San Francisco's Pier 14, police said.



05-29-16, 09:56
And I hope they win!

05-29-16, 12:06
I hope they win enough to bankrupt the city. Use the lefts own strategy against them. Kind of like what Oregon did to those Christian bakers over the gay cake

05-29-16, 12:07
I hope they win and individuals are held liable.

Either we the people are fully protected or we have the responsibility of self preservation.

Not to sound harsh but I'd rather see 20 illegal aliens shot dead and left to sun rot East Germany style at the brder than one American citizen murdered as a direct result of Federal inaction.

ETA But they'll pull the State Sovereignty card, state precedent for no true obligation to individual protection, and get a thanks for playing

05-29-16, 18:43
Not to sound harsh but I'd rather see 20 illegal aliens shot dead and left to sun rot East Germany style at the brder than one American citizen murdered as a direct result of Federal inaction.

Only 20???

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05-29-16, 21:19
Only 20???

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

I'll give Firefly the benefit of the doubt and assume he was just throwing out a random number.
As for myself, I'd round it up to all.

When I read BLM agent, my first thought was: damn, Hussein has now deputized Black Lives Matter activists as full-fledged agents. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

05-29-16, 22:04
Remember, the Progressives litmus test is "if one life might be saved" when it comes to denying people's rights.

Any chance that standard will be used here?

It will never get past the 9th Circuit.....

05-29-16, 22:08
San Fran will fall back on a defense that they'd condemn coming from any "less enlightened" city. Hypocrites, the lot of them.

05-29-16, 23:05
Y'know....my opinions have changed quite a bit.

Maybe we DO need Checkpoint Carlos.

If this is what we do know, imagine what we don't.

Fix the drug problem, kill off all the cartels, end the government corruption, and stip the money leeching and in 25 years....we'll talk about dismantling it.

But I'm ready for gun towers, a real Border Patrol, and "mercy fountains" replaced with mines.

We have a duty to preserve what we have. We're pretty much the last really free country in the world.

Once we stop the bullshitting and forego some of the petty hangups....there's no reason to be elsewhere.

In my youth, I got to travel a bit and it was pretty gay. Everybody spoke the wrong language, the food sucked, the women were ugly or whores, and there was no damn Mr. Pibb. Plus everything needs a permit.

If people want to come over and be American, fine. Have at it. Enjoy freedom and liberty.

If you're a mooch, a migrant, or a "refugee"; piss off.

Maybe we should take a page from Marilyn Manson. For decades, we've been called the Great Satan. Maybe it's time we actually became the Great Satan. No more Marshall Plans. No more world policing, no more aid to countries that simply don't matter.

Just my raw opinion

05-29-16, 23:38
Remember, the Progressives litmus test is "if one life might be saved" when it comes to denying people's rights.

Any chance that standard will be used here?

It will never get past the 9th Circuit.....

To which I maintain if that policy costs just one life then it should be equally damned.

05-30-16, 07:04
I would not call it frivolous, but a principled defeat.

1) The city has an official policy of disregarding federal law. The policy and the acts that followed from the policy resulted in the death of a woman.
2) Federal officers were aware of the arrest and the policy, but did not take him into custody
3) The failure to secure a weapon by a law enforcement officer resulted in the death of a woman.

I think there's good enough grounds for both to at least make it past the first hurdle. I wish I knew more but it was just filed. 3:16-cv-02859-JCS.
They have interesting Negligence claims.
I don't know about the depravation of Civil Rights claim.

Alex V
05-30-16, 08:46
The story is just tragic all over. I hope the family gets the money, not because it will replace their daughter, it won't, but because it is some little way to show guilt on the part of the city. The sherif or Mayor or city council members will never be held responsible for what they did. Might as well hit 'em in the pocketbook.

Y'know....my opinions have changed quite a bit.

Maybe we DO need Checkpoint Carlos.

If this is what we do know, imagine what we don't.

Fix the drug problem, kill off all the cartels, end the government corruption, and stip the money leeching and in 25 years....we'll talk about dismantling it.

But I'm ready for gun towers, a real Border Patrol, and "mercy fountains" replaced with mines.

We have a duty to preserve what we have. We're pretty much the last really free country in the world.

Once we stop the bullshitting and forego some of the petty hangups....there's no reason to be elsewhere.

In my youth, I got to travel a bit and it was pretty gay. Everybody spoke the wrong language, the food sucked, the women were ugly or whores, and there was no damn Mr. Pibb. Plus everything needs a permit.

If people want to come over and be American, fine. Have at it. Enjoy freedom and liberty.

If you're a mooch, a migrant, or a "refugee"; piss off.

Maybe we should take a page from Marilyn Manson. For decades, we've been called the Great Satan. Maybe it's time we actually became the Great Satan. No more Marshall Plans. No more world policing, no more aid to countries that simply don't matter.

Just my raw opinion

I like your raw opinion.

Technically speaking, my parents and I came here on refugee status, so hey dude! WTF? :-)

First semester of third year of Architecture school the design problem was a new border crossing station between the US and Mexico. This was 2004ish. My first sketch was a concrete wall and sniper towers. My professor was not amused and I got in trouble a bit. Looks like I was ahead of the times.

05-30-16, 08:48
Oh how amazing it would be to have government actually held accountable for government action/inaction.

I'm not holding my breath, but I applaud this family for at least pointing a finger and leveling the accusation. Good for them for at least trying, and I hope they succeed.

05-30-16, 08:54
Technically speaking, my parents and I came here on refugee status, so hey dude! WTF? :-)

First semester of third year of Architecture school the design problem was a new border crossing station between the US and Mexico. This was 2004ish. My first sketch was a concrete wall and sniper towers. My professor was not amused and I got in trouble a bit. Looks like I was ahead of the times.

I'm comfortable betting that every person reading this wishes that ALL immigrants were like you. Well… Eurodriver might wish all immigrants were hot asian trannies, but that's beside the point… Everyone else welcomes people like you with open arms. You are more of an "American" in my opinion than about half the "Americans" that were born here. I think you already know this.

What's wrong with walls and "observation" towers at border crossing check points between countries?

05-30-16, 09:36
I would not call it frivolous, but a principled defeat.

1) The city has an official policy of disregarding federal law. The policy and the acts that followed from the policy resulted in the death of a woman.
2) Federal officers were aware of the arrest and the policy, but did not take him into custody
3) The failure to secure a weapon by a law enforcement officer resulted in the death of a woman.

I think there's good enough grounds for both to at least make it past the first hurdle. I wish I knew more but it was just filed. 3:16-cv-02859-JCS.
They have interesting Negligence claims.
I don't know about the depravation of Civil Rights claim.
In regards to #2, the Dirtbag Sheriff did not notify the Feds of the pending release of that criminal. Instead they, once again, simply released the repeat offender whom had been deported numerous times prior back on the streets. Glad to see the dirtbag Sheriff is named in the lawsuit.

05-30-16, 09:41
I'm comfortable betting that every person reading this wishes that ALL immigrants were like you. Well… Eurodriver might wish all immigrants were hot asian trannies, but that's beside the point… Everyone else welcomes people like you with open arms. You are more of an "American" in my opinion than about half the "Americans" that were born here. I think you already know this.

What's wrong with walls and "observation" towers at border crossing check points between countries?

Please let the record show that I think ladyboys are disgusting. :bad:

05-30-16, 09:48
Stay on-topic and SFW.

05-30-16, 10:08
In regards to #2, the Dirtbag Sheriff did not notify the Feds of the pending release of that criminal. Instead they, once again, simply released the repeat offender whom had been deported numerous times prior back on the streets. Glad to see the dirtbag Sheriff is named in the lawsuit.

I simplified it. The argument is a little more involved.

Sheriff may not have notified, and I didn't read the complaint closely, but page 10 line 3, alleged on 3/27/15 ICE sent a detainer request to SFSD for Lopez-Sanchez, requesting the city to notify ICE before they released him. The city ignored the request and released him without notifying ICE.

But if you go back to 2/12/15, SFSD notified the feds that they would not honor ANY detainer requests unless the following conditions were met:
1) A judicial warrant, or
2) a deportation order
Was issued.

So in addition to the alleged negligence of San Francisco, The alleged negligence of ICE was that they were aware of the conditions and failure to act of SFSD, had the ability to mitigate the damage, and chose not to. They knew just issuing a detainer request would be ignored, knew a felon would be released because of their action, knew what they could have done to prevent it, had a duty to prevent... etc.

The story is just tragic all over. I hope the family gets the money, not because it will replace their daughter, it won't, but because it is some little way to show guilt on the part of the city. The sherif or Mayor or city council members will never be held responsible for what they did. Might as well hit 'em in the pocketbook.

It's not their money. If they can justify it as a righteous cause they'll fight and rack up enormous fees until they settle. That is, if they can't get it dismissed. See: Millions spent by Daley in failed gun control lawsuits touted as a victory. Then they'll get re-elected if they have their primary base locked up tight.

05-30-16, 10:11
I simplified it. The argument is a little more involved.

Sheriff may not have notified, and I didn't read the complaint closely, but page 10 line 3, alleged on 3/27/15 ICE sent a detainer request to SFSD for Lopez-Sanchez, requesting the city to notify ICE before they released him. The city ignored the request and released him without notifying ICE.

But if you go back to 2/12/15, SFSD notified the feds that they would not honor ANY detainer requests unless the following conditions were met:
1) A judicial warrant, or
2) a deportation order
Was issued.

So in addition to the alleged negligence of San Francisco, The alleged negligence of ICE was that they were aware of the conditions and failure to act of SFSD, had the ability to mitigate the damage, and chose not to. They knew just issuing a detainer request would be ignored, knew a felon would be released because of their action, knew what they could have done to prevent it, had a duty to prevent... etc.

A huge CF all the way round.

05-30-16, 13:53
In the original thread I posted a link of the family filing suit.

I hope they take the city of San Francisco and the Feds for all they can.

05-30-16, 14:55
I hope they take the city of San Francisco and the Feds for all they can.

I fear that the only thing that will get these nut jobs in office to realize they are wrong is when being extremely stupid becomes extremely expensive. When they don't have money for all the people that they have living off the dole, those people are going to get awfully pissed. All of us can sit back and watch the fireworks as the servants destroy the masters.

05-30-16, 16:38
Way back when, newly hired secretaries in INS investigations were initially appalled at how insensitive and unfeeling we appeared to be. Very soon after coming aboard their eyes got opened to the realities. Thereafter they joined the "hang 'em high" school of thought.

At this remove it's clear that the real danger to the country all this time were the scumbags in all branches of the govt. that allowed illegal immigration--then and now--to metastasize. Damn them for traitors. And hand them over to Kipling's Afghan women for a painful end.

Alex V
05-30-16, 20:01
What ever happened to the push for "Kate Steinle law"

I'm comfortable betting that every person reading this wishes that ALL immigrants were like you. Well… Eurodriver might wish all immigrants were hot asian trannies, but that's beside the point… Everyone else welcomes people like you with open arms. You are more of an "American" in my opinion than about half the "Americans" that were born here. I think you already know this.

What's wrong with walls and "observation" towers at border crossing check points between countries?

Thank you sir.