View Full Version : MDs, radiologists, compassionate individuals - w.t.f.

05-31-16, 12:52

05-31-16, 13:11
I'm sort of the same way. I mangled my foot last summer on a bad call.

Despite my 'good progress', I too have some bad pain. Nowhere near as bad as it was and not the ball (thank God). Like you think youre feeling okay and then all the joints just hurt like hell out of nowhere.

It hurts to run or jog or trot.

I'm going the natural route as the pain meds were making me emo and pissy.

When I don't have to wear a 'normal' shoe/boot....I wear firm sandals. Like really firm. They feel great.

Otherwise I use orthotics. I was told that no matter what, it is going to hurt forever. It's made me alter some lifestyle, and put on a bit of weight I don't want since I couldn't do jack shit for half a year, but I still try to walk.

I fear that in my thirtysomethings my days of criss cross applesauce are finally behind me.

So, I say this totally unironically but, I feel you, bro.

It's a really depressing feeling.
People with good feet, please don't take them for granted

05-31-16, 13:34
People with good feet, please don't take them for granted

Or ankles, knees, hips, back, neck...

26 Inf
05-31-16, 14:02
Euro -

I have the same hardware - sans the spacers - subtalar fusion, correct?

I can run on level surfaces, all I lost was side slope ability. Before the surgery I went home from work everyday and basically flopped in a recliner it hurt so bad.

The doctor who cared for me after my accident essentially told me to suck it up buttercup, it was what it was. He told me if he went in and messed around with the heel pad (my word) it would never be right again - it would make my foot look like a sausage. After a year I went to a DPM for orthotics and he told me it should have been fixed immediately after the injury so I went and got an ankle specialist to look at it.

He did it without much drama, and it heeled quite nicely. I wonder if maybe your pain is because they had to mess with cutting and moving your heel pad (my words again) more? My screws look pretty much the same as yours.

Have you tried anything like these:


Not saying you have plantar fasciitis, but maybe they would help.

I know how freaking miserable I was, I hope you get better.

05-31-16, 14:16
Dude I think you stepped on something :)

Not a doc or a radiologist, but those screw heads don't appear flush with or below the bone. Is that an optical illusion or were them meant to be that way. Barefoot as the image indicates nothing really loads the screw heads. With shoes that have heel cups could the screw heads be taking a load and wanting to be pressed deeper into the bone?? Do shower shoes, flip flops or whatever those things are called work pain free?

05-31-16, 14:32
Euro, hit me up at joshuasurowitz@gmail.com.

05-31-16, 18:00
Damn. I have "hallux rigidus" which is basically some arthritis in the big toes, and some pain in an ankle joint--but in comparison--I can keep on keeping on. I could get both feet worked on, but then I'd be looking at surgery and crutches times two--sequentially. If done in summer I'd be laid up and out of commission for shooting; if in winter, snow and ice issues. It's tolerable, so I just plow on. I like long range rifle shooting out here; used to walk back and forth all the time--now it's the ATV.

My father was a walking fiend well into his late 80s. Not to mention better looking and smarter.

Being a little (!) past my ironman prime, I have a lot more sympathy for other folks' aches and pains nowadays.

05-31-16, 23:59
Does the head of one screw protrude past the bone and into the soft tissue?

Have you had a post-op mri done?

06-01-16, 09:14
My recommendation - above the knee amputation. It's the only way to be sure...

All kidding aside, I'm sorry that you've had a rough time. Unfortunately, chronic foot problems are outside of my area of expertise.