View Full Version : Shooting at UCLA

06-01-16, 13:05

Published June 01, 2016



Police confirmed two shooting victims after the UCLA campus reported a possible shooter on campus in an engineering building, The UCLA Newsroom tweeted.

Alex V
06-01-16, 13:20
FNC said two are dead. Doesn't seem to be any good information in this right now.

06-01-16, 13:21
oh lord why can't people bedamnhave?

More BS and folks in CA will get to suffer more kneejerk legislation.

Pure speculation, but I wouln't be shocked if it wasn't over something like a girl or some snowflake off his Zoloft.

Sad news.

06-01-16, 13:47
It didn't actually occur. CA has laws saying it is illegal to shoot someone.

06-01-16, 13:57
of course this has to happen today, as 5 anti-gun bills are being voted on...

06-01-16, 14:16
Milo Gaybritopolous was there today too.


06-01-16, 14:26
Milo Gaybritopolous was there today too.


I do hope he is unharmed. I find him amusing and sassy.

No seriously, I don't put it past these yahoos to murder someone for hurting their feelings

06-01-16, 14:30
Getting reports now that it was a murder-suicide. Doesn't anyone just have a fight and be done with it anymore?

06-01-16, 14:30
I do hope he is unharmed. I find him amusing and sassy.

No seriously, I don't put it past these yahoos to murder someone for hurting their feelings

Emotions rather than logic certainly drive their trains! :(

06-01-16, 14:30
All over, nothing catastrophic. Murder-suicide that required the mobilization of all LAPD, LASD and whoever else.

06-01-16, 14:43
Getting reports now that it was a murder-suicide. Doesn't anyone just have a fight and be done with it anymore?

IKR Howdafuq did we go from Motley Crue's "Don't go away mad, just go away" to people thinking a job, woman, whatever is a life altering ordeal that simply cannot be weathered.

I don't even remember most of the people I associated with in college.

The zen principle of 'FIDO' is just lost these days.

Go listen to some Bobby McFerrin. You live in Cali, go BS your way to a weed card.

Murder Suicide is just lame and weak.

06-01-16, 20:25
reading that a student shot his engineering professor over his grades

06-01-16, 20:32
reading that a student shot his engineering professor over his grades

Well....gee, I bet that just fixed everything.
Richard Feynman didn't have it so peachy and yet he built the A-Bomb.

Take the class next semester or some summer school

26 Inf
06-01-16, 22:22
Well....gee, I bet that just fixed everything.
Richard Feynman didn't have it so peachy and yet he built the A-Bomb.

Take the class next semester or some summer school

Uh, Firefly, bro, hindsight is 20/20, he's dead dude, only summer school he's going to is with Satan.

Just bustin' your chops.

Sad and yet silly folks let it come to murder/suicide.

06-01-16, 22:39
reading that a student shot his engineering professor over his grades

He shot the one professor that doesn't inflate grades....

06-01-16, 23:06
He shot the one professor that doesn't inflate grades....

The sad part is that even if he had to flunk homeboy, he probably would've given him extra reading or resources to study so he could retake and pass the class next time.

We learn more from our failures than our successes.

Just getting into UCLA put him above most people in the US academically.

Everyone doles out the whole "A college degree is like a high school diploma was 30 years ago" but yet, most people in America don't have a college degree. Most don't have a day of college.

A trained ape can and ,in some cases does, do my vocation.

I understand burnout. Everyone gets it.
But well, it happened and it's tragic.

And a waste. The guy he killed had a family

06-01-16, 23:36
IKR Howdafuq did we go from Motley Crue's "Don't go away mad, just go away" to people thinking a job, woman, whatever is a life altering ordeal that simply cannot be weathered.

I don't even remember most of the people I associated with in college.

The zen principle of 'FIDO' is just lost these days.

Go listen to some Bobby McFerrin. You live in Cali, go BS your way to a weed card.

Murder Suicide is just lame and weak.

This stuff is nothing new. I remember seeing this stuff in the 70's. Didn't you see "Boogie Nights"?

What I wonder is, how far are the rest of us from "snapping" like this? How much would it take to push any of us over that edge? If you lost everything that mattered to you, and also lost any sense of hope, if you felt wronged by someone, and all this converged at once, might you be able to lose your sh*t too?

06-01-16, 23:45
I used to teach college. Once I was threatened by a student. It did not end well for him.

It was really a shame, because I quite enjoyed teaching until then. Most of my students were career changers, who wanted to become IT nerds like Professor Serious.

But that episode did teach me to be more careful and watchful of "giggly college kids". When that little voice in your head says "Sweet baby Jebus, that's a weirdo" you should always listen.

I'm sorry that the professor lost his life, it's a tragedy for his family and friends.

06-01-16, 23:45
I've had a lot of stressful moments in my day.

And really my medicine has been the same. I put on my headphones and just tune out

It's easier now than ever before. It used to be cassette now its all digital.

I try not to "hope" too much. Life's gonna suck. And sometimes Jesus has to take the wheel.

I was told once, and it's been a survival mantra for me, "Today is a new day."
Probably sounds lame but y'know...it's kinda true

and of course I've seen Boogie Nights

06-01-16, 23:54
I have a mental image of a 19-year-old Lance Coolie with a fire team in Afghanistan or Iraq, reading a newspaper clipping about some student flipping out from a bad grade.

Yeah, gee, pressure from bad grades......uh huh....

Some people just have a head full of bad wiring. They'll shoot sumdood for taking their parking spot. They are a weak component that is going to fail, sooner or later.

I agree with Firefly - FIDO is underrated.

06-02-16, 03:44
So yeah end of the school year so somebody was offended by their grade(s) . . . pathetic.

SJWs, Trigglypuffs, safe spaces, trigger words, microaggressions, helicopter parenting, et al. all proof positive of Western decline and de-evolution.

I couldn't help but to think of this poor misunderstood college student attacking people because he was offended and then baaing like a sheep when he got ass planted.


06-02-16, 08:02
I can just see this being a new movement. Bad grades shatter lives! There will be a push to end bad grades and just have good or avg grades.

Pussification full steam ahead

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

26 Inf
06-02-16, 08:46
I can just see this being a new movement. Bad grades shatter lives! There will be a push to end bad grades and just have good or avg grades.

Pussification full steam ahead

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

As usual Doonesbury is 20 years ahead of the game:

Gary Trudeau in his Doonesbury series a few years ago, mocked this notion that the student is always right:

Student (sporting sunglasses): This B+ is wrong, Man! You’re dissin’ me here big time!
Prof. Deadman: Mr. Slocum, I merely gave you the grade you deserved.
Slocum: Can’t be, Man! This is way off base!
Deadman: As was your entire first proof, in which you held the square root of 144 to be 15. It is, in fact, 12.
Slocum: Well, sure, from a narrow, absolutist, Eurocentric perspective, maybe it’s 12.
Deadman: So?
Slocum: So my culture teaches it’s 15, Man!
Deadman: Fascinating. Would this be an advanced civilization?

Another Doonesbury comic strip underscores the harm done by a pliant faculty:

[I]Wife: Jules?
Jules: What is it, Honey?
Wife: Jules, someone just hurled a brick through our dining room window!
Jules: My God! Are you OK, Sara?
Wife: I’m fine, but listen to the note, Jules: “Ease up on the tough grading . . . or else!”
Jules: These damn kids . . . They’re monsters!
Wife: Actually, it’s signed by the faculty!

Universities are centers of excellence engaged in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. The marketing approach to education will reduce them to boutiques that are designed to attract students, so that at the end of the day, the books are balanced and the centers show a surplus. Grades will become a commodity. The faculty will be reduced to salesmen and saleswomen, working on a commission to sell those grades. Doonesbury Strip 3:

[Deadman back to the President’s office]

President: Listen to me carefully, Deadman. These are very tough times for small liberal arts colleges such as Walden ...
Deadman: I know, Sir.
President: And I’m sure you’ll agree that this college would not exist without a critical mass of paying students ...
Deadman: When you’re right, you’re right, Sir.
President: Deadman, do you know what would happen if word got out that our grades corresponded to high standards?
Deadman: The college would become respected?
President: Exactly! A luxury we cannot afford!


I'm here to tell you, this issue permeates our society, those who fight against it, like Deadman, are lone wolves.

06-02-16, 09:06
I can just see this being a new movement. Bad grades shatter lives! There will be a push to end bad grades and just have good or avg grades.

Pussification full steam ahead

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Grade Inflation (https://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&ei=IjdQV-KMBoHQyALKy62YAw&q=grade+inflation&oq=grade+inf&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.0l5.1114692.1116984.0.1117844. is a well know fact & has been happening for years and is only getting worse.
This is what happens when Liberals run our schools.

06-02-16, 09:16
I can just see this being a new movement. Bad grades shatter lives! There will be a push to end bad grades and just have good or avg grades.

Pussification full steam ahead

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Don't panic, but this is not a new movement you're talking about. You're talking about MUCH of the education field today. Remember the whole everyone gets a trophy, well we are beyond that by a mile. Our ISD has done away with grades for kids K-3. They get touchy feely, subjective numbers between 1-4 on their report cards. No criteria for the actual grade like you missed half the problem so you get a 1. No no. You can get wrong answers but still get a 3 cause you showed your work, was organized, had good handwriting... No matter what you get as an average you still move on to the next grade level, unless identified as something seriously ****ed up. Hard to identify and document ****ed up when you're grades show 2 and 3 meaning they are average. HMMMMMMM?? Then they wonder how come the kids dont do well on standardized tests that grade correct answers not pretty bubbling or trying your best. Or the wonder why kids freak out in 4th grade when they get told they didn't do well. But I showed my work; doesn't that count?? End result is that my son, who is finishing up 4th grade would not know any math facts like single digit multiplication or addition had we not done it at home. Cause you know repetition is bad for kids self esteem. Unless it's mastering free throws, curve balls or any other meaningless athletic task. Then it's the best thing since sliced bread. It's no wonder that after 12 years of this madness kids in college have no semblance of common sense or mental acuity. When I was in college my freshman year was pretty much a repeat of shit we should have learned in HS. Thankfully I placed out of most, but still had to endure a few ni always thought it was a $$ making scam for the university. Make students pay for 20+ hours of tuition, fees room and board. In starting to think it wasn't just that.

Just wait till Hitlery or Sanders makes college free and therefore de-facto mandatory. It will be HS.

Rant off.

Alex V
06-02-16, 09:36
Shot a professor aye?

So in 4th year of Architecture school I had this one professor for the second time in design studio. He was one of those cerebral d-bag architects you read about, lots of lofty theory, no practice. I hated him with an unbridled fury. We butter heads so much that I had to drop his class and graduate in August instead of May. Fast forward 7 years, I am a Registered Architect with a ton of buildings to my credit including a freakin shopping mall in Busan, South Korea. I see him at the AIA convention in Atlanta. Gorgia being a free state, I was carrying. As much as I hated that jack-off, never once did I think about shooting him.

WTF is wrong with these people's brains?

06-02-16, 10:13
Shot a professor aye?

So in 4th year of Architecture school I had this one professor for the second time in design studio. He was one of those cerebral d-bag architects you read about, lots of lofty theory, no practice. I hated him with an unbridled fury. We butter heads so much that I had to drop his class and graduate in August instead of May. Fast forward 7 years, I am a Registered Architect with a ton of buildings to my credit including a freakin shopping mall in Busan, South Korea. I see him at the AIA convention in Atlanta. Gorgia being a free state, I was carrying. As much as I hated that jack-off, never once did I think about shooting him.

WTF is wrong with these people's brains?

BTDT. When I went back to school as an older student (mid 30s) I had to take the usual extra courses outside the concentration, so I took a writing class. The prof was new, and we were about the same age, and she seemed to over compensate for being new and wanting to establish her authority. I was a paid writer who did it for a living, while she hadn't published a thing as far as I knew. I broke pretty much all her "golden" rules of writing, and made $ doing it. That really irked her, especially when I sold the papers I wore for her class. She tried to give me a B- when her own math added up to an A. I went to her office and explained the numbers added up to an A and she reluctantly agreed and changed the grade. Had she said no, I may have taken it to the dean of the department. If that had not worked, I would have been annoyed to be sure, and went on with my life, cuz life aint fair. She didn't like me, I had no respect for her, it happens.

Today, many are unable to fathom life aint fair and some time things just will not go your way and move on. They are emotional stunted and all those trophies and ribbons for just showing up and other coddling has lead to adults who assume it will always be that way and can't adjust to the disappointments and "unfair" treatment they may face, right or wrong.

06-02-16, 10:14

Shooter identified in murder of UCLA professor.

According to local news, murder may have resulted from killer's belief that professor stole his research materials or claimed credit for his work. Before the murder months of social media threats posted by killer.

Terrible tragedy for the victims family and community.

What an irony in a place where students 'feel safe' the doors can't be locked and because it is a gun-free zone students cannot carry a sidearm for self-defense legally.

What's the State of California's response, ban guns of course. This tragedy is already being used to promote the current legislation in Sacramento.

Alex V
06-02-16, 10:42
BTDT. When I went back to school as an older student (mid 30s) I had to take the usual extra courses outside the concentration, so I took a writing class. The prof was new, and we were about the same age, and she seemed to over compensate for being new and wanting to establish her authority. I was a paid writer who did it for a living, while she hadn't published a thing as far as I knew. I broke pretty much all her "golden" rules of writing, and made $ doing it. That really irked her, especially when I sold the papers I wore for her class. She tried to give me a B- when her own math added up to an A. I went to her office and explained the numbers added up to an A and she reluctantly agreed and changed the grade. Had she said no, I may have taken it to the dean of the department. If that had not worked, I would have been annoyed to be sure, and went on with my life, cuz life aint fair. She didn't like me, I had no respect for her, it happens.

Today, many are unable to fathom life aint fair and some time things just will not go your way and move on. They are emotional stunted and all those trophies and ribbons for just showing up and other coddling has lead to adults who assume it will always be that way and can't adjust to the disappointments and "unfair" treatment they may face, right or wrong.

1st year, second semester studio (Spring 2001) I had the professor tell me that I shouldn't be an Architect and become an auto mechanic. I guess it was because the guy who became my best friend and I loved cars and talked about them a lot. Could you imagine if a college professor told a student he should drop out and be an auto mechanic? Today, that kid would be in tears screaming about a safe space, the rest of the class would need grief counselors and ask to turn in their projects late because they need time to recover. Im only 33 and I already sound like a crotchety old man, looking down at today's youts.

06-02-16, 11:32

Shooter identified in murder of UCLA professor.

According to local news, murder may have resulted from killer's belief that professor stole his research materials or claimed credit for his work. Before the murder months of social media threats posted by killer.

Terrible tragedy for the victims family and community.

What an irony in a place where students 'feel safe' the doors can't be locked and because it is a gun-free zone students cannot carry a sidearm for self-defense legally.

What's the State of California's response, ban guns of course. This tragedy is already being used to promote the current legislation in Sacramento.

So if the professor legitimately stole this individuals code, then in a professional trademark sense, did he have something like this coming (obviously there are legal routes)? I am not justifying the shooters actions, but possibly the victim isn't completely innocent in this case. I know how seriously people take their passions, their work and accomplishments.

06-02-16, 11:51
So if the professor legitimately stole this individuals code, then in a professional trademark sense, did he have something like this coming (obviously there are legal routes)? I am not justifying the shooters actions, but possibly the victim isn't completely innocent in this case. I know how seriously people take their passions, their work and accomplishments.

There would have been legal options. If that's actually the case, not remotely the first time, nor the last, a proff has attempted to take credit for a students work. Just as possible the shooter is some paranoid schizophrenic who had decided the proff stole his work. Until there's more detailed, I'll assume the latter until shown otherwise

06-02-16, 11:55
There would have been legal options. If that's actually the case, not remotely the first time, nor the last, a proff has attempted to take credit for a students work. Just as possible the shooter is some paranoid schizophrenic who had decided the proff stole his work. Until there's more detailed, I'll assume the latter until shown otherwise

This is usually the case.

06-02-16, 12:36
UCLA gunman had 'kill list' and is linked to second slaying in Minnesota

06-02-16, 12:56
The plot thickens

06-02-16, 13:05
The plot thickens

And there goes anything related to my theory :)

06-02-16, 13:07
The plot thickens


Alex V
06-02-16, 13:11
Love that the CLEO in LA says he was "heavily armed" with two handguns. What would he consider some of us?

06-02-16, 13:12
Love that the CLEO in LA says he was "heavily armed" with two handguns. What would he consider some of us?

Ghost gun operating domestic terrorists.

06-02-16, 13:14
Love that the CLEO in LA says he was "heavily armed" with two handguns. What would he consider some of us?

Considering cops with one sidearm are armed, someone with 2 would be heavily armed, LOL!

06-02-16, 13:30
Interesting read, especially given that it looks like his religion was listed as "Islam" until the shooting happened.


06-02-16, 13:44
Interesting read, especially given that it looks like his religion was listed as "Islam" until the shooting happened.


With a name like his, I can safely say he's not Catholic or Buddhist.

As for the killing (it's not shooting) and how they have taught students to "shelter in place" during a lock down, it's pathetic to see that many doors had no lock from the inside. The sheeps had to use tables, chairs, cabinets, belts, wire to try to secure doors.

06-02-16, 14:00
Love that the CLEO in LA says he was "heavily armed" with two handguns. What would he consider some of us?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

06-02-16, 14:17
I don't think in this case religion has anything to do with it. Just a nut who thought he was being picked on/persecuted by his professors

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

26 Inf
06-02-16, 15:34
I'm sorry that two people are dead. And I hate that this idiot just gives anti-gun folks more ammo. But it really irks me that irks me that the reporter mentions the note said 'check on my cat' then reports what police found, with nary a mention of the cat. Jeez, don't cat lives matter?

06-02-16, 16:06
"Heavily armed". They always like to sex up the verbiage.

Unless you have actual beltfeds and or explosives there's nothing "heavy" about you

I guess we'd be "obesely armed".

And I'm sure this is an inconvenient story the media will be quick to bury.

They wanted a blonde haired, blue eyed white skinhead with a Swastika tattoo wearing Doc Martens with red laces, a Trump T shirt, camo pants, and a black trenchcoat toting an AR15.


06-03-16, 00:55
Interesting read, especially given that it looks like his religion was listed as "Islam" until the shooting happened.


Yeah saw that today, main stream media censoring the shooter was a muslim. They led their headlines with "White teens sexually assault disabled African-American teammate" in ID this week. Agenda, narrative, et al.

This guy murdered his White professor and White ex-wife . . .

Woman found dead in Brooklyn Park was married to UCLA shooter

Ashley Hasti, who was married to Mainak Sarkar in 2011, was among those on a note titled "kill list" found in the St. Paul apartment of Mainak Sarkar.


06-03-16, 06:13
Fox news stated that the killer was of Indian origin. Woman he killed in Minnesota was his wife.


06-03-16, 12:49
My theory is this....

I have dealt with A LOT of H1B1 workers from India over the years. They often come from these india universities that just pump out Diplomas, it takes about three months before people realize they don't understand anything and were only educated on putting the right answers down on exams in a procedural fashion. If you give them a problem that involves any sort of deep understanding to accomplish they lose their shit claiming to be discriminated against. It often ends ugly with lawsuits and they almost always reach a settlement because that is cheaper than explaining to the courts why a H1B1 was hired to perform a job that has a surplus of domestic people in that discipline looking for work.

He came out of his "university" with an aeronautical degree, and I suspect he could not hack it at an actual university.

06-03-16, 12:56
Pretty much. A lot of these Indian Universities are diploma mills.

06-04-16, 10:05
Fox news stated that the killer was of Indian origin. Woman he killed in Minnesota was his wife.


And the circumstances of that marriage fit the classic profile of fraud marriage for a "green card".

06-04-16, 10:17
With a name like his, I can safely say he's not Catholic or Buddhist.

As for the killing (it's not shooting) and how they have taught students to "shelter in place" during a lock down, it's pathetic to see that many doors had no lock from the inside. The sheeps had to use tables, chairs, cabinets, belts, wire to try to secure doors.

Luckily it was in the engineering building. By the look of some of the expedient 'locks' I saw, I hope most are software engineers.

06-05-16, 06:55
Boy, these gun free zones, and draconian gun laws in CA really stop these murderers from using guns.

26 Inf
06-05-16, 11:13
Boy, these gun free zones, and draconian gun laws in CA really stop these murderers from using guns.

Oh, they know that.

In their hearts of hearts they KNOW that what WILL stop gun violence is collecting all of those old evil firearms up.

Many of them are bright, otherwise normal people, it amazes me that they don't see the impossibility of that ever happening: 1) the technology to make new firearms is readily available to those willing to expend, or pay for others to expend, the effort; 2) I truly believe the vast majority of americans - who own firearms - would not condone this.

And so we muddle on, causing wonderment to other nations who don't understand how the firearm is inexorably woven into our Nation's history, and identity. That pesky Second Amendment, good luck repealing that.

06-05-16, 13:32
Boy, these gun free zones, and draconian gun laws in CA really stop these murderers from using guns.

Speaking of which, do we know how he obtained them?

06-05-16, 14:58
they were legally obtained, background check and everything

06-05-16, 17:22
they were legally obtained, background check and everything

Well that sucks. Per usual, they will come to the opposite conclusion they should and call for yet more gun control.

06-05-16, 17:51
Well that sucks. Per usual, they will come to the opposite conclusion they should and call for yet more gun control.

But murder was already illegal too

06-05-16, 18:18
Well that sucks. Per usual, they will come to the opposite conclusion they should and call for yet more gun control.

Yeah that's actually encouraging...further proof that ridiculous laws won't and can't work. The only way gun control works is thru complete confiscation. All of them. That not only will never fly, but is impossible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-05-16, 18:27
But murder was already illegal too

Yes, but gun-murder extra bad murder if a gun is used. Knife, car, rock, is not as bad. You know?

06-05-16, 19:41
Yes, but gun-murder extra bad murder if a gun is used. Knife, car, rock, is not as bad. You know?

Actually. Yes it makes sense.

Chainsaw and Blowtorch murders are understandable.

But firearm murders are just total hate crimes

06-06-16, 05:31
The entire demonization of firearms is so the left can justify confiscation from the law abiding, as they know criminals won't turn them in nor obey any laws. They know it, but purposely won't admit it so they can continue the anti gun narrative.