View Full Version : Trayvon 2.0 . . .

06-03-16, 02:46
This transpired two months ago but I just happened upon the story. Maybe some of you FL guys heard about this.

If one didn't know any better they would think this was some satire sketch comedy, but it is very real and earns a place among the "He didn't do nothing wrong he just shot a cop" and "He had no business shooting my son in self defense he was just robbing him".


Home Owner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect

“I don’t care if she have her gun license, her rights, or any of that[/B], said Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris. “He was not supposed to die like this. [B]He had a future ahead of him. Trevon had goals… he was a very funny guy, very big on education, he loved going to school, he loved learning.”

“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”


06-03-16, 03:14
Hur badi cuzn dint doo nuffin foo!!!!

H8a peez..

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06-03-16, 03:57
Somebody should rape her and tell her "they'z only raping her" and she shouldn't do nuthin about it.

Then they should steal all her shit and tell her she shouldn't do nuthin about it, they only stealin her shit.

Then they should rape and murder her relatives and tell her she shouldn't do nuthin about it because they only raping and murdering. They should of course keep a sense of humor while they rape and murder her loved ones and they should talk on how they are going to school and gonna make somethin of their life.

But right now they just raping and murdering and it would be wrong for her to try and stop them.

06-03-16, 04:32
Must be a slow news day in GD since this almost almost 3 months ago.

06-03-16, 04:40
Must be a slow news day in GD since this almost almost 3 months ago.

Hence why I began my OP with it transpired two months ago but I just happened upon it yesterday.

06-03-16, 04:51
Typical mindset of the people in the hood.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. He looked like a nice young man too. :sarcastic:

06-03-16, 13:16
Apart from the mind blowing stupidity here, what strikes me most is that the people being interviewed don't actually seem to be sad or upset. It almost seems like bad acting. From their speech and mannerisms I would expect them to get more emotional over a parking ticket or some other minor inconvenience. If my cousin had just been shot dead I wouldn't be doing interviews, and if I were, I would look a lot more distraught than these two.

06-03-16, 13:36
I literally have more sympathy for the zoo gorilla

Boba Fett v2
06-03-16, 18:57