View Full Version : REPORT: Couric's Producers Violated Federal Gun Laws...

06-03-16, 23:42
I didn't see this posted yet.

Now is anybody going to press that someone go to jail? ( I dought it.)

REPORT: Couric's Producers Violated Federal Gun Laws... http://thefederalist.com/2016/06/03/katie-courics-anti-gun-producers-repeatedly-violated-federal-gun-laws/ via https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brennasoft.drudgeondroids #drudgeondroid

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Katie, get your gun lawyer.

By now you’ve probably heard about Katie Couric’s new anti-gun documentary “Under The Gun,” and how her producer doctored video of interviews with gun owners in order to make them look stupid and heartless. Couric’s producer and director, Stephanie Soechtig, admitted to doctoring the video, and Couric herself kinda sorta apologized for it.

But that’s not the worst thing that happened with the making of this documentary. It turns out that Couric’s production team deliberately conspired to violate federal gun laws.

06-04-16, 00:34
Couric’s producers deliberately committed at least four separate felonies by purchasing four separate firearms across state lines without a background check.

Won't matter, it will be like David Gregory with an ILLEGAL high capacity magazine in Washington D.C.


06-04-16, 01:15
Nothing will come of it, elitist privilege and all.

06-04-16, 07:12
This one has me a bit worked up when I first read it. The producer that told them to do so asserts in the interview that it's all "perfectly LEGAL."

Maybe this is the defense that all of the poor felons wasting away in prison have missed out on. Simply state while being interviewed that what you did was "perfectly LEGAL," and you're home in time for supper...

26 Inf
06-04-16, 08:33
Glad I read this - I was ignorant of the law in this area.

06-04-16, 09:39
I hope I'm not the only one seeing the irony in this story. They violated existing Federal gun laws, thus making the point crystal clear, criminals don't follow the law and more laws will do nothing to stop a people problem.

I encourage you to reach out to the BATFE and demand prosecution for anyone involved. I just sent in my tip.

ETA: Here, I just made it really easy for you.


06-04-16, 12:08
Thats kind of like emailing the DOJ that Hillary Clinton intentionally kept classified information on an unsecured private server at her residence.

06-04-16, 12:25
Thats kind of like emailing the DOJ that Hillary Clinton intentionally kept classified information on an unsecured private server at her residence.

Unless you are aware of an active investigation, no it is not.

06-04-16, 12:33
I can't help but think that some level of LE would be interested in this. If I were the local Sheriff where the felony was committed, I'd be looking at it hard. And if this producer gave the employee money to make the purchases, she most likely took possession of the guns. I'd look at that too.

Local prosecutor? Police Chief? State Bureau? Surely somebody gives a shit about this?

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06-04-16, 12:35
They typically always get away with it which is why there needs to be public pressure to investigate and prosecute.

Outlander Systems
06-04-16, 12:52
There ABSOLUTELY needs to be a prosecution.

If I posted up a YouTube video bragging about breaking federal firearms laws, I can guaran-damn-tee you Tyrell, Bubba, and Juan Carlos would be running a train on my poop chute within short order.

This will be interesting to see if the law does, or does not, apply equally.

06-04-16, 13:31
This will be laughed off.

The criminal justice system these days is about paid vs not paid as opposed to right and wrong.

NBC has enough money to stonewall any prosecution.

Bill Gates could probably post a live stream of himself surrounded by 15 year old filipina whores, popping acid, and home building a minigun while blasting f*ck the police as loud as humanly possible while in the middle of DC and nothing would happen.

Yet we the serfs get jammed up on red light cameras.

That's where we are.

06-04-16, 15:04
I'm not going to watch the report, but I thought you could buy a rifle and take possession from a contiguous state. Not a handgun, but a rifle. AZ 'touches' CO at four corners.

I'm confused, was it a private sale or an FFL that sold the guns. I can't see an FFL selling a gun without a BGC.

I'm going on 10 year old remembering the law.

06-04-16, 16:16
I know in West Virginia and most surrounding states a long gun can be purchased across state lines from an FFL with a BGC of course. Individual sales across state lines is illegal by Federal law. It'll be interesting to see how this all went down.

06-04-16, 16:58
I have always despised Katie Couric. Classic, far left feminazi. She pretended to read the "news" which was really just lefty biased lies, and she supports every far left cause know to man.

06-04-16, 17:03

06-04-16, 17:13
I wish someone would do a real documentary about the realities of this American life.

Like out of Man Bites Dog or something where the horrible underbelly of society is revealed. A high definition mirror placed up front where we must confront ourselves and feel disgusting and inadequate.

Follow a nihilistic beat officer through a day of shuffling bottom feeders interspersed with edgy underground punk rock. Seeing the disgust of the American wasteland. The fat and the lean. Maybe filmed in Black and White and Werner Herzog narrating in his disaffected, Atheistic, apathetic monotone voice.

I would call it "This Diseased Nation or Here, America. Enjoy Your Nothing".

Maybe I could at least make money in Europe. I just need to figure out how to work a camera and get Werner Herzog and Dead Kennedys on board

ETA nobody would watch it. Media would bury it. nobody would care.

But yet, An Inconvenient Truth gets theatre distribution.

I just wish they would cancel the EBT, raze the projects, and start putting girls on IUD once they hit age 14.

06-04-16, 18:03
This will be laughed off.

Bill Gates could probably post a live stream of himself surrounded by 15 year old filipina whores, popping acid, and home building a minigun while blasting f*ck the police as loud as humanly possible while in the middle of DC and nothing would happen.

Thanks, I just spit coffee all over my keyboard. Hilarious and true.

06-04-16, 18:38
I wish someone would do a real documentary about the realities of this American life.

Like out of Man Bites Dog or something where the horrible underbelly of society is revealed. A high definition mirror placed up front where we must confront ourselves and feel disgusting and inadequate.

Follow a nihilistic beat officer through a day of shuffling bottom feeders interspersed with edgy underground punk rock. Seeing the disgust of the American wasteland. The fat and the lean. Maybe filmed in Black and White and Werner Herzog narrating in his disaffected, Atheistic, apathetic monotone voice.

I had no idea who Werner was so I googled him. This was the first video I found:


And I can't think of anything more nihilistic.

06-04-16, 23:48
I had no idea who Werner was so I googled him. This was the first video I found:


And I can't think of anything more nihilistic.

Well there went my buzz. Shit.

I'm gonna go hold my dog.

Outlander Systems
09-13-16, 11:30
Lawsuit Up!!!!!


I hope the coverage of the case brings light to the illegal conduct...

09-13-16, 11:46
Lawsuit Up!!!!!


I hope the coverage of the case brings light to the illegal conduct...

Thanks for posting that update. While it is at least something, I would much rather see prosecution of laws broken.

Outlander Systems
09-13-16, 12:00
The double-standard will prevent legal ramifications; however, a lawsuit works for me.

09-13-16, 12:20
The double-standard will prevent legal ramifications; however, a lawsuit works for me.

It will only work for me if the parties bringing the suit win! And then prosecutions!

09-13-16, 12:29
Thanks for posting that update. While it is at least something, I would much rather see prosecution of laws broken.


The double-standard will prevent legal ramifications; however, a lawsuit works for me.

Better than nothing but not likely to come to anything. If just making chit up as it fits your agenda and calling it a documentary was a problem, Michael Moore would have been out of business a long time ago.

It will only work for me if the parties bringing the suit win! And then prosecutions!

Settlement in 3..2..1..

09-13-16, 12:36
This aggravates me greatly.

This is the same principle in my book as the police that don't get prosecuted---if any of us did this we would be seeing the inside of a cell but somehow their status as "TV personalities" is going to protect them.

Meanwhile, DC prosecuted a guy that was in the military and relocating for just passing through with non-DC legal items.

09-13-16, 12:50
There won't be any consequences for Couric or her producers. What will be reported is that it would be really easy for a terrorist/gangbanger/criminal/felon/other "prohibited person", or just someone from out of state like Couric's producer to just cruise Craigslist/Armslist, find the gun or guns they want, head on down to Arizona and pick them up without a background check or other proof of the legality of making such a purchase.